#saturday elder please come out of the static and play on our team
mossy-kit · 1 year
The world needs to hear about Jan and Saturday
YES thank you blestie 💙 I love them so much …. Putting under a cut so it’s not so long!
Quick note: my interp is of Saturday Elder as the Feast-God of a people slowly turning to other religions in the wake of major change (arrival of neolithic Yamnaya people) and Jan Via as one of their last believers, who set out to find their god and succeeded, deciding to stay with him after he refused to return. The two turned the desolate floating rock Saturday had been hiding on into the now thriving community of Valhalifax over the 6000+ years they lived there.
Ok now the lore!
Bickering old couple of all time. Will not skip any opportunity to do a bit about the other one
Had not been separated for more than a couple of days for as long as they had known each other
Jan still sometimes gets nervous before pitching despite very rarely having nerves about anything else and Saturday often pretends he has no idea how to bat to cheer them up
They spend hours a day coordinating and helping people in Valhalifax find places to stay and connecting them with resources and the community. Much of Valhalifax’s reputation for being a place people go to find something they need / want / dream of is due to their hard work (and other volunteers’)
Many of the otherwise-unknown camp songs in Valhalifax are songs Jan used to sing with family and friends or which were sung at Saturday’s feasts, songs which otherwise would have been lost to history but have been carefully preserved by the two of them.
Similarly, Valhalifax’s culture, style, and language specificities have been shaped by the two carrying on other parts of their culture (both are the only extant speakers of their language and speak it most frequently to each other)
By the time blaseball rolls around they’re intertwined in a way that both carry some of the blessing and burden of godhood, while Saturday has also become more human and connected to the mortal world than he ever was as the official Feast-God. Although Saturday is more officially cited as the patron of Valhalifax, it’s really both of them.
When Saturday is staticked, it’s really hard on both of them to be separated, but both have a general sense that the other is okay, and know they’ll eventually end up reunited somehow (even if only after being released from the game and going home to the place they were both born)
Saturday is the more outgoing of the two and is a lot quicker to join in on a community event, while Jan is more likely to watch from the sidelines
Jan is more prone to taking risks & Saturday (as their former god) still sometimes has to fight the impulse to try to protect them from stuff
Saturday (former Feast-God) can cook literally anything to perfection and throws a hell of a party
Saturday is the biggest silly little drink aficionado and literally always has a beverage. Jan is by nature a black coffee sort of drink liker but enjoys anything Saturday makes for them
Thanks for the ask!! :)
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rkevent · 6 years
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The screen shows static, words in front of it announcing the bonus content that’s about to be shared.
Once the words disappear, this team’s leader is also the first one to be shown. “Hello everyone, it’s your Team B leader, Jin Longguo – or Kim Yongguk, whichever you all prefer.” He bows his head politely, giving the camera a smile. “So… I’m not really that much of an interesting person,” He starts, suddenly bringing his cat to the forefront, “but, my talent that I’ve decided to showcase is… cat serenading. That’s unique, right?” The male gives his pet a kiss on top of the head. “Don’t worry, Katie Lee sajangnim – she’s only here for a short time. She’s a really good indoor cat, I’ve trained her well.”
He gives his cat another kiss before saying his goodbyes. “Okay, this has been Jin Longguo – and Lucy – for Team B. Please continue supporting all of us, we’re working really hard, as you can probably can hear. I hope me and the kids will wow you on broadcast. And don’t worry, if this isn’t allowed, I was already planning to take her home right after this. Right, Lucy?” He asks his cat, only getting a soft meow in response. He laughs.
“Hello?” Jonghyun questions while looking at the camera. “It is now my turn and I will, take you around my team’s practice room here at the KT building.” The male opens the door to the practice room, showing each of his members as they practice their designated part. “Impressive, isn’t it?” Though he doesn’t really spend much time talking about himself, quickly handing the camera to Doyeon. “Camera relay, you’re it!”
The girl blinks rapidly in surprise, not realizing her turn would come so soon. “Hello, everyone~” She still keeps a wide smile on her face, waving at the lens. “I’m warming up a bit to practice for our performance. I’ll cheer my teammates up. Guys! Look at me!” Doyeon hands the camera to someone else offscreen before she steps back to deliver an impressive cheerleading performance. While she dances, Jinsoul can be seen on the corner of the screen, trying to copy the other and eat a pear at the same time. “Team B, hwaiting~”
Doyeon hands the camera over to Jinsoul who quickly swallows her snack. “Ahhh! Uhh, umm.” She stutters for a moment before introducing herself. “Hello! I’m Jung Jinsoul, contestant number 4027!” The camera is close to her face, but it only adds to her charm. “I can be soft!” A piece of text appears on the bottom of the screen saying ‘Jinsoul’s top 3 charms’. She starts to sing a popular song normally sang people in love, showing off her vocals. The first charm is unlocked, written as ‘soft vocals’. “But I can also be loud!” And so she pushes the camera away from her face, screaming ‘Ave Maria’. The next charms is ‘loud personality’. “I also sang and danced Son Dambi sunbaenim’s ‘Saturday Night’ on a show when I was younger, so I’ll recreate that for you today!” Jinsoul proceeds to showcase every talent she can under her designated, unlocking the final charm that is ‘youth with knowledge of classics’. Mingyu (who could have been heard screaming encouraging, loud ‘yeah’s whenever Jinsoul did one of her charms) was the one coming next.
He gives the screen a grin before sneaking a wink in. “Everyone heard my phone conversation with my mom last week, right? She’s becoming famous thanks to me.” He chuckled at his own comment. “But I’m only here because of her, so… thank you, mom, for giving birth to me. I’m going to make you very proud!” On the next moment, the camera is sat on a table, the boy taking a step back. “I have a hidden talent that no one really knows about… I am a very talented singer. I probably could have entered the show with my singing skills if I didn’t prefer rap. Do you want to see?” Mingyu takes a quick break for emphasis before softly singing to a famous song. Once he’s done, he lets out a shy laugh.
The last one is Yoojung, the small girl.  “It took me forever, but I’m finally on the same team as my dear Doyeon-unnie!” Yoojung rushed over to Doyeon and leaned on the elder “I’ve missed my unnie ― the best unnie.” She chuckled before placing a hand under the taller’s chin to show off her beauty. Yoojung moves away from her friend and hands the camera back to Mingyu so he can film her. She takes out her phone, looking for the perfect song before the hit song and star of the In My Feelings Challenge started playing. The girl makes a freestyle out of it, showcasing every bit of her dancing skills that she can. She laughs once she’s done, putting her fists up in support. “Team B fighting!” The screen turns to static once again, but this time the words tell whoever is watching to tune in today at 9PM to watch the new episode of the MGAs.
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