ihatebnha · 3 years
caitie please….we r the exact opposite…..i love haikyuu so much and i’ve never watched a second of bnha but your writing was so good i had to follow….and then through your work / the pieces you reblogged i got an idea of what the characters were like…..this is so funny seeing u talk about haikyuu n tendou 😭😭😭
Legend... idk whether i should laugh or cry bc this is so asdkjfsdkl to me... first of all, LMFAO THANKS FOR ENJOYING MY STUFF ENOUGH TO TOLERATE A BNHA WRITER ON UR DASH😩by which you are also admitting that your taste is very... hm, FANTASTIC... and second of all, skjadfkljasd why is this me with haikyuu........
i could probably tell u less than 5 things total about that show, but... YES i lowkey browse the tags trying to make sense of it all. do i have to wiki look up every name? also yes. but hey.... reader insert content is reader insert content and that is something i live by.
i love u legend. so does tendou. it's what u deserve.
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