#sham sharma
buzz-london · 6 months
How Foreign Universities are Spreading the Anti Hindu and Anti Jewish Agenda! - 24th Dec 2023
How Indians, often Hindus, are supporting anti-Hindu agenda in western universities!
Era of free-ideas and forward thinking education has become stilted and left leaning, with active support for terror groups like hamas and LeT who support terrorism in Kashmir.
University eco-chambers have become very narrow. Only certain words are allowed. Certain people are given free pass and others are considered inherently evil.
Left leaning prof have been infiltrating education systems over several decades and have now made them an echo chambers of the left. Donations by the gulf countries have also tilted the departments in their favour. Rich Hindus have been donating to these universities without realising how and why these people are acting against their interests.
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fierceyetflawed · 23 days
watched bridgerton s3 solely for nicola coughlan and simone ashley and oh my fucking god how are they real– every frame was like a damn renaissance painting
LORDD are they gorgeous!!!!
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the carriage scene made me realise I'm gay for the nth time *barking noises* **all this gender dysphoria and yet ive never wanted to be a man more**
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l0std1adem · 2 years
Indians go to Canada and go absolutely insane apparently
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richdadpoor · 10 months
Gadar 2: Sham Kaushal Breaks Down Hand Pump Scene, Calls Sunny Deol 'Devta Ka Roop'
Sham Kaushal reveals how he designed the handpump scene in Gadar 2. Sham Kaushal opened up about designing the much-loved handpump scene in Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2. Gadar 2’s glorious triumph at the box office is known to all, the film has proven to be one of the biggest blockbusters of the year and has minted Rs 419.10 crores on its 14th Day. The film has created an indelible mark in the hearts…
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timetravellingkitty · 4 months
Also I deserve financial compensation everytime someone recommends Sham Sharma to me. We get it, you have a victim complex
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
You fucking piece of propagandist shit…..
So I has this muslim propaganda channel in my recommendation (I literally watch videos from Sham Sharma Show youtube the fuck is wrong with you?) called Smile 2 Jannah and he had a video about molestation relating to holi 🤡 So original, amirite?
(I’d suggest watching the stupid video before going into the rant for being able to understand what in the bullshit is written below here)
First of all brother in Christ no one is asking you to play, are they? It is good to raise issues, yes, but if you are a propaganda channel earning from polarising a group of induviduals via one sided narrative, it does put your intentions under skepticism. Hmmmmmm.
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Intro (dhakan)
Now, for his first point:
India’s ruling party blah blah blah, RSS blah blah blah, Hindutva blah blah blah main gadhe ka bacha hun blah blah blah
How. Does. Molestation. On. Holi. Relate. To. Fucking. Central. Government.?.
Do you honestly think that once voting was completed on that fateful afternoon of May 2014 these perverts rose from the earth or something😭 bhaiya thode restarted ho kya?
Sounds ridiculous, right? My thoughts exactly while hearing you utter those goddamn words.
Next, he shows a clip of said molestation. Those of you who know me already understand my stance on this, but lets get into this when he does. Now, onto this idiot’s next segment:
Story of holi (haan bhai tu bata hume tujhe zyaada pata hai)
Hiranyakashyap yada yada yada holika yada yada yada Holika Dahan blu bleh flu fleh
First of all, my dear friend. We don’t celebrate holi faag due to those reasons— that would be holi dahan, it precedes Holi faag aka the day you are covering in this video by one whole day. Great research 👍🏼
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Holi Fāg is celebrated because Lord Krishna and his friends used to pluck flowers of early spring, extract colour from them via pestling and smear it on each other as a childish game. Completely harmless, no? Unless you have issues about teenage boys and girls playing around or something XD
And lets not end it here, my man has some
opinions about Holika Dahan aswell
Holika was manipulated into burning her own nephew alive, poor woman🥺
Same level of intellect as “Ravan was just a good brother who wanted to exploit a married woman totally against her wishes for his sis’s perverseness UwU”
Holika has nowhere been mentioned to be manipulated. If anything, the texts say that she was willing for it to happen. Imagine trying to defend a literal demon who was trying to burn her own nephew alive, for fuck’s sake my man…
now, onto the story of powder (sorta disclaimer: I’m writing the points while watching the video myself, so if there’s inconsistencies and incidents of me jumping the gun, I’m surry ;-;) This is a believed story aswell, true, but the reason he chose this one over the flowers one is veryyy clear; its easy to propagate :D
Krishna liked Radha, skin colour diffrences, maiyya Yashoda, Oh my Him he’s doing rAcIsM—
First of all, his original form isn’t even black; he’s actually blue. Blue of the Sky, he is described as. He incarnates in various shades from dusky to midnight dark to sky blue to green to milky white. Why? Because all the shades are same to him. We literally have gods who are called Bhadra Kāli (beautiful black woman), Krishnā (her with a dusky tone), Shyam Sundar (Black skinned in handsome) , Sundar Sanvaro ( Handsome and Dusky) but of COURSE our gods are doing racism. No propaganda here guys, none whatsoever
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(there was no need for this pic here but y’all LOOK AT VASUKI T-T)
One thing he IS surprisingly right about is how colonisation had an effect on our perception of beauty, because ancient Indian texts are all praises about Krishna’s own beauty, going to the lengths of showing that he was so beautiful that he stole the maternal affection from his playmates mothers aswell. So no, he wasn’t sending any wrong messages by acting as an oblivious child because colourism wasn’t an issue back then.
Second of all, The story is incorrect. He did not “long” for Radha. They were literal little children in this one, unlike the other one where they are teens. This is just childish curiousity at play, about tall and short, about fair and dark, about this and that. We literally have a renowned lullaby about this, where Krishna is curiously asking his Mother why him and Radha are two different shades and she lovingly gives creative answers about the same.
What he was doing was, he wanted to play with Radha, but was afraid she would not play with him because they look “different” (NOT because he thought his skin was inferior to hers, he literally chose that skin) so Maiyya Yashoda told him to play with coulours so they are all the same shade (neither dark nor fair, just plain colourful). This man is so shameless he’s glossing over everything just to degrade us. Imagine being so fucking insecure that you need to actively bring other religions down to feel devotes. You don’t need youtube my man, you need Jesus.
…..He literally degraded christianity RIGHT after I said Jesus. How is he so fucking vindictive? Jesus wasn’t black OR white, he was *drumroll please* Brown! My man Yeshua was from Nazareth, he wasn’t technically black. Do you want him to have Vitiligo to prove that he doesn’t chose one colour over the other?
Christian Jesus isn’t white: Western Jesus is. African Christians have portrait of him as a black man, Chinese scriptures show him of Asian features. And while you may like to think its problematic, I think its beautiful and Jesus wouldn’t even mind people of that time interpreting him such to be close to him. Humans are spiteful PoS, Gods are not! Imagine personifying your own Prophet because you are just that hateful.
Like I already pointed out, that’s not it my man. Refer to the points above the Jesus rant. Trying to twist things won’t work here, maybe you think you can put words in God’s mouth but all we see is an audacious piece of crap trying his best to change a narrative we are well versed in and attached to for his own interests.
The reason he knew she “liked” (as much as you can “like” someone in a childish way) him back was because their minds were connected. They knew each other’s thoughts and feelings. Why? Because she is his soulmate. She is Krishna’s other half, she is Goddess Laxmi in a human form, The wife and eternal Love of Lord Vishnu, who is the one incarnated as Krishna.
And was this a grown man touching a grown woman? No, it wasn’t. It was a kid playing with another kid, think a little boy throwing water balloons on a little girl. He never touched her inappropriately even in their teens, when they were actually in love with each other. Them not having had a sexual relationship is one of there core factors that strengthens their bond as lovers.
See how he doesn’t even mention the second story aka the one I mentioned in the Fāg segment? Yeah, me too.
And while we are at it, can we please talk about how (not so) subtely he is trying to degrade our Gods here? Accusing someone people worship as Supreme of racism by hiding facts, questioning what kind of message he is sending to a population that does not even practice the said religion, saying stuff like ‘quote unquote God’, accusing someone’s God of sexual harrasment (this is a new low guys) . Yeah, we see your motives here asshole.
Your genuine curiosity on stuff you think is not cut out for you or is questionable is welcome, your passive agressive comments on someone people worship are not. You do not follow the said God, Your subscribers don’t follow him, we who do are not running a cult here either. What is your position to discuss someone else’s God in a humanising way where you put him in a position akin to humans? Having a one sided dictate based on half assed reasearch , furthered with nitpicking of negatives and adding your own “thoughts” on it to make it sound bad, and putting your personally motivated views to a biased audience is very much crossing the line of civil. Fuck off already.
Now, back to what my man has to say:
Where Holi went wrong
according to Smarty Pants McAllknowing here, the Japanese girl incident is reflective of what Shree Krishna was upto. Is it? We know its not, but is the audience that he is trying to not so softly influence aware? Nope.
Molestation and Roadside Romeos causing chaos on holi are common occurences. People get gropped, harrassed, and has even resulted in crimes like rape and death. There’s a fine line between being playful in a way that is enjoyable and being a nuisance, and people with malicious intents are likely to cross it on purpose. Most of us were playing with our family and friends and having fun instead of going out of our way to bother strangers, that’s basic decency on any given day and Holi doesn’t change that for most of us ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ So majority of us celebrate it like any other festival, given with a lot more excitement and carefreeness, but that too is constricted to our peers.
Also, lets make one thing clear shall we: people with bad intentions don’t just ‘pop-up’ on occassions, they are actively looking for a loop to be perverts without consequences.
It is not that Holi was created to give perverts ammo, it is that holi is being used as a shield by people who are generally deviants aswell. It is an issue amongst the Hindu community and trying to make us the perpetrators as a whole in our own personal matter which we are trying to solve is not only intrusive, its disrespectful aswell.
You think people are fine and good all 364 days and decide to become hornie motherfuckers just when holi is around the corner?? Its the fucking perverts, not Holi and other Hindus playing. No, and trying to defame holi which again 95% of us play normally without all that gropping is nothing short of an attempt to defame the festival.
There are women who have reported being raped while on Pilgrimages (including Hajj, highlighting for my self righteous friend here), does that make the pilgrimage spot evil? Huh?
Now, going on to what happened to those women. Its bad, and those people deserve to be punished by the law because of outraging a woman’s modesty. But tell me with a straight face that the rest if is who were just having fun with our family are responsible, or all of us collectively playing holi are responsible?
Reminds me of this honestly:
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Same with the muslim woman being attacked, its shameful that these perverts would go to such lengths, and again deserve to be locked up, but your accusations at the government controlling news is so ridiculous its laughable.
The government would have done a better job hiding its cracks at Farmer’s protests and Hijab issues now, would they have not? They would have censored The Hindu, whose head is a member of communist party, TOI and IE. And what is the point in leaving NDTV up there who would give you more fuel for your accusations if you only look? The government has many active critics, and a lot of anti hindu media exists, but sure, we are controlling XD
Lynchings are harmful and are should be condemned, so I feel reluctant questioning you here, even though your intentions of bringing lynching in a video not even related to it is peculiar, to say the least. Why did you suddenly go off the tangent to tackle crimes against muslims in a video regarding Hindu festivals? Everything we do and have is connected to Islam on such mind bending rationales it doesn’t even surprise me anymore.
……..The beef being talked about is BUFFALO BEEF?! LMFAOOOO this guy isn’t even trying to hide his agenda anymore😭😭😭 jaa bhai, galti meri hi hai
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Connecting it with Islam AGAIN? Man, this guy’s victim complexion is strong, yikes.
They are not allowed to grope or touch us non consensually. Infact, Shree Krishna whom you so conviniently insulted killed a man because he said illicit words about his best friend who was a woman. The said Woman also resulted in a kingdom’s fall because she was manhandled by the princes. Furthermore, in his previous incarnation Krishna killed a demon who had tried to molest his wife. If you think that anyone can grope us and not get slapped into the stars, then you have no clue what our scriptures teach us to be like.
Look, I respect your religions ways of treating women as sacred or pure or what it is that you guys believe in (and totally disrespect your ways of trying to glorify your religion in a video that is already degrading another one), but that’s where we vary. If an educated Hindu man saw me extending my hand for a greeting, he would take it. Why? Because I am an equal. I’m just another human if I’m not a woman he is platonically or romantically related to. In the ancient days we all folded our hands and greeted from afar, now we shake hands when meeting professionally. I like it this way, you like it yours, how about not try to patronise us?
Me trying to find where this sudden hype of Islam is coming from in a video not even related to it:
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Okay, that accusation about hindu men fondling people left right and centre? Aren’t you inflating things a bit a lot? Is it too much to ask you to stop speaking over us??
Everything was (still kinda) well and good up until you decided to drag hinduism again. Why did God allow Holi? To celebrate with your family like Diwali and Navratri? We don’t go out bothering strangers on other two and Holi was specifically being played between Krishna and his friends? No one outside was being bothered.
Also, if you really need to toot your religion’s horn by a (biased) comparison with someone else’s, then believe me when I say that your faith in God isn’t half as strong as you like to think, since you need a catalyst that requires you too be a shit person. We never asked what your religion is like, we don’t even care, that’s your personal matter. Why try to grab our attention by falsely accusing what we believe in and force us to form a negative opinion on you? Who do you think you are, to drag my gods into this?
Also, is it just me or does it seem like this guys is talking about women but not to them? Its like he hasn’t addressed women in this video even once and thinks men are the primary ones concerned with issues like groping and how women are to be touched or not. He is literally using women as a bait without really bringing our psychology regarding all this into play. Am I the only one who finds it concerning?
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This guy has his head so far up his ass, he can’t stop talking about things he thinks make him superior. I swear to God, don’t feel surprised if he makes a video about why guys with (whatever was his first tricycle) fucking stomp over others who grew up with “girl bikes”.
I know its not my place to say it, but I just wanna bust this guy’s bubble so I’m sorry to any muslim reading it: Its the fastest growing religion because it has the highest birth rate, and conversion for sake of marriage. And about his point regarding women converting, Not saying that there aren’t those who genuinely do and good for them, but whose gonna tell him about the dark stuff happening here💀 A part of me thinks he already knows but thinks its wonderful.
So yeah, that was all from this asshole. I hope this white bearded man baby grows up and learns to reach God with his chosen path, without requiring to bring others down. All in all, my last words to this guys are:
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buencs · 4 months
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 : 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐚𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐡 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐧
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hello, can you please tell me your name, country, && what role you provide your court? 
" you mean to tell me i was summoned from my chambers for you to be unaware of who i am ? let us both play a questioning game, and i will allow you to guess. " the sharmas looked like they were creating a faux pass at each turn, and she wouldn't assist them in muddling their way through it as evidenced by her lack of follow through.
and who do you believe to be your closest allies, either nations or individuals ? do you trust your allies ?
" the question should be who are yours. there's a distinct lack of trust for your royals now, for many reasons. ethiopia will always trust its allies, but it seems india has made a lot of enemies. do you trust yours ? "
ah, yes, i see... how about your enemies, then. who do you not align yourself with, and why ? 
" shall we speak of the insult to my mother ? to play games while ignoring the legacy of those that have been needlessly killed for your empresses' entertainment ? " the question goes unanswered in words, but the glare upon her face is pointed.
interesting. do you have a personal vendetta against any of the courts, or even individuals, here ?
aaliyah remains silent, nails tapping against the table. as before, dark gaze remains firmly on the inquisitor for him to form his own, rightful, answer to her passive aggressive non answer.
what are your thoughts on the mysterious deaths in so many royal families ?
" i think it's interesting that india has suffered no loss and held a sham of a memoriam to ' commemorate ' the fallen. tell me, is it custom here to be so drunk to barely be able to walk and that is giving respect to your dead ? " a pause. " i must not be well versed in your traditions. apologies, i'm sure. "
how do you feel about the system of monarchy as a whole ?
" i don't understand the question. "
so, what would be your best theory as to what is going on, then ?
" is that not for you to find out ? the sharmas are to be so helpful in finding the culprit, you don't need my baseless assumptions. "
thank you for your time. is there anything else you'd like to add, anything else that would be useful to the investigation ?
go rot in hell. " no. "
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Aaqashah ka mota kala nunga wehshi louda chodta hai in garam lazeez pretty fucking choots, smelly pussies, horniest phuddiyon ko munh mai tight silky Gaands mai in ke 3no holes ko chodta hai mera king Louda subha sham, daily din raat......
@aaqashahkingrulesthechoots @kate-jam-and-diamonds @kate-sharma @kanwal11 @hina @anusha031
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indiejones · 2 years
  1.       Phanishwar Nath Renu 1 (teesri kasam etc)
2.       Anand Bakshi 1
3.       Keshav Prasad Mishra 1 (nadiya ke paar 1982 etc)
4.       G.V. Iyer 1 (Swami Vivekananda 1998 etc)
5.       Lekh Tandon 1
6.       Kumar Shahani 1 (maya darpan etc)
7.       Amrita Pritam 1 (kadambari 1976 etc)
8.       Ramesh Pant 1 (agar tum na hote etc)
9.       N. N. Sharma 1 (agar tum na hote etc)
10.   Nirmal Verma 1 (maya darpan etc)
11.   Dr. Achla Nagar 1 (nikaah etc)
12.   Manoj Kumar 1 (upkar etc)
13.   Kamlesh Pandey 1 (ankahee 1985)
14.   M. Balamurugan 1 (ansoo aur muskaan & judaai 1980 etc)
15.   Shakeel Chandra 1 (chupke chupke etc)
16.   Tarun Ghosh 1 (chor machaye shor etc)
17.   Rajiv Rai 1 (tridev 1989)
18.   Dulal Guha 1
19.   S.L Kalyani 1 (hum dono 1985)
20.   B S Glaad 1 (hum dono 1985)
21.   Anil Sharma 1 (bandhan kachche dhaagon ka etc)
22.   Shivkumar Subramaniam 1 (parinda)
23.   Dilip Kumar 1(ganga jumna etc)
24.   Roshan Shahani 1 (tarang)
25.   Anuradha Tandon 1 (sharda etc)
26.   Vijay Tendulkar 1 (nishant etc)
27.   Ruskin Bond 1 (junoon 1978 etc)
28.   V K Sobti 1 (chowki no. 11 etc)
29.   Chandrakant Kakodkar 1 (main tulsi tere aangan ki etc)
30.   Aadesh K. Arjun (eg pardesi babu 1998)
31.   Raj Bharti 1 (main tulsi tere aangan ki etc)
32.   R. Madhavan 1 (rocketry the nambi effect 2022)
33.   Sanjay Dayma 1 (lagaan 2001 etc)
34.   Kumar Dave 1 (lagaan 2001 etc)
35.   Hasina Moin 1 (henna 1990)
36.   Indra Mitra 1 (mere apne etc)
37.   Subodh Mukherjee 1 (shagird etc)
38.   Pankaj Parashar 1
39.   Santosh Tahir 1 (bulundi 1981 etc)
40.   Kaushal Bharati 1 (subah o sham etc)
41.   Naeem-Ejaz 1 (agneekal 1990)
42.   Laxmikant Sharma 1 (muqaddar ka sikandar etc)
43.   B K Karanjia 1 (pestonjee 1988)
44.   Munshi Premchand 1 (gaban etc)
45.   Pushpanand 1 (kanoon apna apna 1989)
46.   Ganapathi Rao 1 (kanoon apna apna 1989)
47.   Kommanapalli 1 (kanoon apna apna 1989)
48.   R K Mitra 1 (parichay etc)
49.   Sajeev Kapoor 1 (chor pe mor 1990 etc)
50.   Ranjit kapoor 1 (jaane bhi do yaaron etc)
51.   Vishnu Mehrotra 1 ( pyar ka sagar etc)
52.   Mohini N Sippy 1 (mili etc)
53.   G. R. Kamat 1 (mera gaon mera desh etc)
54.   Subhash Mukherjee 1 (abhinetri etc)
55.   Srinivas Joshi 1 (bhabhi ki chudiyan etc)
56.   Gulzar 1
57.   Mahesh Kaul 1
58.   Anand Kaushal 1 (avinash 1986)
59.   Vijay Sharma 1 (gopal krishna, 1979 etc)
60.   S Kumar 1 (saajan bina suhaagan etc)
61.   Jai Prakash Chowksey 1 (shaayad etc)
62.   Ashutosh Gowariker 1 (lagaan 2001 etc)
63.   Shabbir Boxwala 1 (mohra 1994)
64.   Vinod Rattan 1 (hum bhi insaan hain 1989)
65.   Babbar Subhash 1 (dance dance)
66.   Parkash Chopra 1 (dahleez 1986)
67.   Rahi Masoom Raza 1
68.   Tinnu Anand 1 (kaalia etc)
69.   Jyoti swaroop 1 (waqt ki deewaar etc)
70.   Balu Mahendra 1 (sadma etc)
71.   Rajinder Krishan 1 (Baghavat etc)
72.   Navneet 1 (Sarkari Mehman etc)
73.   Ravindra Jain 1 (Aatish etc)
74.   M Bhaskar 1 (majaal etc)
75.   Yash Chopra 1 (silsila etc)
76.   Shankar Nag 1 (lalach etc)
77.   Som Haksar 1 (subah o sham etc)
78.   Faiz Saleem 1 (aakhri kasam etc)
79.   Imtiaz Ali 1 (eg laila majnu 2018)
80.   Sajid Ali 1 (eg laila majnu 2018)
81.   Yogesh Gaud 1 (love in Canada etc)
82.   Sayyed Mahajan 1 (dial 100, 1982 etc)
83.   Ismat Chughtai 1
84.   Hriday Lani 1 (prahaar 1991)
85.   Dharmesh Darshan 1
86.   Nana Patekar 1 (prahaar 1991)
87.   Sujit Sen 1 (prahaar 1991)
88.   Amir Shamji 1 (
89.   Chaitanya Tamhane 1 (eg court 2014)
90.   Krishna Shah 1 (shalimar etc)
91.   Sheoraj Singh 1 (love in canada etc)
92.   D. N. Mukherjee 1 (anupama etc)
93.   Arabinda Mukherjee 1 (amar prem etc)
94.   S M Ahale 1 (maine pyar kiya 1989)
95.   Jeevanprabha M. Desai 1 (sacha jhutha etc)
96.   Vsilai Somanathan 1 (dial 100, 1982 etc)
97.   Ashish Burman 1 (manzil etc)
98.   Padma Sood 1 (chorni 1982 etc)
99.   Satyajit Ray 1 (sadgati etc)
100.                        Rajendra Kumar 1
101.                        Jaggiram paul 1 (Jaani Dushman etc)
102.                        Gyandev Agnihotri 1 (aavishkar etc)
103.                        J Om Prakash 1 (Arpan etc)
104.                        Tyagi S Dayal 1 (love in Canada etc)
105.                        R S Verma 1
106.                        S K Luthra 1 (haqdaar etc)
107.                        Bharat Vyas 1 (shri Krishna leela etc)
108.                        Inaayat Akhtar 1 (lorie)
109.                        S D Panvalkar 1 (ardh satya etc)
110.                        Kartik Rath 1 (bheegi palkein etc)
111.                        Omkar Sahib 1 (apradh etc)
112.                        Balaichand Mukherjee 1 (Arjun Pandit, 1976 etc)
113.                        Shafiq Ansari 1 (do anjaane etc)
114.                        K D Shorey 1 (be raham etc)
115.                        Naqsh Lyallpuri 1 (Khandaan 1979 etc)
116.                        Raj Kumar Gupta 1 (aamir 2008 etc)
117.                        Rajvansh 1 (surakksha etc)
118.                        Asad Bhopali 1
119.                        B Krishna Rao 1 (watan ke rakhwale)
120.                        Meeraq Mirza 1 (Bhayanak etc)
121.                        Kamleshwar 1 (badnaam basti etc)
122.                        Anand Dutta 1 (deewangee etc)
123.                        Hakim Lata 1 (jaani dushman etc)
124.                        Y. G. Joshi 1(Bhabhi ki chudiyan etc)
125.                        Rajeev Kaul 1 (heeralal pannalal etc)
126.                        Jan Nisar Akhtar 1
127.                        Ravi Chopra 1
128.                        S L Manhar 1 (roohi 1981 etc)
129.                        Anil Nagrath 1 (ganga jamuna saraswathi 1988)
130.                        Suhel Don 1 (ganga jamuna saraswathi 1988)
131.                        Poovai Krishnan 1 (humshakal etc)
132.                        Ashok Rawat 1 (khubsoorat etc)
133.                        Kulwant Jani 1 (adhikar 1985)
134.                        Vijay Kaul 1 (hera pheri 1976 etc)
135.                        Keshav Rathod 1 (maa beti 1987)
136.                        Sharat Chandra Chatterjee 1
137.                        Suroor–Subhash 1 (sanam teri kasam etc)
138.                        Prabhakar Shrifad Wagle 1 (ram kasam etc)
139.                        Ved Rahi 1
140.                        Palagummi Padmaraju 1 (ghar ghar ki kahani 1988)
141.                        J P Dixit 1 (ek naya rishta 1988)
142.                        Debabrata Sengupta 1 (kinaara etc)
143.                        Leela Phansalkar 1 (baseraa etc)
144.                        Dawood Kashmiri 1 (kalyug aur ramayan 1987)
145.                        Shashi Goswami 1 (purab aur paschim etc)
146.                        Aruna Sangal 1 (dard 1981 etc)
147.                        Biddu 1 (star 1982 etc)
148.                        Aparna Sen 1 (parama)
149.                        Preeti Sapru 1 (
150.                        Talat Rekhi 1 (bahaar aane tak 1990)
151.                        Nabban 1 (bhai bhai, 1970 etc)
152.                        Madan Joshi 1 (geeta mera naam etc)
153.                        Devjyoti Roy 1 (100 days 1991)
154.                        V K Sharma 1 (bhola bhala etc)
155.                        Tarun Majumdar 1 (balika badhu 1976 etc)
156.                        Vinod Pande 1 (ek baar phir etc)
157.                        Jagdish Mukherjee 1 (dhoti lota aur chowpatty etc)
158.                        Vinod Dewan 1 (waqt ki deewar etc)
159.                        Jiten G H 1 (amma 1986)
160.                        Majnu Lucknowi 1 (gazal etc)
161.                        Sagar Sarhadi 1 (kabhi kabhie etc)
162.                        J K Bihari 1 (dariya dil 1988 etc)
163.                        Prem Manik 1 (mere Jeevan saathi etc)
164.                        Sharad Joshi 1 (chhoti si baat etc)
165.                        Nusrat Syed 1 (aasmaan se ooncha 1989)
166.                        U R Ananthamoorthy 1 (sookha etc)
167.                        A K Agarwal 1 (kabeela 1976 etc)
168.                        Krishan Dehlvi 1 (itihaas 1987)
169.                        Buddhadev Dasgupta 1 (andhi gali etc)
170.                        Kuldip Singh Loomba 1 (anmol tasveer etc)
171.                        Sooraj R. Barjatya 1 (eg hum saath saath hain 1999)
172.                        Dev Benegal 1 (eg Split Wide Open 1999)
173.                        Pushpa Ghai 1 (aap ki khatir etc)
174.                        Shahjahan 1 (kaalia etc)
175.                        Santosh saroj 1 (ek hi maqsad 1988)
176.                        Neelabh 1 (tarpan 1994)
177.                        K P Kottarakkara 1
178.                        K. P. Saxena 1 (lagaan 2001 etc)
179.                        Vijay Sadanah 1 (aulad 1987)
180.                        P Padmarajan 1 (anokha rishta 1986)
181.                        R Priyadarshi 1 (jai santoshi maa etc)
182.                        M S Sathyu 1 (sookha etc)
183.                        Ram Kelkar 1 (piya ka ghar etc)
184.                        Tatineni Rama Rao 1 (lok parlok etc)
185.    ��                   S M Abbas 1 ( fakira etc)
186.                        Radha Kishan 1 (amar rahe yeh pyar etc)
187.                        Ranjan Bose 1 (priyatama etc)
188.                        Yogesh 1 (priyatama etc)
189.                        Omar Khayyam 1 (Khandaan,1979 etc)
190.                        Sharat Katariya 1 (eg bheja fry 2007)
191.                        B B Katra 1 (amma 1986)
192.                        Satyanand 1 (justice Chaudhary etc)
193.                        Bharat Dave 1 (anokha bandhan etc)
194.                        Boris Saakov 1 (Alibaba aur chaalis chor etc)
195.                        Shatrujit Paul 1 (amaanat etc)
196.                        M Prabhakar Reddy 1 (sunehra sansar etc)
197.                        G D Madgulkar 1 (rani aur lalpari etc)
198.                        Manu Bhandari 1 (swami etc)
199.                        Mohanji Prasad 1 (bade ghar ki beti 1989 etc)
200.                        L V Prasad 1 (Bidaai 1974 etc)
201.                        Bimal Kar 1 (balika badhu etc)
202.                        Sneh Dutta 1 (deewaangee etc)
203.                        Shabd Kumar 1
204.                        Majrooh Sultanpuri 1
205.                        Bimal Dutta 1 (anupama etc)
206.                        R K Dharmraj 1 (shehzada etc)
207.                        Subodh Ghosh 1(ek adhuri kahani etc)
208.                        Saawan Kumar Tak 1
209.                        Baldev Gill 1 (waaris 1988)
210.                        Esmayeel Shroff 1 (thodi si bewafai etc)
211.                        Ravi Kapoor 1 (roop tera mastana etc)
212.                        Santosh Sah 1 (kaalia etc)
213.                        Subhash Kelkar 1 (suraag 1982 etc)
214.                        Satish Bhatnagar 1 (desh drohi etc)
215.                        Din Dayal Sharma 1 (anurodh etc)
216.                        Zafar Ahsan 1 (Jaandaar etc)
217.                        Akhtar Romani 1 (mera gaon mera desh etc)
218.                        Upendranath Ganguly 1 (chupke chupke etc)
219.                        Basu Chatterjee 1
220.                        Jagmohan Kapoor 1(nagina 1986)
221.                        Pravin Bhatt 1 (bhavna etc)
222.                        Bhadrakant Zaveri 1 (lorie)
223.                        Ravi 1(ghar sansar 1986)
224.                        Ranbir Pushp 1 (hawalaat)
225.                        K V Srinivasan 1 (jay vijay)
226.                        Vasant P. Kale 1 (piya ka ghar)
227.                        Bharat B Bhalla 1 (zamaanat 1977)
228.                        B V Acharya 1 (jay vijay etc)
229.                        John Mattheew Matthan 1 (eg sarfarosh 1999)
230.                        Deepak Balraj Vij 1
231.                        Jaywant Dalvi 1 (chakra 1981 etc)
232.                        Safiq Ansari 1 (pratiggya etc)
233.                        F K Intl’s Story Dept
234.                        Manu Prasad 1 (shriman satyawadi etc)
235.                        Prakash Mehra 1
236.                        Ahsan Rizvi 1 (muqaddar ka sikandar etc)
237.                        Bimal Dutt 1 (mili etc)
238.                        Anjaan 1 (kasam vardi ki 1989)
239.                        Aziz Qaisi 1 (khoon ka rishta etc)
240.                        Arun Bhatt 1 (hira aur patthar etc)
241.                        Inderjeet Singh Tulsi 1 (zamaanat 1977 etc)
242.                        B. R. Ishara 1
243.                        C. Kugunathan 1
244.                        Firdaus Kanga 1 (sixth happiness 1997)
245.                        Nabendu Ghosh 1 (maa 1952 etc)
246.                        Mukhram Sharma 1
247.                        Kaifi Azmi 1
248.                        K Vishwanath 1 (sitara 1980 etc)
249.                        Dennis Joseph 1 (new delhi 1988)
250.                        K. K. Shukla 1 (dil diwana etc)
251.                        Pamela Chopra 1 (kabhi kabhie etc)
252.                        Romesh Sharma 1 (silsiila etc)
253.                        Sanjay Khan 1 (kala dhanda goray log)
254.                        Nyaya Sharma 1 (kinare kinare etc)
255.                        Moti Sagar 1(lalkaar etc)
256.                        Athreya Mullapudi 1 (milan 1967 etc)
257.                        Vishram bedekar 1 (kabuliwala etc)
258.                        Sharad Pilgaonkar 1 (khoon ka rishta etc)
259.                        Prayagraj 1 (bhai ho toh aisa etc)
260.                        Paul Mahendra 1 (maa 1952 etc)
261.                        Aagam vipin jain 1 (aagaman 1981 etc)
262.                        Saharanpuri 1 (Khandaan, 1979 etc)
263.                        Santosh Vyas 1 (ganga ki saugandh etc)
264.                        Asgar Mirza 1 (ganga ki saugandh etc)
265.                        Visu 1 (sansar 1987 etc)
266.                        Abrar Alvi 1
267.                        Makhan Singh 1 (ek chadar maili si 1986)
268.                        Aruna Raje 1
269.                        Khalid Narvi-1(heera moti 1979 etc)
270.                        Girish Dhamija 1
271.                        Kishore Kumar 1 (Shabash daddy etc)
272.                        Rupadarshi 1 (sagina etc)
273.                        Manoj basu 1 (hamari bahu alka etc)
274.                        Ashapurna devi 1 (Tapasya etc)
275.                        Babbanlal yadav 1 (sabse bada rupaiya etc)
276.                        Ram Rahim 1 (jeene ki arzoo etc)
277.                        Awtar Krishna kaul 1 (27 down etc)
278.                        Ashok Ahuja 1 (aadharshila etc)
279.                        Dev Kishan 1 (bandh darwaza 1990)
280.                        Aman 1 (Mughal e azam etc)
281.                        Ajay Kashyap 1 (mera haque 1986)
282.                        Keka Chatterjee 1 (mukti 1977 etc)
283.                        Raman Kumar 1 (saath saath etc)
284.                        Chand 1 (khoon aur pani etc)
285.                        Chakrapani 1 (Julie etc)
286.                        Anil Ganguly 1 (tapasya etc)
287.                        Mahendra batra 1 (lal kothi etc)
288.                        Mohan Kumar 1 (aas ka panchhi etc)
289.                        Moinuddin 1 (bulundi 1981 etc)
290.                        K. B. Lal 1 (roop tera mastana etc)
291.                        Kiran Kumar 1 (chorni etc)
292.                        M. Parvez 1 (ayee milan ki raat 1991)
293.                        Shashi Bhushan 1
294.                        Vasant Dev 1 (umbartha etc)
295.                        K. Bhagyaraj 1 (ek hi bhool etc)
296.                        Bhushan Banmali 1 (aandhi etc)
297.                        Renu Khanna 1 (mukti 1977 etc)
298.                        Mukta Ghai 1 (hero etc)
299.                        Vikas desai 1 (shaque etc)
300.                        Haafiz 1 (shaque etc)
301.                        C V Rajendran 1
302.                        Tabish Sultanpuri 1 (taj mahal etc)
303.                        Shama Zaidi 1(charandas chor etc)
304.                        Raju Saigal 1 (doosra aadmi etc)
305.                        Nihar Ranjan gupta 1 (do anjaane etc)
306.                        George Marzbetuny 1 (Abdullah etc)
307.                        Verma Malik 1 (kathputli etc)
308.                        Tanvi Jain 1 (eg jhalki 2019)
309.                        Sudhendu Roy 1 (dushman etc)
310.                        Shaktipada Rajguru 1 (Amanush etc)
311.                        V S Khandekar 1 (badi maa 1945 etc)
312.                        Sachin Bhowmick 1
313.                        Samaresh Basu 1 (shaukeen etc)
314.                        Mohit Chattopadhyay (genesis 1986)
315.                        Tapan Sinha 1
316.                        Ravinder Peepat 1 (biwi o biwi etc)
317.                        Prasanta Chowdhury 1 (lal patthar etc)
318.                        Arpita Chatterjee 1 (eg bheja fry 2007)
319.                        C. K. Mast 1 (Sampoorna Ramayana 1961 etc)
320.                        S K Kapur 1 (maan gaye ustad etc)
321.                        Anand Kumar 1 (Bidaai 1974 etc)
322.                        Z Hussain 1 (babul ki galiyan etc)
323.                        Suhrid Kar 1
324.                        Sharon Prabhakar 1 (love in Canada etc)
325.                        Khayaae 1 (faraar etc)
326.                        Tej Nath Zar 1 (garam khoon etc)
327.                        Kaul Tarun Sen 1 (Kalabaaz etc)
328.                        Vinay Chatterjee 1 (neel kamal 1968 etc)
329.                        Anand Romani 1 (khalifa 1976 etc)
330.                        Prakash Jha 1 (eg dil kya kare 1999)
331.                        Prem Kapoor 1 (devi etc)
332.                        Vaali 1
333.                        Sushma Suri 1 (begunaah 1991)
334.                        Mohan Bhakri 1 (apradhi kaun? 1982 etc)
335.                        Mirza Brothers 1 (kasme vaade etc)
336.                        Balakavi Bairagi 1 (rani aur lalpari etc)
337.                        Raj Marbros 1 (Trisandhya etc)
338.                        Mehul Kumar 1
339.                        Dasari Narayan Rao 1
340.                        Subhash Ghai 1
341.                        Aspi Irani 1
342.                        Cyrus Mistry 1 (Arvind desai etc)
343.                        Saeed Akhtar Mirza 1 (arvind desai etc)
344.                        Partho Mukherjee 1 (faraar etc)
345.                        R. M. Veerappan 1 (rakhwala etc)
346.                        Umesh Mathur 1 (Ashiana 1951 etc)
347.                        Narender Bedi 1
348.                        Basu Bhattacharya 1
349.                        Shibani Bathija 1 (my name is khan etc)
350.                        Vishwanath Pande 1 (sampoorna ramayana 1961 etc)
351.                        Adurthi Subba Rao 1 (milan 1967 etc)
352.                        Vinod Kumar 1 (mere huzoor etc)
353.                        K B Pathak 1 (bhai ho toh aisa etc)
354.                        Kafeel Azar 1 (ek hasina do diwane etc)
355.                        Diwan Sharar 1
356.                        Asit Sen 1
357.                        Mahipal Choudhary 1 (ganga tere desh mein 1988)
358.                        Umesh Mehra 1 (avinash 1986)
359.                        G Hanumantha Rao 1 (Takkar 1980 etc)
360.                        Hameed Butt 1
361.                        Dr Shankar Shesh 1 (gharaonda etc)
362.                        Dr. Hariram Acharya 1 (mehndi rang layegi etc)
363.                        K. Ramalakshmi 1 (mehndi rang layegi etc)
364.                        Anjana Rawail 1 (mehboob ki mehndi etc)
365.                        Usalai Somanathan 1 (Bombay to goa etc)
366.                        Ghulam Abbas 1 (mandi etc)
367.                        Muzaffar Ali 1 (umrao jaan etc)
368.                        Javed Siddiqui 1 (umrao jaan etc)
369.                        Rahul Rawail 1
370.                        C L Kavish1 (khel mohabbat ka)
371.                        Shailendra 1
372.                        Bimal Mitra 1
373.                        Phani Majumdar 1
374.                        Indu Kohli 1
375.                        Pandit Puranik 1 (rani aur lalpari etc)
376.                        Sarshar Sailani 1 (bewafa 1951 etc)
377.                        Sailajananda Mukhopadhyay 1 (anand ashram etc)
378.                        Shahab Shamsi 1 (yeshwant 1997)
379.                        Arjun Dev Rashk 1 (naya daur 1971 etc)
380.                        Aleem Masrur 1 (tawaif)
381.                        K K Singh 1 (ram teri ganga maili)
382.                        Rajinder Singh Bedi 1
383.                        A S R Anjane Yullu
384.                        Yeshwant Pethkar 1
385.                        Taher 1 (kaalia etc)
386.                        Hasrat Lucknavi 1
387.                        Anil Chaudhary 1 (rao saheb)
388.                        NIranjan Iyengar 1 (my name is khan etc)
389.                        Srikanth Nehata 1 (raksha 1982 etc)
390.                        Akhtar Romani 1 (ajnabee 1974 etc)
391.                        Apurba Kishore Bir 1 (aadi mimansa 1991)
392.                        Akhil Kumar 1 (faraar etc)
393.                        Amrit Rai 1 (sadgati etc)
394.                        Kamal Amrohi 1
395.                        Roshan Taneja 1
396.                        J P Dutta 1
397.                        Kotayya Pratyagatma 1 (raja aur rank etc)
398.                        Mullapadu Venkata Ramana 1 (jeevan jyoti 1976 etc)
399.                        Mohan Kaul 1 (desh drohi)
400.                        Surinder Prakash 1 (sawaal. 1982)
401.                        Irshad 1 (do jasoos)
402.                        R Trivedi (aagaman 1981)
403.                        Robin Bhatt 1 (dil hai ke manta nahi 1991)
404.                        Pushpa Sharma 1 (Amar akbar Anthony)
405.                        Mahendra Saral 1 (badaltey rishtey)
406.                        Mohit Chattopadhyay 1 (chorus 1974)
407.                        S N Tripathi 1 (shri Krishna leela)
408.                        Biren Tripathy 1 (chupke chupke)
409.                        Suraj Prakash 1 (jazbaat)
410.                        Arshad Parvez 1 (tridev 1989)
411.                        Usilai Somanathan 1 (sadhu aur shaitaan)
412.                        Jehan Nayyar 1 (alaap)
413.                        Manjul Sinha 1 (khamosh 1985)
414.                        R. V. Sastri 1 (raja aur rank)
415.                        Veena Bedi 1 (insaan 1982)
416.                        Mullapudi Venkata Ramana 1
417.                        Ramesh Ahuja 1 (tamacha 1988)
418.                        Harmesh Malhotra 1 (nigahen 1989)
419.                        Dr Balkrishna 1 (ek mahal ho sapnon ka)
420.                        Akhtar Mirza 1
421.                        Qabil Amritsari 1
422.                        Satyen Bose 1
423.                        Nirmal Sircar 1
424.                        B. K. Adarsh 1 (aaj ka ye ghar)
425.                        Aziz Kashmiri 1
426.                        Fatima Meer 1 (the making of the mahatma 1996)
427.                        Jay Verma 1 (saboot)
428.                        Roop K. Shorey 1
429.                        Vrajendra Gaur 1 (kati patang)
430.                        Dinesh Thakur 1 (Ghar)
431.                        Jandhyala Nishana 1 (nishana 1980)
432.                        Jayant Dharmadhikari 1
433.                        Narottam Vyas 1 (amar prem)
434.                        R K Banerjee 1 (fakira)
435.                        Madhur 1 (eg fakira 197 )
436.                        Shadaab 1 (eg kathputli)
437.                        Nirmal Kumari 1 (eg mere humdam mere dost)
438.                        Ehsan Rizvi 1
439.                        Talukdars 1 (apmaan ki aag 1990)
440.                        Shanti Prakash Bakshi 1 (ali baba aur chaalis chor 1980)
441.                        Virendra Sinha 1 (boond jo ban gayi moti)
442.                        Bharathi Raja 1 (eg red rose)
443.                        Amar Kumar 1 (eg mere humdam mere dost)
444.                        Balkrishna Mouj 1 (eg balidaan)
445.                        Urmila Devi 1 (eg amber, 1951)
446.                        Madhusudhan Kallik 1 (eg badi didi)
447.                        S D Narang 1 (eg anmol moti)
448.                        K Balachander 1
449.                        Shanker Shesh 1 (wg dooriyan)
450.                        S V Rajendra Singh Babu 1 (wg meri awaaz suno)
451.                        Ruhi Rawail 1 (eg deedar e yaar)
452.                        Paruchuri Brothers 1 (eg maqsad)
453.                        Sandow MMA 1 (eg haathi mere saathi)
454.                        K M Majeed 1 (eg ek hasina do diwane)
455.                        Nanak Singh 1 (eg pavitra paapi)
456.                        Sultan Ahmed 1 (eg heera)
457.                        V P Sathe 1 (eg bobby)
458.                        R S Mani 1 (eg devi)
459.                        G R Kamat 1 (eg chirag)
460.                        Namwar 1
461.                        James Ivory 1 (eg bombay talkie)
462.                        A P Nagarajan 1 (eg naya din nayi raat)
463.                        Balai Chand Mukhopadhyay 1 (eg bhuvan shome)
464.                        J K Ahuja 1 (eg saboot)
465.                        Pushpa S Choudhary 1 (eg do qaidi 1989)
466.                        M G Hashmat 1 (eg kora kagaz)
467.                        Omkar Sahib 1 (eg amrapali)
468.                        Balbir Singh 1 (eg amrapali)
469.                        Girish Kasaravalli 1 (eg ek ghar 1990)
470.                        Mohan Bali 1 (eg maa aur mamta)
471.                        Suvindha Mann 1 (eg dharti)
472.                        Indeevar 1
473.                        Subodh Ghosh 1 (eg ijaazat)
474.                        G. D. Madgulkar 1 (eg Jeevan jyoti)
475.                        Moosa Kaleem 1 (eg hira aur patthar)
476.                        N T Ramarao 1 (eg Bidaai 1974)
477.                        Uma Thakur 1 (eg aap ki khatir)
478.                        S. Khan 1 (eg shiv ram 1991)
479.                        Surendra Shailaja 1 (eg kora kagaz)
480.                        Suhrid Kar 1 (eg badi didi)
481.                        Ram Govind 1 (eg aafat)
482.                        Ketan Mehta 1
483.                        Mahesh Elkunchwar 1 (eg holi etc)
484.                        Dara Singh 1 (eg bhakti mein Shakti)
485.                        Vipul K. Rawal 1 (eg iqbal 2005)
486.                        Ela Maheshwari 1 (eg neel kamal 1968)
487.                        Ibrahim Rangala 1 (eg bazaar 1982)
488.                        Samir Ganguly 1 (eg abhinetri)
489.                        Krishna Chander 1 (eg mere humsafar)
490.                        Arjun Hingorani 1
491.                        Ruth Prawer Jhabvala 1 (eg Bombay talkie)
492.                        Rakesh Kumar 1 (eg khoon pasina)
493.                        M Seshagiri Rao 1 (eg dulhan)
494.                        Vidhu Vinod Chopra 1
495.                        Mani Ratnam 1
496.                        Rajani Ganguly 1 (agreement 1980)
497.                        Ashutosh Mukherjee 1 (safar)
498.                        Ujjwal Kumar 1
499.                        P Kalaimani 1 (mera pati sirf mera hai 1990)
500.                        Khosla Enterprises Story Dept 1
501.                        B S Thapa 1 (lakshmi 1982)
502.                        Mulraj Rajda 1 (aaj ki taza khabar)
503.                        Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay 1 (aanchal 1980)
504.                        Shanu Banerjee 1 (Khubsoorat 1980)
505.                        Chinnappa Thevar 1 (haathi mere saathi)
506.                        Partha Banerjee 1 (paar)
507.                        Amrit Aryan 1 (dariya dil)
508.                        Santosh Anand 1
509.                        Fatima Saiyed 1 (roohi 1981)
510.                        H V Subba Rao 1 (meri awaaz suno)
511.                        Raj Baldev Raj 1 (pyaasa sawan)
512.                        Sisir Mishra 1 (bheegi palkein)
513.                        Ameer Minai 1 (deedar e yaar)
514.                        Rajkumar Kohli 1
515.                        B S Seth 1 (insaaf main karoonga)
516.                        Bidhu Jha 1 (namumkin 1988)
517.                        R. Selvaraj 1 (eg sone pe suhaaga 1988)
518.                        Rakesh mazumdar 1 (eg chaalbaaz 1989)
519.                        Gul Anand 1 (eg hero hiralal 1989)
520.                        Anil Pandit 1 (eg Khooni Murda 1989)
521.                        Ramapada Chowdhury 1 (eg ek din achanak 1989)
522.                        Naqi Ahmed 1 (eg goonj 1989)
523.                        Anwar Sagar 1 (eg shiv ram 1991)
524.                        Neelima Paul 1 (eg hum intezaar karenge 1989)
525.                        P D Mehra 1 (eg gola barood)
526.                        Swaraj Bandyopadhyay 1 (eg kamla ki maut 1989)
527.                        Jill Misquitta 1 (eg aadhi haqeeqat aadha fasana 1990)
528.                        Tanveer Khan 1 (eg apmaan ki aag 1990)
529.                        M Parvez 1 (eg deewana mujhsa nahi 1990)
530.                        Naushir Khatau 1 (eg dil 1990)
531.                        Arun Kaul 1 (eg diksha 1991)
532.                        Ajit Diwani 1 (eg naamcheen 1991)
533.                        Rajkumar Santoshi 1 (eg ghayal 1990)
534.                        Abdul Rauf 1 (eg nyay anyay 1990)
535.                        Reema Rakesh Nath 1 (eg sailaab 1990)
536.                        Sagar Ballary 1 ( eg bheja fry 2007)
537.                        Rajendra Singh 1 (eg sheshnaag 1990)
538.                        Bono Deb 1 (eg afsana pyar ka 1991)
539.                        Shadb Kumar 1 (eg farishtay 1990)
540.                        Shaktimaan 1 (eg numbri aadmi 1991)
541.                        Vijay Sinha 1 (eg shankara 1991)
542.                        Rahsaan Noor 1 (eg the spectacular jihad of taz rahim 2015)
543.                        Dharmveer Ram 1 (eg numbri aadmi 1991)
544.                        Aditya Chopra 1 (ddlj 1995)
545.                        Pradeep Ghatak 1 (eg yugpurush 1998)
546.                        Chandraprakash Dwivedi 1 (eg pinjar 2003)
547.                        S.V. Krishna Reddy 1 (eg taqdeerwala 1995)
548.                        Miraq Mirza 1 (eg market 2003)
549.                        Rahul Dholakia 1 (eg parzania 2005)
550.                        David N. Donihue 1 (eg parzania 2005)
551.                        Haidar Ali 2 (eg Jodhaa Akbar 2008)
552.                        Upamanyu Chatterjee 2 (eg split wide open 1999)
553.                        Kamna Chandra 2 (eg kareeb 1998)
554.                        Abhijat Joshi 2 (eg kareeb 1998)
555.                        Mangesh Kulkarni 2 (eg yes boss 1997)
556.                        Mahendra Dhariwal 2 (eg hatyara 1998)
557.                        Sanjay Kumar 2 (eg shapath 1997)
558.                        Kumar Ramsay 2 (eg 2001: do hazaar ek)
559.                        Anil Mattoo 2 (yeshwant 1997)
560.                        Robin Henry 2 (ziddi 1997)
561.                        Revathi 2 (eg vishwavidhaata)
562.                        Suresh Menon 2 (vishwavidhaata 1997)
563.                        Mangal Dhillon 2 (eg heer ranjha 1992)
564.                        Shanker Iyer 2 (eg aaina 1993)
565.                        Paresh Kamdar 2 (eg tunnu ki tina)
566.                        Gajanan Jagirdar 2
567.                        Dev Anand 2
568.                        Thoppil Bhasi 2 (eg samaj ko badal dalo)
569.                        Akash Khurana 2 (eg drohi 1992)
570.                        S. Ali Raza 2
571.                        Ikram Akhtar 2 (eg chhota chetan)
572.                        Gulshan Nanda 2
573.                        Amar Kumar 2 (eg mere humdam mere dost)
574.                        S. Khalil 2
575.                        Guru Dutt 2
576.                        Gulshan Bawra 2
577.                        Ra. Ki. Rangarajan 2
578.                        Anjaan 2 (ek hasina do deewane)
579.                        K S Gopalakrishnan 2 (pooja ke phool)
580.                        Pt. S. R. Dubey 2 (Jhansi ki rani 1953)
581.                        B. R. Chopra 2
582.                        S Nasiruddin Darogaji 2
583.                        Agha Jani Kashmiri 2
584.                        Hakim Riaz Latta 2
585.                        Pradip Krishan 2
586.                        Tejnath Zar 2
587.                        Madhusudan 2
588.                        Humayun Mirza 2
589.                        Sailajananda Mukhopadhyaya 2 (gopi)
590.                        Suraj Sanim 2 (chhupa rustam)
591.                        D D Kashyap 3
592.                        Ajay Monga 3 (eg fashion 2008)
593.                        Ganpati Bohra 3 (eg mard 1998)
594.                        Sanjay Nirupam 3 (return of jewel thief 1996)
595.                        Arudra 3 (the train 1970)
596.                        Charandas Shokh 3 (aag aur daag)
597.                        Shaka Sampang 3 (naseeb 1997)
598.                        Manoj Muntashir 3
599.                        B R Films Story Dept 3
600.                        Dev Kohli 3 (lav kush 1997)
601.                        Pawan Sethi 3 (aaja meri jaan 1993)
602.                        Pini Shetty 3 (daadi maa)
603.                        Jainendra Jain 3
604.                        Bimla Sharma 3 (eg military raaj)
605.                        Ramanand Sagar 3
606.                        Manohar Shyam Joshi 3
607.                        K S Daryani 3
608.                        Anand Pal 3
609.                        Devendra Goel 3
610.                        Mohanlal G. Dave 3
611.                        Saghir Usmani 3 (eg chaudhvin ka chand)
612.                        Salil Chowdhary 3
613.                        Jwalamukhi 3
614.                        TLV Prasad 4
615.                        Kamal Haasan 4 (eg virasat 1997)
616.                        Vinod Talwar 4 (eg phool bane patthar 1998)
617.                        Honey Irani 4 (eg aaina 1993)
618.                        Ved Prakash Sharma 4 (eg 2001:do hazaar ek)
619.                        Deep Khosla 4 (eg police)
620.                        Sutapa Sikdar 4
621.                        Bimal Roy 4
622.                        I S. Johar 4
623.                        Ramanlal Vasantlal Desai 4 (eg Kokila, 1937)
624.                        Hakim Ahmed Shuja 4
625.                        Kidar Nath Sharma 4
626.                        Mushtaq Jalili 4 (eg anokhi ada)
627.                        Pranab Roy 4
628.                        Nitin Bose 4
629.                        D. N. Madhok 4
630.                        Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay 4
631.                        Krishan Chander 4
632.                        Raj Kapoor 4
633.                        Mehboob Khan 4
634.                        Wajahat Mirza 4
635.                        Inder Raj Anand 4
636.                        Manoranjan Ghose 4
637.                        R C Talwar 4
638.                        Kabil Amrutsari 4
639.                        Nasir Hussain 4
640.                        Bhanupratap 4
641.                        Anurag Kashyap 5 (eg satya 1998)
642.                        Madhur Bhandarkar 5 (eg fashion 2008)
643.                        Pamela Rooks 5 (eg train to pakistan 1998)
644.                        Feroz Khan 5 (eg prem aggan 1998)
645.                        Moni Bhattacharjee 5
646.                        Vinay Shukla 5
647.                        Nikhil Advani 5
648.                        Nawab Arzoo 5
649.          ��             Budd Schulberg 5 (eg Ghulam 1998)
650.                        R K Nayyar 5
651.                        Roshanlal Bhardwaj 5
652.                        G D Madgulkar 5
653.                        Boman Shroff 5
654.                        Naresh Saigal 5
655.                        Amole Gupte 5 (eg taare zameen par 2007)
656.                        Pandit Indra 5
657.                        Vishwamitter Adil 5
658.                        Balraj Sahni 5
659.                        Mahesh Kumar 5 (eg daku mangal singh)
660.                        Shivaji Rathore 5
661.                        Sudarshan 5
662.                        Rajendra Shankar 5
663.                        Ramma Johar 5
664.                        Ritwik Ghatak 5
665.                        O. P. Ralhan 5
666.                        Lekhraj Bhakri (eg sahara) 5
667.                        Kuldeep Sehgal (eg sahara) 5
668.                        K A Narayan 5
669.                        V P Sathe 5
670.                        Jawar N. Sitaraman 5
671.                        P L Deshpande 5
672.                        A Bhimsingh 5
673.                        Joginder 5
674.                        Anand S Vardhan 6
675.                        Bimal Kar 6 (eg jhooth bole kauwa kaate 1998)
676.                        Mahasweta Devi 6 (eg hazaar chaurasi ki maa 1998)
677.                        Bashir Babbar 6 (eg Gunda 1998)
678.                        Javed 6 (eg taraazu 1997)
679.                        S.A. Chandrashekhar 6 (eg insaaf ki devi, 1992)
680.                        Anirudh Tiwari 6 (eg ganga ki kasam 1999)
681.                        Rajendra Krishan 6
682.                        P. L. Kapoor 6
683.                        Kumar Yadav 6 (eg jai jwala)
684.                        Sardar Jafri 6
685.                        Talat Rakhi 6 (eg maahir 1996)
686.                        H. E. Khatib 7
687.                        Zia Sarhadi 7
688.                        P. K. Atre 7
689.                        Qamar Jalalabadi 8
690.                        JBH Wadia 8
691.                        Salim Hyder 8 (eg Hafta vasuli 1998)
692.                        Debaki Bose 8
693.                        Shyam Goel 8
694.                        Kazi Nasrul Islam 8
695.                        Ramesh Saigal 8
696.                        F. A. Mirza 8 (sohag raat, 1948)
697.                        H A Rahi 8 (Anmol Moti)
698.                        Chaturbhuj Doshi 9
699.                        Ban Bhatt 9
700.                        Samir Chowdhary 9
701.                        Homi Wadia 9
702.                        Y. N. Joshi 9
703.                        Upendra Ganguly 9
704.                        Shams Lacknavi 9
705.                        M. S. Chawla 9
706.                        Sanjay Leela Bhansali 10
707.                        Luv ranjan 10 (eg akash vani 2013)
708.                        S. Tahir 10 (eg phool bane patthar 1998)
709.                        Tanuja Chandra 10 (eg tamanna 1997)
710.                        Bhawani Prasad Mishra 10
711.                        Manohar Shyam Joshi 10 (eg papa kehte hai 1996)
712.                        Jay Dixit 10 (naajayaz 1995)
713.                        Armaan Shahabi 10 (sahibaan 1993)
714.                        K. Amarnath 10
715.                        Shivraj Rathore 10 (boyfriend)
716.                        Vishnupant Aundhkar 10
717.                        Jalal Malihabadi 10
718.                        Prafulla desai 10
719.                        K. Narayan Kale 10
720.                        C V Sridhar 10
721.                        Rajanikanta Das 10
722.                        S D Narang 10
723.                        Shivram Vashikar 10
724.                        Kumar Ramsay 10
725.                        Harish Kumar Mehra 10
726.                        H. S. Rawail 10
727.                        Munshi Ram Verma 10
728.                        Allari Pandarikakshaiah 10 (udhar ka sindur)
729.                        Dada Mirasi 10
730.                        Z Hussain 10 (anmol moti)
731.                        Mrinal sen 10
732.                        P D Shenoy 11
733.                        Narottam Vyas 11
734.                        Satish Jain 11 (eg pardesi babu 1998)
735.                        Praful Parekh 11(shola aur shabnam, 1992)
736.                        Safdar Aah 14
737.                        Kalidas 14
738.                        K J Mahadevan 15 (raj tilak)
739.                        Kishore Sahu 15
740.                        Govind Moonis 15
741.                        K. M. Munshi 15
742.                        Jaddanbai - 15
743.                        Mohsin Abdullah 15
744.                        Z Hussain 15
745.                        Sanjay Kumar 16 (eg Aakrosh 1998)
746.                        Gunwantrai Acharya – 19
747.                        Johanna Spyri (do phool) - 19
748.                        Nilkantha Tiwari 19
749.                        Rais Ahmed Jaffri 19
750.                        Brij Katyal 20
751.                        Manmath Ray 20
752.                        Pt. Anuj Bhaskerji 20 (naulakha haar)
753.                        V. P. Sathe 20
754.                        Bhappi Sonie 20
755.                        R A Baqueri 20
756.                        V D Puranik 20 (himmat 1970)
757.                        Shyam Benegal 20
758.                        Ramayan Tiwari 20 (humjoli)
759.                        Pandit Girish 24
760.                        P L Santoshi 26
761.                        Dadasaheb Phalke 27
 762.                        A.H. Shore 28 (mukti 1937)
763.                        Goali (Punar Milan,1940) - 29
764.                        Ajoy Bhattacharya 29 (mukti 1937)
765.                        Vishram Bedekar – 30
766.                        S. A. Shukla 31
767.                        G. Nundy - 33
768.                        Chandulal Shah 35
769.                        Ismat Chugtai 38
770.                        Munshi Ratanlal Khanjar 39
771.                        Begum Ansari 42
772.                        Shudraka (vasantsena 1942) – 48
773.                        Mir Muneer (deedar, 1992) - 49
774.                        R. S. Chawdhary (roti 1942) – 50
775.                        Sudhir Mishra 50
776.                        M. Sadiq 50
777.                        J. S. Casshyap 50
778.                        Bhakri 50 (man ki aankhen)
779.                        M Natesan 50 (sapnon ka saudagar)
780.                        D. P. Berry 50
781.                        Mahesh Bhatt 52
782.                        Raj Marbros 53
783.                        Sai Paranjpye 60
784.                        Dewan Sharar 60 (parbat pe apna dera)
785.                        Pandit bhushan (Zalim saudagar 1941) – 64
786.                        C J Pavri 70
787.                        Jalees Sherwani 70
788.                        Vrajendra Gaur 81
789.                        Akhtar ul iman 86
790.                        Arshad Khan 88
791.                        J K Nanda 90
792.                        Mohan Sinha 99
793.                        R. C. Chaudhary 99
794.                        Shashilal K. Nair 100
795.                        Raghav Murali 100 (eg the spectacular jihad of taz rahim 2015)
796.                        Ritesh Shah 100 (eg batla house 2019)
797.                        Shaktimaan Talwar 100 (eg ghayal once again 2016)
798.                        Priyadarshan 100
799.                        Ria Mahtab 100 (eg the spectacular jihad of taz rahim 2015)
800.                        A R. Kardar 100
801.                        Anand Jhankaar 100 (eg ehsaas is tarah 1998)
802.                        J K Bihari 100 (biwi ho to aisi 1988 etc)
803.                        Munshi Dil – 100
804.                        Moosa kaleem 100
805.                        J. P. Advani – 100
806.                        Amit Khanna 100
807.                        Amiya Chakrabarty 100
808.                        Chandrakant (patita 1953) – 100
809.                        R K Rakhan 100
810.                        Anwar Khan 100 (sadak chhaap)
811.                        Fazil 100 (eg doli saja ke rakhna 1998)
812.                        Ranjeet 100 (kaarnama 1990)
813.                        K. M. Multani (rail ka dibba) 100
814.                  ��     Hemen Gupta 130
815.                        Pramathesh Barua – 133
816.                        Jagdish Kanwal 150
817.                        M. G. Hashmat 155
818.                        Waqif – 195
819.                        V. S. Khendekar 200
820.                        Gyan Mukherjee 248
821.                        G. K. Pawar 280
822.                        Dharmavir Bharati 291 (suraj ka saatwan ghoda 1992)
823.                        Sadat Hasan Manto 301
824.                        Babubhai Mehta – 302
825.                        Sampatlal Srivastava - 325
826.                        Javed Akhtar 423
827.                        Salim Khan 436
828.                        Nanubhai B. Desai 490
829.                        Hasrat Jaipuri 500
830.                        A S Usmani – 500
831.                        Rumi Jaffery – 600  
832.                        Anees Bazmee - 730
833.                        S. Ameer Haider 1000
834.                        Saiwyn Qadras 1000 (eg neerja 2016)
835.                        Vivek Agnihotri 1000 (eg Tashkent Files 2019)
836.                        Jaya Bachchan 1000 (shahenshah 1988)
837.                        Binoy Chatterjee - 1150
838.                        Diwan Sharar – 1500
839.                        Lalan Kumar Kanj 1240
840.                        A Bhaskarrao – 5,000
841.                        Munshi Sham 5,500
842.                        Ruby Sen 7,000
843.                        Santosh Suraj 7,500
844.                        Kanu Desai – 8450
845.                        Jay Raj Productions Story Dept – 9,350
846.                        O.P. Dutta - 9,900
847.                        Himanshu Sharma 10,000 (eg tanu weds manu 2011)
848.                        Lalit Mahajan - 10,000 (qahar 1997)
849.                        Supratik Sen 10,000 (eg parched 2015)
850.                        Uma Anand 10,000
851.                        Tripurari Sharma 10,000 (eg hazaar chaurasi ki maa)
852.                        Sanjeev Duggal 10,000 (eg pyar kiya to darna kya 1998)
853.                        Mahendra Dehlvi (dilwale kabhi na hare 1992 – 12,400)
854.                        Raj Kanwar – 80,000
855.                        A.R.Murugadoss 1,00,000 (eg holiday: a soldier is never off duty 2014)
856.                        Sayed Sultan – 1,60,000 (eg badmaash 1998)
857.                        K. J. Mahadevan (chandralekha 1948) – 10,00,000
858.                        Z.D. Lari - 10,00,000 (eg jhooth bole kauwa kaate 1998)
859.                        Nagesh Kukunoor 10,00,000 (eg hyderabad blues 1998)
860.                        Neeraj Pandey 10,00,000 (eg special 26 2013)
861.                        Deepa Mehta - 10,00,000 (eg 1947 earth)
862.                        Pritam Parkash Bali - 10,00,000 (eg dandnayak 1998)  
863.                        Yunus Sajawal 10,00,000 (sanam 1997)
864.                        Shivkumar Subramanyam - 10,00,000
865.                        Kaizad Gustad – 10,00,000 (eg bombay boys)
866.                        Jayant Gilatar 10,00,000 (eg himmatwala 1998)
867.                        Bhavani Iyer 10,00,000 (eg lootera 2013)
868.                        Sanjay Chhel – 10,00,000
869.                        Shams Lucknawi 10,00,000
870.                        Kader Khan 10,00,000
871.                        Dhruva Chatterjee 10,00,000
872.                        Pt Urmil 10,00,000
873.                        Chandrakant Gaur 10,00,000
874.                        Rati Ajmeri 10,00,000
875.                        Neeraj Pathak 10,00,000
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sportsgr8 · 1 month
IPL 2024: MI V SRH Overall Head-to-head; When And Where To Watch
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Star Sports Network: Mumbai Indians (MI) will host Sunrisers Hyderabad (SRH) in their reverse fixture of the IPL 2024 on Monday. Mumbai has a razor-thin advantage, with a close 11-10 lead in the head-to-head matchups. The last time these two teams met in Hyderabad on March 27, MI suffered a 31-run loss. MI v SRH head-to-head 22- Mumbai Indians: 11 Sunrisers Hyderabad: 10 Tied: 1 MI v SRH match time: The match starts at 7:30 PM IST (2:00 PM GMT) with the toss taking place half an hour before the match i.e., 7:00 PM (1:30 PM GMT) MI v SRH match venue: Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai Live broadcast of MI v SRH match on television in India: The MI v SRH match will be broadcast live via Star Sports Network. Live stream in India: The live streaming of MI v SRH is available on JioCinema. Squads: Mumbai Indians: Ishan Kishan(w), Rohit Sharma, Naman Dhir, Suryakumar Yadav, Tilak Varma, Nehal Wadhera, Hardik Pandya(c), Tim David, Gerald Coetzee, Piyush Chawla, Jasprit Bumrah, Nuwan Thushara, Shams Mulani, Shivalik Sharma, Dewald Brevis, Romario Shepherd, Mohammad Nabi, Kumar Kartikeya, Luke Wood, Shreyas Gopal, Harvik Desai, Arjun Tendulkar, Anshul Kamboj, Akash Madhwal, Kwena Maphaka Sunrisers Hyderabad: Travis Head, Abhishek Sharma, Anmolpreet Singh, Nitish Reddy, Heinrich Klaasen(w), Abdul Samad, Shahbaz Ahmed, Marco Jansen, Pat Cummins(c), Bhuvneshwar Kumar, T Natarajan, Jaydev Unadkat, Umran Malik, Mayank Markande, Aiden Markram, Sanvir Singh, Washington Sundar, Glenn Phillips, Rahul Tripathi, Mayank Agarwal, Upendra Yadav, Jhatavedh Subramanyan, Vijayakanth Viyaskanth, Fazalhaq Farooqi, Akash Maharaj Singh Read the full article
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buzz-london · 1 year
Is North India DESTROYING South India? | Hindi Imposition Explained | Karnataka Elections - 7th May 2023
As the Karnataka Election results draw near, the Hindi Imposition debate has flared up once again. Regionalism and animosity among different states have also reared its head.
Political leaders of Southern Indian States accuse the Central government of Hindi Imposition. They also claim that massive amounts of immigration from northern states is destroying the culture of The southern states.
They also claim that the Central government is economically discriminating against the southern states.
Are the claims justified? In this video, we discuss these claims in detail.
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yolacricket · 2 months
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
how do you find unbiased sources about the historical events/political events? do you just read all the newspapers? could you mention some sites/places you get your info from? i'm interested in knowing all perspective and deciding for myself, but ugh its hard when biased media and prejudice is all around
Hindustan times is a good enough source, the news is reported by minute on their yt channel so there's not much scope for favourable editing, although I feel like there might be some BJP bias there (idk,might be the cautionary within me speaking). Wion and surprisingly firstpost are good aswell these days, but you need to know that unbiased news sources tend to leave some corners uncovered.
For making up for those, I look at biased sights next, I read the same article from Print or Quint and Op India or Swarajya (worrying how the sites that clearly claim to favour right still deliver more aspects of news than those claiming to be neutral, tbh)
Watching leaning channels like Mohak (liberal) and Sham Sharma (right) helps aswell. Dhruv and Akaash are all BS not to mention, they deliberately hide stuff and present things in a way that changes the entire meaning. Although right wing channels like AKTK, String, and again, Sham are great if you are trying to put things in perispective, especially the last one since he acknowledges the whole issues and never leaves stones unturned to favour his side. (Well, neither do the other two, they are very thorough with their research, String is outright impressive in debunking the propagated narrative of the left. Its just that they favour right too much to not be considered a bit too politically motivated, even though they are correct and don't pull the cheap tricks Banerjee and Dhruv do)
Other than that, if I come across a claim like "abc attacked xyz" or other such stuff from past, the first thing I do is search it up on wikipedia, they are biased but cannot lie about the timeline and such of incidents. From there you get a lead and can search up with required keywords.
As for claims of present day incidents not on wikipedia, search up and look at articles from newspapers and live news that reported the whole thing. When it comes to newspapers, how it is worded might vary, some may be vague enough to not name who started it or how it happened, but the subsequent sequences will make it clear. And if it does not, that too can be sorted.
One example is:
"The group of attackers killed 100 people, and inflammatory slogans were chanted. In retaliation, following this the mob from xyz community attacked"
Now search up with words "attackers kill 100 people and chant religious slogans" and you will see a biased news sight or live news portal give you the names of who these attackers were. From there you can construct your own timeline.
Sometimes, Quora too can prove to be useful.
This is all I can think of for now, if yoy need more feel free to hmu in DMs again <3
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nijjhar · 9 months
The Gnostics are the living Christs, the Royal Priests, of living God El... The Gnostics are the living Christs, the Royal Priests, of living God Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. called "Shams". https://youtu.be/tTj_c5bYMRY Holy Gospel of our Supernatural Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc., delivered by the First Anointed Christ, which in Punjabi we call Satguru Jesus of the highest living God Elohim that dwells within His Most Beautiful Living Temple of God created by the greatest artist demiurge Potter, the Lord of the Nature Yahweh, Brahma, Khudah, etc. and it is called Harmandir or “Emmanuel” according to Christ Rajinder The Gnostics are those who can think logically. If you are not able to think logically, then you vomit out what this book or that man says. Such people are super blind. So, the Gnostics are solitary and of One Accord. Do any of you know Logo 114; unless a female becomes a Male, she cannot enter into the Royal Kingdom of God. Or what type of snakes was lifted up by Moses in the Wilderness? The Real Gnostics have the answers. A Testimony by an American Soldier:- Youtube channel - Truthsoldier I served in the satanic Iraq war. I openly am shamed for that and I asked for forgiveness for taking part in that war. I actually had my awakening while over in Iraq. My eyes were opened to the injustice of that war. The Iraqi people loved Saddam; they had whole stories with nothing but Saddam’s face on everything. Since then I have been speaking out against the US and ISRAEL on my Youtube channel. Here is my contribution:- Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the dead letters, the Holy Books. If we have One God, our Supernatural Father of our souls, then there should be one Faith. In Christianity, Jesus said One Fold called the Church of God headed by One Shepherd, our Bridegroom Christ Jesus/Christ = Satguru Nanak Dev Ji, the Second coming of Jesus. These spiritual selves Hindu, Jew and Christian, are never born like Christ, the Title and they never die but the tribal selves Judah, Levi, Jatt, Tarkhan, etc. were born and they will die. Thus, Jesus was born and Jesus died on the Cross and rose on the Third Day. Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf Greatest Blasphemers and Killers Blair and Bush being considered by Anti-Christ Bishops for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Peace Prize should rather go to Assange and the Iraqi Journalist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qHdTpTXHvE&list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz7HtQEhV91eAKugUw73PW1 Sikhism is the continuation of Hinduism. Hindu Priests called "Gurus" became greedy and corrupt, and then people cried and called the Brahmin Gurus BAESHARM. Then, the greedy Brahmins retorted that we are not BAESHARM but we have SHARM and invented Sharma as their Gotra. SHARM DHARM DOYAE SHAPP KHOLOYAE KOORR PHIRAE PARDHAAN VAE LALO. People of South India are true Hindus and they have the SHARM of their families or Salt of their families and they have DHARM. That is why no Bhagat was needed there except when Satguru Thomas visited and transformed people into Christianity in which you go by heart and not by the forbidden Jewish Leaven  Book, called the Bible. This time of Kalyug has been defined by Christ Nanak:- All the Glory to our Father in honour of our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus, who introduced to us our Father through His Word. We are solitary Christ from above in Christ Jesus, the True Vine planted by our Father Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. PAWANN (REVELATION) ARANBHH (BEGINNING) SATGUR (SAT = THE BOTTOM LINE GOSPEL TRUTH, THE ROCK OVER WHICH THE TEMPLE OF GOD STANDS AND GUR MEANS TARIKA = FORMULA, WHICH IS LOGICAL REASONING THAT YOU YOURSELF HAVE TO DO) MATT (WISDOM OR WAY OF LIFE) WAILA (TIME); SHABD (END PRODUCT = NECTAR OF THE LOGICAL REASONING CALLED LOGO = HIS WORD) GURU = TEACHER; SURAT (COMMON SENSE) DHUNN CHAELA (A DEVOTED STUDENT). That is, the Gospel cannot be written down in ink on paper as the Scriptures, the Milk for the once-born babies is. Gospel is the Flesh of Jesus and Nanak or what came out of their mouths. In India, the crooks were imitating the Gospel and for this reason, Satguru Arjan Dev Ji got one written under his supervision in which every Saint and Satguru himself appeared and spoke that the Scribe Bhai Gurdass Ji sitting in another tent wrote. Each page was signed by Satguru Arjun Dev Ji. The one who was sent to get it bound diligently copied it and presented two Holy Books called Ad-Granth; Satguru Arjan Dev Ji rejected the copied version and said that the spiritually blind would read that copied version. So, these holy books in the Sikh Temples like the Bible are corrupted so that the spiritually blind read and become drunken fanatics. www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:-  www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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Aaqashah ka mota kala tagda louda chodta hai in pretty fucking garam raseeli yummy geeli choots, pussies, phuddiyan raandi hot jinsi kaneezen mumme aur tight Gaanden in ki chodtay raho subha sham, din raat... @kate-sharma @mominaarif
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smvdu · 9 months
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Kissan Sangosthi organised at SMVDU
The Kissan Sangosthi event held at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, organized under the Department of Agriculture's "Agriculture Technology Management Agency" (ATMA) extension program, successfully honored progressive farmers from various Jammu Division districts. Prof. Pragati Kumar, Vice Chancellor of SMVDU, highlighted the invaluable contributions of farmers and the agricultural sector to the nation's growth. He stressed the importance of technology in enriching agricultural practices and modernizing the sector. Shri K.K. Sharma, Director of Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare Department, Jammu, provided insights into the successful implementation of the ATMA scheme in Jammu Division. Shri R. K. Hiteshi, Joint Director (Extension), shared inspiring stories of small and successful farmers from the region. Sh. Nagendra Jamwal, Registrar of SMVDU, discussed how traditional farming practices enriched the agriculture sector with the adoption of technology and government efforts. Dr. Supran Kumar Sharma, Dean of the Faculty of Management, addressed the challenges and opportunities faced by the farming sector and highlighted the role of the ATMSA scheme. Dr. Ashutosh Vashishtha welcomed the participating farmers, and Dr. Sushil Kumar Mehta presented a detailed report prepared by the School of Business, SMVDU, as part of a consultancy project. The Kissan Sangoshthi aimed to discuss the findings of the consultancy project conducted by 05 faculty members from the School of Business, SMVDU. Over 160 farmers from all 10 districts of Jammu Division were honored and rewarded during the event. Notable progressive farmers recognized during the study include Smt. Geeta Sharma from Jammu, Sh. Padam Singh from Kathua, Sh. Chaman Lal from Rajouri, Sh. Sewa Ram from Kishtwar, Sh. Fayaz Ahmad Naik from Ramban, Sh. Mast Ram from Doda, Sh. Veer Singh from Udhampur, Sh. Sham Lal from Samba, Sh. Swarn Singh from Doda, and Sh. Kartar Singh from Reasi.
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