#schoolbus graveyard Ashlyn
b3achysurfer · 7 months
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no bc they mean sm to me
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thurio-edau · 2 months
crying 😭😭😭 saw this on pinterest and like--
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vick-shimmer · 2 months
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Binged School Bus Graveyard…… now what 🧍‍♂️
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morgy-doo · 2 months
school bus graveyard realtionship headcannons
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^ such cuties
Ashlyn Banner~
insanely protective
when you are in the phantom dimension this girl is mostly focused on making sure you don't get hurt/die
keeps you away from Aiden in that dimension so you don't end up getting roped into something stupid
Altho she isn't the most affectionate person, she will grab your hand and squeeze it tightly when she is nervous
she begrudgingly...after ALOT of begging, allowed you to play with her hair, when it is undone it is super wavy from being in those plaits all day
if you every get seriously hurt/die in the demon dimension, she will act calm and collected at first, but then totally lose it
she wont cry until she is alone of course
refuses to leave you alone until she knows you are better
after that she doesn't let you leave her sight
she just wants to keep you safe and close to her
Aiden Clark~
your more of a mother/father than a girlfriend/boyfriend-
CONSTANTLY bouncing off the walls
at one point in your relationship he would tell you he had a cute date planned....you had no idea that it was skydiving
he loved it
you not so much
in the phantom dimension he is using you to back him up in arguments
and he definatley tries to show off for you at one point
when they get locked in the mental assylum, he paints his face as you instead of the clown because why not
he found it endearing, you found it absolutely terrifiying
if you die then he will go silent, not as energetic or bouncy until he knows you are okay again, he constantly brings you things to entertain you with while in the hospital
he just wants you to never get bored of him
Ben Clark~
the most sweetest boyfriend ever
he will buy you flowers out of nowhere just to see you smile
sometimes he feels bad that he cannot say how much he loves you verbally
constantly has hand cramps from writing huge paragraphs about his love for you
the type of boyfriend to just pick you up and hug you when you are mad
you help him calm down when his temper starts to flare up
he really enjoys doing soothing activities with you such as pottery, painting, and baking
he is AMAZING at baking
he loves making you food
in the phantom dimension he likes to have you on his back
to reassure him that you are still there and safe, and also as a way to have quick access to you when you are in danger
if you die in the phantom dimension he will have this deeply disturbed look on his face
he honestly looked after you better than the doctor did
he brought you home cooked meals, your clothes, some things to cheer you up
he wants you to feel loved and to know that he will always be there for you even though you cannot hear him say it
Taylor Hernandez~
such a sweetie
she is so good at reading your feelings and can tell when you are upset/ when something is bothering you
she has pictures of you two together all over her wall so she always has something of you with her
she loves matching outfits with you
she 100% owns a shirt that says "i love my boyfriend/girlfriend" and has no shame in wearing it
she has this ritual where she kisses each picture of you before bed each night and saying "i love you y/n" over an over until she has kissed each picture
Tyler was just stood in the doorway of the room terrified-
in the phantom dimension you both make a vow to protect each other
and she will protect you with her LIFE is she has too
if you die in the phantom dimension she would never forgive herself
she would think its her fault as she didn't stick to her side of the vow
she let you get hurt
will sob infront of everyone
honestly needs more comfort then you do
when you are on the road to recovery tells you all these silly stories about her and Tyler to see you smile
she wants you to never leave her
Tyler Hernandez~
this one is a mixed bag
lets just say you will be very aware when he has entered the room
you slowly help him start to enjoy baseball again
he invites you to practice to show you off to his team
you are now lumped into his protection pile
congratulations, you are now one of his top priorities
he wont say it very often, but he adores you
and he misses you very much when you aren't around
he plays guitar for you when he is feeling especially loving, he teaches you the songs his dad taught him
when you are in the phantom dimension he gets very angry very easily
he is just so overwhelmed and worried about keeping you AND Taylor safe.
he is terrified he would of failed in his job of protecting you
if you die in the other dimension he would be angry at everyone but mostly at himself
he would close off, he wouldn't speak to anyone and he ends up flunking some of his classes to see you at the hospital
he is very aggressive to everyone else but when you are getting better at the hospital he is all gentle smiles and sweet tones
he owes it to you for letting you down
he wants to be able to feel that he can provide and protect you
Logan Fields~
he thinks he doesn't deserve you
why would you pick someone small and pathetic when you can have the full package like Tyler
despite his self doubts he treats you as best as he can
he is the most cliche person ever
has definately watched the sun set with you
study dates are a must
you both defo have this little potted flower that you have "raised" together
he tells you ALL about flowers as he has alot of knowledge about them
when you are in the phantom dimension he always has this dreaded feeling sitting in his stomach
as if he knows something is gonna happen to you and he wont be able to stop it
the feeling would eat him up inside
if you die in the phantom dimension, he would be determined to be the reason you got better, that it wouldn't happen again
he wants you to view him as worthy of your love, and he would do almost anything to earn that
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catpeaches · 2 months
POV: Tyler to trees
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loganfields1supporter · 2 months
There's a reason people who read School Bus Graveyard won't shut up about it, it's because it's a really fucking good webcomic go read it please it's on webtoon.
Also if you love stranger things you'll love School Bus Graveyard. It's basically that but without the 80s setting.
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noxsn · 2 months
School bus graveyard incorrect quotes (3/3)
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the-killies · 1 month
Aiden buying Ashlyn a huge ass DDR machine? Its more likely than you think
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b3achysurfur · 4 months
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Taylor wanted to hold Ashlyn’s hand here so badly, literally no one can convince me otherwise
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kalcium-yippee · 10 days
SBG characters randomly get a baby placed into their arms.
Ashlyn: is shocked. What do. Weirdly squishy creature.
Logan: a little shocked at first. Is pretty great with children. Doesn't know what precisely to do though.
Aiden: better than you'd think, worse than he thought he'd be. It wouldn't stop whining. Aiden called the baby an it and got the fattest side eye ever.
Taylor: fairly maternal, makes her kind of sad but she doesn't know why. Very successful though.
Tyler: very very good with kids, but not confident in his skills so he just kind of stands there. he finds babies adorable.
Ben: Decent enough but panics when the baby starts crying. Apologizes profusely when the baby simply whines.
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b3achysurfer · 6 months
long story short I can hear pictures, this is what this pic sounds like to me 🪂
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thurio-edau · 3 months
it's literally so him
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and tbh i made a second one
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and I could make SO MUCH MORE bc of how many silly panels he has but that'd be too much so-- 😭😭
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ash-lash · 5 months
Taylor once talked Ashlyn into letting her do her makeup.
Ash: “you almost done?”
Taylor: “almost almost”
Taylor adds the finishing touches and hands ash a mirror.
Ash kinds just stares. Since the foundation took away her freckles Taylor added them back with some product. It looks nice.
Ash: “…could you like do my makeup for a ballet performance I have coming up.”
Taylor: “I’d love to! This kinda feels like friendship bonding.”
Ash: “yeah it does..”
Don’t ask why I made the dialog so detailed 😭
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urfaveviet · 1 month
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schoolbus graveyard stickers!!!!
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rosinaparker · 1 month
would u guys write any angsty headcanons for the sbg characters?
Angsty Sbg Headcannons
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Genre: Angst
Warnings: depression, anxiety, sleep paralysis, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, attempting, attachment issues, eating disorder, hallucinations, trauma, trauma dumping, violence, panic(attacks), body dysmorphia, guns, paranoia, masking
A/n: this shit was hard to write(and my first time)
My sweet little babys, god they're so exhausted it's insane
(not sure how to start but imma try best fr)
After an exhausting night, fighting the phantoms, she kinda lays there in bed numb
Loses her appetite often
Develops an eating disorder
Even ballet didn't get her mind off of those awful creatures
Definitely gets sleep paralysis of the phantoms after finally escaping the realm
Terrified to sleep alone at night
Cant focus
Sometimes gets little visions of her friends getting attacked and absolutely doesn't let them off her sight
Crys to herself in the bathroom, so that tyler doesn't hear
After tyler dying (and reviving fr) she became way more anxious about his well being
Attachment issues
Has nightmares about how he dies
Develops insomnia
Hallucinates. That includes: voices, screams from a distance and shadows
Cant properly eat after the tree accident..his literal organs got impaled
Throws up just thinking about it.
He always wondered how it would feel like to die but never excepted it to be in that way
Developed trauma, everytime he's in a car and it's driving on a highway, he starts panicking and taylor has to grab his hand to ground him
Has gotten so paranoid about taylor that he doesn't even let her leave the room without him.
Has trouble breathing when he remembers certain situations
Panic attacks
Has nightmares about his friends dying
Wakes up in panic, even if he didnt dream anything bad
Punches the wall when he gets mad, til his knuckles start to bleed
Gets depressive episodes
Even though he had suicidal thoughts, he didnt end it all, just because the phantom realm gave him the adrenaline
Accidentally trauma dumps on the others and goes on with his day
Has attempted.
Everytime he tears up, he slaps himself across the face
Masks his emotions
When he gets anxious, he starts scratching his skin off
Hates his appearance.
Feels weaker then everyone else
Everytime he holds a gun, his intrusive thoughts come running
Has thought of shooting himself, just by holding said gun
Has become apathetic
Way more aggressive
Feels useless without a gun
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loganfields1supporter · 2 months
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