wrathofthestag · 3 years
Alexis Rose's Guide to Finding Yourself in Five Easy Steps
Summary:  Can Alexis find her New York self? According to a magazine article, she can do it in five easy steps—but does she already have the key to what she’s looking for? A little bit of introspective Alexis. Part of the Schitt’s Creek Season 7 event. @scseason7​ Also on AO3...
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“It’s just so nice to see you,” Sandrine said as she stirred her gin and tonic. “Really.”
“Yeah, it’s great to be back in civilization,” Alexis said with a smile.  
The smile, however, didn’t quite reach her eyes.
Alexis had arrived in New York two weeks ago and found a place in Cobble Hill.  Not quite New York, but not Schitt’s Creek either.
I miss my life! And I miss doing things, and I miss being surrounded by loose acquaintances who think that I'm funny and smart and charming. Alexis had cried out in what seemed like a lifetime ago.
And now there she was sitting in a hipster bar in Brooklyn drinking with a friend—well, someone she thought was the most sensible of her faux friends from the BSC (Before Schitt’s Creek) era.  
Sandrine had moved to New York about a year before everything went down with the IRS. She had always sort of floated in the periphery of Alexis’ core group of friends and then disappeared to attend school at NYU.  It was good to have a friend in New York, even if they were more of a loose acquaintance.
“How do you like Interflix so far?” Sandrine asked.
“Someone called me the Princess of Publicity in the break room the other day,” Alexis laughed.  “I wasn’t sure if they were, like, totally serious or not.”
“What did you say?”
“Bow down,’” Alexis laughed. “But it’s good; I’m working hard. I mean, I know I’m still like an Interflix cheerleader, or whatever, but it’s nice. They listen to what I have to say and ask for my input. It’s just nice to be taken seriously, you know?”
Sandrine studied her for a beat.
“What?” Alexis asked as she wiped at her nose and wondered if something was there. “What is it?”
“It’s just…” Sandrine shrugged, “so good to see you like this.  Never in a million years would I have imagined you turning out like this, and I mean that in the best possible way.  Seriously.”
Alexis smiled softly.
“I know this sounds totally cheesy, but I feel like I took the long way around to get to know the real me, finally,” Alexis replied.
"I know what you mean," Sandrine said. "After the ten millionth yacht party with the OG crew, I looked at myself in the mirror and said, 'Is this really who you are?' So I left for NYU."
"To new beginnings," Alexis said and raised her glass.
“So, what are you doing the rest of the weekend?” Sandrine asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. I feel like I’m still totally chilling into my new place, trying to mesh with it and the city.”
“You should just go and explore your new neighborhood. Get to know the New York you.”
“The New York me, huh?”
“Absolutely!" Sandrine nodded. “Time to see what the New York Alexis is like. You can only go up, girl.”
"You know what, you're totally right. I think the new New York me will be nothing like the Old New York me, you know?” Alexis said.
This time Sandrine raised her glass to Alexis.
After drinks, Alexis ruminated in her apartment over what Sandrine said.
“The New York me,” she said, not quite knowing who—or what—that truly meant.  “New York me.”
She plopped down on her sofa and grabbed the issue of Cosmo from the coffee table she picked up yesterday.  She mindlessly flipped through the pages and then paused when she reached an article titled, “How to Find Yourself in Five Easy Steps!”
“Hello!” she said as she sat up in attention and began to read.  “‘So you took the plunge and accepted that great new job offer, the catch was it’s in a new city.   There’s no need to panic.  You’ll find your groove and will soon do girl boss things by following these five easy steps.’”
Alexis’ eyes grew wide.
“Do tell, Cosmo.  Do tell!”
Step One: Write it all down The best way to get a plan in action is to write down that plan. If it’s on paper, you will be more likely to commit to wherever you want your new life to take you.
Alexis rummaged through a small box she had stowed in her hallway closet.  It was filled with trinkets, mementos, and things that… well, that she'd rather not look at every day.  They hurt too much.
There it was, hidden behind an issue of Turkish Cosmo, the empty book from Ted.
“You’ve never written in a journal, have you?” Ted had asked earnestly.
“No, um, but one time I did do a book report on David’s diary, and it was very dark,” she had replied.
If You Put It Out into the Universe, It Will Happen! the book’s cover boldly proclaimed in a swoopy gold font with stars.
She held the book to her chest and inhaled deeply.
“All right then, universe.  Let’s make it happen.”
The problem was, she wasn’t sure what “it” was. She walked back to the living, sat on the sofa, and tapped the end of her pen to her lip as she thought about it.
Alexis re-read that part of the magazine article again and worried that maybe it wasn’t the best-written article?  
If it’s on paper, you will be more likely to commit to wherever you want your new life to take you.
“It’s in Cosmo, though, so…” she reasoned.
Alexis looked around her apartment. It was stylishly decorated but not obnoxiously over the top.  She loved her little kitchen; there was adequate closet space, a living room with tons of windows, and a bedroom that overlooked the tiny coffee shop across the street.  It was small, but it was already larger than the motel room she had shared with David, so it was an automatic win by default.  
Also, Alexis had a job that never (ever, ever) in her wildest dreams imagined she would have had three years ago.  A job she’s good at.  All of it happened because of equal parts hard work, good timing, and serendipity.  And she wasn’t afraid to go after her job; she knew her worth.
She shrugged and opened her journal.  On the first page, she wrote:
There is nothing wrong with asking for what you deserve!
Alex smiled and sat contentedly as she looked out her window.
Step Two:
Make friends You see new people every day.  Isn't it time to reach out and spread those platonic wings?
Alexis felt pretty accomplished writing something on her journal’s first page, but this was a whole other ask. She wouldn't even know where to begin.
She finished her yogurt and coffee and then grabbed her bag to head into work.  On the subway, she thought about friendship.
How did people make friends?  How did grown ups make friends?  Twyla was easy; she was the only person in Schitt’s Creek close to Alexis’ age.  She was pretty and open, and eager to listen to what Alexis had to say.  After a while, Alexis then found she was eager to listen to what Twy had to say.
Stevie and Patrick were a sort of package deal with David—god, Patrick was even family now—but make friends?  She thought about her teen years.  Her friends had been children of her parents’ friends, and then girls Alexis met at school or girlfriends of her current boyfriend’s friends. Apart from the guys she was interested in, Alexis didn’t quite know to make friends or open herself up to that.  
This was going to be challenging.
“Entertainment, like friendship, is a fundamental human need,” Rebecca said. “Interflix can change the world and bring more laughter, empathy, and joy into it. So we can’t forget that above all, that’s our main goal.”
Rebecca Villanueva was the head of PR and Marketing at Interflix, and every Monday morning, she held an all-staff meeting.  Her New York crew sat in her office, while the L.A. crew would teleconference in.  
Alexis admired her style and savvy, and Rebecca almost reminded her of her mother—a slightly younger version of Moira.  (It made Alexis’s heart clench at times at how much she missed her flamboyant mother.)
“Anyone have any questions about the virtual event with the Asia Pacific region?” Rebecca asked.
No one said a word.
“All right then.  New York crew, enjoy your lunch. L.A. crew, have a good morning,” Rebecca said as she ended the meeting.
Alexis gathered her things, busy with thoughts of lunch when Devi and Sam approached her.
“We’re heading to Westville for lunch. Do you want to come with us?” Devi asked.
Devi and Sam had worked for Interflix for a few years, also in PR, and both seemed nice enough.  Devi reminded Alexis of a dressier Stevie—all long hair and miles of sass—while Sam had the same soft demeanor that Patrick often displayed.  They seemed very sweet, but also as if they would not have a lot in common with Alexis.  Earnest people made her nervous, like maybe they were too nice, and Alexis often doubted that she could live up to that sort of pressure.  She’d hate to disappoint them.
“Oh, I’m just going to grab a salad from downstairs and get a jump start on the AP project,” she said.  
Devi shrugged with an easy smile.
“Next time then,” she replied.
“Yeah, totally,” Alexis replied.
“Alexis,” Rebecca called out. “Can you come here before you go?”
She threw Devi and Sam a quick wave and made her way to Rebecca’s desk.
“I’m going to send you information for that Zoom with the pan-regional PR director.  I mentioned it last week, and it’s definitely a go.”
“Great! Looking forward to it,” Alexis replied.
“So, you didn’t want to go to lunch with Devi and Sam?”
Alexis froze.  Did she seem rude?  She would hate to give that impression.
“Um...no, it’s just that--”
“Do you know why we hired you, Alexis?” Rebecca asked.
“Oh. My charming personality?” Alexis replied with a watery smile.
Rebecca smiled softly.
“We hired you because you’re a go-getter and a creative leader.  You’re not afraid to push the envelope and bring new ideas to the table,” Rebecca said.
“Thank you, I try.”
“How are you liking your new place?”
“It’s good.  Still, um, getting used to the neighborhood and new people.”
“I was 28 when I moved here.  Didn’t know a single soul here, and that was the hardest part—making connections, finding my squad.”
Alexis nodded, not quite sure how to respond.
“If someone invites you to lunch, then, maybe give it a shot?”
“Uh…” Alexis felt as if she had a lump the size of Roland’s head in her throat.
“Jesus,” Rebecca laughed.  “I didn’t mean to scare you.  I’m just saying, you’re a go-getter at work, be one with people, too. You know?”
Alexis nodded again.
“Okay.  Yeah, definitely.  I should go,” Alexis finally said.
“Westville is a block west, and then make a left,” Rebecca called out as Alexis hurried out of her office.
“Thanks, Rebecca!”
That evening, Alexis sat in bed, in her pajamas with her journal and a cup of tea.  She replayed lunch with Devi and Sam.  Devi was originally from Chicago and, like Alexis, had an older brother.  The way she spoke about him reminded Alexis of her relationship with David. Devi’s stories made her laugh, and she, in turn, made Devi laugh. (“I basically taught him how to ride a bike as an adult!” Alexis said gleefully.)  Sam moved to New York from Turkey just after college and knew as much about fashion as Alexis did.
“We would have asked you to lunch sooner,” Sam said, “but you seemed like you were always busy, and we didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
“God, really? Most people usually think I’m a snotty bitch,” Alexis had said in between bites of her sandwich.
“What?” Devi said. “Not at all.  We know it’s hard to be the newbie; new city, new town, new everything.”
“We just wanted to let you know you’re not alone if you don’t want to be,” Sam had said.
Alexis smiled and wrote in her journal.
 People aren't thinking about you the way that you're thinking about you.
Step Three:
Do something really indulgent that doesn’t cost a lot! You don’t have to feel bad about treating yourself.  Get yourself some creature comforts.
During her time at Schitt’s Creek, Alexis had grown quite skilled at making her outfits look pricey.  She had some of her clothes from before (a few seasons too old but still good enough for Schitt’s Creek), but mostly, she had her accessories.  They didn’t take too much room during their quick exodus, and they really dressed up any outfit.  She’d scour consignment shops and hit up eBay for an occasional dress here and there, but she knew how to make what she had sing.
Now that she had a little bit of her own money, she found she really didn’t need to blow it all on clothes.  She was content working with what she already had. Besides, there were other things to buy. So one day, while Alexis was walking home from work, she stopped at a local houseware shop to take a peek.  There it was, a small espresso machine.  A cute little De'Longhi. $150.  
“Ouch,” she said to herself as a store clerk approached her.
“That’s a good one,” he said.  “It also makes killer lattes.”
“I wasn’t planning on spending that much,” she said as she gingerly stroked the machine’s handle.
The guy looked at her for a moment.
“You know, we have the display model that is also refurbished if you don’t mind that sort of thing.”
“Oh?” she asked.
“Yeah, the one right there. We can give it to you for $95.”
“Refurbished?  So, someone used it and returned it?” she asked, wrinkling her nose. “Ew.”
The guy laughed.  “When you buy a refurbished machine from us, you can be sure you're getting something in a like-new condition at the best price.”
“Well, aren’t you the little salesman?” Alexis said as she booped his nose.  
“Len,” he said with a huge grin.  “My name’s Len. And I can throw in a caramel sauce and some chocolate shavings for free.”
Alexis thought about all the money she spent on fancy coffees at the shop around the corner, and how she had to work in that extra twenty minutes to stop on her way to Interflix. It would make sense to get this.  
Did she need it?  No, probably not.  Did she want to treat herself?  Her first real “grown-up” apartment purchase.  Hell, why not?
“All right, Len.  Ring it up!”
Later, Alexis took a picture of her little espresso machine that sat on her countertop.  She smiled as she steamed her milk and then texted David the image.
Alexis: Look what I got!  Yummy espressos for me, David!
David: Eat glass with an espresso spoon.
He then sent her a middle finger emoji followed by a heart.
Alexis grinned as she sat at her kitchen table, opened her journal, took a sip of her latte, and began to write.
 Spending a little bit of money on something really special might not buy you happiness, but it can definitely help make you smile.
Step Four:
Eat alone As unnerving as it may be, eating alone is a sure sign of growth and independence.  Can you do it?
Alexis loved Balthazar.  It was her favorite brasserie in SoHo. The loud hustle and bustle of the space; always filled to the brim with people.   She had many fond memories of going there with Moira when she was a little girl.  She went a few times with Klair; too many cheeky bellinis and not enough food.  She walked by it a few times but had yet to go.   There wasn’t anyone she’d want to go with. The seating there was always so tight; one had to be pretty friendly with whomever there were going there with.  
Could she dare go alone?  Growth and independence, huh? She always thought people who ate alone were a super sad bunch. Maybe they didn't have friends? Family? Although most of the time, they didn't look sad.  They looked happy, reading a book, smiling into their phone, or just people watching. It was odd!
So she walked into Balthazar and headed straight toward the host. The space was thick with bodies.
"Welcome to Balthazar.  How many of you will be joining us?"
Alexis squared her shoulders and adjusted her purse strap.
"Just one, thanks."
"One? Great. We can seat you right away.  Follow me, please."
Alexis followed the host past the crowds of tables to a tiny, round one-seater, tucked into a corner of the restaurant.  
She squeezed in, fairly close to her table neighbors, and put her purse on the doorknob of a mystery door—that wasn’t used—next to her.
“Your server will be with you shortly.”
“Thanks,” Alexis replied and awkwardly held onto the enormous menu the host handed her.
“Oof,” she muttered to herself, thinking that maybe she made a mistake in going.  And then she heard her table neighbor say, “And that’s when I realized my entire life was a lie.”
Alexis’ eyes grew wide as she nonchalantly began to listen in on the juicy conversation taking place one table over. She was so enthralled for the few minutes listening to her neighbor’s woes that she hardly noticed her waiter in front of her.
“Can I start you off with a drink?” he asked.
“Oh, um, I already know what I want.  Can I have a glass of rosé and the eggs Florentine?”
The waiter smiled. “Absolutely.  I’ll be back with your drink soon.”
Alexis saw that she could see the entire restaurant from her table—a busy New York microcosm surrounded by mimosas and benedicts.
In front of her, a couple sat—clearly on a first date—all nervous glances and forced laughter.  Next to them, a woman sat with her two children; she fed the youngest one a forkful of her food.  Two men laughed loudly and sipped whiskey.  Nearby, an old couple ate their food quietly, but their feet intertwined.  Alexis smiled as she imagined everyone’s life and what they’d be doing later, carrying on with their day in their unique ways.
“Here’s your rosé, and your eggs Florentine will be up shortly.”
“Thank you.”
Alexis pulled out her phone and shot off a quick text.
 I’m having brunch at Balthazar! Remember the time we came here with C.C.? Remember that?  xoxo.
Moira replied almost immediately: The libations and comestibles there are certainly memory-worthy!  I miss you as well.
Alexis was flooded with several family memories, most of them from Schitt’s Creek.
When her food arrived, she felt so happy and warm; she couldn’t quite explain why.  She enjoyed not having to talk, to fill up that social space, to just sit and be. She sat and took a forkful of spinach, creamy and rich with bechamel, and continued to people watch.  
Alexis pulled out her journal and struggled to find space on the tiny round table.
Enjoy your own company, she wrote.  She put her journal away, took a slow sip of her rosé.
It was probably one of the most delicious brunches she’d had in a while.
Step Five:
Fall in love Do we need to say more? Love cures all ills.
It had been a week since Alexis began her little experiment, and for the most part, she had fun conducting it.  She had to wonder, however, had she found her “New York self”?  Alexis made a mental note of what she had accomplished. Well, she made some friends at work.  They were funny and sweet and made her feel good about herself. She had a delicious meal that was so drama-free and, damn, that was refreshing.  Alexis bought herself an excellent appliance—an appliance of all things!  But love? That was a doozy.  Something that, not too long ago, Alexis thought she wasn’t capable of.  
“Fall in love,” Alexis said as she took a slow walk around her apartment.
Instantly, her thoughts were with Ted. Alexis had been in love.  Real, true love—the kind of love that made her completely selfless, but had she afforded herself the same devotion and dedication she had given Ted?  
Yes. Alexis could honestly say the answer to that was yes.  She truly had, and not just this week but long ago. Right now, Alexis was happy and content.  She was growing and learning. She'd continue to love her journey and herself wholeheartedly.  She didn't need Cosmo to tell her how to do this. She knew how and had known, all along.  
The new New York Alexis was the Schitt’s Creek Alexis. Period. The only thing that changed was that now she was surrounded by hipsters and kombucha bars. Alexis remembered what she said to Sandrine at the bar.
“I know this sounds totally cheesy, but I feel like I took the long way around to get to know the real me, finally.”
Alexis took out her journal and wrote down numbers one through five.  She then smiled and filled the numbers in with everything she already knew:
1. There Is Nothing Wrong With Asking For What You Deserve! 2. People Aren't Thinking About You The Way That You're Thinking About You. 3. Spending A Little Bit Of Money On Something Really Special Might Not Buy You Happiness, But It Can Definitely Help Make You Smile. 4. Enjoy Your Own Company. 5. Love Your Journey.
She closed her journal and took a deep breath.
“And that’s how I find me, whether New York or anywhere else, by realizing I’m already there," Alexis said as she smiled. "Take that, Cosmo.”
She tossed the Cosmo sitting on her counter into the recycling bin and began to make herself an espresso.
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language-of-love · 3 years
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I’m doing it for you...
Season 7, Episode 3: Home Sweet Home - It’s tall, probably shoulder height and as he draws closer, he sees that the hinges on the doors are a bit rusted and it’s missing a handle, but it’s warm and old and something about it just screams Patrick. There’s a growing pile of stuff - sports memorabilia, vintage music sheets and programs from musicals Patrick’s performed in over the years - collecting in the corner of their den desperately in need of a home and this, this might be perfect.
Here’s my second fic for @scseason7​! I had a lot of fun writing this one, especially Ronnie. I need to write her more!
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flowerfan2 · 3 years
There’s Only You Tonight
Happy Valentine’s Day ♥️ and lots of love to all my readers and followers.  If you’d like a quick, happy read, here’s a fluffy Zimbits soulmates fic I wrote a while back - it’s the only soulmates fic I’ve ever written, and I enjoyed putting my spin on it.  I don’t actually think that you need a “soulmate” to be complete, but in this fic, Bitty and Jack are definitely happy to have found each other.
Summary:  Bitty spends orientation week roaming around campus, running his hand over library tables and seats in the coffeehouse, and being as alert as possible for anything that feels remotely unusual. He believes in soulmates. But it isn’t until his first hockey practice at Faber that it happens.
Zimbits, T, 2200 words.  Read on A03.
***🌹Also be on the lookout today for the first postings from the Schitt’s Creek Season 7 writing fest - today’s fics are from the first “episode” with the theme “Honeymoon.”  
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sweatersinthesummer · 3 years
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Moderately Memorable (2728 words) AO3 
This is one of the two fics I wrote for the Schitt’s Creek Season 7 challenge, and I have to say, if that challenge didn’t exist, I might never have started writing. So I’m very grateful for that!
Twyla's Cafe Tropical is undergoing renovations, and our boys are having all the feels about it.
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ahoymultiships · 3 years
Looking at the prompts for @scseason7 and I so want someone to fill the ‘Stevie/Ruth where Stevie puts Emir in his place’ prompt for 7x08
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
Rec Roundup – March 2021 #2
It’s that magical time of the month where we bring you our favorite rare pair/gen fics from the last few weeks! March continued to be a little slim, but between the @scseason7 and the upcoming @sctropefest, we understand.
And are, uh, right there with those writers.
But honestly, the perfect writing break is a reading break so go get a snack (and a tall glass of water for some of these) and give these fics some love.
are there still beautiful things? by @mymariahcarey, Stevie/Twyla, T, 4564 words
Summary: “Look what I got Stevie!” Twyla calls as she runs through the waist-high grass towards the line of trees where Stevie’s waiting for her.
By the time Twyla reaches her, her cheeks pink and her breath labored, her french braids are coming undone and there’s a twig stuck in one of them.
Or, Stevie and Twyla were childhood best friends.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: If you want post-Cabaret Stevie introspection with a life long crush and some T Swift sprinkled in? This is your fic. There are sweet moments from their childhood sprinkled in that really drive home the love and affection for each other. AND THERES A FIRST KISS. WE LOVE TO SEE IT. overall an A+ fic and one I will be reading again
just for one night by @samwhambam, Jake/Rachel, E, 2786 words
Summary: Rachel is embarrassed after driving all the way to Schitt's Creek to try to win Patrick back. So she spends her evening making herself a new tinder account.
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: The first of TWO Jake/Rachel fics that people wrote for my birthday, because my brand is truly secure. This is such a hot fire connection between Jake and Rachel the night of the barbecue, and the ending is the best kind of tease.
know something now I didn't before by @sarah--tonin, Alexis/Twyla, T, 687 words
Summary: Alexis and Twyla navigate having different sexual preferences and how not liking a specific thing is totally okay.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: There isn't enough F/F fic that explores the many varied nuances of sex and sexual preferences. This short fic features the characters communicating, setting boundaries, and supporting each other every step of the way.
let me see you do that yoga by @hullomoon, Alexis/Twyla, M, 967 words
Summary: While doing yoga with Twyla, Alexis has something else in mind.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is the perfect mix of cute, introspective, and spicy! It's a fun throwback to the first season's yoga class, and is a quick, sweet read.
staying friends would iron it out so nice by @thankstwy, Jake/Rachel, M, 2269 words
Summary: This is so typical, isn't it? Hollywood would have a field day with her; of course the woman catches feelings for her sex friend first, because that's what women do. But why is it always painted as something bad, to feel this way for someone she's grown so close to? Why isn't she allowed to want to have someone in her life, to miss them when they aren't around, to crave them when they're near?
So what if it's complicated? So what if he doesn't want the same thing? So what if she gets her heart broken again? It's a miracle that her heart even wants to try again.
It's been almost two years since Rachel and her sex friend, Jake, started up their sex friendship. What comes next doesn't look like what they've been told it should, but when has that ever truly mattered?
Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: Again, Jake/Rachel is the way to my heart and this is just wonderful. I’m a big fan of anything in fic that talks about relationships other than the ‘standard’, for lack of a better word, and both Jake and Rachel are so honest and hopeful of finding a way forward here.
this must be rare, 'cause nothing else can compare (not that we're aware of) by @turningtimeinthetardis, Ted/Alexis/Twyla, T, 11,770 words
Summary: It all starts because of a pun.
Two puns, if you really wanna be precise.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: I'm so excited to see more fic for this throuple, and this is a very fond look at how these three sunshine-y people could find their way together. The love and affection that they all have for each other rings true.
three o'clock by @schittyfic, Alexis/Twyla, E, 2914 words
Summary: “Oooh, Twy, three o’clock.”
“Huh?” Twyla wrinkles her nose at Alexis in confusion, picking up her phone from the vaguely-sticky table and checking the screen. “It’s nine thirty-two.”
“No-no, babe, like, three o’clock.” Alexis enunciates each syllable, widening her eyes and jerking her head dramatically. It’s still, like, totally subtle, though. She closes her glossed lips around the straw of her daiquiri as Twyla finally turns to look across the bar.
“Oh,” Twyla breathes out, unknowingly mirroring Alexis’s pose, sucking her own straw into her mouth as they both stare.
Or: two tipsy girlfriends thirst over the hot, bearded guy across the bar.
Rec [written by doingthemost]: It's the author's first F/F fic, and it will burn your face off! The banter and dynamic between them is so light and fun, and the sex is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥! I'm so glad to see more authors showing the range of this ship.
with your breath by @5ambreakdown, Stevie/Twyla, T, 2036 words
Summary: Looking at Twyla in this god awful bar after a three week trip to New Hampshire, Stevie wants nothing more than to bundle up within her, burrow inside of her until all she knows Twyla, in all her kindness and goodness and quirks.
Rec [written by samwhambam]: omg this fic is amazing. Stevie with a crush? Admiring Twyla from across the bar? Twyla reaching out to Stevie? Um yes. Thank you. I’ll take all of it. Highly recommend you give this a read if you’re dipping your toes into the Stevie/Twyla pool.
Happy reading, friends!
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noahreids · 3 years
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Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup
Summary: Not yet able to take the honeymoon they want, Patrick surprises David with a minimoon weekend in Montreal. David discovers he can come up with a few surprises of his own.
Rated: E
On: AO3
So many thanks to @scseason7​ for this fantastic fest and the hard work and time it took to make it the wonderful experience it was. 
Always my thanks and love to @rhetoricalk for helping me with all the things and putting up with me. @maxbegone for all you do and @schittposting for putting me on the right path. xx
And please go read all the other amazing S7 stories right here!
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maxbegone · 3 years
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@scseason7 just dropped the author reveals this morning if you’ve been waiting for that to submit! 
Link to the submission form
Link to spreadsheet
Link to original post
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kiwiana-writes · 3 years
Where is the best place to put Schitt’s Creek fic promts into the world?
Hey hey! So, there are a few different things floating around. Over on Dreamwidth there’s a kink meme and an all ages prompt meme, and if you’re into rare ships and/or gen there’s an ongoing rare ships prompts collection on AO3 that you can submit new prompts to at any time.
Apart from that, there are semi-regular fests, most but not all of which are open for prompts — check out @scseason7 which recently finished posting all its works if you want an idea of the breadth of prompts that can get made. The next fest off the dock is @sctropefest which unfortunately isn’t a prompting one, but keep your eyes peeled for whatever crops up after that — whatever it is, if you follow a lot of SC blogs you’re likely to see info about it.
And of course, some individual authors are keen to be prompted here on tumblr — generally there’ll be something in their pinned post or bio about that if so.
Hope that helps! ❤️
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hullomoon · 3 years
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a sense of expectation hanging in the air
part of @scseason7
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Relationships: Stevie Budd/Ruth Clancy, Stevie Budd & Alexis Rose & Twyla Sands, Stevie Budd & David Rose, Stevie Budd & Patrick Brewer, Alexis Rose/Twyla Sands
Characters: Stevie Budd, Ruth Clancy, Alexis Rose, Twyla Sands, David Rose, Patrick Brewer, Johnny Rose
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Getting Together, Sharing a Bed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Making Out, Fluff, Texting, Female Friendship, Episode: s07e08 RMG, Workplace Relationship
Stevie starts to realize she has feelings for Ruth. How long though, will it take for her to tell Ruth that?
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wrathofthestag · 3 years
One of my entries for the @scseason7​​ event.  It was a lot of fun putting this together. :)  Also on AO3...
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Alexis looked at the poster and tilted her head.
"So, um... that's definitely the tagline they're going with?"
Moira stood next to her and nodded.
"Yes. And, Alexis, don't think you'll be adding your wordsmithing to this placard."
"Oh, definitely don't have to worry about that."  She patted Moira's shoulder. "I don't want any credit for any of that. Woof.”
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language-of-love · 3 years
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nothing even compares...
Season 7, Episode 1: The Honeymoon: David and Patrick finally make it to Iceland for their long awaited Honeymoon and David's excited to visit as many hot springs and luxury spas as they can find. The secluded beauty that awaits them in their cabin and the prospect of seeing the Northern Lights together provides them with a more relaxing change of plans.
Here’s my Honeymoon fic for the @scseason7​ fest! If you guessed this was mine, please let me know! :)
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sweatersinthesummer · 3 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Schitt's Creek Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Patrick Brewer/David Rose Characters: Patrick Brewer, David Rose (Schitt's Creek), Original Characters Additional Tags: Episode: s07e09 Strictly Business, Rose Apothecary (Schitt's Creek) Summary:
Rose Apothecary is doing well. It's time to hire some help!
My first fic ever! I think the first time I ever wrote fiction, even. And now I’ve written 8! Kinda nuts. Thanks to @scseason7 for the push to get started! 
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fakingsincerity · 3 years
Do you like warm funny fic about problem solving partners in business and love with a healthy dose of Schitt’s Creek townspeople?
I wanted to hype up this fic that was posted yesterday as part of the @scseason7 fest -- Déjà vu (Or: What's Wrong with Wednesdays). Just a real treat that feels very grounded and is funny and sweet and lightly suspenseful and I think more people should read it! 
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sarahlevys · 3 years
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Street Lights, Big Dreams, All Lookin' Pretty
David/Patrick, Alexis/Twyla, background Stevie/Ruth; T; 11574 words; written for @scseason7
Alexis and Twyla say they're just friends. But people who are "just friends" don't tickle each other's necks with their eyelashes – right?
During one family vacation to New York, David and Patrick make a bet to answer this question and more. (David has a lot of feelings about being back in New York along the way, but that's not a big deal. We don't have to talk about that.)
Read on AO3!
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
Rec Roundup – February 2021 #1
Welcome to our first rec roundup for February 2021! Below is a collection of fics that feature different pairings and characters that could all use a little extra love. There's an assortment of platonic, gen, and romantic fics, and the content ranges from fluffy to sexy to angsty and everywhere in between.
Note that because @scseason7 is actively posting right now and the fics from that fest are currently anon, we will be waiting until the end of the month to rec fics from the fest so that we can properly credit the authors for their work.
Without further ado, check out this installment's fics! Don't forget to kudos and comment if you enjoy what you see!
Broken Trust by @ladyflowdi, The Roses, M, 5773 words Summary: Time is an adult’s construct, so it may be the beginning of autumn, or October, or maybe December, when David gets sick. Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: I’ll start this off by reiterating the author’s note to make sure you read the tags before diving into this fic, but it is ABSOLUTELY worth it. Young David’s narrative voice is wonderfully done, and the story is told with care and beauty.
hold you close (and won't let go) by @languageoflove, Stevie/Ruth, T, 576 works Summary: Stevie has a rough day, so Ruth does what any good girlfriend would and comforts her, but the tables end up turning. Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is a cute look at a quiet moment in Stevie and Ruth's relationship. I like when fics don't shy away from exploring the not-so-happy moments in relationships, both romantic and platonic, and show us how different people come together to resolve disagreements.
I'm a Hieroglyphic, I'm an Open Book by @lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, G, 1442 words Summary: Alexis is leaving in a week. She’s moving to New York to be a girl boss and everything she’s ever wanted. But she told Twyla that she loves music. Rec [written by doingthemost]: This is such a fun first entry into the Twylexis fandom! Not only does it have sweetness in spades, it also spends some time exploring Patrick and Twyla's friendship (another rare pair in itself!). This fic fits neatly into the world of canon and could easily have played out on our screens.
The Inn at Clear Lake by @patrickredactedbrewer tedbrewer, Patrick & Rachel, T, 693 words Rec [written by doingthemost]: Please check the tags before you read the summary or fic! That said, this is a frank and affecting look at something that can be difficult to explore and read. If you've been affected by this, whether directly or indirectly, it may be as cathartic for you as it was for me.
Just to Have You Once Again, by @fairmanor​, Clint/Marcy, G, 6765 words Summary: Marcy and Clint's love story, as interpreted by [fairmanor]. Rec [written by samwhambam]: LISTEN UP FRIENDS. This fic is PERFECTION. It has everything, a bit of a slow burn, enemies to lovers. PEOPLE WHO ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER. When reading it, you forget that the Brewers only had 10 minutes of screen time. You get such a strong sense of them and who they are, and you really fall in love with them. I love it so much and have reread it multiple times.
A Little Less Alone by @neelyo67, Ronnie & Moira, G, 941 words Summary: When Ronnie needs a place to spend the night Moira invites her to stay at the motel. It's a platonic slumber party!!!! Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: This is one of those ‘I never knew I needed this until I had it’ fics. Moira’s voice is PERFECTION, and Ronnie’s particular flavour of slightly reluctant love for Moira from canon really shines through here.
She’s all over me by @samwhambam, Stevie/Twyla, E, 3840 words Summary: Stevie invites Twyla over for ~fun times~. Part 2 of the "Stevie runs into Twyla at Jake's massage circle" fic. Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: I recommended part one of this series last time and WHOO BOY does part two live up to its predecessor. This series continues to be tender, realistically awkward, and above all hot as hell.
Something to Celebrate, by @agoodpersonrose​, Stevie & Ronnie and Stevie/Twyla (background), Gen, 1150 words Summary: “This is something to celebrate, you know?” she says firmly, running her fingers through the condensation on her beer. “This isn’t a time to regret all the time you've wasted, or to look back and question everything, and believe me, I’ve been through enough of that for a lifetime. This is your opportunity to look forward, and to get excited for everything still to come.” Rec [written by samwhambam]: Stevie and Ronnie friendship vibes??? Yes please. I love this glimpse into their friendship, especially at a time when Stevie’s really coming into her sexuality. Ronnie is the friend that’s encouraging, but unafraid to call you out on your shit, and I’m so glad that this was added as a part 2 to their fic “A Budding Romance.” It’s a great little glimpse into the world where you learn a lot about a character (Stevie) by seeing her interact with someone who isn’t the main love interest. So so good. Highly recommend.
we'll get together then, dad by @alamborghini, Alexis & Johnny, David & Johnny, T, 1000 words Summary: When Alexis comes out to Johnny, he does some reflecting about his two children. Rec [written by yourbuttervoicedbeau]: This is one of those fics that, as an author, is so well done I’m actually kind of mad about it — but as a reader is just something to be devoured over and over. I am a sucker for anything and everything in the Queer Feelings tag, and this is a WONDERFUL addition to that tag. Johnny’s POV is rare, but it’s so well done here.
Witches Brewer, by @vivianblakesunrisebay, Marcy, Clint/Marcy, G, 6563 words Summary: In the Brewer family, Patrick isn’t the only one with a secret. Rec [written by samwhambam]: I think it’s pretty obvious how much I LOVE the Brewers. And I love AUs, especially witchy AUs. So put those together? Perfection. Absolute perfection. You can’t convince me that Marcy isn’t a kitchen witch. The writer takes you on a journey as Marcy learns magic and the trials and tribulations that come with it. It is so well written, and has the sweetest ending/last little bit that has you wanting to wrap Marcy up in a hug, because she just loves her son so much. So good.
Happy reading, friends!
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