#shws very cute
mooncalf87 · 3 months
When the pookie sent you a tiktok proposal video and said "us" and she had you saved in her phone as
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And here discord bio keeps going on about how she has a crush
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spitinsideme · 6 months
Your Ragatha is GORGEOUS and your pomni is so cute<3 all the gay distress faces pomni makes in response to ragatha give me life. Thank you so so very much
!!! im glad you like it i do my best for ragatba she desrrves only the best shes so stunninf and beaitiful and ugghh i want her ... AND YES POMNI IS JUST A CUTIE PIE YOU GET ME ? SHWS KJST A SILLY GAY GIRL IM HAPPY OT GIVES YOU LIFR 💪
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okay so I had the idea of Nightbee in a murder drones au
Bumblebee is a young Worker drone, youngest son of the colony leaders. He's well-liked among the colony, but he's always longed to go out to the wastes of Copper-9 to see what's out there. His mother and father, Elita and Optimus, refuse. He's far too young to properly fight off Murder Drones. So one day he sneaks out.
Nightbird is named Designation NB, and while she technically doesn't have a squad she stays with Megatron and Shockwave, aka Designations MGA and SHW. She's very reliable, though she also really wants to know more about Worker Drones. How do they live? Do they have family units too? And how did the humans here live?
Bumblebee ends up bumping into her as she's rummaging around an old store checking out the skeletons and stuff. They fight for a bit, until Bee whacks her with a pipe or something on the ground and she pauses and is like "wait these guys can fight back?" So she sits down and basically asks him to tell her all about Worker Drones and how they live because she thinks he's "special."
I don’t really know or like murder drones but this I can absolutely get behind and invested in that’s cute
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sweetfirebird · 6 months
A Christmas Gift for the Silver Fox
SHW Drew on Patreon gave EXTREMELY generously to a food and housing org and for a prompt said, "in case you have a snippet about "Charlie & Will ten years on" floating around that you're longing for an excuse to write about...."
Sidenote but it is really weird to consider that Will and Charlie ten years on is… more or less now.
Content tags: Covid mention, background family stress. The lightest of BDSM mentions. References to both the book Play It Again, Charlie and some of the commentfic that is floating around the internets somewhere. Passing body image and aging issues. Financial issues. Some alcohol.
This is it for the charity prompt fills this year. Thank you to everyone for being so generous and awesome. <3
A Christmas Gift for the Silver Fox
Will shoved yet another roll of wrapping paper to the side and peered underneath it for a list he was nearly almost hundred percent certain that he’d actually made and used today while shopping and now needed to consult and possibly revise.
“How many bows did you think you’d use?” he asked himself irritably under his breath, setting aside a bag of those he’d bought today. He’d add to the bin of them that he’d gotten years ago in an attempt to make gift wrapping easier. He was going to be like all the homemaking influencers and have a wrapping station, or so he’d thought at the time. He didn’t have a station. He had the temporary use of the kitchen table and space in one of the closets. And there was no point in setting aside wrapping supplies to save time and money if every year he saw some new cute wrapping paper patterns and brought them home.
A tape dispenser clattered to the floor, startling Natalie Wood, who skittered away from Will’s feet and went back to circling the food bowls.
“Sorry, Natty.” Will meant it, but he muttered that too, bending over to snatch up the tape and then resuming his exhausted search for the Christmas list. Beside the rolls of paper and the bin of bows and ribbon were some of the gifts for various Howard cousins and niblings and siblings and siblings-in-law that he’d purchased today. He needed to make sure he had what he wanted to get, and then see what else was still left, and he wanted to do it while shopping was fresh in his mind.
Then he had to wrap them all, tonight, if he could. It would make the following weeks slightly easier. Tomorrow, he’d agreed—months ago, without thinking—to pick up Alicia and take her to the city for some comics event at a shop, which meant getting up early and lots of waiting in line… and probably seeing something she liked and getting it for her for Christmas as sneakily as he could.
If it was expensive, he’d have to use the joint card, which he frowned thinking about. All his life, he’d thought he would enjoy being like Lorelei Lee and spending someone else’s money but it turned out that when it was a reminder of his failures, he didn’t care for it.
Not failures, he immediately repeated in his head, glancing guiltily across the kitchen. It wasn’t failure to finally settle down and get a chair in an actual salon, only to end up having to go back to traveling to work for private clients because of Covid. He wasn’t the only one it had fucked over and it had nothing to do with him succeeding or failing and he was lucky, very lucky, to be okay, both health-wise and financially. He knew that, like he knew that Charlie didn’t mind Will spending his money.
Charlie would, in fact, get cranky if Will called it that and not their money. And would not like Will calling himself a failure either, for having to rebuild his savings and his career this late in the game.
Charlie would be harder on himself than he would ever be on Will, and that included spankings. Then he’d say something about how he worried less about Will knowing that their finances were linked, or say that’s what he thought marriage meant, sharing highs and lows, and if his family had money, and Will was his family, then shouldn’t Will use it?
But Will couldn’t think about that now or he’d lose focus. He was going to complete the list, handle everything like he’d said he would, and then he wouldn’t feel weird about it and everyone would have a nice Christmas. So that. He had to summon the energy and just do it. Wrap presents. Finish the list, if he could. Get ready for bed. Get up to taxi Alicia around and listen to her talk about girls and boys with wonder and a little envy he hadn’t realized he’d ever have toward young people, but there it was anyway. Bring her back here to wait for her mom to pick her up. Get ready for a holiday party which Charlie was iffy on attending for various reasons, but if they didn’t go to that, then probably spend the evening on the phone or online dealing with the rest of the shopping, or wrapping anything he failed to wrap tonight.
Meanwhile, the tree in their living room had lights on it but no decorations, there were several school recitals and one dance performance they were supposed to go see in the next few days, as well as a few more parties—including the one for Charlie’s work which was officially-unofficially mandatory, and Will needed to do a few hair consults before a late December wedding.
Not that long ago, Will’s Decembers had mostly been a small bit of Christmas shopping, first just for his sister and few friends, then for Charlie too. Then Charlie’s sisters, then everyone, even though Charlie kept insisting they could do joint gifts or that he could handle it. Of course Charlie could handle it; he’d been handling it for years before he ever met Will—and frankly for most of the years afterward. That was the point. Will was going to help him, the big, charming dope. If Charlie could insist that marriage meant sharing everything, then it meant sharing everything… even if Will was so tired.
His one Christmas tradition, born out of retail jobs with long December hours and having no family but his sister, was to find whatever channel was playing his favorite Christmas black-and-white classics, and watch them while enjoying a glass or two of champs.
Now, of course, too much champagne was out of the question because of his acid reflux and he had no time to watch anything.
He sighed for the memory of peace and quiet and Barbara Stanwyck, and also his twenties and the ability to eat and drink whatever he wanted, then dropped his head down onto his hands on the table to glare at the reindeer on the roll of wrapping paper closest to him.
In the kitchen, connected to the dining room of the larger apartment they’d happened to have moved into right before lockdown, Charlie was loading the dishwasher, pausing to handwash a few things as well and to check the time on whatever was in the oven.
Charlie had worked all day and probably fielded calls from his family and still had emails to answer or papers to grade, but he’d made dinner anyway. It was for the best; Will couldn’t cook even if he tried. And he’d been busy anyway, out shopping for the family.
Their family, Charlie would say. Like their money. And that Will shouldn’t still think he needed to be perfect and do everything for them—the big hypocrite—and how honestly, he’d been going to get the teens gift cards and Will should do the same.
He was probably right. That’s what teenage Will would have wanted from older relatives instead of bath sets or Christmas socks.
Actually, a nice bath set would be good, for him and for Charlie. He should write that down.
Where the fuck was that list anyway? He had a whole Charlie??? section that needed to be added to. He’d snuck a peek at Charlie’s To Be Read list for some book titles, and considered some fancy cookware that Charlie would probably just buy for himself if Will didn’t. Maybe Will should get Charlie a gift card too, or do one of those TikTok-esque shopping sprees in a Barnes & Noble.
Which would still be spending Charlie’s money, really. Their money, but really Charlie’s. Will was still saving up what he’d lost in the past few years, so using his own would mean Charlie wouldn’t be able to get many books—shockingly expensive things, history books.
Charlie wouldn’t care if Will spent his—their money—or spent his own and got him a cheap bath set, that was the worst part. He was always stupidly surprised to get any meaningful presents, so the amount wouldn’t matter. But Will cared. He wanted to get Charlie something he valued in with all the other stuff.
Nat returned to circle his feet, her soft meows mixed with the quiet thumping that meant Hulking had joined her. Hulking, adopted in Sam’s memory, was a stray who’d had a leg amputated and only entered the kitchen and dining area with its smoother, harder for him to navigate, floors when he was starving. Or cat-starving, anyway.
Alicia had named him. Will got up to feed them and then washed wet food off his hands before dragging himself back over the table to continue his work. He heard the momentary silence that meant Charlie had stopped, probably to watch Will go by, and belatedly looked over once he was no longer on his feet.
“God damn it, Charlie,” Will exclaimed softly without meaning to.
His nearly fifty-year-old hot piece of a husband was in sweatpants, socks, and a soft sleep shirt with the sleeves rolled up to keep them out of the dishwater. He was wearing an apron, the one that said “Silver Fox” which Will had gotten him two birthdays ago, because he was. He had more silver in his hair than dark brown, which was bad enough, but he was actually fitter than he had been because once he’d finally gotten his hip surgery, he’d been ordered to work out to help keep his balance and his strength up and he took that seriously.
He took everything seriously. 
He was currently handwashing Will’s reusable water bottle, the one with the sticker of the French poster for Bringing Up Baby on it—L’impossible Monsieur Bébé—because he was obsessed with keeping bacteria out of it and because tomorrow morning when Will was running around, he was going to want that bottle with him. It was just like Charlie to do this to Will when Will was tired, grumpy, and frustrated.
Charlie looked over, then opened his mouth.
“Don’t.” Will cut him off before he could ask if Will had eaten.
Charlie didn’t look hurt, not exactly, but did take a second before he turned around again, because he was. And now Will was a dick… who yes, had not eaten.
“You should have let me make dinner,” he said anyway. “Or I could have brought some home.” Though even McDonalds would have strained Will’s budget these days, and probably also make him sick. Anyway, Charlie would have thought it wasn’t healthy, which it wasn’t, and made Will take vitamins or something.
Which should have made Will feel like a child but he of course was trained in the ways of Charlie and loved it.
Charlie left the water bottle to dry on a towel by the sink and then said in a mild voice, “I’m going to make some tea. Would you like some?”
There was a lot of hidden worry beneath that careful offer. Will gave up looking for the list in his mess of presents and paper and slumped down in his seat to watch Charlie be competent. “Why do you like me so much?” he wondered quietly, not whining but close.
They both startled at the same time as the words sank in. “No, nope,” Will denied it all immediately. “Never mind. That was exhaustion talking. Don’t worry about it.”
Charlie put down the kettle he’d only just filled. He walked over to the fridge, reached on top of it for a red tin that Will didn’t remember seeing before, then brought it over to the table. He sat down with a loud, old-man noise of relief to be off his feet, then popped the lid on the tin and held it out for Will to look inside.
“Fudge?” Will guessed excitedly, already taking a piece.
Charlie nodded. “And chocolate rum balls. Teddy, the new office guy, apparently de-stresses with baking and confectionary, and goes overboard for Christmas. As people tend to do.”
He gave Will a look. Will gave him a look back.
“That remark feels pointed,” Will finally said, only a little bit snippy because fudge. “I have to get gifts for your family.”
“Which I told you, you didn’t have to do.” Charlie was noticeably not eating any of the candy.  
Will took a rum ball and handed it to Charlie before taking one for himself. “I want them to be happy. I want you to be happy…. Fuck. These are incredibly good. Do we need to get him something in return?”
Charlie hummed a little around a sinful bite of chocolate and rum. “A bottle of wine should do it. I’ll take something from the house if I have no time to go to the store. All that red you can’t drink anymore just sitting there.”
“Stupid aging,” Will sighed it. “Stupid acid reflux. Years of champagne and terrible meals catching up with me.”
“Pretty sure some of it is also genetic.” Charlie shook the tin to urge Will to take more. “You didn’t eat this afternoon.” He was not guessing. “Just seasonal lattes and whatever you had for lunch?”
“The seasonal latte was my lunch,” Will grumbled. “Skim milk even. We can’t all age like you.”
Charlie put the tin to the side and folded his hands in front of him. The Silver Fox on his apron taunting Will. “What can I do to help you?”
“Charlie,” Will whined at him, his irritation forgotten, “you have enough to do.”
“I’d rather see you enjoying yourself.” Charlie accepted the whining but did arch an eyebrow. “You usually do, this time of year.” There was a hint of a question there.
Will floundered a little. “I’m just… going through some stuff, and it’s the worst time of year to do that. Taking stock before Christmas is dumb. It’s nothing. I’ll get over it.”
Charlie took a rum ball all on his own, so Will went for more fudge. “You know,” Charlie began slowly, after savoring his chocolate, “you don’t have to get me anything.” He ignored Will’s gasp of outrage that Will made very dramatic even though he had just had this thought about Charlie moments before. “Truly.” He looked Will in the eye with a serious, dark stare that would have made lesser men whimper. “I’m happy as I am.”  
“You’re dreadful,” Will returned immediately, but didn’t give Charlie a chance to be hurt. “Just absolutely… I ought to make you something handmade, and heartfelt, and ugly, and force you to display it in the house…. Except you would.” He really would. He did it for his sisters and niblings all the time. Will sighed, perhaps also dramatically. “I’m just tired. And hungry—shush, you—and poor—and I know what you’re going to say and shush for that too. Then you go and wash my water bottle for me. I want to do something like that for you.” Will gestured at the air, then reached for more chocolate. “But also bigger and grander because you should have that. You can deny it all you like, but you supported me for two years. Maybe it’s natural for you but I still want to just… fuck, make things easier for you, at minimum. Then get you something really nice.”
A gorgeous frown of confusion came and went on Charlie’s face. “What would you like to do for me?” He was almost tentative, which he really shouldn’t be.
“If I knew that, I’d do it,” Will answered, huffy. He leaned forward a second later. “You know what? I’d like to let you rest. To not have you picking up after me and taking care of me—” the alarm on Charlie’s face was touching— “just for the one day,” Will assured him. “A few hours, even. To not be a mess or stressed, and… all that. But it’s December so… the month of stress.”
Charlie took another rum ball. This conversation had puzzled him or he wouldn’t be reaching for the booze in candy form. He ate it silently, frowning into space at first and then at the reindeer-pattern wrapping paper before looking up again.
“Wrinkles,” Will gently reminded him out of habit.
Charlie gave a nod, not of agreement. More decisive. “What are you doing tonight? Wrapping?” He waved over the table.  
“I have to if I want this all out of the way before the last things arrive… and still have some to ship off, and tomorrow I’m out most of the day and…” Will groaned.
“Or.” Charlie stopped Will’s moaning with a word. “Or… we make Alicia help tomorrow. Wrapping presents for the family is a grownup activity. It will make her feel more adult but also, having big Christmases like this takes work and everyone needs to learn how to contribute sooner or later. And then you give me your list, and we just do gift cards for the teens like I suggested… and maybe a few of the adults. And they can be understanding—they will be understanding,” Charlie added, in that voice that said he meant it and the family would listen. “And how about… tonight, we eat dinner and then do nothing?”
Shocking. Scandalous. Outrageous.
Will sat straight up. “I will probably fall asleep if I do that.” But he wanted.
The softest smile of relief crossed Charlie’s face. “That’s all right with me. You know that.”
“A night on the couch with the half-done Christmas tree and maybe a movie before we’re snoring?” Will was so middle-aged adjacent because that sounded amazing.
“Could you give me that, Will? As your present?” Charlie was so delicate and fine. “You haven’t watched your December movies yet either.”
Of course he’d noticed.
“Charlie.” It was probably the lack of food or the chocolate and sugar but if Will had known what he was in for, he would have dropped that flowerpot to get Charlie’s attention sooner. “It took me years to find these movies on DVD and now once I own them, they’re streaming everywhere? So rude,” he complained instead of saying any of that. “Bell, Book, and Candle could be considered a Christmas movie and I’ve been debating adding it to my usual watch. It begins and ends with Christmas anyway.” He had rambled about that for years now and Charlie had definitely heard it before and was probably very bored. But he regarded Will with that soft look lingering in his eyes. “You know this isn’t going to count, right?” Will surrendered. Will always surrendered to Charlie and was happy to do it. “I still want you to have nice things to open the morning of.”
The oven timer beeped. Charlie sighed and pushed himself up, leaving Will unattended with the chocolate because of course Charlie wouldn’t mind if Will had a million love handles as long as Will was okay and content.
Dreadful, for him to be like that. Will would do whatever he wanted, but all he wanted was this. A quiet night with Will.
Tired or not, Will leapt out his chair, startling poor Hulking as he rushed over to grab Charlie and hold him tight.
The oven beeped again.
“Fuck off,” Will said into the Silver Fox.  
Charlie exhaled the smallest laugh and gently disengaged from Will’s hold to go to the oven and take out whatever he’d put in there—sweet potatoes and chicken or something—and then, after taking his oven mitts off, came right back to Will.
That was much nicer. A much better end to the day than Will had been anticipating. Except maybe it could get a tiny bit nicer. He peeked up. “Need me to do anything else, Charlie, sir?”
“Ah.” Charlie sighed it—very pleased, Will could tell, because he used the voice when he spoke next. “Get out plates and silverware and whatever you want to drink with dinner. Make enough room on the table for that, but you don’t need to clean off the whole thing. Eat real food, and then you have as many rum balls as you like… that won’t affect you tomorrow morning.” Will didn’t think he could get drunk off candy but nodded anyway because he enjoyed being good for Charlie when he wasn’t being bad for Charlie. Charlie wiped something, probably chocolate, from Will’s mouth. “I bought more Tums today when I went to pick up my prescription, including a small travel-sized one for your workbag, since December is the month of tempting foods.”
Will considered that he ought to complain, again, and wonder how he was ever going to show love the way Charlie did, but did his best anyway. “Is that all, sir?”
Charlie hummed thoughtfully, petting Will’s mouth now, with no agenda except that he liked to do it. “There is something you’re supposed to say when you feel like this, isn’t there.”
He was not asking.
“Oh.” Will was vaguely embarrassed to have forgotten, but he was tired and hungry, and had stressed himself out for weeks now. He inched up, silently asking for a kiss but also to let Charlie gaze at him in that serious Charlie way while Will said what he should have said from the start. “Charlie loves me, and that’s all that matters.”
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iqmmir · 7 months
yeah jekskdjjss i dont know how to explain it to be honest 😭😭 anyways. sanrio fact numero dos did uu know that cinnamoroll has older sister . . . SHES SO CUTE I LOVEHER anywaysher name poron and shes pink and :3333 oh shes also a like ? time traveler iirc . . . and she rides a unicorn . . . i like the cinnamoroll-verse very much <- knows more abt its charas than any other sanrio-verse
Waiiit whats the difference ??? Are they not part ofbthe same universe ??? I thought hello kitby and cinnam.oroll had tea parties … also woaghh pink and she rides a unicorn !!!! Shws so cool
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fictofaggot · 2 years
gamzee gamzee gamzee. n feferi or eridan :3
AHH YEAHHH ok sits down Right here.
Gamzee Makara
Sexuality/Gender Headcanon: unlabeled any pronouns and this thing is so confused about his gender something genderqueer and not binary . arospec
A ship I have with said character: erigam. . . thinks about that one paradox space comic. my friend made a google doc about them and converted me to erigam fan ithink everyone should be an erigam fan
A BROTP I have with said character: i like when he's friends with tavros... i think he should have mkre friends and everyone should stop being the absolute worst to him ever
A NOTP I have with said character: equigam tbh. gamtav but in the way the fandom does it. ummmmmmmmmm... you know
A random headcanon: i.... honestly do not know
General opinion over said character: he makes me so so upset bro. he is so upsetting... the horrible writing of his character the fact that his sobriety and addiction were treated the way they were the fact that his classpect doomed him to turn out the way he did the fact that he is treated so awfully by everyone in comic and fandom wise. he means the world to me and i want her to be happy and safe and sober forever and ever
Feferi Peixes
Sexuality/Gender Headcanon: Trans girl
A ship I have with said character: i have always had a soft spot for fefnep... i like her<>eridan but not in the way that i "ship" it i think their relationship in canon is fascinating in a not-good way
A BROTP I have with said character: shw and sollux are funny i think i can't remember how they were in comic but i think he woukd show her how to pirate movies with pirating websites and she'd be like Wowww you're on t)-(e dark web! and he'd be like ii'm liiterally on 2he fiir2t page of google (don't yell at me icant remember their quirks)
A NOTP I have with said character: idk...
A random headcanon: idk²
General opinion over said character: she's cute but kind of Boring To Me... she is cool she means well but she kind of sucks and it frustrates me but she's cute and fun and i generally like her :3
Eridan Ampora
Sexuality/Gender Headcanon: something something transfem something something nonbinary something something... aroacespec
A ship I have with said character: erigam agaib... sorry for being autistic
A BROTP I have with said character: i like when he and vriska are fucked up anr evil together with the ummm flarp thing and ithink they're so cool together . in likr a hateful confused way
A NOTP I have with said character: erisol😭 I LIKE THEM WHEN THEHRE IN A VERY SPECIFCI WAY!!!!!!not romance...erisol sprite is one of my favorite beasts though
A random headcanon: age regressor i guess? i think he woukd like the girl who circumnavigated fairyland series
General opinion over said character: he makes me soooo upset also... fuckinr fuck...fuck... why do yoh SUCK why are you awful. i know why she is and that is part of why he upsets me so much. she is so so so sad and tragic to me and i like her a lot
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crystal-meloetta12 · 10 months
hello, I would love to see your yokai watch ocs 💖
Ok so Ive been putting this one off a little bit for a multitude of reasons, most of which are some variant of "god Im so cringe", but I absolutely will ramble about them now that Ive been asked. This will be going under a read more because I go through 5 breakdowns and again am very cringe. I will also be showing each OC through a Picrew because trust me when I say my art is absolutely god awful, but all of them will be sourced.
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(Source: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1787745)
Ok, so she's basically the main protagonist of my little sector of hell. Her main watch model is the same as Katie's, but she does get upgrades overtime. Overall, she presents herself as a pretty stereotypical nice girl to those she talks to, and also shows a genuine interest in wanting to use her watch and skills to help those around her. Outside of yokai activities, she really enjoys all that she deems to be "cute", like Next HarMEOWny and clothing. She tends to be the most sympathetic of the party, opting to want to help yokai through words and actions as opposed to fighting them.
While a lot of her interests are genuine, some of her mannerisms are put on for those around her. She was very isolated for a lot of her childhood between consistently working parents and just not really being included in social circles, so a lot of her stereotypical cutesy vibes are just as much the only way she knows how to gain attention as much as they are for her own enjoyment. Because of this, she has a really bad tendency to become dependant on her relationships to the yokai around her, thinking that it's her only worth as a person and resultinf in an almost hero complex. So much so she often has a Pepillion on hand for when smiles are much harder to force.
(I KIND of want to add some neurodivergencies onto her, but I want to make sure I understand what Im talkkng about as well as I pretend I do before I actually go through with it)
Despite that, her primary go-to yokai is a Frostina she bonds with early on. She also usually has a Ratelle on hand for fashion-based things.
Her relationships with people are overall really chill, as she's generally nice to people. She is more open with the other watch users and her own friend group, allowing herself to be a bit more silly and goofy around them. The main stand out as of right now is I like to think Kyubi tried to flirt with her at one point as part of his "quest for hearts", and ended up learning what a lesbian is that day.
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(Source: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/186583)
Hana's somewhat inspired off of the whole "robot from the future" line of yokai, and is actually a robot herself who was designed to help humans and yokai get along better. While designed to look like a human child, her whole body basically serves as a yokai watch, with her eyes basically acting as lenses that can pinpoint yokai. Because of this, she most often takes on the "navigator" role in more combat based scenarios, basically acting as the player in game. She was pretty much sent to current time as soon as it was confirmed shw was functional, so she has no real memories or way to travel to the time she came from.
Hana's the most carefree and childlike member of the cast, knowing a lot of things logistically but still experiencing them for the first time. Sometimes her curiosity and wonder can actually lead to trouble, but can usually be pulled out of it by others if not herself. She's actually probably the most emotionally well rounded of all of them tbh, mostly just having the occasional "Im not human" crisis and some trauma I'll get to later.
In terms of her yokai team, she mainly gets access to Don-chan who shares in her sometimes endless seeming energy, as well as Komajiro (not for any major reason, I just say so). She also has a Bruff in her team, mainly to act as a somewhat older brother figure who can ward off trouble if needed.
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(Source: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/3595)
This girl is definitely the most subject to change, mostly because I made her core concepts back when I only played up to Yokai Watch 2 and was unaware I'd be submitting myself to Nightmare Lore! She's honestly recieved a ton of edits up to this point as well, my main strategy being "fuck it we ball" every time new lore presents itself to me. The current hurdle I have to pass for peak Blorbo Writing is Forever Friends, which I will watch after the Ensemble Stars interest dies down a little bit and I can actually continue Shadowside.
All that being said, as of writing this post, Mariah is a half human half yokai experiment facilitated by Ancient Enma to further push the "yokai human get along" thing until his ideals eventually shifted. Thus, she is treated as a member of the Enma family even if not related by blood. She is incredibly powerful with a high aptitude for yokai skills, althlough nowhere neae as strong as the man of all time himself. In terms of scaling, she probably is in between Zazel and Enma, though there is a sizable gap between all three of them. Because she was meant to be human, though, overexertion is a serious issie. She can only exert so much power without collapsing without other external circumstances. But with power like that doesn't just come responsibility, but pressure.
In the main group, she's the more collected one of the three, reeling in Catherine and Hana when they get more out of hand. Although, this is not to say that she doesnt get into antics of her own. Given her half yokai status, she doesn't really have much need for a watch, though she isn't above summoming Venoct for a fight. Shw does havw a slightly more human disguise, though it mainly changes her hair and eyes to be black.
Mariah and Enma get along really well, and share a sibling sort of bond. They tend to conversw over food, and she occasionally joins in for the "Enma's Holiday" manga shenanigans. She does end up in major conflicts of interest with Zazel on occasion, thus causing them to butt heads now and then, but they also genuinely care for eachother's well being.
Also I might rename her to be just Mari idk lol
Peg + some Shadowside discussion
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(Source: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1403004)
(I know, I know, Im gonna rename her eventually. It was an i side joke that isnt rlly funny anymore tbh)
... okay so is now a good time to mention Catherine fucking dies-
I don't really have the specifics planned out, but I do want her to eventually fall to some greater threat. She is remembered lovingly, albeit not much of the front-less her survived. Enough for her to be out of the way by the time the watch is banished. I am admittedly breaking ome of the rules of Shadowside, that being she is very much remembered by everyone.
Anyways, enter Peg, a shut in living in 2040 who ends up coming across the Arcane. Like Catherine, Peg lived most of her life in isolation from overworking parents and hitting bad luxk in social circles, only she copes through using her alone-ness as a shield, going out of her way to avoid letting people in. For most of her life, this has been fine, as she's able to excell in all sorts of random things completely on her own. Yokai, however, are one of the few things you can't go through alone. She actually has the most trouble out of the cast trying to get things done with them, as her abrasive nature ends up pissing off the yokai she tries to talk to if anything. And while Hana and Mariah are clearly traumatized by what happened and trying to work through it, everything Peg learns about Catherine builds a really bad imposter syndrome, and another person's shadow so big it feels impossible to crawl out.
She does get along with Hana the best, who still retains a lot of her wonder in the world, which opens up Peg's eyes somewhat in turn. Where she and Mariah sometimes feel more like work partners, Hana could be much more considered a friend. Im not really familiar enough with the Shadowside yokao to give her a proper team (as I only have the anime to go off of), but if we are ripping canon rules apart further, I think she'd largely have a Wydeawake amd a B3-NK1. I also want to give Hana something kinda similar to the Yokai Watch Ogre but idk Im indecisive lol
I've also been considering the possibility of Cath wandering around as a yokai, but the ideas I've had are more "trauma demon" than anything.
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(Source: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/41329)
Okay so a lot of her core development has also been largely put on hold in a hellscape of "Crystal needs to watch Forever Friends but hrrng no motivation", but she is alive during tne time period that would take place, which according to the wiki is also when Nathaniel woild havw been a kid. She comes from a largely traditional family who doesn't give her much agency, and often sneaks out at night to do the things she'd really like. She's generally kind and open to the world, but doesn't have a single clue who she is as a person or what she wants to do in life.
I'd LIKE for her to be friends with a significantly younger Mariah (who has weird aging bc yokai growth stuff), but I don't know how possible that is because Enma Bullshit. Her party largely consists of classic yokai, a standout being a Smogling she befriends early on. She has the marble component of the yokai watch zero built into a necklace.
And that's just about everyone's basic introductions! Ive had these characters anywhere from "about a year" to "many, many years", but this is really the first time Ive openly discussed them, so I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to ask any questions about them if you'd like, and thank you again!
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Thrift Your Heart Out | Drew Starkey
Summary: You literally walk right into a cute costumer at the thrift store you work at.
Note: These two pictures is what I think Drew would find and try on while thrift shopping...And since I work at a thrift shop, I guess you could say I wrote this for myself... Sorry not sorry. I hope you love it! 👍 Feedback is appreciated, especially since I've never really written for Drew before.
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Working in the back of a thrift is all fun and games until one of the cashiers skips through the 'employees only' door and uses a sing along voice to state that she just saw a group of people come in and how they're all to attractive for their own good.
"Y/N, there's a boy that is just your type."
You chuckle as you keep on looking through the clothes on the rack that's infront of your pricing system. "Don't you know? The only men that pay any attention to me here is old creepy men."
Your co-workers sighs and grabs your wrist to pull you towards the door.
The door smacks right into someone. You lose count as to how many times you say, "I'm sorry" and after you glance over to glare at your co-worker to glare at her for just standing beside you, you finally look at the people you hit.
Of course, with your luck, it just has to happen to be a very attractive guy.
As your co-worker mutters that she has to go back to work and walks past him, she turns around to mouth, "told you" and point at the guy that's now standing in front of you with a small smile on his face.
"It's fine, really. I should've looked where I was going."
How polite he is and his voice makes him even more attractive to you.
"Still, I- I'm sorry."
Yup. You're going be thinking about how you're keep embarrassing yourself for a very long time.
Before he can say anything else, a group of people in the corner of your catches his attention. A blond with a light mustache whistles when the guy in front of you holds up a finger as to say 'one second' and you feel the heat in your cheeks.
"I should be the one that's sorry, Y/N. I'm keeping you from your work."
Your eyes widen. "How do you know my name?"
He chuckles and looks at your chest, and you notice his face turning a shade darker as he points towards your nametag.
You let out a shaky laugh. "Right."
"I'm Drew."
As you nod, you slowly start walking backwards to walk through the door. "Well, uh, I don't have to say my name cause you know...so I hope you find everything you're looking for and have a nice day."
Since there's a window in the door, he gives you a thumbs up before he walks away.
You jump when one of your managers clears his throat as he stands at the top of the staircase. "That was embarrassing to watch on the security cameras. After your lunch, you need to cover upfront for fitting rooms and the showcase."
Not trusting your voice, you give him a thumbs up. Luckily he doesn't bring up how you smile like a idiot at the small gesture for thinking about Attractive Drew.
Your smile is fake when you have to use your fake costumer voice to tell the same person for the second time that the limit in the fitting room is six items per turn.
As you grab a hanger, you make sure to make it seem like the flipping off with your middle finger isn't on purpose.
You turn around when you feel someone tapping you on your shoulder.
"Fitting room three is up and we ask for you to please only bring si-" Your breath gets caught you in the throat when you make eye contact with Attractive Drew.
"Hello again. I was actually wondering if you had this in a different color or a different size?" He raises up the blue flannel he's holding.
You have to take a big breath in and out. "This is a thrift store. What's on the sales floor, it's second hand and one of kind so-"
His laughter makes you stop and he smiles when he says, "I was kidding."
"Wow, you're a great actor."
He starts laughing again but harder this time and rolls his head back. "Thanks, that actually means a lot."
The costumer slams the dressing room door open and yells, "none of these are fitting me!"
You hear him saying, "I'm gonna say sorry for her." Under his breath as he pats you on your back. Instead of your rolling your eyes like you normally do when someone tries on something that is clearly isn't their size, you smile as you walk up to her to help with the zipper.
As soon as a costumer walks away from the showcase for wanting to see the most expensive items and not buying anything, Drew turns away from the jewelry wall with a pair of yellow tinted sunglasses on.
"What do you think?" He asks. You give a thumbs up, which earns you a smirk and that makes you a little weak in the knees.
"Do you have Netflix?"
"Are you asking me to Netflix and Chill?"
"What? No! I mean- what?" You smirk when he has to shake himself before he tries talking again. "No, I was just wondering if you've heard about a newer show called Outer Banks? It just came out a couple of months ago."
"No, I was rewatching my favorite shows or catching up on them during quarantine." You swing your arms around, "And now I'm too busy."
"You should start watching it soon. Like tonight, right when you clock out." He grins widely as he learns over the counter to grab the notepad and pen from you. "I think you'll like it. Text me what you think?"
"Sure." You say confuse.
He gives you another thumbs up after he slides back the paper and walks away to rejoin his friends. His phone number is written and instead of his name, he wrote 'Rafe' with a smiley face.
Later that night, soon after pressing play to start watching Outer Banks, you send 'Attractive Drew 👍" a lot of texts messages all at once.
Lilah and Madelyn both stop showing each other what they decided to buy from the thrift shop when they hear Drew's phone blowing up.
Rudy picks it up and grins ear to ear, "bet you it's the cute employee he was keep leaving us to talk to."
Drew comes running out of the hotels bathroom when he hears 'employee' and fights Rudy to give him his phone. "I need to know what she said!"
Madelyn shoves her way between the two boys to grab the phone and hands it over to a nervous looking Drew.
He swears he has never unlocked his phone fast enough.
Unknown number:
"The" "
"That's why you acted like that when I said you're a good acting"
"And you know what, Rafe? First impression isn't good."
Drew texts you back:
"I would've said, "hi my name is Drew Starkey and I'm from the New hottest netflix TV show Outer Banks" but I couldn't since you kept on saying sorry for hurting me"
Cute Y/N 👍
Attractive Drew 👍
"Until you watch the entire show and tell me I'm your favorite character"
"And I'm the hottest one"
Cute Y/N 👍
"I think my type is now blonds..."
Attractive Drew 👍
"Keep on blowing up my phone and talking to me while you watch it"
"And afterwards"
"That would be cool too"
Cute Y/N 👍
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leglessjoekeery · 2 years
Okay so it's the third of March 2022 and I have decided to live post whatever it's called supernatural because I hate myself.
I am currently on season 2 episode 1 and I'm 26 minutes in so 💀
is he gonna burn his blood
I think he just burned his blood
Oh shit he's a dude not a dude
'suicidally reckless' perfectly describes all the winchesters tf do you mean
I'm so sorry but I head that "don't cha" and immediately my brain went "DONT CHA WISH YOUR GF WAS HOT LIKE ME" I'm so sorry
I'm Canadian btw 💅
Omg a deal with devil John you sussy baka
Crying at Sam rn
I really don't like this reaper
She sounds kinda nice tho I think I might just HAHHAHAHA IM NOT INTO PRUDE CHICKS WHY DID I FIND THAT SO FUNNY HA
Can you tell I have adhd yet
Girl I have seen so many spoilers for this show I know he isn't gonna die. At least forever.
WHY WAS THE "that's just facts 🤞💅🤪" SO FUNNY???
Girl you can't stop Dean Winchester stop fooling yourself
John r u sure this isn't a trick
Omg it's that guy who's kids Dean killed
John please have a better plan than this I beg
What do you want sir
Why does she sound sad and should I use they them or she her bc its a reaper like what pronouns do reapers use THE LIGHTS??? WHAT OMG WHAT WHAT THE SHIT BISCUIT OMG SHW HAS YELLOW EYES WHAT THE
Omg he's doing good again
Did John just call his child dude. Bro.
John "specific" Winchester
Bro is he a dude again or what
Omg Dean Winchester lore??
Dean must be thinking "girl stop acting sus af 😒"
What is he whispering WHAT IS HE WHISPERING
Why are they crying omg what
I thought he was gonna off himself for a hot sec omg
That poor coffee 😕
Bro John pls
Ah shit bitch dick NO HE DIED IN THE AM
Okay next episode time woohoo 🤪🤪
Bro I love clowns they're delightful
Except for that one he's sus
Omg where'd he go
That kid looked like lily from modern family for a sec
Why is he outside her window 🤨 very sus
Girl stop lying this is why yo daddy dead. Dead as hell. What shoes he got on. What shoes he got on in that mummy looking ass cacoon.
Omg he's re building the car❗❗ let's gooo
Bro you were just in a coma and then ur dad died stop it listen to sam
Ellen as in Ellen Ellen? Like the show host??
Is that man dead
Ooh she got moves
In love with these badasses
Omg Ellen she's so much better than I thought she was gonna be
Lmao they can't ask him he's deaaaad
No, ma'am he's real dead. He's not doin good.
Yes, who is ash
Omg I love him too
Omg he's a smart bimbo
HE WAS STRUCK BY LIGHNING??? he's so cool.
Gender envy.
How old is this kid
Dean that is literally perfectly describing you
bro I almost forgot that Dean is afraid of flying LMAO
Omg is Sam a dude
"ur not like urself" omg where have I heard that before
That child is a MOOD
nvm we're breaching into non-mood territory
So true kids dad 🙏 so true 🙏
Oh shit no what no he's in the house in the dad's bedroom aw hell nah
Those are NOT the clowns ur looking for my duded
Bro can I be a smart bimbo
Dean no what stop hate criming people
He does look just like his daddy.. sus 🤨
I hate those mirrors
Omg is this gonna b like Phil dunphy. Is HE gonna be the clown 😧
Yo is that James Potter?? (Iykyk)
"your blind man hearing is outta control" 💀
Is Dean supposed to be the one giving me gender envy bc he's not. It's Sam. He just has so much GENDER
You are a white man outside of a black family's house PUT THAT GUN AWAY
She looks so happy 😕
John and Ellen??? NO, DEAN. NO.
"I stg the next person I see who asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches. These are your issues. Quit dumping them on me" 😧
Anyways the supernatural grind never stops 💪💪
They sleep on a bed of dead insects? 😰
Oh no he has a gun
Bro what just happened I'm so confused
Omg is Mr clown man nakey 👀
Does Jo have a crush on Sam or Dean I can't tell
Dean pls dust ur car
IF YOU GO BACK TO TO oh shit he broke the windows omg he's breaking his car he's having a mental breakdown no stop what
Dear Winchester brothers,
Hug each other.
Anyways I gotta go to bed now 🙄 I'll continue tomorrow during school ig 😒
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Don't you just love when you're trying to cheer yourself up with a happy song, only for your mind do come up with a very depressing idea and make you more depressed than you were previously?
Yeah fuck sarcasm, i fucking despise that
Anywho, have a story that i wrote as a vent
You smile as you see her gorgeous face, adoring her beautiful eyes, her loving smile, and the cute blush she has, as she brings you to what seems to be a festival in a forest. Things are rather perfect, you think, she is rather perfect.
Your Love. Your Sanity. Your Joy. She looks, and is as beautiful as the first time you saw her, and you cant help but smile wider in happiness at being so lucky to be with such a perfect person as her.
As you follow her, you cant help but want to try to kiss her... Yet, you cant. You are confused on why you cant give her such easy affection, but you just... Cannot. Its like your body is not responding to that command, so to speak. The truth of not being able to kiss your girlfriend vastly sours your mood, your smile fading as you continue following her, as she holds your hand as to make sure you dont get lost, in the forest or in your own mind.
She notices your expression as you reach your destination, gently cupping her cheek as she gently turns your head to look at her. She looked calm, but worried. She gently rubbed your cheek as she hummed, a small grin briefly appearing on your face, before dissapating back into a sad frown. You want to kiss her at that moment, but you still just... Cant. Its madness... Madness...?
You begin to be somewhat confused when you notice her looking behind her, waving to what appeared to be a group of people. They sound familiar, you think to yourself, as you hear them converse among one another, about what, you cant seem to understand. Though it matters not as shw turns back to you with a happy, albeit still somewhat worried, smile.
Your eyes widen in suprise as it turned out the group were all your loved ones, family and friends, old and new! A small shard of a smile reappears on your face from the honest shock, as she hops away for a moment, seemingly getting the others to quiet down, before she signals to you to come over. Everone, her included, begin to sing a joyful, cheery song to you.
"Smile, darn ya, Smile!", they sing to you, as your love shows you a greatly bright smile, which you cant help but smile back at. Tears begin to appear in your eyes as your focus grows on her, as she steps closer to her, fully happy as you are.
"Smile, darn ya, Smile~! For there is nothing that you cannot overcome! Smile, darn ya, Smile! And where the clouds appear, you soon will find the sun~!", your love serenades you, tears of pure joy falling down your face as you try to hug her... Yet unable to do so, just like when you wanted to kiss her, you just couldnt.
She hugs you instead, seeming extremely happy to be with you, and you were extremely happy to be with her, in this small party that seemed to be all about you. Your love looked up and softly giggled, looking back at you before nodding upwards. Another suprise, fireworks mayby? You waste no time finding out as you look upwards only to see--
A loud buzzing of lamps fills your ears as youre blinded by the light, beginning to be confused - where were you, where did your beloved dissapear to, why... were you curled up into a ball in the corner of the room?
It quickly dawned upon you when you saw the television on the opposite corner of the room, on the ceiling, playing what seemed to be a cartoon, with your beloved in it, the song continuing still as it begins echoing in your mind. Your realisation only deepened still, and despite what the song told you, you were unable to smile as tears began falling down your face.
It was never real to begin with. You were still in your cell in this asylum, doomed to be forgotten and treated like an inhuman thing, and the only solace and salvation in your pathetic existance you could find was in the cartoon that played on repeat in your cell's television.
Your arms were tied due to the straight jacket, but if you could have, you would take off your shoe and throw it at the damn tv... yet, you cant. Its the only sanity you have left, your only salvation from this cold, dead, pathetic excuse for a life you have.
You weep, curling more into yourself, your mind unable to comprehend reality. Everything was a delusion made by your own broken mind, as to attempt to satisfy your need for companionship and affection that you were denied all your life.
You feel weak and numb as you stare off into the white pillow-walls of your cell, a soft melody playing as your eyes carefully wander to the television. You see her there, sharing treats with 'you', as she smiles at you, genuinely, and full of love.
You subcontiously decide that you have had enough of reality, and as you continue to watch, you find yourself feeling calmer as you fully focus on it, the previous revelation slowly being forgotten again.
You sink yourself back into your delusion, as you find yourself on a lovely date with your beloved. She smiles at you, genuinely and full of love, as you find yourself smiling back. You hum a soft melody that you remember from a party you were with her on once, wishing you could embrace and kiss her, as she does just that.
You find yourself being truly happy, again.
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sillyseasame · 3 years
TODOMOMO WEEK 2021 DAY 3: AU (Yes, I missed Day 2, because Tumblr kept deleting it😡😡😡) (CONTEXT:I’ve had this Actors! AU for a while, so basically most of the kids are children of famous actors and mucsisians, and have been in this business since they were kids. A majority of them know each other, but that’s a story for another day.They sort of…..live in a giant production studio?With a guardian, but their parents aren’t there. They are 10 years old in this fic. Kira is an OC of mine, she’s unimportant. Please just enjoy the fic, I’ve been working on this AU for months but I’m still working out the details. ) Yaoyorozu has known Todoroki since they were 5. Along with Midoriya, Uraraka, Kira, Bakugo, Jirou, Kanimari, Mina and Kiri. Theyve known each oher as long as shw can remember, and are really close friends. Tonight, Yaorozu and Todoroki were sitting in the living room, with a large bowl of popcorn, various snacks, sodas, pillows, and most importantly, tissues. Every once in a while, the kids would find a show they like and watch it together. This particular one was something only Todoroki and she enjoyed: A Series of Unfortunate Events. “Okay,” Todoroki said, suddenly snapping Mom out of her thoughts.”We have everything we need?” “Yep. Food is taken care of, we have our emotional support pillows,” she says, holding up 2 comfy pillows, “and Midoriya and Uraraka are going to keep the Bakusquad occupied. Let’s get started!” “We’re sure Bakugo’s not going to trick the others into destroying my room or something like that?” He relied with a smile “Todoroki, you attekpted to murder Kaminari when he spille a bowl of cold soba. They wouldn’t, now sit down, Olivia’s training with Jacqes to find the Quagmires.” They continued watching Season 2, talking about the events of the show. After a while of eating, laughing, and crying (so much crying), they got increasingly tired, until both kids slowly nodded off to sleep. BONUS: “How did Kanimari even get his head stuck in the railing?,” A very exhausted Midoriya asked his companion. “Well,” Uraraka replied, “At least everyones asleep. Even those 2.” She said this while gesturing towards a sleeping Yaoyorozu leaning into Todoroki. “Well, it seems that they had fun. I think we should head up to bed too- Uraraka, what are you doing?” “Let me at least take a bag of candy in peace,ok” “But if you wake them? Uraraka-san!” “I’ll be careful-” “Ahem” The 2 kids freeze and turn to face a very annoyed Todoroki. “Please quiet down, Yaoyorozu and I are trying to sleep.” Uraraka rolled her eyes and smiled, picking up a bag of candy. “All right. All right, we’ll leave you alone. Come on Deku-kun.” They both quietly walked up to their rooms, smiling. “They’re cute, aren’t they.” “Good night, Deku-kun. You’re starting to sound like Mina.” He giggled. “That’s true. Good night.”
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positivibee1997 · 4 years
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Hi ho To the dungeons we go Can you hear the caves Calling out our names Another day another battle One more escapade One more job to do today - "To the Dungeons" by CG5 ft. NateWantsToBattle
Ever since I saw Corviknight and Wooloo I knew I wanted these Pokemon as soon as I got the game! However, since I don't have a Switch yet I can't play the game yet (You have NO IDEA how hard it's been for me to avoid spoilers) so they're outside my grasp for now. >< But that didn't stop me from looking up pictures of these two because they're so gosh darn cute together! Like a princess and her guardian knight! Eventually I decided to draw Wooloo and a Corviknight together and make them an exploration team in the PMD world; discovering new places, rescuing Pokemon in need, and fighting off bad guys! Meet Shiva the Wooloo and Teacher the Corviknight. Shiva is a Wooloo with an enormous amount of courage for a Wooloo. Teacher is a seasoned explorer who doesn't shw his emotions very well, but Shiva can read him like an open book. The two are, as Teacher's name indicates, teacher and student so there will be no romance between the two. I don't have a team name for these two yet, but I'm open to suggestions.
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SHw: *cooing at V*
V: oh you love kisses, don't you~? *carries Seohwan back to the lounge* Taehyung! We'll meet you in the lounge room!
TH: Oh but he's so cute~ not like stealable level cute, but because he's loved he's more valuable! I made him a little bracelet to keep the fae away.
Nj: well damn, Seoji not being stealable cute hurts my heart a little bit *just kidding* but your right, he's really loved and cherished so I think that bracelet will come in very handy~
SHy: ah! *points at Seokjin*
SJ: Well hello there, Hyunie~ did you have fun meating new people?
YG: He sure did~
Sk: and now he's getting warm cuddles with me~ *winks*
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ultchaebugi · 7 years
sunset; shw
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genre: angst, fluff pairing: shownu x reader word count: 1436 warnings: mentions of depression and suicide a/n: reposted from my old acc cchngkyuns
One. You begin to count. The wind is blowing calmly and in it caresses the most sensitive parts of your skin in a way only the mother nature could. She sings a melody that could only be heard by those who are enjoying the fresh air, exposing their skin to the cold afternoon. It calms your senses, makes the stress go away. It eases your thoughts. You’re in a calm state. Two. You open your eyes. You’re meet with the cold welcome of the void, your brain abruptly noticing that your feet are touching the frozen and raspy ground. Your breath hises. Your vision shakes. You’re scared. Two and a half. A tear runs through your cheek. The cold breeze that was a welcoming whisper turned into sharp words in a matter of seconds- but you’re going to do this. You’re determined to do this. Three… Your mind projects your most hidden memories. The ones you didn’t want to remember, the ones that caused your body heat to drop. But does it matter? You stare at the ground that looks –and is, in fact– so distant. You shut your eyes tightly; you take a deep breath, –trying to hide the fact that the sharp cold air isn’t making the sittuation any better– and take a step forward.
Your life doesn’t make sense anymore– not since your life colors left. Not since the warm afternoons became cold, lonely ones. Not since the nostalgic feeling of the summer vibes became a distant, almost invisible memory long lost in the darkest corners of your mind. Not since listening to certain songs that brought childhood memories back in the day made you wanna cry, and certainly, not necessarily in your worst moments, made you wanna go back in time and prevent your parents from giving birth to you.
You really don’t know when it happened, when the orange color of your sunsets became a… color. Not a cute color, not a color you’d like to take pictures of or make it your lockscreen– it became… orange. Just that.  A plain, simple color that was one in a million. Without a meaning, without nostalgic feelings attached to it, without anything. Just a plain, simple, boring color.
But, could you blame the simplest of things? No. You couldn’t. It’s just an example of everything that’s happening in your life; like the sunset, your morning coffee lost it warmness. Not its physical heat, but its deep meaning. Its positivity. Its capability to make you positive and give you strength – more than the actual coffee did to your organism, in biological terms– it lost it. And there are plenty of examples, but let’s just say you lost your capability to feel. The capability of giving a meaning to the simplest things; you lost your capability of giving lifeto your survival experience. Because you were doing just that at this point, surviving. You ate to prevent yourself from starving, you stood hydrated to prevent yourself from dehydrate and so on.
So, what was the meaning of life anymore? Nothing. You decide to take a step forward and end things quickly, without pain, without thinking too much. You decide to make the ultimate choice before your brain could make you even more anxious.
“Y/N?” You easily get startled by the voice that came from behind –almost like the wind– but still, you decide not to look back. You’ve read multiple times in the internet that moments after death you could hear the voice you missed the most; in this case, the man who left you behind 2 months ago.
You relax your muscles, ready to take the final step, but you feel a presence getting closer. “Y/N… You don’t have to do this. Please.”
Okay, this got really weird, you think. Just because you were curious and maybe just like a reflex you turn back to see if there was someone –even though you doubt there was someone that actually cared for you– and for your surprise, you see the man you wanted to see the most with his hand stretched, in a faint attempt to make you come closer to his body.
I thought I wasn’t getting hallucinations… You say, bitterly. The body in front of you don’t find it funny, and neither do you, honestly.
“Everything has a solution, this is not the way to go out.”
Oh boy, have you heard this multiple times. People who tell you this most of the times don’t even care; they just want their thoughts clean, they want to wash their hands of any guilt, but then quickly forget about your existence and well being once you’re safe, even if you’re mentally already dead. And he’s not different, is he?
“Your favourite group will come soon, don’t you wanna see them live? Isn’t that what you’ve told me?”
You laugh bitterly at his statement, at his poor attempt to make you change your mind with something like that, but you find it cute to say the least.
“Yeah…” you admit, before staring again at the void.
“Please. This is not going anywhere… It just passes the pain to someone else. Don’t do this… I can help you get through this. Just give me the chance.”
“And then you’re going to leave me, just like everyone does.” You don’t want his pity. You don’t want no one else’s. “You just want me to live because you want your mind all clean, but you don’t really care about me. You care about you. So you do you and I’ll do me.
“Y/N, that’s not true,” he almost yells. He’s at the verge of tears, something you wouldn’t expect from someone like Hyunwoo, but at this point you guess, it’s something predictable.
“I care about you… I just was insecure and wasn’t sure I could make you happy” he says, sincerely. His heart ached from the very first second he was apart from you, but you never knew. You always thought he was happy that way and let it be– but he certainly expected a call from you insulting him, or maybe a knock on his door in the middle of the night– that made him apologize at that exact moment without making him look out of context. He didn’t know when to start and it took him a long time. He didn’t believe in destiny nor casualities, but having him talking to you just before you jumped after he decided to go visit you, made him rethink his beliefs.
“Don’t play the insecure card on me, I had enough of that bulshit.” You state, even though you quickly feel guilty because you know that your decision it’s not his fault, in fact, you don’t see It as something completely depressive– you’re just bored of living. It’s not a big deal to you, because you’re not aware of the people who love you and are, in fact, very worried for you– even if they don’t seem like it.
“I’m not playing any cards… I’m telling the truth,” he makes a pause and you stare at him expectantly, and he goes on. “The boys are worried for you. Hoseok cried watching the movie we always watch together and talked about how the main character reminds him of you,” you smile, a faint memory making echo in your mind for the first time in a long period. “And Minhyuk wanted to have deep conversations but Changkyun is working too much. I heard him mumbling that if you were there, that wouldn’t be happening,” the tears start to spill at the thoughts of them crying and blaming themselves over your decision. “Sometimes it’s tough… but you have to keep walking even if it hurts,” he makes a pause, collecting his thoughts. He tries not to cry as he goes on, “you can hold my hand… it’s okay to hang onto someone else whilst you go through this, because everyone needs a push. Just like you gave me the strength to continue when I met you.” Without noticing it, the cold air hits your back as he gets closer and you turn around slowly, your warm body meeting his embrace. He holds you close, keeping you away from danger. “I’m with you, okay? Always.”
And those words make you smile. Those words make you hold him tightly, shutting your eyes close as you hope for better days to come. To new chances for him, for being the new reason of your happiness as you start walking again.
And suddendly, as you open your eyes, the sunset takes a warm and nostalgic orange color…
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jaynestarry · 5 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: *Rare color*Chanel Mini square 18S pink purse. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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justanonbinarywitch · 7 years
Sorry About Last Night
I was making some not so good decisions and said decisions resulted in me reblogging stuff with captions like “itsa cup tree”, “thats lot ofg pinecornes”, “ITSA TINHY FORST”, “Ohksay but shw;s realky cute”, and “IS LiTTLe PLaNtS. iN jaRS.” I apologize for those that had to experience my very much not sober reblogs. Love you <3
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