#ruhrgold the german engine
dreamdancerdotfile · 6 months
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Metroland is burning
No god is here
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trainqueen379 · 23 days
Here, have another doodle <3
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captainmvf · 2 months
Stex Greaseball + Nationals Charms for Sale!! 🚂🌟
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🌟 They're available on my online store right now! Please check out the link for more details! 🌟
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jekyll-doodles · 1 year
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callout post for @smarticaleparticales and their garbage men crushes which include: evil youtube man, super villain, kind hearted idiot, homicidal hermit, and a German national champion engine.
💚 My Tip Jar (Ko-fi) 💚 Do not remove source, edit, trace, or repost!
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finleyforevermore · 9 months
2023's StEx Appreciation Month!
Day 8: Carrie the Luggage Van
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Jessie Angell in the first picture, Sydnie Christmas in the second picture, Dieuwke Tönissen in the third picture, and Ida Swann in the fourth picture.
Favorite Actor: Sydnie Christmas (Bochum, 2019-2022, swung the role, then became principal in 2022), Ida Swann (Bochum, 2020-2022, understudy), and Demy Janssen (Bochum, 2023, swing)
Face Claim/Voice Claim: Dieuwke Tönissen (face) and Lacy Jordinson (voice)
Favorite Song/Scene: "King of the Track" in the 2019 boot when she gives Rusty a big hug.
Favorite Costume: She only has one and I love it!
Favorite Ship: Canarrie (Carrie x Cabs), Carrie x Ruhrgold, and Carrie x Eledtra (courtesy of @charliestrainyard!)
Headcanon: In a Carrie x Ruhr scenario, she learned German rather quickly and sometimes they have full conversations in Ruhr's mother tongue.
Unpopular Opinion: I love her and she deserves more personality!!!
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workofthediesel · 1 year
Please could you do some Rusty/Ruhrgold if your requests are open still? Honestly, you’re doing the lord’s starlight’s work :)
Rusty was poised at the entrance of the yard, spinning his wheels as he shuffled excitedly in place. His eyes were fixed in the distance on the farthest point east he could see.
Behind him, the yard was in a minor state of chaos. The championship was upon them again, and somehow—despite everything that had gone down last year—the foreign engines had agreed to let them host it again. They’d gotten the official approval somewhat last minute, and because of that, the whole yard was still scrambling to get everything ready.
Well, almost the whole yard. Any other day, Rusty would have been in the middle of the mess with the rest of them, doing his part to help clean up and sort out the race paths and organize the brackets for each individual race. But not today. Today was special.
Today was when Ruhrgold was arriving. 
A bubble of anticipation swelled up in Rusty’s chest at the thought of his boyfriend. It had been far, far too long since they’d last seen each other. They wrote each other letters, of course, and called as often as international phone rates allowed, but it wasn’t the same. Rusty missed having Ruhrgold there with them, and he knew Ruhrgold felt the same.
They knew when they started their relationship that it would have to be long-distance. As much as they loved each other, they loved their yards even more, and neither one could say that they’d be okay with giving up their homes and moving abroad, even if that was the only way they could physically be with each other.
So they’d settled on long-distance. They had thought going into it that they knew what they were getting themselves into. It wasn’t hard to conceptualizing keeping in touch with each other—even across an entire ocean—and they had thought they were up for it.
“It won’t be hard,” Ruhrgold had said on their last night together. “As if a little distance could keep me from loving you.”
Neither of them had been able to predict how difficult it would actually be. They had thought the days—sometimes weeks—they would have to wait in between receiving letters would be filled with excitement, not loneliness. They had thought the few phone calls they could manage to afford would feel special, not always leave them wanting more. Neither one of them had thought about the cold nights in an empty bed; the pain of seeing their friends, happy in their relationships with their partners by their side, and the bitter jealousy that would invoke; the hard days when they came home wanting nothing more than for their boyfriend to hold them close for a while, only to be met with a desolate house.
The first few months had been novel, so they’d gone almost exactly how they had expected. It was only after that, after Rusty’s birthday came and went and Ruhrgold hadn’t been able to do more than call and send a gift that arrived two weeks late, that it began to wear on them.
Neither had wanted to admit it at first; as if addressing it would be the blow that shattered their already-fragile relationship. But as the letters became shorter, the phone calls fewer and fewer, Rusty knew something had to be done.
“Are you happy?” he had asked, catching Ruhrgold just before he hung up barely ten minutes into their first call in months.
“Rusty, you know I love you.”
“I know. I love you too. But are you happy?”
The silence that stretched between them spoke volumes before Ruhrgold managed to answer, “No.”
“Me neither,” Rusty admitted. “I thought this would be easier.”
“So did I. I thought… well… Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Isn’t that the phrase?”
“Yeah,” Rusty said, “except maybe that’s the problem. I love you so much that I always want you here with me, but whenever we call or write, it just…”
“Reminds you that I’m not?”
It had been one of their tougher phone calls. Talking so openly about their negative feelings towards their relationship was frightening, especially since they seemed to be on the same page. With both of them agreeing that the distance was taxing and weighing down on them, Rusty feared that Ruhrgold might say he didn’t think it was worth it anymore. 
As hard as the relationship was, Rusty didn’t want it to end. 
Thankfully, neither did Ruhrgold. Once they’d cleared the air about their feelings, they’d both agreed that they should try to put more effort in, especially in the areas they’d let slip while they were upset. 
Slowly but surely, their letters grew back to their old length. They agreed to call at least once a month, twice if they could manage, and Rusty had to start setting a timer for when to hang up so they wouldn’t get lost in conversation for hours and run up the phone bill more than he could afford (again). Most exciting of all, Ruhrgold promised to come back for the next championship.
Talking about visiting each other was something they’d done a bit in the beginning, but they’d quickly dropped the subject. With both of them so dedicated to their jobs, taking a vacation was practically unheard of. Then, in the middle, the idea was painful to even think about, let alone voice. It was only recently that they’d actually started discussing it with any seriousness. They hadn’t made any definite plans, but they agreed that they could both take a few weeks off to be together. They deserved it.
Ruhrgold announcing that he would be back for the championship was the first concrete step either of them had made in that direction. It made Rusty almost dizzy to think about. He’d finally gotten used to Ruhrgold being so far away, and suddenly, he was coming back.
For the next few weeks, Rusty flipped back and forth between overwhelming excitement and nervousness. He desperately wanted to see Ruhrgold again, of course, but what if things were different now? What if they’d adapted too well to being long-distance that they didn’t work in person anymore? And what if they did work in person? What if things were so good that it hurt too much when Ruhrgold had to leave again, and they were thrown back into that awful middle phase?
Luckily, Rusty had Pearl to knock some sense into him. “If you spend all your time worrying about the future, you’re going to miss out on the present,” she’d told him. “Ruhrgold is coming back and that is happy and wonderful and exciting. Just let yourself enjoy it! Whatever happens after that will happen. Don’t you want to make some good memories together while you can?”
She was right, as always. Rusty only had limited time with Ruhrgold; it would be much better for them to make the best of it.
And so here he was: waiting at the entrance for Ruhrgold to arrive. He’d been waiting for about half an hour by now, and although Ruhrgold hadn’t been able to give a definite time he expected to be there by so he couldn’t really be considered late, Rusty was getting antsy. He wanted Ruhrgold here already, was that so much to ask?
Ten minutes later, a speck appeared on the horizon. Five minutes later, it had drawn close enough for Rusty to see who it was. Another two minutes after that, Rusty and Ruhrgold were crashing into each other, both having taken off at a sprint when they saw each other.
Ruhrgold had been knocked off balance by the force of Rusty speeding into his chest and the two went tumbling to the ground. It was far from the most dignified of reunions, and later, Rusty would be grateful that Ruhrgold hadn’t ended up getting hurt in the fall. But in the moment, all either of them could think about was how good it felt to finally be back together.
“Hello, Rusty,” Ruhrgold said softly once he’d gotten his breath back and once Rusty had stopped his ecstatic laughing. “I’ve missed you.”
Rusty was beaming brighter than the sun, his smile so wide it was hurting his cheeks, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. “I’ve missed you too,” he said before leaning down and stealing himself a long overdue kiss.
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marastriker · 11 months
My StEx HC Looks
Ruhrgold the German National
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Bodyclam: Graham Harvey Face and Makeup Claim: Brad Corben Standard ICE costume with update makeup A tall man, stable and good He's very lowkey, laid back, doesn't speak much But he still has a wonderful personality and sense of humor once you get to know him, he's just a little awkward Driven and determined He do be having that blonde hair blue eyes thing going on but he has been persuaded to dye his hair in the past, he does not wish to be problematic. now it grew out to look dirty blondish (he still keeps his hair neat and combed) A genuine smile, kind eyes
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starburst2000 · 4 months
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Happy New Year from the post-2018 and Jap/Aus National Engines!
Base by @SmolPotatoPleb on Pixilart.
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neacle · 2 years
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Some ladies and some gentemen, from various eras
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Ruhrgold: What do people think of when they think of Germany?
Ruhrgold: Exactly! Hazelnut omelettes!
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isaterriblebore · 10 months
Me: don’t start a new ship, don’t start a new ship, don’t start a new ship, don’t start a new ship, don’t start a new ship, don’t —
Ah damn 😳
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dreamdancerdotfile · 1 year
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Fuck it
Gay trains on main
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trainqueen379 · 4 months
I mustn’t be left unsupervised near a whiteboard
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captainmvf · 2 years
Could I ask for uhm,,, german train as dinosaur,,,
Thank you for being so patient Morf!!!!
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Ruhrgold strikes me as a big guy who is actually pretty soft and likes to nap. Big guy who loves to race but is also late a bunch due to his poor sense of time.
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gb-diesellok · 9 months
I really don't get what's so special about Electra being electric if basically every other national is electric...
Japanese National -Shinkansen, electric
French national - TGV, electric
British national- APT, electric.
German national- Weltschaft, electric / Ruhrgold ICE, electric
Russian national - ChS4 (passenger engine) , electric
In conclusion, it would be much more appropriate and thematically tied together if Electra said he was. I dont know.. A maglev. Because of magnetism.
--- pics to examine how the costumes identify engine types.---
Technically there is a Prince of Wales that is a steam engine. But because in the musical we are all hating on Rusty this is not the case. Esp because costume language-wise, Steam engines have visible fire box access + tenders.
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When it comes to diesels, their chest/front design has this double breastfed look(?) . GB specifically on his chest has visible intake vents which other engines don't have (source for them being vents, costume construction notes)
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electric design is also to note because all nationals + Electra share this blocky look their segmented chest pieces.
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and the electric back piece design motif, is most likely an auxiliary battery so they can function off powered rail or without overhead wires.
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Dieesels are designed differently (GB and the gang) having a set of vents on their lower back
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GB dons something on his back for the race too which is a fuel tender of a different design than the rest of the cast. Indicating that it is for a different type of fuel (diesel) than the rest (ie. coal tender or electric battery)
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Additionally, he is partially dismantled for showing off his internals (example, the design on his arms) considering he is the only diesel racing and winning the championship year after year against electrics. The company must truly be proud of their design to show off his inner workings. This is further driven home by his official costume art vs on stage appearance as well as missing forearm wheels that every other piece of rolling stock has. Wheels which are only there when he is reassembled to be fit for racing.
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finleyforevermore · 8 months
2023's StEx Appreciation Month!
Day 26: Ruhrgold the German Engine (Nationals 1/3)
Yes, I'm only doing 3 Nationals because I only really have thoughts on three of them.
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Jan Apel in the first and fifth pictures, Chris Barron in the second picture, Daniel Joey in the third picture, and Cole Dunn in the fourth picture.
Favorite Actor(s): Kristian Jacobs (Bochum update, 2019-20, 2023-present, principal actor in 2019-20, swing in 2023) and Owen Broughton (Bochum update, 2020-2023, swung the role, then became the principal actor in 2023).
Face Claim/Voice Claim: Cole Dunn (face) (I've yet to find a voice claim for him, truthfully-)
Favorite Song/Scene: Him racing with Joule (or Carrie for post-2018) during the second heat.
Favorite Costume: His 1993 and onwards ICE costume.
Favorite Ship(s): Ruhrgold x Carrie and Rustgold (Rusty x Ruhrgold)
Headcanon: He teaches [insert name of whoever you ship him with] German!
Unpopular Opinion: None at all!
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