leinterested · 2 years
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aknifeear · 1 year
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do the dance Kate
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im dizzy
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keroku-chan · 1 year
Star bearer Robin Shadow and his living doll Robo
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makudageek · 6 months
Żywe lalki i ród arystokratów bez twarzy
Shadows House od wydawnictwa Waneko to naprawdę intrygująca seria. Na ten moment wydanych jest 13 tomów, na 14 tom otwarta jest prenumerata i wyjdzie on pod koniec stycznia 2024 r.
👉 W bliżej nieokreślonym miejscu żyje ród Shadow, którego członkowie nie posiadają twarzy. W ogóle całe ich ciała pokryte są nieprzeniknioną, czarną sadzą. Kiedy odczuwają negatywne emocje, sadza się z nich wydobywa, co sprawia, że całe otoczenie mocno się zanieczyszcza.
👭 I tu wkraczają żywe lalki, które nie tylko stanowią "oblicza" swoich właścicieli, ale także dbają o utrzymanie porządku w ich pokojach i całej rezydencji.
Naszą bohaterką jest Emilico, która służy panience Kate. Emilico obawia się, że jest wadliwą lalką i ma ku temu powody - nie rozumie swojej Pani, co chwilę się o coś potyka lub coś niszczy, a także nie potrafi kontrolować swoich emocji. Co najgorsze - za dużo myśli. A lalki myśleć nie powinny. 💬
👉 Pierwszy tom stanowi solidne wprowadzenie do tego niezwykłego świata. W kolejnych tomach dowiadujemy się coraz więcej na temat żywych lalek, członków rodu Shadow a także zwyczajach, jakie panują w rezydencji.
Na duży plus zasługuje oprawa graficzna mangi. Obwoluty są piękne, kolorowe i bogate w detale, natomiast pod nimi skrywa się skromna okładka, na której znaleźć możemy odciski członków rodziny Shadow.
Manga zostawiła mnie z wieloma pytaniami. Kim dokładnie są członkowie rodziny Shadow i dlaczego są czarnymi bytami? Czemu mówią o sobie w osobie trzeciej i po co właściwie im oblicza? Dlaczego w rezydencji panuje tak wiele zasad? Po co inicjacje? Dlaczego tworzą się zlepki i zjawy? Mocno zaintrygował mnie też opis pierwszego tomu, w którym jest napisane, że członkowie rodziny Shadow UDAJĄ arystokratów.
O co w tym wszystkim chodzi? Kolejne tomy mangi z pewnością przyniosą odpowiedzi.
Współpraca z wydawnictwem Waneko ☺️
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gonagaiworld · 1 year
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La mostra artistica per il manga Shadow House si terrà a Tokyo ad agosto L'installazione presenta opere originali del duo Somato. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/la-mostra-artistica-per-il-manga-shadow-house-si-terra-a-tokyo-ad-agosto/?feed_id=374267&_unique_id=6484e61f9a76c #Mostre #ShadowHouse #Somato #シャドーハウス
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linksvorne · 1 year
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41. SHADOWHOUSE. 2023-05-08 @ Venster99 (w/ Terminal A)
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mysterysoulrider · 1 year
Ssoblr's ingame servers - Masterpost
Hii! I got lots of replies to my question as to which server everyone is on so I decided to create a post where it'll be very easy to see who are on the server that you're on.
If you want to be removed, added or have anything changed -> shoot me a message (alts (that you use) are welcome too!)
ps. make sure to click on my account to see the updated post as reblogs only show the post as it was at that certain moment.
Australia / New Zealand Fire Star - Cassandra Shadownight (@jorvegian-nights) - Lily Wolfstorm (jorvikpresident) - Toby Mistbrooke (@jorvikcity)
Sunbeam Palace - Luciana Nightweb (@hikolu) - Zelda Snowward (zzeldasnowward)
Denmark Licorice Heaven - Vivian Toadhome (jorvikcity)
FinlandCarrot Cove - Alexis Lowpeak (@horsegamerants)
France Blueberry Mountain - Lana Windriver (@graphi-horse-time)
Frozen Field - Athena Rockstorm (athena-of-jorvik)
Germany Autumn Star - Michelle Skydaughter (@lilakennedy)
Rainbow Galaxy - Montana Opalheart (@sso-montana)
Hungary Coconut Mountain - Dusty Beachbeach (@ouh-three)
Netherlands Dandelion Hill - Corinne Eaglebridge (@corinne-eaglebridge-sso)
Magnolia Island - Ylva Moonwell (@ylvaslooks)
Misty Mountain - Felicia Sapphiresong (@feliciasapphiresong) - Hayden Pinegoat (zzeldasnowward) - Liv Mysteryhome (mysterysoulrider)
Penguin Pond - Alice Friendside (@sso-alice)
Strawberry Meadow - Cadence Moonborn (@cryptid-deity)
North America Cherry Island - Adelaide Oldburg (@adelaideoldburg) - Susanne Proudleaf (@mufiy-valcuse)
Freezing Crater - Elsa Seadawn (@twracehorse) - Kit Farwild (jorvikcity) - Sasha Swifthurricane (sasha-swifthurricane)
Frost Valley - Brooke Tidegarden (@lisasprideflag) - Evangeline Eveninglove (@evangelineeveninglove) - Zelda Bowsmith (@jorvikzelda)
Maple Star - Carolina Strawberrystream (@strawberrystreamfields)
Meringue Cloud - Svea Darkdragon (@svea-darkdragon)
Night Sprinkles - Appolinariya Cometsky (@a-cometsky) - Avery Cuteman (@yasminewestbank) - Cadence Sparrowburg (@cadencesparrowburg) - Capri Mouseflower (@foryouthegays bf) - Emma Wolfheart (@emma-wolfheart) - Eva Masterbear (@valedale-rose) - Evelyn Northbank (@algirdasgiedraitis) - Grace Topazlion (@telemutt) - Lily Dolphinbook (@dumbhorsegameblog) - Lucy Flowerhill (@mistfallenjoyer) - Marie Silentfall (@foggy-milk) - Maya Sweetpoulos (mayasweetpoulos) - Sasha Shadowforce (sasha-swifthurricane) - Sam Papabear (mysterysoulrider) - Siri Greenhaven (@sirigreenhaven) - Susan Southhome (@socksonvideo) - Vera Lavagale (@zzeldasnowward) - Viktoria Ravenstorm (@foryouthegays) - Willow Crazytree (@can-of-pringles) - Zoey Pineheart (@everwindfields)
Stormy Pear - Blake Silvercrest (@starstablegeek) - Hannah Ponytree (@dinosaurvalley)
PolandCookie Kingdom - Aurora Wisefall (@aurorahasanexistentialcrisis)
Sunbeam Meadow - Lana Shadowhouse (@najmiska)
Sweden Air star - Bella Highgirl (@bellassoblr)
Avocado Island - Jiao Catgirl (@djungelskogbear) - Kit Orangecat (mysterysoulrider) - Yasmine Westbank (yasminewestbank) - Zelda Axewatcher (jorvikzelda) - Zelda Snowcat (zzeldasnowward)
Marshmallow Clouds - Felicia Wolfpaw (ninamien)
United Kingdom Candy Cove - Charlie Rainford (@charlierainfordsso)
Coconut Island - Clarisse Darkfire (barricade-moonriser) - Dakota Gloomsmith (barricade-moonriser) - Dalka Lightningwalker (barricade-moonriser)
Cupcake Valley - Daniella Bunnywood (@ro-sso) - Esther Northberg (@northberg)
Snowflake Island - Brooklyn Eveningsky (@brookevesky)
West Europe Spring Star - Adelaide Froglake (@froggistain)
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hogteeth · 8 months
Virbana leech (hiding rn), neon tetras, intentional bladder snails, and blue and red shrimps tank (highly recommend shadowhouse shrimp for real cute boyos)
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Shrimps love hanging around upsidedown on the cork I have floating in there, the oak leaves should drop down for more cover soon once they get waterlogged
I might add sand too, but figured porous would be better since I don't have a carbon filter just a shrimp one
The snorgy did in fact result in snail babies lol they're so cute in their lil eggs, I've also got two pregnant shrimps
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Hey are the waves in the shadowhouse au and if so where are they?
They are indeed! Unfortunately, their stories are not happy ones
Both Shockwave and Soundwave debuted with Megatronus. Shockwave placed second in their ranking, and so lived in the younglings wing for quite awhile. He was part of the research team; he and his drone both adored scientific study, so they jumped at the chance to research. Unfortunately, they were a little too enthusiastic and pushed too far--their experiments and explorations led to them discovering one of the house's ugly secrets. Before he could warn the others he was swiftly punished with disposal. Locked away in a soot collection room to slowly starve to death.
And Soundwave? He didn't even pass his debut. His drone never spoke to him, they never interacted, so he never learned to speak and never developed a personality. Because of this, during the Debut challenge, a la poor Shirley, his body began to decay and crumble into soot. He was reduced back into morph form, and his drone, ??? was repurposed into a Faceless.
Faceless drones are empurata'd and painted gray all over, voice boxes removed so they can't speak, and do the more menial work of the house that the living drones can't possibly attend to while serving their masters 24/7.
Little morph Soundwave is still around, and does eventually make contact with Megatronus, but that's a story for another day 🤭
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jslo805 · 2 years
CONFORMITY / FALL DOWN from Shadowhouse
These guys rock . ❤️
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ACCEPTANCE: Accept chaos. Accept compliments. Ellen Porteus is obsessed with our inner worlds, and is inspired to take intangible and hidden thoughts and feelings and make them into bold, vibrant, fun and energetic works of art. We can be so judgemental about our creative abilities. We always hear people say, “I can’t draw.” But being creative is about expressing yourself without judgement—essentially accepting yourself, as you are. Thanks to our generous local sponsors BrightStar and Shayna Burns for supporting our speakers with presentation and SEO coaching, Shadowhouse for the video production, Offline Supply Co for the sweet notebooks, Think in Colour supporting Belafonte Coffee to provide the incredible handmade bagels and coffee, The Commons for hosting us, and Mark Lobo Photography for continuing to support our events every month.
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Título Original: Host
Año:  2020
Duración: 57 min
País:   Reino Unido  
Director: Rob Savage
Guion: Rob Savage, Gemma Hurley, Jed Shepherd
Música:   Mick Jones, Joe Strummer  
Fotografía:    Jack Hazan  
Reparto:   Haley Bishop, Radina Drandova, Edward Linard, Jemma Moore, Caroline Ward, Emma Louise Webb, Alan Emrys, Patrick Ward, Jinny Lofthouse, Seylan Baxter, Jack Brydon, James Swanton
Productora: Shadowhouse Films. Distribuidora: Shudder
Género: Horror, Mistery
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animehajime · 2 years
Call of the Night ⬢ A Stunning and Fun Watch
Check out the latest review from Anime Hajime, Call of the Night. Be sure to follow and don't miss next week's coverage of #ShadowHouse 2. #anime #CallOfTheNight
Call of the Night Kou Yamori (voiced by Gen Satou) has grown disillusioned with daily life. He finds going to school to be more trouble than it’s worth, and he is tired of putting on an act around people. Thus, he decides it’s time for a change, and what better way to start than to head into a world that seems off-limits – night. On his first night out, Kou decides to be more rebellious than he…
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I watched Ep 11/12 of shadow house and I have thoughts and Opinions: Spoilers ahead
I thought it finished airing but it didn’t so yay im not so late
Most thing I’m so happy about is the growth of kate.. I’m beyond delighted when i see that little child do things and search which is kind of ironic cuz we cant actually “see” her.. plus all of the other kids and how they have their own distinct personalities i just want the best for them seriously. just really i love them all and i want to hug everyone..
Now with the big stuff/ recap moment:
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this scene caused me actual pain.. in this scene exactly it hit me how much growth kate went through.. kate completely understands emilico now and loves her for who she is.. she is trying to find balance and meaning in her very confusing world and what she really wanted is a friend and someone to lift her up not a servant because she is complete on her own.. and thats what emilico taught her with offering her all the love and just PURE PURE KIDS
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those two though are what i think gives more flavor to the show.. john is unlike all the other masters in my opinion.. it is true that everyone is different but john especially is there for a fun time and only fun time.. the idiot didnt notice that shaun is different until kate mentioned it and then in a split second started throwing hands. iconic behavior and attitude towards life. shaun is just shaun and he’s amazing.
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and just the way that true genuine connection between the masters and their living dolls gets them back when poor emilico had to drink 5 liters of water😭
now to the Serious scary stuff:
this world is so intriguing im so interested in knowing more considering the 10810 things i dont know or mightve not caught but:
1- knowing that living dolls aren’t actually living dolls is still shocking even when i wasn’t convinced in the existence of living dolls in the first place honestly of how human emilico felt? she even kinda hinted at that before btw if i can remember.. ALSO HER REACTION OF ASKING FOR A MIRROR PURE BABY..
2- Watching It Unfold and How They Took the Children that was Terrifying to say the least cuz oh my god these shadows actually control everyone. i wonder tho the two who went to take them were they shadows and they can Not Shadowfy? themselves? or were they “living dolls” of their masters?
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3- where did shadows even come from why did the grandfather know all this why did he make it? money? then why the power games? what are they ruling? idk its confusing but i will wait for explaining..
4- and this is the most interesting to me.. the way soot is being explored is AWEOSME! it can shape, it can control minds, it can even give life as implied!! it can make things!! it takes shapes and those shadow masters emit it! it goes away with water!! IT CAN CHANGE VOICES!! implying maybe controlling particles or sth??? idk?? just sooo interesting truthfully. is it like a huge power one wishes to take? can shadows choose not to be shadows? are they just soot? why is the word soot in japanese so adorable its susu or sth its so much fun… anyways i want to know more and hope to see how kate will practice cuz clearly louise did.
i want to talk more about this but ill wait for ep 13 and idk maybe rewatch the whole thing if i was curious enough..
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5- edward gets on my nerves and not in a good way i wanna step on his shoes and maybe give him another suit cuz yellow isnt his color.. what is his objective i got very lost what privileges would he get in the 3rd floor? is he aware he’s human? what does a person close to the grandfather get??? u know!! anyways emilico is an idiot and this scene made me laugh she’s literally high on dopamine or sth..
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also one more qu.. who in the fucks name are those two?
thank you for reading babes and cant wait for ep 13
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⬆️ Completed Series & The Ones I'm Waiting On ⬇️
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Updated: 02/12/24
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