#ryan grey
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de-adend-archived · 2 years
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2018!🐢💜 [ft puppet history]
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watching the fall guy in an hour and im going prepared. taking spare underwear and a mini handheld fan
gotta my giggles out now before I get to the cinema
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greatperharps · 10 months
currently consuming Ryan Gosling content like it’s crack
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19871997 · 10 days
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and what if we were first overalls tasked with saving an entire city at eighteen years old .
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celebsocksmen · 1 month
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bodybebangin · 9 months
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jophiel-extras · 10 months
Sierra Six sewing you up
summary :: Six is treating your wound after an incident
warning :: heavy sexual atmosphere, arousal, blood, diy stitching
note :: doing this for my love of Mr. Gosling
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A stirring static pulsed through your leg, the aftermath of a deep slice through the plump flesh of your thigh. The trenched wound leaked blood like a faint waterfall and through the fuz of gunshots and yelling your ears managed to pick up the plunk the red drops made as they hit the floor.
Not a moment after you’d received the deep wound, the world had gone hazy, both your eyes and ears effected by the streaming loss of blood. As the man who sectioned your skin fell before you, you were not a second later scooped up by Six. He had no doubt assessed the situation already, your wound, slow blinks, stumbling figure and was already planning your extraction from the less than safe situation.
Each time you’d slowly drifted into awareness from unconsciousness you had been in a new place. First, you were in Six’s arm, then the backseat of a car and now, being propped up on a bathroom bench. The distant murmuring of Six’s voice had now become clear to you as his hand tightly gripped your light head by the jaw.
“I’ve got to clean it.” He’d stated.
As he crouched to your abdomen, you’d followed his focus onto your leg, dread washing over you as the state of your wide slit suddenly set in. You’d said something incoherent even to yourself before your eyes slipped back into a blurry daze.
Before you could pass out again, a shooting burn seared into your split skin and muscle. You had screamed, now wide awake and surging with adrenaline. Six had poured something into the wound to disinfect it.
Your hands had snapped to the closet object to ground yourself, one being Six’s hand that held your uninjured thigh and the other being the edged of the counter. Your nails dug into his skin but he paid no mind to your weak infliction of pain.
You had gaped for a deep breath, chest rising and falling repetitively as your anxious shallow breaths barely filled your lungs.
Six had already move on from the disinfectant, his thumb and index finger holding a sewing needle and thread dangerously close to your skin. 
“Hold still and take deep breaths.” And without another word for warning he suck the needle into your skin.
“Fuck!” You had cried, back arching at the penetrative pain.
If Six hadn’t been so invested in your recovery he might’ve noticed his head’s close proximity to your crotch, or how your lack of pants (he’d stripped you of for better access to your cut) made that proximity all the more important. He would’ve noticed your death grip on him as you writhed and wailed. Maybe he would’ve thought the way your body glistened with sweat looked gorgeous, or the way you gasped and cried his name got him going.
“Fuck, Six!”
He’d pulled the needle through your skin for the last time, knotting and cutting the thread before rising to your level. “Control your breathing.” You’d complied all too well to his gravelly demanded, your shallow gasps becoming long and filling.
As the situation cooled itself from adrenaline, Six had finally come to notice the tantalising details of your tired face. Cheeks stained with tears, eyes welling with more, eyebrows upturned in a painful plea and the way your skin shined with sweat.
Ignoring the shameful erection that tented his pants, Six aided you in your return to base where you’d get much better medical treatment than he’d be able to give you.
Later he would recount the way you’d screamed and he’d plead to the world that one day he’d be able to make it happen again but in a more preferred setting.
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scottxlogan · 8 months
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@giftober 2023 | Day #18: "Romance". Fox Marvel Character Kisses
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renren-006 · 11 months
Poloroid |Sierra Six x Reader
Summery: When Six was given the Poloroid that Claire took of him he only had one person in mind to give it too. AS soon as he was done with the job he headed straight home to you.
Word Count: 466
Warning: fluffffff
A/N: hey hey!!! have not written anything for Six/Court in a bit and i thought this was a cute idea to do!! this is a very short little one shot!! hope you enjoy!!!
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Six got that polaroid not too long after Claire got out of the hospital. She placed the picture next to his computer. When Court looked up at the girl she gave him a big smile.
“You know i'm really smart for my age” she told him, “i've seen you take only one caller the entire time you've been here” Court glanced down at his phone to see your name pop up. He glanced back up at the girl before he tucked the photo in his pocket and rushed to answer your call.
“Hey hun” you spoke to him over the phone. Your voice was like music to his ears. You were only allowed one phone call a week, per Court telling you so. 
“Hey there doll” he said, the photo burning holes in his pants. “I got a surprise for you when i get home”
“Oh yea? Please tell me it's not another thing for the kitchen. I love you but you don't need to get something new for the house every time you leave for a mission out of the country” you told him, exclaiming loudly over the phone. Court laughed, making not only your heart swell but also Clairs who was sitting on the couch, an ipad in her lap on the lock screen but was content on watching Six on the phone. She'd never seen him this happy, but when she noticed him pull a special photo from his jacket and a lady's face was on it, she knew he wasn't so straight laced and sticked as he had to be on missions. Court got off the phone with you not long after that, promising to be home soon. 
Once the last week was over and he was home to you the photo was in your hands before his bags were even dropped at the door. When you looked down and saw a polaroid of Court you smiled. He looked down at you with loving eyes. 
“Clair took this?” You asked, knowing all about the girl he was looking after. 
“Yea, surprised me the first day with a camera but i didn't get it back till last week after she was out of the hospital” Court told you. When you flipped over the photo a little note was stuck to the back. When you opened the folded piece of paper, it was a letter Claire. 
Dear Six’s lover…I still don't know your name,
I think he loves you. Well, I have a feeling that you two have been together for a long time. It's cute. Please tell him that I will be keeping the gum I stole from him and I hope he doesn't forget about me. He looks like a happy puppy when he's on the phone with you. Don't let him go.
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revedetendresse · 1 year
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BEHIND THE SCENES OF HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Dance rehearsal on the set of episode 5 "We Light The Way"
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goodwhump-temp · 7 months
Ryan Gosling Whump - Multiple Movies
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The Nice Guys - Holland March
06:00 - Hungover 07:00 - Shaving cut 09:50 - Dumb asf, glass cut, profusely bleeding, weak, ambulance, weak, high (drogas) 12:30 - Punched, bloody nose, thrown, kicked, knocked down, left radius fractured, aiaiai scream, arm casted 22:00 - Upset 25:25 - Jumpscare 37:00 - Can't smell 41:50 - Drunk, falls off balcony, rolls down hill, pain, freaks out, nausea 51:00 - Car crash 58:50 - Drinking in misery, passes out 1:05:00 - Berated ((1:06:35) adorable interaction) 1:11:25 - Shaking (scared), screams 1:20:00 - Hallucinating, car crash, screaming 1:24:30 - Shot at, screams (???), freaks out (mishandled gun) 1:35:00 - Held at gunpoint, misinterprets life & dream, 1:39:40 - "Drunk", "crying", falls from roof, hallucinating, freaks out x2, shot at, chased, falls from different roof, hit by car, emotionally happy, limping 1:50:30 - Freaks out (bee)
The Grey Man - Sierra Six
01:00 - Prison 09:10 - Punched multiple times, hit with bar x2, manhandled 26:30 - Betrayed, punched, headbutted, plane torn in half, falling 40:20 - Badass 44:20 - Scars, abusive father 47:00 - Betrayed, falls down well, coughing, bloody mouth, limp 53:30 - Pepper-sprayed, annoyed, jumps out window, limp, held at gunpoint, betrayed-ish, handcuffed, tranquilized 58:00 - Drowsy 1:06:30 - Shot at, knocked back from explosion, held at gunpoint 1:09:40 - Chased by two different groups, hit by car, pain, restrained x2, shot at, caught in the middle of firefight, cornered on train, manhandled, elbowed, jumps off derailing train 1:19:50 - Fake injury 1:20:40 - Hand stabbed, body slammed, pain (obvio), headbutted, punched, kicked into glass, decked, punched, stabbed w/ scissors, wacked with defibrilator x2, shot at, bleeding out 1:25:00 - Bleeding out, bandaging, talks about childhood 1:38:00 - Headbutted, shot at 1:43:00 - Boss fight, punched x6, sliced x6, stabbed x3, drowning x2 (irl/flashback), shot, bleeding out, tired, medevac
Drive - Ryan Gosling
03:00 - Looks tired 15:20 - Car crash stunt 35:00++ - Heartbroken 41:00 - Annoyed 51:30 - Nervous, shot at 59:00 - Annoyed 1:01:00 - Ambushed/betrayed, shot at 1:03:00 - Stitches, angry/sad? 1:05:00 - Angry 1:10:05 - Slapped 1:12:00 - Angry outburst, emotional, betrayed, angry 1:22:00 - Crying 1:26:00 - Car crash 1:29:00 - Sad/scared 1:32:00 - Stabbed, bleeding profusely
Stay - Henry Letham
The whole movie - Suicidal/depressed 1:21:00 - Head bleeding 1:23:00 - Emotional confrontation 1:25:00 - Saddest shit you'll ever see in your entire life
Crazy Stupid Love - Jacob Palmer
1:29:00 - Freaking out, punched, manhandled-ish, tackled by 4 guys
Barbie - Ken (I don't want to watch the movie)
somewhere near the beginning - heartbroken somewhere near the middle - heartbroken somewhere near the end - Sobbing, suicidal
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uncleclam · 8 months
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evilhorse · 6 days
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The Original X-Men #1
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citizenscreen · 4 months
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Cloris Leachman and Robert Ryan in “You Only Run Once,” 1956 episode of “Dick Powell’s Zane Grey Theater.”
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celebsocksmen · 1 month
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