#seriously. f*ck blitzo
hatsampixie · 1 year
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Blitzo getting his karma in the worst way possible: Dealing with Irotah on a blood moon.
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drama-glob · 11 months
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This was definitely the episode of cute, exaggerated eyes. ^_^
The fact that they have "Gaggle" as well as there is an ad for Lustinder and something that's definitely not a scam is great. XD
No idea where they got the name for that camp. ;) XD
Nice poster and definitely nothing shady or suspicious going on there in the boat cabin. ;)
Millie's (or Millerd's) eyes are so cute here. ^_^
I'm not clicking on the one user. Something tells me it's a scam. ;) Probably the same person as in the other scene. ;)
Yeah, that chick is obsessed.
I love that "Moxxine's" little bouncing chibi head changed with his appearance. XD
Even the subtitles guy is a fan, not that I blame him.
Poor Moxxie.
The subtitles guy is write though. :/
Nice poster, but wouldn't it be cool if this means something happens on July 17th? ^_^
The Asmodean crystal portal is so pretty. ^_^<3<3<3
I love that they show human disguises seem to come with the crystals, so I can't wait to see if that means Blitzo gets a disguise too. ^_^<3
Barbie is definitely Blitzo's twin and it's intersting that her marking still show even with her disguise. :)
Seriously though, imps are cats and their reaction to heroin is very much like cat nip. XD
Poor Blitzo looking so sad as he's actually trying to reconnect and the fact that Barbie is poking their mom's choker is an added gut punch. ;_;
I want that mug. :)
Poor Moxxie's face though as well as Millie being mad at Blitzo all while Loona apparently fell asleep, which isn't super surprising. :/ I also love that is has apparently been 0 days since the last F*ck up as well as the doodle of Loona killing her doctor and the productivity brainstorm. XD
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kirausamaria · 4 years
A fun payback (Stolitz Fanfic)
Ok, I’m sorry, I had to wrote this! It was some innuendos and curses but it’s not really NSFW. It’s hard to write when you got the horny bird in a fanfic. Anyways, please let me know how did I do, because it’s my first fanfic ever. I plan to draw some stuff for the post too as soon as my studies finish.
   This time Stolas had something different in mind for Blitzo.
   He wasn’t the type of person to get easily flustered as anyone may expect, but after that “Stolas goes brrrr…” and “poor wardrobe choice” incidents on Instagram, he felt like getting some retaliation for that. Not that it was angry or anything like that, in fact, this was a good chance for him to try something new with his little imp.
   “Sooo, you want to be on top this time I suppose”, Blitzo said while staring at Stolas finishing his job, that was tying him from his wrists and legs to the bed. He had done this several times before so Blitzo wasn’t alarmed or anything. The only thing that seemed unusual was the fact that he was tied down in bed still with his underwear on, normally Stolas would have him completely naked at the instant he got his hands on him.
   “Well, we’ll see about that my dear. It’ll all depend on how you’ll end up feeling at the end”, Stolas replied with an eager smile.
   “Ugh, whatever, let’s just get over with it and do it quickly”, Blitzo answered with an uninterested tone in his voice.
   “I’m afraid to tell you, my dear Blitzy, I plan to take my time on this occasion”.
   Blitzo just stared at him with a puzzled face. He would never admit it, but it was difficult to see Stolas directly on the face sometimes, his eyes weren’t just deeply red, but reflecting such a warm feeling... a charming feeling, maybe? Stolas's genuine smile when staring at him made him feel something inside, but he would never admit that those feelings were something similar to “love”.
   Stolas started caressing Blitzo’s skin as softly as he could, starting from his tied wrists to slowly going down to his chest. Blitzo started to squirm and tried to hold back some moans, it was starting to feel good, but he was too stubborn to let Stolas know that too easily. Stolas then started to caress his torso up and down, focusing on his sides this time, and the pleasant feelings started to change a little. Blitzo squirmed more than at the beginning.
   “Unhg, umph...mmm!”
   “What’s wrong my Blitzy? Doesn’t this feel good?” Stolas asked while grinning a little.
   “Could you just stop fu*king around and go to the next thing?”, Blitzo struggled to say.
   “Why should we stop this? Does it feel weird? Am I possibly making you feel... ticklish?”
   Then Blitzo suddenly realized what this mischievous bird planned to do to him. That a**hole! He planned to do that to me all along! He thought to himself. It’s now he wouldn’t enjoy being tickled as a show of affection with a partner, but with Stolas...we just didn’t like to show any kind of vulnerability in front of him. He wouldn’t admit he’s ticklish or that he likes to be tickled to Stolas, he would never let this go for sure if he did.
   “Come on my little imp, don’t be shy, just show me your real feelings to me and enjoy this experience. It will make you feel so much better”.
   “Ah, shut the f*ck up you freaking bird!” Blitzo yelled. He was trying so hard not to build a smile in his face, the tickling feelings were starting to build up. 
   Stolas chuckled. “You’re such a stubborn creature. I can’t deny it, that is one of the qualities that attracted me about you in the first place, but some honesty wouldn’t hurt, don’t you think?”.
   Blitzo couldn’t run away from Stolas, he knew it, but at the same time he didn’t just lose against him, not giving him the satisfaction of doing what he wanted. But when Stolas started to use his claws against his skin, he just broke.
   “Pfff! Hehehe! Nohohohoho!” Blitzo 
   “See? I know you’d go around!”, Stolas said when scratching Blitzo’s upper arms. “Doesn't it feel much better to just laugh and enjoy it?”
    “F-f you Stolas!” Blitzo whined. He was unable to stop himself from laughing anymore, and Stolas had started to use rougher tickles against him.
   He then felt Stolas’ claws skittering every area of his torso, and also his stomach. Blitzo became really jumpy in that place, and Stolas noticed.
   “Oh, that’s why you squirm everytime I kiss you on your stomach”, Stolas said while holding his laugh. “So what about this?”
    Blitzo almost squealed when Stolas started kissing and scratching his belly at the same time.
   “Nohohohohoho, don’t do that!”
  “Why not? It doesn’t feel good? But I’m having so much fun right now”, Stolas replied. Looking at him Blitzo could tell he was saying the truth, but it tickled so bad he didn’t know if he could keep going with this game, not that he hated seeing Stolas enjoying things, though. Also, the way Stolas kissed him wasn’t bad, he actually was a good kisser, but on his stomach his kisses were unbearable.
    Stolas then started scratching Blitzo’s underarms and that was also a pretty bad spot. Blitzo couldn’t stop his cackling laugh to come out. 
    “Ahahahahaha! Don’t! Not there please!”
   “Oh, starting begging so soon?”
   “I’m not begging you pompous piece of sh*t!”
   “Oh, alright, I understand, it was just a reflex, wasn’t it? You’re actually having fun, don’t you?” Stolas cooed.
   “I’m nohohohohot!” He screamed, not admitting this was kind of fun. 
   “Blitzi, you are so cute, you know that?”, Stolas said with the most sincere voice he could make. He softly leaned down to Blitzo’s neck, which he knew was really sensitive, and started kissing and nibbling it while still tickling his underarms.
   “No my neeehheehck! At least forgive my neeehehehck! I cahahahan’t….!”
   “Blitzo actually loved to be softly kissed in his neck, his feathers also would tickle him and make him melt when Stolas did it, but he would always put a facade of seriousness so he wouldn’t realize that, but Stolas was very clever, he knew Blitzo’s true feelings when having intimacy every full moon with him.
   Stolas stopped in order to let Blitzo breathe. Blitzo was still laughing a little while catching up some air. When he was able to talk again, he said:
   “Why are you always like this Stolas, doing whatever you want…”
   “Uhm? Aren’t our encounters also enjoyable to you?” Stolas asked tilting his head to one side in a question gesture. “Well, to be completely honest with you I’ve always wondered how do you look when you smile, not your everyday smug smile, just a pure, genuine smile...and also how does your laugh sound when you are amused. Every night we meet I have the hope you’ll show that cute smile to me, and when I think I finally got to make you smile, you just look away from me and hide your true feelings”.
   Blitzo was looking at him while listening to all that. Stola’s face showed a little sad smile and he felt his heart shrinking a little. Was he feeling moved? That’s impossible, he said to myself, but he felt Stolas didn’t mean any  harm when playing with him this way.
    But Blitzo is still Blitzo, so…
   “Well, it’s not like I can just laugh in front of you that easily, or look at you in the eyes all the time...just, I don’t hate you or anything, do you get it?”
   Stolas noticed Blitzo was looking a little flustered. 
   “So can we keep having fun for a little more then?”, Stolas asked, with the purest smile he could make. Blitzo was hesitating but…
   “Well, I, uhm…”. Blitzo was kind of trapped in this game already and he wasn’t against some more tickling for the sake of making Stolas happy and having some fun (this thought would never come out of his mouth though). He stared at him and said: “Well, maybe just this time is ok...I guess”.
   There was a big smile on Stolas’ face, he jumped off from the bed and went to his vanity, quickly opened and closed a drawer and came back to where Blitzo was laying. Blitzo was getting both scared and excited at the same time, again trying not to show a nervous anticipating smile.
   Stolas showed him a fancy crystal bottle. He slowly opened and started to pour what it was inside on Blitzo’s chest. It was some herb scented oil.
   “Oh no, onohohohono!”, Blitzo said while nervously giggling at the thought of what it was about to happen. He felt Stolas’ hand sensually spreading the warm oil in all his upper body, making him squirm again. It already tickled so bad when doing this he couldn’t stop his voice from coming out.
    “Please, don’t do it!” Blitzo yelled, but he was unconsciously smiling because of the excitement.
   “I’ll just play for a while, I promise”, Stolas’ answered, while digging Blitzo’s ribs.
   “NOHHOHOHOHOHOHO! STAHAHAHAHAHAP! Blitzo screamed, arching his back trying to get away from Stolas’ claws, but he was really good tied, so he couldn’t move that much.
    “Why, my dear? Doesn’t it feel much better now, to laugh at your heart’s content? You’re getting so much attention tonight, you little greedy imp”.
     “THIIIS NOHOHOT THE ATTENTION I NEHEHEED!, Blitzo replied, truly laughing this time, while his tail was wagging, a sign that an imp is relaxed or happy.
   “Aww, don’t be shy Blitzi, just stop thinking that much and enjoy it! If you do I will let you do the same to me next time”. He took Blitzo’s tail and started to scratch its tip. Blitzo was going crazy, but he was still able to answer back.
   “Can’t wait”, Stolas answered with a singing voice.
  “STOP WIHIHITH THE FU*KING SINGING VOICE ALREADY!” Blitzo practically shrieked, while Stolas was now squeezing his hips and sides.
   “Why, does that make you more ticklish?”, Stolas crooned. “What if I keep doing it while tickling your weakest spot?”
   Blitzo panicked, he knew what it was coming: Stolas grabbed some more oil for his hands and started to slowly run his claws from Blitzo’s hips to his underarms and neck.
   “Nohohohohoho, I swear I’ll kill you if you…!”
  Stolas started digging Blitzo’s underarms, making him shriek with laughter. His head started to get blank.
   “I love your laugh so much, Blitzi”, Stolas now laughing at Blitzo’s strong reactions, “And your tail wiggling with such joy, it just melts my heart”.
   Blitzo’s looking so vulnerable and helpless laughing like this while being tied up was actually really cute.
   Stolas would alternate the tickling on his neck and underarms, then again nibbling and kissing his neck while scratching his whole body, now ten times more sensitive because of the oil.
    Blitzo started to shed tears from the laughing, his head completely in a daze.
   When he started whining and weezing instead of laughing Stolas knew it was enough for tonight, so he stopped.
       Blitzo was coughing and giggling for a whole minute, completely exhausted.
    “You did a good job Blitzi! I really had fun”, Stolas praised Blitzo for his endurance while kissing him on his cheek and forehead.
     Blitzo wouldn’t admit it, but he also thought it had been a little fun, until the almost dying feeling part.
      “I fuc*ing hate you Stolas”, Blitzo was barely able to say, still with some tears in his eyes.
   Stolas was smiling a lot. At least he had his payback.
   “You know? We should play like this more often”. Stolas said while untying Blitzo. “It would help you to relieve some stress from work and it’s a fun way of foreplay. Also laughing is good for your…”.
   Stolas didn’t realize until looking at Blitzo that he was sound asleep.  Blitzo was just exhausted in order to do anything, but peacefully  snoring in bed.
   Stolas just chuckled, staring at this cute picture for a while before covering him with his sheets and curling up at his side, hugging him.
   “Well, I guess we’ll have our little fun until morning”, Stolas thought.
   “Really, Blitzy, you have no idea how much I love you”.
   Stolas then kissed Blitzo’s shoulder and back of his neck, making him smile a little while still sleeping.
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