#self-coaching course for divorce
counseling1 · 3 months
Making the Right Choice: Marriage Counseling vs. Divorce
Marriage is often considered a sacred union between two individuals, filled with joy, challenges, and growth. However, some couples may find themselves at a crossroads, struggling to decide whether to salvage their relationship through marriage counseling or opt for a divorce. This decision demands careful consideration as it profoundly impacts the lives of those involved. Let’s dive deep into it with the experts at marriage and divorce counseling in the USA.
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sassypossumm · 2 months
Um, self conscious Coach!Miguel? Please tell me more about this sounds so cute!
Of course!!!! (He's honestly a favorite of mine!) Coach!Miguel kinda segways into dad bod!Miguel.
After a rough divorce, and a car accident he gained some weight, and it's been a while since he's dated. Now he's got a partner, and while he really does love her, some statements his ex made start to haunt him, and he struggles to accept that this person he's with could actually want to be with him.
(Of course, she has to show him that's nonsense and that she actually DOES plan on staying)
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ballet-symphonie · 26 days
what's the deal with joy womack ? I got into ballet after the whole scandal at the bolshoi and i've always heard bad things about her but I don't really know the story. Also she apparently lied about her position at POB?
Ooof I'll try to do the quick version based on what I remember, she is basically one drama after another, she tends to...misrepresent information. She left BT after saying she had to pay or even sleep with someone to get soloist parts. This was disputed by some, and confirmed by others.
After she went to work i the Kremlin Ballet Theatre of Moscow, she became a leading soloist with them, despite often calling herself a principal. There was some tension here as she was making vlogs filming class despite her coworkers asking her not to and occasionally sharing some no-so-nice information about her coworkers, things got messy when she divorced her ex and she left, even after she got promoted to principal.
After Kremlin, she won a prize at Varna in 2017, did some unsuccessful company auditions, and did short stints at Universal Ballet in Korea and guesting around Bulgaria and Poland. At one point she was going back Russian State Theatre Arts Ballet Pedagogy and Choreography (GITIS) for higher education in pedagogy. She has repeatedly expressed disdain for both the American and Russian systems, and there is a lot of speculation that this, along with her desire to be a principal *asap* hindered her career.
She was at Boston Ballet for a short period, but didn't like the setup, said she preferred being in Russian/European companies where they provided more individual coaching and often more benefits (housing) and with low layoffs...yet she has also repeatedly complained about the low pay/exchange rate when she was working in Russia. She left here when COVID happened.
After trying a couple of times, I believe she got a "contractuelle" position at POB, where you're generally hired for specific productions (eg, something with a huge corps, or for a specific choreographic nice that a dancer excels in). POB, with its extremely involved hiring and promotion systems/competitions, takes a while to move dancers into the corps sometimes. I'm not sure if she was offered a corps contract and didn't take it, or didn't get one, but regardless, she's no longer working with POB.
And now, if you go to her website she's starting a foundation and a school and company....? This is in addition to her freelancing around and the project prima bars that I think no longer exist and some film work. She's just a lotttttt and does not portray herself as the most self-aware or humble person.
As far as my personal interactions with her go, I know she came to audition at my company before I started my professional career and was not accepted. I took a couple classes with her in NYC by chance, the diva attitude was overtly present.
I didn't do much googling here, of course open to corrections of this mass of speculation
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miscmonstro · 1 year
You Strike Me as Familiar (I’ve Never Met You Before)
Remember that poll? Now its time to fanfic! If you’re wondering how this fanfic + poll thing will work, check out this post. 
Current Characters: Tim Drake, Wes Weston
Summary: Tim forgot to change his shoes after PE. This creates more problems than one might think, but it also opens up a whole world of opportunity.
🪤 + 📱 - Segment 1 - 🪤 + 📱 
He’d forgotten to change his shoes, and honestly? Tennis shoes were more comfortable than the stiff oxfords the dress code required. Of course he’d try to get away with not changing his shoes at some point.
…or maybe he’d made the mistake after running on four hours of sleep. Not that he’d admit it. In any case, he couldn’t go to class like this. With a frustrated exhale, Tim turned sharply on his heel and marched back to the locker room. He tried the door and couldn’t hide his grimace when he realized it was locked.
Tilting his hand and raising his arm, Tim examined his watch and realized that he did not have much time before his next class.
He could still make it if he was quick.
Glancing around the hall to ensure no one was nearby, he pulled out a small, black rectangular box and used his thumb to pop it open. Inside was an array of slim tools with a variety of flat and curved and hooked tips, all designed just for this. Picking the lock and getting the door open was a quick process and he silently slipped inside, ready to grab his shoes and bolt. Instead, when he rounded the corner into the should-be-deserted room, he came across Wesley Weston.
Wesley was a classmate of his and was also the most unremarkable boy Tim had ever come across. Lean and stupidly tall, the redheaded boy had pale skin dotted with freckles and an obvious midwestern accent. He was a scholarship student from a small city in Illinois with two parents, divorced, and two sisters. Basketball and photography were his pastimes. He had a bit of a reputation for being a neat freak and he knew all the gossip, somehow. Wesley was very self conscious, however, and so while he was aware of the drama at any given time he was never really a part of it. Reserved and not-rich, no one paid Wesley much mind. He wasn’t worth much attention.
Or so Tim had thought.
He stared and wondered just how wrong he was. Automatically, he catalogued the sickly bruises dotted along Wesley’s arms. There were probably more under the tank top he had on.
One injury drew Tim’s attention more than the others. 
Wesley’s forearm was cut. It a long, ugly thing that started at the elbow and curved around to slice into and past his wrist.
It was the exact same injury Damian had inflicted on Spyris with his kusarigama two nights ago.
That was one heck of a distinct cut. Tim couldn’t call this a coincidence, not even remotely.
That meant he’d just discovered that Wesley Weston was Spyris. 
This was huge. Spyris was a vigilante? Villain? They didn’t know. In fact, they knew worrying little about the new player even through he’d been around for a good seven months. His movements were erratic after they’d confronted him initially and none of his actions had discernible patterns. Tim had spent many-a-night tearing his hair out as he searched for buried clues no one could find. The only thing the bats knew, besides the fact that he was a caucasian male, was that he had may or may not have had freckles. 
This was a golden opportunity to glean information- motives, goals, mode of operation, everything. 
Spyris was tricky though. Tim couldn’t afford to scare him off or he might never get another chance- he would have to approach this very, very carefully.
He could turn around and walk out. His reputation might take a hit if he showed up to class in the wrong shoes, but could he risk alerting Wesley? 
Or he could get his shoes and play it off, pretend the coach let him in. But maybe… he could dig. Just a little- they were alone in here anyway. And besides, it’s not like Wesley had any reason to be suspicious of Tim Drake.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Hey Clyde can you elaborate on the “No because…Ted was so deeply traumatized” GIF please?
Of course!
Obviously that's Tomlinfonda's post/argument, so I can only speak to my own interpretation of things, but basically it's acknowledging the tragic implications of our finale. Ted goes back to his son, but far more than that he isolates himself from everything and everyone else. It's all well and good to make headcanoned claims about his life in Kansas --"He's Ted Lasso. Of course he'll make a ton of new friends!" -- but based on what we're shown on screen, AKA the canon, Ted has rejected everything but his role as Henry's father.
He is no longer a premiere league coach, he's a kid's league coach for Henry.
He's no longer keeping some distance from Michelle post-divorce/post-dating Jacob for his own comfort and mental health, he's closely co-parenting with her for Henry.
He's not BFFs with Beard anymore, attending pivotal moments like his wedding, he's spending quality time with Henry.
He's no longer a part of the Richmond community or the Kansas community (we don't see Ted happily chatting with some extra at the game, an easy way to show that he's forming new bonds, nor has the series introduced Kansas friends he's still in contact with) he's a part of the Being Henry's Dad community.
I'm going to talk about this a lot more in the giant-ass meta I'm working on, but the tl;dr is that no one (that I've come across) is upset that Ted went back to Henry, only that the show implied that he gave up EVERYTHING ELSE to do that. Instead of having Henry come to London, or doing the work to make Kansas feel like a place Ted wants to be in for reasons other than this being where Henry currently lives, everything we get implies isolation and discomfort. No one is there to greet Ted at the airport (a sharp contrast to Rebecca tearfully seeing him off, previously begging him to stay). Michelle's house is a dull, sad-looking color pallet compared to the vibrancy of Richmond. She keeps literal distance from Ted, remaining in the doorway while Henry runs to his side and watching him walk in with arms crossed. We know he's not comfortable with her dating Jacob (quite understandably). Ted is not shown to attend ANY of the pivotal moments of his found family: wedding, book signing, giant get-together, despite having the time and financial means to do so. There are no more Diamond Dogs. There's no scene of him baking. No details to remind us of why he once loved his home state, like sunflowers and BBQ sauce. Ted can no longer challenge himself with the complexities coaching a premier team, despite having just come off of a brilliant season that involved re-inventing a whole new strategy. He's back to giving Season One advice of "Be a goldfish" - AKA just ignore what's bothering you, work to literally forget it, rather than engage with it as a means of self-improvement. It's a fine bit of advice for a missed goal, but in the context of his final line of the show? It reinforces the reading that Ted has regressed. Significantly.
"That's not true, Clyde, he's stopped running away from Henry now!" Ehhh has he? I mean yes, he's literally, physically there, but how healthy is that going to be for either of them in the long run if Ted hasn't addressed the root of his anxieties and, as Tomlinfonda's post says, has "killed every part of himself" that's not fatherhood? Ted was happy in London, thriving, right up until his mom unexpectedly arrived and gave him a massive guilt-trip about long-distance parenting. After three seasons of promoting, fighting for, and fully embracing non-traditional relationships, the series end with Ted panicking, going back to where he's "supposed" to be so that he can be the Mid-Western Nuclear Family Father™ that his mother expects. Why? Because Ted lost his own father and he's terrified of doing the same thing to Henry. I've even seen fans talking about how Ted has successfully broken a "cycle" by going home, but what the show and those fans both fail to realize is that living in another country and dying by suicide are not the same thing. Ted never "abandoned" Henry and we sure as hell can't equate him taking a long-distance job/moving permanently to somewhere he loves with his own father's death. If anything, this ending feels like the OPPOSITE of breaking that cycle to me. Moving between parents in two different countries, or moving permanently to London might hold a number of challenges for Henry (even though this is a show where characters frequently make huge life changes without any of the realistic consequences and I don't understand why these challenges are suddenly relevant now... ) but is that really worse than growing up with a father who, based on these last ten minutes, does not come across as happy to me? Who's presented as comparatively isolated? Who isn't shown engaging with anything that's not related to his son? Who may be back here in part due to outside pressure and his own, panicked assumptions? Who, according to what's shown on screen (remember, everything else is a heacanon) he has no identity now outside of his role as a father? I wish someone had ASKED Henry what he wants because despite the clear excitement about Ted coming home, this is a kid who is emotionally intelligent enough to realize what's been making his dad happy. No, you can't put that kind of decision-making pressure on a real child, but a fictional one in a trope-heavy show? Let Henry decide to move/continue long distance because more than wanting his dad beside him 24/7, he wants his dad to be happy.
Because... seriously. If we're worried about Ted potentially repeating the cycle of suicide, I'd say removing him from the support system he's slowly built over three years, denying him major connections with his friends, removing the intellectual challenges he loved, plopping him back in a state he's outgrown, keeping him close to an ex-wife and former marriage counselor now dating said ex-wife and a mother he's harboring a lot of anger towards, plus leaving us on the implication that he's backsliding by trying to ignore his problems instead of tackling them because, you know, he hasn't seen his therapist in months and all the people who know him well enough to challenge him are an ocean away... that's all a bit more concerning than an ending that says, "Ted needs to figure out how to parent Henry from London long-term" or "Ted needs to figure out how to integrate Henry and Michelle into his London life."
Parts of the fandom: Thank god Ted went back to Henry :) All he needs is his son :) He's improved so much in his mental health :) I'm so proud of him :)
Me: I've NEVER been more worried about Ted than I am now :/
It's an ending that says your child is the only thing that matters. Your friends, your career, your hobbies, what you need for your mental health... give all of it up despite, as the rest of the show argues, the fact that you don't have to. The problem is 100000% NOT that Ted ends the series with Henry. I wanted and fully expected them to reunite. But Ted reunites in a way that has him rejecting everything about himself that doesn't directly support his son, all of which is based off of -- imo highly inaccurate -- anxieties about what a "real" father looks like and the presumed fragility of kids. Ted rejects three years of growth and family because he fears that not doing everything that's easiest for Henry -- be there 24/7, don't make him move, don't complicate things with his mom, etc. -- will somehow make him feel the same way Ted feels after the death of his father. In reality, these situations are nothing alike, Ted is feeding the very anxieties he's been working to overcome, Henry has not displayed any significant difficulties with an unconventional family unit, and a happy, supported Ted would ALWAYS be a better father to Henry than one who feels trapped and isolated. The show could have easily given us a reunion while allowing Ted to keep all that he's built -- Rebecca lays out how that can happen right on screen! -- and instead the show chose to have Ted sacrifice everything but Henry when it's oh so clear he never had to.
Which yeah, feels tragic to me. Or at the very least incredibly bittersweet, with a huge emphasis on the bitter. There's nothing wrong with those endings, but it's not a conclusion that I think fit Ted Lasso's genre, or served the rest of the series well.
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yuseonghqs · 2 months
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born and raised in seattle, washington, noah is one of two children. if you were to ask noah about his early life, his childhood, he would describe it as eerily average. noah, born quickly after his sister, making them irish twins, felt undoubtably close to her and though the two fought, as siblings usually do, they were generally well to get along.
his mother started her education in nursing and went on to become a nurse practitioner and work in a family clinic; his father working mostly highly laborious jobs in construction, becoming a site overseer in a lot of large scale projects in the city. with both working very demanding jobs, they didn't spend much time raising their children, nor did they put much effort into their already crumbling marriage.
in middle school, noah becomes known as sort of a "basketball prodigy" and once in high school, it becomes his defining feature when the games become all that more high stake. he is the team's ace and is well known both in his own high school and others in the area. it earns him a glowing reputation, which is something he hates, because well, being shy and also popular, don't really mix well together. and while he has friends he enjoys being around, he also has a reputation for being quiet and somewhat brooding.
the discontent began to set into the house when nina and noah entered high school. fights were common, he and his sister would sit on the carpeted stairs and listen to the explosive arguments that would rattle the house. both of them knew eventually, their parents would get a divorce, sometimes welcomed it even. that is, until they didn't quite choose the same parent to live with upon the separation.
noah had always felt closest to his mother and the option between staying at his school in a city where he had lived most of his life, rather than going to a new country, speaking a new language, and experiencing major culture shock, felt like the safest choice. nina, however, chose to move to south korea with her father, who would be moving to live closer to his parents.
the choice to separate from is sister was almost worse than the hurt of the divorce between his parents; the fact that they would no longer be a whole family, now broken and continents away from each other, would leave noah feeling betrayed in a way. for the one who had always looked out for him, would be thousands of miles away. the sadness he felt and the shame in his codependence would cause him to close himself off from everyone and leave him lingering in his last high school days as a wallflower, even more reserved, anxious, and quiet.
since sports had always been his favorite outlet, besides playing guitar, he decided to entertain a scholarship to UW. with basketball dominating his life, he found it hard to really find much direction in life, because while he doesn't really want to play professionally, he also doesn't really know what he wants out of university either. he would find himself on the track to graduate with a degree in biochemistry, having a just mild interest in science courses.
not really knowing what to do with his life, noah decides to follow his sister to seoul with a exchange program for the summer. with both living near his sister again and enjoying the change of setting and life away from sports, he in passing, tells his coach and a few teammates that he wants to stay in korea and continue his education there. they do not support this idea, while it would mean losing their star player. through enough guilt, noah reluctantly agrees to come back.
tw self-harm / this would change with a "freak injury" during one of his morning runs by the han river. noah would be told by doctors in seoul that he would not be allowed to play basketball until he had significant physical therapy, or in all likelihood, ever again. this would also mean, losing his sports scholarship.
such a drastic change to noah's life, left him with even less of an answer of where to go or what to do. his parents didn't have much money, let alone to pay for his schooling, nor did he even want to go back home and confront his former teammates and coach. so in an act of desperation, he fled to yuseong bay, to live with his father and grandparents on their family farm.
currently, noah feels like a fish out of water, but ultimately he feels as though yuseong is actually helping him learn to live with that uncomfortableness. he finds comfort in blending in with simplicity, not having to make largely life changing decisions, and ultimately, just feeling calm by the quietness of the town.
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goblinmatriarch · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday
Except it’s Tuesday and this is more like a dozen sentences because I have never met a word limit I couldn’t blow past. Two six sentence Sunday on Tuesday! Six-Sentence TWO-sday!
Thanks for the tag @orange-peony!
This is more from the rituals of magic fic, some early scene-setting to establish what everyone’s up to 20 years on (they’re all divorced, everyone had kids then got divorced so I could pair them up with other people 😅😅)
Dinner the next night was a raucous affair requiring Ron to cast the patented Weasley event extension charms to fit everyone at their dining table. Harry had let Ginny know he’d be going in a thinly-veiled bid to get her to bring their kids; she had been all too happy to oblige and get a bit of assistance with their three. Then, Ron had mentioned it to George, who had insisted he come along because ‘’What’s the point of the kids having a dinner without their favourite uncle?’’ And of course, George was a package deal with Angelina and Lee.
Harry arrived to hear James insisting that he should get to be the Hungarian Horntail, as his dad was the one who fought one, while Hugo calmly but loudly explained that that was entirely irrelevant to his dragon-sorting system. Harry dropped a kiss onto James’ head and then commented, ‘’Lily and Albus’s dad fought a Hungarian Horntail, too, you know.’’
‘’Ta for that, Harry,’’ Ginny called from across the room. ‘’We just got them settled as a Short-Snout and a Ridgeback, so you can adjudicate any further discussion on the matter.’’
Harry was abashed, until George shouted, ‘’Ginny’s cross because James says she couldn’t outfly a Hornback.’’
‘’I’m not cross, George, because I do not base my own self-worth on the judgement of my 10-year-old,’’ Ginny replied loftily. Then she crossed her arms sulkily. ‘’But, I mean, I was a professional quidditch player, and I still fly every single day as a coach, so I don’t know why James is convinced I couldn’t outfly a 14-year-old in his gym kit.’’
‘’She’s not cross,’’ George mouthed at Harry with a wink.
A roll flew across the counter to thwap George in the head. ‘’I can see you!’’
I’m not tagging anyone this time because I am writing this while watching Gabby’s Dollhouse with my 5yo and am struggling to think of anything besides Mercat getting her sparkle back.
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livelovelifeagain · 2 months
Who Can Benefit from Life Coaching? Exploring Its Impact on Different Individuals
Feeling stuck in a rut? Longing for more but unsure where to begin? You're not alone. Many people, at various stages of life, grapple with similar challenges. This is where life coaching can step in and empower you to reach your full potential.
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What is Life Coaching?
Life coaching is a collaborative process where a certified coach works with you to identify your goals, overcome obstacles, and develop a personalized roadmap for success. Unlike therapy, which focuses on healing past experiences, life coaching is future-oriented. It equips you with the tools and strategies to navigate present challenges and achieve your desired outcomes.
Who Can Benefit from a Life Coach in Oman?
The beauty of life coaching lies in its universal appeal. Regardless of your age, profession, or current life situation, a life coach in Oman can be a valuable asset. Here are some specific examples:
Young Professionals: Stepping into the workforce can be daunting. A life coach can help you define your career goals, develop leadership skills, and navigate workplace dynamics.
Entrepreneurs: Starting a business is an exciting yet demanding journey. A life coach can provide guidance on goal setting, time management, and overcoming entrepreneurial challenges.
Individuals Seeking Work-Life Balance: Feeling overwhelmed by juggling work, family, and personal commitments? A life coach can equip you with strategies for effective time management, stress reduction, and achieving a healthier work-life balance.
Those Facing Life Transitions: Whether it's a career change, divorce, relocation, or an empty nest, life transitions can be challenging. A life coach can offer support, guidance, and accountability as you navigate these changes.
People Looking to Improve Relationships: Life coaching can help you develop better communication skills, manage conflict effectively, and foster healthier relationships in all areas of your life.
The Impact of Life Coaching Services in Oman
So, how exactly can a life coach in Oman make a difference? Here's a glimpse into some of the key benefits you can expect:
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Enhanced Self-Awareness: Through coaching sessions, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your values, strengths, and motivations. This self-awareness empowers you to make more aligned decisions and chart a course for a fulfilling life.
Goal Setting and Achievement: A life coach will guide you in setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) and develop a clear action plan to achieve them. With their support and accountability, you'll be well on your way to turning aspirations into reality.
Improved Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial in all aspects of life. A life coach will equip you with the tools to communicate confidently and assertively, leading to better relationships and a stronger sense of self.
Increased Confidence and Self-Esteem: Through goal achievement and self-discovery, life coaching fosters a sense of accomplishment and boosts your confidence in your abilities. This newfound self-belief empowers you to tackle challenges and reach your full potential.
Improved Work-Life Balance: Life coaches can help you identify areas for improvement in your time management skills. They can also provide strategies for setting boundaries and reducing stress, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Finding a Life Coach in Oman
With the growing awareness of life coaching's benefits, several qualified life coaches are now practicing in Oman. When searching for a life coach, consider factors like their area of expertise, coaching style, and experience. Reading testimonials and reviews from previous clients can also be helpful.
Investing in Your Future
Life coaching is an investment in yourself and your future. By partnering with a life coach in Oman, you gain a supportive guide on your journey towards personal and professional growth. If you're ready to unlock your potential and create a more fulfilling life, consider exploring life coaching services in Oman today.
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counseling1 · 3 months
Rebuilding Self-Identity after Divorce: A Guide for Men
Divorce can be a difficult journey, especially for men who may be struggling with identity and lack of understanding. Suddenly roles are switched, exercises change, and emotions run high. It will feel like you haven’t been misplaced or beaten up daily during this time, but it’s possible to rebuild your self-identity with the right attitude and support. Marriage and divorce counseling helps a lot during this time
Understanding emotional impact  When a marriage ends, it is not just a criminal separation but additionally an emotional one. Men generally enjoy a variety of emotions, including sadness, anger, guilt, and confusion.
Seeking Support Rebuilding yourself starts with knowing yourself. Take this time to reconnect with yourself and rediscover your passions, interests, and values. Think about your strengths and weaknesses, and set unofficial goals for the future. Understand yourself with marriage and divorce counseling. Do the activities that make you happy & successful. Remember to always do a hobby you used to enjoy or something new you want to try.
Building a Strong Support Network Surround yourself with high-impact & supportive friends and your family who uplift you and encourage your personal growth. Rely on them for emotional support, but in addition, don’t forget to set boundaries & put your well-being first. Getting involved with a divorce support organization can also give you a sense of camaraderie and solidarity with others who know what you are going through.
Setting Boundaries As you rebuild, it’s crucial to establish healthy boundaries with your former co-worker and anyone else who cares about your divorce settlement. Communicate without shame and respect, but in addition, actively support your desires and obstacles. It may also include setting limits on communication, shared parenting responsibilities, or partnerships.
Embracing Growth and Resilience Divorce is undoubtedly a challenging experience; however, it additionally provides an opportunity for boom and self-discovery. Embrace this time as a danger to reinvent yourself and create the life you need to shift ahead. Focus on personal improvement, domesticate resilience & rejoice in the development you are making along the manner.
Conclusion Rebuilding your identity after divorce is a journey that takes time, persistence, and self-compassion. According to the experts of marriage and divorce counseling, by understanding the emotional effect of divorce, embracing self-exploration, searching for help, building a strong guide network, putting limitations, and embracing increase and resilience, you may navigate this transition with grace and emerge stronger & more confident than ever before. Remember, you aren't described by your beyond or your courting fame. Your self-worth and identity come from inside, and with perseverance and backbone, you can create a fulfilling and significant existence by putting up divorce.
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successloops · 7 months
Practicing Prosperity Therapy.
Do you know that poverty & crime have a direct correlation with the break up of the nuclear family??
Do you know rates of divorce are between 40 - 50%??
Step 1 getting you back to your original authentic self, the pure you that was superconsciously conspired & created different on purpose.
Step 2 breaking the cycles of broken families by restoring the nuclear family unit by optimizing relationships.
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The Devotion System PDF Download Amy North (eBook)
Impressing your man may be the only thing you fret about all the time,  a confident, strong, knowledgeable woman who knows what she wants and how to get it.  Women have ways to capture a man's imagination or longing in a man's heart too. Like habitually looking deeply in our eye's as you talk to us. Then ignoring them for a while making us hungry for the attention we now miss.  A “chemistry-filled” attraction is the number one reason why men fall in love with women.  some certain characteristics or traits make a man fall in love with a woman. If you’ve got what they want or if your perspective is compatible with their perspective you could trigger his hero instinct. The hero instinct is a deep-seated desire to be around individuals who make him feel heroic. You just have to implement effective techniques that pique a man’s interest and that gets him thinking about a future with you, and that’s precisely what this system teaches you. 
The mastermind behind this program is none other than professional dating and relationship expert, Amy North. With years of experience and a deep understanding of relationships, Amy has created a comprehensive relationship advice course for women looking to improve their love lives. She is a Canadian Based Relationship and Dating advisor who lives in Vancouver, Canada. She has worked with local and international clients for more than five years to solve their relationship problems. She is an expert in marriage, divorce, breakup, and other family matters. She wrote Text Chemistry and The Devotion System to assist women in getting their desired man. Amy North also maintains her YouTube Channel which has more than 200,000+ subscribers and more than 1 million+ views. She uses all her experience and effort in The Devotion System to make women successful in their relationships.
The book is based on practical male psychology and the real world experience Amy North has gained as a successful relationship coach. It teaches you a series of powerful techniques and tips that have proven to work time and time again because they are based on how men think and act. It also takes a look at a lot of misconceptions about men that end up having a detrimental effect on romantic relationships. This program teaches women about silly actions to avoid when attracting men. They must understand man’s mind, initiate his desire and the dynamics of closeness that make men fall in love with them. Trust me, I have been there and faced many relationship difficulties. I’ve been cheated on,lied to, and flat told the man was attracted to me. It hurts your self-esteem, pride, and makes you not want to date anyone anymore. It doesn’t have to be this way. Ladies, I’m telling you, this guide changed my life and the way I view dating.
Love is a journey, so don’t try to rush it. You can’t force anyone to love you. Love is a chemical reactions in your brain. The main drugs are oxytocin and vasopressin. If your dream is rooted in reality, have faith and be the kind of loving person you seek. Be honest and real. Assuming that you know this person. The reason why he is not in love with you could possibly be that you're not the only woman under his radar. However, if he did feel something for you at some point in time, let me tell you that that can play in your favour to make him fall in love with you since you share chemistry one way or the other. It is a guide that helps women to get their dream guy, and tells you all the things that you need to make him yours. No matter what your situation is with men, there is always that one chance that you can make it better.
Click Here to Download The Devotion System Now
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williammunro99 · 9 months
What Is Family Law? Changing Into A Family & Divorce Lawyer
This website offers information regarding the law, processes, and companies that make up family law in Nova Scotia. The website will help you understand your family law concern and provide the tools to navigate the choices available to help solve your problem. Since the Seventies, one-parent families have acquired an importance not adequately mirrored in traditional law. The head of a single-parent household may have problem affording the excessive value of child care while working or coaching, especially on a modest or low revenue. (b) proposes to the director a payment plan for the arrears that the director considers cheap. (d) the director ceases to implement the help order beneath a prescribed circumstance. (ii) has been unable to enter right into a cost plan with the director, after making reasonable efforts to do so. The director might delegate to any particular person any energy, obligation or perform conferred or imposed on the director by or under this Act, including the ability to delegate. family law lawyers Some people mistakenly consider authorized representation as a service just like a mechanic. When going through a separation, we perceive how tough and overwhelming it could be. Therefore, it's extremely imperative to have an excellent lawyer by your side to assist you professionally and emotionally, one that may safeguard your interest. You can expect that if you retain your lawyer, you'll evaluation and execute a proper Retainer Agreement and be given a detailed Memorandum advising you of the practices and procedures of the Firm. A report concerning the outcomes of the screening course of have to be given to the arbitrator earlier than arbitration can start. spousal support and family property accountings and division of property. Norman is a member of the Collaborative Law Association and strives to resolve settlements amicably. He can be a member of FAMLI, Family You can also find more helpful details about family law on the Ministry’s Family Law web site and CLEO’s Steps to Justice website. The Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC) offers human rights legal services to individuals whose rights have been violated contrary to the Ontario Human Rights Code. The HRLSC workers collectively communicate over 15 languages and may provide providers in over one hundred forty languages. Another cause is that legal guidelines act as brokers of social change and will reach enhancing the status of people in society. The only approach to legally end your marriage in BC is by getting a divorce order from a choose. (c) appear before the Manitoba court docket by phone or other technique of expertise to swear or affirm that the matters set out within the document are true or to provide oral proof. The document was transmitted by an applicable authority in a reciprocating jurisdiction to the designated authority in accordance with the regulations. Subsection 19.1(2) is amended by hanging out "Part VI of The Family Maintenance Act, a designated officer" and substituting "The Family Support Enforcement Act, the director underneath that Act". The definition "judgment" in subsection 1(1) is amended by hanging out "maintenance order as defined in Part VI of The Family Maintenance Act" and substituting "assist order as defined in The Family Support Enforcement Act". Subsection 7(3) is amended by putting out "designated officer under The Family Maintenance Act" and substituting "director beneath The Family Support Enforcement Act". Subsection 5(7) is amended by striking out "designated officer under The Family Maintenance Act" and substituting "director underneath The Family Support Enforcement Act". While rewarding, it can be quite troublesome to undergo these occasions together with your purchasers. One of the most important challenges for attorneys is when one or each parties are set on making the method as difficult as attainable in a self-defeating attempt to harm the opposite celebration. Having said that, our lawyers at Nussbaum Law charge wherever between $275.00 to $440.00 (+HST) an hour, without compromising on the experience and abilities required to deal with your case. The obligation of a parent or individual standing within the place of a father or mother to provide assist for a child continues even when a guardian has been appointed for the kid. A guardianship order should not be made unless the individual applying for the order has given discover of the time, date and place of the listening to of the application in accordance with the laws. On software by an individual who's neither a father or mother nor an individual who stands in the place of a mother or father, the courtroom might appoint the applicant as guardian of the person of a child. You want Adobe Acrobat® Reader model 5.0 (or higher) put in in your laptop to complete these types. In some circumstances, you have to additionally swear or affirm an oath in entrance of a notary public or commissioner of oaths that your documents are true. If you don't have Microsoft Word installed on your pc, you can download the MS-Word Viewer. Clinics ship these services within a selected geographic space or neighborhood to help people of their space. If you can’t afford a lawyer, there are different organizations that may have the ability that will help you. The data on this form is collected beneath the authority of Sections 26(c) and 27(1)(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act to help us assess and respond to your enquiry.
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openingnightposts · 10 months
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vivacapital28 · 1 year
Healthcare Financing
Thus, it's important to keep up constructive and continuous financing of major health care as the guiding model of nationwide health methods, having as a precept the distribution of resources in accordance with health wants, ensuring access and equity. However, listening to the population and understanding their customs, cultures, and ethnicities has proven to be fundamental to deal with avoidable obstacles. However, executing a plan and not adequately measuring the achievements can result in serious errors. That is why it is essential to promote the measurement of advances in entry and equity through dependable indexes shared between totally different realities, unifying information on the topic.
The query is whether the degree of hybridity is dysfunctional or not, that is, whether or not cultures and incentives are adequately aligned all through the system. This has additionally been modified as managed care and gatekeeper features restrict referrals and self-referral to specialists, and as skilled Medical receivable factoring organizations and governments limit coaching positions and licensing for such specialists. This e-learning course contains six modules which cowl the core features of health monetary policy as conceptualised by WHO.
In his notion of structuration, Giddens stated that simply as an agent can alter prevailing construction, the construction can as well change an agent . In different words, Pierre Bourdieu used the concepts to explain an interaction during which the external is internalised, just as the internal turns into externalised . Learning from the works of Giddens and Bourdieu, access to reliable healthcare financing is conceptualised as relying not solely on individual, household and/or company healthcare financing, but in addition on broader social, cultural and/or structural elements of a given social system. Implicitly, entry to reliable healthcare financing not solely entails inside forces but also external ones . From economic perspective, access to dependable healthcare financing is conceptualised as the need for healthcare financing without financial hardship and the provision of such healthcare financing mechanism to satisfy the necessity.
Findings from The Joint Commission accreditation results are additionally out there on-line. Either method, you will want to be explicit concerning the vary of things prone to affect a coverage's success as regards each enactment and implementation (i.e., outputs and end result, respectively), as explored within the sections titled ‘Explaining public policy’ and ‘Policy in practice’. Otherwise, there's a divorce within Medical receivables factoring the policy dialogue between what could be termed technocrats , on the one hand, and political scientists on the other. The divorce between such worlds is usually answerable for extremes of optimism and disillusionment, respectively, in assessing coverage ex ante and ex publish, as with recent health reform applications in England, for instance. There are large differences in ranges of expenditure on health between international locations.
The share of the prices for a covered benefit that the person pays after they have already spent their whole deductible. Increased service-user expectations—almost 60% of financial service users now count on extra from their supplier when it comes to digital service, however simply 27% succeed in this task, in accordance with consumers. This signifies a major hole in user demand and finish outcomes, which might be effectively harnessed to drive consumer engagement.
Other enrollment strategies for community studies embody recruiting on the street or through native institutions. Soliciting topics from a sidewalk desk will primarily produce a self-selected sample, making it important to consider the effect of “volunteerism” in decoding examine outcomes. Recruitment from a local institution can doubtlessly be more systematic because a listing of all members’ names will usually be available. Nonetheless, in this case the research base is composed of people who are “joiners” and should subsequently be unrepresentative of the group at giant. Among the neighborhood institutions which have participated in health studies are senior residents centers, churches, and colleges.
Due to the shortage of assets, it is onerous to sufficiently finance complete healthcare protection for all Egyptians in a single stage. Therefore, the implementation of the new insurance coverage system might be through six phases ending by 2032. Governmental health expenditure represented approximately one-third of the total health expenditure . Total health expenditure as a percent of gross home product was virtually stagnant in the last 12 years, with a median of 5.5%. The major healthcare financing supply is out-of-pocket expenditure, representing more than 60% of THE, adopted by authorities spending through the Ministry of Finance, round 37% of THE.
PCDC was based in 1993 to fix a major health systems problem — a important lack of entry to primary care physicians and services in New York City's underserved communities. More disconcerting is that shares of health expenditure for major care services declined from 13% in 2008 to 10% in 2010. OOPPs for health in Malaysia have constantly exceeded this threshold (Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2019, p. 24). Despite this, the levels of monetary catastrophe arising from health care payments in Malaysia have been surprisingly low. In 1998, when OOPPs for health made up 35.7% of TEH, only 0.8% of households paid OOPPs for health care exceeding 25% of their non-food expenditures (Reference van Doorslaer, O’Donnell, Rannan-Eliya, Somanathan, Adhikari and Garg van Doorslaer et al., 2007). By 1997, not solely had personal funding of health care reached almost half of the country’s health expenditure, this personal funding was additionally mainly composed of OOPPs (Ministry of Health Malaysia, 2019, p. 40).
MHA appreciates this chance to offer comments on bills that address market efficiency and oversight of the healthcare entities and the assessment of funding to provide monetary assist for the healthcare system. The Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association appreciates the chance to submit feedback Medical factoring companies on the following bills regarding major care, behavioral and mental health and skilled follow. A sequence of committees with jurisdiction over the healthcare sector are holding hearings on Tuesday – and each has a slew of payments of interest to hospitals.
While it is attainable for many working class age class to not have any challenge accessing reliable healthcare financing, some retirees may expertise extra problem accessing dependable healthcare financing. This is as a outcome of the speed of poverty among older individuals is more than among other age categories as a end result of the reality that many older people are in their economically inactive phase of life . Since older individuals are less productive , monetary resources for healthcare financing tend to be affected.
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Wedding Celebrants In Guernsey
Was then ghosted when chased unpaid invoices and when requested him to complete my web site. BEWARE…he now takes cash for coaching which he does he fails to deliver. Towards the tip of my celebrancy training find a celebrant, in understanding and scripting ceremonies, I had a quantity of voice training periods with the fantastic Paul Robinson, excellent voice-over artist and celebrant.
At the end of each unit there will be an project, which is submitted to your tutor for feedback. As you work via the course, you possibly can build up a portfolio as proof of your work. To obtain the qualification, you'll need to efficiently full all units become a celebrant in the course. Where required, you will demonstrate your learning by submitting recorded sensible sessions to point out your competence in interviewing shoppers and delivering ceremonies and providers in a professional, acceptable method.
As of 2022, 9,178 Commonwealth Registered marriage celebrants had been performing civil ceremonies, accounting for roughly 1% of all marriages. A marriage celebrant in Australia usually earns between AUD 500 and 850 dollars per wedding ceremony. In the United States, one celebrant is expected to preside over eight marriages on common. Couples who've been married for a really long time can count on to earn round AUD 4,000 to AUD 6,800 per year.
The lack of a beloved one is difficult, but arranging a funeral ceremony shouldn’t be. Always empowering her fellow celebrants she is all about championing her colleagues. I’ve labored with Kelly on numerous ceremonies, combining our assets and experiences and she is simply so super beneficiant it blows me away.
L've done a fair bit of research and have discovered a coaching course l'm keen on. I even have fairly a few transferable skills and am really keen about it as a possible new career path, nonetheless l have a quantity of niggly reservations. As a celebrant you might be self employed, it is more likely you'll make a part time wage and it is also a saturated market.
I have additionally had success with making vlogs, including one that I did about leap year proposals and another one which I did for National Storytelling Week. Keeping abreast of what’s present and then making something that's related to that and to celebrancy has been actually enjoyable and it’s gone down nicely. I am a big fan of networking (I’ve written forTalented Ladies Club about this in fact) and so I find that letting individuals learn about what’s attainable with a celebrant via my networking teams spreads the word further. If you want to talk to us about arranging a funeral, you possibly can name us any time, together with evenings and weekends. Her skilled background is in journalism, communications and campaigning.
Don’t get me mistaken, each of those choices are pretty but there might be the third, and great, choice of having a Celebrant led wedding. It’s really referred to as a Wedding Celebration Ceremony as a result of as quickly as the couple has given their discover of intent to marry, they want to full the legal formalities at their native registry workplace. If you often attend church then it stands to purpose divorce ceremony that you'd wish to get married there, but what if your associate just isn't a churchgoer? What in case your companion is of a unique faith from you? What if you'd like a totally totally different ceremony from what the church provides? Do you want somebody that you have simply met minutes beforehand to marry you?
He tailored the session to my particular requests and wishes, making it extremely helpful as it personally addressed what I most wanted to attend to most at the moment. I would readily guide more periods with Paul for any areas I want to additional hone and develop and would extremely recommend him to anybody desirous to learn how to better communicate and interact with public speaking. The celebrant acts as a storyteller for a couple’s love story, a child or the life of someone who has handed on. They purpose to deliver love, concord and reality by gathering information and heart-led intelligence which will provide the perfect expertise on that particular or difficult day.
Individuals from all walks of life have come to learn to provide meaningful, personalised ceremonies particularly for families and couples regardless of their spiritual affiliation or no affiliation. Since founding the idea in 2002, we now have educated nicely over a thousand Funeral Celebrants all through the UK and from abroad on our absolutely inclusive coaching programs. These Celebrants have gained the respect and belief of each the funeral industry and bereaved families they have served. George McLean – George is an experienced Celebrant who loves working with couples and households to deliver the perfect ceremony. He is a Marketing whizz and loves to support new Celebrants with all their Marketing needs.
I am additionally married, for 6 years now, and every interview I even have with loving couples, there's all the time something that fills me in, that makes me bear in mind or discover new sparks, flashes about the loving phenomenon. Before becoming a celebrant, I spent a few wedding officiants years as head of leisure for a large hotel chain within the Balearics. Understand and be able to advise relating to funeral ceremony selections. Understanding health and safety issues relevant to funeral ceremonies.
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criticalbennifer · 1 year
Ben Affleck Tried to Drink Away the Pain. Now He’s Trying Honesty.
The actor speaks frankly about everything from his addictive behavior and his divorce to why he lied about that back tattoo.
By Brooks Barnes
July 37, 2022
Warning: This is not one of those celebrity profiles that uses a teaspoon of new information to flavor a barrel of ancient history. There is no paragraph where the star and the writer pretend to be pals — gag — while doing an everyday-person activity. What was everyone eating? Who cares. No, you will not get served the obligatory canned quote from Matt Damon. 
This is Ben Affleck, raw and vulnerable, talking extensively for the first time about getting sober (again) and trying to recalibrate his career (again).
Affleck, Oscar-winning writer, director of the Oscar-winning “Argo,” better actor than you remember — and, yes, alcoholic, divorcé and proud possessor of a mythical back tattoo — has four movies coming out this year. Dad Bod Batman has been banished, and actual films are back on his docket, including his first all-on-him movie in four years:  “The Way Back, a poignant sports drama that arrives in theaters on March 6. Affleck plays a reluctant high school basketball coach with big problems — he’s a puffy, willful, fall-down drunk who blows up his marriage and lands in rehab.
You read that correctly.
“People with compulsive behavior, and I am one, have this kind of basic discomfort all the time that they’re trying to make go away,” he said a couple of Sundays ago during a two-hour interview at a beachside spot in Los Angeles. “You’re trying to make yourself feel better with eating or drinking or sex or gambling or shopping or whatever. But that ends up making your life worse. Then you do more of it to make that discomfort go away. Then the real pain starts. It becomes a vicious cycle you can’t break. That’s at least what happened to me.”
He cleared his throat. “I drank relatively normally for a long time. What happened was that I started drinking more and more when my marriage was falling apart. This was 2015, 2016. My drinking, of course, created more marital problems.”
Affleck’s marriage to Jennifer Garner, with whom he has three children, ended in 2018 after a long separation. He said he still felt guilt but had moved past shame. “The biggest regret of my life is this divorce,” he continued, noticeably using the present tense. “Shame is really toxic. There is no positive byproduct of shame. It’s just stewing in a toxic, hideous feeling of low self-worth and self-loathing.”
He took a sharp breath and exhaled slowly, as if to slow himself down. “It’s not particularly healthy for me to obsess over the failures — the relapses — and beat myself up,” he said. “I have certainly made mistakes. I have certainly done things that I regret. But you’ve got to pick yourself up, learn from it, learn some more, try to move forward.”
“The Way Back” was originally called “The Has-Been.” That downer of a title was dropped during development as the film became less focused on what a basketball talent the main character had been in high school, Affleck said. Suffice it to say, no star wants to appear on a poster next to the words “The Has-Been,” especially not after two box office disappointments. “Justice League”(2017) took in $658 million, a puny sum by superhero standards, and “Live by Night” (2016), a period gangster drama that he also directed, flatlined with $23 million.
Affleck, 47, has been working like a madman to get his career back on track. The hard truth is that the outcome is not guaranteed. Moviegoers, women in particular, will ultimately decide: Is forgiveness for transgressions still something that society in all of its Twitter-fied polarization allows? To some, Affleck is still the guy who broke Garner’s heart and who was accused of groping a talk-show host in 2003. “I acted inappropriately,” he said of that incident in 2017, as the #MeToo era dawned, “and I sincerely apologize.”
Hollywood has certainly granted Affleck clemency. He just finished acting in “Deep Water,” a psychological thriller co-starring Ana de Armas (“Knives Out”) that’s due in theaters in November. He’s on Netflix this month in “The Last Thing He Wanted,” an abysmally reviewed mystery anchored by Anne Hathaway and directed by Dee Rees. Affleck has also been working with the Oscar-nominated Nicole Holofcener (“Can You Ever Forgive Me?”) and Damon on the script for “The Last Duel,” which begins filming in France this month. Set in the 14th century, “The Last Duel” re-teams Affleck and Damon as screenwriters for the first time since “Good Will Hunting” in 1997; Ridley Scott is directing the film, which has Oscar bait written all over it. Disney plans to release “The Last Duel” in theaters at Christmas through its 20th Century label.
Affleck is also zeroing in on another directing project for himself. It probably won’t be that previously announced remake of the 1957 drama “Witness for the Prosecution,” he said. Instead, he wants to tackle “King Leopold’s Ghost,” an epic about the colonial plundering of what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo; Martin Scorsese has signed on as a producer. (Affleck co-founded the Eastern Congo Initiative, a nonprofit advocacy group, in 2010.)
Africa in 1900 is a long way from “The Batman,” which Affleck was supposed to direct himself. He stepped aside, allowing Matt Reeves to take over (and Robert Pattinson  to to don the cowl), after deciding that the troubled shoot for “Justice League” had sapped his interest. Affleck never seemed to enjoy his time as Batman; his sullen demeanor while promoting “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” in 2016 resulted in the hit meme Sad Affleck. “I showed somebody ‘The Batman’ script,” Affleck recalled. “They said, ‘I think the script is good. I also think you’ll drink yourself to death if you go through what you just went through again.’”
He has not talked much about his alcoholism since completing a third stint in rehab in 2018. (The first two were in 2001 and 2017.) But the arrival of “The Way Back” has made the subject impossible to avoid. Affleck has also accepted that the second word in Alcoholics Anonymous does not apply to him — certainly not after he (briefly) released in the fall, turning up smashed on TMZ a few months after making it known that he had achieved on year of continuous sobriety.
“Relapse is embarrassing, obviously,” he said. “I wish it didn’t happen. I really wish it wasn’t on the internet for my kids to see. Jen and I did our best to address it and be honest.”
Growing up in Massachusetts, Affleck saw his own father drunk almost every day, he said. “My dad didn’t really get sober until I was 19,” Affleck said, becoming guarded all of a sudden. (It was one of only two times when he chose each word carefully, with the other being his answer to a question about Harvey Weinstein’s trial on charges of rape and sexual assault. Early in his career, Affleck starred in multiple movies that were backed by Weinstein’s companies. “I don’t know that I have anything to really add or say that hasn’t been said already and better by people who have been personally victimized or who are survivors of what he did,” Affleck said. Three years ago, Affleck announced that he would donate all future residual payments from Weinstein films to anti-sexual assault charities.)
“The older I’ve gotten, the more I recognize that my dad did the best he could,” Affleck said. “There’s a lot of alcoholism and mental illness in my family. The legacy of that is quite powerful and sometimes hard to shake.” Affleck’s younger brother, Casey, 44, has spoken about his own alcoholism and sobriety. Their paternal grandmother took her own life in a motel when she was 46. An uncle killed himself with a shotgun. An aunt was a heroin addict.
“It took me a long time to fundamentally, deeply, without a hint of doubt, admit to myself that I am an alcoholic,” Ben Affleck said. “The next drink will not be different.”
It seemed like a good moment to point out how many stars had started to speak out about getting sober — Brad Pitt most notably — and how that was lessening the stigma of addiction and, perhaps, inspiring people with substance problems to seek help. Jamie Lee Curtis, sober for two decades, appeared on the cover of Variety’s “recovery” issue in November. Discussing their sobriety in recent books and interviews have been Dmi Lovato, Anthony Hopkins, Jessica Simpson, Demi Moore and, been of course, Elton John, who has sponsored Eminem.
Affleck cited the sober A-listers Bradley Cooper and Robert Downey Jr. as “guys who have been very supportive and to whom I feel a great sense of gratitude.” Affleck continued. “One of the things about recovery that I think people sometimes overlook is the fact that it inculcates certain values. Be honest. Be accountable. Help other people. Apologize when you’re wrong.”
Honesty. Hmm.
Let’s talk about honesty for a minute. Shouldn’t he have been honest from the start about the damn back tattoo rather than telling “Extra” it was by “fake” for a movie?
“I resented that somebody got a picture of it by spying on me,” Affleck said, shifting on the sofa where he was sitting. “It felt invasive. But you’re right. I could have said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ I guess I got a kick out of messing with ‘Extra.’ Is your tattoo real or not real? Of course, it’s real! No, I put a fake tattoo on my back and then hid it.”
For the record, it’s not nearly as garish in person.
Affleck has a habit of putting himself in the cross hairs. He thought it was a good idea to star (with Damon) as a fallen angel in Kevin Smith’s “Dogma” (1999), which Disney decided was too blasphemous for its Miramax label to release. Playing Batman as melancholy and middle-aged was certainly not the safe choice. “The Last Duel” has already provoked indignation on social media; Affleck and Damon play a knight and a squire who are forced to duel after a woman’s rape accusation.
And now comes “The Way Back,” a spare film with a 1970s vibe about a man imprisoned by alcoholism.
How exactly does he make these choices?
Affleck laughed. “I’ve never been very risk-averse — for better or worse, obviously,” he said. “Regarding ‘The Way Back,’ the benefits, to me, far outweighed the risks. I found it very therapeutic.”
“The Way Back” was directed by Gavin O’Connor (“The Accountant”) also starring Affleck and a surprise hit) from a script by O’Connor and Brad Ingelsby (“Out of the Furnace”). It cost Warner Bros. and Bron Studios about $25 million to make and was primarily shot in San Pedro, a working-class area of Los Angeles.
“I think that Ben, in an artistic way, in a deeply human way, wanted to confront his own issues through this character and heal,” O’Connor said by phone.
Jack Cunningham (Affleck) is a construction worker coping with devastating personal loss. His home away from home is a lowlife bar, the kind of place you can smell before you go in. Sometimes he holes up in his apartment to down cases of beer. He starts each morning by drinking beer in the shower, the can balanced on a sad soap caddy.
Without knowing the extent of his alcoholism, the principal at Jack’s alma mater asks him to coach the boys’ basketball team, which has even less self-esteem than he does. Melvin Gregg (“American Vandal”) stars as a player with off-court troubles.
“The hardest part of the movie for Ben was really the basketball,” O’Connor said. “If you’ve never really played before, being on a court is like, you know, being on ice skates for the first time. Once that part clicked, we were cooking with gasoline. He was already ready to go to really deep, dark places with the drinking.”
Michaela Watkins (“Casual”) plays Jack’s worried sister. In one memorable scene, he sits in her kitchen pretending to be fine — fine. When she challenges him, he explodes. “Out of nowhere in one take, Ben backhanded the beer can sitting in front of him,” Watkins said by phone. “It was immediate, and it was scary and it was exactly the right instinct. He was a powder keg, and she had no idea that she had lit it.”
Affleck talked about that moment, too.
“She’s pressing to see if he’s OK, and I know how uncomfortable that can be for an alcoholic — when you have that nagging, irritating, suspicious feeling that the person is right, but you don’t want to admit it. Smacking the can was my version of backed-into-a-corner, primal level of denial, the way our minds hold onto these addictions in a reptilian way.”
Toward the end of “The Way Back” (spoiler alert) Jack has a powerful interaction with his ex-wife (Janina Gavankar, “The Morning Show”). He is in rehab at this point, and, when she comes to see how he is doing, he offers her an unflinching apology.
“I failed you,” he says. “I failed our marriage.”
It’s rough stuff, especially when watched through the prism of everything that has gone on with Affleck offscreen. You can’t help but think about similar conversations that he must have had with Garner.
“It was really important, without being mawkish or false, that he make amends to her — that he take accountability for the pain that he and only he has caused,” Affleck said.
O’Connor said that Affleck had a “total breakdown” on set after completing the scene.
“It was like a floodgate opened up,” O’Connor said. “It was startling and powerful. I think that was a very personal moment in the movie. I think that was him.”
A correction was made on Feb. 19, 2020: An earlier version of this article misstated the year during which Ben Affleck was accused of groping a talk-show host, an act for which he apologized. It was 2003, not 2013.
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