frostise · 19 days
📏 (ruler) + 5’8”
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she understands his urge to kill. she really does! but she wouldn't hesitate to drop kick him if he gets a little too stabby around her
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sweet-chimera · 5 months
How do you love?
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Love as Religion
Devotion, that is the name of your love. Your love is an act of worship. Your love is like witnessing the birth of Venus, like seeing the sun come alive, or the stars fall. When you love, it is because you have found God in a lover. You have found the meaning of life itself in the heart of the one you adore. They are everything to you; they are your Maker, and you are their lamb, their flock, their first and holiest worshipper. When you fall in love, it is as a baptism. You are born anew, made a believer in the divinity of the one you love most. Being loved by you is an ascension; it is holy and golden. It is all-consuming, and all-faithful, loyal as the dog. You will never, ever bite back.
tagged by (kinda): @sanguine-salvation
Tagging: yes
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xxlordalexanderxx · 5 months
@sanguine-salvation replied to your post “"By all means pick my flowers, it's cold and I...”:
"Like mother said, 'flowers look best where they grow'. It's only fair, right? A beheading for a beheading?"
​"That's a lovely way to look at it, actually."
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"I suppose...I see my garden as a work of art, I built it myself, I planted everything here myself. Even the trees. This place was all I had at one point. Sasha might as well be my child from the strength my blood gave her when I dragged my broken body through here from a nasty battle once."
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halekulan-i · 11 days
this is extremely zsaszcore
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red-hemlock · 2 months
"Love Story with Zsasz" (good lort, sorry River, lmao)
Send “love story with ____” for my muse’s reaction on finding a romantic fanfiction about themselves paired with that character @sanguine-salvation
"Goodness, there's really more under this thing? Maybe I should change my name, and splurge for a brand new look." But alright, who's the next 'lucky duck' to be sacrificed upon the Altar of Ship with another piece of her sanity?
...Viktor Zsasz.
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Okay-... She can kind-of see why some heart-eyed Gotham shipper might want to pair the two of them up. They both like knives, they both like knifing things, they both probably dance and finger-paint a little in the bloody-red aftermath. Tale as old as time and all of that good jazz, what more could a super-fun relationship need?
But is the fic any good? Now that's the million dollar question... Though considering Wattpad was batting 0-2 in her tag right now, River's not sure how much lower the bar can even go at this point.
"Well, here goes nothing, I suppose." She muses with a soul-steeling sigh, tentatively clicking the title.
But in the end, to her absolute shock, it was-... Quite the good read. Amazing even, considering the competition raised against it. A multi-chapter cross-over set in the world of that crazy car movie her daughter wanted to watch, Mad Max: Fury Road. It had the knives and knifing, madness and blood by the bucketful of course, as she and Zsasz wrested control of some clan called The Buzzards from their former leader.
Two Warlords, tearing across the dusty desert dunes in rusted, spike-covered Hell-cars. Raising chaos and the group up from the muck, from crusty scavengers into the greatest and most fearsome faction the Wasteland had ever seen. Sure, there might've been one too many hot n' handsy make-out sessions over corpses, that were more tooth than tongue; and the whole part of them choosing to die together, in a Bond-esque explosion-death ending was a bit ill-fitting. But at this point, River's just happy to see that neither of them were insultingly woobified; it could've been so much worse.
Witness them, indeed.
River never backed-out of a website so fast, how quick she was to pull-up her text messages.
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2:30am [Tally Apple]: Hey.
2:30am [Tally Apple]: Hey you! ᕕ༼⌐■-■༽ᕗ
2:31am [Tally Apple]: Sleep is for the weak lookit this now [LINK]
2:33am [Tally Apple]: Be my hypothetical apocalypse bestie, Y/Y? I'll let you sit shotgun sometimes. ( ͡° ε ͡°)♥
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nrth-wind · 3 months
cont. || @sanguine-salvation
"Shockingly, I don't spend much of my time thinking about you. Sorry to disappoint." Bruce stalked closer, arms obscured in the ink and pitch of his reinforced cape. Behind opaque white lenses, ice-blue eyes caught on the posture of Victor's hand.
The both of them were armed.
"Must it come next? That's giving a lot of credit to destiny. I thought you made your own decisions, Zsasz." He palmed a batarang.
Then Batman's head cocked to one side. "You sound tired. Want to exercise your free will? Don't fight me. Take accountability for your crimes, and maybe you can find a happy life in prison."
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portalopened · 3 months
@sanguine-salvation liked for a starter! You get a Tally!
"You seem fun," Tally spoke to the stranger (well of course Tally knew who that was, but for all intents and purposes everyone they met, is a stranger to them), seemingly not scared at all. They had no reason to be scared, tonight they were out to have fun. Maybe a fight, a drink, or anything else that would take their mind off their duties, just for one moment.
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"What will you be? Trouble or a good night out?"
They offered the other a cigarette.
They'd let fate decide.
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question-marked · 2 months
❝   you’re mine.  and i protect what’s mine.  ❞
Edward was grateful that he had someone like Viktor protecting him. Due to that protection and how close they were now, Edward loves him and wants to stay with them.
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He smiled at their statement and replied, “I’m glad that I’m yours, I always appreciate your protection. I want to be yours forever…I love you so much, Viktor. Significhi molto per me…ti amo con tutto il mio cuore. Can you hug and kiss me right now? I love your touch.”
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twcfaces · 2 months
"That was excellent." (Viktor snooping on them from the shadows like a freak, maybe.)
// hope this is okay! o/
Was it?
He felt blood up to his forearms - starting to cool in the air. His hand was wrapped around a makeshift blade that bit red lines into his own skin with the strength of his grip.
"I told him he had a fifty percent chance to lose an eye if he kept staring. I warned him."
Two-Face composes himself - to such a degree that two souls in one body can be composed, and his breathing slows.
"--- and I'm warning you. I better not catch you staring, or I'll unzip you like a body bag."
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sovereigntism · 3 months
[link] @sanguine-salvation
Black hair plastered over bright blue eyes. Drunken flush on pale flesh, and blood red wine dripped down their chin. A smeared hue of black lipstick on the bottle and smudging outside the bounds of their lips. They looked at the other, even if they could not see King's eyes, King could see their eyes. King tried to figure out who this person was based on appearance, but the hoodie obscured any hints, and the voice wasn't familiar. Not that it ever would be. King knew nothing about this land, other than the oh so spooky Dark Knight being the ever so rich Bruce Wayne, and a few other major members of the society. But this person… No, nothing came to mind. But this was Gotham, they knew that much thanks to the dumb umbrella and the oppressively dreary appearance of everything. That was the beauty of worlds, they often appeared exactly as portrayed. Gotham likely never saw true warmth and sunshine due to it's creators… Slowly they processed what was said, about maybe the rain likely killing them. A snort of laughter and then a cough following quickly as they sat up more appropriately, not intending to choke on wine. They rubbed their soaked face, pushing their hair down over their eyes instead of away, hiding the top half of their face behind blue black bangs. A mention of their wine and King's lips quirked up in a smile, responding casually.
"… Nothin' can end m', but I 'preciate th' offer. I prefer beers 'r… anythin' 'cept wine, but… it seemed fittin'. To drink 'er favorite. 'r th' closest I could get to 'er favorite. In 'er memory an' all that."
King's fingers curled around the bottle but then they sighed and offered it towards the other. It was a rich Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Full of blackberry, plum, mocha, black currant, black cherry, cocoa, and oak spice. But to King it just tasted like fancy juice, they weren't one for particulars, and wine wasn't their favorite drink anyway.
"Either ye're 'ere t' try t' rob me an' kill me, 'r you're gonna try this an' I'mma get th' fuck up off this we' ass groun'."
King stood up, slow, cautious, like they were wary of their own limbs, which only made sense given their drunken state. They pulled off the diamond heel and stared at it, the gems beautiful and glittery despite the rain.
I wonder if anyone needs precisely one shoe? Maybe I can get the diamonds out for cash? … Hmph.
They stared at it in silence before glancing up to see if the other person had drank any of the wine yet, or if they were just standing there. They glanced towards the water and back at the hooded figure.
"… … … I wasn' gonna jump. Jumpin' an' drownin's one 'f th' more painful ways t' die anyway. I's too slow…"
Shit. Why'd they say that? Ah. Drunk. Of course. Maybe they aught to try to practice lying and shutting the fuck up when drunk.
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X @sanguine-salvation
Brrr, all this rain. Em looked like a drowned rat, wet curls unevenly plastered to their scalp, dripping hoodie, a real mess. Their clothing needed drying, and the best way to do that was to drape it over something.
They'd just finished wringing out their t-shirt when they felt Viktor's fingers hovering over their stitches. Em went tense and slowly turned back to look at Viktor, expecting their friend to be grossed out... but instead, there was a fascination on Viktor's face that reminded Em of their mother whenever she got excited over a project.
... Well, Em could trust Viktor, right?"
"Those... those are my stitches." Em hung their scarf and shirt over a chair and craned their neck back so Viktor could look all they liked at the red and black thread tying their head to their body. "They.... u-um..." Em swallowed. "They keep me in one piece... otherwise I'll just... fall apart."
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enignoema · 7 months
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// Hi! We haven't interacted yet and I'd love to but regardless Zsasz is exactly the type of person he'd go for
two separate bingos and only one away for four more
Not only are they just objectively attractive, but they're strong, confident, are passionate, smart (even if it's not the standard high IQ measurement)
He'd be interested in them immediately
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xxlordalexanderxx · 4 months
They watch him for a while before they attempt to move close and perch near him. They don't say anything, they don't really have to and they don't think it will help, but they know that heartbreak festers alone. They... don't want that for him.
So they look up at him with a silent empathy, then look down to begin idly flipping a butterfly knife through their fingers, staring out, before finally offering a voice with no expectation of response. "... I've seen that kind of sadness. The one on your face. It's the kind that feels like it carves part of you away." They don't look up. "But I think... for you, something new will grow to replace it. Yes, yes... I think you will become something more than you were."
They go quiet again, and have little to offer, but they can offer someone to sit by.
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Even so, just the fact that Victor came over to comfort him, and offer some reassuring words, was enough. He nodded at their words quietly, just as he took a drag from his pipe. By now he had cried himself dry, and all that was left was just quiet brooding.
He had closed off the castle to all but who he deemed friend and family, he wanted no visitations. The kingdom was utterly shocked, some even relieved. Perhaps…they saw something he refused to see. In the end, he dodged an arrow.
He was content to watch vik flip their butterfly knife expertly, it was a nice distraction from gazing at the strands of smoke twisting in front of his nose.
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“Thank you Victor…I’ve experienced heart break before, it never get’s easier and the pain is always unpleasant. But this pain is manageable because you and many others have come to comfort me…and I’m grateful for it. More than I can express.”
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elisethetraveller · 1 year
Continued from; sanguine-salvation
The air stabbed their lungs when they finally were made to take a breath again, as shallow as it was.
Panic, lots of fuzzy static and ringing in their ears as they look at her face, the shapes of it slowly coming into sharper focus. Eyes, silver, nose, cheeks, chin, hair, fluffy and haloed white. Their eyes flittered over her as they shook their head, only then recognizing who they'd managed to run into as a face they knew already. No, no, never time, never time to sl—
"—owdown, never, Ican't—" They take another sharp breath that pushed against the muscles in their chest. They stopped to rip the last half-dangling restraint off their wrist with shaking fury, one that presumably had a matching set with it at one point. "They'll find me, doitagain!"
"Victor, Victor." She didn't want to touch them, not while they were still out of it. It could spook them even worse. "Alright, it's alright, you don't have to slow down if you don't want to, but I need you to breath." Demonstratively she took a deep breath, held it, and exhaled slowly before repeating the motion. "Just look at me, alright?"
Glancing around, she tried to discern if someone was following them. Be it a big bat or someone worse. "Do you need to go somewhere safe? Hidden?" She did not have any patients Victor could threaten right now, so she could bring them to where she was residing if they needed it.
( @sanguine-salvation )
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red-hemlock · 4 months
Shipping and Handling (if you're still taking them!)
Send me ‘shipping and handling’ for romance advice regarding my muse(s)! @sanguine-salvation
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River is sometimes a bit aggressively-protective of her food, and if said meals are especially delicious, she also tends to eat them REALLY, really fast. Many a restaurant date will likely end-up with her being done before you're even halfway through with your own.
It's a habit picked-up from 'home', she would usually need to eat on the fly when on a job. But since most of the food at her house was also incredibly bland, if anyone had anything even a smidge tasty, it was liable to get stolen if it wasn't protected... So her first instinct is to immediately drag her food close, if she spots a wandering hand coming its way.
If she's fond of you though, she'll gladly share if asked. Probably even feed you right off of her own fork or spoon. Oh but be prepared, because she'll definitely try to steal from your own plate and cabinets, the hypocrite.
River is an avid lover of the Pocky game, too!
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