#same with deh
whoops-im-obsessed · 1 year
I don't think you understand how it feels to be obsessed over a show and have it currently be in the west end and accessible to me
This has not happened before
Excuse the brainrot
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kkachi35 · 17 days
hi hi another words from Jared actor
Q. When ‘Connor’s suicide note’ spreads on the internet, Jared’s expression is so serious. Jared already knows it’s written by Evan. It would’ve been the first time Jared actually got to know what the letter said. What must he have felt like then?
A. It’s after their fight. Well, to put it nicely, Jared was like ‘Well, now it’s goodbye, then.’ But then he sees the letter, he recognizes it’s gone too far, and he hates Evan, but Evan’s his asshole... you know, those kinds of thoughts. I run thinking I’m looking for Evan in that scene. (laughs) Is that too sad?
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People who are like “Omg gen z theatre kids only know *proceeds to list every single musical that came out after 1999*” are the most annoying assholes like hey maybe we just don’t like shit from the 1960’s or we have specific tastes have you ever considered that
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areacode516 · 1 month
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i was able to find the button up will roland wore as jared kleinman at the end of the show/when he comes in for finale online and buy it!!! (pre-owned of course) it was a vans shirt
trivia: later jareds all wore a different blue/white/pink button up and slightly differently designed red sriracha shirt, jared and gaten wore the same designs but sky had his own version too
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jeremyisntheere · 7 months
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DEH or something *i say, as evan hansen whispers vague threats and something about trees into my ear*
(bonus: whos excited for the uk tour???&!??!)
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Jeremy Heere and Jared Kleinman are celebrating Rosh Hashanah this weekend
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you-will-be-found · 1 year
saw the brokeback mountain play and i will never emotionally recover from it. both mike and lucas were AMAZING in it and just the sweetest at the stage door afterwards 🩵
and mike signed my #youwillbefound sign that was included in the deh production!!
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bandtrees · 8 months
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shes very close to my heart still
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biggestgirlfailure · 6 days
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i cant have been the only one who thought of this
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sea-jello · 1 year
in the play when christine sings "jeremy" its the same tune as when "christine" is sung and i think thats really neat
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fitzrove · 4 months
Listening to the soundtrack to the mean girls musical movie and it sucks 😭 I love renee rapp in bootlegs but I hate this pop arrangement and style, its so bad. And so are literally all the other arrangements 😭😭
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STOP EVERYTHING i found korean covers of mts and mitb how have i not seen these before!!
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dear-evan-fansen · 1 year
musical theatre fans are wild because they'll say "I can't possibly watch Dear Evan Hansen, what Evan does is too awful" and then they'll be like "I can't WAIT to go watch the musical about the guy who kills people and bakes them into pies and then sells those pies to other people!!"
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dizzybevvie · 2 years
Evan defenders will be like "bbut... but Jeremy !!!"
Jeremy was LITERALLY being mind controlled. Evan was just like that
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getitoncamera · 16 days
when i say that i love the the outsiders musical i mean i’m seeing it twice in one week and i couldn’t be happier about it.
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sochilll · 1 year
nyehehe i caught up on ur writing tag Just as you recently reblogged a prompt thingy >:] 13 + kleinsen ?
Kleinsen + 13. leaving notes for them around the home (this one… got away from me. she’s long)
Send a ship and a prompt request!
Jared woke up and flung his arm out sideways. The bed was empty. He frowned. It was Sunday, Evan’s day off. And more importantly, it was the day before a very big important event.
Jared sat up and swung his legs out of bed. It was surprisingly cold for how late in spring it was. He grabbed Evan’s hoodie from the floor and pulled it on.
He started toward the kitchen but his eyes caught on something. A pink sticky note was stuck to the bedroom door. Jared peeled it off and read it.
I have a few last errands to run before tomorrow. I’ll be home soon <3
Jared smiled. He stuck the note in his pocket and made his way to the bathroom before breakfast. There was another note on the mirror.
Wow you’re cute :o someone is very lucky to be with you
Jared snorted. He put that note in his pocket with the other. There were three notes in the kitchen.
One on the fridge:
Sorry to disappear on such an important morning. I know you’ll be annoyed you didn’t get to make a “last time we wake up together as boyfriends” joke
Jared snickered. He had been making that joke about everything lately. The next note was on the coffee maker:
Don’t drink too much or you’ll get all jittery. We don’t both need to be nervous wrecks today.
The last one was stuck to Jared’s favorite coffee mug:
I’m so glad I get to spend every morning watching you drink out of this dumb mug for the rest of my life. I love you.
Jared put all three notes in his pocket. He leaned against the counter to wait for his coffee to brew when he spotted a box on the table. Inside was his favorite type of donut, a note scrawled on the lid.
Happy wedding eve! Love you more than anything <3
Jared enjoyed his breakfast. He texted Evan a picture of the box and a bunch of heart emojis. Evan’s response was quick.
:) how many?
Jared tapped out a reply.
Five not counting the box.
Halfway! :) <3
Jared laughed. He set his mug in the sink and wandered to the living room, looking for spots of pink.
The first one was obvious, stuck in the center of the TV.
I know I say it a lot but I really don’t know what I’d do without you. You make everything easier and better and funnier.
He had to hunt a bit for the next one. He found it stuck to their favorite DVD.
I never thought I’d feel so content and secure in a relationship. But I am. I know you don’t like talking about feelings and I don’t even mind. Cause I know how you feel even when you won’t say it.
Jared was stumped after that. He wandered around the apartment, sticky notes stuck to his fingers, hunting for more. He double checked the bathroom and the living room.
He finally found number eight back in the bedroom, sitting right on Jared’s desk.
The last four years have genuinely been the happiest of my life. And while some of that is due to therapy (shout out Dr. Myers) mostly it’s been because of you.
Number nine was inside Jared’s laptop.
No one has ever understood or cared for me more than you. And I hope you feel the same about me. (Please do oh my god how embarrassing would this be if you didn’t?)
Jared laughed. He added the note to the collection in his pocket. He searched the room again before moving his search into the hallway closet. Nothing there. He checked the bathroom and kitchen again.
No note. Jared frowned. He checked tall surfaces. He checked every kitchen cabinet. He even lifted up the couch cushions. Nothing.
He pulled his phone out.
You’re a liar. There’s only nine.
Nope. Ten.
Including the donut box?
No. Ten sticky notes.
Where the fuck is the last one???
Jared went crazy, pulling out pots and pans, unscrewing bottles in the medicine cabinet, digging through the laundry hamper. He could not find the last note. He briefly wondered if Evan was lying and this was some sort of psychological warfare.
Finally, digging through Evan’s sock drawer he saw it, a flash of pink. He grabbed at it. It was stuck to the top of a small velvet box. Jared didn’t need to open it to know what it was. He frowned slightly and read the note.
I never told you but I’d been to a jewelry shop five times before you proposed. You only beat me because I take too long to make decisions. I love how you did it but I’d picked this ring out already and I thought you should have it anyway.
Jared felt his eyes sting and rapidly blinked the tears away because he wasn’t lame. He opened the box.
The ring was pretty similar to what Jared had ended up getting. A bit thinner and without Jared’s super romantic and expensive engraving like Evan’s ring had. But still nice.
“You like it?”
“Holy fucking shit!” Jared spun around, clutching his chest. “How did you get in so quietly? And how did you time this so perfectly?”
“I didn’t actually. I really thought it would take you longer to find it and I’d already be home by then,” Evan laughed. “Also didn’t think you’d tear the apartment apart.”
“You gave me a puzzle,” Jared said by way of explanation.
“Yeah. I should’ve known better.”
“I do like it.” Jared slid the ring into his finger. “You have good taste.”
“Yeah. Sometimes,” Evan said, crossing the room and kissing him.
“Aw,” Jared grinned. “Last time you’ll be able to insult me as my boyfriend.”
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