#shoutout to my friend gus who enables this
tapewires · 20 days
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More human Kabbu. Leif is there too ig
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sepublic · 4 years
So between Lost in Language and First Day it seems that Amity developed a crush on Luz. I wonder where in Adventures in the Elements made Amity go ❤️😍 and realize her potential feelings for Luz?
Well, there’s this other post (shoutout to @the-goat-carnival for greatly informing/inspiring this analysis) speculating that Grom was when Amity first figured out her true feelings on Luz, that her uncertainty over the invitation was partly over her trying to decide if her affection towards Luz was romantic, or just more intensely platonic than any of her previous friends (and Luz doesn’t really have much competition besides Willow)… Amity is asking herself, DOES she romantically love Luz?
Or is Luz just a better, closer friend than she’s ever had before, even moreso than Willow… And that’s about it, because Willow was her only decent friend she’s ever had? And it’s been SO long since Amity had a real friend, so maybe she’s just on the emotional high of this, and it isn’t actual romantic love!
The way I see it, I think Amity was mostly just excited at the idea of someone who was genuinely interested in who she was, really, in Adventures in the Elements… And so her mind was more fixated on the concept of proving herself as a worthwhile friend to Luz, of not butchering things up like she did with Willow, and also discerning if Luz really WAS genuine and could be trusted!
Then Luz proved herself, and onto The First Day, and Amity doesn’t know why she’s so flustered at the idea of Luz being at school with her… Because a part of her is still wondering what this girl sees in her, and I don’t think the possibility of romantic affection necessarily entered her mind yet? It’s just that Luz, up until then, had always been shattering Amity’s pre-conceptions of the world and all of the abuse and toxic mentalities that her parents had worked painstakingly to establish…
Luz makes Amity question things, not just her relationships with others but her own beliefs in herself, her ideas of strength and hierarchy, etc.! Luz makes Amity feel confused, so being around her can sometimes be stressful, not necessarily in a BAD way…? Sometimes Amity doesn’t just want to think about it, Luz is someone who changes things up and is unusual and predictable, and she likely prefers order, consistency, and predictable schedules that she can anticipate…
Especially if she’s autistic, Amity would find Luz enjoyable, but also exhausting! Sometimes she just needs a break from social interactions with someone you want to impress, I can relate. Luz is challenging for Amity in certain ways that, while productive, she just doesn’t have the energy for and thus it can be uncomfortable.
…But then Luz saves her from the Greater Basilisk, a creature that took on Principal Bump and other teachers, as well as other schools and THEIR faculty… Amity was Grudgby Captain, she knows that the kids alone can be brutal opponents and that’s WITH sports regulations, what about the actual teachers operating in a life-or-death situation with others’ lives at stake? And Luz BEAT the Greater Basilisk, with the help of the Detention Kids… And while it wasn’t deliberately shown, Amity was right there when Luz changed Principal Bump’s mind on multi-track learning!
So, Luz is already impressing Amity with how adept she is, how charismatic… How she can do things that seemingly nobody else can do, it’s inspiring and it makes Amity feel inspired to change herself even more, and Luz has already done so beforehand! Not to mention the idea of Luz being Amity’s fantasy novels of a mysterious outsider/cryptid from another world who comes in and changes the status quo…
And then you’ve got Understanding Willow. Amity initially burns the memory, not only for the ‘reputation’, but also because I think she was genuinely scared of what Luz would think of her, and of losing her! But then we have Luz not only doing everything for Willow, but for AMITY’s sake as well, being patient with her, even forgiving Amity’s mistake when as far as Amity knows, the only other people who would do such a thing are her siblings!
Luz is giving Amity so many chances, she seems really happy and eager to be around her… She’s inspiring to the girl and makes Amity feel like she can be a better person and WANT to be, like she’s worth something! Nobody’s ever made Amity feel this way before! Amity was basically ‘clingy’ to Luz in an emotional and physical sense, and Luz didn’t even bat an eye at it; At times she even initiated contact, wanted it, and continued it until Amity herself ended it out of awkwardness!
Throughout that episode, Amity no doubt expected Luz to leave her behind at any moment. That with each revelation and mistake that Luz showed tolerance for and accepted, there was always going to be another, bigger one, waiting to happen, one that would finally cross the line and be too much for the girl… An incident that would finally convince Luz to abandon Amity! To Amity, part of the reason she burned Willow’s mind was likely because she feared what Luz would have to say once she learned the truth…
So when Luz hears the truth, AND what Amity did now by setting the photos on fire? She’s still critical, but Luz is also 100% willing to listen, help Amity fix her mistakes, and even forgive! Luz is someone who genuinely loves Amity for who she is, while forgiving any mistakes she makes, and not enabling nor allowing Amity to do bad things like Boscha and the others would; She brings out the BEST in Amity, she doesn’t just make Amity feel good, she makes Amity a better person in general!
That’s where Boscha lowkey failed, Amity didn’t just want someone who made her happy and supported her, but a friend that made sure Amity didn’t become a terrible person; And Amity LOATHES being awful to others! Amity doesn’t just want to be validated, she also wants to feel like she isn’t hurting people anymore, so having someone who both helps her fix past mistakes, but prevents Amity from causing more harm in the future…?
Amity can trust Luz and her judgment, trust Luz to make sure she doesn’t become a bad person! That was something Amity was afraid of, and critical of herself because she felt she was actively becoming more and more terrible, and thus more and more resigned to her ‘fate’, who she ‘really’ was… So to see Luz actually provide an opportunity away from this ‘destiny’, to actively imply that even without Luz, Amity was fully capable of doing this on her own, that Amity is still her own person and worthwhile without someone else to compensate for any lacking goodness?
Luz’s open-mindedness towards Amity is ALIEN to her, and keep in mind, she’s never had an actual big crush on someone beforehand, which… that only makes it all the more confusing to Amity, as she questions; IS she in love, or is she just very affectionate and appreciative of Luz? Besides, even if it wasn’t romantic love… If there was anyone in Amity’s life she WOULD choose to fall in love with, it’d obviously be Luz because she’s the person who’s shown the most consistent, unconditional, love and support for who Amity, and has made her feel more valued and genuinely worthwhile than anyone else!
So to Amity, who is inexperienced with love and warm feelings in general? Even if it wasn’t romantic love, her unrivaled affection for Luz may as well be, and then there’s the question of if Luz really WOULD like her back? And then comes Grom, and how patient Luz is with her, vouching to be her fearless champion… That brilliant dance, Luz offering for Amity while trying not to get between her and what Luz assumes to be somebody else she’s crushing on…
And that night ends with Amity yearning as she realizes- Uh oh, I’m gay for Luz! I’m in lesbians with her, I am an official Luzbian! What will my parents say, how will others react?! And now that I’m so head-over-heels for Luz, it’s just going to make the potential pain of rejection unprecendentedly agonizing…! And Amity isn’t quite ready to invest that much feeling, that much trust with her heart, into somebody else she’s only known for a few weeks…!
But her brain can’t control her heart. Grometheus taught Amity that she loves Luz more than she fears anyone else, and while emotions can be illogical and not prioritize properly… She still feels this way, and it’s why Amity’s such a gay mess during Wing it like Witches!
So if I had to say… I’d say Amity TRULY realized her crush on Luz after Grom, and it’s why she’s so flustered around Luz ever since… Maybe she realized right in that moment when Luz pulls her in for the photo with Willow and Gus, after Grom’s defeat! Look at those lovestruck eyes and those blushing, cherry-tomato cheeks…
But as for when Amity specifically felt romantic affection for Luz, regardless of when her mind realized it? I can’t say, and honestly… I don’t think there was one particular turning point. No event nor incident that just made Amity’s mind click. I think it was a gradual, steady process that slowly transformed from platonic affection to romantic love, that there is no single inciting incident that Amity can blame and try to ignore for her love; That it was just an inevitable byproduct of any and all interactions with Luz, period! Obviously I feel Understanding Willow did the most in progressing that love, but in the end…
…Amity was arguably hooked the moment Luz showed unconditional compassion and care for her. That once Luz offered that willingness to hear her out, once Luz went out of her way just once to make sure Amity was okay and prioritized her feelings… It was too late, and the two of them were on an inevitable roll towards sappy Sapphic love! Just getting to know one another was all it took, the rest is history… It was going to happen no matter what, so long as Luz and Amity got to be kind towards one another!
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F The Economic climate!
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