#skull & shackles
zillychu · 1 year
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broken little king
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eskiworks · 8 months
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Lucian Colored Sketch (Commissions OPEN)
Flat colored piece for Scissorclaw! I am OPEN for commissions like these to be done via stream in the next week or so.  Info and sign-up sheet below! https://forms.gle/p6M7WYu2XTr5V9cx6
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mountainashfae · 5 months
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I miss them. Aurien is always on the brain but I miss the person they were in the Shackes. The best fake Besmaran Cleric on the high seas.
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the-faramir · 3 months
Glabella Scipio
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Glabella Scipio was born 74 years ago [current year for start of campaign would be 4711] into an undine community to a human father born in Taldor named Dannius Scipio, (who died about 50 years ago) and a faydhaan (marid) mother from the Plane of Water named Uliuli. Due to her father's family traditions, she was given a Taldan name for primary use rather than Aquan. Glabella means "forehead," or, more specifically, the part of the forehead between the eyebrows, where the "third eye" is traditionally found. Her Aquan name is Makaloa, meaning "third eye." She has a sister named Patella (Kuli) and a brother named Malleus (Pepeiao).
As a child, Glabella learned from her undine elders the druidic ways of the undine adept. She dedicated herself to preserving the knowledge of the first undines and ensuring that her people's ancient connections to the natural world would remain undisturbed. As she grew, her martial training began. In her community, agility was prized over brute strength, and Glabella excelled in her agility, her movements as fluid as the currents themselves. She learned to wield her weapons with finesse, each strike a testament to her skill and grace.
Personality-wise, Glabella acts proud and shows little fear. She is good-natured and playful among her own kind but reserved and serious with non-undines. However, she has never forged close relationships with non-undines except for family, so this may change as she gets to know new people.
Glabella considers herself a protector of the oceans, especially around the Shackles. She was content to live in her community, taking care of the local waters. Her turning point came when she witnessed the devastation caused by those who sought to exploit the ocean's riches. The pollution, overfishing, and careless destruction all ignited a fire within her. Glabella vowed to leave her community to become an adventurer and mete out punishment to those who would harm her beloved seas.
Spending so many years in the Shackles and visiting the various islands has made Glabella a natural navigator. She was hoping to get a job as a navigator on a ship once she could get to a sufficiently large seaport.
Finally, Glabella arrived in Port Peril in search of her destiny. After a few drinks at a tavern called the Formidably Maid, she went down to the docks to take in a view of the sea. The last thing she remembers is a blow to the back of her head and the waves rushing up to meet her.
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a-cypress-tree-draws · 5 months
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quick sketch of Xaitherin's mom. Just kinda wanted to.
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tofukinguniverse · 8 months
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i forgot i had a tumblr so i forgot to post so ill post a small dump (dw i didnt draw too much actually)
meet my pathfinder characters!! Thereon "Tiger" Stennes and Adriel "The Mediator" Heartstone. They're from different campajgns but I LOVE THEM BOTH!!
thereon is a bloodrager tiefling from an ice giant mom and human dad, heading to the north to find relatives to tell him about his mother's missing werabouts
the mediator is an aasimar warpriest from nowhere on a ship with idiots and really likes one of the brawlers that livse on the ship
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thesewersofparis · 8 months
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when someone disorganizes u and ur bfs sock drawer as a prank
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Skull & Shackles Adventure Path - Forward by Craig J Spearing
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warcrimetime · 2 months
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"I shibari the party across the river"
D&D quotes that feel just as funny drawn
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stcrmborne · 9 months
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STCRMBORNE. Independent & selective Dungeons and Dragons original character. Rhaya Maraan - Aasimar storm druid. Pirate Navigator of The Drunken Calamity. Written and loved by Veerah.
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Who’s your personal favorite demon lord? For me it’s Noticula mostly her demon phase shows that just because you are chaotic evil you can’t be an extremely devious mastermind.
Look at my icon and tell me what my favorite demon lord might be.
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rustandsky · 2 years
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The Judge
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mountainashfae · 1 year
still thinking about Aurien and was looking at the familiar rules since, even if it’s all flavor, they have Rotgut as a familiar. The Familiar Bond feat in 1e is so funny. They get none of the special magic abilities of a familiar and parrots get a free language. This parrot is just Some Guy that sits on Aurien’s shoulder and can rat them out to others with an INT of 6 and growing.
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a-cypress-tree-draws · 10 months
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Xaitherin deserves a happy childhood, right? It's the least I could do for her.
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So my Pathfinder 1e group has been playing the Skulls & Shackles module as Mighty Pirates and we finally reached the big battle against the entire Chellish Navy which wanted to bring down the boot on the Shackles. I do not think the writers anticipated us, and it turned into a hilarious bloodbath of insanity.
Short version is that what was clearly planned by the module and GM to be a very Eroll Flynn style swashbuckling naval battle kind of went sideways when our opening move was to summon a Megalodon. And then cast Animal Growth on it. So we had a Megalodon the size of a cruiser rampaging through the enemy fleet tearing hulls out. Not an exaggeration. It's opening attack on the enemy flagship tore a 40 foot chunk out of it's keel.
The enemy plan further collapsed when the Devils they summoned to board and ambush the players crew on their own ship got spotted when the Captain simply pulled the cursed blade out of his back, turned around, and tore five devils to shreds in 12 second. Did I mention the captain turns into a 12 foot tall demonic wereshark (Skinwalker (Shark) Abyssal Rageshaper (Bloodrager)) when he's angry and that he's as strong as an Ice Giant?
And then on round, uh, 3 or 4 of this battle the Grippli Ranger up in the crow's nest proceeds to end the battle by spotting the Chellish admiral... and promptly shooting her in the head with a Bolt of Slaying fired from a Heavy Crossbow of Human Slaying which just spikes her to the mast. And because of the spell he added to the arrow, she proceeds to explode into a cloud of Bolts of Slaying that scythe down basically everyone in 30 feet.
And she was meant to be the big boss of this campaign.
The writers really didn't anticipate or plan for us. But how could they plan for a pack of lunatics like us? :D
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sparrowsingsstories · 2 years
Planning a treasure hunt for my pirate game - because Pirate Game!
The PCs will have to find 3 objects. One of the objects will ONLY activate for one person and that person has to activate a magical object at the location of the treasure and succeed at a Will Save or uh...be damaged...some.
I'm super excited because it's little mini-adventures combined with a treasure hunt.
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