#sleep cycles bikes
fixed-n-free · 1 year
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machidielontheway · 8 months
my little friends in orange are back :D
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toastsnaffler · 13 days
went to the gym in the end it was so much fuuuunnnn woohooo :D
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isjkrowlingdeadnow · 17 days
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lightasthesun · 5 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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sterekorgtfo · 2 months
Buck’s eyes jolted open and his heart began to race as something alerted his body and jolted him out from his slumber.
He was momentarily disoriented given that this was the first time he was sleeping in Tommy’s bed and he didn’t recognize the feel of the pillows, comforter, or the sight of the dresser across from him.
After a moment of grasping where he was and what was going on, he recognized the distinct sound of Tommy laughing his ass off behind him in the middle of the night.
“Do you mind telling me what you find so funny at 2 in the morning?” Buck groggily asked as he rotated over to face his hysterical boyfriend.
“Wh…what I’m laughing at?” Tommy asked through the laughter. “Are you saying you don’t know?”
“Given that I was deep in a very heavy REM Cycle, no. Absolutely not,” Buck replied in an annoyed tone. “Our first sleepover is not seeming very romantic right now.”
Tommy let out a few more chuckles and then began to calm his breaths. “Really? I was just thinking the opposite,” Tommy teased playfully. “Your snoring is adorable. Louder than my chopper and my bike combined, but adorable.”
Buck groaned and buried his face in the pillow. “I thought Chris and all of my girlfriends were being over-dramatic.”
“I’m sorry,” Tommy interrupted through a giggle. “Christopher and multiple exes of yours experienced this, and you still had doubt?”
“Chris commented on it when I was babysitting him, and kids are dramatic; and my girlfriends…have also had a history of being dramatic,” Buck explained.
“Uh-oh. I’m dating a ‘all my exes were crazy guy’? That’s a red flag,” Tommy teased.
“No, they’re not,” Buck defended remorsefully. “I just hoped it wouldn’t happen here.”
Tommy chuckled at his boyfriend and Buck felt a mildly judgemental gaze his way. “You thought it’d just be gone by tonight?”
“Kinda?” Buck said sheepishly.
There was a lull in the convo, a moment of silence before Tommy wrapped his arms above and below Buck. “Come here.”
Buck let out a minor yelp as he felt himself be pulled closer to his boyfriend. He felt the warmth of Tommy’s bare muscular chest and arms envelop him. “I think your snoring is adorable, Evan, and I will happily suffer through so many sleepless nights as long as it means you get to fall asleep in my arms and I get to wake up next to you in the morning.”
“You say that now-”
“I do say that now. And I’ll say it again each night until my body won’t let me fall asleep without the sound of you,” Tommy insisted with a confident assurance.
Bucks heart raced and his body instinctively shuddered, and his instinct to roll away was coursing through his whole body.
“Evan? Evan, what’s wrong?” Tommy asked with concern.
“It’s nothing,” Buck lied as he rolled away from Tommy.
“It’s not nothing,” Tommy countered as he allowed his boyfriend some space. “Did I say something wrong, Evan? I’d really like to know if I did.”
Buck winced his eyes and took a deep breath. He was thankful that they were laying in the dark and - *click* oh great, there was the nightstand light on Tommy’s side.
“Evan, will you please look at me?” Tommy tenderly inquired.
Buck really didn’t want to. He wanted to hide himself under the comforters in embarrassment. He didn’t want to be vulnerable right now, but pushing Tommy away wasn’t going to help the situation. Tommy deserved better.
He begrudgingly rolled over to face Tommy and Buck’s heart was struck with guilt as he saw the pain and concern painted across Tommy’s face.
“Evan, baby, can you please tell me what’s wrong?” There was that sweet, genuine sincerity that terrified the hell out of him.
“It’s just…you make all these super sweet promises that sound like you’re gunna be around forever; and we don’t know that,” Buck explained.
“So am I coming on too strong? Do you want me to stop? I don’t mean to rush things or put pressure on you-,” Tommy nervously began to explain.
“No, it’s not too strong. And no, i don’t want you to stop. I like it a lot. Too much, actually, and that’s the problem. I’m scared at how much I like it and I’m terrified about getting too used to it in case this all goes south. You sound like you’re promising forever but you can’t.”
There was another pause as Tommy began to process everything Buck said. “Can I hold your hand?” Tommy softly asked. Buck gently nodded in response.
Tommy moved his free arm to Buck’s, and entwined their hands together, locking fingers. “Evan,” Tommy began, holding his gaze. “You’re right. I cant promise forever. I don’t think our very first sleepover warrants any ring-talk.”
Buck let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, please do not. That’s a red flag.”
“Fair,” Tommy said playfully. “But here’s what I do know. I’m 39, almost 40. I have no intention of plying the field and I’m tired of meaningless flings. I get the feeling you are too based on the handful of threats I’ve received about treating you right; which I absolutely plan on doing.”
Buck chuckled at the thought of everyone giving Tommy the ‘If you hurt him speech.’ “Who all gave you the speech?”
“Maddie. Eddie. Bobby, who found it pertinent to remind me that Athena is a police sergeant,” Tommy explained.
“Oh my god,” Buck said. “I’m surprised you didn’t run on the spot.”
“Well you shouldn’t be,” *Tommy said sternly. “I have no intentions of going anywhere. And granted, it’s possible life is going to throw us some shit. But I’m willing to fight for you, Evan. And as long as both our lives are better with each other in it, then I’m willing to give this a genuine shot. I’m ready to put in the effort for this.”
Buck stewed and marinated and contemplated Tommy’s words. “Is that not a sentiment most people have at the start?”
“No it is not,” Tommy answered matter-of-factly. “Especially in the gay community. I’m not saying everyone, but I’ve ran into my fair share of guys only looking for Mr. Right Now. Or a daddy.”
Buck started to laugh heartily at the thought of Tommy being a ‘daddy’. He understood, though. Buck kinda agreed.
“I want off the hamster wheel, Evan. And I will do everything I can to reassure you that I mean it.”
Buck leaned forward and kissed his boyfriend deeply. Tommy wrapped his arms back around Buck and held him tight.
“I don’t want to hurt you either, if it’s any consolation,” Buck replied.
“I appreciate that. I don’t know if I have another heartbreak in me either. I spent too many years being inauthentic to myself and unhappy. I don’t want to waste anymore time of my life.”
“So we’re in good hands with each other?” Buck asked.
“I think so,” *Tommy said with a soft, warm smile that made Buck feel so safe and happy with it.
“I think so, too,” Buck said as he leaned in for one more kiss. “Ready to go back to sleep?”
“I suppose that’s up to your nose,” *Tommy said playfully as he turned the light off and pulled his boyfriend in close.
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aniharas · 4 months
skinnydipping with felix catton...
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drabble warnings: explicit language, sexual content, exhibitionism(?), mention of drugs
...was not on your to-do list this summer. sure, you knew your boyfriend was the embodiment of reckless fun, and that’s why you liked him. unfortunately, this meant many rudely awoken mornings and no opportunities to sleep in. you would whine every time he yanked the covers off of you, though you didn’t complain. the summer heat during your stay at saltburn was no joke.
at first, you always questioned why he always seemed to want to do those things in the morning. felix would always scoff, saying his family was unbearable since you were the first girl he brought home. early morning was the best time to avoid them. surely saltburn was big enough for you both to find a secluded place for some privacy, right?
his claims about his family would be proven right. mrs. catton would always helicopter the both of you whenever you were outside; she even caught you straddling felix at the heart of the hedge maze. mr. catton was always lurking in the castle. doing anything with felix at night would mean that farleigh would find out, and his ears seemed to pick up everything. you’d only get lucky with venetia around, at times being too inebriated to care or even notice.
felix would always wake you up the same, his large hands smoothing up the curves of your body before he’d climb on top of you. “mornin’,” he’d coo in your ear, thumb stroking your cheek. “got a surprise for you. maids’ve left you some breakfast. meet me by the lake.” the surprises would range from watching the sunrise to having a romp in the vast fields as you licked coke off his abs. needless to say, you were ready to expect anything. at least, you thought you were.
he would leave you to eat your breakfast, but not before planting a hungry kiss to your lips, muttering “don’t be late” as he squeezed your ass gently. you’d quickly scarf down your food, throwing on light clothing so you weren’t absolutely drenched in your own sweat as you ran to meet him.
and today, he stood on the walkway by the lake with that stupid grin on his face, a lit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. two bicycles were parked on either side of him. “snagged the good ones,” he bragged, obviously proud of the achievement.
at first, you thought, ‘really? biking at 8 in the morning?’ but it was only when felix eagerly pushed one bike your way that you thought, maybe it wasn’t so bad as long as he was this happy.
and you were right. you and felix cycled around almost the entire perimeter of saltburn, sweat trickling down your foreheads and backs as the both of you endlessly chatted about what shenanigans happened in the castle the day prior. sometimes, he’d shout, “race you!”, and then take off speeding without even giving you time to react. of course, you wouldn’t indulge him in his competitive fetish, but it left you giggling every time.
after a while, the both of you ended up back at the small lake you had rendezvoused at just before 11 am. the sweat had thoroughly soaked through the white tank top you had thrown on that day, the transparency revealing the skin underneath. maybe you shouldn’t have skipped on wearing your training bra. as the both of you panted to catch your breath, felix’s gaze locked onto your chest, eyes darkening the longer he looked. then, he instantly threw off his shirt while begging you to get in.
“come on then, how else are we gonna cool off?” “felix, i can’t. i...don’t have anything under.” “n’ you think i can’t see that? just take it off, darling. i’ll strip too. get your knickers off.”
you were shy as you cautiously stripped off your clothes, felix teasing you every so often as he’s “already seen it all before”. he had all of his clothes off before you could even protest, wading into the water.
he was sweet and caring as he guided you into the cold, refreshing water, his strong arm securely wrapped around your waist. he laughed at the way your teeth chattered at the feeling of the water enveloping your bare body. although the water was shallow, you still gripped onto his frame tightly to hide your chest.
at first, the both of you just swam about, getting into major splash fights and once again, felix initiating his one-sided races against you. when you finally caught up to him, he scooped you up into his arms, leaving you giggling relentlessly.
it was only then you felt a warm, tingling feeling in your abdomen as you wrapped your legs around him, kissing him like there was no tomorrow. he tasted like tobacco and remnants of the lake water, the taste becoming more and more prominent as his lips began to devour yours.
he was always the handsy type while making out, not missing a beat as he ran his hands all over your slick body, massaging and squeezing at all your right spots. that’s what you liked about him too, he always remembered how make you melt into him, even more than the summer heat.
the makeout sessions usually didn’t last long, and that proved to be true once again as he held you tight and carried you out of the water. the immediate bite of cold that hit was immeasurable to the heat radiating off of his bare, toned body. your heat brushed against him with each step he took, leaving you whining in his ear, begging for him to let you take him.
felix was never one to waste time, sprawling you out on the grassy shore, before immediately burying his face into your cunt. his tongue always worked wonders for you, but today it felt different. maybe it was the way the warmth of his tongue was so mind boggling after the dip in the lake, maybe it was the tension that was building the longer you swam naked together. regardless, it had you squeezing your thighs around his head, fingers desperately tugging at his soft, brunette locks as his name tumbled from your lips.
he’d groan in response, the vibration surging from his plush lips against your heat so deliciously, a string of curses left your mouth as you threw your head back. he lapped at your folds relentlessly, navigating you with such ease that made you wonder if he knew your body better than you did. the tip of his tongue flicked torturously at your clit, leaving you writhing about just the same way you would if you were in the castle’s finest bed sheets. with felix, it always felt so good, dare you say better each time. it was something you never wanted to grow used to or tired of.
and the way felix stretched you out was something you knew you’d never tire of. his relentless gait rocked your body up and down, leaving your eyes to roll back up into your head with the warm pleasure that spread through your whole body. it was only then that he finally spoke between his grunts, his words, just like before, caring and guiding. “that’s it, baby.” “you’re takin’ me so fuckin’ well.” “keep sayin’ my name babe– just like that.”
you always knew that the moment you looked in his eyes and cried out his name in a way you only knew how, he’d come undone. this time, he let out a strained cry of your name, spilling thick spurts of his seed inside you, overflowing from your cunt almost as if he hadn’t been fucking you every day. you shortly followed, your walls gripping him so tightly as your orgasm left you convulsing.
felix collapsed on top of you just like he had done this morning, the remnants of lake water falling from his hair and onto your neck as he rested his head in the valley of your cleavage. the both of you watched as a stream of your combined fluids traveled from between your legs and down towards the lake, weaving between the strands of flattened grass before it dripped into the murky water. he went back to stroking your face, the lull of your heartbeat easing his own.
“shit– that was inside, huh?” “yeah. i’m on the pill, it’s alright.” “since when?” “your mum slipped me some when i first got here.” “...this family’s fuckin' embarrassing.”
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a/n: first time for felix AND first time posting a drabble! ik its a bit long for a drabble but its a lot shorter and different than what i'm used to writing. thank u to miss @loveliestlovelygirl for the drabble idea. ur mind is unmatched. i hope you all enjoy! likes , reblogs , and ur thoughts r appreciated :) inbox is open for any requests!!
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
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words: 900
warnings: mentions of violence/murder but it is not serious, rafe being kind of controlling but mainly freaking out
“can you get your nose out of your phone country club?” barry asks, as rafe has them pull over yet again on their ride to the other side of the island.
“y/n hasn’t responded yet, i’m fucking worried man, she never takes this long to reply to my text.” rafe knew that you were planning on surfing with a couple of your friends, but you sent him a text saying that you got home three hours ago, and you haven’t responded since. 
“maybe she’s too busy with another dude.” barry says with a laugh, but then catches rafes worried face, “man, i’m messing with you. she’s crazy in love with you, maybe her phone just died.”
“yeah, maybe.” rafe sighs, pushing the phone into his pocket. “lets ride.” he doesn’t mention to barry that your house is on this side of the island and after they finish their business that he’s stopping by.
rafe puts his helmet back on as they take off, sour look on his face as his mind runs through the scenarios of what you might be doing. barry rolls his eyes, knowing the quick job they were supposed to do is now going to be a lot more complicated with rafe being all grumpy.
“i’m gonna kill whoever she is with.” rafe says when they stop at the house they’re supposed to pick up some money from.
“rafe!” barry groans. “focus on the job. this dude is giving us half up front, the other half when we deliver the product. don’t fuck anything up.”
“how can i fuck up him handing over some money?” rafe sets his helmet down on his bike seat. “come on, i just want to hurry up and get it over with, i need to go to y/ns house.”
“alright, man.” barry rolls his eyes, heading towards the house. rafe is silent for the entire handover, brooding in the corner, occasionally pulling out his phone to send you a text.
“i think you scared the crap out of him.” barry says as they leave, getting back on their bikes. “do you want me to come with you to y/ns?” 
“yeah. if someone is there with her you can fucking shoot him.” rafe revs his bike before taking off.
barry sighs, knowing rafe is overreacting, but can’t get out of the cycle of anger thats spiraling in his head. he follows close behind, only a short ride to your house, a cottage right on the water that got passed down to you from your grandma. 
“no other car in the driveway.” rafe observes, parking his bike right behind your jeep. “of course not. i’m telling you man, she’s head over heels for you, she’s not cheating.” barry says, heading to the door right behind rafe. 
rafe takes his keys out of his pocket, opening your front door with the key you gifted to him on your one year anniversary, giving him access to your house whenever he wants.
“living room clear.” barry says.
“we’re not fucking cops.” rafe says, heading right towards your bedroom. he pushes the door open, stopping when he sees you laying on your bed, phone abandoned on your nightstand, eyes closed as you nap.
“aww, my baby.” all of the worries going on in rafes head are completely gone, seeing that you’ve simply fallen asleep, not ignored or cheated on him. 
you move in your sleep, adjusting to lay on your side. rafe moves to the side of your bed, needing to be close to you after all the worry that went through his head.
“hey, honey.” rafe places his hand on your cheek, rubbing it gently.
your eyes flutter open, taking in rafes face. “rafey.” you go to sit up, but rafe stops you. “i- i didn’t mean to fall asleep, sorry.” 
“it’s okay, honey.” rafe kisses you gently, “you must have been tired after surfing, huh?”
you go to reply when you realize you’re not alone in the room, startling slightly as your eyes land on barry. “oh!” you press a hand to your chest. “hi barry!”
“hi y/n.” he looks to rafe. “told you, country club. see you tomorrow.” barry walks out of your room, closing the door behind him.
“told you what?” you ask as rafe slips off his shoes, climbing into bed with you.
“oh, it’s nothing.” rafe says, but you can tell from his tone that something is off. “what?” you giggle, slinging your leg over his waist, snuggling in close.
“i just… kinda freaked out when you didn’t answer your phone.” rafe admits, wrapping an arm around your shoulders so you can rest your head against his chest.
“you didn’t think i was cheating on you, did you?” you laugh, but instantly shut your mouth seeing that rafe frowns. “baby!” you sit up slightly. “you really think i would do that to you?”
“no, i don’t.” rafe pulls you back to laying down. “i was just thinking of the worst case scenario.” 
“well, i would never do that to you honey.” you kiss him deeply, but have to pull away to yawn. “i was just sleepy.”
“aww, my sleepy baby.” rafe laughs. “wanna keep napping? i’ll stay here.”
“you sure? you’re all done with barry?” you ask, but pull the blanket over your bodies and close your ask. “yes, and even if i wasn’t, you come first.”
you giggle, “thank you honey… can we spoon?”
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princessbrunette · 2 months
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this whole agreement was stressing pope out. though he’d convinced himself it was okay, he knew deep down that sleeping with you just because your lying, cheating kook boyfriend couldn’t make you cum was morally wrong. this time around had been a close call. too close.
his life had become something out of a cheap porno — he finishes his shift at the local pizza place, and cycles his delivery bike all the way to your place to lay it on you. it had even gotten to the point where pope had stopped bringing you pizza, because there was no longer a reason to pretend that was why he was really there.
things had gotten risky, and this time around he’d very nearly screwed things, your boyfriend stopping by and letting himself in whilst the two of you had been at it in the shower, your favourite pizza delivery boy having crowded you against the tiles with his head shoved into your crotch, hot water running down his toned back. he seemed to be enjoying himself a lot, despite it being you to have forced him in there due to the fact he was kind of vaguely still smelling like pepperoni.
you’d appeared sopping wet in the hallway with a tiny towel wrapped round you, eyes wide as saucers when you’d seen the boyfriend coming right towards the bathroom. “why are you here?” you practically barked as pope listens in as best as he can over the sound of the running water.
“i was in the area and i needed to pee. can i?” even now, the attitude drips off his voice and pope is gritting his teeth.
“do you need to? i’m showering.” you try to hide the panic in your tone as he shuffles past you, busting right in. you hold your breath, as does pope as he stands as still as possible behind the shower curtain.
he does his business, both you and pope stiff as a statue as he zips himself back up — looking around casually without a rush in the world.
“showering, huh? you know i got time. could always let me in there with you.” he takes a step towards the shower curtain, beckoning you and you panic.
“no! its— it’s not that kind of shower. its an everything shower, you know — shaving everything… and stuff. trust me, you don’t wanna go in there.” you convince, making the kook ken doll roll his eyes but back off anyway.
“you never wanna have fun anymore.” he grumbles, and you see him out. infact, you stand at the door in your towel and make sure he’s gone before returning and yanking back the shower curtain.
“nope.” pope is immediately speaking, shaking his head as droplets fall off his hair. he goes to move past you, reaching for a towel. “i can’t do this, okay! it’s stressing me the fuck out.”
your brows knit, grabbing at his slippery arms to try and get him to be still. “please? he’s gone, pope. i made sure… i— i need this. it’s been such a long week.”
he’s in the midst of wrapping a towel round his waist, glancing up at you through the fogged mirror. “you’re gonna have to do it yourself.” in frustration, you stomp your foot petulantly, still draped in a tiny towel. at your mini tantrum, pope raises his eyebrows — unimpressed and swivels his body round to look at you, intrigued. the brattiness melts away for a second and you avert his eyes, for the first time showing nervousness.
“i don’t know how to do that… why’d you think i need you so bad?”
now, that — was a turning point for him. he was trying to get himself out of this toxic (yet highly addictive) situation, but he couldn’t bring himself to pass up the opportunity to teach. especially to teach you, he always loved how pliant you got when told what to do.
it’s how your damp bodies wound up on your bed, towels discarded with your back to his chest, legs spread. his hands squish at your thighs bordering on being cruel as he holds them open, watching the way your fingers roll over the bead of your clit.
“see, there’s not really a science to it— it’s about figuring out what feels right for you.” his voice is deeper than usual when it’s in your ear, and you shudder at the sound, nodding and swallowing because it’s all you can manage. “its how i figured you out so fast, you’re so responsive — it gave me great feedback on how i could make you cum. just from following your bodies reaction.” he brings a hand down and easily adjusts your smaller one. “middle and ring finger for when you wanna go inside.” he slides them down to your hole, massaging the pad of his fingers against yours to aid your movement. “and the thumb stays right up here to rub your clit. are you getting it?”
“i would rather you— i would rather you do it.” the first time you try to speak, it’s your usual spoiled self — but your breath hitches in your throat and it comes out meeker the second time you try.
“i know.” he croons, and when his lips brush your ear you think he might be coming down to kiss your cheek affectionately. instead, he speaks again. “but then this whole thing would be pointless. you’re here to learn, right?
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xuhuihuis · 10 months
Wanna Ride? | Lee Jeno
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➥ warnings: dom!jeno, sub!reader, public sex, grinding, making out, public sex, cream pie
Wanna come out on a ride with me?
Sitting in your room, doom scrolling through social media looking for something to do rather than listen to your roommate, Jaemin fuck his girlfriend all night. Your mood changes when you get the text from your boyfriend and spring up from your bed taking the chance and replying to him in an instant.
Throwing on whatever you could find and heading out the door with your bike and keys, thankful you didn't have to deal with the porn star moans any more. Grabbing your bike from the closet next to the door and your bag quickly heading out the door letting out a sigh of relief as you were met with silence.
Walking down the hallway trying your best to be quiet so as to not disturb the people sleeping. The cold weather was a shock to you coming from the heat of inside to the bitter feeling leaving you shaking waiting for Jeno to arrive.
Not a sound could be heard, nothing but the sound of the wind whistling and leaves dancing in the subtle wind. Lights on the side of the road flooded the sidewalk for anyone walking past. It wasn't long until you heard Jeno shouting on you as he turned around the corner and saw you standing on the sidewalk with your bike leaning on the bench next to you.
"Evening beautiful"
No matter how many times he calls you that name you will never get used to how it sounds coming from him. The tight fabric of his cycle clothes clung to his body accentuating every curve of his body. Every curve and dip of his abs were on show causing butterflies in your stomach. Jeno was built like a Greek God, it was obvious that he would get stares from other people which you didn't appreciate very much. Littering his neck with dark marks on his neck when you got home showing people who he belongs to.
Eyes trailing down and noticing his problem, he was achingly hard for you. Jeno has been so hard for hours and nothing could be done about it as he really didn't get along with Jaemin nor did he want his roommate, Haechan to hear your beautiful melodic moans. His cheeks were tinted a pink colour as he could see you staring before you snapped out of your daze getting on your bike trailing behind him.
Riding down the streets of Seoul taking in the sights as it was one thing you never got to do as daily life was so fast paced. You had no clue where Jeno was taking you as he wanted it to be a surprise showing you the new scenic route to where he took you both on your first date.
The climb up the steep hill left you both breathless but for the view it was worth it. Leaving your bikes at the side of the trash can next to a bench overlooking the skyline of the city. Before you could sit next to him Jeno pulled you so you were sitting in his lap feeling his very prominent boner. Something in the atmosphere changed when you both had your helmets and glasses off, it was more love drunk
Maintaining eye contact with Jeno watching him with a passionate gaze as he leaned further back on the bench letting his crotch rub against you making you feel every inch. Watching you through narrow eyes as your hips started to rub against him in a constant rhythm letting his arms drape against your waist pulling you closer to him.
"Such a beautiful sight Darling, aren't ya?"
Both of you were face to face, millimetres away from him watching your figure with dark hooded eyes. Jeno said no word to you he just watched....
Moving your hands up his body feeling how his muscles tense under your touch groaning quietly. Holding his face in your hands rubbing your thumbs against the apples of his cheeks before leaning in kissing him intensely. You can't help but moan out in pleasure feeling Jeno's lips on yours battling with him for dominance before fully letting him take over giving all your power to him.
It wasn't long until you were both trying to rid each other of clothes but it was hard both being in skin tight fabric. Pulling away from the kiss seeing how red Jeno's lips had became in such a short amount of time. Getting up from his lap to bring his shorts down just enough to pull his cock out of his underwear. Fully taking off yours before straddling his waist once again kissing him once again playing with the dark hair at the bottom of his neck.
"Still okay about this Darling? hmm?"
The nod of the head was all Jeno needed to keep going with you, pulling your underwear to the side before rubbing the head of his cock up and down your folds smirking as he watched you squirm. Gripping onto his shoulders harder to the point your nails were leaving marks as he entered you stretching you out fully.
"My princess is so tight, only for me huh?"
No words came to mind, it didn't even register that he was talking to you. You could think about nothing else other than his thick cock inside of your cunt letting you feel every vein and curve before rocking in and out of you slowly. The slight pain soon turned into pleasure erupting moans from you still fighting the pleasure not wanting any passers by watching nor hearing you both.
To anyone passing by it looked like something out of one of their best dreams. Riding your boyfriend whilst having a great view of the city whilst the trees blew in the wind.
"F-faster, please"
Whimpering to your boyfriend begging to feel his thick cock rub against your gummy walls and that spot that made you see white. The pain in your thighs was getting too much looking into Jeno's eyes looking like a hurt puppy as you shake like a leaf trying to hold yourself up.
"Shhh, I'll make you feel good Princess. Hold onto me"
With that being said you hold him as close as you can feeling his heartbeat locking your arms around his neck looking into his gaze with hooded eyes. Jeno dug his heels into the dirt below him using it as leverage rocking his hips into your cunt deeper. It was getting too much for him as well as your cunt was squeezing him just the right way. You could tell he was holding back on coming to let you cum first.
"I'm close Nono..."
The man kept the same pace making sure not to stop just before you reach your peak. Sweat was dripping down your bodies making the atmosphere on top of the beautiful mountain more needy...
"Go on princess, cum for me"
"Make me proud"
"I'm here baby girl..."
Jeno's words took you over the edge letting the orgasm take over your body finally getting to release. Your whole body started to shake violently for the few seconds of euphoria. It was Jeno's favourite sight seeing you fall apart on his cock knowing that no one else can give you as much pleasure as him.
He followed shortly after doing his best to keep quiet but he couldn't. Leaning his head back as the ribbons of cum shot up inside of you gasping for oxygen as he came down from his high. Jeno held you close as you both came down form your orgasms giving you as much time as you needed to calm down.
"My beautiful Princess..."
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lethalchiralium · 9 months
You should totally not write a part two to Missus dying during birth. Where it's set month later??? Years later??? 😏😉😏
I mean the double angst would be just to much to bare! 😏😉😏
(No.... because side note I'm living for your GIRL DAD SIMON 😭🫶)
oh so you guys are EVIL evil. i partially wrote some of this way back, i was playing with the thought of her death but decided against it. this did get me in the mood to write for ACTUAL happiness, so watch out for that lol
warnings: alcoholism, grief.
happiness au!
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Simon found that could never hold anger like he used to. It dissipates as quickly as it festers, he tried so hard to find something to be angry at over your death. He couldn’t be angry at Roach, he was with you in his place. He couldn’t be angry at Price, he was doing his job. He couldn’t be angry at you because you had done the best you could to get in touch with him. You nurtured his children, one sprinting around and one in your once warm belly.
He held his hand over WInnie’s eyes at the end of the funeral, little Mellie asleep in his arm yet still angling her away from the scene - he couldn’t bear to have his daughters watch their mother be lowered into the ground.
He did discover that alcohol makes the incredible pain disappear just a little.
In the month after your death, it was a cycle for Simon and Price to keep Winnie and Mellie afloat while he destroyed himself as they slept soundly. Drinking himself into a stupor and collapsing on his bedroom floor; his hazed mind forcing him to spread out on the hardwood, telling himself he didn’t deserve to sleep in a bed. In your bed. And despite the dozens of pounds he wasted on alcohol for that first month, the thought of you could never quite escape his mind.
You left nothing to direct him, nothing to guide him. Just hazy memories of your smile, dim visions of the way your skin touched his, faint pulses on his lips of what used to be your heartbeat. You had nothing away, no letters or little notes in any nook and cranny of his home - he checked drunk, he checked sober. He wanted to slam his hand into the wall that morning, hungover and wanting to scream - but his little baby Mellie babbled on his bed, little fingers dug into her stuffed dog, completely unaware of the myriad of emotions painted on the walls. It was like Simon had exploded, his emotions were everywhere.
And after one horrible night, Simon found himself on the floor of his room again. But he wasn’t alone - under his blanketed arm and curled into his side was Winnie, her green bear tucked into her own chest. His heart broke again at that, and even with the intense hangover, he picked up his daughter. He took the few steps back to sit on his bed, her gentle eyes slowly fluttering open.
“Do you wanna sleep up here, lovie?” He asked her, trying to keep his voice even as his head pounded.
“Just wanna make sure you’re okay.” His daughter mumbled, one hand wiping one of her eyes as she looked up at him. That made his heart burn like it had been doused in oil and set aflame. He crawled into the bed that hasn’t known warmth since you died, tucking in his four year old and keeping her close to his chest.
“Dad’s gonna be okay.” He whispered to his daughter, tears spilling from his eyes. “I promise.”
After that early morning, Simon stopped drinking and stayed sober for years afterwards. He was proud of himself for that seemingly small feat, but he was still devastated by the loss of you, he felt it every single day since. Teaching Mellie to walk, to talk, and to run were the first times Simon felt your loss again - he cried tears each time, knowing that it should have been you and him teaching your daughter these things. That you and him should have been teaching your children how to ride a bike, help them with their stupid math homework, help them navigate life.
But it was just Simon, trying to fill your shoes that he never had the heart to move from the front door.
He had tried to quit the 141 when you passed, but Price wouldn’t let him. Keeping him on desk duty meant Simon still got incredible pay and benefits, it meant Simon could take baby Mellie with him to base, it meant he could make it home before his kids got off of school when they were older. He never gave his all to the military again.
He had to learn all about periods when Winnie was twelve so he could help her as best he could. He had to learn all about her friends, then Mellie’s friends - he felt that time was always going too fast. He comforted his children through the loss of their beloved cat. He met boyfriends and girlfriends before his daughters finally fled the nest, leaving him alone for the first time in 22 years.
The month after he was left alone again, he opened a bottle of bourbon. He felt the pain creep back into his skin, he needed relief. He needed to not know what pain was. He’d drink when he was alone. He wouldn’t dare to have a drop when his children were around, when his grandkids were ever in his home. But when he was alone? It seemed just a glass of three fingers turned into a bottle, sleeping a couple hours turned into twenty, three missed calls from Mellie and a seven texts from Winnie - all asking if he was alright, that his constant sleeping was making them nervous.
One day, Simon tried to open his nightstand to find his ID tags, he was drunk the night before and woke up without them. He never slept without them, it was his way of comforting himself with something he’s had almost all his life. The nightstand’s drawer wouldn’t budge, wouldn’t pull open. He reached his hand underneath the drawer to try and dislodge whatever was keeping it from opening - a letter falls into his hand. He grew confused, there is no address or writing on the front - it’s obviously old too. He opened the envelope, seeing a date written on the lip in handwriting he’s wished to read for decades.
The day before Mellie’s birth was written clearly.
He ripped the paper from the envelope and fell to his knees, a photo of you in the hospital floated to the floor as he reads the letter. The last picture of you ever taken, one that came from that little polaroid camera he bought you before he left his whole family for the last time.
You didn’t leave him without direction. He just didn’t know where to look.
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i love all the happiness asks so much that the new happiness chapter will be coming very soon
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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toastsnaffler · 24 days
I slept rly deeply last night even tho it took me a while to get to sleep but I think that was bc I had acid reflux and I'd been playing videogames too late not anything else.... still only got 6 hrs but doing pretty okay all things considered 😚
#and not feeling sick this morning so im sticking w the higher dose for one more day. my heart rate does feel a little uncomfortably fast#but its tolerable. just gonna make notes of how it goes through the day and ill submit my review form to my dr this evening#and hopefully she'll give me the green light to drop back down instead of continuing to titrate up#this is making me think of those heartrate fetishists... do u think i could make money selling tachycardic heart recordings online#i do wanna try to exercise this morning while i have energy. might take the bike out it looks like a gorgeously sunny day#maybe ill try to map my cycle route to work so i can consider cycling there instead of taking the bus in a couple weeks..#i cant atm thp cuz they have scaffolding up and its blocked off the bike racks sadly 😔#i think making myself eat + drink as much as i can has helped control the nausea too. just need a lot of fuel to process meds properly ig#and a lot of sleep.. its a bit stressful to think abt how rigid im going to have to be abt my daily routines if i want to stay medicated#but to be honest i have a pretty rock solid sleep/meal routine already bc its the only way i can function with the hours i work#so like. i dont rly need to worry too much. i think i reacted badly the first couple days bc my base anxiety was high#and then bc that feeling was heightened by meds -> made me not eat/sleep properly -> knock on sickness the next day#but yeah still the side effects arent very nice and i dont wanna take the risk of it exacerbating every difficult emotion i deal with#but fingers crossed bc 30 worked rly nice for me and i had barely any side effects so hopefully i can settle w that long term 🤞#we will see....#ANYWAY. sorry for making the same post over and over the last couple days. talking abt it on here has helped me feel a lot calmer#i dont wanna bother ppl irl w every thought and physical symptom i experience hourly. but this is my blog i can do what i want#hope everyone else has a nice sunday <3#.diaries
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miley1442111 · 3 months
your anchor- j.maybank
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a/n: i didn't imagine a fem! or male! reader so imagine what you want :)
summary: after an argument with your narcissistic sister, where can you go?
pairing: jjmaybank x reader
warnings: mentions of being upset, family drama
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You stumbled out of your house, tears in your eyes as you went. What did I do to deserve this? You thought to yourself. I did everything right. I was polite, I didn’t start a fight. So why were you leaving crying? 
“So you’re saying I shouldn’t?” Your sister shot your way. A sinisterness behind her words, 
“N-no! I’m just saying it’s not… sorry.”
“Why do you always do this?!” She squealed, tears falling freely as your parents sent you angry looks. You fellow siblings either rolled their eyes or sent you looks ranging from frustration to understanding.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“Well you did. Just fuck off!” She screamed. You obliged.
You grabbed your bike and started cycling away. All you cared about was leaving. You hated this place. You hated her. 
A dirt bike rev pulled you from your thoughts, you slowed, wiping your tears away. 
“Baby?” It was Jj. Your Jj. “What’s wrong?”
And the floodgates opened again. He immediately jumped off of his bike, running to you. He helped you off the bike and into his arms. He held you to his chest, whispering words of support and love. He was always this. He was your anchor. He calmed you. He supported you. He loved you. 
After calming you down, he helped you onto his bike, your bike left behind,
He drove slower than usual, constantly looking back to check if you were ok. You walked into his and John B’s house, arms folded and hunched over. Your body language was a clear sign you wanted to be left alone. Well, alone with Jj. But John B clearly didn’t get the memo and came up to you, arms open in a hug. 
“Y/n!” He smiled, engulfing you in a suffocating hug. Jj noticed your lack of reciprocation and tapped him on the shoulder. John B looked his way and he shook his head, mouthing “she’s upset” to him. John nodded and let go, a sympathetic smile on his face. “You best get to bed, it’s late. I’ll see you in the morning, yeah?”
You simply nodded as Jj led you further into the house. You walked into his room. 
“You wanna shower?” He offered and you shook your head. He nodded as you sat on his bed. He grabbed a hoodie of his and a pair of sleep shorts you’d left there a few days ago. You took the clothes and quickly changed, then you went into the bathroom, Rafe hot on your heels. You brushed your teeth and washed your face, Jj had almost your entire skincare routine in the bathroom, he had the toothpaste and mouthwash you liked too, and a green toothbrush that he’d bought for you. 
“I’m tired,” you yawned, climbing into his bed. 
“Wanna talk first?” He offered, holding you close to his chest, you face fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck. You shook your head and he squeezed you closer, pressing a kiss to your head.  He stayed up for a while longer as you slept, making sure you were ok. It made you feel good, knowing he was there for you. Your anchor.
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seireitonin · 3 months
You mentioned you have a post on how Toby would be like if he had a kid? Can we see it? 👀
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When his children are born, he’s literally twitching with happiness and excitement. He looks at his s/o holding his kids and just breaks down in happiness. Like crying happy tears. He kisses his s/os face all over and hugs them. He looks down at his children with nothing but love. His heart has never been so happy.
So if Toby had a kid I’d think he’d raise them about the same regardless of gender but I can name a few differences and how he interacts w them depending on gender
If he had a boy oh my god…it would be perfect for him. Toby is literally hyperactive and up beat so keeping up with a small boy would be no problem for him. I can see him chasing his kid around till they’re both exhausted. Toby’s also loud so I can see him and his son having random screaming contests. Toby and his son would definitely play ball in the house and break something and would quickly clean it up together before Toby’s s/o could find out. When questioned about something being missing Toby and his son would look at each other and shrug “I dunno…have you seen it,kid?” “Nope! I haven’t!” Toby definitely sees himself in his son and aims to be the father his dad never was. So when his son acts up, he doesn’t get upset or take it out on him. He takes time to actually teach him. They also definitely have eating contests together. Like seeing who can eat the most food the fastest. They have races, they play video games together, they wrestle. Just Toby being a good dad to his son.
With his daughter he only had one name in mind, Lyra. Toby loved her more than anyone just like he loves his daughter more than anyone. Her memory will live on in his daughter. The name just fills his heart with joy. Toby looks up YouTube tutorials on how to do his daughter’s hair, she has loose curls like Toby does. He also learns how to do her hair from his wife/ s/o. “Do you like this hairstyle, Lyra?” “Hmm I want the ponytail higher” “You got it! Let me find a tutorial” Toby lets his daughter paint his nails and put bows in his hair. Toby and his daughter bake together, sing together and go shopping together. Although she’s still a little kid with a lot of energy so Toby and her have races and run around playing ball in the house alongside her brother and Toby. Toby definitely sneaks her candy because she’s just so cute. Constant forehead kisses.
For both of them he teaches them how to ride scooters and bikes. When they’re older he teaches them how to fight. For his son he really ingrains in him to never hit a woman/ girl. Toby makes them dinner as best as he can or at least supports his s/o who is cooking. He has to look up YouTube tutorials on healthy meals for kids because growing up and up to a few years ago he was living off ramen and other instant foods. Toby gives both of them lots of hugs and affection because that’s what he always wanted as a kid. Him and his kids take naps together after they’re exhausted. Toby sleeps in the middle mouth open and snoring and his kids are on either side of him, resting in his arms. Toby lets his kids eat dessert before dinner, but is trying to stop because he wants to be responsible. He takes his kids to the park and chases them around on the playground. He made them a tire swing in the woods. He’ll do anything for them.
Toby definitely still has mental issues and mood swings but instead of letting his kids see that he’ll isolate himself and let his wife/ s/o take over for the day. He doesn’t even want to risk behaving like his dad in anyway. He doesn’t want his kids to see him as anything but loving and supportive.“Your dad’s not feeling well so let’s go to the park.” Toby is scared that he passed on some of his issues to his kids but even if he did, he’s going to love and support them regardless. Nothing in this world will make him stop loving them. Toby broke the cycle of abuse by just being a good dad. He rebuilt the family that he lost so many years ago. And he’s the man that he’s always wanted to be.
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denial-permanente · 6 months
How do you handle erections that occur in your sleep? Do they wake you up? Also, do you have any physical activity restrictions because you are wearing the cage? Can you work out at a gym, use an exercise bike, etc.?
I have answered this before:
This question is for Tom. I may have missed discussions of whether you are in 24/7/365 chastity so thank you for considering my questions. Does the cage interfere with sports or workout activities? For instance, could you play golf or ride a bike? Can you go to a health club to exercise? Does your Goddess ever let you out of the cage to engage in activities or health exams where a cage might be a problem? Also, do involuntary nocturnal erections cause a problem? Thanks.
🔒 Tom here. I have answered this before, but the limitations of Tumblr mean I can't set up a decent way to search for such things. That and this blog was "flagged" a few months back as being "mature", so the Tumblr search function is severely hobbled.
Yes, since 2018, I have been locked 24/7/365. @mrs--edge does not unlock me for any sexual reason. I am unlocked for medical visits, for travel (I know it's legal, but we don't want the aggro), and for occasional hygiene checks. Also, if she thinks I'm about to do something particularly dangerous, like cleaning snow off the roof. That is less often now because she forgets that I'm caged.
I don't do sports, but I'm active outdoors. Golf is no problem (except for my left hook 😒), I lift weights (I have a squat cage and free weights in my basement), and in warmer weather I take long walks and short hikes in the local hills.
The only iffy spot is cycling. I have several road bikes: one of them a classic 1980s Cannondale which I restored and slightly modernized. It has a hard Italian leather saddle, and I have to remove the cage when I take it out.
I also have a classic 1980s steel Japanese bike. That one has been totally rebuilt and modernized, and has a split saddle. I take it when some of my friends go on short 10 mile rides on the local bike trail (stopping at the brew pubs along the way). The split saddle allows me to ride caged, and my friends are barely doing 10 mph.
However, when I'm in season, my wife allows me to unlock, don my lycra gear, and take my serious road bike out on the New England back roads. These are generally 20 to 50 mile haunts and there is no concern that I'm going to duck into the woods for a quick wank. When I get home, I hop into the shower, and replace the cage.
However, when I'm in season, my wife allows me to unlock, don my lycra gear, and take my serious road bike out on the New England back roads. These are generally 20 to 50 mile haunts and there is no concern that I'm going to duck into the woods for a quick wank. When I get home, I hop into the shower, and replace the cage.
I have been locked for a good part of the past twenty five years. The 2 am woodies rarely wake me up anymore, and when I'm aware of them, it's more of a comforting sexual pressure.
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fatkish · 12 days
well hello there i just what to say i love the righting and 2 as u can see i suck at spelling so im sorry. and 3 i wish to know if u could do some mha angst like maybe like kiribaku x adhd reader where like bakugo dosen't mean tell reader to stop talking so fast or to like sit properly and stop moving there leg (i kinda want both cuz i get told that alot but u pick) but then kiri comes home and bakugos is sleeping on the couch and next day, kiri makes bakugo apologises and see how he was wrong. but its up to u. like reader could be overstimulated and cant stop moving. or sumth its up to u but thx for replying if u do don't feel like u need to tho byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Kirishima x Bakugou x Reader Drabble
It was that time of year again. Exams were getting closer and you and Kirishima needed help studying for them. So you both asked your shared boyfriend Bakugou, to help you guys study. Due to your ADHD, you typically take you tests in a different room alone with one of the teachers, that’s because it’s easier for you to focus when there’s less possible distractions. Due to your constant fidgeting, the school has allowed for you to keep a small exercise cycle underneath your desk. This device is similar to an exercise bike with its pedals, but it’s smaller and made to be used when sitting. The cycle is considered a learning tool for you since it allows you to fidget while disturbing as little people as possible.
Sadly, you can’t bring it everywhere with you, if you could then that incident wouldn’t have happened. You and Kirishima had begged Bakugou to help you guys study, so you three went to a cafe. Of course, your Boyfriends knew of your ADHD and how it affected you. They knew that it could only be managed so much, it wasn’t something that could be completely controlled and that it’s something you struggle with. While Bakugou was trying to help you both study, you kept getting distracted by everything and you wouldn’t stop shaking your leg, causing the booth to vibrate.
As you would point out things that you saw that you noticed like someone’s hairstyle or a band t-shirt someone was wearing, Bakugou was starting to get fed up with your inability to focus. You were sitting next to him in the same booth and your constant leg shaking was vibrating the seat and it was driving him crazy. After 1 hour and 30 minutes of your constant interruptions and leg bouncing, Bakugou was at his wit’s end.
“Goddamnit you spacey fuck, can’t you concentrate for more than a couple fucking seconds?!?! And will you fucking quit bouncing your goddamn leg. It’s so fucking damn annoying!” The moment Bakugou registered what he just shouted at you, he realized how much he messed up. You looked at him with watery eyes before your face changed to one of anger.
“I’m leaving” you got up and left the cafe, leaving behind a sorrowful Kirishima and a sorry Bakugou. Bakugou knew he had messed up the moment the words left his mouth. Before Kirishima could say anything Bakugou spoke.
“I know, I know, I messed up and I need to apologize. Don’t worry, I will.”
Kirishima could only look at Bakugou in slight disappointment before he went back to studying.
The next day at school, Kirishima pulled Bakugou aside in the hall outside the classroom and demanded that he apologize to you. Bakugou knew he messed up and was already planning out how he was going to apologize. As they walked into the classroom, they saw you scribbling away in one of your doodle journals. Since most students weren’t in the classroom yet, Bakugou decided to apologize then and there. He walked over and grabbed the back of your shirt, dragging you into the hallway.
“Look, I’m sorry ‘bout what I said yesterday. I was just pissed and I took it out on you.” He mumbled just quite enough for you to hear.
“It’s okay, I know I forgot to bring a fidget and I’ve been trying to manage my symptoms better. I just have to work harder but I appreciate the apology”
“Yeah yeah just shut up” Bakugou muttered as he looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks.
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