shoppevero · 6 years
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Byredo Seven Veils Perfume 100 ml #byredo #perfume #sevenveils #beautiful #scent
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renatadance · 4 years
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Sul palco del "The Show" a Marina di Carrara. Era bellisdimo💃✨😍. . ph. @gionataaladinocanova . . . #dancer #bellydancer #carrara #performance #performing #danzaarabe #oryantal #oriental #egyptiandance #danzadelventre #danzaorientale #danzaaraba #cabaretbellydance #esibizioni #palcoscenico #veil #sevenveils #setteveli #soloist #danza #memories #ricordi #stagepresence #presenza #presenzascenica #strikeapose #danseduventre #assolo #performer #danzadelventreitalia (presso Marina Di Carrara, Toscana, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGZlfVnBiTN/?igshid=sprlaq27bxcw
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metabellydance · 9 years
Turkish Bellydance Performance and The Mirror Inspiration
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Last Saturday myself along with two of my lovely Eastern Delights ladies travelled to Gillingham for the Sevenveils Summer Performance Platform event.
My troupe were unable to perform so I decided to perform a Turkish style solo from Ruby Beh’s popular DVD ‘Totally Turkish’. This is the second time that I have performed it for an audience and I just needed to revisit the DVD and get into the swing of it again.
I had a lot of fun performing this dance since it is very energetic and judging from the audience’s reaction this just naturally came though. I especially found myself interacting with the audience a lot more than I usually do when doing stage shows. I think the next time I do a solo for this specific show I might try doing some improvisation to an Oriental style song instead.
I only got to see a few other dancers perform by the time I had been on and got changed to sneak into the audience but it is always interesting to see others dance and I always enjoy watching the lovely Safka perform since she is so elegant and full of emotion.
A few days later the video of my Turkish performance came out and I have certainly noticed a few things that I need to be worked on. I seem to be slightly out of time which is unusual for me since I am usually well connected to the music. It is a very fast choreography and with the added adrenaline  I think I ended up dancing a bit faster that I need to in places.
Although I am never a fan of watching myself dance it really does help to improve. I thought my dance was terrible at first and cringed so badly but after a few more views I noticed what needed to be improved and could then start to appreciate what went well.
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The Mirror
What I loved most about the night is that we were treated to a full bellydance theatrical show by the Johara Dance Company called ‘The Mirror’.
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I absolutely loved this show with the wonderful dancers, clever use of props and a dark and at times creepy story.
It really made me sit back and think since I used to perform theatrical shows as part of my performing arts college and university degree and although I love Bellydance I can’t help missing the theatrical side. This show has inspired me to work on a troupe dance that I have had on the shelf now that I have more exciting ideas thanks to ‘The Mirror’.
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renatadance · 4 years
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C'era una volta il "The Show", splendido locale tematico a Marina di Carrara con palco, spettacoli di cabaret e danza del ventre💃✨😍. . ph. @gionataaladinocanova . . . . #dancer #bellydancer #carrara #performance #performing #danzaarabe #oryantal #oriental #egyptiandance #danzadelventre #danzaorientale #danzaaraba #cabaretbellydance #esibizioni #palcoscenico #veil #sevenveils #setteveli #soloist #danza #memories #ricordi #stagepresence #presenza #presenzascenica #strikeapose #danseduventre #assolo #performer #danzadelventreitalia (presso Marina Di Carrara, Toscana, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF_zEg1huFO/?igshid=mwgk7hz0mau
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eau · 10 years
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xovain described this as "think carrot cake, but made by a gorgeous witch." Must. Have. Need it. Now. (Barneys, $145)
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metabellydance · 10 years
The Emotional Rollercoaster Ride of a Dancer
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It has taken me a while to get around to writing about my experience at the Sevenveils Autumn Performance Platform. Why? Well as a perfectionist my solo performance didn’t go as well as I had hoped and I needed time to get over that fact and learn from it.
It is always so easy to write about how great things went but it is a lot harder to write when things didn’t go quite so well, especially when you also have a mental health illness to battle with as well.
So why didn’t my performance go well? My costume neck strap came undone (I still had over the shoulder straps so it wasn’t that major of a problem) but they kept getting in my way and distracting me from my dancing. My costume is also too heavy for me and trying to do level changes was a challenge. My dancing however went well apart from the mishaps but my illness only lets me see the negative part even when people were complimenting me on a great performance.
There was one thing that could have prevented all of this (and if you are a dancer you will already probably be shaking your head) and that is to practise in your costume before going on stage. I forever tell my students this so why am I not listening to my own advice? I think the show just crept up on me and I had been feeling very up and down so I never got the chance. I seem to learn something each time I do these shows and I hope one day I can perform at the Sevenveils Performance Platform and not have some sort of costume trouble.
After finding the courage to watch my performance back I was surprised to see it wasn’t as bad as I had imagined. I often blow things out of proportion. I also got some wonderful photos from www.krysphotos.co.uk which has some great shots of me dancing.e
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(Video by shimmeringbreeze)
Once I had performed solo it was nice to be able to dance with the Eastern Delights troupe. They always love coming along to these shows and seeing all the different dancers and styles. I think it really inspires them to keep dancing and coming up with new ideas. Our performance was a fun Gypsy skirt dance which I had choreographed a few years ago for a workshop. It can be great to go over these old dances and make them new again.
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(Video by shimmeringbreeze)
The theme was ‘Something Spooky’ but I didn’t really have time to come up with another new dance so we decided to be different since most of the acts would be dark and scary. For the next show I will be able to plan a bit better so we can be a part of the theme.
I think every dancer has her or his ups and downs and this just happened to be a bit of a dip but now my head is clearer I can learn from my mistakes and become a better dancer for it.
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renatadance · 4 years
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Ancora uno scatto dalle magiche Arabian Night 😍💃✨ . Ph. @gionataaladinocanova . . . . #arabiannights #nottiorientali #nottidoriente #serate #versilia #danzadelventre #danzadelvientre #danzaorientale #danzaorientaleitalia #spettacoli #danzaaraba #danzaarabe #arabicdance #bauchtanz #orientalisimo #oriental #orientale #bellydancer #bellydance #performance #show #danseduventre #bellydancelife #dancer #performing #lights #luci #sevenveils #setteveli (presso Viareggio, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFrNGXQhPQv/?igshid=10g7kddwr1ira
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renatadance · 4 years
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Ma che notti meravigliose le Arabian Night 😍💃✨ Chi c'era? Ve le ricordate 😊? Ph. @gionataaladinocanova . . . . #arabiannights #nottiorientali #nottidoriente #serate #versilia #danzadelventre #danzadelvientre #danzaorientale #danzaorientaleitalia #spettacoli #danzaaraba #danzaarabe #arabicdance #bauchtanz #orientalisimo #oriental #orientale #bellydancer #bellydance #performance #show #danseduventre #bellydancelife #dancer #performing #lights #luci #sevenveils #setteveli (presso Viareggio, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkb6EyB_fy/?igshid=1f3oo3uro71a7
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metabellydance · 10 years
Week 10 of the 90 Day Belly Dance Challenge
This week has been a pretty busy one for me with the Sevenveils Summer Performance Platform coming up. I may not have spent so long dancing in my spare time as much as I usually do but I really didn’t want to wear myself out so I ended up doing 20, 30 and 40 min sessions (apart from my lessons of course)
Day 64 – In my Ashford class we went over the Modern Egyptian dance in sections and went over each section 4 times with the music, one after another. We didn’t get to section 6 so I will make sure I go over that part next week.
I also performed ‘Lonely Star by the Sea’ for my students so I could actually practise in front of an audience. It went a lot better than I thought which is promising for Saturday. Total Time – 1 Hour
Day 65 - I was not in the best of moods today as I felt agitated and tired. I began with a quick warm up to loosen me up, got changed into my costume and practised ‘Lonely Star by the Sea’.
The first time I tried it I kept stepping on my skirt, let go of my veil and stopped half way through. This did nothing to help my bad mood.
I then fixed my skirt by rolling it up a bit and tried again. This time it wasn’t as bad and I went through the whole dance. I put on the video I had been learning from to see if there was anything I was missing that could make my performance just that little bit special and I found a few things.
To be honest today was about keeping up the routine, practising the moves and wearing the costume. I knew anything I did would not please me due to my mood but at least I still got some practise in. Total Time – 23 mins
Day 66 - I may have been in a better mood today but last night I managed to pull a muscle on one side of my upper back. I didn’t want to take a day off dancing especially with the performance so close but I was careful not to push myself too much just in case.
I began with two YouTube videos to warm up and stretch by a dancer named Coco.
I really like this woman as she is so sweet plus the warm up is good as she begins with lots of movements to get your blood pumping.
I then practised my usual choreography and I have to say it went pretty well. I feel like this last week I am really getting this dance drilled into my brain allowing me to focus more on being in the moment.
As I didn’t want to do anything too energetic I decided to do 4 combinations from ‘Combination Nation Vol. 1’
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It is good to do these as they can go well with lots of music and gives me more ideas.
Before cooling down I practised my dance one more time and again I was happy with it. Total Time – 1 Hour & 5 mins
Day 67 - To warm up for my restaurant performance I used the ‘Warm Up For Bellydance Workout with Coco’ on YouTube. I didn’t really have time to do the ‘Warm Up For Flexibility’ part due to lack of time (my fault for starting too late)
I then danced a short set which again was a mix of people watching and enjoying and others not really looking. Downstairs there were a group of girls and one I got up to dance who was singing along to the song. I also danced to a Happy Birthday song for a lady who told me it was her birthday and could she have a photo. Total Time – 35 mins
Day 68 - Today was the day I had been working towards with my ‘Lonely Star by the Sea’ choreography.
I did a solo warm up backstage once the show had started which included as many of the warm up moves I had learnt of various DVD’s. I made sure I got my heart pumping before doing some dynamic stretching.
I then went out in the first half and performed my dance. You can find out how this went in my last blog post.
Once the first half was over I did another warm up with my troupe which again I made sure I did a variety of moves. One of my girls had a bit of lower back pain from sitting in the first half of the show so I made sure I did some lower back stretches (since I often have lower back issues due to an injury)
We then performed our drum solo which you can also find out more in my last blog post.
To finish I did a cool down and although I couldn’t really lie on the floor I did my best to stretch each part from the neck and down. Total Time – 40 mins
Day 69 - Since I felt so tired physically and mentally I decided to give the dancing a rest and opted for doing a short bit of Yoga to stretch my muscles and help focus myself.
I come across this website full of free Yoga videos (www.doyogawithme.com) which you can search the type of yoga, how long of a session you want as well as the difficulty. I went for a more gentle session called ‘Bend and Stretch’ with Melissa McLeod. (http://vimeo.com/40336788)
It was lovely and I liked that there were some different poses in it that I hadn’t done before. This will give me more ideas for a cool down. I also loved the scenery which also helped to make me feel calm and happy. Total Time – 35 mins
Day 70 - At my Folkestone lesson we did another 2 hour class so that my students felt much more confident to perform on Saturday. It meant giving up troupe rehearsal but I was concerned that we wouldn’t get many ladies performing. No I have managed to get 7 dancers after convincing a new member to perform since she was better than she thought.
It was a very hot day and by the end we were all sweating but we had fun and now we are ready to show our Modern Egyptian performance at The Multi-Cultural Festival. Total Time – 2 Hours
It will now be nice to go back to practising my technique now that the performance I had been rehearsing for is done. I will try to focus on strengthening again as well as dance combinations.
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metabellydance · 10 years
A Night of Performing & Learning at Sevenveils Show
If you have been reading my blog you will know that I have been working very hard learning a routine by my favourite dancer Aziza for an upcoming performance. As I am usually performing at restaurants and parties it isn’t very often that I get to perform an artistic and sensual dance for a stage. This is why I worked so hard to make this dance the best I could.
The Summer Performance Platform was organised by the creator of Sevenveils in Kent, Catherine Bartholomew. The last time I performed at this venue was last year when the hafla was being run by Ann Hall of Medina. Now Sevenveils have taken over this show and brought dancers from all over Kent to perform.
Since I am usually performing at events where I am the only Belly dancer it is always strange when I walk into the dressing room and the whole place is full of different styles of Bellydance. I forever find myself just staring at everyone and observing all the beautiful and wonderful costumes that dancers are wearing. My troupe ‘Eastern Delights’ were also performing so they went to watch the first half of the show while I got ready backstage.
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((Photo by Michael Burton)
I put my new blue crystal costume on and felt really proud when people came up to me and said how beautiful my costume was. Well I felt proud until a dancer’s fear struck, two of my belt hooks came loose so I was unable to wear it. I had brought safety pins but they were not really working so I plucked up the courage to ask the room if anyone had a needle and thread. I knew I should have had a ‘costume emergency kit’ and I seemed to have brought everything with me but this. Luckily for me an experienced dancer had some and even sewed my hooks back on. She taught me that I was using thread that was very weak and if I wanted strength I needed to use crochet thread in a beige colour (which doesn’t show up as much as white). She even sewed my bra hooks to be on the safe side and gave me a bit of the crochet thread to take with me so I knew what to get in the future. I certainly learnt a lesson and I guess you never really understand the importance until something happens.
I have to admit my confidence after this costume malfunction was low. I was already worried about messing up my dance, not because I might make a mistake and look silly but more that I worked hard on this dance and I am a perfectionist. Since I was worked up I decided to do my warm up and then I went backstage and improvised to the music to keep nerves away and to keep warm.
I nearly had to go on earlier as the organiser was concerned that she could not find the dancers who were meant to go on next. As a backup she asked me if I would go on in their place since I was ready and waiting anyway. Thankfully the dancers turned up so I was able to go on for my original spot.
It was what all my months had been leading up to, my Modern Oriental Fantasy performance. I walked out onto the stage with my veil in my fingers and the lights on me. The music began and it sounded so different from when I had been practising before, so strong. I adore this piece of music (‘Lonely Star by the Sea’ by Mosavo’) and when I was dancing I felt all alone as I was full of emotion and couldn’t really see anyone. There were moments in my dance that just felt so powerful with the music. Once I did my final pose I could hear the loud applause and cheers from the audience which warmed my heart.
(Video by shimmeringbreeze)
I came off stage and once the adrenaline wore off I started to wonder if it only felt great to me. I had no idea what it looked like to the audience and I wouldn’t really know until the first half was over.
Once everyone came back from the show I was so pleased to hear dancers and audience members loved my performance and some saying that it was their favourite of the night. I had nailed it just how I wanted and all the work I put in had finally reached its goal.  Once the performance was done it was now time to focus on the next one, with the Eastern Delights troupe.
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(Photo by Michael Burton)
This performance was such a contrast from my last dance as this was a drum solo which was fun and sometimes a little cheeky. I was glad to be performing this dance as well so that the audience could see a different side of me. It was also nice to be dancing we others on stage rather than being alone. As they say, safety in numbers even if there were only three of us. Apart from messing up a little at the beginning I think the dance went very well and it was nice performing for an audience full of dancers since they are very supportive and often clap along.
(Video by shimmeringbreeze)
It’s true to say that he night was full of ups and downs but what made it worth it was being able to bring my joy and hard work into my performances and having them pay off.
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aurochband-blog · 11 years
A glimpse...
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