#she is the only morally pure character i've ever written in my life wish me luck
ohraicodoll · 1 year
Thank you so much for Red. It’s crazy how much I relate to her. We don’t live in a post apocalyptic world but we all live in our own worlds and sometimes it can feel like us vs them which Red helps me to navigate. She has helped me to feel less ashamed about the way my brain has turned out.
She’s so cathartic and has shown me that even when someone is as rough and ready, or completely rejecting of anything good that comes their way because they ‘don’t deserve it’ or that they will wreck it that some people could them her regardless. If that makes sense.
I especially love the new Tommy x Red friend post that just made me feel so fucking validated again! The way that Red has unusual ways of showing her love/gratitude and the people in her life just try to understand it until they do with no questioning!? To be loved in a way that is so accommodating and significant blows my mind. I know you’re writing fiction but sometimes discovering that this very specific thing is addressed and taken care of by another human being in the world is insane and has given me a bit of hope for my future.
It’s so soothing and Cathartic to read your work . I spent some of my childhood in survival mode and it never truly leaves you. You’ve written it so realistically I am in amazement with every piece of the puzzle you post.
I wish I had an ounce of your talent so that I could explain my love and gratitude for you in a way that was comprehensible. I’m sorry, I just had to say something now though, I’ve been having a weird couple of days and your writing is one of my only forms of escapism.
I am so interested in what inspired you to create such a specifically complex female character like her. I consume a lot of media, have read and literally studied the new era of woman (still hard to give them a specific name) and no character has ever come close to Red. Your talent blows my mind.
Thank you Sam.
Oh goodness, did you make me cry ❤❤
I'm so glad you feel seen and feel a bit of representation and catharsis with her. That's just all I can hope is that you all love the characters I create and the stories as much as I do. You've all kept me motivated and inspired to write her (especially as fast as I have haha).
The idea about Red came because I kinda got tired of only finding pure smut or timid characters in the TLOU fic tag. I love both but Tess was not timid and was more the dominant in the relationship. And I fully get that Joel radiates "I'll take care of you" dom energy but at this point in the apocalypse I doubt there would be many people left that didn't have some aggression in them or that need taking care of. I love character analysis too much to do the same type of character.
I've always been drawn to rage characters. I wrote a whole book series when I was a teen centered around one. And I think I wanted to go back to that since my character in my Sandman series is the opposite. Dahlia is an exploration of trauma responses, especially around acts of anger because that's what I experience. But I started writing with action and violence and someone who is angry all the time and motivated by rage and I wanted to go back to it because writing a character that lacks the moral responses to killing is fascinating. So often we get characters that regret or are remorseful around killing and I don't think that's Joel.
So it was a combo of just writing someone who doesn't regret her violence, doesn't regret killing, and has been alone in the wild for a long time focused only on surviving that they never thought they'd get more. Someone who is accepted for their violence and rage. And that's Red. She is a bunch of fractured pieces held together with string with no coping skills and Joel and Ellie love her either way.
There's the her before the Outbreak, the her that was broken by her sister (who she sees in Ellie), there's the her that was with her group, the her after being alone for years and years, and then the her with Joel and Ellie. Joel never shies away from her and may actually be drawn to her more because of it since there's a piece of that in him. This story is about being seen and accepting your ugliness.
I think being able to jump all over her timeline and continuously build her has been so wonderful and fun. Requests and prompts have been great in building her (though I do change some to make sure they fit the world and who she is). I fully acknowledge she's not a reader but an OC but I cannot write a character who is a blank slate because your past and history dictate your personality and actions (and tbh, most Readers are actually OC's without names or descriptions. I'm old, the x Reader/You thing is new but also just a relabeling of OC's)
I don't know how other writers write, but these characters fully inhabit me when I focus on them. It's why it's hard to switch between stories and characters at time because I can only see through their eyes. I feel their natural body movements, their conversations flow in my head and usually I have to race to write them down somewhere for later. Red is very much a part of me and it's been a joy to explore her and bring her to you all.
So much love and thankfulness to you all ❤❤
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fogmongers · 6 years
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                                       a  l  l  i  s  o  n     c  l  o  v  e  r                                   S  A  N  D  R  A     C  A  R  R  O  L  L .                    unenrolled.                                                                     dorm couch surfer.                        psychedlics dealer.      tramp.      freelance sugar baby.      dropped angel.
grew up in the underbelly of chicago, raised by a well-meaning but fatally over-protective single mother, who tried to shield her daughter from the grit and grime that covered every square inch of their community.
as a child, allison clover was kept busy at all costs, distracted by a wallpapering of catholicism from the influence of her peers and the sordid history of her mother. she was brought up in the church; socializing primarily within the church’s community, playing on the church’s softball team, participating in the church’s charity events and helping to organize the church’s fundraisers.
she and her mother ran an online business selling homemade incense, candles, and teabags from herbs and spices grown right in their apartment. it was just enough to help keep the lights on when her mother’s job at the plant nursery couldn’t cut it. this is to say: a young, naive allison wouldn’t have much in realm of inheritance when she would need it.
shortly after ally’s 18th birthday, her mother was killed in an assault. 
gang initiation. body mutilated. her teenage daughter had to identify the corpse. 
the tragedy shattered allison’s eden--- woke her up to the nihilistic nature of the world, in which good people can die for no rhyme or reason. and it showed her the true nature of contemporary christians and their shortcomings in practicing what they preach. in the wake of ms. clover, the church community offered ally their prayers and platitudes, but no one in their lower class community had a dime to spare or room on their couches when allison needed a place to stay, every conservative bystander assuming someone else would step up to take care of her. 
emotionally distraught and disappointed in her paper thin support system, allison stopped sticking around after mass and isolated herself from the community, eventually opting not to attend altogether. 
the scraps of inheritance she had left after paying for a catholic funeral would not help her afford the rent. her underwhelming resume would not be enough to get her a job to support herself. too overcome with grief to manage working two jobs; with her mother deeply estranged from the rest of their family; with her long history of being isolated from her neighbors; she had nowhere to turn when she was evicted.
her naivete and lack of alternative options paved allison’s way to falling in with a bad crowd. her first night at a local shelter, she was recognized outside by a raggedy boy from her graduating class. immediately trusting, she opened up to him about her situation and vulnerability, and he was all too quick to offer her a place to stay until she got back on her feet. she never stopped to question his character or intentions. 
she was fast to fall in with the boy and his band of delinquents, which she would later realize to be a gang deeply involved in several webs of drug trafficking in the city. her sheltered upbringing left her unprepared to notice red flags, and her gullibility made it easy for the kids to take advantage of her on the grounds of offering her bedrooms to stay in and spotting her meals in her hard time. when offerings of basic human necessities turned into talking her into smoking with them and bringing her along to parties, it wasn’t hard for them to pressure her into using her inexperienced body to pay her respect to their hospitality.
catholic guilt went head-to-head with disillusioned catholic angst, both raging inside her head with feelings of physical violation she didn’t have the understanding to place. in the midst of the chaos, (and as a fuel to it,) she developed a taste for the escapism. preferred to live in the haze of inebriation and work out her conflicts of spirituality with mushrooms than face her situation or her grief. but she didn’t realize she was running up a tab with her friends.
from a peer’s perspective, she picked up on their culture fast. learned the slang and the technique. gave off the impression of someone who knew what she was getting into when they started sending her to drop off and pick up, and when she was smoking herself into debts she’d never be able to repay. 
after ignoring the scarier and grittier aspects of the new friends she’d made for a year, and then upsetting them when she started avoiding sex--- depriving her friends of their payment--- things came to a head after a traumatically bad trip on DMT, sending her into a serious crisis of faith and fear that her sins were becoming unforgivable, which prompted her to decide to branch out to people other than the dealers she was wasting her youth with.
when the ghouls started getting insulted by her pulling away, one of them let her know that she still owed them for all of the drugs and safety they’d given her, and when she stood her ground and put a lock on what they wanted from her, he told her she owed them at least $3,000 for their troubles before they would let her “broke, needy ass” scurry away.
in a panic for finding that kind of money in the near future and feeling a serious threat for her physical safety at the mercy of a gang of intimidating men, she opted instead to commit one last sin in the form of stealing a suitcase and backpack of drugs from the trap house and taking a bus as far out of town as she could go.
she started going by the new name SANDRA CARROLL and planned to keep moving and sell the stash of psychedelics to keep her afloat until she could start using her legal name again and get a law-abiding job, but by the time she started running out of cash for motels, she still wasn’t emotionally prepared to start dealing. she tried to go to bars to find slightly less dangerous people who would pick her up as a sugar baby and give her shelter until she was far enough and emotionally stable enough to take care of herself. the panic attacks and paranoia made it hard for her to nail a trustworthy hookup.
in a final wave of desperation, she contacted her childhood friend nate to find any kind of guidance or assistance in her situation, and he arranged for her to make a break for rainier, knowing that genie would give her a place to lay low. 
genie has effective guardianship over her now, which is to say: she insists that sandy spends nights in her dorm rather than bouncing around campus, splits meals with her, loans her clothes and generally looks out for her while she’s trying to get back on her feet. but it’s genie, so she’s not exactly the most attentive mom friend, and has a tendency to enable sandy’s worst vices because she’s no hypocrite. can and will, however, absolutely wreck anyone who tries to manipulate sandy, if genie can just focus enough to notice it happening.
the generally low threat level and high libido of clients on a college campus makes it significantly easier to sandra to deal and hustle free food and beds to sleep in, which is good, because her general fear of being a burden and newfound fear of becoming indebted to people makes her try to spread herself out over the campus, rather than rely solely on genie. but the decadent nature of the students and assurances of safety on campus lead to her feeling too undistracted, too alone in her thoughts when she has time to breathe. and it’s hard for her to stay sober when everyone else is partying. at the rate she’s going, she may not have enough stock to sell to keep food in her stomach before the coast is clear and she feels she’s safe enough to be allison clover again.
(( TL;DR: sheltered church girl is ill-prepared and too naive to survive on her own when her mother dies unexpectedly; falls in with a bad crowd and loses control of her expenses and herself; steals an enormous stash of psychedelic drugs and flees chicago, going by a false name and dealing to stay just barely afloat. currently dorm surfing through mt. rainier university. ))
pleasant. demure. distracted. passive. calm. trustworthy, but unreliable.
very somber, but doesn’t have an easily detectable sadness. very dreamy, but not too in-your-face with her eccentricity; more introverted about it or even a little insecure. the kind of person who you might see sway-dancing like a twin peaks character, or sticking her hand out of a moving car’s window and surfing it in the breeze, or praying only when she thinks no one’s looking, and if you look close you might catch a tear streaming down her face. zones in and out in the middle of conversation and feels really guilty about it. still has a trace of purity to her that most people don’t pick up on until they outright find out about her upbringing. comes off as the chill wallflower of a druggie clique; not unfriendly but not the person to start the conversation; doesn’t instigate the orgy but she’s definitely down and certainly keeps up. might seem aloof or quiet because she’s never sure if she belongs there and doesn’t want to show it and get rejected. innocent but not inexperienced. very good at maintaining lucidity just long enough to escape any witnesses when she's having a bad trip. 
hookups and clients (she deals assorted psychedelics; 90% dmt, acid, ecstasy, mushrooms). a very disinterested person for her to have a crush on even though they wouldn’t notice if she died. a kinder person with a crush on her that she’ll never pick up on. friends who smoke with her without expecting her to throw in. friends who invite her to hang out overnight without expecting anything. someone who will sleep with her for opportunistic reasons (consensual but still taking advantage of her credulity or rumors that she’ll sleep with anyone after they let her dorm with them for a little bit) or who sleeps with her without knowing that she’s effectively prostituting herself for shelter. someone who friends her twee or annoying. someone who’s suspicious of her and where she came from.
big plot: someone, either from or hired by the gang of dealers, who’s been sent to track her down and collect her debt  👀 :grim_reaper_emoji:
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ziracona · 3 years
ive spent all day reading your dbd fic and i have sooooo many feelings about all of them that i dont even know how to put into words. your grasp on the characters is just so incredible, there were characters i didnt know or care about who i now absolutely love and would do anything for purely because of how you wrote them and made me connect to them. i've been reading a lot of dbd fic despite only having played (and failed at) one entire game, and your characterisations will always be my gold star i think, no other has ever seemed to capture the characters so genuinely in a way that doesn't just also excuse their actions, i love how indepth you go into the moral ambiguity of it all. either way, out of all the fandoms im in no other fics have ever just made me actually feel so much, made me physically ache and hurt with what's happening to these characters.
i also really love your character interactions, found family is my all time favourite trope it makes me all gooey and tender even when its also angsty and made me cry like your anna fic did (my mom 😭). also love the dumb teenage antics and interactions between joey & quentin in both their fics, and im also ridiculously invested in them now when before i couldnt tell one legion from the other 😭 i already loved quentin from watching noes but your joey pov and the glimpses into his psyche and history and feelings has won me over too.
ive also set aside my entire weekend to read and absorb and analyse and contemplate and ponder in living memory, im beyond excited 😌😌😌 sorry for this ramble i was just emo
TuT God this is all so sweet I have no idea how to respond! Thank you! 😭💙
I am so glad you enjoy how I write my kids! Character is my favorite story element (surprising no one I’m sure lol), so I am always thrilled when people like how I do that! TuT ahhhh that’s so sweet; thank you! And I am really happy tou enjoyed my like, secondary humanity & virtue ethics study threads—dbd is /such/ a complicated and intricate situation for the charcaters in it, and there’s just so much fascinating black and white and so much grey to just kind of try to think about. Any individual living through either role in the realm would just have so much awful shit to unpack, and god even being one of the sympathetic killers even if you were lile, Rin and had no control, or Adiris and lied to, it would be so hard to get over or through what you did and experienced and even know /how/ to move on. I really like realism and complex character study, so I was living getting to just dig into personal journies for 20+ major charcaters. AH and I am so happy you really enjoyed that side of it in particular too! It’s one I only hear people bring up every so often and I am always ecstatic.
Seriously, thank you so much. Knowing I was able to create that level of emotional impact is priceless to me. TuT💙💙💙 Thank you. And I am glad you like the Found Family! Damn if that isn’t just the best ever trope. ^u^ 💙 I love it. Life really just kind of is all about hope and trying to become a better person each day and learning to know and love and forgive yourself and do the same with the people you gravitate to who are worth it and find you worth it and become the family you both deserved I cry. 😭 Ahhhh and Half-Life! That one messed me up too but god, she’s trying and they’re both so awkward and uncertain and sad but sweet and trying. Eeehhh, yeah! The JoeyQuin fics are so fun to write they vibe so well, and I am so happy you’re invested in them!!! Me too bro, haha. I am working on NDF rn because I really want to update it’s been too long. TuT
AH!!! A fellow NOES2010 fan! Bless; loved him in that too. I am so glad you love my son and I hope you continue to get the best of times watching the poor boy try to do his absolute best while suffering. 😭 Love him.
Also WHOA, holy shit! I wish you the best of luck, but don’t push yourself! ILM is a fucking /long-ass/ fic, and while I know someone read it in two days once, I truly live in awe of anyone who did it in two weeks or less. Godspeed however it goes speed wise though, and thank you so much for this incredible comment, and I hope you enjoy! 💙💙💙 Seriously I cannot thank you enough for giving me such a meaningful and sweet message to read and taking time out of your life/day to brighten mine. It means more than I properly know how to express.
Goodnight, and I hope you enjoy ILM! I think it’s my favorite thing I’ve ever written.
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yv-sketches · 4 years
I've the how to your dragon series and the wizards of once books. Any recommendations for books to read that are similar?
Thank you so much for this question!! 😊
I’ll do my best to answer, however, English is not my native language, so I am not super familiar with the Great Middle Grade series that undoubtably exist. I also read too many non fiction books when I was younger
Here are a few books/book series I found enjoyable in a similar way. (The list is not super long and none of them feature dragons, sorry.)
Most of these are more like twoo, because they’re really good but can’t touch Cressida’s masterpiece. I cannot think of ANY book series that can compare to httyd’s philosophical three way war and grand finale.
(Click read more for a list of half baked book recommendations by me XD)
1 ~ The Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole - Michelle Cuevas
This is a stand alone that could easily be “How to take care for a pet black hole” written by Hiccup. It’s a short book, but it has the exact same dry and clever humour and becomes truly meaningful further into the story. The ending is bittersweet too.
This is probably the book I think has the most similar atmosphere to httyd. If you could collapse the emotions from httyd into 200 pages, this would be the closest matching result.
2 ~ Percy Jackson - Or literally anything by Rick Riordan
Rick Riordan is iconic and the only one who could win a ‘chapter title battle’ from Cressida. Examples: “My sword has a better social life than I do” or “A God buys us cheeseburgers” I am very ashamed to admit I have only read the first Percy Jackson book (I really should read the rest, you may sue me for not reading this iconic series) but I really liked it and from what I heard about the rest of the series it only gets better.
At least one crazy adventure each book, plenty of swordfights and a snappy protagonist to comment on everything. I’m not sure how to describe it accurately, but these books are written with the same hilarious tone as Cressida’s. You can read them out loud and they’d be funny I guess?
Also: Main characters with ADHD and dyslexia (looking at you Wish and Xar), characters from different countries, cultures and LGBT characters who have storylines outside of that characteristic. If you liked vikings, Magnus Chase is his triology about demigod children of Norse gods (though long series probably won’t bother you as httyd book fan).
3 ~ Cogheart - Peter Bunzl
These books are fun steampunk adventures. The setting is vaguely historical, but with victorians instead of vikings, pesky adults who don’t listen to children very well and an unusual pet companion. There’s also a secondary storyline about how beings with human intelligence are treated as lesser, and it’s treated important enough without overshadowing the main plot.
I’ve read the first two and so far it’s a series where you can read each book separate (though the first few httyd books could also be read as separates). There are two more and perhaps the secondary citizen issue will end up being the overarching plot?
4 ~ How to Become King - Jan Terlouw
The clue is in the title. The main character wants to become king, but has to complete 7 impossible tasks first. It does not get more straightforward than that.
The book does not have Cressida’s ridiculous humour, but the main character is Pure Good like Hiccup and each impossible quest actually has a lot of depth to it. A big part of the story emphasizes how humility and kindness are the things that make a good king. It’s a pretty old book and probably the most unknown one on this list.
5 ~ The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars - Jaclyn Moriarty
(I own a signed copy of this and the author was so nice) It is the second book set in this world, but with new characters. She said it can be read on its own, but perhaps it could be a bit confusing if you haven’t read the first. I hadn’t read the first and I was confused.
The absolute highlight of this book was the narration. There are two narrators who take turn narrating, and while doing so they comment on each other. They argue with each other and quip about how they do a better job narrating. It makes you feel like you’re part of the story too, similarly how Hiccup addresses the reader and comments on his younger self.
6 ~ Artemis Fowl - Eoin Colfer
Did anybody say fiendishly clever plan? When it comes to cheating death and trickery, Artemis Fowl is Hiccup and Xar’s long lost sibling. Except.... he is not as nice. To quote Camicazi: “You see, [I] have no morals at all. It's very useful...”
Where Hiccup was a Pure Cinnamon Roll and Xar an emotional hotheaded disaster, Artemis is a straight up bastard who cares for only four (4) people in total.
It’s very reminiscent of the earlier httyd books. Silly schemes, potty humour and characters that walk a fine line between likeable and annoying. I have not read the entire series yet, but the characters slowly mature with each book.
7 ~ Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine
This is more of a twisted fairytale like twoo and not a fantasy epic like httyd. It’s the story of a girl on an impossible quest in a fantasy world. There are a lot of fairytale tropes, but I really liked how the extremely complex kingdom fit into one book.
It’s the only book on this list where different languages are a major plot point, and there is an inequality problem with some creatures, similar to the wild dragons in httyd. The ending can’t compare to the satisfying yet bittersweet solution of book 12. It’s a fairytale happily ever after and certainly easier on the heart than httyd.
? ~ Anything by Roald Dahl
Everyone knows Roald Dahl, which is why this is probably an useless recommendation. His books are funny, crazy and sometimes a bit grim, but always great. What else can I say?
? ~ The gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue - Mackenzi Lee
Ok, this one is by no means a middle grade book. More like 15+. (There is violence and romance is a major plotline. Both the violence and romance are 15+, and while I did not find it too bad, it might not be for everyone)
However, it has almost all of the ingredients of a Cressida book. I really felt like I should include it because it belongs somewhere high on this list! On the surface it’s a whacky adventure with a sassy protagonist in a somewhat historical fantasy setting. Below that surface, it deals with major issues in an absolutely beautiful way.
The quotes are artistic, and this is the ONLY ya book I’ve ever read with messages that hit as hard and are written as subtly as the ones in the httyd books. (I have read books more beautiful, and books with greater messages than this one, but the serious parts were woven into the story in such a refined way.... I’ve only read that in Cressida’s books.)
Mind you, the protagonist is more of a Disaster Boy ™ than Xar and I wanted to slap him sometimes. Like Xar, he learns and gets better.
A few other books I should mention
Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The story is not similar to httyd and twoo at. all. which is why it’s not on the list. However, this is the ultimate book about not-so-great parents. Hiccup and the entire twoo gang can relate. Just a heads up: this is a somewhat scary story. Cressida doesn’t shy away from suspense and terrifying details, but in Coraline, the suspense is one of the main aspects.
A series of unfortunate events from Lemony Snicket. I haven’t read this, but I still want to. From what I’ve heard it’s a sarcastic adventure series that’s a lot more serious than it looks.
I have never read this series either, I do not even know what it’s about, but I’ve heard people from the httyd books fandom talk about it: Keeper of the lost cities by Shannon Messenger.
I hope this list was the kind of answer you were hoping for!
If you are looking for better recommendations, there are a lot of httyd book fans who can give you some, like @books-are-like-dragons @thefellowshipofthedragonmark @httydbooks-doodler .
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juzuya-13 · 5 years
And a happy motherfucking Valentine's day to all my beloved fictional characters that died without receiving the love they deserved.
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Karren, my beautiful German rose, that sacrificed so much, she gave up her own identity in order to fulfill her late father's wish to carry the family's name, she was such an interesting complex character that I couldn't help but fall in love with. Sadly, she died in order to save someone she loved more than her own self. In the end her selfless nature took over one last time. She deserved better.
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Agni, my beautiful, brave soul. He was one of the kindest, most righteous characters I've ever seen, despite his troubled past he remained so crystal clean at heart, he was so faithful and honest it hurt, he also had a smile that could light up Soma's whole palace and our Ciel's entire manor at once. Unfortunately, he died protecting someone he loved and praised more than life itself. You were too pure for this world and you deserved so much better. Agni you were truly an exemplar butler until the very end.
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Rize, my little funky blood thirsty woman, your actions were questionable but in the end you didn't really knew better and were just trying to fight your demons all along, a great character that deserved better.
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Arima was just am AMAZING character, I've loved him from the very beginning and I was stunned when he died, I know he did it for the greater good but it still felt so unfair to me, he lived a lonely, sad life, and he for sure deserved better.
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Eto just broke my heart, even though I refuse to believe she's actually dead it was just awful to have given her such a bad ending. Eto was one of the strongest, most well written characters in the whole entirety of Tokyo Ghoul and Tokyo Ghoul :re (my opinion), she had such a troubled past, everything she went through and what she was trying to accomplish, the person she became along the way just made her such an interesting, complete character. I truly wish Eto could've been there at the very end to see the new world order she helped creat, Eto you were the best and you deserved better.
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Furuta, I don't even know where to begin, I've always loved furuta so much, he was such a complex character, he did have a twisted mind at times but once his motifs became clear I couldn't help but love him, he was just as hurt as Kaneki, he too was struggling, I refuse to see Furuta as "the bad guy" because he simply wasn't, if anything he was Kaneki's equal. In the end all he wanted was to live a somewhat normal life besides the one he cared so dearly for and he didn't get to do so. Furuta you deserved better.
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Shirazu was such a light-hearted character, I loved the fact that he was so innocent and goofy but also so strong and responsible, he wanted to help his sister and make sure his squad mates were safe at all times, he was the big brother we don't deserve, he was too good and unfortunately a lot of people only understood his worth after he was already gone. He died fighting to protect his friends while trying to raise money to support his sister. Shirazu you deserved so much better.
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The whole Circus troupe, I know they had their faults and what they were doing behind the scenes wasn't right but I couldn't help but empathize with them and their stories, they all had very traumatic pasts, living in extreme poverty, being disabled, feeling unwanted and disregarded by society, everything they've been through was just heart breaking, all they had was the Circus and each other, also I'm sure they didn't mean to do the the children any wrong they were just caught up in the mess of some psycho who used them as a vessel to obtain what he wanted. I was very saddened to see them all die one after the other, I still believe they deserved better.
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Madame Red aka Angelina, I loved her character so much, she was beautiful and fierce, I know she was a murderess and very troubled with the loss of her unborn child and her husband plus the whole Vincent being the love of her life and Rachel being her own sister situation, the fire that burned everything she had ever loved to the ground and eventually the return of Ciel (our Ciel). In a way she did deserve her fate given all she had done wrong but also I don't believe she had bad intentions, she was just deeply hurt and struggling with her own sense of morality, I do wish she would've lived so we could see more of her interactions with our Ciel and even the possible reaction to the return of the the twin (real Ciel). Overall I do miss Angelina, she deserved some happiness for a change.
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Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, this one is tricky, I know the whole point of Kuroshitsuji is our Ciel avenging the death of his parents so that in the end Sebastian can finally have his soul as payback, but I still can't help but love the dynamic between Vincent and Rachel, they seemed to be such a loving couple, they are probably my only reliable ship in this whole entire fandom, they seemed to be very much in love and every little panel with them is always lovely, Vincent being so high and mighty but also so dorky at the same time and Rachel being such an adorable mama bear to the twins, I don't wish they would've lived because if they did the story wouldn't have a reason to be but I do hope they're having a lovely Valentine's day in their afterlife or if they happen to be reborn again I hope they find their way to each other once more.
(the characters aren't ranked in any specific order)
Fandoms : Tokyo Ghoul / Tokyo Ghoul : re and Kuroshitsuji.
Also a huge honorable mention to Kuzen Yoshimura that was such a great man that lost so much and despite his sorrows still managed to strive for goodness and believed the world was worth saving, Kuzen you deserved so so much better.
Happy Valentine's day everyone! Hope this didn't make you too sad, remember if you love someone don't waste time go tell them you love them today and everyday.
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