#small business marketing strategies
britishbusinessonline · 2 months
Top 10 Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
Before we begin, a word from Web Centre Plus; Personalized marketing becomes the best strategy of 2024. By using data analytics and AI, companies can speak with a message tailored to individual preferences and applicable across circumstances. This ultra-targeted approach builds relationships rather than simple endorsements; it also increases impact and elevates conversion rates. Brands using…
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secretstime · 1 year
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pollen · 8 months
throwing this out there again that i'm more than happy to take a look at resumes (with personal info redacted) or to do a pass on any papers or assignments you might have for proofing and editing or hop in as a consultant for any reason <33 all for free. i promise i'm nice and have lots of experience with it and genuinely love doing it
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algoworks · 3 months
Big news for small businesses! Salesforce unveils Marketing Cloud Growth, empowering SMBs with powerful tools to boost their marketing efforts and scale their businesses.
Say hello to smarter strategies and accelerated growth!
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squideo · 1 year
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Marvel's Secret Invasion used AI-generated images to create its opening credits, which is why we're revisiting this blog from June 8th. Because, if a human didn't create the credits, does that mean Marvel can't claim copyright? Read the blog to learn about AI and the interesting legal questions it's raising 🤖
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the hot topic in every industry, as experts and commentators speculate how this rapidly evolving technology will change the future of work; and humanity.
However the water cooler exists at your job – maybe you’re playing it retro and still have an actual water cooler in your physical office – people are gathering around it to ask if you’ve tried ChatGPT yet, if AI will result in a shorter work week, or if the robots are coming for us Skynet-style. While there is nothing to suggest artificial intelligence has become sentient, the line between reality and science fiction is blurring.
Where does this leave people working in industries like video production? Will AI replace us, or will it become another tool in our utility belts?
This Just In
News headlines surrounding artificial intelligence are constantly fluctuating, and the biggest topics of conversation can be forgotten only a week later once something new eclipses it.
AI is progressing so rapidly, it’s hard for experts to say with any degree of certainty where it may take us, but that doesn’t stop everyone having an opinion on what will happen next. At the time of writing in June 2023, here is an overview of the leading artificial intelligence headlines:
Sam Altman, creator of ChatGPT, says AI poses an “existential risk” to humanity.
The United Kingdom will host the first global summit on artificial intelligence safety (date TBA).
The Beatles are back, as AI creates brand new songs from the Fab Four.
The European Union (EU) asks social media companies, including Google and Facebook, to label AI-generated content.
The latest AI trend is to expand famous paintings, creating more content but no art.
Read this article again in July and half of this will be old news. Or a reunited Beatles, half of whom are back from the grave, will become an acceptable reality. Really, it’s anyone’s guess.
Are You Sure That’s Legal?
Artificial intelligence is not entirely new in video production. AI has been used already for image manipulation and content editing. As the power of AI grows, however, it comes with the potential to create imagery from vast datasets. Seemingly making something from scratch, like a human would.
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In May 2023, Adobe added an AI-powered image generator called Adobe Firefly to Photoshop. The software is promised to turn your wildest dream into an amazing image in seconds, but how is this image made? Rival software, such as Stability AI, have already faced legal action over the creation of their images. Groups like Getty Images claim Stability’s artificial intelligence generates content using existing images, or combining multiple images from the dataset its creator uploaded, which infringes their copyright.
Individuals using AI for personal use have a lot more legal freedoms than companies using AI to create images and videos for commercial use. Companies have to consider the copyright of the matter, and this is a huge ongoing debate that could take years to resolve.
As noted in the Berne Convention, an international treaty on copyright, copyright protection operates “for the benefit of the author and [their] successors in title” – the assumption being that there is a human creator. This has been affirmed in the US in the now famous “monkey selfie” dispute, during which both the Copyright Office and the courts found that animals could not hold copyright. The absence of a human creator in respect of AI-generated content therefore presents obstacles to the subsistence of copyright in the output that is generated. INFORMATION AGE, JUNE 2023
If a company uses AI to create a video, do they have ownership of it? Could the company face legal penalties if the AI is found to have used existing images and the artists’ sue, or is that a risk for the AI creator? Will users want to watch AI created content when there is such a big debate surrounding art and humanity; remember, the EU is campaigning for social media channels to put a label on AI content.
The simple answer is, we don’t know.
That’s a lot of potential legal issues and, because AI is evolving rapidly, there’s no clear answers. The earliest cases of these disputes are still ongoing, which means there’s little legal precedent to inform companies who are assessing how AI can help them with content creation.
Working with a video production company removes the uncertainty. Video production companies, like Squideo, give clients full ownership of the video once it’s created – meaning the video can be shared as widely as the company wants and, if it is replicated, the company can claim copyright.
Yet this doesn’t mean artificial intelligence has no place in the video production process whatsoever.
Judgement Day?
In 2023, 91% of businesses plan to use video as a marketing tool and 96% rate video as an ‘important part’ of their marketing strategy. There is growing demand for short videos, perfect for sharing to reels and stories on social media. Implementing AI in the video production process can speed things up and lower the cost.
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ChatGPT can accelerate the scriptwriting process by providing a foundation to build upon – though it’s best not to rely entirely on AI writing generators just yet, as it’s still making a variety of mistakes. Voiceovers can be supplied by AI instead of recording artists too, as the technology has made artificial voices significantly more life-like. Although they’re less directable than voiceover artist, and not necessarily cheaper.  
Video production companies like Squideo create your animated video from scratch, ensuring complete one-of-a-kindness. That doesn’t mean we can’t benefit from AI tools – but we’re not about to become obsolete either.
Ready to create a unique video of your own? Watch the video below to get a better understanding of how Squideo can help promote your business, then get in touch with us to find out more!
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seokreatif · 6 months
5 Best Social Media Marketing Tips https://www.blatheringsblog.com/best-social-media-marketing-tips-for-small-companies/
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cell-phone-hippie · 1 year
The Top Obstacles Small Business Startups Face and How to Overcome Them
Starting a small business can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. Here are the top obstacles small business startups face. There are numerous challenges that small business startups must overcome in order to succeed, such as obtaining funding and establishing a customer base. In this article, we’ll look at the most common issues that new…
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webxsoftech · 1 year
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Without search engine optimization (SEO) or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, it can be incredibly difficult to maintain a web presence for your business or even reach new customers.
Increase online visibility of your business with a good result driven SEO and PPC campaign.
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dinmohammad888 · 10 months
Why should small businesses use digital marketing?
A business is a business, and I believe that regardless of size, all businesses should prioritize marketing their products in order to increase income and promote their brand.
Digital marketing is important in today's digital world, when social media has taken over most genuine human contacts and online marketplaces are prospering. Making an online presence for your company and building talk about it will undoubtedly be beneficial in the long term. Depending on the technique and overall brand tonality of your organization, digital marketing might be subtle or loud.
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Small businesses can benefit from Digital Marketing by implementing the following strategies:
Creating a local Google presence (Google Business Profile)
Regular social media posting (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
Making a website for products and services
Blogging about their niche/domain
Utilizing Google/Meta Ads
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These strategies will undoubtedly aid in the establishment of authority for your company in the web industry. Furthermore, Digital Marketing provides numerous configurable choices that we may use based on the needs of our business, for example, you can run your ad on Facebook for as little as $1!
As a result, I am confident that adding digital marketing into your organization can help you reach new heights. I hope this was helpful!
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flaminfail · 11 months
If anyone has any tips on marketing a brand new business (content, posts, dming) pls dm me!
My brain is stuck and cannot figure out how to create an effective strategy!
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neuraladvertising · 1 year
Discover the key to successful organic social media marketing. Get tips on creating shareable content, posting consistently, and engaging with your audience.
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Why Outsourcing Content Writing for Your Small Business is A Great Idea
It’s not uncommon for businesses to start small. In fact, there are many cases where it is a one-man shop who handles every single aspect of the business operations for years, if not indefinitely. As a result, business owners will tackle daunting tasks like accounting, finance, marketing, product development, and lead generation. The good thing is that with enough perseverance and a quality…
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rexoweb0 · 1 year
Why Digital Marketing is Important for Small Businesses
In today’s digital age, small businesses are presented with a unique opportunity to reach a wider audience and grow their customer base through digital marketing. Digital marketing refers to the use of various digital channels and strategies to promote a business, product, or service. With the proliferation of social media, search engines, email, and mobile devices, digital marketing has become…
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squideo · 10 months
Advert Alchemy: Supernatural Skittles
In this series, Squideo has examined the best ways to turn advertising content into gold. Now that we’ve broken down the eight key ingredients, it’s time to dive deep into some examples of stellar advertising. This week, the advert in question was picked by Squideo’s Marketing Executive, Emily Woodcock.
When asked why this Skittles advert has become her favourite, Emily said: “I saw it on television while I was on holiday. Maybe that's why it stuck in my mind. The dark humour certainly caught my attention and I loved the reference to Midas (of Greek mythology). Despite the video's resolution quality, I also think it's aged really well.”
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Skittles Dance
This is the second appearance of the Mars Inc. company in our Advert Alchemy series. We’ve dived into the background of this American business, so let’s focus on Skittles. The history of its creation is a bit murky, but it’s widely accepted that a small British manufacturer first launched Skittles in the mid-1970s. They were soon bought by Wrigley, which is also owned by Mars Inc., who took over distribution and brought the sweets to an international market in 1979.
Greatly resembling another Mars Inc. product, M&Ms, Skittles are distinguished by a small letter ‘S’ on their shell. The range of flavours has changed several times over the decades like many other Mars products, and variation flavours have also been sold such as Tropical and Wild Berry. Unlike other products under Mars Inc., there hasn’t been any major rebrands attached to Skittles. The name has never been changed and the branding remains recognisable decades apart.
The product was marketed a very specific way from the start, and was so successful it stuck. A rumour spread about the origins of the sweet that it was invented by a British confectioner who looked up at a rainbow and wondered how it would taste. The slogan – “Taste the rainbow” – wouldn’t be introduced until 1994, but the sweet has always had this colourful association which Wrigley’s marketers have loved to centre their campaigns around.
Somewhere Over the Skittles
Launched in 2007, Skittles’ advert was created by TBWA, Chiat and Day. The brand had already run a series of successful adverts, in terms of viewership and commercial impact, and audiences started to have high expectations from the brand.
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According to the Art Director Craig Allen, “We wrote a lot of scripts [and] thought it would be funny to do a slightly sad spot for a candy brand.” Former GCD Ian Reichenthal said, “We had a lot of conversations with the guys in advance about trying out new voices, but still keeping it Skittles.” The brand guidelines were firmly in place for the creative team, unlike previous entries in the Advert Alchemy series who were looking to shake things up.
Skittles adverts often feature technically challenging shoots, such as the one centred around a Skittles tree growing out of a human being. Recreating the powers of Midas also proved to be difficult:
“The effects in the spot had never been done before so we had a lot of technical problems, which made for a very long shoot day. So long in fact that the police came to try and shut us down during the last hours of shooting. Luckily, Tom (Kuntz) is a very smooth gentleman and persuaded them to let us finish.”
Their hard work paid off, and the Midas Touch advert was ranked as Creativity Online's most watched spot of 2007. But why was Skittles’ Midas Touch such a big hit?
Skittles Connection
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Mesmerizing Mythology
Named for the myth that inspired the advert’s plot, the Midas Touch gives the main character Tim a superpower: everything he touches turns into Skittles. Yummy. On the other, everything he touches turns into Skittles. Yikes. This is a spin on the Greek myth of King Midas, who wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. Unfortunately, he didn’t think his wish through and Midas soon found he can’t eat. And when he tried to hug his daughter, he turned her into a gold statue.
This Greek myth remains popular in modern storytelling, which is why this fun spin on a well-known story worked so well. It also fits into the wider Skittles marketing strategy, which often uses the sweets in bizarre ways. In one advert, Bleachers, there is an outbreak which makes people break out in Skittles.
Snappy Slogan
“Taste the rainbow” was introduced as the Skittles slogan in 1994, but the marketing team have always kept this slogan adaptable and flexible. Usually it is accompanied with a tagline which can change to reflect the nature of the advert. In Midas Touch it’s “touch the rainbow, taste the rainbow” in reference to Tim’s superpower. In an advert featuring a tree which grows Skittles, the slogan is changed to “harvest the rainbow, taste the rainbow.”
The taglines use of verbs also reinforce that Skittles is an experience that the audience needs to actively participate in. Skittles isn’t just a snack, like the sweets aren’t just multicoloured. It’s a taste of the rainbow. And in the case of Midas, it’s as good as gold.
Cackling Comedy
Tim can’t hold his infant child, he can’t dress himself, or feed himself… then he tells the story of turning a man into Skittles that very day when they shook hands. Is that murder or manslaughter? Either way, Skittles’ Midas Touch is definitely running with dark comedy which helps make the advert even more memorable. Yet the plot is kept just light enough to avoid crossing into the macabre, by showing Tim’s power only used on inanimate objects.
Comedy is a staple of the Skittles brand, ranging from the bizarre to the grisly. They carry this over in all of their marketing, from adverts to their website. Customers now expect it of the brand, which has let the marketing team get ideas from well outside the box.
Content Worth Gold
What do you think? What made Skittles’ Midas Touch advert so successful? Watch the full advert below and let us know in the comments.
Get in touch with the Squideo team today to find out how we can improve your advertising strategy with video production, motion graphics, social media management and much more!
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Bharat Digital Marketing is a leading digital marketing agency
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accountsend · 1 year
How can AccountSend.com increase your sales, lead generation and business development efforts?
Article by Jonathan Bomser | CEO | AccountSend.com
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AccountSend.com is a powerful tool that can help businesses increase their sales, lead generation, and business development efforts. With 30 Million B2B decision maker contact email addresses, phone numbers , job titles, locations and other info, AccountSend is a must have for any B2B lead generation and sales efforts.
Here are some ways in which AccountSend.com can benefit your business:
Targeted Outreach: AccountSend.com provides businesses with access to a comprehensive database of decision-makers at companies of all sizes and industries. With this information, businesses can create targeted outreach campaigns to connect with the right people and increase their chances of generating leads and closing deals.
Personalized Messaging: With AccountSend.com, businesses can create personalized messages that are tailored to specific industries, job titles, and other relevant factors. This can help increase the effectiveness of outreach campaigns and improve the chances of converting prospects into customers.
Seamless Integration: AccountSend.com can seamlessly integrate with a variety of CRM systems, making it easy to manage and track outreach campaigns. This integration can also help businesses keep their database up-to-date and ensure that they are targeting the right people.
Real-Time Analytics: AccountSend.com provides businesses with real-time analytics that allow them to track the effectiveness of their outreach campaigns. This information can be used to optimize future campaigns and improve overall sales and lead generation efforts.
Customizable Templates: AccountSend.com offers customizable templates for outreach campaigns, allowing businesses to create professional-looking emails and other marketing materials quickly and easily. This can help save time and increase efficiency in the sales and marketing process.
Overall, AccountSend.com can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to increase their sales, lead generation, and business development efforts. By providing access to a comprehensive database of decision-makers, personalized messaging, seamless integration, real-time analytics, and customizable templates, businesses can optimize their outreach campaigns and improve their chances of success.
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