#shikaino kids
tamelee · 1 year
Pleaaaseee there is a tier list on ships from Naruto would love to see that one!
Okay I found a decent list to fill in, here you go:
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There were many ships that are completely random so I just threw them all into one category..
About the last category
SakuLee.. I actually thought they were going to be a thing when I first saw the show because no way Sasuke was ever going to give in to her advances. And I was right about that last part because he didn't. And gradually Sakura was little by little being a bit nicer about Lee when she decided to visit him at the hospital.. and wow!! For her, that's amazing development because at the time and even now her entire character is based on that selfish love (Kishimoto's words not mine) she has for Sasuke. And so she even said to Ino that the flowers she brought with her weren't just for Sasuke- it was explicitly stated in the Manga- so that visual AND text said a whole lot about her... buuuuuut then that went down the drain real fast too. And so, no this ship doesn't make sense but I think it could've been if x, y and z..
ObiRin!! Okay, I know I have KakaRin in the category where I get that people ship it, but not ObiRin- why? Because Rin loved Kakashi and not Obito. And so shipping ObiRin for me doesn't make sense since I am also against other one-sided ships. Rin to me however is an entirely different character from.. let's say Sakura or Hinata and so are the dynamics between them within Team Minato. Rin genuinely cares for both Obito and Kakashi equally, but she doesn't love Obito in a romantic sense. She also didn't chase after Kakashi rabidly trying to get him to like her back, that's why, although Rin showed many gestures towards Obito that really shouldn't be underestimated, I wonder how it would've played out with Kakashi under different circumstances. His resolve and beliefs were already swaying during that mission thanks to Obito- if they succeeded, perhaps Kakashi grew up learning to love that way. Perhaps that would've been Rin. (Or maybe not.)
SakuHina.. just put them together and let them be miserable together? I see many benefits from this tbh. Two of the most selfish characters to have ever existed if not the most selfish characters ever- lump them together, never bother anyone else- problem solved.
SaiIno.. I don't really have a problem with this ship but.. Sai is really gay. I'm sorry but what is he doing with Ino? He found her ugly and they're pretty much together for the sake of.. well kids/next gen stuff. For Ino I think it's fine, Sai sorta looks like Sasuke so it makes sense for her.. but Sai being in love with Ino, canonically? Weird. I know, SaiIno shippers will fight me on it, that's fine, you people have great art though, I'm not complaining.
Jiraiya/Tsunade.. I haven't really seen them being shipped together other than places like IG and Reddit. And some of them were really protective of them- Jiraiya would've always put his WoF above Tsunade which she accepted... why is this a good ship? I don't have much to say for this other than my surprise of their popularity..
Choji and Karui.. apparently their relationship was "explained" in filler novels. Choji simply said he was "interested in her". So they married and made a baby for 'Boruto'. Although 'Boruto-canon', this shit makes no sense.
ShikaIno, look I shipped them. I mean, I used to when I first watched the show because I liked their team-work and I thought Ino's very extra behavior balanced well with Shikamaru's more calm nature. I mean, if anything, he had misogynistic thoughts which he sometimes voiced out loud.. so perhaps a bit ignorant at the time, but I thought Ino was the one helping him with that development partly because of her appearance (since well.. the genre..) instead of Temari, but alas. And I think this is better anyway.
KankuSaku.. LISTEN! Hear me out~ Ship makes no sense at all. BUT. She came all the way from Konoha, saved his life just in time, playing doctor in a way where she didn't need to be all worshipped as a Mary Sue in some weird- godforsaken jail (ESAKA TAKE NOTES), but actually was useful because she learned, developed and took action- then bonded with Chiyo which Kankuro also somewhat has a relationship with- whom he then takes care of the puppets for after she dies.. there are connections and things that can be used to have them bond over. MISSED OPPORTUNITY OKAY- that's all I'm sayin'.
Most of you know how I feel about Sakura, but one of the scenes where I think she DID very much shine (as most of her fans think she so much deserves for some reason)- is when she tried her best to befriend Sai who actually was pretty rude at the beginning. It was Sakura who asked him what he was drawing when she went out to find him and what it meant to him. It was Sakura who tried to figure out more about him to see if she could help him (and their case) somehow- which surprised me pleasantly!! She for once didn't do this for selfish reasons. Now, both Sakura and Sai don't really grasp situations well especially when it comes to Naruto and Sasuke, but they sorta bonded over it a little. Sai while genuinely wanting to understand and Sakura while genuinely wanting to deny. It's not a ship, nor a really good ship- Because Sai.. and Sakura.. but I still wanted to point it out.
*-* anyway- there is too much to say about so many of these, I'll think I'll try to keep it short 💕
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kiljoius-writes · 8 months
Other ships/General/Multi-ship
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Hanabi Hyūga
Beautifully, Exceptionally, Tragically Fatal
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Hanabi Hyūga was never anything less than exceptional.
But it’s never, ever been enough.
Deep in the pit of her stomach, it’s a repulsive malice that brews.
Rating: T
For kunoichi-central's birthday event Prompt: MARCH 27 - Hyuga Hanabi [ Spite | Fury in her blood, ugly and haunting and oh so sweet. ]
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Ibiki tells him, "Your feelings don't matter." Iruka thinks about it all night.
Iruka grapples with his identity as a sensei as his kids prepare to graduate.
Rating: G
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Kiba Inuzuka/Tamaki
As Pretty As You Are
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Tamaki likes where her and Kiba are at, right now.
It’s not too serious, but she can tell he’s smitten with her. It’s what Daku, her closest ninneko, whispers to her, anyway. He’s suspicious of Kiba, and doubly suspicious of Akamaru, but has an open mind. He says that Kiba is doing everything right, so far.
Then, one day, while she’s shopping in the middle market of the Leaf, that all comes into question when she’s approached by Ino.
Rating: T
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Minato Namikaze/Kushina Uzumaki
Sun Rising
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Kushina Uzumaki is alone in the world.
A classroom full of bug-eyed kids stare at her and she stares back. She has to wonder if this village has no concept of color. Her eyes flicker to the only bright thing in the room: obnoxious, spiky, blond hair. Not even blond, just straight up yellow. This boy is actually too bright, if you ask her.
It's a lonely world for a jinchūriki, especially a foreign one with wild red hair and a temper.
For motroshell, part of the 2023 Fest no Jutsu. Prompt: Uzumaki Kushina does make it to Hokage and fulfils her childhood dream. Minato has been supporting her every step of the way. How did it happen?
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SasuHina, ShikaIno, KibaTen, ShinoSaku, KonoHana + more in the future.
Cooler Than Me
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It’s a beautiful day in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The Hokage tower stands tall with all previous Hokage’s faces on display behind it, as well as the current. Faces the citizens of the Leaf know quite well. Hashirama Senju, founder of the Leaf. Tobirama Senju, his brother. Hiruzen Sarutobi, God of Shinobi. Minato Namikaze, the Yellow Flash. Jiraiya, Sannin. Might Guy, the Leaf’s Noble Green Beast.
And of course, the current Hokage himself, Rock Lee, Handsome Devil of the Leaf.
Within the Hokage tower, at the very top, in the esteemed Hokage’s office, Rock Lee is on his hands, nearing one thousand standing pushups while Shikamaru Nara frantically pens a letter to Neji Hyūga.
When the hell is your ‘sabbatical’ going to be over? I am drowning. Our Hokage is trying to open up another dojo. We’ve already opened two in the last week. It’ll make 12 since you left. I need a goddamn nap.
Return or I’ll send my deer.
Exhausted, Shikamaru
Rating: T for language
Cooler Than You
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With Lee as Hokage, the Leaf Village knows no peace. The best shot they have at some semblance of calm is in the janitor's closets, the bedrooms, the bathrooms, and underneath their desks.
Or: The smut chapters of "Cooler Than Me".
Rating: E for smut
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azurelyy · 2 years
Coming in hot with that Naruto fandom <3
I will do it again and change the answers up a bit <3. Thanks for the ask!
The first character I first fell in love with:  Second character I ever loved was definitely Shikamaru. I have always found him really hot fascinating, even as a kid. I just love characters like him, the smart kid with a heart of gold.💛
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Probably going to have to go with Naruto, honestly lol. I actually found him to be very immature and annoying the first time I watched, and when I started watching it again last year he really stood out to me. Now I love him so much!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Sasori... Just... why. I'm sorry, he has no appeal to me at all lol.
The character I love that everyone else hates:  Sakura, for sure. The fandom despises her and I truly don't get it. I think with some more development, she can be great.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I feel like I don't really have any more of these. Most of the characters I used to love I still do, other than Sasuke. If anything, I like them more that I'm older.
The character I would totally smooch:  After Shikamaru, it's gotta be Kakashi. Mmm.
The character I’d want to be like:  I don't have another other than Temari just because the development of all the female characters is honestly abysmal, imo.
The character I’d slap:  Sasori... I'm sorry, I just really hate him LOL.
A pairing that I love: ShikaIno <3
A pairing that I despise: NaruIno... Just no.
Ask game
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My Life WIth You Always [ShikaIno]
@themindfulcosmos​ asked:
"I can't imagine my life without you in it." [For Shikamaru]
Love Confessions
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“Yeah? I can’t imagine my life without you in it too. You have always been there for me, ever since we were kids,” Shikamaru replied with a faint smile. They really went through a lot together, growing up on the same team, the loss of their sensei, and their fathers during the war, becoming the next heads of their clan. They shared a lot of hardship together, but at the same time, helped each other through them to share the happy times too, especially after they officially started dating.
Now they were married and had children of their own, and he couldn’t have accomplished so much without her, especially his happiness. “Thank you for everything, Ino,” he spoke sincerely, pulling her into a deep kiss. “I meant it, you make me the luckiest guy around.”
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cailiv · 7 years
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Shikamaru’s and Ino’s little shits
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team10appreciation · 5 years
I'm sorry for angst but I'm gonna post this old Silent Hill AU draw, out of context...because I hate myself.
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pippitea · 6 years
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i miss them
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mimidorika · 6 years
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Im not done yet (⌒▽⌒)☆
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pinboo · 7 years
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shikamaru / ino  x  lucky
lucky i’m in love with my bestfriend
lucky to have been where i have been
lucky to be coming home again
naruto ||  nara shikamaru x yamanaka ino  ||  lucky by jason mraz ft. colbie caillat
pinboo’s ship x song moodboard series no. 24
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leportraitducadavre · 2 years
Can you do a comparison between ShikaIno vs ShikaTema? Which ship do you prefer and why? Even if you don't like either one, just pick the lesser of the evil.
I don’t specifically ship any of them, I think Shikamaru is particularly problematic for both women due to his sexist beliefs and behaviors, he’s also somewhat boring -so I’m not really invested in his romantic story.
I guess both ships have their things both in favour and against, if we take for granted Shikamaru’s sexist nature, therefore, we don’t include it in order to pick one of the two pairings, we’ll have other things to take into account:
1- Shikamaru and Ino are both part of clans with a long history and alliance in between them, them having a children together would force them to choose which part of the Ino-Shika(-Chö) chain that child will represent -meaning that one of their respective clans will have no “heir” representative, and will be forced to chose a child from another family (yet, same clan), to take that place.
2- Similarly, they’ll be either forced to chose another child to inherit the position as leader of the clan their child doesn’t represent or have more than one baby in order to “distribute them” into their different clans (I’ve put this as a different aspect from point 1 because the Ino-Shika-Chö alliance requires all of its participants to have the same age, so the only way to solve that with two kids from Shikamaru and Ino would be if they have twins).
3- I guess they have a good dynamic and understanding between them, they are friends canonically, and Shikamaru relies emotionally on Ino’s leading during the War Arc -so I see why people would take that friendship and develop it into something romantical.
1- Out of the two, this was the couple that was canonically hinted at, so I guess they are the ones who have the upper hand in the actual display of romantical interest between the two characters.
2- I don’t exactly know how would work realistically for both of them (no, I’m not counting Boruto as a solution), the idea that Temari resigned as a shinobi to live and have Shikamaru’s babies is a disservice to her character and career.
3- Alongside that specific problem, and even tho the problem was “sorted out” (rather, never mentioned again), Temari quite literally participated in Suna’s invasion of Konoha -who killed many of its ninjas, even if she didn’t literally killed one of Konoha’s soldiers, she’s still part of the group (therefore, the representation), of such people. And while there’s no mention in canon, realistically, there’ll be people that’ll be pissed still. She’s then forced to live in a hostile environment.
I truly can’t think of choosing between the two -I don’t want to be labelled as a shipper of any of them, I guess ShikaTema is the one that has more sense narrative wise because it ensures the Ino-Shika-Chö alliance continuing without issues -but it ends up forcing Temari to dissapear as a ninja, only to live as a housewife.
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hime-of-the-stars · 2 years
I do ship Sasuhina and it’s so weird they haven’t really interacted but I don’t know maybe it’s the edit’s or the fan art but I’ve just fallen in love with it along with Narusaku and Shikaino not to say I don’t like the canon ships I do but I love the fanon one’s as well and so I am going to give the reasons why I like each fanon ship and a picture I made of what there kids could look like that I made with LivePortraitMaker and the first ship is SASUHINA
1 - they both lost brothers Neji and hinata might have only been cousins but they saw each other as sibling with hinata calling him neji nii-san
2 - they both have dojutsu
3 - They both have felt lesser in there father eye’s because of a sibling sasuke with itachi and hinata with hanabi
4 - They could unite two bloodlines sasuke being a descendant of Hagoromo and hinata being a descendant of Hamura
5 - Hinata was the only girl in there class who didn’t have a crush on him and when I get to sasusaku you will realize that I never liked Sakura crush on sasuke for the simple fact that sasuke made it clear he didn’t like her and she still didn’t leave him alone but yeah it’s one of the reason I ship sasuhina
Now for the children
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I would give the twin Uchiha/Hyūga-Hime
Hikari and Shiori
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hawksky · 3 years
idk if this is brave to say or not but i was a shikaino shipper as a kid
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Shikaino’s twins
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 A few days ago,I decided to start drawing what I think Shikaino and what their kids would look like from my perspective. Here are two of my newest ocs. :)
I decided to draw their children as twins so they wouldn’t break up the tradition and bonds. This way, Shikaino could have ended up together while having two children that could become apart of the next generation of InoShikaCho.
Here are some random headcanons I’ve written to go along with the two!
                 ───── ❝ Shika Nara-Yamanaka ❞ ─────
Shika Nara Yamanaka, the older twin by 18 seconds, (much to her younger brother, Inori’s avail.) is trained by her father, Shikamaru to become the heir of the Nara clan.
Shika was blessed with long, smooth, hair like her mother, but the same dark shade and ridiculous hairline like her father. Thankfully, she can hide it with her bangs and lots of hair gel, (according to what her father does, due to the extreme amounts of product that goes into his hair to make it somewhat decent looking.)
Shika inherited the classic, striking Yamanaka eyes.
Will openly call out her father during one on one training sessions when she thinks that something is “pointless” during her training.
This behavior amplifies when she’s training with InoShikaCho.
Shika can stand on her own when it comes to forming strategies, but will mostly leave it to Inori because she doesn’t want to spend her time stressing about a plan on the spot.
Very ambitious with her clan jutsu, she hopes to learn all she can from her father and even create her own jutsu one day to surpass the current, legendary ninjutsu that belongs to the Nara.
Even though she seems closed off with most people, she has a very strong bond with her brother and her family.
Shika has a deep connection to her clan. If you can’t find Shika spending time with the Nara elders, you could find her in the Nara forest collecting ingredients and spending time with their deer.
Despite her calm demeanor, can come off as very aggressive when she’s with her friends or sibling.
She will also not hesitate to try and get under Inori’s skin if an opportunity strikes.
                   ───── ❝ Inori Nara-Yamanaka ❞ ─────
Inori Nara-Yamanaka, the younger twin by 18 seconds, was taught by his mother, Ino.
While mostly resembling his father, Inori ended up with the same spiky hair from his father, but thankfully inherited his mother’s hairline, which Shika despises.
Inori has the boisterous personality of his mother while having the smarts of his father. Putting the two together would create quite the interesting personality.
Despite his extroverted demeanor, Inori is actually more sensitive then his sister is, which allows her jokes to get under his skin a bit more than he prefers.
Inori enjoys shining independently and be praised for his critical thinking skills.
Though Inori is considered the “intellect” of the two, the twins are both very intelligent. This results in Inori sometimes having to compete for being praised by his peers when his sister decides to chime in an idea or two.
With the outcome of the two constantly trying to out do each other in ideas, they will both often come up with an insane plan that usually ends up with great results on missions.
Or, it will sometimes blow up in their faces, which creates more conflict and bickering between the two.
Both of them will quickly make up and Inori will extend the olive branch; even if Shika is the one who was tormenting him in the first place.
Inori is interested in the Yamanaka clan and the kekkei genkai that his clan possessed, but isn’t very interested in the responsibilities of InoShikaCho.
He doesn’t resent it, but he thinks he spends a lot more time on it then he thinks he should.
Inori would never say this out loud to his family, especially Ino.
Being open with his twin, he would be honest about his feelings with Shika.
After lots of venting and talking at four am in the Nara-Yamanaka household, Shika helps him learn about their history and how InoShikaCho has a deep affiliation with Konoha.
Inori has an epiphany.
Eventually, Inori learns to love the legacy of InoShikaCho.
This inspires him to work harder to help create the 17th generation’s own legacy.
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Naruto muses responding to ‘I want to a baby’ // with alt ships
Sakura: I want a baby // NaruSaku (cc) Naruto: Alright! I’ll take care of you while you’re pregnant! -is probably just going to feed her (cup) ramen 24/7-
Hinata: I want a baby // SasuHina (cc) Sasuke: Good, it’s about time we revive our clans
Ino: I want a baby // ShikaIno (cc) Shikamaru: Alright, I just hope I’m not a drag in bed.
Tenten: I want a baby // NejiTen (cc) Neji: But I’m a ghost Tenten (cc) Neji: I see, I’d like that too, Tenten.
Sakura: I want a baby // SakuSai (cc) Sai: Is there a sexual position we should try for that?
Hinata: I want a baby // KibaHina (cc) Kiba: Alright, Akamaru would love a kid brother or sister!
Significant Other; I want a baby
(cc) Choji: Me too, I’ve been craving lamb chops lately! (cc) Shino: I have many (insects) living inside me already (cc) Lee: But I’m baby! We should get a clone from Orochimaru! (cc) Gaara: I see, let’s adopt one at the orphanage
// inspired by this
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anoceaninthesun · 4 years
Needs Improvement
Thanks largely to a brilliant suggestion by @shineejeya the Home Improvement AU continues with this ficlet (mini-series ??). This time the renovating teams tackle their toughest assignment yet. If only it was all about the house and not the feisty, beautiful client.
Summary: When Yamanaka Ino meddles in her best friend’s love life quest to DIY renovate her new fixer-upper, Haruno Sakura finds herself caught up in a home improvement competition between four handsome, creative questionably qualified renovators.  
(Home Improvement AU, Modern AU, Slice-of-Life AU)
Pairings: FoundersxSaku (IzuSaku, TobiSaku, MadaSaku, HashiSaku), ShikaIno, other background pairs
Rating: T
Genre(s): Romance, Comedy, General
Warnings: none really—except maybe swearing, atrocious flirting skills and the Founders being renovating crackheads (not literally, but almost)
Pt. 1, Pt.2 
Sakura had her doubts about Ino’s intentions from the moment she showed up dressed so...expensively. The season’s latest denim cut off jacket, glittering top, a perfectly pleated skirt she’d seen in an upscale boutique they went to together, and boots easily worth someone’s paycheck. Granted, her friend had been a fashionista and trendsetter since they were kids.
 But, when Ino called the night before claiming it had been too long since they’d hung out and she wanted to do a quiet, girl’s-day-in, she’d agreed. So maybe the pinkette had brought whatever was coming onto herself. She hadn’t thought much of it when the blonde said she’d swing by.
 It wasn’t really done, boxes barely unpacked and some rooms still without fresh coats of paint, but it was slowly coming along. Buying her first home at only twenty-two was a big deal, all the years of frugal spending and careful saving, of building credit and working hard culminating in such a huge achievement. 
She was so proud of herself, and determined to turn the house into the home of her dreams, one weekend at a time. “Do you want a soda or water?” she called from the kitchen. 
She could see Ino on her couch with her thumbs flying over her phone screen, not paying any attention to the movie playing. “Smoothie.” she responded, absently. 
“That’s not even one of the choices I just offered!” Sakura huffed. 
“Don’t be an ungracious hostess, Sakura.” Ino laughed.
The doorbell chimed, and Sakura went to the fridge and fished out two bottles of water. She raised a suspicious brow when Ino ran to get it before she could so much as ask. Sakura knew she wasn’t expecting anyone else over, but her friends sometimes popped up when they knew she was free (which was sadly less than ever as of late). 
Taking the water and setting the two bottles down on the coffee table, Sakura wandered into the mudroom, peering out the window. She took a startled step back, blinking at the cars parked in her driveway and on the other side of the street. Was that...a camera crew? “What the hell?” she whispered. “Ino!” She stomped to the front door, only to find her friend bouncing around, happy sounds leaving her mouth as four incredibly attractive men stepped into her home. And yes, a flood of people with cameras coming in too. 
“Hi!” Ino waved with both hands. “Thank you so much for choosing this house! I can’t believe you’re here,” she tucked a loose lock of hair behind one ear and then moved forward to shake the first man’s hand. 
Sakura caught herself doing a double take. He looked so much like her childhood friend Sasuke it wasn’t even funny. More like Sasuke than his own older brother did, and she had always thought that their resemblance was pretty strong.
 The only real noticeable differences she could spot was his longer hair (hair which stuck up messily the same way Sasuke’s tended to) hanging down his back when he turned.
 His lips also looked fuller, and she and Naruto had always reluctantly agreed Sasuke had lips to die for. Their eyes met from over Ino’s shoulder and Sakura felt her heart seize up for half a beat, averting her eyes. He smiled politely, stepping back from Ino so she could continue conversing with the strange group of people. 
“So this is the house?” A white-haired man rumbled, his sharp, red eyes drinking in every detail. His unyielding facial expression made it hard to determine whatever thoughts were running to his head. Until his head bobbed once, evidently satisfied. “It’s got good bones.” 
Good bones. Sakura had thought the same thing when she’d seen it, and that’s what had prompted her to put a considerable amount of her savings into buying it. That, and maybe a tiny splash of idealism. The location, the rooms, the cute (if not somewhat overgrown) backyard...
“You’re Yamanaka Ino, right? The friend who wrote in?” The next man who spoke brought her right out of her idyllic visions. He was huge, with a beautifully bronzed skin tone, a voice that exuded warmth, and a flannel shirt stretched over a broad chest. He shook Ino’s hand, her whole arm bouncing with his strength, “Is the home owner around?” 
“Sure is! She’s right,” Ino half turned and her eyes immediately found Sakura, who had been frozen there the entire time. “Right there!”
Just like that, any illusion of invisibility she had was ripped away, and Sakura stood exposed. The cameras were zooming in, taking in her wide eyes, ghostly pallor and everyday clothes. 
“Haruno Sakura?” The man approaching her had a voice that felt like it punched the wind from her lungs, knocking her sideways. He shifted some of his long hair aside and smirked slightly, catching her reaction. She took the hand he offered and shook it, because she wasn’t really sure what else she could do. “I assume you know why we’re here?”
“Bad assumption,” she croaked. “This wasn’t what...I don’t know why...have I seen you somewhere before?” 
The role reversal was abrupt. His cocky grin melted into a thin line as his brow arched and he retracted his hand. “You...You haven’t seen the show?”
“No.” Sakura responded, almost challengingly.
The Sasuke-Look-Alike approached with a softer expression, but it did nothing for her nerves. He was just as overwhelming up close as the man she shook hands with.
“We were contacted to renovate a home, your home. As part of a new episode of our show, From House to Home. I’m Uchiha Izuna, and that’s my charming brother—”
“Madara.” Madara introduced himself with pride, as if he had the title of royalty attached to his name. They really were Sasuke’s relatives! Ones she’d never met, and she thought she had met a good deal of his extended family.
Apparently not wanting to be left out, the man with the large presence and abundance of energy came over, his eyes merry even before the genuine grin pulled his mouth up. “I’m Senju Hashirama, and I’m excited to work with you. We’ll get your dream home complete in no time.” Tugging the solemn man to his side and placing an arm around his shoulders, he waited.
“Senju Tobirama.” he said, his tone no more ‘excited’ than his face.
Sakura blinked once, wondering why a brain that could memorize the names for all the bones in a human body with ease had so much difficulty processing this. “Nice to meet you all.” she said slowly. Her eyes darted back to the camera crew still filming. She worried her face was going to look clammy on film. Would they edit out the awkward parts at least?
“So, Ino-san’s told us a little bit, but it’d be great if we could go over what you’re looking for.” Izuna urged.
Figuring it was too late to turn back (although she owed Ino one hell of a scolding for blindsiding her), Sakura nodded. “I’ll show you around.”
Ino flitted around like a dragonfly that couldn’t decide where to land. Sakura did her best not to break into a sweat over the pack of handsome men following her around from room to room. She had plenty of male friends.
Attractive male friends, even. But there was a hot flame at the back of her neck from the gazes tracking her that just wasn’t there when she was around her boys. The crush she’d once had on Sasuke for that awkward period when they were younger, notwithstanding.
“A more open kitchen?” Hashirama repeated. He pulled out a tablet and began fumbling with it, biting his lip briefly. Sighing loudly, Tobirama yanked it from his hand, pointedly turning it so it was no longer upside down, and began tapping.
Sakura smiled slightly. Though they were apparently something like celebrities in the world of home improvement, they gave off a very difference impression in real life. On the other hand, exactly how competent were these men?
“It’d be nice if she could have a bigger island bar. You know, for get togethers with our friends.” Ino put in, standing at one corner of the room.
For all the helpful advice she had, the renovators probably thought Ino lived with her.
“We’ve definitely done some very fun island bars before.” The older Senju said. “Remember the project with the tropical fish tank built in?” He nudged at his brother, who grimaced.
“Your ideas are somehow always even bigger than the clients.” Tobirama grumbled.
Madara wondered over to her humble stove area, examining it. Then her second-hand fridge and microwave. “These appliances are outdated. Anything new we put in would clash.” Sakura took offense to his disdainful expression. It wasn’t easy to afford a house on her budget and spring for brand new kitchenware and appliances.
“It works fine.” Sakura explained, teeth grinding. Who did this man, who probably drove around in a car the same price as the down payment on her house, think he was? To demonstrate, she brushed by his taller frame and turned on one of the eyelets of the stove. A flame sputtered to life. “Plus,” she added, putting on her syrupiest voice, “I know seasoned renovators like yourselves can work around any minor inconveniences the house has.” Madara stared at it, then her, saying nothing else.
Sakura happened to catch the shrewd carmine eyes of Tobirama, noticing how they were lit with mild amusement.
“Without a doubt!” Hashirama agreed, “So Madara, you’ll take responsibility for the kitchen area?”
Crossing his arms, the older Uchiha made a noise reminiscent of reluctant agreeance. Sakura had been friends with Sasuke for a long enough period to decode most vague noises and gestures in an Uchiha’s standard repertoire.
That was without a doubt, “challenge accepted.” ______________________________________________________________
So far, the job ahead didn’t make him feel as miserable as Tobirama had been expecting. Despite the strange newness of the situation, Haruno Sakura didn’t seem like an unreasonable client. They were currently surveying her unfenced backyard, no one more eager to talk about plans for it than Hashirama. “The great thing about how unstructured this space is right now, is that you could do almost anything with it and not worry about taking anything out first. A fence is a definite, but how do you feel about a greenstone garden?”
Sakura contemplated, a slow smile curling her lips as her best friend barely contained a squeal. “Well, I did say whenever I got my own place I’d try my hand at something like that.” 
Happy that she was on board, she and Hashirama began to talk shop, with Ino interjecting, apparently a gardening fanatic herself. Tobirama let them chat, busy watching Madara scope out the yard, presumably to see how he’d implement his own project. When he wasn’t doing that, he was boring holes into the side of the client’s head. She had to feel it. 
It was starting to agitate him a little, and he wasn’t even the focus of the man’s gaze. Ever since the little display of sass in the kitchen – something Tobirama thoroughly appreciated since quite a few clients were too busy fawning to put Madara in his place–it was hard to tell if the older of the Uchiha brothers wanted to one up them or impress Sakura. More than likely both.
“I don’t think I’d want to splurge on anything like a pool,” Sakura was shaking her head. “But it’d be nice to have something entertaining...”
“A firepit.” Izuna said instantly. “We can do one right off the patio if you want.” He took out his own tablet and showed her a three dimensional construct of what it would look like. 
Sakura leaned in, her face approving. “Oh!” Without even seeming to realize it, she gently tugged it from his hands and tapped. “Are these the different designs? I really like this one.” 
The camera shifted to show what her choice had been. Though Tobirama found the Uchiha’s penchant for firepits entirely unoriginal from a design perspective, the one Sakura liked would unfortunately be very nice surrounded by Hashirama’s horticultural touches.
 Izuna was certainly proud of himself for suggesting it, much less openly smug than his brother. But...too pleased nonetheless. In fact, he had been stealing interested looks at Sakura nearly as often as Madara. 
As they moved back into the house, Hashirama and the women in front, the younger Senju traded a very loaded look with the dark-haired brothers.That probably wasn’t going to make the final cut. The show liked to capitalize on a “friendly” if not overly-competitive rivalry, but the venomous sneers they gifted each other were far past it. 
They were all supposed to be alright with a collaboration for the sake of Sakura’s dream reno. He just had the niggling suspicion that wasn’t the only thing on their minds. Deny all they wanted, the Uchiha Team tended to shine best when the client was young, female and single. Sakura was at least two out of three things thus far. 
At the very least, she wasn’t acting besotted. That was a welcome change. She also seemed financially conscious, which was something else Tobirama appreciated after so long doing budgeting on these projects. A lot of clients didn’t truly understand how that portion of project management worked.
 Though, with how surprised she was by the whole affair, he wondered if she even knew an anonymous source had put up a very generous amount to cover the renovation.
 Sakura could have two identical houses and triple the square footage if she really wanted it. And it wasn’t beneath Madara to use that knowledge and some sex appeal to coerce someone in the pinkette’s position to let him take control of a project like this one.   
Tobirama wasn’t about to let the opposing team break ahead. The time would come shortly for him to speak with Sakura, and when they had that meeting of the minds, he would convince her that an economical reno was the way to go.  
It took a lot longer than anticipated but here’s part two. The beginning of the SakuraxFounders interactions! I usually do slow burn, but at the same time this isn’t going to be super long, so romance may happen quicker than usual. I think this is looking more and more like it may become a mini-series (a handful of these little chapters probably), which I have never done on tumblr. Fingers crossed I figure it out. If you’re looking for more FounderxSakura fun from me, and there’s a chance you haven’t seen my oversaturated advertisement for it, you can check out: A Stitch in Time.
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dazzlelunamuffin · 7 years
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This started with the Hinata picture with her giant children, my siblings and I are all extremely taller than our mom so it’s funny to se us walk around. I assumed that’s how the village would feel with Hinata walking around with her kids, but Hinata can always get the upper hand. After that drawing that picture I really wanted to see the other Naruto kids interacting with their children so I have Sasuke with his younger kids. I kind of just wanted to see Naruto, Sakura, and Etsuka just sitting around in the Hokage office. I would imagine them intentionally planning everyday to eat together as a family since they’re always so busy with their schedules. So I guess eventually they would just decide to eat lunch on the Hokage floor office. And to Shikamaru and Ino I kind of imagined them being a more chillax and patient parents and just listen to their kids argue about chess games and Exemplary battle scenarios, little things to test their minds and ability to act upon obstacles ( yes essentially they’re playing Dungeons and Dragons). 1st photo: Hinata-38 Kikyo-19 Katsuro-13 2nd photo: The twins-8 Sasuke-39 Baby-2 3rd: Sakura-38 Naruro-38 Etsuka-11 4th photo: Ino-38 Shikamaru-39 Emiko-12 Hideo-14
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