saturncoyote · 2 years
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i know that in the book the rabbits of Cowslip’s warren are huge because they’re well fed by humans, but my personal headcanon is that they’re from a lineage of flemish rabbits
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vampkye · 1 year
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fiver and silverweed foresee an eventful 2023 for you ... happy lunar new year of the bunny !!
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fatecanberewritten · 5 months
Rabbits need dignity and, above all, the will to accept their fate.
Richard Adams, Watership Down
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nildrohainenjoyer · 1 year
Watership Down Sexyman Showdown
OKAY EVERYONE. I had an idea and im going for it, the wsd sexyman showdown. To figure out hypothetically who is the ultimate sexyman. if youre confused . im so sorry youve found out what a sexyman is now, use this wiki as a reference for what this is about Yes they are literal rabbits but lets imagine they are anthro for this case. they are anthropomorphized and have distinct personlity in the media they are in so much like ashfur and scourge from wc or darkstalker from wof are sexymen based on their impact
regardless, here are the brackets, and here is where you vote! go go! Not using tumblr polls for this so I can make is accessible to people not on tumblr
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How did I pick this, well I thought about all the characters and who could qualify for one reason or another in my head. Characters like Hazel, Silver, etc aren’t here since theyre very normal and i didnt want to add more brackets
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yourfriendharewsd · 1 year
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common orchids and silverweed
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haikuckuck · 1 month
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Gänsefinger kraut,sehr viel Blüten staub ueberall,heute wieder 30 grad celsius,1.Mai.
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otiksimr · 2 months
Have you ever heard of ginga densetsu weed?
Oh the wolf anime? I never watched it but I have heard of it.
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bandana-fox · 1 year
I’m so excited I will be getting goats in four hours
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There's truly nothing quite like reading something and being able to feel the author's love for the genre
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wolperkinger · 10 months
@handfulofmuses said: ❝ what, lost your taste of adventure? ❞ (vervain)
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"oh, i've never had one, sir. in fact this is my first time out of the warren of the shining wire. cowslip would never let me out in case i got caught in a snare." silverweed wanted to say that his poetry was so highly valued, however he knew the truth. the reason cowslip kept his life, and the reason woundwort had it now.
it was all the same.
the sound of a twig snapping in the brushes nearby catches silverweed's attention, making him jump and promptly curl down to the ground, shivering.
"...i'm not sure if i like adventuring." he states, voice wavering, "it's rather frightful out here. we'll be safe once master woundwort gets us to darkhaven, won't we, vervain?" he wanted to be back in a soft, warm, burrow as soon as possible.
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handfulofmuses · 10 months
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"My disdain for that rabbit keeps growing immensely."
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dansnaturepictures · 2 years
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22/06/2022-Post three of three: More bits from the cottage and Flamborough Head
I liked appreciating the rows of roses at the cottage in between the boat trip and going out for a walk this afternoon which I took the seventh picture in this photoset showing some. And during this time I had another incredible wildlife moment today when I noticed House Martins a bird I’ve seen so much of around the cottage has a nest under the roof of the cottage. I am not sure if this is new or I only just noticed this nest built from mud but after seeing this at the cliffs of Thornwick Bay yesterday I was so happy to see it underlining what a great cottage this is for seeing birds. I saw these again tonight and took the eighth picture in this photoset of the nest with a head peeking through whether this is one of a pair on eggs or with young chicks or nearly at that stage or a chick we are not sure but I would think the former more likely. I feel so lucky we are staying in a place where birds are nesting on the building and lovely birds too. I also took the final two pictures in this photoset at the cottage tonight of a lovely birch tree visible from the cottage I have been meaning to take a photo of and an insect I believe a fly that came in to the kitchen.
This afternoon we checked out another part of Flamborough that I enjoyed when here last in 2018, Flamborough Head under the glow of the impressive lighthouse. It was a brilliant athletic walk around here taking in more stunning coastal views on this beautiful and hot day, as bright blue see and rocks and cliffs blended perfectly with meadow creating great vibrant green and blue scenes. I took the third, fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset of views here today. 
It was an honour to see again the birds we had enjoyed so much on the boat trip this morning as we did sail past here; pristine Puffins, glorious Guillemots, rustic Razorbills, fanciful Fulmars and giant Gannets. It was the Kittiwakes that stole the show here as just like in 2018 I was thrilled when I spotted one Kittiwake with a chick on their packed cliff nests here. Always amazing to see a young bird and I also saw another young Herring Gull here.
We also enjoyed another star species of the boat trip again on the walk round when we saw dozens of Grey Seals especially two large groups of them hauled out on low rocks in the seal below the cliff. Here and elsewhere we got some epic views of them popping their heads out of the water, the sea in this sunlight was a sweet light shade of blue that allowed you to see them quite well as they went under water and this felt quite exotic. An amazing time spent with this animal. I took the fourth picture in this photoset of one. 
Other bird highlights of the walk were hovering Kestrel which again I saw here in 2018 and Meadow Pipit seen well in the air and on a post. There was another amazing moment with a House Martin here today as we saw them flying so close to the cliffs and unusually landed on them we believe to source mud for their nests. A sensational moment to observe, having seen them with nests the past few days it was so nice to see them gathering materials for one to be be built as this species jostles with Swift and others to be that perhaps unsung key bird of the holiday.
In the rich meadows here Five-spot Burnets were a great sight again as was Meadow Brown butterfly in the insect world. An exotic Painted Lady or two excited us as well with some great views I took and tweeted a photo of one. I also enjoyed the sight of a black slug.
In the meadows also was a pleasing high concentration of northern marsh orchids I believe which looked amazing I have loved seeing this flower this holiday so far I took the first picture in this photoset of one. Also of note for flowers here was the yellow one in the second picture in this photoset, silverweed cinquefoil I believe a great one to see, beautiful buttercups, more lovely bird’s-foot trefoil, vetch and kidney vetch on the cliff the first of the latter I’ve seen this holiday after its been a star at home and was in Pembrokeshire in April, lovely chamomile, I believe groundsel, lovely white clover, bits of broad-leaved clover, plantain, red campion and bindweed. Another fantastic day in Yorkshire! What holidays are all about.
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Flamborough Head: Six of my favourite birds the Guillemot, Razorbill, Puffin, Kittiwake, Fulmar and Gannet, one of my favourite mammals the Grey Seal, one of my favourite butterflies the Large Skipper, one of my favourite moths the Five-spot Burnet, Kestrel, pigeons, Woodpigeon, Carrion Crow seen well, Meadow Pipit, Swift, House Martin, Herring Gull, Pained Lady, Common Blue, Meadow Brown, another moth I couldn’t quite see which, Black Slug and I heard Skylark.
My first two posts about today are here: https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/687792992609763328/22062022-post-one-of-three-rspb-bempton-cliffs and https://dansnaturepictures.tumblr.com/post/687793563339210752/22062022-post-two-of-three-landscape-pictures
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nildrohainenjoyer · 1 year
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ROUND TWOOO!!!! I changed the images I thought it’d be funny, here’s the link to the first round’s post
Link to the new poll here!
(Why am I using not tumblr polls may you ask? I dont feel like it also so I can do it across platforms!) Also I included the vote numbers below the cut, a total 44 responses! It was at 20 for a while so Im glad I advertised it again haha
Sorry Holly.... seems Bigwig beat you!
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Seems fitting
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This one was pretty close, I think like 2 votes close, Blackavar stays losing
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Thank god Bluebell won I think i’d be scared if Cowslip did
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Beat by god
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Actually surprised by this Vervain is such a shithead but feels like he could really fit being a sexyman
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Also a close one! Silverweed cleared a god
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silkenfur · 1 year
Watership down lorem ipsum
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summerwages · 9 months
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Pacific Silverweed..Potentilla anserina..
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