#scarlet saber
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Plot of my next book
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heyimspade · 9 months
Video games will forever fill me with the pride I could never achieve in life.
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dingostrash · 1 year
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This was supposed to be a quick little thing but oops,
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yoselin-uyu · 2 years
Scarlet and Everard !! @immagrosscandy 💫
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Scarlet is known for taking clothes that are not hers to create new ones, One day Everard was looking for one of his shirts and saw that Scarlet had already made it part of one of her creations, instead of getting angry he took out stickers and began to decorate with her their faces and clothes.
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“Well, human, you caught me. Now I ask... are you my partner, or my master?”
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ashitakaxsan · 1 year
Τα top 16 badass κορίτσια των manga και anime
Συνήθως στις δυτικές ταινίες,σειρές και βιβλία δράσης,περιπέτεια οι άνδρες είναι οι Αρχηγοί,ανοίγουν τον δρόμο,μάχονται σαν λιοντάρια-οι γυναίκες κάθονται αβοήθητες,ζαρωμένες σε μια γωνία.
Είναι άραγε η σωστή σειρά αξιών;Επειδή στην Ιαπωνία,με αρχαίο Πολιτισμό και ιστορία,ευτυχώς δεν είναι έτσι.Τα manga(κόμικς της Ιαπωνίας),light novels,anime και videogames βρίσκεται το πρότυπο του όμορφου,μαχητικού κοριτσιού.Οτι μάχονται για την αλήθεια,δικαιοσύνη και την προστασία των αθώων από την ηθική και σωματική κακοποίηση.Δικαίως Badass.Και βεβαίως μαχητικά κορίτσια που ανήκουν στην πέρα πλευρά.
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16.Akame ga Kill
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Πως περιγράφεις επαρκώς μια μαχήτρια που παρατά την δολοπλόκα Αυτοκρατορία ,για να συμμετάσχει σε απελευθερωτική οργάνωση; Η παιδούλα Akame πουλήθηκε μαζί με την αδερφή της Kurome στην Αυτοκρατορία σε νεαρή ηλικία,γίνεται ένας από τους Elite Seven δολοφόνους υπό τον Gozuki. Παρά τη σοβαρή της στάση στη μάχη, δείχνει γνήσιο ενδιαφέρον για τους συντρόφους της.Κατά τη διάρκεια μιας αποστολής για την δολοφονία της πρώην στρατηγού Najenda, πείθεται από τον τελευταία να συμμετάσχει στο Night Raid και στην υπόθεση κατά της Αυτοκρατορίας. Αυτό ήταν το καθοριστικό Σημείο.Διότι πυροδοτεί έναν έντονο ανταγωνισμό μεταξύ του συναδέλφου δολοφόνου και της   αδερφής   Kurome, μαζί με την αμοιβαία επιθυμία να είναι ο ένας που θα βάλει τέλος στον άλλον.
Η Ακαμέ είναι επίσης πολύ Ισχυρή,είναι συγκρίσιμη με στρατηγούς στην Αυτοκρατορία. Είναι μια από τις πιο δυνατές της ομάδας Night Raid,κυρίως λόγω της εκπαίδευσής της από  παιδί. Επίσης ικανή στην μάχη σώμα με σώμα,όπως δε απίστευτα γρήγορη να αποφύγει πολλές θανατηφόρες επιθέσεις.Κατέχει το δεινό katana One-Cut Killer: Murasame γνωστός για την επικάλυψη με ένα εξαιρετικά θανατηφόρο δηλητήριο που θα μπορούσε να σκοτώσει όσους κόπηκαν από αυτό μέσα σε δευτερόλεπτα, καθώς το ίδιο το δηλητήριο δεν είχε αντίδοτο.
15.Shiki Ryugi -The Garden of Sinners(Kara no Kyoukai)
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Είναι ένα κορίτσι καταγόμενο από μια οικογένεια που επι αιώνες εξολοθρεύουν Κακοποιούς Δαίμονες. οταν παθαίνει ατύχημα τίθεται σε κόμα επί δύο χρόνια,μα όταν ξύπνησε ενεργοποιείται το Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, μια υπερφυσική ικανότητα που επιτρέπει στον χρήστη να δει την εγγενή θνησιμότητα των πάντων(τόσο ζωντανών όσο και μη) με τη μορφή γραμμών. Ταυτόχρονα εμπεριέχει 3 προσωπικότητες. Στην περίπτωσή της, όμως, αυτό που βλέπει είναι η Καταγωγή αυτού που παρατηρεί. Βοηθά την υπηρεσία Garan no Do(που διευθύνεται από τον φίλο της Mikiya Kokutou και τον μάγο Touko Aozaki)στον χειρισμό παραφυσικών υποθέσεων όταν απαιτείται μάχη.Εχει αποδείξει επίσης ότι είναι Απτόητη,Υπερεπαρκής μαχήτρια,με απίστευτη ευλυγισία και ταχύτητα εκτελώντας παρκούρ από πύργο σε πύργο. Αρχων είτε της ένοπλης μάχης είτε άοπλης!
14.Vladilena Milize-Eighty Six
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Η Vladilena είναι ένα υπέροχο κορίτσι, με ισχυρή διοικητική ικανότητα. Είναι ταπεινή και πάντα φιλική προς τους στρατιώτες της. Έχει μια μοναδική τεχνική ικανότητα να αντιμετωπίζει τις λεγεώνες. Πάντα έπαιρνε πιο σοβαρά τον ρόλο της χειριστριας . Είναι επίσης μια από τις λίγες που σηκώνονται και αγωνίζονται, τροφοδοτούμενη από τα ιδανικά της. Και βρήκε την ευκαιρία,τιμήθηκε να συνεργαστεί με τον Undertaker και την υπόλοιπη Spearhead Squadron,την ελίτ των μαχητών  εκ των 86. Η Λένα φτασς ένα τους εξοικειώσει και να τους συμπεριφερθεί με όσο το δυνατόν σεβασμό, μαθαίνοντας τα ονόματά τους, ακούγοντας τις ιστορίες τους και επικοινωνώντας μαζί τους. Έμαθε ακόμη και από το λάθος ότι αγνοούσε να ρωτούσε τα αληθινά τους ονόματα,έτσι μάζεψε την ισχύν να τους το ζητήσει. Είναι αδάμαστη, αδιάβροχη. Όταν κάποιος της λέει ότι πρέπει να αποσυρθεί, παλεύει πιο σκληρά. Όταν κάποιος της λέει να κάνει συμβιβασμούς, παλεύει πιο σκληρά. Είναι η πραγματική ενσάρκωση όλων των ιδανικών της San magnolia:Ελευθερία,Ισότητα,Αδελφότητα,Δικαιοσύνη και Ευγένεια.
 13.Erza Scarlet-fairy Tail
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Η Erza Scarlet είχε μια σκληρή παιδική ηλικία, αλλά μόλις έγινε δεκτή στη συντεχνία Fairy Tail, η πραγματική της ισχύς και τα ταλέντα της άνθισαν,τώρα είναι μια πραγματική δύναμη στη μάχη. Καυχιέται για απίστευτη δύναμη,αντοχή, τόσο σε σπαθιά όσο και σε στολές πανοπλίας, για να μην αναφέρουμε με αδάμαστη θέληση και απόλυτη πίστη σε όλους τους φίλους της. Αυτά δεν είναι τα μόνα πράγματα που την κάνουν εξαιρετική. Είναι θηλυκή, ντύνεται με πολύ θηλυκά ρούχα και της αρέσει να δείχνει χαριτωμένη. Ενδιαφέρεται επίσης πολύ για τα γλυκά και της αρέσει να τρώει κέικ φράουλας, της αρέσει να πίνει ποτό. Και η βαλίτσα της είναι γεμάτη φαγητά και υλικά μαγειρικής. Επιπλέον, ένα ζωτικό πρόσωπο είναι ο αγαπημένος της Jellal Fernandes. Ένα αγόρι(από τις ίδιες φυλακές με τους Erja και Natsu),που απαλλάχθηκε από την πλύση εγκεφάλου,έλαβε τη συμβουλή της Erza να συνεχίσει να ζει ότι μέσα από τη ζωή, μπορεί να βρει έναν τρόπο να επανορθώσει για τις προηγούμενες φρικτές πράξεις του (συζήτηση για μια σοφή συμβουλή από την μαχήτρια Erza).
12.Kikyo Inuyasha
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Η Kikyo είναι δυ��τυχώς η πιο παρεξηγημένη χαρακτήρας σε manga/anime ,που είναι μισητή στα μάτια δυτικών θεατών.
Ηταν μια πανίσχυρη Ιαπωνέζα  ιέρεια,άριστη τοξοβόλος και φύλακας του Κοσμήματος Shikon.Εξολόθρευε κάθε yokai που επιχειρούσε να το κλέψει. Ομως έτσι βρέθηκε πια με τέτοιο αβασταχτο καθήκον να είναι συνεχώς σε επαγρύπνηση,να μην βρεί ποτέ την Αγάπη.Ερωτεύτηκε τον hanyo Inuyasha,του μίλησε ζεστά και του πρότεινε με την χρήση επιθυμίας του Shikon να εξανθρωπιστεί.Οπότε οι δύο θα μπορούσαν να ζήσουν μαζί,να γίνουν οικογένεια. Συμφώνησαν στο σχέδιο. Ομως στην ημέρα της συνάντησης  τραυματίστηκε θανάσιμα,εξαπατήθηκε από τον Naraku, η Kikyō τoν  Inuyasha στο Ιερό Δέντρο με ένα βέλος σφράγισης και θυσίασε τη ζωή της για να εμποδίσει το κόσμημα να γίνει εργαλείο σε χέρια  κακών.
Λίγο αφότου το κόσμημα επέστρεψε στη φεουδαρχική εποχή,η Kikyō αναστήθηκε από την Ogress Urasue. Αφού έμαθε ότι ο Naraku( ο πρώην Onigumo)είναι ο ένοχος και του θανάτου της, αποφάσισε να τον καταστρέψει και να καθαρίσει το Κόσμημα Shikon.
 Στην πορεία έλαμψε ο γνωστός της χαρακτήρας:Λεπτή,κομψή και συμπονετική.Γι’αυτό παρείχε Θεραπεία στον Saint Hakushin,στον Kohaku επίσης.Επίσης θεράπευσε τον Miroku από το θανάσιμο μίασμα του Naraku,επίσης έσωσε την Rin από τα νύχια του αιμοβόρου Suikotsu. Έδωσε επίσης στην Kagome το τέλειο βέλος(από τις στάχτες του σπηλαίου του Onigumo)για να σκοτώσει τον Naraku(στην κατάλληλη ώρα). Θα περνούσε ένα «τέρας» από ιδιοτέλεια μέσα σε τόσες πολλές περιπέτειες ; Ευτυχώς η ιέρεια απέδειξε την Συμπόνοια και Ανιδιοτέλεια της:)
11.Mikasa Ackerman-Attack On Titan
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Η δολοφονία των γονιών της δεν την πτόησε ποτέ. Αναδείχθηκε μια άθραυστη γυναίκα, είναι τόσο ικανώτατη μαχήτρια,μπορεί να σκοτώσει τόσους πολλούς τιτάνες με ευκολία,επίσης είναι τόσο οικεία.Μετά την αποφοίτησή της και των συντρόφων της στο 104ο Σώμα Δόκιμων, ο Κολοσσαίος Τιτάνας εμφανίστηκε στην περιοχή Τροστ και γκρέμισε τον τοίχο. Μια ομάδα Τιτάνων άρχισε να σκοτώνει ανθρώπους και οι νεότεροι νεοσύλλεκτοι στο στρατό έπρεπε να πολεμήσουν για τη ζωή τους προτού καν αποφασίσουν σε ποιο κλάδο θα ενταχθούν.
 Όπως ανέφερε ένας στρατιώτης η Mikasa ισοδυναμεί με 100 στρατιώτες. Η ίδια ήταν ένας από τους πιο εξυπηρετικούς στρατιώτες σε αυτόν τον αγώνα, φροντίζοντας οι πολίτες να φτάσουν στην ασφάλεια και οδηγώντας τους συντρόφους της αφού κάθε ελπίδα φαινόταν χαμένη. Χωρίς τη βοήθειά της, η έκβαση αυτής της μάχης θα ήταν πολύ χειρότερη.
Υπάρχουν πολλά περισσότερα γι'αυτήν: Είναι τόσο πιστή στον Έρεν. Η ειλικρίνεια των συναισθημάτων της είναι ένα σοβαρό καλό χαρακτηριστικό της,είναι ένας από τους πρώτους ανθρώπους που θα πει στα ίσια την γνώμη της(δεν κομπλάρει να τα πεί),δεν θα κάνει πίσω.
10.Yonsa, Balsa – Seirei no Moribito (Moribito – The Guardian of the Spirit)
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H Balsa είναι μια πρόωρη γυναίκα πολεμίστρια μετατράπηκε σε σοβαρή σωματοφύλακα. Αποδέχτηκε την εργασία να προστατεύσει τον νεαρό πρίγκιπα Τσάγκουμ, ένα ευγενικό μέλος της βασιλικής οικογένειας που φέρονταν ότι «κατέχεται από ένα κακό πνεύμα νερού»,έκτοτε στοχοποιήθηκε για δολοφονία από τον ίδιο του τον πατέρα (τον Αυτοκράτορα). Αρνείται να σκοτώσει, γιατί εργάζεται αποφασιστικά για να αναπληρώσει 8 νεκρούς, έναν όρκο να σώσει τον ίδιο αριθμό ζωών που είχε αφαιρέσει ο κηδεμόνας της,Jiguro,για την προστασία της. Έξυπνη, με την ισχυρή αίσθηση ότι ένας ήρωας μπορεί να είναι οποιοσδήποτε σε ένα χώρο δράσης για να βοηθήσει αθώους χωρίς προσωπικό όφελος.
9.Victoria, Seras – Hellsing Ultimate
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Η Σέρας είναι μια γυναίκα  Hellsing με ισχυρή θέληση, και προφανώς ήταν πάντα από την παιδική της ηλικία, κάτι που επιβεβαιώνεται από τις αναδρομές της. Ο Seras θεωρείται συχνά αγοροκόριτσο.Μια πολύ γενναία, ισχυρή και ηρωική νεαρή γυναίκα που συχνά απορρίπτει τις εντολές του κυρίου της που διασταυρώνονται με τις προσωπικές της πεποιθήσεις. Σε μια απέλπιδα προσπάθεια να σώσει τον Alucard, προσπαθεί να εμποδίσει τη ξιφολόγχη του Anderson να χτυπήσει την καρδιά του Alucard, κάτι που θα σκότωνε εντελώς τον Alucard.
 8.Chane la forett- Baccano
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H Chane ήταν ό,τι πιο κοντινό σε πολεμική μηχανή. Ειδικεύεται στα μαχαίρια και είναι μια από τις πιο ικανές μαχητές της σειράς. ‘Αξια ν’αντισταθεί  σε ισχυρούς μαχητές όπως ο Ladd Russo,ο Graham Specter και η Maria Barcelito. Είναι αθλητική και ανάλαφρη στα πόδια της, όπως αποδεικνύεται όταν αγωνίζεται πάνω σε ένα τρένο με ταχύτητα. Οι ίδιες μάχες μαρτυρούν επίσης τη δύναμή της: δεν πτοείται όταν εκτρέπει κατά λάθος μια σφαίρα με τη λεπίδα της, και όταν ο Λαντ την κλωτσάει από το τρένο, είναι σε θέση να ανέβει γρήγορα μόνο με τη δύναμη του βραχίονα.Ακολούθησε τις εντολές χωρίς δισταγμό και δεν έδειχνε κανένα συναίσθημα ή αίσθημα προς τους άλλους. Ωστόσο, μετά την εξέλιξη των γεγονότων στο Flying Pussyfoot, υπέστη πολλές αλλαγές. Κάτι που φαίνεται ξεκάθαρα βλέποντας τον φίλο της τζακούζι και τη Νίκαια, αλλά και βλέποντάς την ερωτευμένη με τον Κλερ.
7.Touka Kirishima-Tokyo Ghoul
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Οι νέοι βασικοί χαρακτήρες έχουν συχνά στιγμές ενηλικίωσης, μερικές από τις οποίες είναι πιο τραυματικές από άλλες. Όταν η Ghoul Touka είναι μικρή, ο πατέρας της σκοτώνεται και η οικογένειά της διαλύεται.Γι’αυτό νοιώθει πραγματικό μίσος για τους ανθρώπους, που πιστεύει ότι ευθύνονται για τον θάνατο του πατέρα της.¨Όμως η αποφασιστικότητα και η δύναμή της, καθώς και η σκληρότητά της, πηγάζουν από τον φόβο να χάσει άλλους ανθρώπους που αγαπά,ειδικά τον Kaneki στον οποίο καιρό με τον καιρό ζεσταίνει. Έχοντας αυτή την καθοριστική στιγμή, η Touka είναι μια γερή υποψήφια μαχήτρια. Η ίδια και ο Kaneki έχουν πολύ καλή χημεία μαζί.
6.Saber – Fate/Zero
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Η μεσαιωνική βασιλιάς  της βρετανίας Artoria Pendragon έγινε Servant,ώστε να αποκτούσε το Holy Grail στην διάρκεια των Holy Grail Wars. Δεν ακολουθεί τυφλά τις εντολές, συχνά αμφισβητεί τις βιαστικές και ακραίες αποφάσεις του Kiritsugu Emiya . Επιπλέον, φροντίζει ευθέως να το λέει στον Shirou ότι οι επιλογές που κάνει δεν θα είναι το καλλίτερο για αυτούς,ή όταν πιστεύει ότι θα κινδυνέψει κάνοντας κάτι. Το να είναι ειλικρινείς μαζί του είναι ένας πολύ καλός τρόπος για να τον κρατήσει ασφαλή. Είναι επίσης ένας λαμπρή στρατηγός στη μάχη,αυτό αποκαλύπτεται όταν αναλύει τον Lancer στον πρώτο της αγώνα του Zero. Ενώ ήταν Βασιλιάς ένιωθε προσωπικά υπεύθυνη για τη μοίρα του Βασιλείου της, και μετά την πτώση του ένιωθε ότι ήταν δικό της λάθος, που την οδήγησε στο να γίνει τελικά Servant. 
 5.Amira – Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut:Genesis)
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Η Āmira είναι ένα κορίτσι μισό δαίμονας/μισό άγγελος,φανερώνεται ότι κατέχει το μισό κλειδί των θεών (που μπορεί να απελευθερώσει τον φρικτό δράκο). Σκοντάφτοντας πάνω στους αντίπαλους κυνηγούς επικηρυγμένων Favaro Leone και Kaisar Lidfard, το τρίο σύντομα εμπλακεί σε μια επική σύγκρουση μεταξύ μυθολογικών φυλών. Είναι κορίτσι με εξαιρετική ευγένεια,τόσο με διάνοια όσο και αποφασιστικότητα να σώσει τον κόσμο από τις κακές δυνάμεις. 4.Riza Hawkeye- Full Metal Alchemist
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Η  Riza είναι η προσωπική βοηθός και σωματοφύλακας του συνταγματάρχη Roy Mustang. Μια ειδικός αιχμηρή σκοπευτής και πυροβόλων όπλων,η υπολοχαγός Hawkeye είναι ένα ανεκτίμητο πλεονέκτημα για τον Συνταγματάρχη τόσο στο γραφείο όσο και στο πεδίο της μάχης,λειτουργεί ως η πλησιέστερη και πιο υποστηρικτική υφιστάμενη του.
Ήταν επίσης αυτή που τράβηξε τον Ρόι από την απεχθή επιθυμία του να σφάξει έναν ανίσχυρο Envy . Χωρίς την καλή καρδιά και το επίπεδο κεφάλι της Ρίζα, ο Ρόι σχεδόν σίγουρα θα είχε πέσει σε ένα πολύ σκοτεινό μέρος! Είναι πανούργα(δεν πρέπει να προκαλεί έκπληξη) δεδομένου του πόσο ο Ρόι την εμπιστεύεται και τη σέβεται βαθιά ως Υπολοχαγό του. Και όταν ο Pride παρακολουθεί από τις σκιές,η Hawkeye χρησιμοποίησε έναν κωδικό για να στείλει στον Roy ένα ζωτικό μήνυμα: «SELIM BRADLEY IS HOMUNCULUS». Ο Ρόι κατάλαβε αμέσως. Όταν ήλθε αντιμέτωπη με τον Gluttony,απλά αρχίσε να πυροβολεί ασταμάτητα.Τι μαχητρια!
Oταν η Envy πήρε τη μορφή του Roy,η Hawkeye τον σημάδεψε με το όπλο,ευθύς τον ξεγέλασε λέγοντας πώς ο Roy την αποκαλεί "Riza" αντί "Υπολοχαγό" όταν είναι μόνοι. Αυτός ο ισχυρισμός ήταν ψευδής, αλλά η Hawkeye χρειαζόταν μόνο τον Envy το πιστέψει, έγινε. Η μεταμφίεση έπεσε!Η
3.San – Princess Mononoke
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Η San(Princess Mononoke)είναι ένα κορίτσι που οι δειλοί γονείς το πέταξαν στη θεά-λύκαινα Moro για να γλιτώσουν.Η Moro την μεγάλωσε μαζί με τα παιδιά της,γι’αυτόν τον λόγο η San έμαθε να μισεί τους ανθρώπους και να είναι ένας λύκος μαζί με τα ‘αδέρφια’ της.Μισεί ιδιαιτέρως όσους μένουν στο Iron Town και εκμεταλλεύονται εγωιστικά το δάσος της.Στη μάχη εναντίον των ανθρώπων,έδειξε αδαμάντινη αποφαστικότητα και ηγετική ικανότητα.Η San από αγρίμι ‘μαλακώνει’ απέναντι στον εξόριστο πρίγκηπα,πολεμιστή Ashitaka και τον αποδέχεται, παρ'ότι είναι άνθρωπος. Είναι έξυπνη,παρατηρητική και δυναμική.Δεν χρειάζεται κανέναν για υπερασπιστή,δεν αλλάζει τα πιστεύω της, πολεμάει για να σώσει αυτά που αγαπάει,ακόμη και αν θα πεθάνει.
2.Pandora – Saint Seiya: Lost Canvas
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Η Πανδώρα είναι μια ενδιαφέρουσα κοπέλα ,οξυδερκής,αφοσιωμένη στον αδερφό της Άδη. Τον υποστηρίζει στα σχέδιά του,θα κάνει ό,τι χρειαστεί.Τόσο δραματική προς τα πνέύματα,όσο  και στην σύγκρουση μπορεί να νικήσει χρησιμοποιώντας την τρίαινα. Ικανή να εκτοξεύει ριπές ενέργειας αρκετά ισχυρές για να σπάσει μια Χρυσή Πανοπλία και να δημιουργήσει εκρήξεις του να αποτρέψουν την επίθεση ενός θεού. Αλλά κυρίως, το κύριο όπλο της είναι η άρπα, της οποίας η μουσική είναι ικανή να βασανίσει όποιον άτυχο την ακούει, έχει επίσης ένα δαχτυλίδι που υλοποιεί τα φίδια να κρατούν τους αντιπάλους της. Όταν αναγκάζεται να δραπετεύσει, η ταχύτητά της είναι σχεδόν συγκρίσιμη με αυτή του Λέοντα, τηλεμεταφέρεται με την ταχύτητα του φωτός οπουδήποτε θέλει.
1.Revy – Black Lagoon
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Revy Two Hands. Τόσο ικανή πιστολέρο,μια πολεμική μηχανή,που πυροβολεί και με τα δύο χέρια!Έχει ενδιαφέρουσες, μοναδικές σχέσεις με πολλούς άλλους χαρακτήρες της σειράς.
Έχει ένα τραγικό (και σε σοβαρό βαθμό καλυμμένο με μυστήριο)παρελθόν, το οποίο διαμόρφωσε την σημερινή της προσωπικότητα. Ξεκίνησε στην Αμερική,η αδιαφορία,η φτώχεια και η κακοποίηση ήταν όλα όσα βρήκε.Ηταν Κινέζα Αμερικανίδα που έκλεβε για να ζήσει.Ετσι οδηγήθηκε να γίνει άθεη και να έχει πρόβλημα με την εμπιστοσύνη στους άλλους. Είναι επίσης ένα μυστήριο ποιος της δίδαξε τέτοια ποικιλία στα όπλα και άλλες δεξιότητες. Ο κ. Chang είναι περιστασιακός εργοδότης της,ουδέποτέ ήταν εκπαιδευτής της.
Η ίδια και ο Ροκ είχαν αρχικά μια δύσκολη σχέση. Ωστόσο, κατά τη διάρκεια της σειράς ζεσταίνει η μια προς τον άλλον.ως συνεργάτες και φίλοι, με τον Rock να βοηθά να εξισορροπηθεί η καυτή, παρορμητική και βίαιη προσωπικότητα της Revy. Η Revy τον βοηθά να αποκτήσει την απαραίτητη αποφασιστικότητα για να επιβιώσει στην πόλη που ζουν.Δηλαδή η Revy αποδεικνύεται και tsundere.
ΥΓ:Ολη την έμπνευση για την πλούσια ανάρτηση την οφείλω σε ένα σπάνιο,άξιο και χαρισματικό κορίτσι,την Μαρία Πατίλα.Κορίτσι από την Θεσσαλονίκη.
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Days # 24-25
Mash: U-um Senpai and Achilles (the Servant) are, busy
Suzuka Gozen: Mash, you can just say their fucking.
Mash: people don't need to know that!
Suzuka: Well people are going to figure it out, so why keep walking around it?
Mash: Well, in any case, no one has done, or will do anything wrong today or tomorrow! (An explosion goes off in the distance, followed by a yell and some barking)
Suzuka: Besides that
Mash: (exhausted already) Yes except that.
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zekkopunks · 1 year
maybe the new legendary pokemon will grow on me but they’re really funky
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pasukiyo · 2 months
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anakin skywalker x f!jedi!reader word count; 3,988 warnings; unprotected p in v sex, angst summary; you're too good, too noble. anakin doesn't understand why you feel the need to always protect him when he doesn't need saving. when you get hurt, it takes every ounce of willpower within him to not go insane. you don't seem to understand why he's so doting. you thought you had anakin skywalker figured out... ...but you have no idea how he ends.
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 One look was all it took, for Anakin could hear it in the silence. 
 “I need you.”
 Anakin’s lips had already been pressed together, his brow already furrowed, for he was already royally pissed off. It’d been enough to be dragged on this wasteland of a planet by Obi-Wan, it’d been enough that she’d insisted that she should tag along, it’d been enough that absolutely nothing was going according to plan— and seeing her with a blaster wound to the bicep certainly didn’t aid in improving his mood. 
 It was bad enough he had to react like he didn’t care enough, pretend that for a moment, he didn’t fear that she wouldn’t react to move in enough time, that the little ray of blazing scarlet would pierce straight through her heart. It was bad enough that he had to watch her slice the wobbling green light of her saber through the battle droid’s chest all on her own, all the while clutching her arm. 
 It was bad enough watching her being patched up now, having to stare into her eyes that on the surface, seemed to mask her pain. But Anakin knew her better than anyone else— he could see right through that facade she’d so delicately crafted. All he could see now was her desperation, her desire to hold him close, to feel him so deeply like no other could. Anakin had to look away now, for not only was Obi-Wan approaching, but he knew that if he didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to detach himself from her. 
 “You’ve certainly seen brighter days,” Obi-Wan said as he sauntered into the small alcove of the ship Anakin had accompanied her in. She tore her gaze away from the side of Anakin’s face to instead fixate on the Jedi Master, glancing down at her wound that C-3PO had since covered in Bacta spray. 
 “It’s no bother,” she replied, shrugging and raising her arm, much to 3PO’s dismay as he rocked the upper half of his body back, arms thrown in the air. “No, no! I am not done dressing your wound yet! You must keep it still or else your wound may open again and—“
 “3PO,” Anakin’s bark of the droid’s name permeated the room and all seemed to still for a moment. She blinked at the sound of Anakin’s voice and swallowed down her desire to let it burn like a spark on a rope, trailing all the way down her throat and chest until it reached the frayed edges at the pit of her belly, setting her center ablaze. She shifted where she sat and dropped her head, along with her arm as 3PO— now silent— continued to wrap it. 
 Anakin turned to face his former Master as Obi-Wan eyed him right back, a wrinkle in his brow. Anakin only waited for him to continue, wiping his face clean of any feeling. After another few moments of the already prolonged silence, Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest and leaned a shoulder into the frame of the door. 
 “Master Windu summons us for a meeting as soon as we get back to the Temple,” Obi-Wan continued. “To discuss all that has transpired today, and such.”
 Anakin sunk his molars down into the slimy flesh of the inside of his cheek, feeling his features harden as he turned away to face the panels on the wall. 
 “Great,” he replied, irritation laced in his tone. Obi-Wan knew Anakin well enough to know when something was weighing on his mind. But Obi-Wan also knew Anakin well enough to know when to not push his boundaries. He respected him enough for that, at least. 
 Obi-Wan sighed as he pushed off the wall, dipping his chin when he glimpsed back over to where she sat, 3PO finishing up the final touches of her bandages. “Rest well,” he said. “You will need your strength.”
 She dipped her chin back to Obi-Wan, grateful for an excuse to avert her gaze. “Thank you,” she replied, and then Obi-Wan was off, brown robes trailing behind him and slowly disappearing behind the door as it slid closed. 
 “There,” 3PO finished her bandages at last. She glanced down at her wrapped arm, already feeling the bacta spray begin to set into the wound, sighing in relief as the pain began to subside. “Please do not move it around too much. Too much movement could lead to—“
 “That’s enough, 3PO,” Anakin, voice still as deep as it was earlier, turned, sharp gaze slicing into the metal of the droid. 3PO turned to face his creator, “but, Master Skywalker, I must insist that she—“
 “I assure you, 3PO, that she will face no further harm,” Anakin interrupted the droid yet again, arms uncrossing and dropping to his sides as he moved to step closer. 3PO, with his stiff arms held in the air, took a step backward, facing his Master. “Now go.”
 3PO’s arms flailed as he turned, waddling his way towards the door. “How rude! A thank you would be nice every once in a while,” she could just make out from the droid before the door slid closed behind him and she bowed her head, picking at the edges of her bandages with her fingernails. 
 “You could be nicer to him, you know,” she murmured, not having realized that Anakin had drawn himself closer, not until the middle and forefinger of his gloved mechanical hand pressed beneath the underside of her chin. Her gaze was forced into his, her bottom lip quivering at the storm raging in the dark hues of his irises. Although she knew Anakin was angry, she could feel a spark set her skin ablaze at the sight of his tightly pressed lips, of his furrowed brow, tight jaw and exploded pupils. 
 She struggled to keep her thighs from closing together to ease the ache in her core. 
 “Why must you insist on getting yourself into situations that always end in you getting hurt?” Anakin snipped and she blinked when the thumb of his gloved hand curled around the curve of her chin, his grip tightening on her jaw. Her breath shuddered as Anakin’s stare dropped to her lips, to her throat, to her collarbone, to her clothes, as if searching for any further sign of injury. 
 Her bottom lip wobbled before she replied, “you can at least acknowledge that I do not always get myself hurt.” 
 Anakin breathed a humorless laugh through his nostrils at this, his jaw ticking as he straightened, dropping his hand from her face altogether to pace the floor. “You’re always putting yourself in front of others, in front of Obi-Wan, in front of me,” he shook his head and she stared at the scar slicing through his right brow to avoid his gaze. “As if we aren’t capable of protecting ourselves.”
 Her quivering lips curled into a scowl at this as he looked anywhere but at her, chest heaving with the effort of keeping his anger at bay. “You’re angry with me for protecting you?” she repeated to confirmed and Anakin glowered her way. “I do not need your protection,” he hissed. “I can do it just fine on my own. Why don’t you look out for yourself every once in a while, you wouldn’t be in here today, hurt.”
 A humorless titter tumbled past his lips and he shook his head again. “Foolish girl,” he muttered, the wrinkle in her brow dimpling. “I do not need you to belittle me, Anakin,” she hissed back. “Do you take me for a fool?”
 Her heart pounded its fists against the inside of her chest— the last thing she wanted now was to argue with him. All she wanted was him, she craved him, needed to feel his arms around her, his fingers in her hair, his skin upon hers. But there, where that desire ached deep in the marrow of her bones, burned fury, white hot anger blitzing through her veins like a comet. 
 Did Anakin underestimate her? After all this time they’d known each other, grown with each other in the temple, learned together, trained together, fought together— did he misconstrue her power? 
 Her need for Anakin could wait— this berating of her dignity could no longer go on. 
 Anakin’s feet pivoted until he faced her, eyes searching her face, fleeting between her sealed lips, her clenched jaw, furrowed brows, heaving chest, sharpened features. He didn’t need to reach out and feel it to know she was upset, and it occurred to him that perhaps in his haze of rage, he’d misspoken. 
 He knew how capable she was, how skilled of a Jedi she was. There was no doubt about it— but what he hated most was how noble she was, how good she was. He hated that because she was too good, she’d spare not a second thought in battle. How it’d make her use herself as a shield to protect others, to protect him. 
 He couldn’t stand it, her need to protect him when his need to protect her blazed just as strong. Anakin couldn’t go on another minute knowing she’d been blasted all because he’d had his back turned, because she’d been quicker to react than him. Had he been paying attention, had he moved faster, he’d have been able to deflect the blaster bolt with his saber, he’d have been the one with the blaster wound instead. 
 His gaze flickered down to the bandages wound on her upper arm and he had to turn away, feeling the bitter taste of bile on the tip of his tongue. 
 “I do not think you are a fool,” he began. “But must you always be so noble?” She blinked, feeling her heart skip a few beats inside her chest. “Putting yourself in the line of danger for others, for me,” he shook his head as he paced to the other side of the room. “I cannot stand it.”
 She straightened her posture where she sat, sucking in a deep breath. “If I infuriate you so much, perhaps it’d serve you well to quit doting on me all of the time,” she snapped back, unflinching even when his glare hardened, firing just like a blaster shot into hers. “You pay attention to me more than you do yourself. Do you know how much I would hate myself if you got hurt because you treat me like I am a child?”
 Anakin stopped pacing, turning to face her once more. Either of his hands rested on his hips, bottom lip wobbling with his temper. 
 “You are not a child,” he replied. “And I am not doting. You misunderstand me.”
 She shook her head, “I think I’ve got you pretty figured out, Anakin Skywalker,” she said with a humorless titter, rising from her seat to march her way towards the door. She couldn’t stand being alone with him anymore, not when she looked at him and didn’t know whether or not she wanted to pounce on him and kiss him until their lips bled or slap her palm across his face. 
 Just before she could make it within reaching distance of the door’s control panel, the glove around his prosthetic hand tight where it wrapped around her uninjured arm, stilling her where she stood. 
 For a moment, neither spoke. She pressed her lips together in a firm, thin line, her breath heavy as it exhaled through her nose. She willed her eyes to fixate on his, the action proving itself difficult, as they wanted nothing more than to drop to his lips. His gaze was so hot, it was blistering, and she swore she could melt in a pool of magma at their feet. 
 “You know where I begin,” Anakin spoke in a low, husky voice. Her bottom lip quivered— damn her soaked center for betraying her so. “But you’ve not even the slightest idea where I end.”
 She blinked up at him, feeling a gate open somewhere inside of her, all her anger and frustration washing away as if with rain. All that remained in the downpour’s wake now was her libido, her desire to kiss him, her need to feel him, her lust for just him. 
 As the silence neared its end, Anakin’s features began to deflate, as if he’d reached out with the Force to feel him. She allowed herself to breathe, seal her eyelids closed, and reach an invisible hand towards him. Sure enough, she could feel him like a whisper on the tips of her fingers, like reaching out to graze her nails on the surface of the ocean. 
 When her eyes fluttered open again, his were closed, but not for long. She watched his eyelashes as they flit upon his cheeks, the veil of his lids sliding away until she was staring into that strange, enigmatic ocean in his gaze, his waters so dark, so blue, so captivating that she allowed herself to dive right in. 
 “Then lead me to your end,” she whispered breathlessly, feeling the gloved hand he’d had wrapped around her upper arm make its trek up the mountain of her shoulder, through the valley between it and her neck, up her throat and across the waterfall of her chin until his palm cupped her cheek. The pad of his thumb soothed over the flesh just beneath her bottom lip, and she shuddered. 
 Anakin sifted through the darkness of her pupils, his gaze so intense that for a moment, she believed he really was reading her mind, searching through the archives of her brain. But really, all he saw was her, as if she were in the limelight. All he could focus on was her, her breathing, her eyes, nose, lips. 
 He was a black hole, a bottomless pit etched into the earth, so dark, she realized that he was right: she wasn’t sure where he ended. 
 And Anakin pulled her right in. 
 They surged into one another like a wave crashing into another, his lips a seal over hers. Their tongues did a waltz inside where their mouths connected, Anakin quickly taking control. She mewled into his mouth as she clutched at his robes, tugging them forward as Anakin backed her into the wall, her back hitting the steel with a thud. 
 She was already so frustrated— yanking on the fabric of his robes, searching for an inch of his skin. His tongue was so strong over hers, his kiss so powerful, her mind was beginning to ooze into goo. Anakin’s hands moved away from her body but their kiss never once broke as he pushed the outer layer of his robes off his shoulders, letting the material pool at their feet. 
 She began unraveling his underclothes like he was a gift and he yanked the leather glove off of his mechanical hand, undoing the cloth belt around her waist with his other. Anakin tossed her belt off to the side, the flowy, outer layer of her top unraveling from her chest and he pushed the material down her shoulders, letting it join his robes on the floor. They pulled away for the briefest of moments, solely so Anakin could lift the tight undershirt away from her body before lifting his own shirt over his head. She pulled him in by the hem of his pants when he was done, tugging them down his thighs as he pulled down hers. 
 Skin. All she could feel was Anakin’s skin and oh, it was the softest thing she swore she’d ever touched before. He was like the richest of velvet, soft and so beautiful, a never-ending avenue for her lust. All she wanted to do all the time was touch him, never let his skin leave hers. 
 A hand snaked around to the nape of his neck to tug on the dark blonde locks there as his kisses broke from her lips to trace a line down her neck, feeling the edges of his teeth against the small curve of her collarbone. Her other hand clawed at the expanse of his back, hissing through her teeth at the pressure of his body against her wound. For a moment, Anakin seemed to realize this, his kisses slowing on her collarbone until she used the grip she had on his hair to draw him into her again. 
 “Don’t stop,” she mewled beside the shell of his ear, only hoping she’d be able to keep herself quiet enough. The notion that Obi-Wan was still on the ship lingered in the back of her mind, but she wasn’t so sure Anakin cared as much as his lips trailed down to the swell of her breast, nipping her between his teeth there. 
 Her head threw itself back against the steel wall, one of her legs lifting and bending to wrap around his. Anakin placed his palms on the backs of her thighs to lift her up, his body the only thing keeping her balanced. 
 “Anakin,” she breathed as he sucked marks into her breasts, teasing the bud of one of her nipples with the tip of his tongue. Through hooded lids, he glanced up at her, his lips never ceasing. She swiped her tongue between her lips for moisture, panting as he sunk his teeth into the flesh on the underside of her breast, sure to leave a mark. “Anakin!” She yelped and he released her skin, the bridge of his nose soothing up the valley between her tits as he kissed her skin.
 “I can’t help it,” he breathed into her chest. “You are like a vice.”
 She mewled again as she bucked her hips into him, feeling his erection beneath her.
 “Please Anakin,” she murmured. “Just need you to be inside. Need to feel you.”
 Anakin muttered a string of curses into her throat as he kissed his way back to her lips, peeling his mouth away from hers to rest his forehead against hers. 
 “Yeah?” He whispered, feeling her nod against his head. Anakin gazed down between her legs, at the glistening folds of her cunt, past it where the angry, pink head of his cock was. There was an ache deep in the pit of his belly for her that even he couldn’t believe he’d deprived himself of relieving for so long. “I need you too.”
 She gasped as he rocked his hips slowly, the tip of his length prodding against the underside of her angry clit. Her arms tightened where they were wrapped around his neck, catching his bottom lip between hers, sucking as he steadied himself into position, clamping her teeth down into the plush, pink flesh when he slid himself in. 
 Only the head of his cock had breached her barrier but she was already crying, hot, fat tears slipping from her eye sockets and rolling down her cheeks. She was so desperate to feel more, to have him as deep inside of her as possible. She could feel her walls clench around him, inviting him further in. Anakin groaned above her, muttering a string of curses against her sweaty hairline as he pushed himself the last few inches in.
 Anakin was so big, so girthy that she felt so full, felt like she hadn’t any room to speak, not even to breathe. She could feel him so deep inside of her where no other had been before, feeling him reach that hardly touched spot so far in her that just the mere graze of his tip against it felt like it seared a bruise.
 “Anak—!” She cried before his lips were on hers again, muffling her sounds. His hips retracted before thrusting back in, his cock hitting her cervix again, making her vision go black and glisten with stars. 
 “I’ve never felt something as wonderful as this,” Anakin panted as he pulled back only to thrust himself back in again. “I could stay in your pussy forever.”
 Her bottom lip wobbled and a mewl ripped from her throat as he clenched her thigh with his prosthetic hand, the other resting on the side of her neck, thumb just above the pulse of her throat. 
 “Let me see you,” Anakin whispered against her ear, pulling away as her eyelids fluttered back open, feeling that blistering stare surge back into hers. 
 But she knew what he meant. 
 She closed her eyes again and Anakin dropped his forehead to hers, his pace at a steady rhythm, his thrusts forceful, significant. She focused on the length of his cock nestled deep inside her warmth, on his warm skin on hers, on his breathing and the beat of his heart. All ceased to exist except for Anakin Skywalker, and she opened her mind to the sole being of her universe. 
 He felt like a breath of fresh air on the brightest day in Naboo, like when they visited their friend Padmé Amidala there and took a stroll through the Lake Country. He felt like the gentle, warm breeze that kissed her cheek. He was as warm as the smile he’d given her when they’d fallen on their backs in the plush, green grass. He was as tender as the words he’d spoken to her when he confessed his love for her. 
 Anakin Skywalker was truly a force like no other. He was power like she’d never felt before, more electrifying than even the rush that wielding her lightsaber gave her. He was stronger than even the feeling of the Force flowing through her veins was because in her eyes, he was her Force, her ground, her earth, her universe. 
 Anakin Skywalker was all that existed. He was all that was ever important. She never cared once for the oath she’d sworn under the Jedi Code when she was with him. She’d leave it all behind, let all her training and hard work go to waste, just so she could have him like this. Anakin was her centerfold, and she, his. 
 She stared at Anakin with a gentleness she’d never seen him in before and through their connection in the Force, he began to glow, like a star in a supernova. When she glanced down at herself, she found she shone the same. They were two stars in the middle of the galaxy reaching their end and she surged into him to brace for impact. 
 “Anakin!” She called his name into the connection and Anakin murmured her name back, feeling him brush against her cheek like the pad of a thumb. “I’m so close,” she mewled breathlessly and Anakin hummed in reply. He was so bright now, they were both so close that it was blinding. “We end together,” Anakin replied, sifting his fingers through her hair. 
 And they did just that. 
 Like a star in a supernova, she exploded and suddenly she was back in that small alcove of the ship, shuddering in the strong, warm arms of Anakin Skywalker. Her legs trembled with the force of her orgasm as it surged through her, her body melting into Anakin’s as thick, hot spurts of his own release flooded into her. 
 Their skin melted together as they both panted, chasing air back into their lungs and coming down from their highs. Using her arms still wrapped around his neck, she drew herself closer into him, nuzzling the side of her face against his chest. She could hear and feel his heartbeat there, matching the tempo of her own. 
 “I burn for you, Anakin,” her voice came out in barely a whisper. “It’s why I protect you— I’d be nothing if I were to lose you.”
 Anakin said nothing for a moment and she took the time to bask in the warmth of the silence, feeling the rise and fall of his chest beneath her cheek. 
 “It’s because of how much I burn for you that I care so much about you,” he finally murmured his reply. “Because you are my purpose. I only end with you.”
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a/n; okay six posts in a row, i am on a roll LMAOOO but ummmm... i actually feel proud of this one... i know... crazy 😵‍💫 turns out i write the best whenever i'm sitting in the bathtub LMFAO anyways! i truly hope you all enjoy this one :) i’ve enjoyed writing for anakin a lot these days! i don’t know why i never took the time to write for him before, he’s such a unique and complex character who is so fun to write for!
please consider reblogging or even leaving a reply if you enjoyed! it means the world to me 🥹🫶
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graveboywalking · 5 months
★彡[ɢᴏᴛʜɪᴄ ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ ɪᴅ ᴘᴀᴄᴋ]彡★
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Ruby ⛧ Absentia ⛧ Scarlet ⛧ Raven ⛧ Dolly ⛧ Lilith ⛧ Brutus ⛧ Isaiah ⛧ Virgil ⛧ Vincent ⛧ Alastair ⛧ Bellatrix ⛧ Robin ⛧ Anastasia ⛧ Dahlia ⛧ Desdemona ⛧ Belial ⛧ Morte ⛧ Narcissa ⛧ Nyx ⛧ Wren ⛧ Willow ⛧ Damien ⛧ Gabriel ⛧ Salem ⛧ Zane ⛧ Osiris ⛧ Lazarus ⛧ Jasper ⛧ Blair ⛧ Crow ⛧ Obsidian ⛧ Rain ⛧ Saber ⛧ Zephyr ⛧
Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xyrself Cor/Corpse/Corpses/Corpself Gore/Gores/Goreself Haunt/Haunts/Hauntself Necro/Necros/Necroself Vamp/Vamps/Vampself Wit/Witch/Witchs/Witches/Witchself Ghost/Ghosts/Ghostself Ghoul/Ghouls/Ghoulself Spoo/Spooks/Spookself Voi/Void/Voidself Aby/Abyss/Abysself Cree/Creeps/Creepy/Creepself Emp/Empty/Emptys/Emptyself Goth/Goths/Gothself Grave/Graves/Graveself Tomb/Tombs/Tombself Blood/Bloods/Bloodself Fog/Fogs/Fogself Grim/Grims/Grimself Gloo/Gloom/Glooms/Gloomself Wilt/Wilts/WiltedWiltself Nyx/Nyxs/Nyxself Doo/Doom/Dooms/Doomself Bone/Bones/Boneself Dread/Dreads/Dreadself Rot/Rots/Rotself Cat/Cats/Catself BlackCat/Black/Cat/BlackCats/Cats/BlackCatself
Gothgender ⛧ Gothcoric ⛧ Redlipgothian/Blacklipgothian ⛧ Gothpresentic ⛧ Gothity ⛧ Gothbodiment ⛧ Tradgothic Graveboywalking IS CURRENTLY MAKING MORE GOTH-THEMED GENDERS !!
Black The Cat ⛧ Dead Cat Walking ⛧ (Name) The Dead ⛧ Psychological Goth ⛧ Horror Game Home ⛧ The Dark One ⛧ The One Who Comes Out At Night ⛧ (Name)'s Grave ⛧ (Name) Horror ⛧ (Name)'s Horrors ⛧ Dead On The Scene ⛧ Walking Dead ⛧ The Evil One
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"Dual Sword Style Wasn't a Thing"
If you do research on historical versus fantasy swordfighting, you may come across the assertion that fighting with two swords wasn't really a thing. Fighting with a shortsword and parrying dagger, sure, but not two equal-length swords. And this is true - in Europe. However, there's a big wide world out there and as a huge fan of dual-sword style in fantasy games, I wanted our Will to adopt the style. I broadened my research and learned about the historical dual shamshir style from ancient Persia. Not only does it use my favourite kind of historical sword, the long, curved blade, it's a very offensive-themed and frankly gorgeous style. Perfect for Will, the Scarlet Blade.
Will's version of this style isn't fully historically accurate - in my world it's a style from Nibiru, which takes historical inspiration from ancient to Medieval Babylon, Persia, and India-Pakistan. Will learned it from a book and uses the closest Avalon sword equivalent, sabers. But the basics are similar. Because of Will's Blessing of supernatural speed and agility, Marion refers to his style in action as a "blade hurricane." I've shared videos of the style before, but recently found another one that does a great job of demonstrating how the style works. Enjoy!
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hubristicassholefight · 8 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 1
Malenia (Elden Ring) vs Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She is arguably the hardest boss in any Fromsoft game.; She is the favorited boss of Animal from the Muppets.
"Arguably" the hardest boss in any fromsoft game? You don't even know. She is OBJECTIVELY the hardest boss in any fromsoft game. On march 1st 2023, a bit more than a full year since the game's release, From Software released the stats on the amount of attempts each boss took for the players collectively. As of march 1st 2023 Malenia has killed the players 329.000.000 times. That's 10 Tarnished every second. That's almost the entire population of the United States. Malenia is also an optional boss in a secluded area hidden away from everyone. According to PlayStation trophy statistics, only 37.9% of people who ever bought the game managed to even REACH Malenia in the first place. Which means among those 329.000.000 people she has obliterated were only the most dedicated of Fromsoft fans. Only 33.3% of people even managed to beat her. That number also includes everyone who beat her with summons, which makes her significantly easier. This means out of all people who bought the game on PlayStation 4 or 5 and reached Malenia which is about 3 million people, 377.000 just fucking dropped her, they didn't even do it with summons. Difficulty aside. Malenia is also extremely pretty and has the softest lips, her Goddess form looks like a painting. She fights with elegance and style unrivalled by any boss in the game, dancing through the battlefield with deadly, fluid motions. Malenia is also 256cm or 8'4" tall. Huge woman.
post let me solo her
#malenia is 8'4“ flat chested and broad shouldered#she kills you with incredible grace and poise#trans icon#id let her Waterfowl Dance on me and Infect Me with her Scarlet Rot...
#malenia is so dedicated to the sword it mends her failing body. she lives by fighting#her strongest attack is a technique that halts the progress of her terminal illness#i can never stop thinking about that. by all means she couldve rotted into a mile of mush before the game started#but she persists!! she persists!!!
Olivier Mira Armstrong
Her sword is a family heirloom and she can hold up against or defeat very formidable opponents; She is so unbelievably cool
Extremely cool and intimidating military general with a signature heirloom sword.
She has a really fancy family heirloom sword. Stabs a man and throws him into liquid cement to suffocate alive after he tries to get her to abandon her men to be part of a nation-wide conspiracy, challenges a subordinate to a duel of life and death (with the sword), nervous tic is tapping on the hilt of the sword. She demanded that her father retire and make her the head of the family instead of her brother, and then fought against said brother (including with the sword)(won the fight), among other things stabbed a homunculus into the head; I loved this character because her personality was so refreshing. Really blunt and rational, but will show her love for her subordinates and family through actions rather than words. When the main characters first ask her for help, her motivations are entirely selfish (gaining knowledge to use for power). It is established several times that she really is scary, and isn't afraid to immediatly fight someone on the spot to prove a point. Literally pulls a "I'm getting so old, I'm afraid a women like me will never find a husband," to manipulate a superior. All in all, she could stab me and it would be the greatest accomplishment I had made in my life so far.
Her sword has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations. She is an expert in sword fighting and military strategy. She always holding it when commanding her troops.
She wields a saber passed down as a family heirloom; while she also sometimes uses guns and tanks, this is her primary weapon, which she used to kill the super-strong Homunculus Sloth the Indolent several times (she did, however, need help from others to kill him permanently, due to Sloth's ability to regenerate from death); As a Major General, Olivier is the highest-ranking woman in her country's military; she is also the moral highest-ranked military officer in her country, as she joins in a rebellion once she has confirmation as to how corrupt the military leaders are.
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dingostrash · 1 year
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Shipping something as a joke but oopsie daisy
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stardancerluv · 2 months
A Time to Love and to Fight
Part: Thirty One
Summary: The truth comes to life.
Notes/Warnings: Angst, flashbacks to the barricade, mortality questions. 🍋Lemonade🍋 came to London in the 1800’s they made it with Honey, before it became chic…men on ships used to drink it to prevent scurvy.
❤️s, feedback, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
He slipped free of his coat, untied and pulled his scarlet scarf from his throat. Laying them on his desk, he turned and kelt in front of his cupboard. When the door creaked open, he glanced around. He hated hiding this from you. It wasn’t in his nature.
Though he did not want to risk upsetting you or his unborn child. Uncovering, the sabers, he took the one had grown more comfortable toward. Inhaling, he began slicing through the room.
At first it was only his room that was a blur as he moved around. His heart began to beat harder, his breathing shallowed as his room began to fade it shifted in his mind to when he had first began to art of the sword. It had been at an early age when he learned on how easy it was for him move about. He was good at dodging and deflecting.
As a child, he never found it hard to find a place for his foot when climbing a tree or running across rocks that made it easier to cross a brook on his family’s estate. His heart lurched as his mind brought back the moments in the alley. The space easily had grown tight and the air had soured with plumes of smoke from the pistols and canons. The barricade fell broken in mere moments. A vision of his friend, Courfeyrac; he had long since laid rest his memory. He had been brave stood tall and made it possible for him and you run away from the soldiers that burst through the doors.
Stopping, lifting his arm clad in a start white sleeve he brushed aside the sweat that blossomed on his forehead. Thank you dear friend, he whispered in his mind.
“Mon amour.” There was a knock and creek of his door opening as your voice fluttered over to his ears.
Turned on his heal.
“There you are.” Your voice was so light, like the sunlight that shone into his room.
He coughed, holding the sword close to him. He glanced back at you over his shoulder. “Yes?”
He saw your brow furrow and your smile wavered but remained.
“A message came. I thought we’d read it together.”
“Ah, yes…yes. Bring it and yourself to the sitting room. I will shall join you shortly.”
“Oh, yes that shall be pleasant.” And his door snapped shut.
He relaxed, though annoyance prickled him. He hated that his words to you were as sharp as the sword in his hands. His heart rode his emotions, his actions. He crossed the short distance to his cupboard. He had to compose himself before joining you.
“My lady?” The soft voice of Beatrice broke the world of the book in your lap.
“Oh? Yes?” You were still getting addressed as such. Greta had always been respectful but lady, that was an entirely different class then you ever expected to be addressed in. And in these last couple of months. You realized not to argue with Beatrice over it. In the end, it only helped you and Enjolras in your new life.
“Sorry to disturb you but a message came for Sir Julien.”
You put the book down and with a quick breath, you stood and went over to her. “I would love to bring it to him.”
“I am sure, he will enjoy that all the more.”
Beatrice then handed it to you before turning and returning back to whatever task she busied herself with beforehand.
You can tell it had been replaced on the smooth and more elegant paper for the destination it was to reach. The paper felt very nice nice in your hands.
You were confused as to why he had not turned to even face you. His words, his tone were like an icy shadow compared to the days you had heard him speak warmly and passionately.
“Oh, yes that shall be pleasant.”
You felt a churning inside of you, not wanting anything further from this shadow of the man you loved, you closed the door at his last word.
On the small table besides the chaise, you tossed away the fine paper. The exchange between the two of you didn’t make you inclined to hold it any longer.
Eyeing the pitcher you wondered of its contents. You smiled seeing the sweet lemon and honey mixture. Beatrice, knowing you didn’t always want to ring by bell or other means would leave you pitchers ready for your thirst would fall over you. Though it was best kept inside because if you were to go to the garden, she would bring it out. Because if not it attracted more beings then the flowers did.
You poured yourself a glass, then holding your day dress just so you said down on the chaise. The cushions were very comforting and the dye chosen in it always pleased you. It reminded you on the sun shining down water by a forest or the ocean when it was not angry.
“There is my ange.” You noticed that his words had soften.
You barely glanced his way, and u took a sip from your cup.
He closed the door and soon his shadow fell over you, as he stopped on the other side of the table.
“Is this the message?”
You looked up, you immediately noticed the top buttons on his billowy shirt were undone and a flush dusted his cheeks. It made you pause. “Yes.”
You noticed that he also poured himself a cup. “I am glad you are fond of this.” He held up the cup and soon he snatched the envelope in his other hand and came and sat beside you. He took sip.
“It is very pleasant. It lays close to my heart like a deep rose tea.”
He smiled. “You do enjoy your tea.”
You nodded.
He put the cup down. He held up the envelope. “From home, I do wonder what they coiled possibly want.”
You put down your cup, reaching up you drew his hand down. “What is the matter?”
His brows knit together. “What are you questioning?“
You swallowed. “You.”
The flush returned to his cheeks.
“I see you infrequently unless it is time to slumber or eat.” You shrugged. “Yes, on the occasion I see you in the garden and we take in its beauty like we did in the park so long ago. But now, you act as if I have grown to be a nuisance or I am no longer bare any importance in your life.”
You finally spoke of all that had been lingering in your heart. A tear escaped and ran down your cheek.
He pressed his lips together, he placed the letter back on the table and finished what was in his cup. You didn’t dare move, you felt as if he was gonna spring off the chaise like a kitten would if it was hoping to catch a butterfly or a mouse. And right now you couldn’t bear the thought of him leaving your side.
Then he did the unexpected. He shifted and moved till he was sitting like he had under the willow in garden of your home. His back now more comfortably supported by the curve of the chaise.
The sight of him before you as such made your heart yearn.
“Do not break my heart.”
“Oh, my sweet amour.” Easily, having forgotten the strength he has you found yourself nestled close to him.
You laid like this. Silence had fallen over the two of you like a blanket would have. You felt the beat of his hear, the warmth of his breath and his arms draped loosely around you. That you knew was for fear of disturbing the baby that still grew with you.
“Oh my amour.” He spoke again lifting his chin from where it had nestled in the strands of your hair.
“Our life, our destiny more mine that yours may cause your heart to break, not I. In my wild, undignified ways I will always love you.”
His words, the feel of his heart beating harder, made you move so you could look at him.
“Not long after we arrived and wonderful news of the blessing of a child filled our new home. A storm, a shadow drifted and reached our shores from our past.”
You watched as he swallowed. Despite the warmth of him around you, coolness prickled you.
“A man, a solider is seeking revenge for my action. I struck down his son at the barricade. Now he is searching and wishes to do the same to me.”
“That was during a fight, skirmish I dare say. Deaths, men get slain.”
He nodded.
“Did I grow angry at the boat that went down or the ocean that swallowed my father? No. I was made that it was my father. Does be not see this?”
“No. He does not see that it was an act or war. There was no personal thoughts. It was a question of survival.”
You nestled close. “What are you to do?”
“I watch my shadow and I have been practicing with the sabers, my father sent me.”
“Enjolras, why…but why?” You were at a loss as why did not fair this horrific news with you.
One of his gently reached and held what he could of your growing stomach.
“What if he found you while you would be at the tavern? Were I then to find out when you would not return to us?”
He stilled under you. “To be honest, the thought had never came to me.”
You had not been able to sleep, reading by candlelight finally you felt as sleepiness clawed at you.
You felt the bed give after what felt like moments after you had pulled the blanket more tightly around you.
“Enjolras?” Your voice scratchy from sleep.
“Yes, mon amour.”
The bed gave only this time, only beside you. You blinked at the now glow of the candle on the table beside the bed.
Looking up you smiled seeing, Enjolras in and out of the shadows. It made him all the more handsome at that moment. You watched as could see etched on his face.
“Are you alright?”
“I just could have sworn I had just crawler back into bed when you awoke. I was worried I disturbed you.”
“I don’t think so. I had just used the water closet and seeing the dawn, I knew I had best travel to the harbor. The package mentioned in the letter should be arriving today.”
“Would you have awoken me?”
He smiled and ran his fingers through his curls. “Once the carriage was ready.”
“Let me come with you.”
You put your hand over his.
“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.”
“I will stay in the carriage. I need to do something outside of our estate.”
He pressed his lips together. He knew there was no stopping you.
“You are my husband.” You admitted. You were not that rebellious.
He inhaled and absently rubbed his goatee. “Maybe we can eat at the tavern or perhaps even do a little shopping.”
“Yes, but make me a promise my amour.”
“Please, if I grow concerned you will listen to me. I don’t quite trust these English men.”
“I promise.”
The carriage rolled and bumped through the countryside. The world world turned but a murky dark blue, to purple to violet and finally to a clear light blue.
You say absently, after stirring.
“Looks like it will be a good day.” You yawn softly, waling more from your unexpected nap.
With the shaking, the creaks and cracks of the carriage the two of you actually had drifted off for more that half of the portion of the trip to the city proper.
He gave you a side long glance. “You look like a proper English lady with the hat and the gloves.” He rolled his shoulders, before stretching out his legs with a sigh.
You squeezed his arm before glancing down at yourself. “You think so?”
“Only far lovelier.”
Your cheeks flushed. “Enjolras. How is it you still make me blush.”
“Because my words speak the truth.”
@henry-cavs-tudor @corrodedcoffn @dealswiththedevilsblog @randomstory56 @pl1nfa1 @phantomxoxo @ladybug0095 @the-iridescent-phoenix @maryan028 @kindablackenedsuperhero @amethyst-serenade @moondev1l @samunson83 @julieteagk @little-wormwood @wafflepixie @shadyhamiltonfanatic @gretavankleep37 @peacefroggg23 @capailluiscedove @poisonedeuphoria
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Making more of these till I get attention *stares into your soul* /silly
That’s /hj, I really did want to make this songtive as soon as I heard the song
Edit: it took me 2 days to do this actually 💀
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⟦ 🌱 ⟧ ⟣ Name(s): Butcher, Roadkill, Karni, Guts, Carcass, Scarlet, Narcissa, Saber, Sabel, Fallon, Venom, Bane, Rudy, Hydra, Virus, Ouroboros, Vapula, Vepar, Morax, Veni / Venison / Venni / Venn, Havoc, Crimson, Blade, Bloode, Wraith, Haunt, Velle / Velvet, and/or Sanguine
⟦ 🍄 ⟧ ⟣ Age: Adolescageless (“young” is fluid from older teen to young adult)
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Gender: Neonymgirl, Cannibalcoric, Uncannygender, ADAB, Butchervanic, Cannibslaughter, Cannibalintrusive, Gendermonster, Nonhumanthing, Fauxhuman, Invicannigod, Humanitropic, Rawmeataesic, Gluttonicoitus, Cannimata, Distortgirl, ACHAB, and ABAB
⟦ 🥞 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (3rd): She/her, They/them, it/its, Sh🥩/h🥩r, Sh🩸/h🩸r, Sh⨳/h⨳r, kill/killself, slau/slaughter/slaughterself, starve/starveself, murk/murder/murks/murders/murderself (or murkself), butch/butcher/butcherself, 🔪/🔪self, freak/freakself, meat/meatself, gore/goreself, mag/maggot/maggotself, tear/tearself, cut/cutself, glutton/gluttony/gluttonyself, sin/sinew/sinewself, bone/boneself, blood/bloodself, app/appetite/appetiteself, sin/sinself, addi/addict/addictself, maim/maimself, stab/stabself, rip/ripself, 🥩/🥩self, 🩸/🩸self, 🪓/🪓self, 🪦/🪦self, ⚠️/⚠️self, ‼️/‼️, and 🍖/🍖self
⟦ 🍂 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (2nd): you/your/yours/yourself, mur/murker/murkers/murkerself, and 🪓/🪓r/🪓rs/🪓self
⟦ 🐑 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (1st): I/me/my/mine/myself, canni/canne/canny/cannibine/cannibalself, 🪓/🪓/🪓y/🪓ine/🪓self, ‼️/‼️/‼️y/‼️ine/‼️self, and 🔪/🔪/🔪y/🔪ine/🔪self
⟦ 🌿 ⟧ ⟣ Orientation: Biflexible (Bi to Omnisexual) and Hypercanni
⟦ 🌷 ⟧ ⟣ Species: (Gluttony)Demon-human hybrid, demon aspects aren’t visible.
⟦ 🧺 ⟧ ⟣ Role(s) & Abilities: Prone to being a Hunter-Persecutor (May get the urge to hunt down and harm another headmate in headspace) & Malicitor. They can be a Guzzler when need be, and It is also Omniscient at which it may use to h⨳r advantage.
⟦ 🍀 ⟧ ⟣ Source(s): Butcher’s Vanity by Vane, Ricediety, and JamieP (Cw for blood, weapons, cannibalism, and similar themes in the song & music video).
⟦ 🍓 ⟧ ⟣ TransID(s): Transbutcher, Transcannibal, Transcannibalismaddict, Transpsychopath, Aempathy, Vantablakamian, Translingual Chinese, Transambidextrous, Transpara (⚰️), Bloodscentian, Xenoaura (Aura: Fear, “Wrong”, Uncanny, & Blood), Albdermanism, Transdrooling, and Permahungry
⟦ 🧸 ⟧ ⟣ CisID(s): Intrusive thoughts (around cannibalism), Low empathy, Nihilist, God Complex, Pale, Sadist (only barely sexual), Red eyes, black hair, and tattoos (sin has hidden red lines on tears skin outlining the different parts of maims body).
⟦ 🍃 ⟧ ⟣ Paraphilia(s): Cannibalism Kink (Not as bad as a para)
⟦ 🍯 ⟧ ⟣ Personality: Sh🩸 is a very careless, energetic, and clever being. Often exhibiting very observant and intelligent behavior, 🥩 enjoys analyzing behavior in humans, especially under pressure. Starve is occasionally kind and friendly towards people it deems equals, but it bit a lot of studying a person for butch to lead up to seeing someone that way.
⟦ 🌸 ⟧ ⟣ Interests: Human Anatomy, Studying & Collecting variations of weapons (commonly knives), Butcher work, Collecting random items, and Theology. It also likes scaring people in differing ways.
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Dislikes: Not eating for a while, the concept of “normal”, majority of humans, spring, “mundane foods”,
⟦ 🥐 ⟧ ⟣ Signoff(s): 🥩, 🍖, 🔪, 🥩🍴, 🪓, 🩸, ⚠️
⟦ 🥧 ⟧ ⟣ Other: She looks (and sounds) like h🩸r source character. It has two “faces”. The more realistic facial appearance is her real face, and the “^q^” is a mask. <- I had to include this detail, I love it XD.
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Disclaimer: An headmate/alter does not need to be exactly as specified, and we do not support forcing an headmate/alter to be exactly as specified. Also, we are not responsible for anything that a headmate/alter made from this does. 
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46snowfox · 6 months
Kino Chaos Lineage Capítulo 1
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[Prólogo Scarlet]
Lugar: Mansión Scarlet, Habitación disponible
Yui: Entonces elijo a Kino-san…
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Kino: Hm, así que yo. Dime, ¿por qué me elegiste?
Yui: Pues, por una corazonada…
Kino: ¿Qué demonios? ¿Eliges a la persona que estará a tu lado por una mera corazonada? Eva ha de tener nervios de acero.
Yui: (Por más que reclame no tengo cómo rebatirle, de verdad que no ha sido más que por mera intuición.)
Kino: Fufu, bueno, no importa. Ahora que me elegiste… las cosas se pondrán divertidas.
Yui: (¿Qué será? Acabo de sentir un escalofrío recorrer mi espalda… Es solo mi imaginación, ¿no?)
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Yui: (Todos se retiraron tras la elección de mi vigilante.)
Yui: (Aunque me pregunto si Kino-san tendrá razón, tal vez no debí elegir a mi acompañante tan al azar.)
Yui: (Más importante, la historia que me contaron ayer…)
Yui: (Dijeron que por más que me tuvieran en su poder desconocían cómo convertirse en el rey supremo.)
Yui: No parece que vayan a matarme, pero ¿qué sucederá de ahora en adelante…?
*knock knock*
Yui: ¡Ah…! ¡Pase!
Yui: (¿Quién será?)
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Kino: Veo que despertaste. ¿Cómo te sientes?
Yui: Igual que siempre…
Kino: ¿Ah sí? Pues que bueno. Avísame si te pasa algo. No me causes problemas.
Yui: Entendido…
Yui: (Problemas eh. Desde la perspectiva de Kino-san no soy más que trabajo extra.)
Kino: Por cierto, debes de haberla pasado mal ayer, ya que todos intentaban capturarte.
Yui: Pues sí. Apenas había abierto los ojos y ya me encontraba en medio de un campo de batalla.
Yui: (Ese ambiente arrebatadoramente tenso… Me pregunto qué clase de batallas ocurrirán de ahora en adelante. Solo pensar en ello me abruma.)
Kino: Pareces estar hundida en tus pensamientos. Eso no será bueno para tu salud… Ya sé, ¿quieres salir un momento?
Yui: ¿Eh…? ¿Salir?
Kino: Estar todo el tiempo encerrada ha de ser asfixiante, por eso es mejor cambiar de aires.
Yui: (Tras todo lo que dijeron ayer pensé que no me dejarían poner ni un solo pie afuera… ¿Me equivoqué?)
Yui: ¿De verdad puedo salir? Reiji-san podría enojarse…
Kino: Solo caminaremos por los terrenos de la mansión. No pasará nada si no nos descubren.
Kino: Además, las palabras de ese cabeza dura tampoco son ley.
Yui: Pero…
Kino: Te digo que no pasa nada. ¡Vamos, andando!
Yui: ¡Ah…! ¡Espere, Kino-san!
Yui: (A juzgar por lo sucedido ayer creo firmemente que desobedecer a Reiji-san desembocará en un gran problema.)
Yui: (¿De verdad estará bien hacer lo que nos plazca?)
Lugar Afueras de la mansión
Yui: Wow, que brisa tan agradable…
Yui: (Estaba nerviosa, pero me alegro de haber salido. El viento nocturno es reconfortante…)
Yui: (Además, cuando llegué no pude darme el lujo de apreciarlo… pero el exterior de la mansión es realmente precioso.)
Yui: (Más adelante hay un bosque. Este lugar está rodeado por la naturaleza, es precioso… Si tan solo no estuviéramos en medio de un conflicto.)
Yui: Muchas gracias Kino-san. Ya me siento un poco mejor.
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Kino. …Es hasta lamentable lo mucho que bajas la guardia.
Yui: ¿Eh…?
Kino: Mira que agradecerme por hacer algo tan ínfimo como esto, que tonta eres.
Kino: Pero… ahora finalmente podré succionar tu sangre.
Yui: ¡¿Kya…?!
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Yui: (Duele… ¡Es demasiado fuerte…!)
Kino: Vamos, quédate quieto. Si te mueves ni yo sabré en dónde terminaré clavándote mis colmillos.
Yui: ¡¿C-colmillos?! ¿Acaso… desde un principio planeabas succionar mi sangre…?
Kino: Por supuesto. No puedo succionar con calma tu sangre en la mansión, pero aquí nadie nos interrumpirá.
Kino: Siempre me interesó saber cómo sabía la sangre de Eva.
Yui: ¡N-no! ¡Si haces eso moriré!
Kino: No morirás por perder un poco de sangre. Aunque no sé si terminaré bebiéndola toda.
Yui: ¡…!
Kino: Fufu, linda expresión. Ya veo… así que esta será la primera vez que succionen tu sangre.
Yui: ¡…! Mi brazo… me duele… Kino-san…
Yui: (Pensé que era una buena persona… Sabía que no debía relajarme con un vampiro.)
Kino: Escucha, voy a perforar tu cuello con mis colmillos. ¿Qué tan doloroso crees que será?
Yui: …No… lo hagas…
Kino: Que reacción tan inocente, me alegro de haberla visto. Vamos, saborea por primera vez la sensación de los colmillos. Nn… Nn…
Yui: Aah…
Yui: (¡…Duele…! Mi cuello me arde…)
Yui: (Mi sangre sale de mi cuello… No me gusta… esto…)
Kino: Wow… que potente… Es mucho más dulce de lo que imaginé. Es como un higo, podría volverme adicto.
Yui: Por favor… ya suélteme…
Kino: ¿Cómo podría soltar una delicia como esta? Ahora será desde aquí.
Yui: No, basta…
Kino: No me detendré. ¡Nn… Nn…!
Yui: Uuh… Aah…
Yui: (¡No, duele…! Que alguien me ayude…)
Yui: (Un vampiro succiona mi sangre… ¿Así es como moriré…?)
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Yui: ¿Uh? ¿Qué…?
Yui: (Ese lugar…)
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Yui: (Sí… es verdad… Esto no basta para matarme.)
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Yui: (Porque ya han bebido mi sangre una cantidad incontable de veces.)
Yui: (En la mansión Sakamaki, todos han—)
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*sonido de algo rompiéndose*
Yui: …Aah… Aah…
Yui: (Lo recordé… Yo—)
Yui: (Yo soy Yui Komori.)
Yui: (¿En dónde estoy? ¡¿Qué fue lo que sucedió?!)
Kino: …Oye, no me digas que ya te rompiste. La diversión recién ha empezado.
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Yui: Usted… ¿Quién es?
Kino: ¿Ah? ¿A qué viene eso ahora? Me presenté junto a mis hermanos, ¿recuerdas?
Yui: ¿Hermanos…?
Yui: (¡Es verdad! ¡Reiji-san y los demás! Cuando me desperté estaba en una iglesia y luego me trajeron hasta acá—)
Yui: (¿Por qué ahora Yuma-san es hermano de Reiji-san y Shu-san? Además, ¡¿qué es todo eso del “rey supremo”?!)
Yui: (¿Qué está pasando? No entiendo absolutamente nada…)
Yui: No estamos en Kaminashi… ¿Es el mundo demonio? ¿O acaso es otro lugar?
Yui: ¿Esa mansión le pertenece a la familia Sakamaki? Pero entonces, ¿qué hay de esa iglesia?
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Kino: Sakamaki… ¿Acaso has recuperado la memoria?
Yui: ¿Mi memoria…?
Kino: Te diste cuenta de lo descabellada que es esta situación, ¿me equivoco?
Yui: Sí, así es.
Kino: …Aah, supongo que ya no tengo motivos para guardar secretos.
Kino: No imaginé que tus recuerdos volverían al succionar tu sangre. Esto estaba fuera de mis cálculos.
Yui: ¿Quién es usted…?
Kino: No tienes que ser tan precavida. Volveré a presentarme, mi nombre es Kino.
Kino: Soy el príncipe cero de Karl Heinz.
Yui: ¿De Karl Heinz…?
Yui: ¿…eh? ¡¿Eeeh?! ¡¿Entonces eres hermano de Ayato-kun y los demás?!
Yui: ¡Jamás pensé que tendrían otro hermano…!
Kino: Bueno, soy un hijo ilegítimo, es normal que no lo supieras.
Kino: Debido a ciertos motivos no me criaron para heredar la corona, soy a lo que llaman “un bastardo”.
Yui: Ya veo…
Yui: (Toda la situación familiar de los Sakamaki es complicada, no es extraño imaginar que haya un hijo ilegítimo de por medio…)
Kino: Lo aceptaste más rápido de lo que imaginé, bueno, eso acelera las cosas.
Yui: (¿Realmente es hijo de Karl Heinz…? Nunca antes había escuchado algo sobre él…)
Kino: Se nota que no me crees. Aunque es normal, a fin de cuentas soy un hijo no reconocido.
Kino: Soy un bastardo que no fue criado para heredar la corona.
Kino: Si quieres puedo mandar a volar algo usando mis poderes para que me creas.
Yui: ¡¿Eh?! ¡No necesitas llegar a tal extremo, te creo…!
Kino: Ya veo, que bueno que me creas.
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Yui: ¿Pero qué hace usted aquí…?
Yui: Para empezar, ¡¿en dónde estamos?!
Kino: Cálmate. Además, no seas tan formal conmigo, quiero que seamos amigos.
Yui: Ah… Entendido. ¿Entonces qué tal si te llamo Kino-kun?
Yui: Oh, permítame presentarme otra vez. Me llamo Yui Komori. Hasta ahora he estado viviendo en la mansión Sakamaki—
Kino: Ya lo sé. Vives junto a los hermanos Sakamaki y eres la única e inigualable Eva, ¿verdad?
Yui: ¿Eh? ¿Cómo sabes eso?
Kino: Bueno, eso no importa ahora. La situación actual es el verdadero problema.
Kino: Creo que ya lo sabes, estamos en una ubicación desconocida y todos están actuando extraño.
Yui: S-sí… Aunque hasta hace nada no me lo planteaba.
Yui: Parece que mis recuerdos fueron modificados. Me había olvidado por completo de todos.
Yui: Solo pensaba en que durante mucho tiempo estuve dormida en la iglesia y que yo era Eva, a quien los demás debían robar para determinar quién se ganaría esta batalla y se convertiría en el rey supremo.
Kino: Hm, también alteraron mis recuerdos. Imagino que pasó lo mismo con los demás.
Kino: Me implantaron la idea de que en este lugar… hay que pelear para convertirse en el rey supremo.
Yui: La batalla para convertirse en el rey supremo…
Kino: Bueno, afortunadamente pude recuperarme gracias a esto.
Yui: ¿Un celular?
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Kino: Sí, mientras jugaba con él terminé abriendo mi e-mail y gracias a eso logré recordar varias cosas.
Kino: Aun así, no tengo ni idea de en dónde estamos y como no hay internet no puedo usar mi celular.
Yui: Ya veo… Eso significa que no podemos contactar con el mundo exterior…
Kino Exacto, por eso no me hubiera servido intentar trabajar solo. Y por eso mismo me adapté y examiné la situación.
Yui: Entiendo… ¿Eh?
Yui: ¿Entonces por qué succionaste mi sangre?
Kino: Porque quise darme un gusto. Olías tan dulce que no pude controlarme.
Kino: Nunca había bebido una sangre tan especial, quise darle una probadita.
Yui: ¡¿Solo por eso?!
Yui: (Aunque no puedo culparlo, sé que mi sangre es especial para los vampiros.)
Yui: (Todos los hermanos Sakamaki han succionado mi sangre por la misma razón, así que no tiene sentido enojarme con él…)
Kino: Tu sangre es de primera clase. Es bueno que no se la tengas que dar a cualquier vampiro.
Kino: Sabía mejor de lo que esperaba. Creo que nos llevaremos de maravilla.
Yui: S-supongo.
Kino: Dicho esto, unamos fuerzas. En estos momentos somos los únicos que han recuperado sus recuerdos.
Kino: ¿No crees que deberíamos ayudarnos?
Yui: (Es cierto que me siento desolada ahora que todos han enloquecido.)
Yui: (¿Pero realmente puedo confiar en Kino-kun…)
Yui: (…No, actualmente no estoy en posición de dudar.)
Yui: Está bien… Unamos fuerzas y superemos esta situación.
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Kino: Fufu, pues decidido. Cuento contigo.
"Sostuve la fría mano que Kino-kun me tendió.
Una tierra desconocida en donde los recuerdos de todos han sido alterados.
Mi ansiedad aumenta al no saber qué es lo que está sucediendo.
Kino-kun parece haber entrecerrado sus ojos y esbozado una sonrisa al notar mi estado.
Sus ojos parecían un par de lunas crecientes y solo lograban despertar mi preocupación—"
[Capítulo 2]
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