#sentiniel it will be
bentosandbox · 11 months
hello! i just read a recent reblog from you about qiubai and wuxia, i'd like to know if you had advice to give to people trying to do research about wuxia, or could point us anywhere to learn more about it! (i guess specifically the ideology behind wuxia sounds interesting to me? especially knowing it's now reduced to aesthetics than ideology)
im not an scholar/expert or anything so i don't feel like i'm qualified to do a Wuxia 101 but i can tell you what i did/am doing 🫡
I think this is a good introduction to the whole 'wuxia is more than just x y z' my original area of interest (that got me into this hole) was actually research on knight-errants for OC and then chen wuxia AU shenanigans reasons lol and i stumbled upon this article that talks about how the genre reflected society™ at that point in time and this one that goes into how gender ideology in wuxia is tied to Confucian values (and made me watch flying swords of dragon gate that led to this post) and right now i'm going through this paper that has a pretty good bit about why you can't simply substitute xia(ke) for knight-errant and how the first scholarly article (outside of china) on the subject had like a domino effect on conflating 'wu' and 'xia' together (therefore getting the chinese knight errant understanding that most have today) there's also this article that talks about the part in Sima Qian's Shiji youxia chapter about how they weren't just vigilantes--i also downloaded a whole bunch of other articles (via refseek and zlib) that i haven't gone through yet so i don't want to randomly recommend without looking through LOL
and then for actual media to peruse: I think Water Margin is a must-read as much as I did not enjoy it because it's such an influence on all the media in the genre lmao...I read an edited version of the J H Jackson translation cause that's the one they had at my library and idk if it's a translation or taste issue but it was such a slog lol idk what the wikipedia page meant by 'praised as an early "masterpiece" of vernacular fiction' ??? my brain felt like it was rolling on rocks trying to process it but it also did make me go 'like 'this is supposed to be considered justice/right????' a few times iirc (since i read it when my understanding was still very in the wuxia = (western) chivalry view) so yeahg... other than that i'm reading condor heroes rn (the series or at least the author that popularised the funny ten word long move thing iirc lol)
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imo films are very 'watch whatever wuxia flicks you like' but these two are like must-watches (to me)
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sentiniel · 6 years
hey dont be alarmed its me studentcouncilprez
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reimuhakureivevo · 3 years
ngl i think your cirno luck rubbed off on me i got her on kourindo right as i was thinking about your post scrolling through the 2hu lost word tag thank you v much
The power of my username and my gacha luck gives off the luck of getting your very own Cirno at your disposal.
You are very welcome!
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OMG I'm a fricking idiot
13 Sentiniels: Aegis Rim's time loops are supposed to be frustrating-
I've been sat there going 'well how the hell am I supposed to do this?! There's no clues, there's no help I'm just doing the same thing over and over and nothings changing!?' Yeah you fucking dummy that the response it's supposed to be eliciting.
I apologise to every time loop protagonist ever. I understand now.
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nyehilismwriting · 3 years
Do you have a character list for Sentiniel?
if you mean a list of the ROs, you can check here or on the forum thread - that’s just the four main ROs, I don’t have anything listing the side characters or anything.
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Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences and tag some more people!
Slow burn or love at first sight?
Fake dating or secretly dating?
Enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?
“Oh no there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence?
Hurt/comfort or amnesia?
Fantasy au or modern au?
Mutual pining or domestic bliss?
Smut or fluff?
Canon complement/missing scenes or fix it?
Alternate universe or future fic?
One shot or multi-chapter?
Kid fic or road trip fic ?
Reincarnation or characters death?
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage?
Neighbors or roommates?
High school romance or middle aged romance?
Time travel or isolated together?
Sci fi or magic au?
Body swap or genderbend?
Angst or crack?
Apocalyptic or Mundane?
I Tag: @katherineisthebestpulitzer @mypeculiarparadox @sentiniel @ashedpotatoes
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dalishious · 5 years
read this many times and maybe you'll stop harassing artists: sentiniel tumblr com/post/185266173542/peoples-skin-colors-look-totally-different-under And honestly - you are the worst thing in DA fandom here on tumblr. I hope you're really proud of yourself with the levels of hate that you and your ass-kissers create. I'd ask what do you do with your time when you're not offended by everything but... there's no such time. Go be a victim forever but don't drag others to your level, lowlife!!
asdklghaj if you think I’m going to even look at a post by someone with the url “transmed-idol” you’re wrong cause that tells me everything I need to know lol
Anyway if my reputation is “the worst thing in the DA fandom” because I don’t stand for racism then I will wear that crown proudly. But you know it’s quite strange, I would think that all the bigots themselves were the worst thing rather than the people not standing for that, but maybe that’s because I actually have some brain cells. Brain cells, by the way, are neurons in the brain that carry electrical impulses and are what allows your brain to function. (Just thought I’d explain since you’re clearly lacking in them.)
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makoto-division · 5 years
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thx @sentiniel ily
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atheorytoofar · 7 years
You know i have hit that stage when i am putting hours into Mass Effect 3's Multiplayer on the Xbox One that i seriously need to figure out my priorities! But my amazing Asari Sentiniel is just too much fun!
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ggaines1 · 5 years
Just Pinned to New Additions: Buy Postcard Bronze sentiniel Diamond Meadville Pennsylvania https://ift.tt/31Mdrax
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sentiniel · 5 years
hello you monochromatic bastards
@[email protected] hmu binches im moving
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ggaines1 · 5 years
Buy Postcard Bronze sentiniel Diamond Meadville Pennsylvania
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sentiniel · 6 years
tumblr alternatives train
hey hey
if you’re looking to see where everyone’s sorta going (since tumblr taken off the app store’s a pretty bad signal for the site anyway) i’ve observed a few sites of interest
under the cut for length
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biggest name so far imho, identifiably similar to writscrib 
currently invite-only or beta-key purchase but i know people are giving away keys atm; the site’s still in development and there’s no known tools like xkit for tumblr (as far as i’m aware)
you follow communities/groups or people/users themselves and get posts on your timeline/dashboard from there; 
key differences
notifications are more silent, you have to check posts individually
you can reblog to communities and spread posts that way too
posts you like aren’t shown on your page iirc
blogs aren’t customizable (yet!); right now the feature is to recolour your page at best
my thoughts: way better for art as a medium since they show up better on the wide post layout; it’s harder to read text imho since they span across the screen a lot; communities are kinda cool but reblogging as it is right now takes a while and i’m not totally on board with the whole experience as of yet. will keep track of it.
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few people have mentioned it and i think i can guess why? it’s pretty similar to twitter than tumblr
it’s pretty interesting on how it’s built; self hostable; basically it’s a sprawling network with unique instances (shown as the little url your id is attached to, ie @[email protected]
you follow people or check out the instance itself; there’s also the alternative of checking out the federated timeline (basically all instances), however it’s pretty messy and spammy as a feature so i wouldn’t recommend the latter.
key differences
notifications show up as a whole timeline by itself; you can open and close this at any time using the bell icon on the sidebar
reblogging and liking/starring is basically the same as twitter; so are their 500 characters
same for profile? it shows up on a little timeline of its own (exhibit a)
searching for tags are kind of misleading; they may say “no one is talking about this” but really there’s a bunch of posts on that tag? not sure what that is about yet (exhibit b)
my thoughts: if you want to hop off twitter and tumblr there’s always mastodon. on the other hand, it looks like the art instance (mastodon.art) is super active if you’re looking to interact with or observe any artists/art tags. if you’re looking to join the art instance itself i regret to inform you it’s either $6 a year or waiting a few weeks to see if it opens up for registration again. also, looks like this is a pretty happening social media platform for pixiv artists.
exhibit a: profiles
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exhibit b: tags and how they look misleading
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is this livejournal? neopets? am i back in the 2000′s
my thoughts: free with optional account upgrades; i sadly don’t have a lot of information on this site (i’d really not like to login and check it out) but i stand by my first impressions tbh; i think if you’re a writer (fanfiction? just fiction?) then you might want to see if other writers you know are interested in hopping on board this train yourself. once again, not as big a name as pillowfort, but definitely talked about a lot more than mastodon
final opinions: eh we’ll be on this hell site together until it crashes and burns i guess, then we’ll probably hop onto twitter or instagram together; let’s face it, while tumblr alternatives might be cool, there’s nothing quite like it and we can only hope something like mastodon happens to tumblr for us to ever get a chance to hop back onto a hellsite substitute like this
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