officialtokyosan · 3 months
can we has sex?
okay 💗
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good-wine-and-cheese · 10 months
eva for blorbo bingo 🥺?
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Miss Queen Eva!!!!! I love her so very much, she's an awful disaster of a woman who never really learned how to be a person properly, she kind of got shocked out of her life of privilege and realized that if she wants anything in the Real World she has to engage with the world on its own terms and she is just not good at doing that. Her answer was to make everyone around her as miserable as herself and that's very powerful of her honestly. I love that her story isn't like, a linear road to recovery. She gets better, then she gets so much worse before she gets properly better again. It's human! It's good writing.
I don't think Urasawa dropped the ball per se but in the anime at least it feels like Eva's "I'm still in love with Tenma!!!!!!!!!!!!!" arc went on a little too long in a way that didn't add much to her story. I would've loved for those feelings to kind of just get lost amidst the animosity. The result of what we do get is that some of her scenes, while very good, are a little one-note in that she just digs so hard into that one issue. Which is fine and all but I've read Urasawa's other works and I know he can do a lot more with a similar character type. Audrey Culkin is what I would consider the final form of what he was going for with Eva in some regards. She just needed some more polishing off ya know?
Similar to Grimmer she kind of....isn't there for long periods of time and I think it's a shame! That said I don't think it would add much to introduce her earlier, the period she's gone for makes sense, I just miss her chaotic energy when she's gone.
Also yeah fandom used to be so shit to her. Tumblr seems to love her again which is good but there were people that hated she survived or just thought she was the absolute character and I am standing here looking at her relative crimes to like, Bonaparta, and going Hm Okay!! Glad that people are starting to love her again but yeah a lot of people are still so weird about her. She's a bad bitch and it's why she's great
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officialtokyosan · 1 month
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officialtokyosan · 3 months
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Human Chief, RD, and human Carol. 😁 all @saeriibon 's design!
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officialtokyosan · 3 months
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chief's moods when he says the same dialogue in jp and en
design by @saeriibon
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officialtokyosan · 8 months
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@saeriibon 's honest brute is the best 🥰
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officialtokyosan · 8 months
hey… tell me your armored core 6 headcanons...
god i have an amount. im not sure how to sort this
Here are the general ones:
Ninety years before the start of Armored Core 6, childhood as a concept has been completely dismantled. Corporations have enough power to lobby the end of public education as a whole and all education is privatized. Children will work once able in the era of the Fifth Industrial Revolution. The M2M Era (Man-to-Machine).
Due to advancements in medical research and technology (for military purposes), every disability, disorder, and impairment is accommodated for the purpose of fulfilling the interests of the company. Depending on how valuable someone is, anyone can basically get any medical procedure they want. It's commonplace for employees of certain companies have some kind of medical procedure done. Employment ensures any and all healthcare. You have nothing if you not employee, there is no safety net or social program of any kind provided by what is essentially the government.
Preserving reproductive material is much more commonplace, it's actually expectation. Natural pregnancies are looked down upon since birth and recovery takes employees time away from work. Designer babies are common including eugenicist mindsets that follow. There's a weird initial treatment toward those who are naturally born leaving genetic risks to chance. Birth statuses are required on resumes.
AC cockpits have one-size-fits-all compatibitiy for all augments, manual controls, and any customization.
All augments are a variation of brain implants and synthetic hormones. Implants in the inner ear for balance, parietal lobe for sensation, and cerebellum for movement. Hormones to maintain wakefulness and awareness, regulate body functions. Hormones that relate to body regulation also modifies stem cell growth (this inadvertently affects aging as these hormones preserve the telomeres as cells divide.) are secreted into the brain, liver, and femur.
Older generations were extremely invasive because the implants required removing some brain tissue and there were complications such as bleeding, infection, or the breaking down of the actual implant injuring the brain. The implants were also susceptible to electric shock since they'd require a direct external connection. There was also no way to regulate their tempuratures.
Newer (10th) generation of augments are less invasive by no longer requiring to remove brain matter and directly stimulates the brain but can cause overstimulation and oversensitivity, making the user more prone to stress. External connections are magnetic. Hormone secretion implants include secreting coolant when the body exceeds a certain temperature or bpm reaches a certain rate, thresholds which can be fine tuned by the user. They are usually implanted in the heart and lungs.
Other augments include artificial muscles since some AC parts don't have avionic-like controls. Artifical muscles require company secret titanium alloy to replace some of the bones the they attach to.
Since the societal memory of "childhood" is nonexistent, the concept of family is too. Foremost, people are a company asset, desinger babies are conceived because of the influence of the company, they are born comfortably because of the accommodation of the company. People are born as employees indebted to the companies that brought them life.
Parents function much like backers or sponsors to pull their offspring out of general youth company training for more specialized education, for reasons such as to inherit their position. Every five years, starting from age 5 until age 20, children trainees are tested and the results will be evaluated by their parents that decide their worth to invest in them as an asset. When trainees are of age they are allowed to look up, through the company's in-house genetic database, who their parents are. If the names are not available, it means they were disowned. Trainees who never recieve an investment will become a grunt.
RLF culture is a long altered ghost of a corporate culture from a company that no longer exists. "Father" and "uncle" are intimate military titles that have lost their original meaning.
RFL care about children more thanks to the fact that the technology to incubate fetuses became derelict, natural birth has made a boom.
I don't have all of them yet but every named character in ACVI has a disability, disorder, and/or an impairment of some kind that's been accommodated for or inflicted on. No one is normal in this game. Not a single person.
Older generation augmented humans that manage to grow out hair consider it a personal victory, perserving a sliver of individuality.
Okay i think that covers it. I have headcanons for characters that'd make the average gamer hurl
Snail is 90 years old kept young due to his augments. As you know, my dear friend, he has had one billion plastic surgeries. He's changed his gender 17 times. He has race swapped so much that the company told him to stop. He's had honkers, he's had cock, pussy, you name it and he's vain about it. I like to think this happened because his face was split in half during combat may years ago. He doesn't like Pater, he smells Pater's avarice from a mile away; recognition of self. He doesn't like anyone. Snail is a freak He's a sadomaso. He loves natural, unaugmented cock. Like everyone who's been a corporate slave who does actually all the work their whole life, he's fucked in the head. He likes to do fucked up things to those in re-education. Sorry, 621 and Walter. If he really doesn't like them for real he just takes the frontal lobe. Sorry, Swinburne. He hates old people, he hates mental illness, he hates animals.
Freud is in his 30s and he is actually naturally born. Someone like the top Vesper being naturally born can sway public opinion. He delegates authority to Snail for canon reasons but he does it to bully him for being so annoying and controlling. Like Snail, he also has authority to send people to re-education and also oversee it himself if he ever cared to. Freud is a man who gives no shits about anything that isn't about his AC and combat. He likes to look at stats and parts and planning budgets for them, and sorting them onto tierlists. He's also got a great cock. He has an assortment of children invested by the company (nicknamed as Freudlings) due to his impressive genetics. He doesn't really care about them other than their combat ability and only likes to spar or talk combat with them every once in a while. They admire him ferociously as the top Vesper and some want to surpass him.
Pater has spedrun life. He has the knack of figuring out the corporate game and exploits and appeals to climb the ladder. There was a certain psychological evaluation required for tenth generation augmentation, he passed with flying colors. He moseys up to anyone who may help him even if he has to subtely play the role of whatever appeals to them the most. His emotional state is determined by the amount of stress he endures from overstimulation. Pater is a twin! His twin was nonviable and is just kept in a tube somewhere in case he needs its cells or something.
O'Keeffe is initially deaf in one ear from a self inflicted wound. The tinnitus from his Second Generation augments were too much some times.
Rusty is far-sighted. He's 28 years old.
HONEST BRUTE! A headcanon of yours is a headcanon of mine. He's a coral head who's a pervert freak on every level and lives like shit. His clothes are stained, there's fruitflies swarming the trashcan near his bed, there are bedbugs in his dirty mattress on the floor next to his used needles and bent spoons. The euphoria of coral drugs for him is that it vibrates his augments in a way that stimulates pleasure center in the brain. His olfactory nerves were damaged from snorting the stuff so he's anosmic. And one of the only scents he can smell is ammonia. Do what you wish with that information. He does injections now. He gets bloody noses and has coral breath and is greasy. Despite this, he's extremely charming snd persuasive. He was Carla's kitten. He got close to Carla by lying to others effectively sabotaging them and taking their place, completely impulsively. Like, he stole the Overed Rail Canon literally just because. He's got insane good memory too, it really helps him sell the lie. He once got caught fucking Chatty by Carla. You know that guy who got caught fucking the washing machine? He's a very good lover. Are you really having a good time if you both aren't also high on coral? He smells so bad that it when it gets on you, other people would know you spent time with him. The smegma in his chastity cage-marked foreskin has crystalized. God i need to fuck this guy
Sulla hates Walter for making him eat the doodoo and will kill or fuck his dogs to spite him. And wants to be a dog owner himself but better and cuts someone else's french toast for them.
My 621 has leg nerve damage, muscle atrophy, selective mutism, and prone to hypothermia and is also so hot and sexy and fuckable, everybody wants it. 621's muscles are to weak to cut its own french toast so Walter cuts them for it and he does it so badly it's horrible! 621 sides with anyone that has its wheelchair. 621 didnt have time for for any physical recovery arriving on Rubicon so its AC is controlled mostly through extremly invasive augments in the brain and has been tuned to respond to fine finger movements. If anyone would care to help 621 through physical therapy and see its hair grow in patches it would be so sexy. So much tension.
Walter and Michigan definitely fucked before the start of the game.
uuuuu thats all i can spit out for now maybe I'll add more
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officialtokyosan · 9 months
if im ur bonny, will u be my clyde? <3
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holy shit yes
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officialtokyosan · 8 months
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get his ass
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officialtokyosan · 5 months
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officialtokyosan · 1 year
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his brain is squirming like a toad
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officialtokyosan · 1 year
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rei was so right about this
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officialtokyosan · 1 year
two kinds of aces
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officialtokyosan · 3 days
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officialtokyosan · 3 days
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tsundere general mandible fuckers these days
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officialtokyosan · 1 year
"y/n" means "your name." popularized in reader-insert fanfics to allow for the reader to insert their own name when the text calls for it. other iterations of this will change the "n" part to other letters so that it can mean, say, your eye color/hair color/last name/etc.
i see, i see! i get it now
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