#shoutout 2021 me you were on some shit
datura-tea · 5 months
holy shit this year marks 10 years of this blog and moz!! i can't remember the exact date i started posting here - my archive says i have one post from november 2013 but let's disregard that - but i do remember it was around late 2014/early 2015 :)
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^ one of the very first moz art pieces i ever drew, for fallout week 2015!!
memories and art through the years under a read more bc it got long
2014 → baby's first rpg!! i started playing fnv on my cousin's jailbroken xbox late 2013 and finished mid 2014 and i loved every minute of it. i remember waking up at 8am and playing almost nonstop until 2am the next day haha!
i didn't play moz on my first playthrough - but i did start creating a character that would eventually become her: a shorthaired ex-boxer who punched her way through obstacles when diplomacy failed. i remember she spent a lot of time with boone. i liked him then, because he saved my ass more times than i can count. but i digress. this is draft 1 moz essentially
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2015 → this is the year that i was doing my thesis so i could graduate but i was so depressed and stressed about it that i distracted myself by replaying fnv on pc, where i played through the dlcs for the first time. i fell in love with the dlcs' oversarching story; particularly ulysses, who i became obssessed with, especially since i couldn't find any content of him at the time. in the game, i played as moz; i had most of her personality and choices down, but her backstory was still up in the air.
fun fact: this was an existing sideblog that i remade to be a fallout blog so i could look for ulysses content, and when i couldn't find any, i made some myself, featuring moz as my main courier six. originally, i didn't ship them, but eventually i ended the year as a courier/ulysses otp shipper.
this was the year i started drawing digitally - my uncle let me borrow a drawing tablet and i used an old copy of photoshop i pirated hehe
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2016 → i graduated this year!! and promptly fell deeper into my depression. this was the year that it got so bad that i had to be medicated. through it all, this blog and moz and ulysses and my fandom friends were with me. and for that i am truly grateful :) this was the year i figured out how to lock transparent pixels so that i could color my lineart lol
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2017 → i started hammering out moz's backstory this year i think. there's a lot of sketches of her and her family in my files. i experimented with shading and backgrounds here but that experimentation was pretty short-lived
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2018 → i started using references seriously!!!! i did a lot of oc on oc kissing this year, featuring mostly moz and many friend ocs haha
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2019 → didn't draw much this year. actually this year was a blur and i can't remember much from it except from it being the year of my terrible no good bad copywriting jobs... anyway i did manage to continue my courier/ulysses brainrot and make this piece, which i'm still proud of
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2020 → pandemic time. i spent a lot of time asleep at home and i think this was also the year i started doing commissions?? shoutout to anyone who has ever commissioned me - thank you so much, i truly appreciate it!!
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2021 → i switched from my old-ass pirated photoshop to clip studio paint and never looked back. also i did a bunch of commissions for my grandmother's surgery, which failed, and i distracted myself from the sadness by drawing my ocs over and over and playing disco elysium
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2022 → by this year, i've got moz down pat and have started vaguely developing other ocs instead. but she's still always at the back of my mind
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2023 → i bought new brushes from true grit texture supply and immediately found new favorites that i started using for everything. i tentatively started incorporating background elements in some pieces!
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2024 → while it's still too early to say where this year will lead me art-wise, i will say that i started experimenting in realistic paint studio (which i bought in 2021, the same time as clip studio paint) a few days ago and i'm liking the results so far. we'll see!
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all in all, these last 10 years have been quite a ride, but i'm glad i stuck around and i'm glad you guys stuck around too!! much much love 💖💖💖
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the-ark-awaits · 8 months
make a post about the nuclear powerplant thing!
so. theres this place in virgina, its the north anna nuclear generating station, right? it was a 4.5 star rating with 54 reviews.
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pretty cool! i love nuclear power! this station powers something like half the homes in the state or some shit. pretty poggers! now the intersting bit. again, it has 54 reviews! thats kinda a lot, especially for, yknow. a power plant. as expected, most of them are just star ratings, no text, standard, then you get the text ones, some pretty standard like this one
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and this
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oh people genuinely leaving good reviews and people leaving silly ones. but then, if you look, you see this
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whats so special about november 15 2021? so, while my digging hasnt been able to reveal the actual source of this, the earliest mention of this is the screenshot above though i cant get a specific date on the review bc of how google works. the other two earliest mentions, besides other reviews, are an ifunny meme
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and a reddit meme on r/oddlyspecific
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at this point you get a bunch of reviews like these that seem to be people gladly joining in on the joke
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now obviously, the reactor did not melt down. i assume part of this is spurred by fears set into motion because of the plant shutting down for a period of time in 2011 after a 5.8 (i think) magnitude earthquake sparkes an 'unusual event' which is the lowest rating an event can have in the us for nuclear powerplants. it basically means something happened but nothing harmful, from what it seems, all the safety stuff worked as intended! the other thing that may have spurred it on is that in 2021 the plant was like, almost 50 years ago. the average lifespan for a nuclear powerplant is 40-60 years, so people were and are a little antsy that it has yet to be shut down. the plant, however, from all the stuff i read, has been licensed to stay active until its around 80 barring any incidents! now a small event did happen around that timeframe, but it was of course, not a meltdown of any kind, and it happened on novmeber 10th. if youre curious, link here so at this point this seems to just be people being #sillay in the reviews for fun. some just toss in november 15th as if it get it keyworked in the commonly mentioned feature, which is curious. im sure it has something to do with this strange joke about a meltdown occurring. all these reviews are kinda the same so im skipping one, but shoutout to the review that tosses in the the icecream machine worked. love the mcdonalds shade. so then we get a new interesting one,
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bro is out here writing powerplant urban legends on his own in the google reviews. so of course, other people join in
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which is kinda cool! anyways this was buckwild to me and only me, and i found this while googling virginia nuclear powerplants at work bc i was bored. daniel, please come pick up your girlfriend, she doesnt have money for an uber. anyways thats the end of the nuclear powerplant lore, thanks for reading. NOTE: PLEASE DO NOT REVIEW SPAM THIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT THANK YOU
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frobinfandays · 1 year
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The voting is over!
A huge thank you for everyone who 1) sent in suggestions for the themes and also for 2) voting. A total of 34 votes!!
Another special thank you to everyone who answered why they ship FRobin! It's always good to remember why we all love this ship so much!
Another shoutout to @pokeharvest for creating the graphics!
Keep your eyes open for the themes!
Why do you ship FRobin?
"your existence is not a sin" and he won my and Robin's heart 🤌
it started in december 2021 as a joke with my bf who wanted zoro to be with robin and when I saw that scene in Water 7/Enies Lobby of them on the sea train I was like "honey I tell you Robin would choose to fuck that guy over zoro any day" and then we both noticed how much chemistry they both actually had. At some point we were both looking at each other and the tv back and forth being like "did you fucking see that" and I literally squaked when the CBT scene happened. So yeah I started shipping them to annoy my bf and I got really hooked by them because of their chemistry, the way they are pretty much opposites personality-wise but share a pretty specific experience to bond deeply, the way Franky reminds Robin of Saul with his words and actions and how that makes her reflect on her life and think of him as a treasure, how they both relate to the other strawhats as their parents, how they know each other so well they can basically predict what the other one is going to say, how he's always close to her and they're both the first ones to protect each other, how even the animators in TOEI ship them so much that they add in little scenes to make situations a bit more romantic (also! knowing that Oda did personally add things in the anime that were not in the manga because he didn't have time or because he forgot makes me wonder how much of those anime frobin scenes were just TOEI animators being silly and goofy or Oda being like "yeah I do kinda like a little romance"), and the way they feel so, so real. I just love them so much -I'm pretty obsessed ngl- and it is a ship that brings me so much joy. also I love frobin because they're basically canon but not technically so yeah I can actually win silly debates online and feel like the best of the worst type of people online lol
Because they are super!
They understand each other on a level no one else does and Franky didn't hesitate to say that she deserves to live during the sea train arc
They are perfect
It's more of a causal thing. I love the content that other creators make of this ship, some of is so cute and soft that how can you NOT like it? Plus Nico Robin deserves to have good things in her life.
Honestly I just love them. I fell out of love with One Piece but they keep me coming back. They're wholesome and good and bonkers and amazing. Overall completely underappreciated!
I love the smart goofball and smart goth dynamic. She's always tired of his shit, but is always amused. He's madly in love and in awe of her brilliance. I also like the idea that they could be romantic, platonic, or kinky.
I just think they are so very in love and nothing could convince me otherwise
I ship frobin because of their dynamic during enies, thriller bark , and they are just cute overall love the idea of them as a couple.
Me encantan como pareja 😍
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bittertomato · 5 months
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A lil late but happy new year!
Characters under the cut, plus some fun facts
Tomato's faves for each month of 2023
January: Diana Cavendish (Little With Academia)
February: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
March: True Rider — Hippolyta (Fate/Strange Fake)
April: Psyche Callista (Your Throne)
May: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
June: Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
July: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
August: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
September: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
October: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
November: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
December: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Brainrot of the Year 2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
Hall of Fame (aka brainrots of years past)
2023: Morgan (Fate/Grand Order)
2022: Tsuruhime Yachiyo (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2021: Tsuruhime Yachiyo and Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2020: Yumeoji Shiori (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2019: Tendou Maya (Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight: ReLive)
2017 & 2018: Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia)
2016: Carmilla Karnstein (Carmilla the Webseries), Elsa (Frozen), Tohsaka Rin (Fate/stay night), and Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun)
2015: Carmilla Karnstein + Laura Hollis aka Hollstein (Carmilla the Webseries) aka my gay awakening
2014: Elsa (Frozen)
2012 & 2013: Higurashi Kagome (Inuyasha), Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach), Mouri Ran (Detective Conan), and Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2011: Chiba Mamoru (Sailor Moon)
2009 & 2010: Kuchiki Rukia (Bleach)
Pre-2009: Who knows? My memory sure doesn't!
And I promised fun facts, so...
The early days...
The reason I can date my first fave to Rukia in 2009 is because that was when I made a Fanfiction.net account and posted my first fanfic. Don't read it I was young and foolish.
Bleach, Inuyasha, and Sailor Moon were my first animes. The first two I definitely watched on Adult Swim back when I still watched cable.
I used to be pretty skilled at self defense and even have a first degree black belt. One of the reasons why Ran from Detective Conan really left an impression on me.
There's a few unnamed faves that I also had from more obscure anime that were from so long ago that I can't pinpoint the exact years. A special shoutout to Asuka from Ask Dr. Rin! This show is in no way affiliated with Tohsaka Rin lol.
And yes, I do have male faves besides Mamoru! I love Hak and his constipated repressed feelings for Yona (Akatsuki no Yona) and my in-game name in FGO is inspired by Kurogane (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles). And for whatever reason, Fred is my favorite from Scooby Doo.
Honestly, I have to give Elsa some credit. I think she started the trend of my faves being "blonde/light haired "regal" rich/well off BAMF ladies who seem cold and distant on the surface but are actually dorks over-burdened and forced to grow up too fast, with a dash (or a ton) of family angst dumped on them." I mean, do you see any of my past faves being blonde? xD
The college days...
I was in denial about being queer and swore I was straight until I somehow found Carmilla the Webseries (I don't even know how) during the summer of 2015 and had a multi-step process of acceptance that went something like "Oh the actress for Laura Hollis is hot. Oh the actress for Carmilla is cute, pretty, and a huge dork. Oh everyone is pretty attractive. Wait mostly just the girls. Wait is that why I don't give a shit about men?"
Little Witch Academia is not only the first series where I published fanfic on AO3, but it's also the series that got me to write AND finish longer stories. So congrats, Diana! I really wanted to angst you :D It's also the fandom where I found my closer Discord friends. Love y'all, mwah.
I think Revue Starlight might be the series that squeezed the most faves out of me. It holds a special place in my heart for numerous reasons, but the main one might be the collab fic I worked on with Quill, who is now my partner 😊So thanks, ReLive even if your gacha game is somehow even worse than FGO.
That said, the series I seem to always go back to seem to be the To aru and Fate franchises. Maybe it's because they're still ongoing.
Those two are also the reason I started messaging Quill back in the day, so they hold an extra special place in my heart. Even with all their flaws.
And then Lostbelt 6 hit FGO and blew everything out of the water. I rave about Morgan a lot but that chapter of the game truly had a stellar cast. Nasu wanted us to remember that he can cook lol.
Where is my Lostbelt 6 anime, Aniplex?
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tim-hoe-wan · 1 year
I followed you from the beginning after getting a shoutout from Jessie and you've mentioned way before about having hungout with Matty. What's he really like in person? Because I cannot imagine he is anywhere as likeable in private as he is in public. I really liked Phoebe and Haim, so the fact they have zero issues with him and Phoebe even going super friendly really disturbs me.
If I remember correctly, I hung out with him at least twice. In 2017 and 2021 because we were in a common friend's party. He's 10x more insufferable in person. Imagine someone super self-absorbed and thinks he's the next great philosopher. I'm serious once we're out in the chill after party where people get more serious, he really thinks he's the next great intellectual when all he says is some libertarian level white boy "woke" bs. Worst is that one sec he goes equal rights and bashes the tories , then says something super racist for no exact reason. It's like talking to someone who literally thinks they can't be racist cause they signed some movement supporting minority groups. Back in 2017, he was super outright racist to a Korean friend and when my friend started warning him, Matty played the you don't understand, I wasn't being racist because whatever weak ass privileged excuse.
On a lesser scale, he is super insufferable plainly cause of how pretentious and bitter he is. Whenever people mention fellow Brits who are way more successful, especially in the US, he is just so bitter. This is especially true with Harry and Ed. With Ed he's never gonna let go chatting how Ed sold his artistry and only cares about numbers etc. With Harry, it's all the way from saying he's not a true artist to proclaiming one day Harry's golden boy persona is gonna reveal he's secretly evil or some shit. He's the personification of a fragile male ego and it's pathetic.
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
1, 2, 6, 8, 12, and 22!
im doing urs first. just for fun
my god holy moly this got so long readmore time
1. Show your most recent wip
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pspspspps [waves the prospect of ship art in front of you] if you do artfight i'll draw concordia ex machina next
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
FIVE? i don't draw that much!!! hold on i'll go browse
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In no particular order! Veylin's bust painting is my fav ive done of any of those, i'm still rlly proud of nohope and planhz's sprites, i reaaaaaally love how i did the color and overlays on that abby headshot, and the dogy is an artfight attack from last year that is everything i love about my older lineless art style!!!
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
Alright buckle up folks this is a longer one
So I'm gonna answer this in two parts basically. The first part is artists that inspired me to start drawing what I like, especially fantrolls-- so a lot of my friends really!! Wanting to be in this community is what made me start actually doing art as something I was passionate about!!!!! The second part is actually twitter artists that inspired me to actually renovate my art style, try new things, and actually grow as an artist in ways that I really just never did here before.
I know I'm gonna forget a lot of people but the ones that come to mind right away for people who had an Impact on me back in the day are !!U!! gabriel 8bit-mau5, newt indig0trolls, my friend max who's no longer in the community, my friend lumiet who doesn't even do fantrolls but is really cool, and god a lot of old blogs whos muns are just gone now..................... wistful sigh :(
BUUUUUT as for artists who made me want to actually grow again in my. Wait hold on
[sets out a sign that says CRINGE WARNING -- I LIKED DSMP IN LATE 2020-EARLY TO MID 2021]
Okay now that that's out of the way! Some of the artists who made me actually want to learn and change and GROW again are giraffeleggos, mielzy_png, and WolfyTheWitch on twt :3 Mielzy especially is an art streamer who has a huge focus on being introspective and taking criticism and wanting to grow and always be improving in a direction they want. Hella cool to see someone be like, never satisfied in a "i love art and drawing so i want to grow and do it as well as i can as a respect for the craft" type of way. I don't think any of these guys except for Wolfy are actually into dsmp anymore but when I got into their content they were all dsmp fanartists so.
Okay this is really long actually so I'll quit there. Wait no actually here's a list of a handful of folks whose art inspires me to keep learning nowadays (also mostly all my friends)-- nero ramgodd, roe roetrolls, dami ask-the-troll-boys, greg lordtonic, and an extra special shoutout to chase sasster for making me want to write again. I just wanna do the cool art stuff like my really awesome friends so bad yall
8. What do you like most about your own work?
Hrmmmmmmmmmmm okay this one is tough bc both I wanna say "nothing bc I have a lot of strengths" and "nothing bc there's always room for me to grow and improve so even my best strengths aren't as good as they could and will eventually be"
But like. I really like how I paint actually
12. Show your favourite drawing from this year
FROM THIS YEAR.... ok let's comb thru my art tag
Oh wait easy simple. The whole fuckin aliquid ex nihilo comic. That took me so goddamn long but it was a labor of love and I desperately want to do more 1-page song comics like that but unfortunately they take me like 2 weeks if I do full lineart and that shit sucks
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There are a lot of things I want to redo on it that are also things I redid in the process of making this comic but as is the nature of being so used to drawing sprites I forget how to draw people in actual poses and also interacting with things. I still think overall just because also of how funky I got with the coloring, framing, the fact that this is the first comic ive ever planned and fully completed ever, etc. that this one's my fav thing I've drawn in 2022 thus far
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
Nighttime and also whenever I'm medicated LMAO I can NEVER focus on drawing if I'm off my meds idk how I did it before
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gorey · 9 months
hello. please explain in as much detail as is comfortable how your music taste has grown and changed over the course of your life. thank you. ?<- question mark for redundancy since you said to ask it but i accidentally didnt phrase it that way
Hi!!! Thank you for this question
So one thing you gotta understand is we're the son of two professional orchestra violinists so a lot of our early introductions to music were classical with the exception of fiona apple when our mom introduced us to the album extraordinary machine when we were like 7. we also listened to a lot of stephane grappelli and django reinhardt, ella fitzgerald singing harold arlen, duke ellington - jazz is one of our favorite genres to this day and fiona is an all time favorite artist so clearly that era stuck with us. lots of the Beatles also and we have a soft spot for some of their songs despite despising them as an entity
we'd listen to radio pop on our computer and record shit thru the speaker onto our shitty voice recorder so we could play in the backyard and listen to it this was a no phone no ipod era
the first artist I can remember us really getting into on our own was owl city before we found out he's rather Christian which we don't really vibe with. our best friend at the time introduced us to some classic rock especially queen. somewhere along the way we discovered patd by watching some random speedpaint and then got rly into them age like 10-11. some mcr too but we never had a fall out boy phase Hashem bless.
I remember buying a Florence + the machine cd at Barnes and noble at like 11? 12? Lungs which is a great album I've always loved their music but I didn't list any of their albums on my big list of favorites just now bc I take issue with some shit she's done. Also got into Muse around that time I think
2012 is when shit really started the idler wheel by fiona apple came out and we were a hot mess so it rly resonated with us. This is also when we got into andrew bird. Discovered a bunch of shit - soley, daughter, marina, lana. really mentally ill period
After summer camp 2013 I got into arctic monkeys and vampire weekend which was at the time really transformative to our approach to music. Then we started dating someone with rly fucking good music taste and everything really fell into place. Got rly into alt-J on my own but my now-ex showed me james blake, rory ferreira, sufjan stevens, the antlers, death grips, bunch of shit. I started getting more into hip hop, got into chance the rapper for a bit before realizing he's kinda mid though acid rap does rly hold up, also discovered glass animals in like 2015, really there was a lot of stuff I don't have very good memory of this time period
2016 was like. Vince staples car seat headrest deerhoof Hiatus kaiyote whatever the kids at Berklee summer were listening to...got rly into a sun kil moon album but later found out he did some creep shit so we don't listen to that anymore which sucks. Our then best friend got us into gorillaz and Kate bush
2017-19 we discovered king krule and mount eerie among other things which was epic and cool. Phil elverum sees straight into our mind it was a revelation. Rory ferreira only keeps getting better and better. Too many things to name. Hyperpop, sophie and PC music, lots of blood orange, we were chronically high as shit
2020 we holed up in the upstairs of our house with a dude who no longer speaks to us to record an album of original music. I finally decided to listen to talking heads and my world was blown open. Also the era of listening to let's eat grandma and grimes (I know) while flagrantly psychotic in quarantine. Shabazz palaces black up shoutout and all the random goofy shit my (ex) bandmate showed me also fugazi
2021 i broke up with good music taste ex and started dating someone else also with very good music taste but in a different direction, got into the Mars Volta and a bunch of shit here you go
And the 2022 one is even longer. By a lot. it speaks for itself really fucking good year for music
And this year I've been getting more into punk shit like cherubs, special interest, a frames; finally got into sonic youth the other day, lots more deerhoof too.
extremely long response thank u so very much for letting us ramble about this!! 💓
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mirtifero · 1 year
Okay so before I fucking faint of exaustion as a side effect of being stupid and sleeping only 4 hours, I want to talk about how surprised I was in the process of trying to archive my old phone's notes.
So, to put it simply, I used the notes app as the to-go writing app since 2018. Yes, I still used it as a, you know, notes app (and would doodle on it sometimes, but I didn't archive those), but it was mostly made out of random, unfinished texts.
Thing is, I never fucking finished these texts because I thought they were stupid, and that my writing abilities were embarrassing and probably resembled something out of wattpad. Hmmm... thing is (part 2) that... some of it was actually pretty fucking cool. I mean, yeah, I was always shit at writing romance, and some of the texts were cringe edgy stuff a 12 year old would make, and the notes were full of poems and songs in broken english (I got better at writing english from 2019 to 2021), besides some porn I found locked (which I archived for shits and giggles aka make fun of younger me in some years), but there was some very good shit too.
I mean, it was no masterpiece, it was very flawed, many times I lost track of the story, it had kinda of a more aesthetic-based thing than a thematic-based thing (in other words, I'd write the best emotions and imagery I could convey, and would abandon the work if the images started getting "not right") but... that's actually very important to me. I actually learned how to write extreme emotions from this overly-edgy time period of my writing style, where I'd keep the text as simple as possible, but would try to convey as much image and feeling as possible too. I am now thinking about one of my recent works (a piece of fanfiction which you can find here), although it not being... fantastic, it has great influence of that time period, with the changes that I actually learned a lot more and managed to convey even more grotesque feelings by mixing words together (shoutout to my friend for helping me with things like texture and sound and taste, I think he made the story even more grotesque by suggesting this to me). I think that, although I was very ambitious, that was a very experimental phase for my writing, and that I am still on the experimental phase, but with different things. You get the idea? I have some stories here from 2019 that were just lines of dialogue that were just practice for writing things such as despair, comfort, melancholy, imagery.... it's all very sweet to think about, how much I wrote and how something I was embarrassed of was actually of surprising quality (not great but decent yk).
Perhaps one day I'll try to rewrite those bits of text, to see if I made progress with the years. Visual arts are more easy to compare old from new but I think I can do that with text too.
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khaotungsfirst · 2 years
Top 10 BLs I watched in 2021
As the year comes to a close I’ve decided to take a look at all the BLs I watched in these past 12 months and determine my faves. Notice that it’s BLs I watched in 2021, not BLs released in 2021.
1. Manner of Death (Thailand, 2020)
Even though the majority of this aired in 2020, it wasn’t finished until January 2021 so it counts as a 2021 watch for me. God the theories we discussed after every episode, we all must’ve looked absolutely insane. Peak clown behaviour... Anyways, this is the direction I hope more BLs take in the future. Not necessarily crime/thriller (though that IS one of my favourites and I would not complain about more of that) but what I want to see is BL delving into a variety of genres. You could see how a more serious and mature approach really elevated MaxTul and their acting to a new level and I wish to see more CPs explore that in the future.
2. We Best Love (Taiwan, 2021)
I distinctly remember the moment I scrolled through WeTV and saw this being announced and thought “Oh well, this looks like a small passion project, might check it out.” Well... it IS a passion project but it definitely isn’t small anymore. I recently rewatched this and to be quite honest, the story is not the most amazing thing you’ll ever watch (shoutout to S2EP2 though, that shit was mental). But the reason why I can’t let go of this one is the actors. Apart from loving the supporting actors (Tian and Evan specifically), SamYu simply has me in a chokehold point blank. No other CP compares to them. And even though I‘m scared of what kind of drama plot will be introduced in S3 I absolutely cannot wait for it simply because of all the SamYu content we will get from the promo. Like… @schnaf and I have a wishlist for result entertainment of things we need them to do - and those moving cat ears that read your brain waves are on the very top of it.
3. Bad Buddy (Thailand, 2021)
Ok, I know this hasn’t finished airing yet but I think we can all agree that this deserves to be on here. I heavily doubt they will fuck up the ending so we’ll let it slide. Bad Buddy really looked at all the things a Thai BL can do wrong and then said “Hold my engineering diploma, we’ll show you how it’s done.” Like... it still uses a lot of typical tropes, nothing about the story is particularly groundbreaking or anything we haven’t seen yet. And still, it works so so well. I think Ohm and Nanon’s phenomenal acting contributes a big part to this. But also P’Aof just knows what he’s doing. As much as I praised MoD for exploring a new genre, Bad Buddy proves that you can take all the tried and true things, like a uni setting and an enemies to lovers plot, and still stand out from the crowd. ALSO: Possible/very likely GL side couple instead of randomly pairing up all the best friends? We love to see it!
4. Word of Honor (China, 2021)
After The Untamed we’ve all been waiting for the next big danmei. Is it as good as The Untamed? No. But nothing will ever be as good as The Untamed so that’s okay. I’ll admit I gave up on trying to understand the plot halfway through but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy this drama. Everyone involved really did the best they could do to bring this novel to life by toeing the line of censorship. And with that ending? What more can you wish for honestly, considering the circumstances. WoH, at its core, is a story about bad people and I do love me some villains! Starting from WKX and continuing with so many beloved side characters, a lot of which were badass women, I can’t help but love this show.
5. I Promised You the Moon (Thailand, 2021)
Okay, I’m not a big fan of second seasons when it comes to BL because more often than not we’ll be treated to a cheating plot and IPYTM is not an exception to this. However, ITSAY was already revolutionary in how it broke the mold of what highschool/uni BLs were supposed to look and be like. And this continues in IPYTM. The whole thing just feel so much more raw. A lot of Thai BLs are goofy and ridiculous and that’s okay, those are fun as well. But ITSAY and IPYTM feel more like reality. You can feel how BK and PP really put their all into this project and I hope this shows producers that there are many different ways to tackle BLs.
6. Don‘t Say No (Thailand, 2021)
For the same reason I tend to avoid second seasons I also tend to avoid established relationship plots. Until I watched Don’t Say No. It’s laughable how bad the trailer is compared to the actual show. In fact, it almost stopped me from watching this. Well, thank god I still did! I think LeoFiat are the couple with the best communication skills out of all the BLs I’ve watched so far. They have a very specific relationship dynamic that could definitely be interpreted as dom/sub but - and this is the thing - it’s healthy! Which is why I can’t believe the people who made Tharntype also made DSN. To me, it feels like the complete opposite. As for JaFirst: I hope they’ll get another series because they do have a lot of chemistry.
7. Couple of Mirrors (China, 2021)
Listen, I know I said BL but CoM deserves a spot on this list, period. I went into this knowing nothing and was positively surprised by the mature subject matter. Who doesn’t love a bit of murder, crime and intrigue? On top of that, our two mains were just way too cute! And just like with WoH, considering the censorship this drama went through we still got a lot of things that definitely hinted at more than just friendship. I also really loved the historical setting in the Republican Era and really want to see more of that. Thank god we’ll get season 2, right?
8. Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan, 2021)
Is the premise of this enemies to lovers plot ridiculous? Yes, but who even cares. What can I say? I’m a sucker for omg they were roommates! This was like a fun little snack: it didn’t feel too serious and god, did it have some ridiculous scenes. But sometimes, that’s all you need. Obviously, this wasn’t something that will stick with you forever, but that’s okay. The mains did a very solid job and we even got a bit of steamy action towards the end, so all in all I would definitely recommend this.
9. Together With Me (Thailand, 2017)
This is on the list simply for S1EP1 scene 1 alone. Like HELLO? I watched this after MoD so I already knew how MaxTul act with each other but still… insanity. Unfortunately, the trope of the jealous (ex-) girlfriend is heavy with this one but it also gave us one of THE BEST female side characters in all of BL: Queen Yiwha! We love, we stan, we ship her with Fai (yes, we’ll ignore Bad Romance for our sanity’s sake). Major point deduction for the creepy doctor though...
10. Why R U? (Thailand, 2020)
Half of this was great (Fightor) and half of this was boring (SaifahZon). Which is why I have to say I’m very glad Fightor ended up becoming the main couple at some point. Of course they had their ups and downs and some scenes were... questionable but in the end I did enjoy their story a lot. 
Honorable mentions:
EP 9 & 10 of Y-Destiny (2021)
Kaengputh my beloved! There really wasn’t enough time in just these two episodes to tell their story so it all just felt a bit rushed but First and Toru made up for it with their phenomenal performance. I really hope these two will get their own series soon because their on-screen chemistry is INSANE.
Until We Meet Again (2019)
Okay, I’ll admit I skipped through most of this. It’s in honorable mentions because of WinTeam. No regrets.
My Engineer (2020)
Congrats for being the worst BL I’ve ever watched yet somehow still making me obsessed for like two weeks straight. This is the complete opposite of Bad Buddy. It looked at all the previous Thai BLs and said “I can do worse!” If it weren’t for the side pairings I would’ve dropped it. Filled to the brim with every bad BL trope you can think of it really cranks up the cringe-o-meter but then again it was all so ridiculous and trashy that it was funny. (Also, I will forever stay mad about how Ryan got the absolute worst dub in existence and then got kicked off the show.)
Kpop ship compilations
Listen, Kpop and BL are inseparably linked in my head forever now. From actor/idol friendships to idols starring in BLs themselves to Kpop fanfiction being adapted into BLs - there is no way I could ever separate these two. So including this just makes sense to me. Top ships I enjoyed this year were: Chanlix, Minsung, Jilix, Changjin (all Stray Kids), Woosan (Ateez), every possible BTS ship you can imagine but particularly Jikook, Sope, Hopekook and Yoonmin, and most recently Yeonbin (TXT).
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socksnstuff00 · 2 years
would u mind describe all these melt downs 😂 I love ur funny reactions
oh yes Annie! absolutely lmao just now i was looking for something to distract me from work.
first of all shoutout to @ilovethisgame-andiloveyou for the awesome compilation 💜
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Christmas 2021. Not only bitch woke up and choose murder for Christmas but it was the first time she acknowledged us the shippers so this is basically how we confirmed she knows we know lmao also this pic gave us the confirmation that no one really needed that they were indeed “rommates” in Manchester. Wonderful :D
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2. Titan’s Bday (2021). Everyone was walking on their tiptoes around this one and it was a whole mess cause someone took it from someone’s private account and we all had to act like the pic didn’t existed until Clementine went and posted it herself like “yeah we did spent her bday together, so what?” ending once and for all the whole mistery .. and our lives ofc lmao
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3. 1rst send off game against Mexico AKA my favorite game of all time! The whole experience was magical but when they posted the pic after the game it was the cherry on top of the cake. I say THEY cause Thermometer also posted it and istg I cried lmao the interwebs went WILD lol even a “straight” friend of mine who’s a football fan of Telephone sent me the pic not knowing I was already obsessed with it lmao. I ascended for sure.
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4. Walking for oneness (2021). Such a nice and serene shot and also posted on a random Sunday when no one of us was expecting it. To tell you I screamed lmao they’re so in sync and she decided to show us more of their cute rituals. Also some of the funniest comments from the deniers lmao.
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5. Tokyo 2021. Istg she posted this one to let us know they found time for a little date while they were at the olys lmao. They’re so cute! I really love their faces in here. Everyone else were together doing whatever and these two in their own world .. like always 😉
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6. Teasing us like this is a game lmao (London 2021) this one made us update our deduction skills lmao we all become sherlock for a day xD from the sneakers to the purple vest to the body language and the pose lmao conclusion? 100% pure gay
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7. 3000m hi (2021) AKA the one that broke us all. I mean, I still look at it and I cant believe it exists and she posted it herself, gay on main! Look at them, just LOOK AT THEM! This is the gayest shit I have ever seen lmao I remember I received the notif and literally dropped my phone. Hell im still freaking out nowdays xD I don’t think I will ever be over it. As I said before, they’ll have to post a pic making out to outgay this one!
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8. London good bye (2022) WAGging era at its finest.The beginning and the end of one of my fave eras of them all. also No one can convince me she didn’t posted this pic to let the world know the exact reason why she decided to spend her vacays in the UK lmao.:D look how cute they are. How proud Cocaine is of her girl and how incredibly happy Tusi looks of having her wife there for her. Fucking priceless T.T I might cry again
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9. Couple’s photo (2022) this one im currently on the middle of the melt down lmao. as I said, I saw it in the morning while i was omw to work and I literally had to park on a random gas station so I could release some pressure lmao. I DIED, y’all interacting with a ghost now xD
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meltwonu · 3 years
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pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, sex toys, shibari, dom!seungcheol, dirty talk, overstimulation/forced orgasms, squirting, degradation, name calling, daddy!kink, gags! 😍💕 ✨HAPPY NEW YEAR!!✨ Here’s to more fun fics in 2021! I can’t believe this is our last chapter though omg 😭 It’s been suuuuch a journey and a privilege to write this little series out! I’ve honestly thought about a camgirl/boy series for like, over a year now, and I’m glad I finally did it! I completed one of my goals! 🥺💕 2020 was definitely a wild one, but I want to thank you all so fuckin’ much for supporting me and stickin’ it out with me all year! Here’s to more in the coming year!💕 Also I was proofreading this at the dining table last night thinking my roommate wouldn’t come out of their room but they did(while I was making dinner and my hands were dirty so I couldnt close my laptop ☠️) and they walked past my laptop and now I’m convinced they saw my fucking smut fic right in the open so yes my little mini-break next week is MUCH needed cause I am ✨embarrassed✨ 🤣 I’ll still do my inbox roundup tomorrow and probably answer a bunch of small thirst posts ‘n stuff throughout the week but there won’t be any drabbles! For now, enjoy chapter 20 🥺, have a safe weekend, and remember that I love you~ ❤️🍒💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 COMPLETE
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Seungcheol wakes up much earlier than you do the next morning; pressing a kiss to your forehead as you groan and snuggle deeper into your pillow.
“Baby, I need to go run some errands for a little bit, okay? Just keep sleeping, you don’t need to get up yet. But, I made breakfast and put it in the microwave for you when you decide to get up later.”
His voice is muffled and you can barely understand what he’s saying but you nod; a soft sigh on your lips when you drift back into dreamland. He takes his time getting ready, checking his phone notifications as he gets dressed and places a note on the nightstand knowing that you didn’t catch a single word he said.
‘Hey, did you get everything I asked for?’
Jimin🧍🏻: of course, who do you think I am? Jeongguk?
Jimin🧍🏻: and btw, i’m just giving you a crash course okay? We don’t really have a ton of time
Jimin🧍🏻: did you watch those tutorial videos I sent you?
‘Yeah, I did some practice on my breaks, but I guess you can tell me if I’m doing anything wrong.’
Jimin🧍🏻: okee, i’ll be waiting. Don’t get here too late!
‘I’ll be otw soon. Thanks again, Jimin.’
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“Ow--damn, okay, you don’t need to tug on it so much!”
“Sorry, I’ll be careful! And why are we practicing on you anyway?! Couldn’t you just have shown me pictures or something?”
“How else will you learn if not on an actual body? It doesn’t work the same way, Seungcheol.” Jimin pauses, checking himself in the mirror. “Also, keep in mind she does have boobs so just… go slow, okay? It’s not gonna sit like this on her.”
Seungcheol blushes a crimson red; biting the inside of his cheek at how amateur he was at this.
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Seungcheol is gone for a lot longer than you anticipate and although he replies quickly to your texts, you can’t help but be curious about where he’d gone and what he was doing.
Especially knowing that the two of you had to film tonight and knowing that everything was up to Seungcheol.
A shiver rolls down your body at the thought and you quickly try to shake off the nerves that seem to slowly invade your body when your mind starts to wander.
“It’ll be fine, I’m sure…”
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“I’m home!”
“Where have you--oh, that’s… a b-big box? Um, should I be concerned...”
Seungcheol grins, shrugging as he sets it onto the kitchen counter. “Just some supplies for tonight. I had to go pick them up from a friend but I had to make sure everything was right.” He notices the way you can’t seem to take your eyes off of the box; eyes twinkling when he makes his way towards you.
He tilts your head up to meet his in a searing kiss, lips easing into a smile when you wrap your arms around his neck and melt under his touch. You moan against his lips just before he pulls away; staring dreamily at him while his hands start to roam over your clothed body.
“We have a long night ahead of us, sweetheart. Let’s pamper you a little before then, hmm?”
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j__min: ??? where’s the loverboy
j__min has donated $200
angelhan has donated $75
therealchan99 has donated $50
xcaliburDK has donated $75
xcaliburDK: is that the sybian? Haven’t seen that in a looong while
You bite your lip and nod, somewhat shy as you sit alone in front of the camera. “Seungcheol’s still… setting up but he told me to start! I’m a little nervous, to be honest…” Your eyes flit to Seungcheol who rummages through the box in the kitchen and from the angle you’re sat in, you can’t see a single thing he takes out.
Earlier, he’d cooked you your favorite meal and even took the time to give you a full body massage before the two of you cuddled on the sofa and watched a movie. To you, it seemed a little too suspiciously tame and you only found yourself more nervous when he made you drink two glasses of water and ever so quietly announced it was time to start getting ready for the camshow.
“He’s being so suspicious! He was even gone for a few hours earlier today…” You mumble; brows furrowed at the camera before checking the comments.
It still amazed you every time with how much money you and Seungcheol made from the camshows and videos and it made you feel even better knowing that everyone loved the chemistry the two of you had together. There were a lot of video requests and ideas mixed in with the comments at any given time and you were definitely ready to pitch some to Seungcheol now that you’d rebranded your channel to be a couple’s channel instead.
“Almost done, sweetheart!”
gc__koo: he told me to watch cuz he was being suspicious with me too 
gc__koo has donated $50
alphagyu97: what is he even plotting
alphagyu97: i am excited to see the sybian again tho ngl
artist8hao: pretty baby gonna squirt for us again?
universe_WZ: hell fuckin yea let us see how fuckin wrecked you get on that machine
You feel your pussy clench around emptiness at their comments; already feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter with the anticipation.
Movement out of the corner of your eye catches your attention and Seungcheol walks towards the bed with a wide smile and the same box in hand. “Ready?” You can only nod back slowly, watching as he dumps the contents of the box right next to your body.
gc__koo: oy
chwenon: oh shit
sleepy_wonu: oh baby, you’re in for it now
sleepy_wonu has donated $100
Your entire body fills with warmth as you look over the various objects; unsure of where to really look first. “I, um--”
A stack of red ropes sits next to a small bullet vibrator that sits next to a ball gag that sits next to a pair of EMT shears and your eyes immediately flit up to Seungcheol who only smirks back at your shocked expression. “I had some other toys I wanted to use but I figured I should go easy on you, y’know? Since you showed me some mercy last night.”
Nodding, you reach out towards the ropes, touching them shyly. “Why red?”
“Thought they’d be on theme for you, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol takes his time; remembering Jimin’s words when he tugs the ropes around your wrists.
“Colour, babygirl?”
“G-green… daddy…”
He nods, sitting up on his knees behind you as you sit on the sybian and face the camera. You bite your lip, somewhat embarrassed that you were already soaking the toy underneath you as Seungcheol worked to bind your arms behind you.
“D--daddy, where did you l-learn this?” You whisper, somewhat curious if this had anything to do with why he was gone for so long earlier in the day.
“Mm, daddy’s friend Jimin was kind enough to help me get the tools and teach me a few tricks to make sure I kept my babygirl safe. Wasn’t that kind of him?” You nod gently, gulping when you shift atop the machine slightly in hopes of relieving some of the growing sexual tension in your body. “Why don’t you thank him properly, sweetheart?”
Your hazy eyes make eye contact with the camera, head tilted slightly. “T-thank you, J-Jimin… for--for helping daddy…”
j__min: omg a shoutout ive made it
kitty_junjun: we never thought we’d see the day
tangerine_kwan: and here we all thought you were gonna be the bad guy huh
hoshi_tiger_xx: like when u only see previews of the book online but the rest of it is different ykwim
Seungcheol makes sure your arms are bound snug enough but not too tight; leaning away slightly to admire his rope work. “Feeling okay so far, babygirl?”
Nodding, you whine back slightly. “Y-yes, daddy… But… my--my pussy wants s-something…” He laughs in return, readjusting so that he’s sitting on your side this time to give himself easier access to start the rest of the bindings.
“Is that so? You’re gonna have to be a little more patient this time ‘cause daddy’s not done yet.” He starts working on the rest of the harness; going slow and checking in with you often to make sure none of the ropes were digging into your skin or making you uncomfortable. “You’ll have to forgive me a little though, I’m admittedly a ‘lil inexperienced so our pretty babygirl is only going to be tied up in this pretty harness for tonight.”
gentleman_josh95: the fact u even took the time to learn just for her
gentleman_josh95 has donated $100
artist8hao: seriously, the dedication
kitty_junjun: we stan a man who knows safety and etiquette 
Comments of reassurance and donations flood in at Seungcheol’s small apology and although the two of you are in your own world; you can tell from just the amount of pings coming from your laptop that they all seemed to be encouraging him.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as Seungcheol continues to move around you on the bed to finish the harness and a smile graces his lips when he starts to secure the last knots in the back. He can’t help but mentally pat himself on the back at how neatly he’d done it for his first time.
“There. All done, baby.”
Your eyes flit to the laptop’s screen to see yourself; cheeks hot when you see how fucked out you already look and he hadn’t even touched you properly or turned on the machine.
The star harness Seungcheol had tied looks pretty with red ropes and you can’t hide your smile at how good it looks on you too either. “Ah, daddy made it really p-pretty… Thank you.”
This time, Seungcheol nods, letting you admire yourself as he silently reaches for the small remote for the sybian, switching it on.
Your entire body lurches forward as soon as the vibrations attack your clit and you immediately find yourself moaning and grinding down onto the machine as he gives you some relief.  
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Now let’s really have some fun, huh?”
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You need to cum.
“Awww, is my pretty baby drooling? Does it feel that good on your sensitive ‘lil clit?” He teases, smoothing down your hair as you cry around the ball gag in your mouth; drool seeping out from the side of your lips when he raises the vibrations a setting higher.
You don’t know how many times he’d played with the settings and edged you by now, but all you do know is that the urge to cum only grows stronger as you grind against the machine, soaking it with your wetness as you chase the pleasure building up in your body again.  
Surely cumming was okay, right? He never said you couldn’t.
You whimper around the ball gag, eyes fluttering shut when the tension in your body snaps in the blink of an eye and your thighs clamp down onto the sides of the machine. Throwing your head back, you moan against the gag and ride out your high as Seungcheol watches you from the side.
“Mm, bet that felt good, huh? But I know you want something in that greedy ‘lil cunt of yours, don’t you? You want daddy’s cock slamming into your tight ‘lil hole ‘til it’s full of my cum, right, sweetheart?” He licks his lips, turning off the sybian as you slump forward.
universe_WZ: shit shes so sensitive
chwenon: especially with her arms bound like that i bet she’s on cloud nine rn
gentleman_josh95: her cute lil head is probably all fuzzy already from all the sensations
therealchan99 has donated $100
gc__koo has donated $75
j__min has donated $150
All you can do is whimper and nod; teary eyes blinking back at Seungcheol as he smirks and leans in towards you.
“Mmm, you’ll get what you want eventually. But for now, you’re gonna cum again.”
He turns the sybian back on, licking his lips when he sees your body tensing again. It was always easier to get you to cum a second time and his point is proven when you mewl around the ball gag a few minutes later; chest heaving in stuttered breaths as you try to shy away from the toy still vibrating against your overly sensitive clit when you’re quickly thrown into another orgasm.
“You always cum for daddy so easily, don’t you, babygirl?”
Your head feels fuzzy after already cumming twice in such a short span of time but you nod, head lolling to the side as Seungcheol finally turns the sybian off for good.
Seungcheol gives you a second to catch your breath before he’s scooting in and fiddling with the clasps at the back of your head to take the ball gag off.
A thread of saliva connects your lips to the gag and you whimper at how good it feels to be able to actually speak again. “D-daddy…” Drool drips from your mouth as your lead lolls forward and Seungcheol is quick to bring a hand up to keep your head up as he looks into your lust filled eyes.
“Colour, sweetheart?”
“Still g-green…” He nods back, checking to make sure none of the ropes had shifted. “Would you like some water before we continue, baby?”
“Yes, daddy…”
He fetches you a glass of water, tilting it against your lips as you down the entire glass and you find yourself a little surprised at how needed it was. “Thank you, d-daddy…”
“You’re welcome, babygirl. Ready to keep going?”
You nod, a little bit more energized. “I hope everyone, mmh, l-likes the show so f-far~” Your teary vision prevents you from reading the comments and before you can even make an effort to, Seungcheol is already helping you off of the machine and helping you sit on the bed across from him.
alphagyu97: ugh she looks so fucking good in that harness
angelhan: right? That shade of red looks so good against her skin too
angelhan: so fuckin pretty
tangerine_kwan: pics for the private room later? Plz i beg
Seungcheol takes this time to take off his boxer briefs, cock curving up against his abdomen when he’s fully naked across from you. He wraps a hand around his cock, moaning and spreading the precum down his shaft as you watch. “D’you want this, baby?”
Your lips fall open in a silent moan as you watch Seungcheol jerk himself off and you can’t help but squirm. “Y-yes…”
“Tell me exactly what you want then. Let them hear what a filthy little slut you are for me.” You can’t help but feel miserably empty watching him and despite having already cum twice, you want his cock fucking you open and making you cum again.
“Yes, babygirl?”
“I, ngh, I want d-daddy’s cock… Please? Ah, I--I wanna feel you fucking my--my pussy into the, mmh, s-shape of your c-cock… And I w-want you to c-cum inside my--my slutty little h-hole…”
Seungcheol scoffs, hips shallowly thrusting up into his enclosed fist. “That’s right. You’re just my slutty ‘lil babygirl that lets me use all her tight holes how I please, right? You like it when I cum down your throat and in your pretty ‘lil ass. But we all know you like it best when I cum in your hot ‘lil cunt. Makes you feel all warm and full, doesn’t it? You like it when my cum is dripping out of your spent cunt and sliding down your shaky thighs.” This time you nod furiously as you whine back in response.
“P-please… Can’t wait any--anymore!”
This time, the impatience takes over as you slightly tug on the ropes; whining when they don’t give. “Daddy!”
And this time, he gives in quicker than he anticipates, growling as he reaches for the EMT shears to cut you from the harness. “Don’t let your arms down, no matter how much you want to. You’re going to strain your arms if you move too fast so let me handle it, okay, sweetheart?”
The sudden gentleness in his voice has a giddy warmth pouring over you as you nod and sit still while he cuts at various points of the harness to make the ropes fall loose around your arms and chest. You keep your arms in the same position like he requested and you soon feel his hands roaming your skin and massaging your arms to get the blood flowing again.
“You’re so good for me, baby.” He whispers against your hair, leaning down to kiss your shoulder before he slowly easing your arms down from being folded behind your back.
He continues to massage your arms for a few more minutes before it’s you that’s getting impatient. “Daddy… Can you fuck me now?” Whispering, you slightly turn your body to the side to meet his gentle stare.
Seungcheol laughs under his breath, nodding. “Lay on your back for me, legs spread.”
You follow his orders as you quickly scramble to get into position; legs spread wide for him to situate himself between.
“Mm, your pussy is still so fuckin’ wet. I wanna taste you on my tongue, baby.” Whines spill from your lips as you shake your head ‘no.’
“No! My p-pussy feels empty, I need y-your cock, daddy… ‘n I’m so wet, you can probably, ah, just s-slide your cock in…”
He wraps a hand around his cock just as you wrap your legs around his waist and he guides himself until the head of his cock is right at your entrance.
Neither of you say a word as he slowly starts to sink his cock in; guttural moans on his lips when he meets no resistance and bottoms out in a singular thrust. “Holy fuck, your cunt is so fuckin’ wet. Shit, and so t-tight!” You clench around him, already feeling good with his cock inside of you as you beg him to fuck you hard and fast.
“Ngh, p-please fuck me like--like I’m your, hah, c-cocksleeve… I want it f-fast, daddy!”
He grits his teeth at your words; drawing his hips back before snapping them into you just how you wanted. “Fast, hmm? All you think about in that pretty head of yours is my cock pounding you open, huh? Slamming into you so fuckin’ good, it makes your toes curl when you cum.”
Seungcheol starts a quick pace, already feeling the pleasure building up for himself when you’re reduced to garbled noises and broken cries of his name. The heels of your feet dig into the small of his back as you try to press him in closer and he’s quick to reach for the small bullet vibrator left on the bed next to your body.
“Your body is so fuckin’ sensitive, I can already feel how tight you’re getting around me. So fuckin’ greedy to cum too. Already came twice and you still want more. You’re not satisfied until your whole body is shaking underneath me, huh, sweetheart?” He turns the small toy on, pressing it to your clit as you yelp and let out choked sobs.
“Ah, ngh, d-daddy, my--my clit’s t-too sen--sensitive! I--I can’t--!” Squirming, you feel the pressure building up obscenely quick; bottom lip quivering when he takes one of your free hands and makes you hold the toy to your swollen clit.
“Just a little more, sweetheart. Don’t you wanna cum?”
He angles his thrusts to graze against your g-spot and loud cries of his name leave your lips in a hurried, jumbled mess when he only doubles his pace.
The sound of donations and comments pour in like water and get lost within the ringing in your ears; unable to even warn Seungcheol that you’re about to cum when you feel your entire body starting to lock up underneath him.
Your lips part in a silent scream and your back bows off of the bed, thighs shaking uncontrollably as you cum for the third time. Seungcheol growls, fucking you through it as you squirt all over his lower half.  He finds it harder and harder to thrust into you as you cum, but he feels himself quickly following suit with your warm walls fluttering around his cock.
“Fuck, baby, that’s right. Squirt for me, get me fuckin’ soaked while you cum.” He uses a free hand to make sure you keep the toy pressed to your clit, growling when he starts to unload his cum inside of you. “Mmh, gonna fill your cunt up with what you want, baby.”
A shaky moan leaves your lips as you feel him throbbing inside your pussy; walls clamped down onto him in a vice grip as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm.
“Ah, d-daddy’s cumming suh--so much inside of my p-pussy…”
Whining, you feel Seungcheol’s grip on your hand give way as he rides out his pleasure and you take the opportunity to turn off the small bullet vibrator while he doesn’t notice.
You watch his face contort in pleasure, hips still shallowly thrusting into you as his entire body shivers above you.
“D-daddy’s so h-handsome...” You mumble, cheeks hot when he cracks a smile through the pleasure wracking his body and chuckles under his breath. 
“Thank you, babygirl.” 
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After you end the show, Seungcheol makes sure to cuddle with you on the bed for a little while longer.
“One more glass of water, baby.” You whine in response, pouting up at him before he gets up from the soaked sheets. 
“But I already had a glass! If you have a piss kink just say so, ‘Cheol!”
He lets out a boisterous laugh at your comment, trudging back to the bed from the kitchen with another glass of water for you. “You need to be hydrated, sweetheart. You came three times and we played a little more rough today. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” 
“Fine, but you didn’t deny my comment.” You snarkily reply, taking the glass from him as you down the water. 
“Don’t make me have to punish you again! I’ll have you know I still need to get you all washed up and change the bed--”
A faint pinging has the two of you turning to the laptop; still on your camming homepage from where you’d checked the revenues from tonight’s show. 
A small [1] sits above your inbox and Seungcheol is quick to turn to you with an eyebrow raised. “I thought you turned off the messaging system on your profile?” 
You tilt your head in confusion, handing him the emptied glass. “I did. The only messages I should get are from, like, the actual system admins or other creator accounts which, I haven’t received any ‘til... now, I guess?”
Seungcheol sets the glass down onto the nightstand before he takes a seat next to you, dragging the laptop closer as you go to check the notification. 
“’Love&Letter Films’? Aren’t they one of the biggest adult film companies?” Mumbling, you click on the message, giving yourself and Seungcheol a second to process the message that stares back at you; a shocked smile on your lips.
I hope this message finds Cherry and Seungcheol well. 
We, at ‘Love&Letter Films’, have really enjoyed the shows and videos from your channel throughout the years and we really have enjoyed watching the growth of your channel and the addition of Seungcheol to it. The dynamics between the two of you are rare in this industry and we’ve yet to see anyone like the two of you in this market. 
The shows from the last two nights have proven that the two of you have the right kind of chemistry to film together for bigger productions and we would love to hire you for a few film productions we have planned in the upcoming weeks as a feeler. Of course, all expenses paid by us if you would kindly take our offer. 
We love the various scenes and roles that the two of you take on with ease and we would love to help propel your careers forward, should you pursue a career in the adult entertainment industry. 
Please don’t hesitate to contact me as I’ve listed my contact information below. I’m excited to hear from the two of you and hope to work with you in the future on many projects.
Kwon Soonyoung, L&L FILMS CEO’
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userholland · 2 years
happy (almost) new year. it’s me liz :D
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this is a bit sappy but. even though this year was rough for me, i still appreciate the friends / mutuals i made & followers i received over the interweb and how they've dealt with me 🥺 hope everyone has a happy new years and even better 2022 ! screamholland era was wild 😀and just a little fun question to answer: what made your 2021? 🤍
@venomsilk / s 🥜: bitch. i don't know where to start 😭.... you made my year so much by some power bringing us together and i feel like ive known you for more than a few months. ill say it. we are insufferable but in the best way possible toward how we deal with anons and just assholes in general. literally everything in a bestie you need and one of, if not, the best writers ive ever read from. also up and coming gif maker, making the content we all secretly asked for ! you're so strong, hiliarious & a beaut. i just know youre gonna be successful and i just admire and adore you t b h.
to think, it starts with comments on fics then blowing up the chat with spongebob memes and accurate takes on any topic. always on the same page & if were not... i throw a short joke at you. but ive come to be attached to the name lizbon. tbh, i dont think i would have gotten through the last 5 months of this year without you because people just don't know how to act. being able to vent and just laugh was better than worrying about shit that doesn't matter & you've taught me that well. and just fully admitting id let tom [ redacted ]. 😀 cant wait for more of this energy in 2022. always giving you hugs and wishing u the best. so much growth and love to come for us. mwah
@t-lostinworlds / t 🧸 : my girl <3 i feel like we've been friends for the longest time and i don't know how to explain it but you just bring so much comfort and understanding to any conversation we have. you're incredibly sweet and a beam of sunshine in my life as well as others. you're an amazing writer and you're so dedicated to your wips, literally always a chefs kiss to anything you post. i will always be at the front lines of the protect t-lostinworlds squad 🧍🏻‍♀️
@lauras-collection / laura 💃🏻 : have been sending you all my love all year ! your writing always hits a soft spot for me & i cant wait to read your newest one since i still have to see nwh 😭 you truly are one of the kindest ppl ive ever met and our chats always are on point. i hope that you’re doing well and its always nice to hear from you, keep me updated bubs 🥺
@tmholland / okina 🍷: my truly superior simu lover (also asian hottie). i feel like we’ve known each other so long but didn’t truly vibe until now and ive been missing out tbh. you’re one of the funniest people i see on my dash when you post and i better be invited to yours and simu’s wedding when the day comes. literally prettiest girl ive ever seen and proof that asian dont raisin. sending u all my love and have the healthiest and safest new year mwah <3 !!!
@softholand / gi ⛅️ : literally your url, so soft and too pure 🥺 you make me laugh and i know we have each other’s backs. always feel like we’re on the same page as well and i appreciate it sm ! ill always be in your corner like i know you’ll be in mine (’: i hope we get to talk more and im so serious when i say that youre so wholesome and i hope you have an amazing year ahead of you <3  
@honeyspidey / lola 🐝 : sigh. i feel like we didnt talk much but still very much appreciated when i see you on my dash. i adore your writing and hope to see more in the next year. you have such pretty energy and are so wholesome. giving you a big hug and hope you had a wonderful year 🥺
@cindymooons / hope 🌔 : just wanted to give a beloved shoutout to one of the best gif makers out there. appreciate you, and y’all follow her ! and you’re so sweet & amazing and just have contagious energy thats so bright and sweet. and i always appreciate your comments/tags on my fics <3 cant wait to see what you post in the next year ofc 🥰 and hope you are safe and healthy going into 2022 !
and here's to the mutuals who i hope to talk to more this year 🥺🫂: @silkscream @cumholland @celestialholland @heyhihellowhatsup0 @veryholland @vitaminholland @thesunlightofourpast​ @annathesillyfriend​
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mutantmayhem2023 · 3 years
| i’m still holding on, neon
pairing: kanan jarrus/hera syndulla
words: 3.4k
rating: t, for swearing and mentions of alcohol
summary: after nine long years, padawan caleb dume kanan jarrus is met with a friend from his past at the jedi temple, fellow (almost) padawan hera syndulla.
(shoutout to @kananjarrus-jediknight who helped let this au get way out of hand with me)
The neon light from the sign of Old Jho’s blinks unsteady, or maybe it doesn’t – Kanan’s head is still feeling pretty swayed. It was definitely the last drink he had – that had to be it, definitely not the long assortment of liquors that came before that one. That guy was just too pretty and his skin was so blue and his eyes were so–
His hand grabs at the outside wall of the bar, steadying himself and barely preventing him from crashing head over heels into the dusty Lothal street. He takes in a shaky breath, the fresh air would clear him up, get him ready to go back in. If the ground could just stop moving then maybe–
“Excuse me–”
And, with those two words alone, it’s like something wakes him up, the fog on his mind lifts, the heaviness in his eyes is gone – The kind of clarity, the instantaneous kind that only ever came from the Force.
And that voice, he knows that voice. He does. It’s different, but…
He turns to it.
This time he’s sure the Lothal moons above are shining within his chest.
It’s her.
“Caleb?” She says, the name dropping from her lips before she has the chance to compose herself. Her lekku go rigid.
He hadn’t heard anyone speak that name in nine years. In fact, he’d come to terms with the fact that he never would hear it again.
The look in those green eyes of hers only say one thing, the same thing that slips from his own mouth,
“You’re alive?”
She doesn’t quite nod but her eyebrows knit closer together in fondness. She’s seeing a ghost. Looking at him, but through him too.
He goes to take a step towards her and suddenly all the blood rushes to his head and the alcohol finally catches up to him. She dives to attempt an intercept before he crashes head first into the ground. She misses him by a second.
“Oh shit,” She mutters under her breath. You could’ve caught him with the F–
Thank goodness the sound of the bar muffles any of the noise they’ve just made. The dust she kicked up finally settles.
They, she thinks. But she nips it in the bud before she thinks too much more about it. Right now she needed to wipe off the stray dirt and was that - yup. A bar nut shell that had stuck to his shoe. Yup, that was Caleb Dume. Clearly they had a lot of catching up to do. It was taking everything in her not to just skim the top of his consciousness. It was funny, in the Force he felt the same.
He was dead to the world. She would definitely need to check his head when they made it back to her ship. Chopper wasn’t going to let her hear the end of it either but then again, she had told him before about the little boy who tried too hard to be her friend back at the Temple. It’s not like she had a lot of other people to talk to.
Geez, he wasn’t very easy to maneuver when he was deadweight. She does eventually manage to get him slung around her shoulder, his boots scratching against the scattered road on their path back to her pride and joy. The Ghost.
She was just hoping Caleb was still as eager to joke with her, because she wasn’t going to let him live down the fact that she had just carried him back to her ship because he was too plastered to do so himself.
Something in her did whisper that she had more of an influence in him passing out than anything else. She squashes the thought down as quickly as it came up, however.
She could still hear them teasing one another in the back of her brain. She catches a quick glance at his face, his facial features are more defined now, the bridge of his name is the same and his facial hair was surprisingly well kept. His eyelashes are still ridiculously long, for a male of any species.
His brows furrow momentarily and she looks away within an instant, he doesn’t wake though. Only stirring, but the good news was that the Ghost was now in view.
She fiddles in her pocket with her free hand to grab her commlink. She was really hoping he wouldn’t wake up, because even thinking about explaining the current situation was hurting her brain. Doing that when he was laying down in her ship’s medbay sounded a lot more manageable.
She presses the commlink, and in just a bit more than a whisper, “Chop, I’m back. Can you drop the ramp for me?”
She holds her breath, hoping to not be met with her droid’s usual attitude or for Caleb to wake.
The droid’s reply crackles over the comm and the ramp lowers.
“Come on,” She whispers to her friend, as she helps them both onto the ship. Grateful in that moment that she found a spot to dock that wasn’t too far out of the city. And it wasn’t like someone being drunkenly carried out of a cantina wasn’t a usual sight these days. Everyone had to deal with the Empire one way or another. It was just a stroke of luck there wasn’t a big Imperial presence around this part of the city tonight.
It’s more than luck, Hera. You know that.
As the ramp closes in behind her, her droid wheels into the room. Asking her colourfully worded questions in binary.
“This,” She replies, beelining for the medbay. “Would be my old friend.”
He stinks like behind a bar, her droid replies.
“Oh really?” Hera says, glaring at her droid. “I hadn’t noticed!”
She kicks off her boots, with Caleb still resting on her, she was really starting to ache from doing that.
“Maybe you could help me get him out of this room. So he can wake up without passing out on me this time!”
Chopper grumbles something, but obliges. She knew he was only annoyed because he could tell she hadn’t done what she set out to do this evening. But knowing he was alive kind of intercepted her plans. Besides, there was always tomorrow and maybe, just maybe Caleb would tag along and help her. Maybe.
She wasn’t about to go and get ahead of herself, but gosh that creeping hopeful feeling in her chest wasn’t any kind of help. She had to be more realistic. The world around her had taught her that all too quickly.
By the time she gets him to the medbay, he practically flops out of her arms and onto the bed, face down again. She lets out a sigh before rolling him over. Chopper complains something about him dirting the floor and shoves his legs up onto the bed properly. Definitely far rougher than Hera would've been. She really shouldn’t be surprised by that anymore, and after all, this was the first person she’d ever brought on the ship. There was always going to be some animosity.
She blinks herself back to the current moment only to realise her hand is still resting on Caleb’s arm. Her droid chirps at her accusingly.
“Chop, wait here,” She says, running a hand over the top of her droid’s head before running from the room. Clearly acting on an idea she had yet to share.
She returns with one of the spare blankets from the storage hold. And one of her mugs from the ship’s kitchen area.
You’re letting him stay here? Her droid asks her in an accusatory tone.
“He passed out, Chop!” She says, in something of a whisper-yell. “I couldn’t just leave him there. Besides, it’s not like anyone came out looking for him! I just wanted to,” She doesn’t really know where she was going with this.
She places the blanket over him, she places the blanket over him. “I just wanted to make sure he was okay.”
She huffs, before getting out the painkillers that she knew he was going to need when he woke up. Hera hadn’t been drunk many times and certainly never as much as Caleb was right now, but the fact that he was going to be met with both a hangover and his long-lost and most likely presumed dead best friend, well, it didn’t hurt to tread on the side of caution.
She fills the mug with water and leaves it next to him. And props herself up on the counter, it was late but she felt too awake.
The sight of him made her heart sit firmly in her throat. It brought back all of these memories and feelings she thought she had laid to rest a long time ago. Of inside jokes, of teachers long gone and stories told in a hush between their fellow younglings, of an ache so strong that it felt like nothing in the world would ever make it go away.
Or maybe, it just felt long enough ago now that it was easier to distract herself from.
Either way, it was a lot.
You going to sleep anytime soon? Her droid asks.
She laughs, “Eventually.”
She runs a hand over her face, before sighing into it. That was a lie and Chopper knew it as well as she did.
“You can power down for the night if you want. I’ll be okay.”
She crosses her feet together, bouncing them against the cupboards she’s sitting on.
Chopper makes a sound like a sigh and reluctantly he beeps out a goodnight. To be honest, she was expecting more resistance from him but today had been interesting for both of them.
With her droid offline for the evening, well, probably morning now. She still wasn’t quite adjusted to Lothal time. Which would make tomorrow even more exciting if she was going to get hyperlag.
Well, if she wasn’t going to sleep she might as well get something productive done. Read more into the intel she’d been given. She presses off the counter and makes her way back into the kitchen. Right now, it was time for caf.
There’s something restless in her as she waits for it to heat up. She didn’t feel right not waiting in the room, this was going to be worse if Caleb woke up and she wasn’t there. Standing still wasn’t doing anything for her nerves, which usually weren’t a problem.
She was supposed to be more in control with this kind of thing. She closes her eyes and draws into the Force, deliberately drawing in a deep breath.
Calm down, Hera.
New distraction, change into more comfortable clothes. As she does, she feels all too aware of the drawer near her bed where she kept her lightsaber. She hadn’t touched it in years but for the first time in a while she doesn’t tune out the singing the crystal makes.
Once she pulls her shirt over her head and over her lekku, the caf blips a sound in the air that it's done and by the time she’s changed it’s been just long enough that her drink was going to be the perfect temperature. She smiles to herself before cradling the mug in her hands.
With Chopper powered down for the night and not trundling behind her, it was really quiet on this big ship.
The door to the medbay slides open and sure enough, Caleb is still sleeping. His head resting against his shoulder, the blanket still covering him. He must have moved a lot in his sleep because his hair is now loose around his face.
He looks peaceful.
But, just to be sure, she hops back up on the counter so she has a good view of him. Just in case, she tells herself.
She aimlessly scrolls through the Holonet catching up on the news of the day. Nothing really of substance, more Imperial presence in the Lothal sector. Which could make things more difficult but if she could make up for the lost time today then she wouldn’t really have to worry about that much.
She takes a sip of her caf, and this time exits out of the Holonet and into the files shared with her and an unopened message from her contact.
The rest of the night passes without much out of the ordinary. She almost falls asleep at one point but the sound of someone sitting up in the bed wakes her back up.
So, Caleb Dume was the kind of drunk that woke up in the early hours of the morning.
“Good morning,” She says, looking up from the datapad.
He blinks hard a couple of times, and yawns. Then he finally focuses on who’s in front of him.
She nods, a smile on her face. His voice holds far more emotion than just the name he asks. He seems to be taking in the surrounding of the repurposed room turned medbay. It wasn’t like she had the chance to ask him to come back to her ship. But, she wasn’t going to leave him there either. What kind of friend did that?
“Yeah, it’s me,” She answers, voice soft.
He nods to himself, his mind is clouded in the Force. It practically radiates off him.
“So you made it out, too?” He asks, his voice hoarse from the previous night.
She nods a couple times, before crossing her legs up on the counter and setting aside her datapad.
“We don’t have to talk about that right now,” She starts, considering she hadn’t really spoken any of it out loud ever, she didn’t expect him to do the same right now. He also still looked half asleep. “But I do think you should have some water.”
He scoffs, and she motions with her head to the mug she put beside him earlier.
“Thanks,” He says, lifting it in her direction. He downs it all. “So, about last night,”
He rubs a hand into his temple.
“Yeah,” She says in a laugh, looking at the wall beside her. “I’m just surprised you made it up those stairs out of the bar.”
“You’ve been there before?”
“Not exactly, but I did check the building’s layout before leaving last night.”
He raises an eyebrow at her. There was so much else they could be talking about right now, and here they both were discussing a local bar.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, really. I kind of had plans last night, well that was before you passed out on me.”
He cringes, crinkling his nose. Just like back at the temple, like he’d been caught out asking too many questions.
“Sorry about that.”
She jumps down from the counter finally. He seemed open enough, but she didn’t want to push it.
“Look, I’m just happy you didn’t throw up on me.”
That earns a laugh from him.
“Also, I think you should probably have those, Caleb.” She says pointing to the container of tablets next to him.
“Kanan,” He says, correcting her.
“My name is Kanan, now.” His voice seems stronger now.
Her mouth drops open, she hadn’t expected that. But then again, it did make sense. She never considered changing her name, it’s not like she’d even been formally made a padawan. Her name was hers alone. It hurt her to know that he no longer thought the same.
“I’m sorry.” Is all she can offer him. As much as she was trying to be composed it was proving to be more difficult than she had accounted for.
That and the more Ca – Kanan – seemed to come to, the grief in the room seemed to be pressing down harder and harder. The turtleneck she changed into feels tighter.
She finally looks at him again, and the sadness in those eyes of his feels like something is tearing in her chest.
“So, you’ve been alone too,” He says before she gets the chance to.
She tips her head to the side, getting a better read on him, just as he was doing the same for her.
“Well, apart from Chopper… yeah. You?”
He takes a beat before answering.
“Yeah,” His blue green eyes are focusing in, “I can’t lie, I’m still not really used to it.”
That was an invitation, Hera. Keep the conversation going, She thinks.
“Neither,” She replies. “It’s hard to forget how occupied life used to be.”
There was the lump in the back of her throat again.
“Hah, you can say that again.”
He looks up from the ground, and meets Hera’s gaze.
“I still can’t believe you’re alive.”
His voice breaks as he says that. I wish I knew you were, all this time, is what is left unsaid in that sentence.
She sucks in her bottom lip.
So, she still did that. For some reason, it offers him a sense of relief.
“I could say the same,” She finally says. The silence in the air was worse than the words they were using to fill it with. She takes a few steps closer to him. “Are you alright to stand?”
“I don’t see why not,”
Either he was lying or talking about the past was doing a good job of sobering him up.
“Follow me,” She says, opening the door to the hallway.
“You don’t want to wake your droid?”
Hera takes a look back at Chopper, remembering how much of a liking he had taken to Kanan earlier.
“Yeah, I think it’s best to leave him out of this for now.”
She hears his feet hit the ground behind her and takes that as time to leave the room, and the fact that he doesn’t hit any of the walls of the ship on their way to the cockpit is also a good sign.
“Nice ship,” He says from behind, she doesn’t need to look at him to know he means it.
“Yeah, she goes alright,” She says, tapping her hand against the entryway to the cockpit and the door slides open in front of them, “After you,”
She motions for him to enter first.
“Wow,” He says, taking in the rising sun on the horizon. Her ship was angled perfectly to capture it.
She takes a moment to really take it in too. This was her first morning on Lothal, the sun seemed brighter too. Logically, she knew it wasn’t but – still.
“So, you live here?” Hera asks.
Kanan takes a stride towards the co-pilot’s chair, and crosses his arms against the top of it, looking over his shoulder as she comes to sit in the pilot’s seat. It was far more comfortable than the bench she’d been sitting on all night and her back thanked her as soon as she sat into it.
“Eh, not really. I got a job a couple of planets over and one thing led to another and blah, blah, blah.”
She nods her head, listening to him. Closing her eyes to really take in the warmth of the sun even through the ship’s viewport.
“You can sit down if you want,” Hera says. She can feel him hovering in the spot he is, unsure whether doing so was crossing a boundary.
“This is comfortable,” He answers. “Thanks for the blanket, by the way.”
She opens her eyes to see he’s readjusted it to wrap over his shoulders like –
“You ever miss wearing them?” He asks, completely out of the blue.
Clearly, she wasn’t the only one sensing the other in the room. Even if that always had been more of her thing. She remembers first trying them on, the arms far too big for her.
“Yeah, I do.”
She looks across at him, and he’s already looking at her.
“Kanan,” She starts.
And, for the first time, hearing that from her in that voice… It was like the name he’d chosen to stay alive finally had meaning. Like his name could mean something.
“I know I said you didn’t have to talk about it, which is true and I truly don’t mind, but I have to tell you.”
Her steels her jaw, pressing her tongue to the top of her mouth to stop the tears. It was her tried and tested method.
“I didn’t think I would ever, ever see you again. And I know you feel the same way, and I know a lot has happened and we’ve both changed and chances are I really don’t know you anymore but–”
She stops herself. This was the most she had opened up to anyone in the longest time.
“But–” She hears him say. “–it feels like this was meant to happen.”
She was wrong, and for what felt like the first time, she was happy to be. Her face softens as she starts crying and when she blinks the tears away and looks at him, there’s tears in his eyes too.
They both smile at each other. Basking in all the moment has to offer. Two Jedi, two survivors finding one another.
“This is gonna be trouble, isn’t it?” He says, looking out the dawn on Lothal.
Nothing else needed to be said, Kanan answering the question Hera hadn’t been able to yet speak aloud. They’d made their way back to each other. There was no way anything in the whole galaxy would get in the way of that. They had a lot to catch up on, and it would take time.
But she had this bursting feeling that had they had that one their side.
“When have we not been?”
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bbarican · 3 years
september 28, 2021 - 10:45 pm
hi, tumblr! how are you guys? i hope all of you are doing well and are having a really lovely tuesday evening
today was a bit of a rollercoaster for me; i had a little problem with work pero buti nalang my senior and my boss were able to help solve it. i just need to remind myself to be extra careful starting now kasi i dont want to keep messing things up. it makes me feel like shit and i hate feeling anxious about things like making a mistake at work; shoutout to my senior too for being the sweetest woman ever, im so glad she knows how to comfort me na din when it comes to stuff like this
besides that, kakarealize ko lang din na kaya pala siguro ang panget ng skin ko and biglang sumasakit na yung puson ko is because meron na pala ako, as in bigla lang ako nagkaron tonight and i just know na im gonna feel sick either tonight or tomorrow pero ofcourse kakayanin ko naman as always
and besides that, my and my cousin also had a little taylor swift listening party kasi he hasnt really been that updated with taylor's albums so we started with lover and we'll work our way up from there!
and yeah, i hope you guys are doing okay! i finally kind of get the whole discord thing so ill fix it up and maybe if some of you are interested to join my server, why not? we can all just hang out and chill and talk about whatever and have little movie nights and streaming parties too!
let me know if youre interested! but for now, i bid yall a good night; i hope tomorrow and the rest of the month goes smoothly for everybody!
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sxvethelastdance · 3 years
Okay so, shoutout to @bastardsunlight​ for letting me bomb them with my infodump analysis on a particular trait of Liu Kang’s character that has stood out to me upon analysis of something he said in MK11 that caught my eye. After Liu’s fight with the Revenant Jade he says this: 
“You will not test my faith.”
This got me asking the question of what extent Liu Kang’s faith reaches when compared to someone who’s more prone to expressing doubt, friend or foe. Doesn’t matter.  Now the thing about the Mortal Kombat universe is that the gods ARE real. They have an ‘active’ relationship with the Earthrealmers through Raiden and Fujin. So the faith aspect comes less from a religious context and more from the trust and belief that accompanies having faith in someone or something to do right by you. Even characters like Quan Chi have their own twisted version of faith, trusting Shinnok to reward his loyalty and service. Liu Kang himself doesn’t expect a reward for his faith in the NRS adapation, he seems to practice his beliefs because they extend to him the comfort and explanations that lot of people who engage in this seek. Belief systems are often how people make sense of the world and how they cope with their struggles. This is how Liu Kang deals with his. Faith, or a break from it, seems to be the primary way he reasons with his surroundings in all these different versions of his character. 
More under the cut:
Disclaimer: I’m not religious/do not possess a faith myself. Take this all with a grain of salt. 
In the Netherrealm continuity version of Liu Kang’s character, we see that a good deal of what he does is characterized by his faith in Raiden and by extension: The Elder Gods. He's been a student of the Wu-Shi Academy since infancy, he doesn't carry the trauma of losing his parents and then Chan like MK95 Liu, or implied abuse like the 2021 film version of Liu Kang, has no ties to the outside world, just his community. The temple Elders and Raiden were almost 100% transparent about what he would have to face growing up, communicating an approximation of the expectations that would fulfill his responsibilities to the realm. Liu Kang grew into his duty and thus formed an attachment to it. A part of his identity's tied up in that responsibility, that quality of wanting for nothing because he represents an ideal. He is humble, calm, and faithful to his principles.  He follows Raiden’s lead throughout Mortal Kombat 9 and trusts that what they do under these conditions will give them the answers that they’re looking for. When he and Raiden go to visit the Elder Gods during the last quarter of the game, Liu Kang is faced with the Gods themselves. He has the opportunity to observe them and their priorities, to see that they aren’t here to do right by the people he has sworn to protect. The cracks continue to form in the foundations of his faith as more bodies pile up, until it all comes to a head on the rooftop as Shao Kahn begins the realm merger.  Raiden begs, “Have faith in the elder gods, have faith in me.” and Liu Kang finds that he can’t. It’s cost them too much. It’s that pivotal moment where Liu Kang breaks from his faith and chooses his own way. Ultimately, this is what costs him his life when Raiden accidentally kills him while fending off Liu Kang’s attack. 
It gets even more interesting when you compare this version of him with his Mortal Kombat (1995) counterpart. When we meet that version of Liu Kang it’s immediately obvious that he’s broken from the faith he was raised into. He recognizes Rayden’s status as the god of thunder and in the offhanded way that one would recognize say, an old religious text. Something you know about, and aren’t particularly mystified by because it’s been hammered into your skull for as long as you’ve been alive. Liu knows the stories and the value that they have to people like his grandfather, but it’s something to acknowledge and move along with. The man is burnt out, that much is clear. The movie shows us from the outset doesn’t quite believe in the Gods anymore, that perhaps something happened to make him ask questions of the community’s principles, the ones he inherited by way of cultural osmosis. At some point in his adult life, Liu Kang was confronted with the age old dilemma of ‘seeing is believing’; and when he didn’t see anything, he didn’t believe. So he left to a place where he could be somebody, anybody BUT the chosen one. Which ended up saving his life because otherwise Shang Tsung would’ve swooped in on that technicality and taken him instead of Chan. 
Now what I’m not saying here is that Liu Kang’s faith, religious or otherwise is a character flaw, or that the only reason MK95 Liu survived is that he didn’t believe anymore. No, what I am saying is that MK95 Liu was at a place with his faith where he could handle it if it things fell short of his expectations because he’d already steeled himself for it, where NRS Liu Kang was thoroughly hurt by what looked like confirmation that the foundations of everything he believed in were cracked, that his faith was misplaced. That it cost him everything. He died right on the cusp of realizing a fundamental truth. It’s one thing to die in battle because that’s what you signed up for, that’s the role you were groomed for. It’s another to die when you finally began to ask yourself ‘What AM I fighting for? Who made this decision?’. Then dying for nothing! Nothing at all! Your death wasn’t the absolute that you were told it as by the elders every day of your life either. The realm survived without you. You weren’t... Important. Nothing you did mattered. The rules don’t exist in any meaningful capacity, the elder gods don’t particularly care, you are alone. It’s no wonder his revenant is so bitter! The man set himself on fire to keep everybody warm and now is doomed to burn in the hereafter for it.
Mortal Kombat (2021)’s version of Liu Kang’s faith is a little bit more complicated in my eyes. This depiction of him is more openly faithful than the others. He essentially acts as Raiden’s assistant, wears prayer beads and covets them at difficult moments, frequently meditating. It looks like he uses his faith as a coping mechanism. There’s also another thing to consider, when we look at his past:
Kang has seen the absolute worst of the world, the nitty, gritty, and grimey. The first years of his life were spent suffering abuse as an orphan. It’s implied that he was a victim of human trafficking, which carries another set of implications entirely. Bo Rai Cho did him the kindness of bringing him to the temple, and I’m sure that the Masters did him an even greater kindness of introducing him to techniques that would help him find something resembling peace in himself. But it takes something else to secure someone’s faith in a system when one’s been through the ringer like that:
Trust. And who is it that he trusts more than anyone in the Order of Light? Kung Lao. They were paired up together, presumably to provide him with a peer that he could trust to treat him properly after years of mistreatment (perhaps it was difficult to trust adults with such a fraught history). And Lao did it! He gained his trust! The Liu Kang that we see in the present day is strong in his conviction that what they have committed to is what’s right for themselves, he is fine to save a world that wouldn’t save him if the chips came down to it. His faith in the divine balance isn't blind here, there’s an emphasis on practice. It’s my understanding that it DOESN’T come naturally to him, which sort of adds meaning to the act of believing because it’s a choice. He knows it’s a choice. That faith comes from a place of gratefulness and agency. The way that he talks about Kung Lao, how he builds him up as this amazing figure (at the slightest detriment to recognizing his own talents) tells us that he found something there worth believing in, and that it all started with believing in him. 
For all the shit he's seen, one thing rings true: The world is worth saving because Kung Lao is in it. 
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jaketheaudiophile · 2 years
Best Songs of 2021.
Hey friends. It's song time! The usual rules are here: No more than 10 words per entry, links included to music videos where relevant. Not necessarily singles. Full Spotify playlist here if you wanna listen along. What were your favorites from this past year?
#25. EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY: "Climbing Bear"
Minimalistic but dense and diverse instrumentation. Almost dainty.
#24. SPORTS TEAM: "Happy (God's Own Country)"
Swaggering, drunk fun. Feels like a lost Rolling Stones b-side.
#23. GULFER: "Neighbours"
Clever, catchy guitar tapping. Brilliant harmonies. Glorious.
#22. ZAO: "Croatoan"
Claustrophobic and jarring. Bridge is particularly great, eerie.
#21. BLEACHERS: "How Dare You Want More"
I adore the guitar / saxophone trade-off solos so much.
#20. ORIGAMI ANGEL: "Self-Destruct"
This song just GOES so hard. Love that enthusiasm.
#19. SCALE THE SUMMIT (featuring Joseph Secchiaroli): "Jackhammer Ballet"
Man, that guitar is pretty cool, huh? Vocals are incredible.
#18. BROJOB (featuring Kmac2021): "EXTRA THICC"
Irreverent but incredible. Kmac's verse is stunning.
#17. ORIGAMI ANGEL: "Neutrogena Spektor"
"That guy with the best fucking friends? THAT'S ME!"
#16. TYPHOON: "Empire Builder"
Shoutout Ben. Incredibly arranged, beautiful vocals. Heartbreakingly delicate.
#15. EVERY TIME I DIE: "Planet Shit"
Full on rager. Typical great ETID riffs and breakdown.
#14. GOJIRA: "Born for One Thing"
Some of the best drumming I've ever heard. Brutal, mean.
#13. KALI MASI: "Paint Me Jade"
High energy, varied kick-ass rock. What more do you want?
Love the juxtaposition of fast instrumental parts with relaxed vocals.
#11. DELTA SLEEP: "Old Soul"
Triumphant. One of the best hooks DS has written.
#10. ORIGAMI ANGEL: "Footloose Cannonball Brothers"
There are 3 OA songs here. AOTY for a reason.
8 years of silence, then this perfect jam. Unfair.
#8. BLEACHERS: "Stop Making This Hurt"
Such an earworm. Unique instruments. Feels like someone's theme song.
#7. EVERY TIME I DIE (featuring Josh Scogin): "All This and War"
Adding Josh Scogin to your song is a winning strategy.
#6. PET SYMMETRY: "Pet Sympathy"
Bizarre bossa nova that somehow works. Such fun chord progressions.
#5. KALI MASI: "Guilt Like a Gun"
Best music video of the year. Stuck in head forever.
#4. REALLY FROM: "Quirk"
Honestly, inspiring. Such a pick-me-up. Trumpet slays.
#3. DELTA SLEEP: "The Detail"
Picture perfect math rock. Simple, with several fun deviations.
#2. UNWED SAILOR: "Dark of the Morning"
The best thing Unwed Sailor has done in a decade.
#1. DITZ: "Cockroach"
Sometimes your most played song is that for a reason.
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