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Cari affezionati tumblerini siamo ormai oltre la metà di settembre e visto che non c'è due senza tre ho deciso di creare anche per quest'anno il mio PHOTOBER, modificandolo un po' per renderlo più semplice e meno stressante.
Il tema scelto sono le vibrazioni positive (good vibes) quindi per il mese di ottobre ogni settimana invito chi vorrà partecipare a scattare da un minimo di 3 ad un massimo di 5 foto che vi trasmettono vibrazioni positive, così da riportare un po' di pensieri positivi in una società che vive nel grigio della monotonia e della depressione.
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Unica regola da rispettare che sembra banale ma non lo è: NON si accettano foto prese dal web, le foto devono essere state scattate dal partecipante, non importa se realmente nel mese di ottobre ed è indifferente la qualità dello scatto che può essere realizzato con macchina fotografica, cellulare o qualsiasi altro dispositivo.
Come al solito ci si può iscrivere in qualsiasi momento purché entro il 23 ottobre.
Se non si riescono a realizzare tutti gli scatti non è un problema perché l'unico obiettivo dei miei Photober è quello di divertirsi e mettersi alla prova senza alcuna pressione.
Vi aspetto numerosi nei commenti e buon PhoTober a tutti! 🍁☺️🍂📸
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ragazzasognante · 3 days
Fate attenzione ad essere troppo disponibili. Dopo scatta la pretesa, non la riconoscenza.
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mostro-rotto · 11 months
Siamo conservatori per natura, scattiamo foto per fermare il tempo e affidare i singoli momenti all’eternità.
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anemonaee · 1 year
"Sono convinto che senti scattare qualcosa non nella testa, ma direttamente nell'anima, quando scopri il posto al quale appartieni davvero. Puoi ignorarlo, però, sul serio, perché dovresti? " Stephen King, Il telefono del signor Harrigan
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attimi-sfuggenti · 13 days
Arriva sempre quel momento in cui qualcosa dentro me scatta. La vita che sto vivendo prende una pausa, il mondo intero prende una pausa per quanto mi riguarda. E per qualche giorno un altra versione di me prende il controllo, vive le esperienze di cui aveva bisogno per placarsi. Fa in modo di allontanarmi dai punti di riferimento e mischiarli tra loro; si avvicina, prova a capirli, poi fugge, come se non potesse fare diversamente. Si sfoga con tutto ciò che ha appreso in questi anni e dopo più o meno giorni, finalmente, arriva qual senso di calma, come se tutto avesse preso un nuovo equilibrio.
Eppure anche questo equilibrio, questa calma, sono instabili. So che non dureranno.
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folkloristico · 2 months
Some Daphne & CoL (& Bloom) headcanons that have been haunting me nonstop lately
So I’m sharing them here.
A key factor of my understanding of Daphne is that she was homeschooled and as a result grew up mostly sheltered from the outside world (courtesy of the war as well), being more familiar with (formal) adults than her own peers. As a result, she developed a strong relationship with all CoL members.
Daphne is totally a daddy’s girl. Sometimes when she’s still in her early teens and life is calmer, she knows how to tug at his affection to get what she wants. She isn’t spoiled, exactly, but Domino prides itself of being one of the most ancient and powerful monarchies (though most of them do, really; they aren’t rich and powerful for no reason) and Daphne herself isn’t immune to this.
Daphne often ditches her royal maids (the three we see in the second movie) and goes searching for her father, usually finding him busy in his office. Once she unlocks her basic fairy form and is free to soar into the sky it’s over for them. Oritel does admonish her (sometimes), but he’s too fond of her to send her away and so they end up spending lots of time together like this.
They can go on for hours playing strategic games together.
He teaches her sword-fighting. Sometimes he lets her win, but Daphne points it out to him that she doesn’t like it and so Oritel stops.
He also teaches her how to play the piano—it’s the only artistic talent he has, Marion being the true artistic soul of the family. (And Bloom, too, later on.)
Moments of intimacy between Daphne and Marion are rare because Marion does the majority of the traveling on behalf of the kingdom. She is better at handling people than Oritel is, and being the one born into the royal family comes with a fair amount of advantages. (Slightly unrelated to Daphne but still worth mentioning—they both know it’s how most people see them and it’s something that makes them uncomfortable, for different reasons, but they soon grow to ignore it.)
As a young princess (late teens-early 20s), Marion would sometimes name-drop the Dragon Flame just to see how people would react. It was the little power she was granted over them, and she isn’t proud of that now. What she is proud of is seeing Daphne is much more wary with the DF than Marion herself ever was.
Soon the word spreads that the young princess is an amazing Guardian and Marion takes it upon herself to teach Daphne everything she can.
Both Marion and Oritel are very protective of Daphne because of reasons that stem from their childhood/families, and they try so hard to keep Daphne safe that it sometimes backfires.
Like during the war, they start drifting apart. That is because Marion and Oritel are so determined to protect Daphne while she’s still a teen that they don’t tell her many things, and Daphne, who is incredibly receptive, isn’t to be fooled.
She grows to think they don’t trust her as much as thought they did. There’s still an insane amount of love between them, but sometimes it feels like it’s not enough. Especially on Daphne’s part.
He’s been around since Daphne can remember, and he’s as close to an uncle as he can get.
Most people find Hagen’s presence to be uncomfortable because he speaks ever so rarely that they don’t know what to do with him, especially in a climate where people are always meddling and poking their noses around—Downton Abbey kind of thing, where no one, from servants to royalty, knows how to shut the fuck up, ever.
Oritel doesn’t have much time to take Daphne to the stalls and just hang out, so Hagen takes it upon himself to teach Daphne how to properly take care of her horse—which Oritel and Marion gave her as a gift. (In a world of technology and magic, of course, there are countless ways of traveling that are indeed faster, but people in the Magic Dimension are still attached to traditions.)
Ironically, the longest conversations Daphne ever has with Hagen happen when she asks him questions about subjects he’s interested in—mostly sword-fighting and sword making, occasionally battle strategy and tactics.
He’s the kind of guy who gets along well with everyone.
People who meet him might think he’s naïve, but despite having an easy-going personality, he’s wary of the people he can trust. His kindness shouldn’t be mistaken for foolishness.
Because of this, Daphne is quick to warm up to him.
She has a lot of questions about… anything, really, and he makes sure to respond to them as best as he can. Marion and Oritel are often too busy to spend a lot of time with him when he’s visiting. Hagen and Faragonda only half-listen to him rumbling about this or that, and eventually they get tired of it, but both are too considerate of his feelings to let him know.
Saladin knows this, and sometimes uses these occasions to make fun of them.
Daphne, on the other hand, can never get enough. She grows particularly fascinated with Andros because of some similarities the planet shares with Domino (and because it’s the home planet of Sirenix), and it just so happens that Saladin has some acquaintances from the planet, in part thanks to his work at Red Fountain.
He brings Daphne gifts whenever he can; she has a whole shelf dedicated to them. With time, she feels she should reciprocate somehow, so she starts meddling about the palace trying to find anything that could interest Saladin.
Because he knows so much already, surprising him is hard, but still Daphne does her best. Eventually, even Marion and Oritel fall into this routine and whenever they find something of interest, they make a mental note of mentioning it to Daphne. But she’s the Biggest Nerd Ever™️ and usually knows about that stuff already.
More related to Marion but still worth mentioning, Saladin is Marion’s favorite person to have around when she has to attend royal business meetings/parties. He’s fun to be around and has a knack for always steering the conversation in the right direction, which comes particularly in handy when they’re in the company of someone who Marion doesn’t like. (She’s too polite to say it to their faces, but there are some people she just can’t stand.)
Faragonda is the kind of person you go to when you want to have a sincere and mature conversation about something.
She’s a powerful fairy and, like Saladin, has a kinship for academics. But she favors interacting with people over researching, and so she doesn’t have extensive knowledge on everything.
But being the only fairy of CoL outside of Marion, there are things Daphne prefers asking her rather than Saladin. Like when Daphne first considers the idea of studying to become a Nymph, Faragonda is the person she goes to.
During the quietest years of the war, Daphne spends some months at Alfea and they get closer than ever. (Though it was partly because Oritel asked Faragonda to keep an eye on her. He thinks Daphne doesn’t know this much, but she does.)
Because Faragonda knows Daphne has a kinship for the academics, she offers Daphne to help out at Alfea after the Sirenix Curse is broken.
Griffin joining the Company goes opposite from smooth and so Daphne is kept at a distance from her. Oritel in particular is wary of her and doesn’t want Griffin nowhere near his daughter. 
Marion is of a slightly different opinion. At first, she doesn’t trust Griffin more than Oritel does, but she’s too preoccupied with the war and everything else to even consider the idea of Daphne developing a relationship with Griffin.
Because the truth is, none of them believe this allianceship will evolve into something deeper. But slowly—very slowly—they fall into a new routine and Griffin goes from serious threat to someone who’s just there to someone they can actually trust.
While there isn’t any active form of discrimination against witches by the time Daphne is born, anti-witch sentiment is still very real. Because of that, Daphne has never met many witches before. Griffin is the first chance she’s got at interacting with one, and she’s mesmerized by Griffin’s extensive knowledge. It doesn’t go as far as Saladin does but rather limits to certain aspects of magic for which they both share an interest.
Daphne is weirded out by her, but in a strange, almost funny way. It’s like there’s this person who just came out of nowhere and everyone just accepted it. Well, not everyone, exactly—half the palace wants her dead, but she has the approval of the queen and—reluctantly—the king, and so no one dares to say anything.
It’s only later that Griffin grows comfortable enough to tease Oritel about it, who, for his part, always looks on the verge of a stroke everytime he’s reminded how close Daphne has gotten to Griffin. Which only sets Griffin for even more teasing.
Marion has since longer abandoned her prejudices and isn’t worried about their relationship. 
Griffin will never admit to it, but she enjoys Daphne’s company in the library as much as she enjoys Faragonda’s.
Only sometimes does Daphne cross the line and ask questions Griffin doesn’t know how to respond to—mostly about the war, or if Daphne is feeling particularly bold,  Griffin’s past affiliation with the Coven and Valtor. Daphne is barely in her early 20s by the time Domino is wiped away; she isn’t a child anymore, but Marion and Oritel are protective of her to a fault and don’t want her to get involved.
Bloom and Daphne’s relationship from before the destruction of Domino is almost non-existent because Bloom was still a baby when the planet was attacked. 
But Daphne, for her part, loved her, deeply and devotedly. She always wanted to have a little sister, and just when she thought it would never happen, her mother was pregnant. But months later, Marion suffered a spontaneous abortion, and she and Oritel stopped trying after that.
That is why the news of Bloom comes both as a blessing and a curse. It’s everything they’ve ever wanted, but the timing is so wrong that Marion wonders if it wouldn’t be for the better if she lost  this child as well. But she doesn’t, and when Bloom is born, Daphne swears on her life that she will never let anything bad happen to her.
Suffice to say that once Domino is restored, they all love Bloom—because how couldn’t they? She’s the lost princess who saved them all. But their own understanding of her only goes as far as the vague idea they have of her, and in reality Bloom is struggling an awful lot to fill the shoes of the person they want her to be.
Daphne knows exactly what it feels like, and as she, too, is struggling after having basically come back from the dead, she makes sure Bloom knows she can count on her anytime. Bloom feels like a burden to her, but she doesn’t realize how much she is helping Daphne in return.
Their relationship is smoother than the one Bloom has with Marion and Oritel. They’ve all gone through an insane amount of trauma, and they’re all trying their best. The fact is that Bloom never felt like she needed to meet her biological parents because she always had parents, still has them, and they’re the best pair you could ever ask for. Whenever she’s with Marion and Oritel, Bloom feels like she’s somehow betraying Vanessa and Mike.
Daphne is a whole different deal. Bloom never had a sister but always wished she had one, and in that sense, Daphne has sort of dropped from the sky. Not to mention that during the three years Bloom spent at Alfea, Daphne was always there for her whenever she could—when she was strong enough to reach Bloom in her dreams, that is—and helped her get through some tough moments.
It’s both easy and weird for them to be around each other. For Daphne, because the baby sister she once held in her arms is now but a few years younger than she is. For Bloom, because she’d gotten so used to the idea of being an only child, and of being able to only talk to Daphne in her dreams, that having her in front of her very eyes is unsettling.
Bloom often feels that now that Daphne—the princess the kingdom has known for more than twenty years—is back, she won’t be ‘needed’ anymore. She doesn’t realize just how much Daphne loves her. Because to her, it’s like the mere fact of Bloom having survived the war is proof enough that she’s succeeded in keeping her promise to keep her little sister safe.
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teredo-navalis · 6 months
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labalenottera · 1 year
in tutto questo tempo vi sarete sicuramente chiesti più di una volta che ne è di Joker, la gatta del condomino. ebbene prima di tutto devo comunicare che il suo nome è stato cambiato in Deborah, detta Joker, contro la mia volontà (ci tengo a specificare). purtroppo ho dovuto cedere su questo punto quando ho visto uno dei condomini, il vecchietto che abita sotto di me, chiamarla con questo nome, avvicinarsi, e accarezzarla! ad oggi è l'unica persona arrivata a questo stadio di affetto; in segno di rispetto, il nome è stato ufficialmente cambiato. farò finta che il fatto di non essere stata scelta come persona preferita (se mi avvicino troppo non scappa più, però mi soffia) non abbia aperto una voragine nel mio cuore.
chiuso questo ahimè triste preambolo, posso finalmente annunciarvi che sì: la gatta ha avuto due gattini, che stanno crescendo e diventando grassi quasi quanto lei. a differenza della mamma sono molto meno diffidenti e sembrano molto interessati al suono che proviene dal mio mazzo di chiavi ogni volta che lo tiro fuori dalla borsa per aprire il portone.
vi prego di ammirare il terzetto nella foto seguente:
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2stelle · 2 years
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themhac · 11 months
facciamo tutti insieme una bella terapia di gruppo che dite?
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givemeanorigami · 7 months
Se il mattino ha l'oro in bocca, il mio c'ha un porcod*o così grande e così forte che se lo pronuncio ad alta voce lo sentono sulla cima del Sagro. Tu, ciclista dal sorriso mellifluo e la voce fastidiosa quanto un trapano alle cinque del mattino, il tuo "ciao" e il tuo "che figa" te li devi infilare dove non batte solo, possibilmente mentre cadi di faccia sull'asfalto per distrarti a dar fastidio a chi porta il cane in santa pace anziché guardare la strada.
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se non scatta la famosa molla e’ inutile dire montagna spostati perché la montagna non si sposterà mai mai mai!
Ecco la frase che da ragazzino mi ha sempre accompagnato nel viaggio della mia vita!
Quante notti insonni a pensare al destino, all’amore, al realizzarmi, al senso della vita!
Poi un bel giorno, dopo 1000 e 1000 ore di pensieri e riflessioni e travagli interiori, non tutti belli, quella famosa molla e’ scattata e da lì tutto è venuto!
Se tu non lo avessi ancora capito, la famosa molla e’ il tuo subcosciente, il tuo pilota automatico, il tuo genio della famosa lampada d’Aladino!
Il destino lo crea il tuo subconscio senza se e senza ma anche contro la tua volontà!
Tu cosa aspetti a convincere il tuo pilota automatico a cambiare film della tua vita a fin di bene per te e la tua famiglia ?
Solo a te la scelta!
se le hai provate veramente tutte e Zero fatti, che ti costa provare l’ipnosi DCS Vera e professionale di Los Angeles Beverly Hills anche iniziando da 1 solo audio DCS che fa per il tuo bene ed il bene del tuo caro?
scopri di più su:
#molla #quid #genio #subconscio
#pensieri #emozioni #leggedellattrazione
#mindset #mentalità #mentalitavincente
#fortuna #fortunato #chance #successo #ricchezza #lotterie #casino #scommessevincenti #ricco
#ipnosi #autoipnosi #ipnosidcs #autoipnosidcs #metododcs #ipnosidcslosangeles #mp3dcs #drclaudiosaracino #povero
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sauolasa · 1 year
Qatargate: chi è Michel Claise il giudice che ha fatto scattare le manette al parlamento europeo
Belga, famoso per aver istruito casi di un certo rilievo in Belgio, è noto per la sua inflessibilità ma anche per le sue comparsate tv. Nel tempo libero scrive gialli
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mostro-rotto · 1 year
Quando scatti una foto della luna o del tramonto sul tuo telefono non sembra così bella come nella vita reale.. ma non pensi che il problema sia il cielo o le stelle, sai solo che la fotocamera non cattura tutta la bellezza. Quello che voglio dirti è che dovresti sentirti allo stesso modo riguardo le foto di te stesso. - leo
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tulipanico · 2 months
Ho scoperto che scattare fotografie che visualizzo prima in testa mi appaga in un modo unico. Vedere realizzate le immagini esattamente nel modo in cui le avevo immaginate, dare un senso ai miei pensieri.
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didivola · 2 months
E se proprio volete
o meglio sentite in voi
l’acceso bisogno di baciarvi,
siate decisi,
fermate il respiro del tempo
e in quell’estraniarvi dal mondo
liberate gli ioni della passione
che, nel proprio compatibile reagire
dovuto all’esser figli di una stessa stella,
danno luogo ai sensi veri
che illuminano le paure nascoste:
danno profumo all’amore.
E baciatevi in un posto qualunque,
che sia un bosco o un prato
o una piazza con il suo monumento,
che sia una soffitta o una stalla,
o una spiaggia o una via del centro.
Poco importa.
Datevi un bacio,
non per copiare un’emozione,
né per scattare una fotografia.
Siate più del bacio di Hayez:
è il vostro amore
che un giorno
farà la storia.
Green Eyed Vincent | Nell'universo di un numero primo
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