#seitarou tanabata X reader
thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Could you do a Seitarou Tanabata x reader relationship headcanons?
Of course! Gotta love this precious bean!!  (ᗒᗨᗕ)
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⭐️ Dating Seitarou Headcanons ⭐️
The most affectionate and sweet boy you could ever meet, you best be prepared for a life of constant doting with this cutie
At home, he’s a total malewife. Though you share the responsibilities and chores of the house, he insists on doing most of the work
Most mornings you’ll wake up to the smell of blueberry pancakes, waffles and eggs wafting through the house
Breakfast in bed? Yes.
A huge cuddler-- he can’t go a single day without snuggling you at least once or- according to him- he’d die
He prefers to save cuddles for when he gets home from work, so he gets to nuzzle and love on you after a stressful day
Plus, it feels better venting his frustrations of being picked on by a certain cell of inmates while he’s in your arms
He absolutely hates seeing you upset, and might start crying with you if he doesn’t make you feel better quick enough
He can get a bit shy with being too affectionate around others, but absolutely loves to hold your hand as you walk together or lean to put his head against yours
If you ever tell Seitarou about something that you’re interested in, you best bet he’ll remember that for future reference and use it to his advantage
For example, you want to go to a distant country? Once he saves up the money for it, it’s vacation time!
Seitarou enjoys sewing, and will gladly make things for you if you ask, like plushies, blankets or clothing
Most dates with Seitarou range from simple outings like going to a restaurant or cafe to going to huge amusement parks if the two of you have the money for it
He has a huge soft spot for being pet on the head, and will fall asleep on your lap if you let him while running your hand through his hair
His favorite way of showing you affection is cupping your cheeks with both hands and pressing the gentlest kisses to your nose tip or lips
He’s especially very kissy and touchy when the two of you are laying down together getting ready to sleep
He’ll have his arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he whispers sweet nothings and loving praises
You’ll often sleep like this, facing one another and wrapped up in each other’s embrace
All in all he has a hard time keeping his hands off of you, but he loves you so much-- can you really blame him?
If you ever get hurt, like cutting your finger while cutting up food, expect him to immediately jump on being your personal nurse
Wraps up your wound and presses a kiss to the bandage before looking up at you and gently asking if you’re feeling better
If you work at Nanba with him, he’ll often worry about you, especially if you’re assigned to a building with more troublesome, dangerous inmates, and you need to reassure him that you’re fine once you meet up again
Very attentive to all your needs and wants, and does his utmost best to keep you happy and cared for
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ljdoublecc · 8 months
“Wanna kiss?”
Seitarou X Reader
Nickname- (N/N)
Seitarou was just humming along the corridors of building 13 with a small stack of papers alphabetized in his arms. Today was the first day in a very long time that he has gotten a break from being bullied by the inmates of building 13 and it was all thanks to one guard, (Y/N).  
“I hope they're not busy later,” Seitarou smiled in thought, “I want to thank them for all they've done.”
He thought dreamily about the new guard that was ever so handed to him by the warden. The new guard was an angel in a Nanba uniform to him. He has it so bad for them that he once drooled in front of them but they had just assumed it was over the delicious looking bento they had in their hands. He flushed thinking about that memory and Mitsuru's narration about his sad attempts at flirting.
He sighed with a dejected look as he continued his way to the main office in his sector. When he arrived at the main office and was reaching for the door he paused. He stared at the door for a moment to confirm what he had just heard. And there it was again, a muffled conversation. He was perplexed by this, no one was supposed to be in the office but him and (Y/N). He continued to stare until a disrespectful idea popped into his head.
He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help it, he was curious, so he pressed his ear against the door. While the conversation wasn't crystal clear he could still make out who was talking. He stayed there and listened.
“No, you can't,“ He heard their voice say demandingly.
“Come on, (N/N)! Please,” Rock whined.
“No,” they said firmly, “Hajime told me I wasn’t allowed to give you guys anymore.”
“Awe but (N/N)-chan,” Nico fussed, “We want kisses! Please, can we have some!”
Seitarou nearly choked on air when he heard that. 
“Yeah,” he heard Uno's smug voice interject, “You ALWAYS give the best kisses.”
He heard Jyugo hum in agreement.
Seitarou's heart was beating a mile a minute as he awaited their answer. He clenched his papers tighter hoping you wouldn't give in to them when his heart shattered.
“Fine,” they sighed, “You can all have a kiss but just one.”
While the four inmates cheered inside the office, Seitarou clenched the documents in his arms more aggressively than before. He felt this surge of new found energy and courage to burst the door open.
The slamming of the office door caused the four inmates to jump thinking it was Hajime but physically relaxed when they turned and saw that it was just Seitarou. They all smiled at him from the couch facing away from the door.
“Ah, it's just you Seitarou,” Rock sighed.
“Yeah, thank goodness,” Nico chirped.
Seitarou was not smiling instead it was a frown and tear-welled eyes. The inmates all looked at each other as if silently asking themselves what was wrong with him. 
“Hey, you okay, Seitarou?”  Jyugo spoke up when nobody else would.
He continued to wear the same expression and refused to answer the question in fear of his voice cracking. The inmates started to feel uncomfortable while (Y/N), who was silent the whole time, decided to say the first thing that came to mind.
“Wanna kiss?” They asked.
“What?!” Seitarou stuttered in shock.
“Yeah, do you want one?” They asked once again.
Seitarou didn't know how to respond but he knew that he couldn't let this opportunity slip through his fingers. So with that thought in mind, he swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded his head hesitantly. 
He watched as they got up and started walking towards him. He froze with a huge blush that covered the tips of his ears as they came nearer. His heart hammered away in his chest as they stopped directly in front of him. They were so close, he can practically smell their shampoo. Seitarou had to close his eyes to keep himself from fainting.
“Okay, here it...is?” They questioned as they saw him on the, now, messy floor with a red face.
The five of you stared at the unconscious guard before Uno started laughing at the poor blue-haired male with the others soon joining. The conscious guard rolled their eyes as they picked up the male with ease and carried him to the bed in the monitoring room for more comfort.
When they came back the inmate’s laughter had died down a bit.
“How can someone faint being offered a kiss?” Jyugo asked in confusion.
“I don't know but it looks like pretty boy found a way to,” Uno teased.
(Y/N) shook their head at the inmate with a soft smile. 
“Alright, you boys have had your share, now back to your cell you go,” they ordered with a soft smile.
The inmates whined as Nico walked up to you with a bright grin.
“Please, (N/N)-chan, can I have another kiss?” Nico gave the puppy dog eyes.
“Hm, fine,” they gave in reaching into their backpack to retrieve a bag.
They pulled out the bag and Nico cupped out his hand expectantly. The guard shook their head once more with a grin and placed a tear-shaped chocolate into their hands.
Once Nico had gotten it he unwrapped the chocolatey goodness and popped it into his mouth, savoring the flavor. His friends started to whine again over not receiving another kiss so (Y/N) just gave them all another piece and escorted them back to their cell.
Poor Seitarou! He was so fixated on his desire to win the affection of his angel that he completely forgot that there was a candy named after the loving gesture.  
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literally-inlove · 2 years
Hey heyyy, I absolutely love your content <33 I'm so happy knowing you're taking nanbaka requests, the series is so underrated! I was wondering if I could request some cuddling headcanons with Uno or Seitarou? Thank you so much, hope you're having a lovely day ❤❤
ABSOLUTELY. Seitarou is my favorite character from Nanbaka. I love him so much. And Uno is amazing cause... Yk... It's Uno. Who doesn't love Uno?
And I agree. The anime is so underrated. <33
If anybody is reading this by chance and don't know what Nanbaka is, I suggest you watch it. It's a great comedy anime that'll make you laugh. :]
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Seitarou + Uno cuddling HC
Rock, Jyugo, & Nico cuddling HCs
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There is no denying that this boy loves to cuddle when he can.
And he loves being the little spoon. You can't stop him.
He is the little spoon.
He gets stressed easily and goes into many panics (Not panic attacks. Just him panicking), so he really likes cuddling.
And massage his head. It relaxes him.
If you work at Nanba Prison as well, expect to be huddled against each other on the job.
Like he's trying to work on the computer and you come along to sit on his lap.
He'll be flustered at first but he'll soon sink into it.
He' doesn't get jealous easily, but when he knows someone is pushing their limits, he'll pull you away. And even after that.
He's still the little spoon.
While he can get any girl he meets, he wants you.
He switches between little spoon and big spoon. He either wants to hold you or wants to be held.
He enjoys just rambling to you while you're cuddling about his day or before you both got together.
This man on the other hand, gets jealous extremely easily.
His s/o is his s/o.
Nobody is allowed to touch you.
So after getting jealous, he won't let go of you until the next day. Which leads to him being the big spoon.
He'll let go the next day.
Play with his hair. I kid you not, he loves when his hair is being played with during cuddles.
He'll melt into your touch.
Either way, he enjoys being either big or little spoon.
Because it's you, he doesn't mind what one he is.
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There we go. Hope you like it. :]
Requests are open!!
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Could you do a Seitarou Tanabata x reader, his gf is a model who just got back from France and booked a visit to see him. Uno and Rock recognize her immediately from the tv. everyone else in building 13 including building 5 are shocked that he even has a gf. Honey and Trois start to hound him even more about the relaTionship. The reader is really sweet, brings Tanabata some lunch all saved from Paris.
Of course! Seitarou is such a precious blueberry boi, he needs to be protected at all costs!!
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⭐️ Seitarou x F!Model!Reader Returning from France HCs ⭐️
The boys in Cell 13 can’t help but notice Seitarou is in an unusually good mood one day
They ask him what the big deal is and when he tells them his girlfriend is coming to visit, they majorly call bs saying they doubt he really has a girlfriend
Imagine their surprise when as if on cue, you walk up behind and greet him and he returns the greeting to you with a big hug and kiss
”Y/N! I missed you so much!”
The inmates all exclaim in shock in sync. He does have a girlfriend?! No way!!
Uno and Rock’s particular shock only grew more intense when they recognized you as that one model they saw and fawned over on TV that one time
Needless to say, they are shocked.. and a bit jealous.
… Okay, very jealous
It doesn’t take long for word to get out and lots of other inmates share Cell 13’s surprise on the matter
Out of all people to have such a hot girlfriend, a model at that, Seitarou would have been one of the last guesses
At one point, Honey and Trois catch up to him and start asking questions about you, including rather inappropriate ones
Seitarou just frowns and tells them he would never disclose such information, and to go back to their own business
He manages to get some time to just hang out and talk with you, and you give him some snacks and lunch that you brought with you
As he eats with you, you catch up and exchange plenty of loving comments and affection before he has to go back to work, bidding you goodbye with another loving kiss
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