#sathyam sivam sundaram
tellywoodtrash · 7 years
Have you seen the promo for the Kannada remake? I am genuinely interested and I hope I can find it eng subs cause I wanna see if they tone down the extra that IB has lol
Hello anon! 
I went looking for it after I got this message and watched them: 
LMAO, if anything, everything sounds EVEN MORE EXTRA in Kannada? Kannada just sounds like a very dramatic language to me. (like Telugu and Punjabi. Everything seems x100 in these languages to me.) 
I really like the actor they chose for Om’s character - he seems to have that soft and gentle artist vibe down pat. 
To a lesser extent, the Shivaay actor. He doesn’t seem to exude the menace and terror that Nakuul did as SSO. He’s waaaaaay less intense. But that could be a good thing, considering how annoying and extra Shivaay is at the start of the show. Overall, still like him; he made a good first impression on me.
I don’t like the Rudra actor. He looks the same age, if not older than the other guys? Meh. 
The chemistry between the three brothers has to be the biggest draw of the show, like it is for IB. Wonder if they will manage to accomplish it. Hard to tell from that 2 second snippet at the end of Promo 1. 
I do nottttttttt like the Anika/Ishta actress AT ALL. Something about her is just rubbing me the wrong way. Surbhi has set veryyyyyy high standards for this character in my mind, and… this girl isn’t cutting it. 
Production values seem relatively high. But then, promos can be misleading. The promos before launch for IB have a decidedly different feel from what the show actually turned out to be, about 50 episodes in. 
What I’m reallllllly interested in: how they’ll approach the things they messed up in IB - the Ishaana track, the Sumo track, Roop Bua/Gayatri plot, DBO divergence etc. Will the remake learn from the mistakes of the original and actually do a better job of addressing those plot points? 
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Sathyam Sivam Sundaram
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Sathyam Sivam Sundaram - SAI LOVE special
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radiounidadsai · 5 years
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MENSAJE SAI DEL DÍA LUNES 28 DE OCTUBRE DE 2019. OM Sri Sai Ram No hay verdad (Sathyam) sin bondad (Shivam); no hay bondad sin belleza (Sundaram). Solo la verdad puede conferir auspiciosidad, y solo lo auspicioso es real belleza. La verdad es belleza, la alegría es belleza. La falsedad y el dolor son feos porque no son naturales. La refulgencia de la Verdad revelará la bondad. Lleven adelante el karma que es aprobado por la sabiduría superior, no el karma que nace de la ignorancia. Entonces, todo el karma será auspicioso, beneficioso y bendito. Un perro atrapado en una habitación cuyas paredes son espejos, ve en la miríada de reflejos, no a sí mismo, sino a rivales y competidores, a otros perros a quienes debe ladrar. Por lo tanto, queda exhausto de saltar sobre cada reflejo y, cuando las imágenes también saltan, ¡se vuelve loco de furia! El hombre sabio, sin embargo, ve sus propios reflejos y está en paz: está feliz de que haya tantos reflejos de sí mismo a su alrededor. Esa es la actitud que deben aprender a poseer, esto los salvará de problemas innecesarios. Discurso Divino del 11 de Noviembre de 1966. Sai Baba. OM Sri Sai Ram There is no truth (Satyam) without goodness (Sivam); there is no goodness without beauty (Sundaram). Truth alone can confer auspiciousness, and auspiciousness alone is the real beauty. Truth is beauty; joy is beauty. Falsehood and grief are ugly because they are unnatural. The effulgence of Truth will reveal goodness; do karma that is approved by the higher wisdom, not karma that is born of ignorance. Then, all karma will be auspicious, beneficial, and blessed. A dog caught in a room whose walls are mirrors sees in the myriad reflections not itself but rivals and competitors, other dogs that must be barked at. So, it tires itself out by jumping on this reflection, and when images also jump, it becomes mad with fury! The wise individual, however, sees one’s own reflections and is at peace: the person is happy that there are so many reflections of oneself all around. That is the attitude you must learn to possess, this will save you from needless bother. Divine Discourse, Nov 11, 1966. Sai Baba.
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simhashravan · 7 years
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#Chidambaram #thillainataraja #eastkopuram #nanthi #panchapoothasthalam #aahayam #space #ponambalam #namasivaya #beyond #the #limit #sayaratchai #pooja #amazingday #dematerilization #thathvam #sathyam #sivam #sundaram #aadalarasan #ambalavanan #perfect #dimetric #construction #aanandathandava #oorthavathandava #traditional #rituals #follwers #thevaram #viboothi #ruthraksha #bajan #devotion
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fyeahmalayalamcinema · 10 years
Walking in the moonlight | Sathyam Sivam Sundaram (2000)
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Sathyam Sivam Sundaram❤️🙏
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