#scarlet bianchi
yoselin-uyu · 11 months
Hpma Charecter Profile ♦️
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Hiii, so even if i already made one before i chaged somethings ! But mostly all is the same 🤌🏻
I share canon with these beautiful people: (Where i'll be making a drawing with them of how they meet or sm)
Tristan Winger @khamoise || ♡
Nathaniel @jasminediaz ||
Adalia Untermann @maleliddell ​ ||
Scarlet Bianchi @immagrosscandy ​ ||
Charlotte Sorell @aleapple1216 ||
Crowen @tiny-chiro ||
-> He's very popular, thanks to the fact that it is very easy for him to make friends.
-> when i say he just wants to be loved is that it's not hard to make him fall for anyone. (Also... Pansexual)
-> yep, in 6th - 7th grade he has his first real/official relationship with Tristan Winger, and that is an interesting story we'll talk about later.
-> He has lots of hairstlyes, but you'll never see him with short hair.
-> Even if he hates the fact that the Frey twins do and are bullies, something prevents him from not getting along well with them. He says that they can change, they are just kids looking for attention. Although he cant say the same for Cassandra, he just doesn't like her at all.
Past story:
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> He lives on the land of Svolvær where it is always winter with nice people near the lake.
> The town remained traditional and cultured for a long time, when his grandfather was going to leave the position of chief to his son, he fled with his beloved, leaving his son
> Now being raised by his grandparents, Everard was supposed to, once he was old enough, be in charge of the town's affairs.
> His first strong manifestation of magic was at the age of 4 when he got lost in the woods following a cougar to fight with it 
> [When the cougar became aware of the presence of the child, it hid and went from being the prey to the hunter, keeping the curious child in its sights, when it was slowly approaching to attack it, Everard saw it and remained quietly in shock, not knowing what to do , apparently unconsciously he wanted to be a bear to defend himself and instead of that he seemed to call a real one, causing this bear to defend him from the cougar, when he won he passed by the boy ignoring him, for Everard it was incredible he would never forget that moment].
> After that he did tricks with the other children of the town, his grandmother who was the wise of the town said that his mother was a witch that Everard had inherited it from her.
> Everard was always an outgoing child who loved to get lost in the woods, he learned that he should always put others before himself, but he was not going to be embarrassed for that .
> Everard always came out to defend those who were given unfair treatment since childhood.
> That's why he used to get into several fights since he was little, Adults and Parents couldn't interfere in a fight because from there the value of each one was demonstrated, Fortunately Everard managed to win each one of them.
> When he received his letter from Hogwarts accompanied by Hagrid, his grandparents were not very in favor of letting Everard neglect his education and responsibilities with other kinds of people, but in the end, they accepted it.
> Everard very happy to know the outside world and discover why his parents had abandoned him in order to get out of that place, he understood them, the outside was incredibly wide and different, he got excited imagining that so many adventures await him.
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immagrosscandy · 1 year
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If anyone wants to befriend scarlet here she is 👉🏿👈🏿
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theguythatdraws · 1 year
Happy Birthday, Scarlet!
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I promised drawings for today, But I didn't know what to draw so here's a scarlet being victim of me experimenting w/ artstyle, I'm on computer and It won't let me tag candy, so, i'll send this to her later
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Art Credit to Simone Bianchi
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616scarletvision · 2 years
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whiskeyswriting · 4 months
Dreams of Red: They Come True
| Formula 1 / F1 Masterlist |
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Many would find it hard to believe that this would happen. But not Alana. She always knew that one day she would find herself here: watching her baby brothers driving F1 Ferrari cars.
*Blurb inspired by the video of Arthur's first time driving a Ferrari F1 car. Dedicated to my fellow Ferrari girlie: @bayisdying*
Video here: Facebook | Instagram | TikTok
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Growing up in Monaco, it wasn’t hard for the Leclercs to fall in love with the F1 world. Lorenzo initially had to drag his twin sister, Alana Leclerc, to the balcony with him to watch the races. It wasn’t long before Alana was cheering along with Lorenzo and waiting for the scarlet car to zoom by. A few years after their new tradition, Charles joined them. Lorenzo and Alana would hold up Charles to watch.
“I want to drive Fewawi one day,” Charles told Alana one day as she was helping him finish his homework.
“Yeah? I’ll cheer for you Charlie!”
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Alana was now carrying Arthur as they watched the race from the balcony. “It’s almost here Art!”
Arthur clapped his hands excitedly when he caught sight of the Ferrari. His eyes shown with the love and admiration of someone who wanted to be driving the same car in the future.
“Car!” Arthur kept yelling whenever the Ferraris would pass by.
The balcony door burst open and Jules and Baylie Bianchi came to join their in person watch party.
“Baby Leclec!” Baylie yelled and rushed to hug Arthur. “Hi Chawlie! I lost toof!” She says to her best friend and points to her missing tooth.
“I lost same one!” Charles tells her in response.
The older Leclerc siblings and Jules all share a knowing look.
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As the years passed, the Leclerc siblings all got into karting. But it was Charles and Arthur that took it more seriously than Lorenzo and Alana. However that did not stop them from supporting them to the fullest extent possible. Soon, little Baylie Bianchi was also following Jules’ footsteps and also karting. The four racers and the Leclerc twins all made a vow to help the drivers one day reach their dreams of driving for Ferrari.
If she were being honest, Alana would say she wanted her siblings and best friend, Baylie, to stop their racing careers after Jules’ accident. But she knew she would feel worse making them give up their dreams.
It was the 2017 Baku Formula 2 round that changed everything for them. Alana couldn’t bring herself to be physically at Charles’ race after their dad’s passing. She could only hope Jules and Herve were watching over him and leading him. She sobbed when Charles won. “He’s getting closer,” she whispered to the sky.
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2019 and 2020 were the happiest years for the tight knit group when Charles and Baylie were respectively signed to Ferrari. Was Seb going to missed in the team? Obviously but to have two of her favorite people living their dreams, Alana was so proud of them.
She was also proud of the cute couple they made. Childhood friends to lovers. Watching them both reminded Alana of her own love story with Jules, even if it was cut short. Alana looked down at her engagement ring and knew that when the time came, she would want Charles to have it to propose to Baylie.
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After getting the news that Arthur would be leaving the Ferrari Driver Academy, Alana wasn’t sure what his future would look like. But here they were in January 2024. Arthur was announced as the development driver for Ferrari.
Baylie and Lorenzo had to physically hold back Alana from rushing and hugging her baby brothers when she saw them getting into the F1 car. Both her babies were living the dream they had since childhood. From watching the Ferraris in their balcony, to watching her favorite people racing in Formula 1 for Ferrari, Alana knew that dreams, especially those of red…. She knew they came true.
“Papa. Jules… Our Baylie and our boys did it. They’re living their dream and yours too… I wish you both could be here to complete our families.”
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@/arthur_leclerc: A dream come true yesterday ❤️
@/alana.lec: Baby brother..! I’m so proud to be called your big sister. I remember carrying you in my arms as we watched the races from the balcony. And here you are. You’re my prettiest Ferrari boy in red… After Fred…!
@/bayliebianchi57: Baby Leclerc! I hope you didn’t pee in my seat! Just teasing you! Our dream continues Baby Leclerc… I can’t wait til one day Im racing with you and we both pass your brother!
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giardinoweb · 2 months
Ribes in fiore: una cascata di bellezza per il tuo giardino primaverile
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Con l'arrivo della primavera, i giardini si risvegliano con la bellezza e la vitalità dei fiori in fiore. Tra le gemme più affascinanti di questa stagione spiccano i cespugli di ribes, che con i loro grappoli di fiori pendenti creano una visione incantevole. Tra le varietà più ammirate, troviamo quelle dal colore vibrante, come 'Pulborough Scarlet' e 'King Edward VII', che aggiungono un tocco di intensità e vivacità a qualsiasi giardino. Queste selezioni sono spesso accostate alla presenza della forsizia, formando un affascinante contrasto di colori e forme. Ribes 'Pulborough Scarlet' Tuttavia, se desideri esplorare qualcosa di nuovo o preferisci una nota più delicata, potresti optare per i ribes dalle tonalità più chiare. 'Poky's Pink', con i suoi fiori rosa tenue, o 'Tydeman's White', che sfoggia una tonalità di rosa pallido, sono scelte ideali per chi cerca una bellezza più sottile e raffinata. E se stai cercando fiori bianchi puri, non puoi sbagliare con 'White Icicle'. Questa varietà, combinata con le foglie verdi appena spuntate, incarna perfettamente la freschezza e la gioventù della primavera. Ribes 'Poky's Pink' Indipendentemente dalla varietà scelta, i ribes sono piante estremamente versatili e facili da coltivare. Possono prosperare in una varietà di terreni, sia in pieno sole che in ombra parziale, e fioriscono da marzo ad aprile o maggio. Inoltre, sono semplici da propagare tramite talee, rendendo la loro coltivazione ancora più accessibile a tutti i giardinieri. Molte persone notano un leggero profumo di felce proveniente dalle foglie dei ribes, il che aggiunge un ulteriore elemento di interesse a queste piante. Tuttavia, questo profumo è appena percettibile a meno che non si schiaccino le foglie, quindi non sarà invadente nel tuo giardino. Se lasciati crescere liberamente, i cespugli di ribes possono diventare piuttosto imponenti, raggiungendo un'altezza e una larghezza di circa 2-3 metri. Tuttavia, sono facilmente controllabili tramite potatura, che consente di mantenerli delle dimensioni desiderate. Un esempio affascinante di come i ribes possano essere integrati in un giardino è il Boschetto di Sissinghurst, dove questi cespugli sono sotto-piantati con fiori primaverili che creano un'atmosfera magica. In conclusione, i ribes in fiore sono una scelta eccezionale per aggiungere colore, bellezza e vitalità al tuo giardino primaverile. Con la loro varietà di colori e la facilità di coltivazione, sono una risorsa preziosa per ogni giardiniere desideroso di creare un'atmosfera primaverile incantevole nel proprio spazio verde. Read the full article
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519magazine · 6 months
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team-mew-s-a · 6 months
Expansion Draft: Protected List Predictions
I haven't seen any protected lists published yet, so below I've listed out who I think each team will/should protect. Other than the +1, they aren't in any particular order. We'll see how close I come soon!
Angel City:
Claire Emslie
Ali Riley
MA Vignola
Alyssa Thompson
Syd Leroux
Angelina Anderson
Amandine Henry
Jun Endo
Giselle Thompson
(+1) Scarlet Camberos
Chicago Red Stars:
Alyssa Naeher
Tatumn Milazzo
Arin Wright
Julia Bianchi
Penelope Hocking
Ava Cook
Jenna Bike
Ally Schlegel
Cari Roccaro
(+1) Jill Aguilera
Houston Dash:
Jane Campbell
Sophie Schmidt
Natalie Jacobs
Katie Lind
Diana Ordoñez
Michelle Alozie
Sarah Puntigam
Nichelle Prince
Andressa Alves
(+1) Joelle Anderson (rights)
Kansas City Current
Gabrielle Robinson
Michelle Cooper
Lo'eau LaBonta
Haillie Mace
Elizabeth Ball
Vanessa DiBernardo
Kristen Hamilton
Morgan Gautrat
(+1) Cece Kizer
NJ/NY Gotham FC:
Lynn Williams
Yazmeen Ryan
Jenna Nighswonger
Kristie Mewis
Midge Purce
Kelley O'Hara
Maitana López
Katie Stengel
Esther González
(+1) Nealy Martin
North Carolina Courage:
Kaleigh Kurtz
Ryan Williams
Narumi Miura
Casey Murphy
Denise O'Sullivan
Malia Berkely
Tyler Lussi
Rikako Kobayashi
(+1) Brianna Pinto
OL Reign:
Lauren Barnes
Alana Cook
Sofia Huerta
Jordyn Huitema
Bethany Balcer
Jess Fishlock
Veronica Latsko
Claudia Dickey
(+1) Sam Hiatt
Portland Thorns:
Sam Coffey
Bella Bixby
Morgan Weaver
Kelli Hubly
Emily Menges
Hina Sugita
Sophia Smith
Olivia Moultrie
Janine Beckie
(+1) Rocky Rodriguez
Racing Louisville:
Abby Erceg
Katie Lund
Lauren Milliet
Carson Pickett
Savannah DeMelo
Ary Borges
Jaelin Howell
Elli Pikkujämsä
Thembi Kgatlana
(+1) Paige Monaghan
San Diego Wave:
Danny Colaprico
Naomi Girma
Kailen Sheridan
Alex Morgan
Jaedyn Shaw
Rachel Hill
Sofia Jakobssen
Taylor Kornieck
Abby Dahlkemper
(+1) Kristen McNabb
Washington Spirit:
Sam Staab
Gabby Carle
Ashley Hatch
Tara McKeown
Aubrey Kingsbury
Andi Sullivan
Trinity Rodman
Ashley Sanchez
Ouleymata Sarr
(+1) Paige Metayer
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yoselin-uyu · 11 months
Everard with friends p.1 !!!
Room-buddies with Vince from @ka-phooey
.- Sorry he's having a bad time at romance (again)
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Them 😩🌟 Adalia from @maleliddell
.- Long live Adalia's mother 🙏🏻 esta en modo enculado
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His trying to brush Scarlet's hair from @immagrosscandy
.- Felix cumple candy mi mujer teamo ten toma una Scarlet sentada
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immagrosscandy · 11 months
Can we see more of Scarlet in the game please?
of course! scarlet on top of hogwarts' castle
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is there anyone that has already done this? because if not then i call it-
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maleliddell · 2 years
💞 Feliz CUMpleaños SCARLET 💞
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Si lo hice en español por que tremenda paja me dio hacerlo en ingles ahre
@immagrosscandy tu regaló pa la niña imperativa 💖
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Art Credit to Simone Bianchi
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theguythatdraws · 2 years
Happy Birthday, Chaos Child!
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