#running from the idiots he scammed smh
ghostr0tz · 19 days
We need deltarune more Deltarune AU Vox.
also who is the main antagonist in this?
The Deltarune au loosely(?) follows along the plot/timeline of the original game ! I've mostly only thought of most of the events from chapter two but I wanna play around with everything!!! (spoilers for Deltarune ahead)
Antagonist is kind of a loose word, but there's a bit of tension from all sides. My main focuses of the au that I've had revolve around Radiostatic because I got the initial idea to start the au because of an old Swatchton fic I wrote. . But if I had to give them roles, Lucifer is King BUT THEY DONT HAVE THE SAME GOALS/REASONS. i say he is King ONLY bc of their similar positions and. titles,,
I think I'm going to keep most of what my plans for the City/ Queen/Chapter two as a whole to myself for now until i post Real Content. I've been debating on and off whether I have the energy/choose whether storytelling through writing or trying to make it a comic would be better...
But the main planned players SO FAR that ive really thought about are Vox, Alastor, Lucifer, and Charlie ! if you read this far thank you for reading heres a spamton Vox as requested AFKJHSDHJKF
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upagainstthesunset · 2 years
Let’s see how Wally’s doing in this cult. It’s Flash Vol 2, Issue 37 - Channels of Love... and Fear!
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Look, I knew Wally joined a cult. I just didn’t know he was so dumb about it. 😂 Let’s see how this goes.
We open with a crazed Velocity 9 junking busting into the police station, where Barrow and Cleveland take him out. Commissioner Vaughn in his fuchsia suit make an appearance. Keystone looks like it’s got its fair share of problems.
Back on the Ranch Wally’s studying about spirits and energy. Looks a little dense for our boy lol. 
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Here’s my question.. how did he recognize her from that far away in a costume with her back to him? Wally sees her and is like 👀
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RUDE he doesn’t even bother to catch her ha ha ha
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I hope this comic never stops being about these two.
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Over in Central City we see Tina and Jerry are working at the University lab. Some sort of AI research. And with a quick call to Mason, we check in with him to see he’s busy doing chores.
Wally talks with Celia McGrath and she gives him some backstory that honestly doesn’t really matter. I kind of feel like maybe if Wally had a better therapist he wouldn’t have ended in searching for answers in a place like this.
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And of course Celia lends a sympathetic ear, says all the right things to ease his skepticism. Look at him, Naruto running, his heart full of hope. smh
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Mason’s fix-it business seems like a lot to handle for one guy. Joan shows up and idk if I like that there’s hints of romantic interest there. 
UGH I can’t get enough of them. They’re both adorable and hilarious.
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Okay so they have séance type thing, Celia summons her bff Lars. And then it’s time to try to channel someone for Wally. Poor guy, he’s so desperate to talk to Barry. And WELP
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Final thoughts:
This whole place is clearly such a sham ha ha ha. I do want Wally to get answers and feel more confident with who he is, but my dude this is NOT the way. Lol of course his dad is there. I’ve known since the beginning that he isn’t dead, so this HAS to be him being in on the scam. I mean, figures.
But the important thing here is Wally and Linda. They’re so stubborn with each other. The chemistry is great. I hope this comic turns into a romcom about them and never quits lol. Like, they’re honestly both idiots in their own ways. I think they’re going to find themselves getting along. 😂
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azrcxlfatale · 4 years
under the cut you’ll find saint’s intro, its just a brief run down for now until i get bio pages up but it should help get a sense of the boyo all the same !! he is gentle and friend shaped is all i can say ajjdfg. THIS HAS NOW BEEN UPDATED WITH LIKE FIVE EXTRA LIL MORE CURRENT HEADCANONS! [ they r just like for his own growth nothing major has happened with saint and he’s still fundamentally the same as he was bc he’s always been a more laidback and less tragic muse but feel free to read em bc they do help contextualise how he’ll be career wise and with grandmami] : 
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so for the best part of his life saint was raised with his ‘grandmami’ as he terms her, but she’s better known to the whole island as ajumma solmi. for this reason he’s very doting toward her and a real grandma’s boy. he bakes with her often and they can often be found on street corners selling cheap priced but some of the finest flowers to the citizens because it’s grandmami’s tradition and its mostly done in hope to uplift the islanders and bring joy to their day in a small way and act of love. 
when i say doting i mean doTInG, he will help her in and out of chairs, help her cross streets, hold the groceries for her as she crosses, open doors for her even if grandmami insists he stops fussing because ffs saint ur making me look ancient and i’ll have u know i am still fighting fit and could knock any idiot on his ass with a fliCk of my finger. ajdhf. she is v fiery, if saint is like the picture of elegance and good manners then grandmami is the sTARK contrast. she has one hell of a potty mouth and just a no time for ur shit attitude. if anything saint is keeping her in line, not the other way around. 
his quirk is warp gate. he rlly just uses it to entertain himself mostly and help give his pals quick escapes when a prank of some sort has gone wrong. he can basically create portals out of a dark fog which can either be emitted through his breath or openings at the end of his fingers which he can activate, anyone can also use his portals to travel so long as he’s given them permission.
he just exudes sunshine rlly. is well known round the island for his out of this world smile which has been known to charm many. he is a very eligible and sought after bachelor but saint is like...not interested mostly bc he just like has no romantic awareness ahdhfhf not bc he doesn’t want it. and also bc he doesn’t like the way it’s mostly super young girls and guys just like awestruck by him. it feels a little too much like he’s a collective childhood crush by his groupies so yeah he is OBLIVIOUS. 
very humble and incredibly polite. just really down to earth whenever spoken to but being raised by an elderly person kinda makes u a little outdated, for this reason saint is kind of demure and bad at conversation mostly due to the fact he can easily talk for hours about his plans for baking with grandmami later, the book he read her this morning, the lovely walk they took in that gorgeous spot which he rlly recommends etc but he is god awful at talking about like typical young people stuff. 
lot of ppl think he plays hard to get, this is not true, saint just fr does not know how to fuckin speak and is the most oblivious person in the world to how to flirt, he’s easily flustered but bad at knowing when he’s being flirted with or if this person is just rlly nice and is usually too shy and respectful to rlly push luck by flirting in response hfhfjkg. USELESS. 
very 70′s/80′s aesthetic bby boy, sweet summer child. he is obsessed with old classic black and white films, had a collection before he moved to the island which he misses like everyday but luckily he has memorised ten million quotes. also collected records. obsessed with anything retro, is a collector of gaming merch. but he didn’t get to sneak much to the island :-( the only thing he rlly snuck was a small record stash. liked roller skating, bowling, drive in movies. dresses very retro but refined and classy with lots of layering. rlly good knowledge of classic literature. 
most likely to find him at the arcade in the funzone now on the island, he is a master at all the games but esp the old retro ones, usually goes early morning or late evening so he can spend hours uninterrupted on them and beat his high score everyday a bit more. if not there then he’ll be at zen’s computer gaming instead. he likes all tech really but prefers retro, he’s still figuring out modern. before coming to the island he was rlly getting into VR. if he’s not in either of these places, he’ll be on the beach in a volleyball match or doing a jog. still v much into his sports. 
ultimate sike power cause people think he looks like ur typical jock fuckboy but jokes on u he is pure of heart and dumb of ass himbo just blessed with ethereal looks, he is the breed of good lil boyo and that is all. 
obsessed with milkshakes and popcorn at the diners if he’s ever there u can guarantee that is what he is snacking on or treating himself to. his weakness is churros he fucken thinks that shit SLAPS. he’ll do anything if the prize is churros.  sMH someone help his diet. also loves fiddling with the jukeboxes there ajdjd. 
has two pet geckos one is peach colored and called zelda, the other is black and white leopard spotted and named zeus and he also has a chonk of a fluffy grumpy white cat called yoshi. he is the best. saint is a huge animal lover but probably still not on nyx’s level of dog worshipper. 
weeb. not as big of a one as nyx but he likes haikyuu, kuroko no basket, given, fruits basket, free! and yuri! on ice. he is very into anything that is slice of life or sports anime. 
has the nickname ‘koda’ bc of the movie brother bear, nicknamed after the lil baby bear cause he just reminds people of a baby bear ahdhd. 
he studies art, spends half his life in the studio working, big art nerd. once he gets in the work mode, he just does not stop for anything but water and snacks and goes at it all day into half the night. usually does big projects bc he loves a challenge. mostly paints, sometimes sketches. u know those vids of people mixing paint colors like a swatch of gold and turquoise? saint fuckin loves those so bad unf he does that all the time to calm himself. 
still lives with grandmami currently, he’s looking at getting his own place bc everyone tells him if he ever wants to have his own life then he needs to but he’s just v anxious about leaving grandmami on her own bc she getting older by the day and she’s all he has sO she cannot get hurt!! 
also in a bit of a dilemma with his art bc he kinda wants to make something out of it, like maybe teach some classes sort of thing and use it more as a career but right now he does not have the confidence in his ability and is mostly just doing it for fun and as a calming thing ( he’s an idiot he’s rlly fucken good pls someone make him take himself seriously )
never cusses but does say bitchin a lot, only ever uses fuck in bed basically so if u ever hear him say it then u know something next level has gone down bc saint refuses to swear even if he stubbed his pinky toe.
looks like a cinnamon roll but HE FUCKS!! boy is a kinky freak however saint has no shame or embarrassment like he will discuss it as casually as a discussion of what to have for dinner not bc he is like lewd but purely bc to him its rlly natural and like another form of art and he does not get the embarrassment or secret nature of it all like it is just factual to him that we come into the world like that and ppl enjoy it sometimes ajsj. 
gardening enthusiast!! has a fascination with studying plants and insects tbfh. still uses 70′s and 80′s kewl kid slang like unironically someone help him pls. sjjdjf. cute bonus fact: has freckles all over his shoulders and down his back. UWU. 
i would love for him to have a muse for art and/or to be someone’s muse. also and maybe interchangeably someone to kinda be his art mentor and be like saint u could pursue this fr if thats ur dream, then do it pls share this talent dont let ART DIE!!
someone he does gardening and insect studies with who gets his nerdy enthusiasm over it. 
a regular who gets flowers from him and grandmami, maybe he makes a special bouquet for them every day which always has a different meaning in the flower language bc he is soft like that ajjfl
someone who he can take on loads of cute lil platonic diner dinner dates bc he is a huge foodie as we can tell. this one is super fun like I imagine they scam tf outta restaurants that are over priced and for the elite by being like we all kno married couples or people getting engaged, celebrating anniversaries etc tend to get better deals on their meals. so he’s essentially doing this one bc he likes ur muses company and enthusiasm for food but also bc it means cheaper high quality meals for both and a guaranteed good time.
someone to nerd out with him over classic literature or films bc that would be hella cute
maybe someone who is also close with his grandmami and rlly loves spending time with her as well so he kinda trusts them to take care of her and trusts their judgement when they r like saint chill let the lady live okay go and do ur own shit akskf
he usually jogs alone but it would be cool for him to have someone to do that with and like table-tennis and shiz cause he just loves fitness activities and active leisure stuff too. 
maybe someone who is tryna teach him a little more about how to uH TALK LIKE SOMEONE HIS DAMN AGE AND STOP BEING SOME RETRO MAN STUCK IN MODERN TIMES AJDJD
so a lot about saint hasn’t overly changed because like he just is and has always been a very wholesome laidback boyo but just a few bits of like additional info for his personal growth can be added:
he’s owner and manager of the florist now, grandmami is also there most of the time and handles a lot of stuff when she’s feeling up to it but with her getting more tired more easily from her illness saint needs to head everything really.
he grew up in a neighbourhood on hosu which like consisted of his entire street pretty much being full of his aunts and uncles so now like it’s a street just littered with all his tiny cousins who like to follow him about everywhere and play ball games etc on the street with him and kinda take it over shs. you can hear their joyful playing from like streets over it’s very cute.
his mother gave him up when she realised she was pregnant with him and too young to raise him and that it would hinder her from pursuing the life she wanted with his father. saint doesn’t hold any resentment for her choice, it only bothers him that his grandma has always had a serious illness since the early days of talks of her having no choice but to take him on and that despite this his mother allowed him to be left to her care and another burden on her when she was already so ill.
grandmami is now at a point where she’s hanging in there but she won’t have long left and saint is essentially now her live in carer till her final days which is hard af for him but he refuses to let it show. he’s not sure how he’ll function when he loses her. right now he’s trying to extend the florist business into a wellness one as well and more of an apothecary so he can keep himself stable and busy.
this is more just a cute fun fact but he’s a Christmas Eve baby. uwu lil boyo was born on the night before Christmas bc of course he was sdjdj.
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headcanon-baby · 5 years
Can you do how to tell he’s in love with you with Alex Summers
how to tell if he’s in love with you? this dork??? Y E S 
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- this boi is 82731678210% more of a dick whenever you’re around and he’s literally on your ass the minute you open your mouth
- he says shit like “oh speak of the devil and she arrives”, “hey shorty, didn’t see you come in - oops, guess we all know why” and “whoa look what the cat dragged in today - oh wait it’s you” 
- he says it all in that snarky, teasing way of his and sometimes you don’t know whether you should get turned on or kick him in the dick
- the thing is he doesn’t really know WHEN to tone down on the teasing and then it’s too late and you storm off and you can literally hear mystique slapping alex on the back of his head for being such a dumbass
- has never apologised a day in his fucking life but leaves a plate of cookies outside your door with a note that says, “i think i took it too far” which is the closest to an apology he’s ever going to make
- if you haven’t noticed, he likes giving you borderline insulting nicknames, “shorty” is a common one, followed by “loser” and “tiny”
- makes the stupidest excuses to sit next to you during meal times 
- “alex why are you sitting there that’s my spot” “it’s so i can help this shorty here reach for the salad, duh” “alex the salad is right in front of her” “….i’m grounding you” 
- tends to hang his arm around your shoulders without thinking too much about it 
- gets antsy when he finds out you’re going out with your friends without him and he literally marches over to scott, grabs his shoulders and tells him to “fucking watch over her she’s useless without me” and scott is like “lmao sure trash brother” 
- every time you’re training together he finds every opportunity to take off his shirt
- or flex
- or both
- you notice that he tends to hover over you like a ghost in group conversations. he doesn’t contribute much aside from the random quip or snark comment but he glares at anyone who tries to get too close to you and he just stands behind you like a protective bulldog waiting to attack
- you think it’s kinda cute
- for some ABOMINABLE reason, he likes waking you up at 5am. not for breakfast or anything but to fucking JOG FFS
- “wakey wakey eggs and bakey time to run you slob” “summers i swear to FUCK - ” 
- alex looks and acts like a Jock almost 99% of the time but boy this man can COOK. after the jog he makes breakfast for you and you think it’s all a scam and he’s poisoned your eggs but he just looks at you abashed and just mutters, “I like cooking for people” and your heart just dies inside
- you think alex is some sort of magician especially that time when you’re with your friends and peter just looks around and is like, “your boyfriend not here today?” 
- for some reason alex knows EXACTLY when to pop out of nowhere at that exact moment to deny everything with the biggest fuck off blush on his face
- sometimes you think he’s self-conscious because every time you enter the room he discreetly tries to fix his hair 
- is a super POSSESSIVE FUCK. when you go out together with friends to the movies he makes sure to ask you every time whether you’re cold and even when you tell him your not he makes you wear his jacket anyway while glaring at peter who’s about to offer his 
- “maximoff i swear to fuck if you -” “whoa calm down homeboy i was just about to offer storm mine no need to get your panties in a twist” 
- scott discreetly tries to offer you hints that alex is in love with you but every time he opens his mouth alex dog tackles him into a bookshelf 
- “hey you know my brother - ASDHAGGFALLKSL” “ha. ha. what were you about to say lil bro? oh hey shorty whats up with you” “ALEX SUMMERS YOU BROKE MY TEETH” 
- yeets himself when his hand brushes against yours while you’re walking and everyone is just so exasperated because it’s literally a recurring gag that happens at least once a day
- “hey scott, don’t take this the wrong way, but I think your brother is whipped” “he’s been whipped since the day he met her what’s new” 
- he likes picking you up 
- no literally 
- he just picks you out of mcfreaking nowhere. like in the middle of a conversation or you mention that you’re heading to bed he literally just fucking picks you up in his arms bridal style and runs the fuck away laughing with you while you’re gripping on him and screeching
- “do I even weigh anything to you???” “nope it’s like carrying a bunch of grapes” 
- he’s amusingly pleased whenever you call him by his x-men alias 
- “you got a kink for your superhero name, summers?” “hey back off it’s a cool name”
- whenever you’re hit on in public alex just scoffs and finds every single insult he can think of about you to deter the dude away
- “you shouldn’t do that, she probably hasn’t showered for a whole week”, “you really wanna date a girl you can’t see when she walks into the room? alright dude if your standards are that low”, “she puts milk before the cereal. you really gonna hit that?” 
- has failed his confession about 6 times in six months. he chickens out before he can ever finish or gets an untimely interruption from someone in the house
- “okay so the mansion was gonna explode right? so I waltz in there like oh hey guys what’s up - OH sHIT ALEX wERE YOU ABOUT TO - ” “maximoff i swear to god” 
- you think his heart is full of snark and wit until one day you find him intoxicated at the dinner table with charles and beast and mystique basically the Whole Gang™ completely red-faced and sulky and everyone is just laughing at him because he talks a lot of shit but he sure can’t take it
- “he’s had a bit too much to drink,” charles says politely as alex flat out sobs onto the table while beast pats him on the back
- alex just continues being emo until he sees your ass and he just. wobbles towards you and the first thing you know he’s giving you the biggest, bone-crushing hug you’ve ever had and mumbling like an idiot 
- beast is about to intervene until you wave him off and you silently drag alex back to his bedroom and the whole time he’s just moaning and sobbing and telling you how nice your hair smells and you’re just smh 
- and then out of curiosity you pop The Question™ and he answers so fast it gives you whiplash
- “hey alex, do you like me?” “h-h-huh???? like you?? n-nah i love you loser” “wait what” 
- he doesn’t let you leave the bedroom even after you tuck him in and turn the lights off and he makes you sit by his bed and hold his hand to sleep and sweet fucking jesus he even pulls out the puppy dog eyes no you and you’re like gdi
- and then out of nowhere he starts to drunkenly babble about his past, telling you all about how scared he was when he got drafted for war, how close he became to getting experimented on because of his x-gene and how fucking terrified he was at the thought of not being able to come back to the mansion and see everyone again
- he pulls your hand against his face and he just. BREAKS down crying and confesses that he sometimes dreams of losing you in the war and it scares the shit out of him
- it takes awhile for you to calm him down, rubbing his hand with yours in comfort until alex pulls you closer to him and grips your hand until he’s shaking and asks 
- “d-do you t-think i’ll e-ever have a chance w-with you in t-this lifetime?” 
- and being the fucking impulsive piece of shit you are you lean into him and grab his face and give him the softest, sweetest kiss you’ve ever given anybody and he just stares at you giddily touching his lips blown out of his mcfreaking mind
- “ask me again tomorrow when you’re sober, dork” 
- he does 
aaaaaand i’m done. sorry i haven’t been taking requests! been hella busy and dying and i just got out of hospital so kEK
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blcksappho · 6 years
in the spirit of choosing “sappho” as her name: 
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HELLO, blcktmpl, and welcome to our death crib! you may call me obi. a little bit about sappho can be found under the cut. you can reach me through DMs or through twitter @obikenbobi. i’ll have some plots up soon, but i’d love to brainstorm with you guys, and a few plot bunnies will be under the cut as well in the meantime. 
About Her – 
once upon a time, this proud princess was the daughter of an esteemed politician. she was a high-rolling hetero eager to please her parents and the public. she took fencing, did a bit of MMA on the side, could play the piano, you name it. however, her dad was caught up in a scandal that exposed him as the guy who basically scammed his way into the nation’s treasury and basically took a lot of taxpayer money. he was ousted, disgraced, but not convicted because he had a real good lawyer and because he was rich, and rich people are evil, as we all know.
was involved in high society and the elite circles even when she was growing up!
in the meantime, she met @blckbuttercup​ who really .... opened her eyes, so to speak. they dated but she forgot her when she was taken; they met again and are now in an open r/s ugh we love the gays
super proud, super stubborn, super confident
has about a trillion pick-up lines just waiting to be used in the proper context
smooth criminal TM – literally was involved in some arson case but was never proven guilty, so like father like daughter
just like her gf, they’re both asshole fuckboys, but will respect your preferences and tastes, because coercion and being too pushy is Not attractive (maybe that’s why they haven’t killed each other yet smh)
has low tolerance for ‘idiots’ AKA people who don’t follow what she says
super bossy, very manipulative, will drop you on your ass if you cross her but will pick you up for a date at 8 maybe xoxo
a switch
loves women almost as much as she loves winning
like seriously not just romantically/sexually but platonically also...she just really loves women in general
WLW hit me up so we can build sappho’s harem before she dies
will do anything for you if it means you’ll approve of her because deep down she craves affection but not-so-deep down she also craves attention 
her weapon is an ancient-looking sabre that can cut through steel, stone and bone, baby – but not other people’s weapons so that’s fun
the second state splits her blade in two, makes them both real hot, ignites explosions when she ‘strikes’ them against each other
because she tends to try and push her own limits, she has burn marks on her hands constantly, and more often than not wears all sorts of gloves (has a collection tbh) – so her first vibe at a bar is almost often blake-lively-in-a-suit-from-a-simple-favour
wants to win because winning is Everything
part-times as a fencing instructor now
Plot Bunnies – 
mortal enemies
flings/one-night stands
vermilion rookies who sappho picks on to get coffee for her, run errands, etc.
an actual rookie who wants to get on her good side for reasons unknown to sappho, so becomes her PA basically
best friend who goes on nail appointments, spa appointments, etc with her
sparring best friend
people she knew back then and who don’t remember her/who she doesn’t remember anymore
sappho vc, “you’re so pitiful and cute let me take you under my wing”
someone who uses sappho for their own gain
someone who sappho uses for Her own gain
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