#santi is a goober and i love it
eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Since you updated the ask on what your ocs call their lovers, can you do an updated version of what they would like you to call them? (i swear you did answer an ask about what they like to be called but i cant find it)
What they like to be called
[Some of these repeat between characters. A continuation to this post. Will delete the old one as well.]
Belo: Guardian; Light.
Santi: Sugardick; Love; Stud; Sweetheart.
Grimbly: Pretty boy; Cutie; Twink (depends); Pookie.
Patches: Honey; Pumpkin; Moonlight.
Sybastian: Tiger; Mate.
Vinnel: Most flower names; Sunshine.
Gallon: Beloved; Precious.
Morell: Big guy; Hunk; Pudding.
Nebul: Master; Sir.
Fank-e: Goober; Silly; Boo.
Hellion: Sunflower; Dandelion.
Pebble: Aventurine (after you show him the rock); Blue.
Colmei: Honey.
Glauk: Friend; Buddy.
Magus: Big boy; Mate.
Vesper: Hotcock; Manwhore; Slut; Daddy; Any and all obscene names.
Zizz: Sleepyhead; Dear; Sunshine.
Vorticia: Sweetcake;
Cero: Highness; Flawless; Idol.
Rinx: Treasure; Lord; Sir.
Livius: Prefers whatever you like to be called.
Kalymir: Mighty; Flame; Crimson King.
//-[Siadar and more]-//
Krulu: Lordship; My worship/higher; Guide; Savior; Lord-Master.
Miara: My lady; Dawn; Mother; Mommy; Goddess.
Dorem: Surprise him.
Breg: Husband. 💍
Fasma: Sugar; Snookums; Shug
Shags: Beloved; Virtuoso (playfully);
Ludwig: Babe; Handsome.
Obie: Babycakes; Sugarpie; all kinds of silly food names.
Mervin: Prince; Master.
Lacai: Lovebug;
Nena: Lovebug; Flutter.
Pinter: Boss; Hubby.
Adelo: Wants you to call him the dumbest things you can think of.
Adrul: My prince; Lover; Heart (or anything that means heart in foreign languages).
Sever: Has no idea what nicknames/pet names are.
Ivani: Princess (will never fucking admit it); Pretty.
Katia: Snugglebug; Softie; Kat.
Jonesy: Halo; Iris.
Rei: King; Star; Champ.
Katalina: Darling; Precious.
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Bestie, I have a Yearning for a fic and I would like to share;
Reader is sick with a cold or something and a partner is taking care of them (Frankie preferably 😏) So, reader is in bed complaining about being sick and not being able to cuddle or kiss Frankie, but Frankie's dumbass is like "of course you can kiss me, duh." And reader is obviously gonna put their hand in Frankie's face to shove him away when he goes in for a kiss.
But after multiple attempts, Frankie convinces them *one little kiss won't hurt* and mwah! Right?
Frankie Obviously Gets Sick and now reader gets to gloat at him while they're both stuck in bed. And Of Course, Frankie is *totally* doing the whole man-cold thing, whining about how he can't breathe and how he's freezing. Reader is ready to smother him with a pillow at all times.
Idk, I'm just suddenly dying and suffering thinking about a domestic fic......
(P.S. This is not an ask for you to write a fic about this, I would just like you to suffer along with me.)
(P.P.S. @i-like-to-read-13 is me)
Oh my god, isn't this just such a Frankie thing to do? Just like "but you love it when I kiss you" and it cuts to her all:
Tumblr media
But I will posit that Frankie, while being a man with a cold, is not the classic man-cold boy.
Instead he tries to hide it for as long as humanly possibly because he feels bad that he pushed you into kissing him and that now he's reaping the consequences.
A little sniffle here, a subdued cough there, and then suddenly he rattles off three Dad sneezes in a row (we know Frankie sneezes like a dad, that goober) and it's full-on red eyes, runny nose misery. And when he gets interrogated about it...
"I must have got it at work."
"No, you got it from kissing me!"
"Of course not, you were already better by then. Santi must have given it to me."
"You've been kissing Santi now?"
And it goes around and around until he admits yes, he shouldn't have planted one on you and yes, he would like some of the homemade chicken noodle soup you have in the freezer and yes, he will stay wrapped up on the couch with cold meds until he feels better.
But then you think about it
And technically
If you gave it to him
You can't get it back from him
So when you deposit the soup and the aspirin and the TV remote in front of him, and Frankie gives you a watery-sweet smile, you plant a kiss of your own on his surprised face.
Frankie doesn't mind the cold nearly as much then.
(as a side note, my husband is a huge germaphobe so if he even gets a whiff that I have a cold or anything I'm basically quarantined from him, so having a Frankie to dote on me while I'm sick is the dream)
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honeylikewords · 5 years
Anon Asked: Ok so i’m curious: if you can, could you rank your favorite Oscar boys from least to most boyfriend material? they all seem very charming and sweet but i can’t figure out who the cream of the crop is!
First of all, THANK YOU, I  L O V E  making lists of my favorite things. You guys know that. Listicle formats are, like, my lifeblood. Thank you for enabling me.
Second, I’m going to rate these on MY personal scale. Now, I also should point out that “husband” and “boyfriend” mean two different things to me, and that I instinctively value “husband” material more than “boyfriend” material. The “husbands” are going to be the winners of this list, because I can see them having long-term, fulfilling, happy and mutually beneficial relationships with their partners. So, without further ado, here is my list, from LEASTboyfriend-able to MOST husband-able.
1. The Unmentionables Category.
These boys don’t even get to be part of the discussion because in their roles they are either misogynistic, evil, assaulters, or something else to prevent them from entering the race. A little villain apologism here and there is okay sometimes, but only to certain degrees, and these boys exceed it. Blue Jones, Nathan Bateman, En Sabah Nur/Apocalypse, and John, King of England all exceed my limitations. Begone, thots. You’re disqualified for the Boyfriend Campaign Race. (I do still like them as characters, though, or for Sexy Oscar Gifs, but they’re just… un-boyfriend-able!)
2. The Low Tier Boyfriends.
These boys are boyfriend-able, but come with some problems. Can we sort them out on here and make them into better boys on this blog with careful re-writes? Maybe! Are we doing that in this list? No! We’re just taking objective looks at these Oscar-boys as they stand. So, here are the low tier boyfriends.
Laurent LeClaire: He’s sexy, but he’s also, like, a murderer. And a bit of a playboy. Could we make him better on this blog? Absolutely! But, as before, we’re just looking at them as they are. So, sexy French boy or no, he’s a pretty low-ranking Oscar for the murders and the philandering.
John “Jack” Johnson: Kinda dirty, kinda rude, also a murderer, but nice to dogs and pretty darn intelligent. He’s sure somethin’. Only slightly higher on the list than Laurent simply because I liked him and he made me laugh, and he was good to a dog, so I suppose that’s a tick for him!
Bud Cooper: A bit of a sneaky boy! I like him a lot, but his trickery and sneakery place him lower on the list. Still, points for looking good in a weird mustache, and points for being clever!
3. The Middle Tier Boyfriends.
These boys are much more boyfriend-able, but still have baggage. Could you work around it? Hypothetically, sure! But we’re still just discussing canon behavior, so let’s rock and roll.
Llewyn Davis: Llewyn is shockingly low despite how much I like him, but he has a LOT of issues. Besides his inability to hold a stable job and the couch surfing, Llewyn struggles with attitude problems and relationship issues, apparently having to deal with the issue of terminated pregnancies with two women. We could certainly gloss over that for a more romanticized Llewyn on this blog, but I think it’s important to address that while he holds a place in my heart, he’s a difficult person and a little hard to love, maybe because he doesn’t know how to love others or himself yet. So, he’s higher on the list because at least he isn’t a criminal, but he’s low-ranker because of his life issues. Maybe if he sorted himself out more…
Basil Stitt: Basil’s got problems. I mean, just… a lot of problems. But I like him, and I like his scars, so I think we can work with him. Having a paranoid breakdown after sustaining an injury isn’t the worst thing that a person could do, right? We’ve all been there; scared, alone, afraid. I think, with time, Basil could really make steps in the right direction and be quite a cute boyfriend.
Shiv: Shiv’s a sweetheart. He’s doing his best in a world not inclined to allow him the freedom to do so. Sure, he’s a criminal, but he has a heart of gold and wants to make his son happy. He wants to do better. He’s kind, if misled, and a little dumb, but, hey, morosexuals stand up, ya know? He’s a cutie, even though he’s involved in some shady business. With a cleanup and a fresh start somewhere else, who knows? Maybe he could be a much better boy and end up in the husband range!
4. The High Tier Boyfriends.
Oh, now, these are some boys. These are some cute boys. Oof. Yeah. Let’s see these boys!
Rydal Keener: Poet, dancer, thinker, and sometime scam-artist, Rydal is a Grecian romance just waiting to happen. He’s not perfect, but he’s passionate, he’s sweet, and he’s doing his level best to try and get himself out of a sticky situation. He’s young; let’s find him some young love!
Standard Gabriel: Oh, Standard, how my heart beats for thee. I love Standard, and the only reason he’s lower on the list is because he’s got a lot going on in his life that makes it hard for him. Cheating wife, creepy people following him around, prison sentence sitting on his shoulders from the past; things are hard for our baby. But he’s resilient, he’s loving, and he’s loyal. And if given a new chance in a new place, I fully believe that Standard would be a great boyfriend, and, someday, a great husband.
Reeves: Sentimental, sweet, and a sumptuous songwriter, Reeves rings of a great boyfriend. He’s soft and tender, but firm when necessary, funny, relaxed, and witty. This guy has it all, and when he finds love, he hangs on tight. Ten plus years, tight, apparently; he’s still chasing the girl he had a crush on in high school! How sweet is he?! A beautiful boyfriend, no doubt.
5. Husband Tier.
These boys are the peak performance. These boys bring it. These boys aren’t just boyfriends, they’re partners, fiancés, and, one day, husbands. These are not just boys… they’re Men.
Kane: Loyal husband and dutiful soldier, Kane’s endured a lot, but still did his best to come home to his wife, even if it wasn’t “him”. Kane deserves to be a husband with a woman who will love and appreciate him as he loves and appreciates her (which I assert is NOT Lena. Lena did NOT appreciate that man). The only reason he’s lower on this list is because of the unfortunate nature of his storyline, and because he’s part-alien now. Actually, that last one isn’t that bad. He’s a cute alien. We stan.
Santiago Garcia: This man has been through so much, and I want him to be happy. He’s kind, great with kids, funny, generous, protective, and strong. I would rant and rave about him, but then this post would be a mile long. I love you, Santi. Brave boy. Husband.
Orestes: Orestes was in love with the same woman since he was a young man and advocated for her freedom and equal status in society, trusting her as his sole counsel consistently through his years as a public servant. The dude took a stone to the head for defending her. He went on stage to declare his love and play her a beautiful two-flute solo, for God’s sake! This man is husband material.
Mikael Boghosian: Actual angel. Has endured the depths of hell. Deserves all the love in the universe. My words are not enough for his goodness. Please, someone, fill this man’s life with joy and light. I am begging. This is a husband.
Abel Morales: I would fucking die for Abel Morales but he’s so good a man that he would never let me. My love for him is as boundless as the stars and twice as bright. May God’s light shine forever on his perfectly coiffed hair. Holy angel of the heating oil industry.
Miguel O’Hara: SPIDER-MAN, SPIDER-MAN, DOES WHATEVER A SPIDER CAN! FILLS MY HEART, UP WITH LOVE, AT OUR WEDDING RELEASE SOME DOVES! LOOK OUT, I LOVE YOU, SPIDER-MAN! But in all seriousness, the guy’s great. A goober, yes, but nevertheless, his fangs have pierced my heart and I am paralyzed with love for him and also venom.
Poe Dameron: I betcha all knew he’d be at the top of this list. I betcha knew. He’s… Poe Dameron, you know? What can I say that hasn’t already been said? We know he’s wonderful. He just is. He carries his mother’s ring, searching for his future spouse. This man is a husband. I love him. I will not change my mind.
6. Honorable Mention Husband.
Peter Malkin: Since Peter Malkin is based on a real person, I feel hesitant to talk about him. However, since the movie was juuuuust enough divorced from reality and his character changed juuuuustenough to call it fictionalized, I’ll include him. I love Peter Malkin. He’s a good good Jewish boy who visits his Mama for Shabbat and wears his kippah and that man is a primo husband. N*zi hunter, loving son, honorable soldier. We have chosen to stan forever. And wed, when the time is right. Mazel tov!
There are some other boys who didn’t make the list simply because I didn’t wanna go too overboard and make a too overwhelming post, but here’s my general take on the order from least to most boyfriend-able, and then husband-able. This list also shifts around depending on my mood, and the order in which some of the husbands are categorized can change from day to day. I love them all! I will not be silenced!
I hope that helps, and if anyone is curious about where a non-mentioned boy falls on the scale, lemme know and I’ll either add him or explain his spot in a separate post!
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theairisacid-blog1 · 9 years
Santi looks real cute and smiley and dorky in that pic tho. 
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honeylikewords · 5 years
All the guys you listed and which horror movie trope they fill.
 This is the most powerful and fantastic request I could ever have hoped for. I love you, Anon. This is just the BEST request, and I am SO excited to write for it!
So, here we go! Time to see how these boys handle their horrors!
In many instances, a lot of horrors will use the “five man team” set up: five distinct character archetypes, which are labeled as “The Pretty One”, “The Jock”, “The Brain”, “The Doofus” and “The Virgin/The Nice Guy”. Of course, there’s also “The Final Girl”, but we’ll change that to “Final Boy” here and discuss who might be the “Final Boy” later on.
Holding to that expectation and setup for the genre, the “team” and their corresponding “roles”/”archetypes” would probably match with Miguel being labeled as “the pretty one” of the team, Santiago as the most jock-like, Eddie as the brain, Poe as the goofiest, and David as the virgin, with Peter doubling as a brain, too. 
My reasoning on this is that since Eddie is a known curious soul, he’d probably be the guy probing into these ancient Necronomicons, opening up spellbooks, digging into the history of cursed towns with the “Guys, you won’t believe this...” spiel. Peter would be the “scientific” backup, usually the “voice of reason” on the team being like “there’s no way it’s a ghost!” or “serial killers don’t just pop up in towns like this!”, becoming the inevitable “forced believer” when he has to confront the supernatural or horrific element face-to-face.
Miggy is, naturally, “the pretty one”, here, and I think he also falls into the role of “confident on the surface leader” that most horror teams seem to have. Miguel is outwardly very aloof, very one-man-army-like, so he’d be the one to rush at a monster or try to take it on by himself. He’d also probably be the dummy to try and convince the team to “split up” to explore a haunted location. 
Poe isn’t actually a doofus at all, but he’s the most playful and teasing of all the boys, so he’d be the comedic relief with the quippy one-liners when facing off against the monster or killer. You know the kinda character I’m talking about, right? Of course you do. He’s probably also the one that’s most “genre-savvy” and self-aware, the one most likely to break the fourth wall and call people out on dumb shit like reading the cursed book, going into haunted houses, or playing with Ouija boards. “That’s dumb shit, dude. You wanna get your ass haunted? That’s how you get your ass haunted.”
Santi would be a great monster slayer. He’s very serious, very strong, and very tactical, so his position as “jock” mostly just comes from the fact that out of all of them, he appears to be the most athletic and combat-ready. Santiago would also double well as the “veteran fighter”, someone who has already had a brush with the monster and spent their life preparing to engage with something like it again, a la Laurie Strode from the 2018 Halloween sequel. 
David, of course, is the sweet, virginal “Nice Guy” who doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Often in horror movies, “the virgin” role is portrayed by the “pure” girl who becomes “the final girl” by nature of her purity, so I think David’s arc would match with something like that; he starts off pure and timid and frightened, but then has to force himself to fight back against the monster or villain in a violent way, sort of “sullying” him with the horror. Again, Laurie Strode: starting off a normal teenage girl, she ends up having to, like, stab a dude after seeing all her friends die.
On that note, let’s discuss “Final Boy”. Who survives this?
I’m going to be generous here and say everyone, of course, because none of these boys are gonna get hurt or die on my watch! They’re fine! They’ll survive just like all the Wilsons do in Us (spoiler!, but, like, a reassuring one). They’re okay! Scared witless and exhausted, maybe a touch traumatized (if it’s a Serious Horror and not more of a Horror Spoof), but largely okay.
But if we’re talking “Final Boy” in terms of who is the one to inevitably slay the monster? Probably either Santi or David.
They’d, of course, all fight together to take the evil down, but I think either Santiago or David would be the ones to end up delivering the final, closing blow that would end the reign of terror. Which boy ends up doing it would depend on the specific kind of horror film being experienced; David’s would arc more into the “coming to terms with reality” kind of horror, the “destruction of innocence” horror, but Santi’s would be the kind of horror where the grizzled hero gets his revenge on the evil that slighted him, a kind of catharsis of built up pain.
Oh, also, totally unrelated point, here, but out of all of them, Eddie’s the loudest screamer. He’s probably the one who jumps at every little thing and screeches like a little girl. David’s also a jumper. Santi is completely stone-faced even during the jumpscares, and if a monster leapt out at him he’d just blink, dead-eyed. 
“Oh, how scary,” he grumbles, cocking his gun. “Whatever shall I do.” Blam, blam, blam. Monster down.
Peter also is probably the one out of all of them who talks the most (alongside Eddie), jabbering about how it’s “scientifically impossible for such and such a thing to happen” before getting jumpscared and screaming at the top of his lungs, leaping into his teammate’s arms. Miggy is probably the one who catches him and rolls his eyes.
And while I’m here, this is what each of them does when they hear the ever-classic “noise coming from elsewhere in the house”:
Miguel: goes to look, says he’ll “be right back”
Poe: calls out “is someone there?”, makes a joke about “knowing karate”
Eddie: grabs a nearby object (like a lamp) and starts trying to figure out where, exactly the noise came from
Peter: nervously says “it’s probably nothing” or “it’s just the house settling” or “it’s just the pipes” or “an animal in the attic”
David: suggests calling the police
Santi: gets his gun ready and goes to check it out, prepared to take the shot without hesitation
Also, if they’re facing a killer with a “gimmick” like a mask or a “calling card” (like a sign they leave at their crime scenes), Poe is the one to call that out as being dumb, corny, cheesy, and stupid.
“Really? A creepy clown killer? God, what happened to the ART of being a killer? Didn’t you think about having a cool theme? Can’t you do anything original? Like, really, how cliche! Ugh, go ahead, kill me now so I don’t have to keep looking at this stupid get-up you have on. Christ have mercy, you ugly sonuvabitch. Absolutely gaudy.”
“You left a note in BLOOD? On the WALLS? Do you even know how hard that shit is to wash out? Ugh, inconsiderate much?”
What a goober, right?
Anyway, if you want more specific horror tropes, send, like, a list of them and I’ll assign which character matches most closely with which trope! This is super fun!
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