#saori ootori
a-titty-ninja · 10 months
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Tribe Nine progress report #00 (part 1)
Translations from the official Tribe Nine website, supplemented with things that were said on stream.
Character names are in Japanese order because that's how they're officially romanized.
Also, I'll be posting this in multiple parts because I reached the image limit on this post.
In the country of Neotokyo, year 20XX, youth with no hope for society's future form Tribes to find a place to call home.
With time, the disputes between Tribes continued to grow more and more violent. The situation was very intense in the eyes of the Neotokyo government, so they enforced the XB Law, which limited the quarrels between Tribes to only Extreme Baseball.
Pitch, bat, and trade blows. The youths were crazy over this radical pride-staking game.
XB (Extreme Baseball)
A duel method similar to baseball, designed to settle conflicts between Tribes. As determined by the XB Law, the loser must obey the winner's order(s).
Runners and the fielder with the ball can initiate battles with each other for the right to reach a base. The slugfests between players equipped with body-enhancing gear are XB's greatest trademark.
The games must be played late at night when there are no longer any onlookers.
The games will use the entire City as its field.
Batters are only out by tag out or by strike out.
There is no home run. In case of an extra-base hit, the runner(s) can run through the bases until they initiate a battle against the fielder with the ball.
A fielder with the ball is allowed to initiate a battle against a runner, staking the runner's right to reach a base.
Players can equip XB Gear to enhance their physical abilities.
Anything can be used as XB Gear, as long as it's approved by the Judge Robot acting as the umpire for the game.
The win condition is either scoring more points than the opposing team or knocking out the opponents in battle.
The winner can give any order to the loser.
[This section will have some character profiles for a few Tribes, but before that, I'll have to go over some elements that were only explained in a previous interview and in the stream. The game will contain 23 Tribes, each themed after one of the 23 wards of Tokyo. The names of the Tribes here all match the names of the wards they represent. Their base concepts will be all about local stereotypes, of course, but in the stream, Kodaka compared them to One Piece pirate crews in terms of how much individuality the characters will get within the team.]
Minato Tribe
A Tribe famed as the strongest in Neotokyo. They value the bonds between teammates and genuinely enjoy XB.
[The Minato ward is the ward where the Tokyo Tower (also called Minato Tower) is. Due to holding the symbol of the city, Kodaka chose it to be the ward of the anime's protagonist Tribe.]
Kamiya Shun (Leader)
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CV: Akira Ishida
Birthday: February 22nd
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Voice sample 1: Let's enjoy one more game.
Voice sample 2: I'll show you how to topple the Minato Tower.
"What could be more exciting than XB?"
The founder and leader of the Minato Tribe, as well as the main reason why they're considered the strongest. He is one of the very few Beam Bat users. He's as top tier as you'd expect as a pitcher and batter, not to mention he's unmatched at a fistfight.
He enjoys unchallenged popularity on the XB field, but he also has a more goofy side. His antics include giving his teammate incomprehensible nicknames and getting hungover on coffee, among others.
Shirokane Haru
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CV: Shun Horie
Birthday: January 20th
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Voice sample 1: My name is Haru. Shirokane Haru.
Voice sample 2: If I can really hit this swing...
"If I really have potential... I wanna give it a try!"
A timid bullied boy. He was getting into trouble with the town's delinquents as usual when Kamiya and Taiga saved him. He was bound by his own perceived uselessness, but Kamiya noticed his natural agility, wits, and keen eyes and he was invited to use these "weapons" of him for the Minato Tribe.
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CV: Chiharu Sawashiro
Birthday: October 10th
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 76 kg
Voice sample 1: I'll beat Kamiya Shun and become the best player!
Voice sample 2: The match only starts when you get to the batter's box.
You got nothing to worry about, you got me as the captain on this ride aboard the S.S. Big Ship Taiga, where S.S. stands for "safe and sound"!
A hot-blooded boy who came to Neotokyo from the other side of the ocean in pursuit of one dream: winning against the strongest man, Kamiya Shun! He joins the Minato Tribe along with Haru. He's a novice in XB and struggles to memorize the rules, but he keeps challenging his opponents with his dauntless courage and the brute strength he's so proud of.
Arisugawa Saori (Vice-Leader)
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CV: Mai Fuchigami
Birthday: November 22nd
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Voice sample 1: The Minato Tribe never says no to anyone wanting to join or leave. You can stay as long as you want.
Voice sample 2: Raise your arm higher and put more strength into your swing.
There's no ball I can't catch!
The Minato Tribe's vice-leader. Despite her frail looks, she's an outstanding catcher, capable of stopping even Kamiya's blazing fastballs. She takes charge, commanding Minato's ensemble of oddballs since Kamiya is too careless to be a real leader.
No one values the members of Minato's team more than her, but she is extremely strict about rules and morals, never hesitating to unload a cartridge of her favorite airsoft gun on a transgressing teammate.
Mita Santarou
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CV: Mutsumi Tamura
Birthday: March 30th
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Voice sample 1: I know talent when I see it.
Voice sample 2: The first thing rookies do is carry my stuff. That's the law of Minato.
T-those dudes are no match for me...! Ok, you guys go take them on!
A member of the Minato Tribe. He claims to be the ace of the team but is actually just a reserve pitcher. He's a pervert and a sleazeball and often gets punished by Arisugawa for it, but he shows no signs of wanting to fix his flaws.
He tends to abuse his seniority over the new members, but he's as caring and friendly as he is unreasonably bossy.
Daimon Manami
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CV: Fukushi Ochiai
Birthday: July 20th
Height: 191 cm
Weight: 180 kg
Voice sample 1: I accept all forms of gratitude and cake.
Voice sample 2: You gotta swing hard but without straining yourself.
Don't forget to eat well before a game of XB.
A member of the Minato Tribe. He's always supporting the other members with his gentle personality and great cooking. Minato's base of operation is Lovely Ocean, a restaurant he runs.
Despite his usual calm, no one can stop him when he snaps.
[Translation note: Manami means "lovely ocean"]
Aoyama Kazuki
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CV: Shouya Chiba
Birthday: May 18th
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Voice sample 1: Huhu, even if I can't use my left arm anymore, my brain is still much better than yours, stupid people.
Voice sample 2: Timing is essential in our next strategy, I'll be giving the commands. It'd be easier for all of you since you won't have to think.
"You'll be my pawns."
A mysterious boy who suddenly appeared asking to join the Minato Tribe. He can't properly play XB because his left hand is injured. But for unknown reasons, he's very knowledgeable about XB tactics and how to handle a Beam Bat and makes full use of his ingenuity to bring victory to Minato.
He seems to have some kind of goal in approaching the Minato Tribe, but what could it be?
Chiyoda Tribe
A tribe under the patronage of the king of Neotokyo. They have been suppressing many other Tribes all over the country to ostentate their power.
[Chiyoda is the ward where the Palace is, so the Chiyoda Tribe are the guys with political power]
Ootori Oujirou (Leader)
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CV: Jun'ichi Suwabe
Birthday: September 26th
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Voice sample 1: Can you entertain me, even a little?
Voice sample 2: A game needs blood. In eras where giants clash, the people are waiting for battles that spray blood and shatter bone.
"Winning is everything. There is nothing else I need."
The leader of the Chiyoda Tribe, and heir to Ootori Tenshin, the king of Neotokyo. Tenshin trained him since he was a child to be the strongest XB player.
He challenges teams all over Neotokyo to prove he is the best.
Ootori Tenshin (King of Neotokyo)
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CV: Hiroshi Naka
Birthday: January 31st
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 51 kg
Voice sample 1: None is allowed to disobey the Ootori family! It's the masses to duty to kneel before me. Am I wrong?
Voice sample 2: Every single one of those so-called big shots sullying my Chiyoda must be exterminated! Go show them the power of the Ootori family!
"Through XB, you must show that that the power of the Ootori family is absolute!"
The king of Neotokyo. He's strongly obsessed with XB, to the point he trained his heir Oujirou since childhood to be the best player.
After that, he founded the Chiyoda Tribe with Oujirou as the leader.
He aims to trample all Tribes in the country in XB to ostentate the strength of the Ootori family.
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CV: Mikako Komatsu
Birthday: March 15th
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Voice sample 1: As you wish.
Voice sample 2: I honestly and absolutely believe you will get the result you desire.
"Only death awaits the enemies of the Ootori family."
Ootori Tenshin's secretary. To the public, she's nothing more than a modest secretary, but her secret is that she's a cold-blooded agent, capable of doing anything for the sake of the Ootori family.
Countless people who criticized or plotted to opposed the Ootori family's plans may or may not have been to their grave by her hand.
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ootori-sibs · 2 years
The apex predator of Ouran
Chapter two
Tw mentions of cannibalism (on a technicality), stereotyping,
They were a week into the preparations, and Tamaki was happy with how it was going. Of course, he was still annoyed with how the Abes treated Kyoya, and the others had clearly noticed. Haruhi had suggested that maybe it was because Kyoya’s family was in the medical field and they might be upset because it doesn’t apply to non-humans- but even if she was right, Tamaki was still angry that they’d take it out on Kyoya, who had done nothing wrong whatsoever.
They’d learnt a few new things about non-humans in this time, Tamaki was particularly interested in the way it was so diverse and how each species has its own separate culture, it fascinated him, really. The twins loved learning about glamorous; the magical disguises that non-humans used to look more human. Meanwhile, Mori was more interested in their animalistic sides, so it was amazing, but not as surprising when they saw how interested he was when Ms Abe began to talk about the topic of the buffet, mentioning dietary needs some non-humans might need. It was interesting to him as well, Tamaki had never even heard of an obligate carnivore before!
So they were figuring how what to serve at the buffet, and Kyoya glanced up from his list, clearly having thought of something, “we can’t just serve meat and cheese for the carnivores; what about the carnivores that can’t have dairy- or the ones that can only have meat?”
“Interesting question, Ootori.” Taro spoke, he’d settled in a bit during the week he’d been there, and was getting along well with most of the other hosts and was even the least aggressive towards Kyoya- not that he was nice to him. “Why do you ask?”
“Well it’s just common sense isn’t it?” Kyoya narrowed his eyes at the boy, and Tamaki could feel the tensions rising. “Why wouldn’t I ask?”
Taro merely shrugged, “I figured you wanted to encourage hunting.”
“What?” Now Kyoya just looked baffled and Tamaki honestly couldn’t blame him, what on earth was Taro talking about? “When did I say that?” The other hosts looked just as confused, with Haruhi and the twins quietly muttering to each other.
“Well that’s what my mother seems to think,” he crosses his arms, smiling and clearly challenging Kyoya- but on what, Tamaki couldn’t quite tell.
Kyoya could, though, and he narrowed his eyes at the boy. “Well please tell your mother to please focus on doing her job, and not antagonising those who are just trying to do theirs.”
That seemed to have shut Taro up, however the tense feeling in the air refused to subside. Tamaki felt a little suffocated in the face of so much stress, just trying to focus on the menu for the ball. Luckily Ms Abe wasn’t there, otherwise he felt like it might have been worse. Instead she was off talking to Saori’s new teacher, organising something for her reading issues due to having something different about her eyes- something about their species, Tamaki had only briefly heard about it from Taro.
About two hours later, Kyoya had made a powerpoint about the menu, and was currently showing it and making sure everything worked. Other than the host club, Ms Abe and her kids, Tamaki’s father as well as the head cook were in the audience, making notes and pointing out the flaws in the plan. This was all going well until Kyoya got to the section about obligate carnivores. He was just pointing out that some of them are lactose intolerant and moving on to talk about how some of them prefer raw meat and suggesting ways to present it so it looks nice. He mentioned using labels so people know what meat is raw and what isn’t, but Ms Abe seemed annoyed by this, narrowing her gaze at him.
“So you plan to have the carnivores- the obligate carnivores eat their food alongside everyone else?”
Kyoya suddenly looked a little nervous, but it was so subtle that Tamaki figured he was the only person who noticed Kyoya swallow his breath and tuck his arms behind his back so he could fidget without being seen. “Yes? I don’t exactly see what the problem is if we’ve declared grace.”
Tamaki watched his father turn to Ms Abe and mutter; “do you think they won’t be able to control themselves?”
Ms Abe ignored him and stood up, walking up to Kyoya with a thunderous expression on his face- even her children looked angry as well, also Saori looked mostly worried. “You’re an intelligent boy, Ootori. I know you don’t think it’s a good idea to have them eat side by side, so what’s the game?”
“They’ve been eating side by side for centuries, ma’am, I highly doubt the fact people will realise will change how it’s happened.”
“Carnivores have been using food to lure in prey for centuries, Ootori. I don’t think you’re thinking this through properly, are you?” With that she poked him in the chest, everyone was concerned now, Tamakio felt the panic rising as no one did anything- no one could dare to move, even the air was still.
“Ma’am…” Kyoya started, clearly nervous- Tamaki had barely seen the boy this stressed.
“Seal it, Ootori!” She snapped, jabbing him in the chest again. “I know your game, you’re a manipulative little thing aren’t you? Well listen here, Kyoya Ootori:” she took a breath, clearly furious and clearly not paying attention to all the signs that she should stop. If Tamaki could, he’d shove her away from him right now, but no, he could only watch as she continued: “I’m. Not. Falling. For. It.” She jabbed him in the chest as she spoke, as if to punctuate each word.
The moment she stopped, several things happened all at once:
The chairman stood up, clearly angry at the treatment of one of his favourite students, “MS ABE!”
Tamaki also stood, almost tripping over himself in an attempt to grab Ms Abe and protect Kyoya.
Said vice president lashed out and shoved Ms Abe away, a low growl leaving his throat.
The other hosts yelled in protest, unsure what was going on but wanting to protect their shadow king.
Ms Abe stepped back, glancing at the chairman then at Tamaki as he grabbed her arm.
Her children stood up and ran to pull Tamaki off of her.
Kyoya ran from the room faster than they’d ever seen him move before.
Mori gave chase.
After all of this happened and the dust settled, Saori and Taro were clinging to their mother as Mr Souh yelled at her for laying her hands on a student. The remaining hosts were panicking at each other as they tried to piece together what had just happened. The poor chef just sat there, looking confused and a little scared. Tamaki didn’t blame him, he was still trying to catch up as well. He stood there awkwardly, not sure what to do or how to go about fixing the situation.
Taro seemed to have had enough of listening to the chairman yell, as he stood and glared. “WILL YOU SHUT UP?!” It definitely worked, as Tamaki watched his father blink in surprise, not used to being yelled at like this. “Why the fuck are you siding with Ootori?! Just because his father’s all powerful around this godforsaken town?? I fucking hate people like you!! You’d rather have money than living students wouldn't you!?! You make me sick!!” Taro was clearly furious, advancing on the chairman as the poor guy tried to back away. “You’re going to side with Ootori despite the fact that he literally just hit my mother?! He growled at her too!! Did you not hear that??” He huffed, going to hit him but deciding to just turn away and return to his mother’s side. “Just go back to sucking Mr Ootori’s dick or whatever, I don’t give a shit about you or your stupid school.”
The room was silent for the second time in the last twenty minutes, and Tamaki’s head was swimming with thoughts. So he decided to just slip out of the room and go find Kyoya.
He eventually found him in one of the school’s many hallways, sitting on the floor and talking to Mori. “Kyoya!” Tamaki couldn’t stop himself from running and sliding towards the boy, hugging him tightly. Kyoya hugged him back, something that very rarely happens. “What on earth was that?? Why did she corner you like that?” Kyoya didn’t respond and instead Tamaki felt his shoulder grow damp. “Oh… Kyoya…” Tamaki wasn’t sure why Kyoya was crying but he knew he wanted to protect his friend more than anything and felt a spark of anger that Ms Abe had made Kyoya so upset- she’d been acting like this all week but this was the first time she’d snapped like this.
He glanced to Mori, who simply sighed and gestured to Kyoya. “Not human.”
Tamaki pushed Kyoya back gently, looking at the expression on his face, “you’re non-human?” Kyoya instantly looked worried, but he nodded anyway. “So did that have anything to do with why she sna-”
“I’m an obligate carnivore,” Kyoya sighed, “I’m a lionbird…” Tamaki blinked at him, not knowing what that was, “a phoenix..?”
“Oh!” Tamaki knew what that was, “so you’re like a bird of prey?” Kyoya nodded, “oh, so Ms Abe was-” Tamaki froze. He’d just realised why Ms Abe had snapped at Kyoya, and why Taro had been so furious with his father for taking Kyoya’s side. “Did she think you were going to..?”
“Hunt.” Kyoya nodded again, “she thought I was putting all the food together as some sort of trap. I wasn’t, I just thought it’d be efficient to have all the food on one side of the room… it’s not like we’re animals, just because we’re not human.”
“That’s horrible, you poor thing…”
“She’s always hated lionbirds, most people do. Surprisingly, it’s pretty difficult being an apex predator- no one wants to talk to you. Even the people in charge don’t want to make accommodations for someone who could be a ‘threat’.” Kyoya looked so annoyed at this, and Tamaki couldn’t imagine how hard it must be to grow up in a world where you can’t get accommodations because the people in charge consider you a threat to other’s safety.
“I’m so sorry Kyoya, but thank you for telling me. I won’t let her speak to you like that again, I promise.” He wrapped his little finger around Kyoyas, smiling at him and causing the shadow king to roll his eyes but show the shadow of a smile- and that was good enough for Tamaki. He stood and held his hand out to the bird, “shall we go back? I’ll explain everything to my father, don’t worry.”
Kyoya looked hesitant for a moment, glancing at Mori, then back at Tamaki and nodding, taking his hand. “Alright, thank you.”
Walking through the halls, back to the clubroom, Kyoya explained a couple of things about phoenixes. Apparently they were endangered and had been for a while, as the tables tend to turn on the apex predator once weapons are invented. He explained that his feathers were black usually, and phoenixes only turn the colours of fire when they’re channelling their power through their body. This power is a liquid that speeds up healing by more than ten times, but is extremely flammable at the same time, so phoenix feathers are fireproof. It’s incredibly interesting and Tamaki finds himself asking tons of questions and keeping Kyoya so distracted that they both almost walk past the door to the club room.
Tamaki popped his head around the door, watching the twins arguing with Taro as Saori clings to her mother and Ms Abe argues with Tamaki’s father while holding the 15 year old girl on her hip. “Father! Can I speak to you for a moment please?” He called in, getting the chairman's attention.
“Of course, one moment Ms Abe.” His father excused himself and stepped outside with him and Kyoya. “What is i-” he eyes land on Kyoya and he sighs, “are you alright, Kyoya?”
“Yes sir, I’m fine. Tamaki said he’d explain the situation to you if that’s alright? I’d rather just stand here.”
“Of course it’s fine, Kyoya. Don’t worry about it at all.” He sighs, clearly tired, turning to Tamaki, “now Ms Abe has said some things to me, but tell me what you know.”
Tamaki nodded, “okay. So Kyoya is non-human, he’s a lionbird, which is basically a phoenix.” He pauses for effect and to watch the information sink in, continuing once his father nodded, “he’s also an obligate carnivore and his species is more or less the apex predator in… Japan? The world?” He glanced at Kyoya for confirmation.
“Just in Japan.”
“In Japan. So that’s why Ms Abe thought he was trying to trick people, but he wasn’t, he was just making things more efficient because that’s just what he does. There isn’t even any issue with it, like I said; everyone is a civilised person who can control themselves.” Tamaki was still upset on Kyoya’s behalf, but he knew he had to stay calm in front of his father, he didn’t want to lose any privileges he’d earnt.
“I see.” His father nodded, folding his arms, “so she was stereotyping him? Assuming he was going to try and hurt people because of his species? Then Taro got angry at me because he assumed I knew and was defending actions that were, in his eyes; homicidal?”
Tamaki and Kyoya both noticed, and Tamaki was pleased to see how pleased Kyoya looked at the idea that someone understood his side of the story. He would always be happy to defend his best friend, and reached over to hold his hand, seeing Kyoya’s face flush a light pink and the roots of his hair go a light orange before returning to normal- huh.
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japaneseadventures · 4 years
Prince of Tennis (2019) Characters
This list was made based on the Chinese and Japanese Wikipedia entries for Prince of Tennis (2019), and the Dramawiki for the names of most of the actors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes/ have any more to add!
Legend: [CHN Character name] [Name in Chinese characters] (Actor): Original JPN Name Names with readings I'm not sure of are in italics
Yu Qing 育青 / Seishun Academy
Lu Xia 路夏 (Peng Yu Chang): Echizen Ryoma
Mu Siyang 穆司陽 (Xie Bin Bin): Tezuka Kunimitsu
Qiao Chen 喬晨 (Dong Li): Momoshiro Takeshi
Chi Dayong 池大勇 (Zhu Zhi Ling): Oishi Shuichiro
Zhuo Zhi 卓治 (Zhang Yi Jie): Fuji Syusuke
Tang Jiale 唐佳樂 (Xu Ke): Kikumaru Eiji
Yan Zhiming 嚴智明 (Li He): Inui Sadaharu
He Xinglong 賀興隆 (Fan Lin Feng): Kawamura Takashi
Zhang Baiyang 張百揚 (Wu Xu Dong): Kaidoh Kaoru
Qi Ying 齐瑛 (Song Yi Ren): Ryuzaki Sakuno
Peng Shang 彭湘 (Lu Jia): Osakada Tomoka
Huang Jing 黃靖 (Yu Kai Ning): Combination of Arai, Sasabe, etal
Ma Xiuwen 馬修文 (Zhang Ke Yuan)
A Mu 阿穆 (Li Jun Zheng)
Qi Na 齐娜 (He Jia Yi): Ryuzaki Sumire
Lu Xiangqian 路向前 (Wu Qi Jiang): Echizen Nanjiroh
Hao Dahe 郝大河 (Jin Yu Bo):  Yamato Yudai
Yu Hang 育航 / Gyokurin
Bu Zhongchuan 钟歩川 (Jin Hao Chen): Fukawa Kimiyoshi
Wu Quan 吴泉 (Zhang Hang [YOUNG-G]): Izumi Tomoya
Yu Feng 玉峰 / Fudoumine:
Xu Ziping 徐子平 (Chen Shang Ze): Tachibana Kippei
Yan Jiang 燕江 (Wang Yong Feng): Sakurai Masaya
Shi Tienan 旋铁男 (Yang Chen Yi): Ishida Tetsu
Sima Yiwu 司马亦武 (Kong Chui Nan): Ibu Shinji
Shen Weiming 申伟明 (Liu Cheng Lin): Kamio Akira
Chen Desen 陈德森 (Gu Yu): Mori Tatsunori
Wei Kefei 韦克飞 (Ming Peng): Uchimura Kyosuke
Xu Xingzi 徐杏子 (Sun Jia Yu): Tachibana An
Xing Yao 星耀 / Hyotei Academy
Ji Jingwu 纪景梧 (Ren Yan Kai): Atobe Keigo
Hua Chonghong 华崇宏 (Yu An): Kabaji Munehiro
Hu Liangliang 胡亮亮 (Yang Ze): Shishido Ryo
Song Ci 宋慈 (Shi Zi Xun): Akutagawa Jiroh
You Shixing 游世星 (Fan Xiao Dong): Oshitari Yuushi
Yue Yang 岳阳 (Gao Xin): Mukahi Gakuto
Ji Nuo 吉诺 (Jiang Xin Qi): Hiyoshi Wakashi
Feng Zhiyuan 冯志远 (Jin Zhong Xi): Ootori Choutaro
Coach Fu 付教錬 (Tian Jia Da): Sakaki Tarou
No. 3 (Shisan) High School 市三 / Yamabuki
Ya Jiuxin 亚久辛 (Wang Yan Yang): Akutsu Jin
Shen Qianshi 沈千石 (Lou Ming): Sengoku Kiyosumi
Nan Jianzhi 南建知 (Liu Yu Feng): Minami Kentarou
Tan Yitai 谭一泰 (Huang Xing Yuan): Dan Taichi
Fang Yadong 方亚东 (Peng Gang): Higashikata Masami
Ma Lintao 马林涛 (Zhang Yuan Kun): Muramachi Tohji
Coach Tian 田教練 (Hong Wei): Banda Mikiya
Chen Huijing 陳慧敬 (Yang Cai Ying): Akutsu Sayuri
Guo Zi 國子 / St. Rudolph
Zhuo Yu 卓宇 (Zhao Zi Qi): Fuji Yuuta
Guan Yue 关岳 (Lan Bo): Mizuki Hajime
Qiao Ze 乔泽 (Liu Ming Kai): Akazawa Yoshiro
Ling Tian 梁田 (Jerry Chang): Kaneda Ichiro
Liu Zecheng 刘泽成 (Tang Xiang En): Yanagisawa Shinya
Qin Yifei 秦一婓 (Deng Zhi Yuan): Kisarazu Atsushi
No. 6 (Di Liu) 第六 / Rokkaku
Kui Jian 奎建 (Lei Ming): Aoi Kentaro
Yu Zifeng 余子风 (Fu Yan Zhang): Kurobane Harukaze
Lin Xiyan 林希彦 (Yao Jun Zhe): Itsuki Marehiko
Tian Ye 田野 (Wang Hao Yu): Amane Hikaru
Zuo Xiaohu 左小虎 (Li Zheng Jun): Saeki Kojiro
Mu Jinliang 穆金亮 (Zhai Xu): Kisarazu Ryo
Liu Muyun/Mr. Six 劉牧雲/六爷 (Hou Tong Jiang): Oji
Hai Guang 海广 / Rikkaidai
Bai Shiting 白市廷 (Ren Yun Jie): Yukimura Seiichi
Tian Zilong 田子龙 (Xiang Yun Long): Sanada Genichiro
Ke Jie 柯杰 (Tan Xu): Jackal Kuwahara
Liu Lian 柳濂 (Wang Yi Bo): Yanagi Renji
Jin Wentai 金文太 (Cao Jun Xiang): Marui Bunta
Yuan Chi 袁驰 (Shen Qi): Kirihara Akaya
Wang Yaren 王雅人 (Xu Rui Lin): Nioh Masaharu
Lu Sheng 吕胜 (Li Shu Ren): Yagyuu Hiroshi
Ying Cai 英才 / Ginka
Xiang Jingtian 向静天 (Chen Peng Wan Li): Fukushi Michiru
Chen Dahai 陈大海 (Ma Wenchao)
Lin Ye 林叶 (An Zi Yang)
Other Characters
Sha Sha 沙莎 (Liu Yong Xi): Shiba Saori
Li Na 李娜 (Li Na) [Bookstore owner]
Jiang 姜 (Jiang Shang): Tatsugoro [Racquet repair man]
*(2020.03.11) Fixed typo on Bai Shiting's actor name. Thanks to @tsunaminh for pointing it out!
*(2020.03.16) Fixed Ji Nuo's name! Thanks to @rlkkai for pointing it out!
*(2020.04.08) Fixed typo in Lu Xiangqian's name
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hotwaterandmilk · 7 years
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The official Silent Möbius stage play Twitter account has updated with cast photos featuring the AMP members in costume for the first time. My faves have to be Lebia and Rally~.
Characters and their actresses per above (left to right):
Katsumi Liqueur – Iwata Karen
Kiddy Phenil – Asuka Rin
Lebia Maverick – Suzuki Saki
Yamigumo Nami – Yasaka Saori
Saiko Yuki –  Arisawa Mutsuki
Lum Cheng –  Sekiya Mayu
Isozaki Mana – Funaoka Saki
Rally Cheyenne – Ootori Emi
The play begins its run on the 29th of March and will run until the 2nd of April. More information can be found on the official website. Check out the rest of the cast in costume here.
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zukalations · 6 years
Mori Keaki - 120% Darling: Part 1 Chapter 11 - Once again: I LOVE TAKARAZUKA
Mori Keaki published this essay book the month before her retirement as Top Star of Snow Troupe. It is mainly a memoir of her personal journey in Takarazuka, as well as her early life. Her writing/formatting style is kind of unique, and I tried to reproduce or reflect it as much as possible. 120% Darling has around 24 chapters, and I plan to post one every Friday. It’s a really lovely book, that ended up making me cry many times. I hope you enjoy it! For a table of contents with links to all the chapters, go here.
On November 24th of the 4th year of the Heisei era, I reached the final performance of my last show in the Takarazuka Grand Theatre, The 47 Ronin: Fall with the Snow, Fall with the Flowers.
But at the same time, that was also the final day of operation of the old Takarazuka Grand Theatre, that I thought of as ‘My Home!’
The Takarazuka Grand Theatre…
From its construction in July of the 13th year of the Showa era, up to its final days, it stood for 68 years!! That stage that raised us Takarasiennes and fostered the dreams of audience members, that theatre that was always kindly and warmly there for us…
Passed away.
To state it clearly, the building that was the ‘former’ Takarazuka Grand Theatre, is gone.
The new Takarazuka Grand Theatre held its opening production in January of the 5th year of the Heisei era.
Therefore, it’s not as if ‘The Takarazuka Grand Theatre’ is gone or anything, but…
We held many special memorial events for the ‘Grand Theatre Finale’.
The one that most moved me occurred during the Snow Troupe performance, on the 7th and 8th of November in the 4th year of the Heisei era: Takarazuka Grand Theatre Farewell Event - Adieu Grand Theatre: ‘Takarazuka - Our Hearts’ Home!!
In the performance guide, they said: “A big event to bid farewell to the current Takarazuka Grand Theatre, which ends its life as the home of the Takarazuka Revue at the end of the 4th year of the Heisei era.”
And, really.
No joke, it was really big!! Big!! Big!! Super big!!
“Takarazuka is such an amazing place,” I felt, to the point my body was tingling.
It was a 3-hour special concert taking place after the main show ended.
Of course, we performed to a full house. (As usual, I’m so, so thankful!!)
A huge number of big stars who had been ‘born’ in the former Grand Theatre, as well as all of us current students, sang and danced and acted: it was a show that really conveyed to the world, ‘This is Takarazuka!!’
This was so stirring to me, that I actually can’t even hold my pen calmly to write about it.
In the dressing room, it was so, so, so, so amazing, that even if I ran around 100 times I wouldn’t have tired of it.
Everywhere, stars, stars, stars, stars!! !! !! !!
Among the graduated performers appearing, the most senior was Ashihara Kuniko.
The most senior of the current students was Kasugano Yachiyo.
And what made me so happy is that all the previous Top Stars of Snow Troupe were gathered…
Maho Shibuki*, Migiwa Natsuko, Asami Rei, Taira Michi. And then, there was Mori Keaki!!
Also, there were so many other stars who I had known when they were current performers.
Haruna Yuri, Ootori Ran, Anna Jun, Setouchi Miya, Matsu Akira, Jun Mitsuki, Takashio Tomoe, Mine Saori, Daichi Mao.
Also, Fukamidori Natsuyo, Yodo Kahoru, Asadori Chiho, Kamo Sakura, Kouzuki Noboru, Furusato Akemi, Minamikaze Youko, Nachi Wataru, Uchinoe Noboru, Yashioji Mari, Koshiro Miyako, Hatsukaze Jun, Uehara Mari, Kotobuki Hizuru, Kuroki Hitomi. There were so many others, but I can’t write them all… I’m sorry.
It was so amazing, amazing, amazing; saying it 100 times wouldn’t be enough. Right!?
The variety, the breadth, of Takarazuka is something to be proud of in all of Japan, no, all of the world!!
You see, the members of this cast were only ‘some of the graduated students who were able to appear’,  among those who didn’t have ‘miscellaneous schedule conflicts’.
So, in that way, so many stars came back to their ‘hearts’ home’, the stage of the Takarazuka Grand Theatre, and their singing and dancing was so cool!! Of course!!
Also, what made me so happy that I thought I could cry, was that among all those members, where all of them were senior students! In the culture of the Takarazuka hierarchy!!
In the dressing room.
Those stars, who were ‘senior students’ even among the senior students, were helping out those stars who had been ‘junior students’ at the time they were in Takarazuka together, with the costumes and makeup.
Even though if we were onstage, among that group, Mori Keaki was just the youngest junior student, so if we were all to line up, I would have to be on the very end. I would be in the dark where the spotlight wouldn’t reach!!
That feeling of ‘Oh~ I’m a junior student~” made me really happy. It was very exciting. It made me feel that, in terms of the history of Takarazuka, “I’m right in the middle of things!” I was so moved, and I thought “Yes. Since I made it into this theatre, I have to make sure even in the future that I’m a person who can talk about that with pride.”
Also. This, this is really Takarazuka. Listen, listen!! (Ah! Read this, read this!!)
At the ending lineup, the curtain closed slowly from each side, and.
I watched out to make sure that the curtain wouldn’t hit the head of Ootori Ran, who was standing next to me, and Ootori Ran watched out for Kashiro Sakura, who was next to her, and then Kashiro watched out for Maho Shibuki, who was next to her… continuing in that pattern, according to the vertical relationships, everyone helped out everyone else. Each person with kind, sparkling smiles… As if it was the most natural thing in the world…
I was moved, so moved, super moved!!
This sort of thing, this lifelong, no, eternal, I think, continued attention to the hierarchical propriety, but not out of any grudging sense of obligation, is something I think you can only find in Takarazuka!!
On the first day, even though I was nervous, I did manage to talk a bit with the wonderfull senior student stars who were there. But just as I was thinking ‘Ah, I can sort of talk to these stars I admire properly now…’ the Adieu Takarazuka Grand Theatre event reached its conclusion.
Really… I wish it would have lasted a bit longer…
For those senior students, and to me.
The Takarazuka Grand Theatre was…
The home of our youth.
Although in these days, middle school and high school students might think it’s a bit ‘uncool’.
But. It really was.
My youth!!
You see.
As we were singing When the Violets Bloom.
All of the senior students had tears streaming down their faces.
Everyone’s eyes…
Gleamed brightly.
All we could see was the sparkling lights…
But the lyrics came to everyone’s lips perfectly.
And everyone wore a splendid smile…
That is what it is to be a Takarasienne!!
It might be strange to say that I felt it in my soul.
But, I felt like something just hit me in the face.
“Me too. I’m a lifelong, eternal Takarasienne!!” I cried in my heart.
I saw off my ‘home’...the Takarazuka Grand Theatre.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Takarazuka.
“I’ll keep doing my best!!”
As I stood in the spotlight.
Past that dazzling light were the faces of all the different people in the audience.
I had always tried to see them before.
For that ‘Adieu~!’ to the Grand Theatre.
The ‘feelings’ of everyone who was there in that space that day.
Were somehow different from a normal performance, a really special sort of ‘energy’.
“I’m so happy that I am able to be here!”
That Mori Keaki was able to be a student of the Takarazuka Revue is something I will always think of with heart-felt gratitude and honor.
That I was able to tasked with the final operation of the Takarazuka Grand Theatre, the stage that knew the smiles, sweat, and tears of countless Takarasiennes, and contained the dreams of exponentially more audience members, is something that stirs immense emotions in me even now.
Even though I am leaving.
In the reborn ‘Takarazuka Grand Theatre’,
the history of Takarazuka will continue, on and on and on.
The 80th year is already in sight.
Kobayashi Ichizou established the New Takarazuka Onsen in the 44th year of the Meiji era. And in the 2nd year of the Heisei era, he created the Takarazuka Chorus in that hotsprings town, using a stage built in a municipal pool for their performances (looking back on it now, it was such an epochal event!!), then built the theatre, and in the 3rd year of the Taisho era the ‘Takarazuka Girl’s Operetta Troupe’ was established. The 3rd year of the Taisho era would be 1914. Amazing!!
If you try thinking about 50 or 100 years into the future.
Normally you would feel ‘Huh? I have no idea what’s so far ahead~!’ but.
That 100 years in the future.
In terms of Takarazuka.
Is only a bit more than the history that has already passed.
Don’t you think?
And I, Mori Keaki.
Was so, so, so, so (I sound like a cow now**) blessed.
To be assigned as the Top Star who would perform on the last day of that Grand Theatre’s operations. And, even more so.
I was tasked with the ‘stage christening’ of the new Grand Theatre (I danced Takara Sanbansou, choreographed by Master Dancer Hanayanagi Juraku, which had earlier been performed by Amatsu Otome).
And also, I was able to participate in the opening performance of the new Grand Theatre.
I appeared as a guest in the Star Troupe performance, starting from the night before the opening performance.
How blessed was Mori Keaki to be in this position, in this situation...
Therefore, therefore…
There is only one thing I can think now!
Since I was there at the end, and at the new beginning, I feel like I took all the souls that were absorbed by the theatre over its 68 years of operation into my heart and body, and conveyed them to the new theatre…
To be honest, when the last days of the former Takarazuka Grand Theatre were approaching, it seemed to be very sad.
Does it hurt…
Do you feel empty…
I would often try to ask it.
And it seemed that I heard it saying,
‘I’m just, just, so lonely!!’
When we were performing Adieu, Grand Theatre, it seemed to have a really happy smile. The Grand Theatre!!
Therefore, I tried telling it…
‘It’s only as if you’re having some makeup done...well, a bit more, so a full makeover,’ I said.
‘Nothing will truly change.’
‘So, let’s keep going on together!!’
On March 31st of the 5th year of the Heisei Era, Mori Keaki will graduate from Takarazuka.
Full of pride.
Fully aware of how blessed I was in my Takarazuka life.
And, keeping the same stage name, I will become an ‘actress’.
But, from now on,
No matter what I am doing and where.
I will eternally be ‘former Takarasienne’, Mori Keaki.
My time spent as otokoyaku Top Star.
The feathers, the disco balls, the shanshans from the finales (that’s the prop everyone will hold during the finales in Takarazuka)...
I’ll never forget the world I lived in as a junior student, and as a senior student, up until my graduation.
At the moment, since I still have so much work, the feeling that ‘I’m retiring!’ has actually vanished somewhere.
Knowing me, I’m sure the day will come when I take a bit of time, and just be by myself for a bit, and at that moment, ‘Ah…’
“I’ve really...quit Takarazuka…” I’ll think. And I’ll feel it very deeply…
But whether that day is near or far,
And whether I want it to come or not,
I’ll surely, always, be the same Mori Keaki.
If you don’t mind.
Even into the future.
Maybe you could check out this ‘Mori Keaki’ person.
To be honest…
I want you all watching over me… Hahahahaha!!
You know, ‘Takarazuka’ supported me until now, and I’m sure it will be the same from now on as well.
Maybe...even more!!
In any case,
in conclusion,
from the bottom of my heart…
* Maho was never technically Top Star of Snow Troupe, as she retired before the system was made official, but she was the most prominent leading otokoyaku of the troupe at the time.
** She’s joking about how this word sounds in Japanese.
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a-titty-ninja · 10 months
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