#sed ed lily
pamayapaya · 4 years
Ola and Lily really said short gf/tall gf rights!!!
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wedgeantill · 4 years
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Sex Education s02e05
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maldreathezora · 6 years
I’ll bite, but only because I have a headache and haven’t slept 2 nights in a row and I just got a period for the first time in 5 months and everything sucks and I don’t know what to do with myself. favorite song to sing/hum: Too many... current favorites: Carousel Man by Cher. Fuck You by Lily Allen. Everything ever sung by Amanda Palmer. I even attempt to sing along to Fever the Ghost, which is impossible
favorite flower/tree/plant: Sassafras. The leaves look like little mittens and smell like fruit loops. And you can make root-beer-tasting tea out of it. And brew a handy little three-day-sedative if you’re clever.
favorite colors: Cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
what do you doodle? Astronomical amounts of Ganlinke
how do you take coffee or tea? Plain. With dessert on the weekend.
favorite candle scent: Anything that makes my house smell better
sunrise or sunset?  Well we’d be f***ed without both so
what perfume do you wear? I don’t wear any. A lot of people are allergic to perfume and I don’t want to set off someone’s chronic bronchitis.
Go to dance move when dancing alone at home? The awkward penguin.
favorite quote? POTATOES. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.
favorite self-care routine Dyeing my hair. I used to dye it with harsh permanent dyes, but since I lost my hair two years ago to chemo I’ve decided to grow it as long as possible, and keep it as healthy as possible. So I dye it with henna now. It turns it reddish-brown. Very subtle. GOD I MISS HAVING BRIGHT RED HAIR
socks or house slippers? Barefoot, walking on my toes like a ninja
favorite eye color on others? What?
favorite season and why? Fall. The weather’s nice and melancholy, and wherever there’s maple trees it smells like maple syrup.
neck, cheek, or nose kisses? Ugh, NECK, just give me twelve, F***********K
what does your happy place look like? Like a beautiful desert bazaar.
favorite breed of dog? What?
cursive or print? PRINTTT I HATE CURSIVE
favorite weather? Cold enough to wear long pants and sleeves but warm enough to not have to wear a hat too I’d @ people but I don’t want to bother anyone, so whoever wants ta do this go ahead, it’s a free internet (fer now)
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