#silent scream meme
positivelybeastly · 4 months
Silent Scream (bobby, wanna chance to yell at bobby Hank? if you're still doing this? c:)
"You see, your essential problem, Iceman, is that you are so incredibly, definitively, awe inspiringly stupid."
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It's not an out of character line from the Director of X-Force, but considering the fact that they're within earshot of the world's best and brightest, within earshot of press and Avengers and celebrities, it is still - unexpected, to be sure. After the mess with the Terra Verdean delegation was sorted out, it appears, judging by the slight whiff of alcohol about him, that Beast has elected to avail himself of the bar.
Not that he needs alcohol to be unpleasant, of course, but it does help.
"And you see, it's always been that way. I would almost have to admire your commitment to the bit, if said bit wasn't one of the most irksome, unpleasant, and tiring performances I've ever seen in my entire life. Your ice form - not even your idea. That was Cyclops' suggestion, decades ago. Your ability to control both temperature and moisture - something that had to be pointed out to you by the Professor.
And, of course, the big one, the one that you had to have spelled out for you by our esteemed Marvel Girl. That must have been embarrassing for you. In fact, they all must have been just so very embarrassing for you. So obvious in hindsight, and yet you were completely blind, content to stumble on in your milquetoast mediocrity like a particularly uninspiring zombie until someone took you by the nose and forced you to think."
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The Beast swirls his glass, a kind of animation in his eyes and voice and manner that's rare to see in him ever since he took on the task of protecting Krakoa from all who would harm it. He knocks back the whiskey before he all but discards the crystal glass on the nearest surface, only good, solid craftsmanship stopping it from shattering.
"Yet here you stand. Unashamed. Unashamed of your stupidity. Unashamed of the fact that everything special about you was gifted to you by either your genetics, or by someone else. None of it as a result of hard work, or application of self, or actual intelligence. Were it not for your luck to be a mutant, you would be living the kind of braindead, thoroughly unremarkable life that most of the human sheep are content to live.
I mean, accountancy? Really?"
His laugh is singularly cruel, singularly unpleasant, and Bobby might well be vaguely aware that Sage and Logan are slowly creeping a little closer, just in case the furry mutant takes another turn. But they needn't worry.
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He's nearly done.
"Some of us are content to be led to what is great about us, Iceman. Others seize it. Others embrace it. Others . . ."
He brings up his massive blue hands and puts them on Bobby's shoulders, his fingers twitching like he wants to wrap them around his throat, and off in the distance, Scott, Warren and Jean all tense.
"Others wake up on their own, without having to be told. I can't believe I ever let you hold me back. Every moment I ever spent with you was a waste of time, and this is all you'll ever get from me, ever again."
He pushes Bobby away, turns on his heel, and leaves, intent on stalking back to his habitat alone.
One less distraction, now.
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tatakaeeren · 2 months
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Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned !!!
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a-witch-in-a-dumpster · 10 months
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I lose it everytime it appeared randomly
The Gardian use it btw-
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linn-vicious · 2 years
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mineonmain · 2 years
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WHO exactly is doing these subs…listen..I just wanna talk
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nube55 · 7 months
*rosacea fiercely flares up* no no, there's absolutely no reason for this, no, zero, all is good, we're all good, i don't know why my body would react like this, all perfecto.
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purpleturtle9000 · 11 months
sending Leonardo to the peepaw convention just so they can all agree he needs therapy
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bothsidesofaquestion · 4 months
Silent Scream!
Send me “Silent Scream” for my muse to vent anything they’ve been keeping hidden inside.
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"I am a hypocrite."
He looks into the darkness while the memories come into his head, like a flood, so vivid.
Flames, everything is burning, people running away, screaming... Figures melting, pictures turning into charcoal...
His eyes.
The sound his neck made when Kurt snapped it with his tail.
It wasn't an accident. They both know that.
"You know?" He looks at Hank, serious, a hint of darkness in those yellow eyes.
"I would do it again." He admits. "He needed to be stopped. I know this will haunt me until I finally die for good but, if it wasn't me someone else would and the wrath of Margali would have burned everything to the ground instead."
"And these people deserved to be spared from such wrath. I prefer things like this, her scorn is mine, my doom."
"And you know?" He narrows his eyes.
"I think I deserve it."
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hazel2468 · 5 months
Ohhhh I just fucked up. I fucked up on a project. And I caught it early and it’s not a big deal but holy SHIT is this gonna be ANNOYING to fix….
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shoot-of-corruption · 7 months
Silent scream
Send me “Silent Scream” for my muse to vent anything they’ve been keeping hidden inside.
"You know... nobody ever really said sorry to me anyway."
He threw a pebble with as much rage as he could and watched it jump uselessly from off the closest tree, having done not a single bit of damage to the bark at all.
"I mean, humans on a total always want to be right, so there are little of them, who admit they have done something wrong anyway. Criticism is apparently really never appreciated, but..."
He frowned darkly, avoiding to look at the one beside him.
"I know, I've been wrong about things. I know I did things wrong... I know I AM wrong... somehow." He shrugged. "No shame in admitting that, right? So why can nobody else do that?" He bit his lip and stared at Atem angrily.
"As if being in denial... and being so outright garbage to somebody is not a wrong thing to do. In my mind that is called 'willful ignorance' and it has nothing to do with protecting yourself. That's just being too weak to admit you can't live with your decision making, that you can't live with your state of being.
I mean... you were a GODKING in your past and nobody expected any less than perfection from you, I bet, but you don't strike me as a person, who wouldn't admit their wrong doings.
Like... sometimes you are just in over your head and you make a shit decision. It happens. Why the fuck is that so hard to admit though?"
He chuckled. "Probably I'm just good at that, because I have history with making a LOT of wrong choices, hmm?"
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blackhazefanblog · 4 months
This is it guys.
This is Lispen's whole character.
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positivelybeastly · 4 months
Silent Scream (I simply had toー)
"Do you know, it's been one of the single most relaxing scientific experiences of my life, working with you, Emmett?"
The compliment comes just a little out of nowhere, planted directly in the middle of them wiring up the electrics and aligning the magnetic fields for their new particle accelerator. Hank has a rather fond expression on his feline features as he regards his colleague, one that's clearly wholly genuine.
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"Granted, you still do vexing things like try and take stray discharges that were clearly meant for me as if you were half the age you are and in any fit state to withstand such punishment, but! Regardless, you understand good lab etiquette, you respect the work space, and you're aware of what good scientific process is, how it works, the kind of timescales you can be expected to reasonably operate on."
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"There's no - rushing in and throwing an entire enzyme analysis to the floor because you believe you need the table space for someone who's stubbed their toe. There's no, stomping up to the door of the lab and saying, Hank, I have a problem, and I needed a solution five minutes ago."
All right, now it feels like he's mocking someone.
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"There's no, hey, Hank, have you finished sequencing my entire genome and solving the problem of systemic mutation-based non-linear accelerated apoptosis in the last fifteen minute since you asked? A solution, incidentally, that would win me a Nobel Prize on any fair planet Earth, but here, is regarded simply as my job."
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"There's no, Hank, someone appears to have deployed a bioweapon from 1,000 years in our future designed to attack our genome specifically, do you think you can go digging around inside our haploids and diploids to find out exactly how the causative viroid agent has evolved on contact with our atmosphere so that you can cure this plague to end all plagues?"
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"There's no, Hank, a quite literal magic spell has RIPPLED through the cosmos, nay, the MULTIVERSE at large, wiping out the mutant X-gene from all but 198 of our fellows, you don't awfully MIND just going ahead and trying to solve EXTINCTION, do you? Thanks a bunch!"
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All right, so he's a little heated. A little bitter.
". . . But that's neither here nor there, I suppose . . ."
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mattsmemes · 9 months
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alchemistdetective · 9 months
Silent Screaming
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"'Oh no, I think that's Lady Satori!... Oh... wait, that's just a pink rock...- I... need to sleep more, I have been practicing too much yesterday-'"
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"'Oh my fucking god, why is Gensokyo so stale?! Can't they mix things up a bit? Chireiden's about to host their fighting tournament on Lady Satori's planning, and the kashas are helping out, so-'"
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abysslll · 11 months
maybe i should make my ringtone atsushi screaming while yosano uses her chainsaw on him
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venusphacelia · 2 years
@voicelesshatred who gave Two an awkward hug.
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The grip was sudden and somewhat rougher than she expected. Going from preparing food one second to being pulled into a ... hug? It was short and the man patted her barely clothed back twice before putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing her away.
Her eye wide she stared at him and his seeming scowl for a moment only for him to walk off. She blinks at the sudden absence and the odd fluttering in her heart.
And in the silence of the tent she stood in when he left she finally speaks.
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"Y... You're welcome?"
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