#roynette week
intotherabithole · 15 days
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Roynette week: babysitter
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mochegato · 14 days
Roy surveyed the bar before making his way in.  It had a good size crowd, active but not boisterous, amiable but not overly friendly.  Definitely the kind of place he could drink in without having to worry about getting pulled into an unwelcome conversation, or a fight.  More importantly, there was an open spot at the bar… next to a beautiful woman.
He moved to take the spot quickly before anyone else realized their mistake at not taking it and ordered a drink.  Again, the universe seemed to have blessed him because the bartender hadn’t been paying attention and had set his drink down so close to the woman’s drink it was almost touching hers.  He waited a beat then reached for his drink at the same time as the woman, which he may or may not have been, but totally was, intentional.  She yanked her hand back like she was afraid he’d snap at her.  “Sorry.”
He shot her his most charming, winning smile.  “No, it’s completely my fault.  I should have been watching where I was reaching.”  He took a sip of his drink to give her a chance to do the same or turn away if she had absolutely no interest, he couldn’t be the only one who had hoped to avoid conversation that night.  He had changed his mind as soon as he saw her, but that didn’t mean she had.
When she continued to smile in his direction, he took it as an invitation to continue.  “My name is Roy,” he started, leaving a lull for her to fill in.
Instead, she hummed and held her drink up to toast him.  “Roy, what a beautiful name.”
He snorted.  Not the response he was expecting, but he had always appreciated a bit of snark.  “Right.  Something I hear all the time.  How beautiful and completely not red neck my name is.”
She smirked at him but quickly schooled her expression into faux seriousness.  “That’s good to hear.  You should hear it often.  Everyone should be told they’re special.”
“I would love to say that about your name,” he coaxed gently.
She shrugged; her eyes darted away as she took another sip.  “I’ve heard it before.  I don’t need to hear it again.  I’d rather hear about something I control, that I did.”
He nodded, pulling back slightly.  That was a feeling he could understand.  He wasn’t a fan of false flattery either… okay, maybe he was a fan of it from women he wanted to hook up with, but not from people he wanted a real relationship with and clearly, this woman wasn’t interested in sycophancy.  “That’s fair.” So, tell me what it is that you do.”
She snorted and raised a disbelieving eyebrow.  “Really?”
“Absolutely,” he nodded confidently.  He turned toward her to prove she had his full attention and waited patiently until she responded.
She looked him over appraisingly, like she wasn’t quite sure if he was worth the distraction from her drink.  “You first.”
Her voice held a hint of challenge that Roy simply could not back down from.  Well, he could, but where would the fun be in that.  “I’m a CIA agent,” he announced dramatically.
She rolled her eyes but then leaned closer.  “Ooohhh, an overt agent.”
He grinned and waved his hand dismissively while he took another sip.  “Secret agents are so Cold War.”
“Tore down the walls and the secrets,” she hummed.
His smile widened impossibly broader and clinked his glass to hers.  “Exactly!  How about you.  What do you do?”
She narrowed her eyes as she thought how to respond, but her lips quirked up in amusement and he knew she wouldn’t refuse.  “Create art,” she finally answered.  Roy nodded as he took in her response.  Again, not the response he’d been expecting.  He’d been expecting something snarky, but he couldn’t be upset about the honesty.  He started to respond but she continued before he could get a sound out.  “… and chaos.  More chaos than art if I’m being honest.”
He barked out a laugh and watched as she tipped her glass up to finish the last of her drink, her lips still quirked up, evidence that she was entirely too entertained with herself, which just made him want to draw her out more.  But when she turned back to face him, he could see it on her face, that she was going to end their time together.  He wasn’t willing to let her do that though.  Not yet.  Talking with her was the most fun he’d had in quite a while, and he really wanted to continue it.  “Let me buy you a drink.”
She eyed him amusedly then hummed and leaned back in her chair, eyes darting away an almost guilty look flashing across her face.  “I don't think that's a good idea.”
“Why not?” he asked.  His voice was kept intentionally light, non-accusatory, non-demanding.  He was having fun and he wanted to keep having fun not pressure her.
She kept her eyes on her glass as she responded, but her body continued to face him.  “Might give you the wrong idea.”
“Oh?  What idea is that?”  Again, his tone teasing and light.
She continued to watch the glass in her hand as if it might answer the question for her.  When no answer came forth after a full minute, she finally spoke up.  “That I'm looking for a relationship.”  He took a beat to register what she said.  He had loved their interaction so far and would love to try for a relationship, but he was also willing to take whatever she was willing to give him.
He opened his mouth to offer something less serious, but she cut in before he could.  “Or a situationship,” she continued, as if she could read his mind.  He bobbed his head to the side and opened his mouth again, but she cut in yet again.  “Or a one-night stand.”
He chuckled and nodded.  Message received crystal clear.  She was not interested in him.  But he still wanted to give one last push.  “And you're not?”
“I'm not. Not right now. Not yet,” she answered quietly.
He nodded and looked away to mask his disappointment.  When he looked back, any remaining disappointment dissolved.  Her eyes had unfocused, a flash of something close to the haunted look he was all too familiar with appeared and was gone almost instantaneously.  It was that look that convinced him she really did mean what she’d said.  It wasn’t him.  She was working through something on her own, but damn if he didn’t want to help her get through it and lose that haunted look.  “How about a non-committal drink?  No expectations, not even to talk.  Just to make your night better.  I'll even walk away while you drink it.”
“No.  I'm not ready for that either,” she finally returned her sad eyes to his.  “But thank you, sincerely.  You should stay.  I’ll walk away.  I wasn’t planning on being out long tonight anyway.”
Seeing the troubled look full on was harder than he expected, doubling his desire to make her smile.  “I didn’t mean to scare you off.  I’m sorry if I came on too strong.  I tend to talk without thinking… if I’m being honest, I do a lot of things without thinking.  It’s not uncommon,” he joked.
If nothing else, he could walk away feeling like he’d taken a step toward his goal, because her mirthless look dissolved into giggles.  “You absolutely did not… scare me off that is,” she assured him genuinely.  She took a moment to think about it, cocking her head to the side as she studied him.  “Or come on too strong.  In fact, you have been the highlight of my night, month… past few actually.  I’ve really enjoyed talking with you.”
“I’d give you my number for when you are ready… but I get the feeling you’re not ready for that either,” he offered.  There was a bit of hope in his gaze, her giggles earlier had been a good sign, but likely not enough.  Healing was never easy even for the healthiest people.
Her smile dampened, but she kept her eye contact, not shrinking from him this time.  “No.  But I do hope you have a good night.”
He reached out like he was going to pat her arm but pulled back at the last moment and patted the bar instead with a mirroring smile.  “You too, beautiful.”
He shifted his eyes to his glass to remove any pressure or make her leaving awkward.  And yes, he knew he should have shifted his body from facing her as well, but he didn’t want her to think he was dismissing her, leaving him in this awkward position, body open and face diverted.  If Oliver could see him, he’d be appalled at his lack of vigilance while leaving himself so open.  To be clear, he could still track movement around him, in fact, better than if he had fully turned to the bar, but Oliver never lost a chance to lecture him.
He didn’t regret the decision though, because from his periphery he could see her stand then hesitate, almost sitting back down, which got his heart racing at the possibility, but ultimately she pushed away from the bar only to pause so a crowd of people could pass.  He consciously forced himself to stop registering her movements and ordered another drink, giving himself a second to recover his pride.
Typically, he wouldn’t have let the rejection affect him, especially from a random woman in a random bar when he hadn’t been looking for anything anyway, and especially when she’d let him down so graciously, making it incredibly clear it wasn’t about him.  But he’d thought there was a connection and a spark and for a moment he’d had hope.
Suddenly, his world was rocked by a force colliding with him, pressing flush against his body and wrapping their arms around his middle in a tight hug before he could even react.  “Mon amor!  I missed you.”
Roy blinked down at the figure, his arms wrapping loosely around her before his conscious mind registered that it was the French Fire Flower who had launched herself into his arms.  Once his brain fully caught up with the situation, he smirked down at her.  “Not that I’m objecting, but I’m getting a bit of whiplash here.”
It was only then that he noted the alarm in her eyes.  “Please,” she pleaded quietly.
His arms tightened around her automatically, like a Pavlovian response to that combination of her wide eyes and anxious tone.  His eyes flicked over her shoulder and instantly spotted someone shoving people out of the way on their way toward them.  He kept his body and face pointed toward her but carefully tracked the man’s movements.  “That asshole the reason you’re not ready to date yet?”
She nodded so minutely he wouldn’t have picked up on it if he hadn’t also heard a whispered, “Yes.”
He leaned down like he was whispering sweet nothings to his long-missed lover, only partially pretending to be lost in her touch, as he tenderly ran his hands through her hair.  “How long ago was the breakup?”
She swallowed heavily and took a moment before she answered.  “A few months.  Um… like four.”
He grunted and leaned close enough for his lips to ghost over her ear.  “And he’s crawling back?”
“More like creeping back like Jason Voorhes,” she grumbled.  “Just keeps coming back no matter how many times I shut him out and more aggressively each time.”
“Hey, fucker!  Get your hands off my girlfriend!” the man roared the instant he broke through the last of the groups around them.
The moment the words started coming out of his mouth Roy could feel the woman freeze and almost cower away from his anger.  Roy eyed him up and down, an icy hardness in his gaze as he stood and pushed her slightly behind him, but still keeping her hugged up against his side.  The man was smaller than Roy, not in height, but in breadth.  Where the man was lithe and fit, Roy was muscular and solid.  The comparison became more apparent when Roy turned to face off against the man.  “Excuse me?” he growled.
To his credit, the man only slightly faltered, almost imperceptibly and seemed to recover quickly.  “I said,” he reiterated, standing up even taller to glare back at Roy, “Get.  Your.  Hands.  Off.  My.  Girlfriend.”
Roy could feel her groan more than hear it.  She opened her mouth to bite back but Roy interrupted before she could.  “I’ll touch my wife however and whenever I want to.  That’s why I married her in the first place.”
Her eyes widened and her body stiffened for just a moment, but thankfully she appeared to recover quickly, pasting on a smile and pretended to melt into his side.  It was convincing enough the tension could easily be written off as due to the confrontation, not an unexpected lie.
“You got fucking married?” He demanded glaring at her.  He tried to shove into her space, but Roy moved again moving in his path and stepping forward, forcing him to retreat a step, which only seemed to infuriate the man further.  He tried to peer around Roy to get close to her, but no matter how far he leaned, Roy met his movement.
“I did,” Roy answered with a cutting smile.
His eyes snapped to Roy’s.  It was almost comical how red his face got from those two words.  Roy’s smile got sharper at the reaction.  If there was one thing he’d always been good at, it was knowing how to piss someone else off.  “I wasn’t talking to you, asshole!”
At that comment, she refused to let Roy respond and piped up before he could.  “Do not call my husband an asshole,” she hissed.  Roy’s smile turned genuine and pulled her back into his side before dropped a kiss on the crown of her head.
“What the fuck!?!  Marinette, baby.  What is going on?  You… we were going to get married, have a family!  What about our five kids?  Baby, I still want them with you.”  His voice was velvety smooth, his eyes pleading and contrite.
Roy braced himself for Marinette to fall for it.  He wouldn’t blame her, really.  If Roy hadn’t seen ploys like it from spies trying to secure information and women trying to lure Dick into a relationship, he might have believed it was authentic as well.  But he was praying to whatever deity existed out there that she didn’t fall for it.  He didn’t know her well, but even if he hadn’t been able to tell she was creative, funny, kind, and sweet, nobody should end up with a dirtbag like that guy.
But even from their short interaction so far, he knew that she was all those things and more and deserved someone better.  She’d clearly known that at some point because she’d dropped his loser ass, but he knew from personal experience how easy it was to fall back into toxic relationships.  He squeezed her, hoping to transfer some strength, because if she fell for it, he had no idea how he was going to talk her out of it.
By some miracle, his effort seemed to have an effect.  Marinette stiffened in his arms and leaned into him for a second before lashing out at her ex, pushing into his space with all five foot four inches of her ready to fight.  “You wanted five kids, and if you still want them, I’d suggest trying for them with Sarah or Sandra, or whatever her name was.  I’m afraid I didn’t catch her name before she rushed out of the room to get dressed.”
Roy barely controlled his reaction, somehow managing to keep it to a rough exhale when he wanted to guffaw loud enough for the bouncer outside to hear him.  He squeezed her hip again, this time in a show of support and approval of her cheek and hoped she understood the message despite not knowing him well enough to have learned the difference in touches.
“Baby, I love you,” the ex cooed.  He reached out for Marinette to graze his fingers along her jaw but Marinette jerked her head back, inadvertently burrowing further into Roy’s chest.  The ex’s eyes narrowed at the action, but he quickly covered it with a penitent expression.  “It was just a mistake.  She was a mistake.  She meant nothing to me.”
“She clearly meant more to you than our relationship,” Marinette scoffed.  She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, which again brought her further into Roy’s embrace.
His lips thinned and his jaw tightened, but this time he was a few beats slower to mask it before responding.  “Baby, I…”
“Cheating on someone as amazing as her?” Roy cut in, drawing the ex’s attention to him instead of Marinette.  She wasn’t in this alone and he wasn’t going to let her face his ire alone.  “How stupid do you have to be?  I’ve been self-destructive before, and I mean self-destructive, but even at rock bottom, I wouldn’t have been that dumb.  But I guess there are just some guys that would cheat and some that wouldn’t.”
“You can stay the fuck out of this.  You don’t know me!” the ex roared at Roy, completely losing is composure and not even bothering to try to mask his anger and frustration like he had before.
“And I never will,” Roy granted with a slight taunt in his voice.
“And I wish I never did,” Marinette agreed.  She sighed heavily and lost the rigidity in her stance, slumping slightly and shifting some of her weight onto Roy, who shouldered it effortlessly.  “Leave, Noah.  This,” she motioned between them without meeting his eyes which were now wide in mock supplication, “is never happening.  We aren’t some star-crossed love story, riddled with misunderstandings and miscommunications.  You aren’t the romantic lead.  You’re the asshole I leave before my life gets better.”
His eyes instantly went from pleading to hard and hateful.  “Gets better,” he spit.  “You won’t be able to find better than what I gave you.  You were always a bitch I had to put up with.  I was only with you out of pity because nobody else would want you, not for more than a cheap fuck.  In two months, you’ll be alone again and crawling back because nobody else would ever really want you.”
“Okay, that’s it,” Roy growled.  He pushed Marinette behind him and punched Noah in one smooth motion, not giving Noah the chance to anticipate the action.  He hit him hard enough to lay him out on the floor with one punch.  “Nobody speaks like that to my wife,” he roared over Noah’s prone body.
“Mon dieu!  Are you okay?” Marinette exclaimed.  She rushed around Roy to survey the damage and Roy felt his heart sink as he saw her panicked expression.  He’d not only given her a front row seat to him being violent, an aspect of himself he tried to save for when he was suited up, he’d hit someone who had been important to her.  They hadn’t had enough time for him to show her he was more than just some crazy, aggressive neanderthal.
He almost definitely just completely destroyed any chance he had.  But regardless, he refused to regret it.  That man was the worst kind of filth.  The kind that thought they were allowed to treat the people around them like they were disposable.  The kind that thought they were inherently better than everyone else while the only evidence of that they could provide was their own bad behavior.  The kind that were destined to be miserable and spread that misery to everyone around them.
He almost jumped when he felt delicate hands gently grasp his hand and lift it closer to her face so she could examine it, close enough, he could feel her breath on his skin.  She tenderly brushed her fingers along the back of his hand and over his fingers only to turn it over and continue the pattern on the other side as well.  Her fingers barely pressed hard enough for him to feel them, but they still electrified his skin, shooting jolts through him and stealing his breath.  He managed to tear his gaze from tracing her fingers to meet her eyes.
“You're asking him?” Noah screeched as he attempted to get back up, swaying slightly, still reeling from the punch.
Roy flexed his hand a few times to stretch out the muscles, never removing his hand or gaze from hers.  “I’ll be fine,” he assured her.  “I know how to throw a punch.”
Marinette dropped her eyes to his hand again, a concerned wrinkle developing the longer she examined it.  “Wait just a second!” she exclaimed then turned to the bar.
Roy followed her movements, not noticing the small, sappy smile tugging up the corners of his lips, but he did notice Noah finally managing to raise up to his feet.  He managed to tear his eyes from Marinette to fix him with a withering glare threatening enough to make Noah falter almost tripping over a chair behind him, only managing to catch himself at the last minute.
“Ever disrespect my wife like that again and it’ll be a year before you can walk out of the hospital, if you even ever can use your legs again.  In fact, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself if I ever even see you around her at all.  So, I would highly recommend you just disappear from her life.  Assholes like you are a dime a dozen and that’s after inflation and still overpriced.”
Noah glared back but Roy straightened up even further and flexed his fist.  The movement didn’t go unnoticed.  He held his ground for just a few seconds before scoffing.  “She’s not even worth the time I spent on her anyway.”  Roy jerked toward him and Noah scattered like a cat seeing a cucumber.
Marinette returned just as Noah had disappeared into the crowd.  She didn’t even seem to notice he was gone, let alone look for him, just focused on Roy’s hand.  She ushered him back to his seat and gently lifted his hand onto the bar and delicately set the ice on it not meeting his gaze.  “I’m so sorry for that!  I didn’t mean for you to get hurt.  If I’d known you might be in danger, I never would have…”
“Hey,” he dipped down until he could meet her eyes and smiled, “I’m fine.  Thank you for the ice.  It was sweet of you to take care of me.”  He motioned to the chair she’d been sitting in earlier for her and helped ease her into it.  “Are you okay?”
“You're the one that's bloody!” she exclaimed, almost getting back up to drive home her point.
“But you're the one that he was trying to hurt,” he pointed out.  He intentionally kept his voice smooth and calm hoping to sooth her nerves, as though his tranquility could be absorbed like osmosis.
She still wouldn’t meet his eyes, instead unnecessarily adjusting the bag of ice to better cover his knuckles.  He used the distraction to motion to the bartender for another round of drinks. “Yeah, it happens,” she finally shrugged.  “Not the worst I’ve heard.”
“That's a goddamned tragedy,” he hooked a finger under her chin to urge her face up to meet his gaze, “because you're amazing and he’s nothing more than an asshole.  And, not to scare you but after hearing that, I kind of wish I’d hit him harder…” he winced thinking about how hard the man had gone down.  He wasn’t looking to go to prison.  How was he supposed to convince this amazing woman to date him from prison.  “…maybe not harder.  But a few more times with the same force if it would make you feel safe and erase your frown.”
She scoffed and turned to focus on the glass that just appeared before her, but after a beat glanced up through her lashes and offered a weak smile.  “Thanks.  But to be honest, his words don’t really hurt anymore.”
He nodded and pushed her drink toward her.  “Good.  I’d say you’re a hundred times him, but at best he’s worthless, and any number times zero is zero, so that wouldn’t be accurate.”
She snorted and took a drink.  She stared at the drink for a second before glancing at him from the side and smirking.  “They teach you math like that at spy camp?”
For the first time since Noah had appeared, Roy smiled, a full, toothy, joyous smile.  He nodded.  “It’s day two.  Right after how to punch assholes and use those little cigarette lighter camera things they used to have.”
Her laugh permeated through him straight to his core and warmed his entire body like stoking the hearth.  She tipped up her glass to finish off the drink and took a fortifying breath before turning to him.  “I think I’m ready to take your number… and give you mine.”  Her voice wavered slightly, but there was still a determined chord running through it.
He blinked at her comment, a bit caught off guard, but a slow smile spread across his lips.  “Yeah?”
“Yeah.  I think I should have my husband’s number after all,” she added shyly.
His smile turned into a full-on grin.  “Not to push my luck, but can I have my wife’s name as well?”  He’d heard her name from her ex yelling it, but he wanted it to come from her.  He wanted her to entrust him with that part of herself.  “Or should I just give you mine to take.”
“It’ll get a bit confusing if we both are called Roy,” she observed overly innocently.  He rolled his eyes, but his lips stuck in their amused slant.  “I better stick with Marinette,” she shrugged.  He inhaled like he was going to start speaking but let it out silently instead.  She raised an eyebrow at him.  “No witty comment?  Have I dumbfounded you with my name?”
He shook his head slowly.  “I know better than to tell you how beautiful your name is, but I do think it could be better.”
“You don’t like my name?” she asked.  The uncertainty in her voice cut directly into Roy’s heart.
“I do,” he granted quickly, before she could ruminate too long in her misperception.  He shifted closer, crowding into her space, his knees brushing on either side of hers, his eyes intently focused.  “It’s beautiful, just like you, I just think Marinette Harper sounds even more beautiful,” he smirked.
Her heart stuttered at the low, confidence in his voice.  She took a breath before returning his smirk and leaning toward him.  “And what makes you think I’ll take your name?”
“You won’t tell me your last name, so…” he inhaled dramatically through gritted teeth and shrugged helplessly, “we’re going to have to use mine.  No choice.”
“Oh, so tragic,” she commiserated.
“It truly is,” he agreed sadly.
The smile that had spread at his comment eventually eased into a quieter one.  She straightened up and held her phone out for him.  “I really do have to get going, but I really would like to get your number.”  Roy looked from the phone to her a few times before entering the number and standing as he returned it.  Marinette glanced down at the phone and smiled.  “Sexy Husband?” she asked.
He grinned brilliantly and held his hand out for her.  “So you don’t get confused.  And for the record, I have no intention of letting my wife go home alone.”  When she hesitated, he quickly clarified, “not while your ex might be waiting outside the bar or your place to ambush you.  But I will if you want.”
Her smile returned, content and genuine and she took his outstretched hand.  “Thank you.  I’d like that very much.”
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maribatserver · 11 months
Tag Team Tournament 2023
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Are you ready to tag back into Maribat?
Last Year's Tag Team Tournament remains our most popular event to date, so naturally we decided to bring it back again this summer! If you're new to our corner of the fandom, we invite you to take a look at our previous submissions on our 2022 Live Tracker and check out our 2022 Awards before you tag in to this year's event.
This year, our Tournament will take place from July 30th - Aug 5th, and our rules and procedures remain the same, though you can view them on our Event Guide Document if you'd like a refresher, or if you're tagging into Maribat for the first time. The only big change is going to be to our lineup. Or, rather, it might be.
Last Year's Teams:
Book Design - Jasonette (317 Points) Java Junkies - Timari (317 Points) Lucky Shot - Roynette (196 Points) Art Couple - Damianette (153 Points) Rare Flair - Any Ship Without A Team (99 Points) Spandex Flex - Dickinette (59 Points) Three's Company - Poly Ships (53 Points) Sunshine Children - Marijon (49 Points)
As for this year's teams, well...
Just as last year, we'll have 8 teams for our creators to compete for, however, this year you'll be getting to vote on the 8th team! Since Sunshine Children (aka Marijon) placed last in our 2022 Tournament, they'll be the team on the defensive in our first event: The Shipping Bracket. More on that later.
Who's on the teams? Well, anyone who wants to be! And since this is the Tag Team Tournament, creators can tag in and tag out of teams as they please, creating as much or as little as they’d like to support each ship — multishippers rejoice!
How do you participate? Our full Event Guide Document explains everything you need to know, including the rules, submission guidelines, scoring guidelines, and more! You’ll also find the submission form — only content submitted through this form will be scored for your team, so make sure you read the whole document and fill it out. 
If you're posting on AO3, we have an Event Collection for your fics. If you're posting on Tumblr, make sure to tag your creation with #TTT2023 so we can see it and reblog it here! 
If you’d like to keep an eye on the scores for each team (and maybe tag into a team to help bump them up), our Event Guide Document will include a link to a publicly accessible tracker, complete with live-updating team totals!
The Shipping Bracket will pit 20 different ships (chosen by members of the Maribat Server) in a series of 1v1 matches to determine which ship will get it's own team in our 2023 Tournament. But hey, even if your favorite doesn't win the bracket, you can still write for them by submitting under Rare Flair, and we hope that you will, because there are some really fun dynamics proposed in this bracket!
Voting for the Shipping Bracket will begin on June 4th, and we'll post one set of polls a week until we've found our winner. Now, we know that not everyone who votes on our public tumblr poll is likely to participate in our Tournament (though we hope that you will!), so to ensure that our participants get a real say, if you participated last year we have a special form that lets you vote an extra time (and everyone thank @nottesilhouette for explaining the math behind how we can do that). Our winning team will have their name and logo released on July 23rd, so keep an eye out for them.
We can't wait to start this totally epic event, and to see which team pulls ahead in this year's tournament. Will it end in another tie, or will we finally settle the score between Book Design and Java Junkies? Or maybe this year a new team will take the trophy?
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
MCM Roynette
I want actually found to use this one but I ended up with nothing for today so forgive the one I wrote way too late at night a few weeks ago
Part of meet cute Mondays
My masterlist
“If you wanted to kiss me you just had to say so.”
Marinette could have slapped the smirk off the man’s face. If she could move. She wasn’t sure what had happened. It had been overall a terrible night and she didn’t want to look at one more self entitled asshole. The guys who had been bothering her all evening were laughing and catcalling now that she was sprawled across some other guy. She was glad she had chosen her shorts that covered her whole butt in this position rather than the dress Alya suggested that would have probably ended up around her waist when she landed.
Her top and the exposed parts of her chest where there were carefully cut out sections were now dripping with the remains of her drink and the man she landed on had ice spread over her chest. She pushed herself up and he helped lift her until she could get her heels back under her. She realized that she should probably clean up but she had a bad day and those assholes had ruined her night by bothering her and then shoved her when she had not been interested. She would show them exactly why she was the wrong person to mess with.
But before she got over to the laughing guys the guy she landed on put his hand out and gestured. Bouncers showed up and guided the assholes out and she heard him tell one of the security that they were to have a ban. She just now realized that he must be the manager. He turned back and handed her a towel and the bartender was already duplicating the drink that spilled all over them.
“Sex on the beach?” he asked as he handed it to her.
“Uh. Thank you.”
“Been watching the guys for a while. There were several complaints but we didn’t have a reason to throw them out. Finally we saw them grab you but we didn’t get there in time to stop them from retaliating at your refusal.”
“Well, you caught me when I fell. I guess that will have to be enough.”
“I hope that means we will see you here again. I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.”
“Do you remember everyone who comes in?”
Marinette sipped on her drink while waiting for his response. He paused. Marinette thought he must be thinking about if she had been in before.
“I think I would remember you.”
“Smooth.” she said and then cringed when she realized she said it out loud.
“The drink?” he winked at her.
“Of course. What else could I have meant?” she waited but instead of walking away he stuck out his hand.
“I’m Roy, the manager here.”
“I hope I see you again.”
“Good for business, I’m sure.”
“Screw business. I’d love to see you anywhere.”
Marinette couldn’t help but smile at that. She could see his phone in his pocket so she took a careful sip of her drink while watching him. Their eyes stayed connected while she reached over and slipped his phone out of his pocket. He unlocked it for her and she entered her phone number. She handed it back to him with a smile before heading back to her friends who had definitely noticed the interaction.
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @trippingovermyfeet | @tbehartoo |
@adrestar | @zynna | @technicallyburninggarden | @iloontjeboontje | @certainmuffinbagelcalzone
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anjuschiffer · 3 years
Maribat Prompts/Au/Ideas That Live Rent Free in my Head
A while ago, I said I would share a few things that I’ve been wanting to write...
Damigami (platonic)- Damian decides to make a fencing team at Gotham Academy (because he’s bored) but couldn’t make a team with the minimum amount of members to apply to competitions. Damian decides to venture into competitions on his own, going as far as entering the Cadet World Championships (or juniors...I don’t know much about fencing pls bare with me). While waiting for his match, he decides to check the women’s division and sees Kagami utterly defeat her opponent. He wants to approach her to ask if they could have a match of their own, but is called for his own. After winning his own, he sees Kagami and asks for a match. She tells him that she will be up for a match after winning her next and final match. BOth end up winning their final matches and Damian asks her for that match. She agrees. They become good sparring partners and friends.
Jasonette - Jason and Marinette are neighbors, but have never actually met each other. Mari often works during the day at her boutique while Jason is a stay at home dad with two adopted kids nicknamed Xol and Matt. At night, Mari sometimes checks on the kids because she knows that their father works at night. (The kids like Mari a lot, especially her cooking and baking.) One day, while with the kids, their father comes home early and Mari forgets to breathe. Jason wants to scream at the kids for letting someone in but after getting to know her, he’s okay with Mari looking after the kids while he isn’t there. A week later, Jason is asking Mari for help. To pretend to be the kids’ mother for a home-visit from their school (a nosy parent told the school she often saw the kids by themselves). Mari agrees and chaos ensues (because these kids want their favorite people to stop beating around the bush and get together already).
Luka and Cass (platonic) - Luka (as Viperion) finds Cass during patrol one night and discovers she’s in Paris as an undercover agent for Batman and Co™ for the Hawkmoth situation. (They got their distress signal a week late.) Cass is surprised that he got it correct, Luka explaining that her song told him as much. While Cass remains in Paris, the two share each other’s interests with each other
Adrijon - Clark is wandering around the house, cleaning up the place while Lois is off out of the state to get the scoop on the latest national incident. While picking things around, he starts to notice how pricey and how nice these items look, wondering if they were Kon’s. After all, Kon was dating Tim and Tim always paid for whatever caught Kon’s eye. However, Kon doesn’t recognize any of the sweaters, coats, scarves nor trinkets as his own, leaving Jon as Clark’s only answer. As he enters Jon’s room, he’s met with Jon wearing the latest Gabriel piece from that week’s fashion show in Paris. Clark only then finds out that Jon’s boyfriend was yet again another rich boy. What was it with his sons dating millionaires/billionaires?
Wally x Mari x Jinx - The JL is still young, still getting used to getting requests, especially international ones. So when they get an SOS from Paris, the JL want to send the Teen Titans but can’t so they send Wally and Jinx who meet Chat on one of his solo patrols. They get along well but when they meet Ladybug, the couple immediately click with her. The trio often spend time together, Wally and Jinx always there for Ladybug/Mari (Chat always complaining that Wally and Jinx stole his bff from him). Even after the defeat of HM, Wally and Jinx continue to be there for Mari. 
Corpse Bride inspired Au, Damigami - The Tsuguri’s have an arranged marriage with the Agreste's, but Kagami isn’t exactly on board with the idea (sees how uncomfortable Adrien is to marry her) and wanders through the woods to clear her head. While saying her vows (in hopes of trying to find a way to clear her head), she ‘weds’  Corpsebride!Mari. Mari is shocked at first but whole-heartedly accepts Kagami as her groom. Kagami tries to tell Mari it was a mistake, but Mari doesn’t listen. Kagami finds a way to return to the land of the living for help, only to find out her mother is now marrying her to the Wayne heir Damian. Kagami is then found by Mari and Mari confronts her on ‘cheating’ on her. MIsunderstandings and drama later, Kagami is about to marry Mari when Adrien crashes the wedding. Mari confronts Adrien (they were supposed to get married/had eloped) and ends up clearing the misunderstanding (someone had murdered her on her way to the wedding). Adrien drinks the poison to be able to be with Mari, leaving Kagami by herself. Or at least she thinks so. Damian had called off the wedding, and instead told her if it would be okay to just be friends and get to know each other. She agrees. 
No Miraculous Au, BFF Adrijon- Adrien is on a fashion tour and ends up in Metropolis. He meets Jon but as Jon gets to know Adrien, he finds out about his situation. One thing leads to another and with the help of Bruce, the Kents have a new family member. 
Juleka x Rose x Cass (platonic or romantic) - Juleka and Rose meet Cass on one of Prince Ali’s charities in Paris, a charity where Bruce and Oliver are at. Bruce brought Cass while Oliver brought Artemis. Rose quickly tries to befriend the two but Juleka reminds her to tone it a bit when she notices that the two are having trouble trying to handle Rose’s energeticness. But the girls find themselves getting along, especially Cass. Cass is intrigued by Juleka and Rose’s dynamic, how Rose is able to understand both her and Juleka with little to no words. She finds herself accepted by the two, keeping in touch with them and visiting them (with the help of zeta tubes)
Roynette - While visiting Titan Tower, Speedy meets Red Scara, a new teen who recently wanted a change of pace after defeating her villain in her hometown. While at first he didn’t pay much mind to her, he started to like her after being paired up with her on missions. He couldn’t help but enjoy their missions where they would have to go undercover. He gets to see Red Sacara in so many pretty outfits. He always compliments her, but Scara never fully accepts it. When Roy asks why, Scara says it's because she’s nothing like this. Roy calls bs and when Scara reveals her face, reveals her eyes, Roy couldn’t help but fall in love with her even further. “Who doesn’t love eyes as bright as sapphires and stars freckled across such a loving face?”
Big Sister Mari - Flash brings in a child who he found lost in Central City to the JL. Robin (Dick) watches Barry get scolded by Bruce, only for Barry to tell Mari to tell everyone why she was there. Mari shows off the ring she was wearing, that allowed her to transform into Noir. That it was the last magical item from her Earth, as she had used said magical item to destroy the others (after freeing the Kwami). How she used the knowledge as Guardian to move to another Earth to hide the last miraculous and was looking for a place to live. Bruce takes her in, earning Dick an older sister.
Cassette (I blame Phi for making me have a new fav ship) - Cass was looking through Marinette’s scrapped designs, designs that Marinette loved but others didn’t. Seeing her upset, Cass commissions her to make them for her and she adores wearing them. (Cass always shows them off to her brothers and family)
Cassette - Cass teaching Mari ballet just so that she can always catch Mari.
Cassette - Cass wants to bring a date to the gala. She chooses Mari and practically goes around the Gala to show off her very cute date. 
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bisexualsforprompto · 4 years
Jealous Adrien with Roy × Mari?
Jealous! Adrien Roynette
Spring break Adrien had vowed to take his three best friends (Alya, Nino and Marinette) to a nice vacation in America...and he delivered!
So the four found themselves in Happy Harbour in Rhode Island, the very start of their two week trip
Their first stop was to hit a lake, it was private but his father called in a few favors (after Adrien begged Nathalie of course)
But whoever owned it didn’t get the message that they’d be there...
There was a group of seven there total besides Marinette, Nino, Alya and Adrien
Adrien hadn’t really paid much attention to the rest of the group, four of them were more interested in their significant other, but that left three people that they had to talk to
Adrien didn’t mind, he liked meeting new people actually, and since he was in America he was sure nobody would recognize him!
Two of the guys they were speaking to, Jackson (yes I’m using his comic book name sue me) and Dick had to leave for some emergency. so they were left with Roy
And that was not good
Alya and Nino had ended up sneaking away so it had only been him, Marinette and Roy
But Adrien couldn’t get over the fact that he thought Roy was almost hogging Marinette
Maybe it was because Marinette was in a bikini, so Adrien was afraid that Roy, a stranger! might take advantage of Marinette
Marinette didn’t seemed too concerned though, she talked to him like she knew him her whole life
Adrien started to get a little upset when Roy started flirting with her and Marinette flirted back
He wasn’t sure why, just the idea of them together did not sit well with him
So he decided to break it up, “Wait Marinette have you met Roy before?”
Adrien knew she’d say no and come to her senses about flirting with a guy she’d just met
He was wrong
Marinette blushed, “Well we may have met before, Roy didn’t really recognize me at first because of...I was wearing something different when we met!”
Adrien frowned, “Really?”
“Yeah I came to Paris for business.” Roy said throwing an arm around Marinette’s shoulder, which made her grow red.
“Business? Wait, aren’t you a teenager?” Adrien asked. The only other thing he could figure was that Roy was a model, as much as he hated to admit it Roy was definitely muscular and handsome enough to do it, but he didn’t act like a model. He was way too temperamental.
“Yeah, but my...uncle Oliver had something he needed me to do for him in Paris.” Roy said vaguely. Adrien nodded his head. “That’s when I met this firecracker.” He laughed.
Adrien felt his blood boil, why was he talking about Marinette like they were dating or married?! Marinette was Adrien’s friend, not Roy’s
“Speaking of which...” Roy said, “I know this is kind of forward but would you like to go on a date? To catch up?”
Adrien had never seen Marinette that red
“I don’t think she wants to-“
“Sure.” Marinette squeaked. Then she turned her focus to Adrien, “As long as that’s ok with you Adrien, I know this was supposed to be a group trip.”
“I don’t know, do you really want to go on a date with someone you barely know?!” Adrien blurted
“Hey man,” Roy said, “I’m not that kind of dude. If it makes you feel better you can drop her off and take a picture of my liscense plate. Oh, Bug, you comfortable with motorcycles?”
Marinette nodded. Adrien still felt uneasy
But for a different way
“Hey Mari, can I talk to Roy for a minute?” Adrien asked, hiding his annoyance behind a smile.
Marinette looked to Roy, he smiled at her, “You’ve met Artemis and Wally, they were also on the trip from my uncle.”
Marinette nodded and swam over to join the other group
“Is there a problem?” Roy asked a little menacingly.
“I just...Why do you want to go out with Marinette?” Adrien asked suspiciously
“What?! She’s sweet, beautiful and funny, why wouldn’t I?”
“I know she is! It’s just...” Adrien trailed off
“Oh my god. You’re in love with her aren’t you? Typical.” Roy scoffed, “You know, if you like her and aren’t man enough to say it then you’ve already lost her. I don’t need to listen to this.”
Roy swam away to join Marinette leaving Adrien dumbfounded standing by himself in the water
With a brand new realization about him and Marinette...
This one was fun!
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rhub4rb · 4 years
Roynette? Roy fell for his beat friend's sister and Does Not know how to to deal with this
Roy would swear that it was an accident. He hadn’t meant to fall for his best friend’s pseudo sister, it just kind of happened!
But did Jason believe that? Of course not.
It all started when Roy met Marinette for the first time. It was one of those rare times where Roy went Jason while he was at the Wayne Manor, something Jason tried to avoid as much as possible.
However, his ‘little sis’ was visiting from Paris, and he wanted to see her before she went back.
The moment Roy and Jason entered the Manor, Roy felt a difference in the atmosphere. Like everything was somehow… lighter, than when he was there before.
First he heard her voice.
“Jay-Jay!” A feminine voice exclaimed, and before Roy got a chance to really see where the voice was coming from, a pink blur was hugging his best friend.
“Pixie!” Jason yelled back. “How long are you staying?”
“Just a week this time, but I’ll have summer break soon,” the girl promised before letting go of the hug and turning her attention to Roy, who had been looking at the interaction with a raised eyebrow.
Second he saw her eyes.
The moment her eyes met his, all he could think was blue. Crystal clear and bright, sparkling like sapphires in moonlight.
“You must be Roy,” she said with a welcoming smile and an extended hand. “I’m Marinette, a friend of the Waynes.”
She had a french accent, a cute button nose, and baby pink summer dress.
When Roy thought he would fall in love, it was never with someone like that. Now though…
He met her a couple more times after that in the week she was visiting, blissfully ignoring the imploring stare his best friend would send him whenever Roy decided to randomly drop by.
When she went back to Paris, Roy had gotten a kiss on the cheek and her phone number.
Now though, when he was back in his own apartment, hiding behind his couch as he heard Jason banging on his door.
“If you don’t open the door soon Harper, I swear I’ll knock it down myself and skin you alive!”
Later, Roy would reminisce as they danced to their wedding with a smile on his lips.
The beating he had received that day had been worth it. 
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bunathebunny · 4 years
Ok but I suddenly have the urge to write Lian wearing áo dài or just like learning about Vietnamese customs and all and like, I'm just itching to write a fic with Roynette on the side with Kim while Lian blabber on and on about this new thing she read that "Students in Vietnam wear áo dài to school at least once a week and isn't that amazing!" and "Oh! Can I wear one to school too???"
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intotherabithole · 12 days
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Roynette week: Rock Band
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mochegato · 3 years
Why is my brain working on ANOTHER Roynette fic, in addition to the other much longer Roynette fic I’ve been thinking about for the last few weeks, instead of the two WIP’s I really, really want to work on and try to get finished (hahahahahahahahahahaha)?
I need one of those magic here’s to help you focus on what you want posts.
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maribatserver · 2 years
Tag Team Tournament 2022
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Are you ready to tag into Maribat?
This summer, from July 31 – August 6th, the Maribat Discord Server will be hosting our first ever Tag Team Tournament event! 
Eight teams will be competing to post as much new content as possible during the event: all to find out which ship is truly the most popular in our fun little corner of the fandom!
Our teams this summer, in no particular order:
Spandex Flex - Dickinette Book Design - Jasonette Art Couple - Daminette Java Junkies - Timari Lucky Shot - Roynette Sunshine Children - Marijon 3's Company - Poly Ships Rare Flair - Any Ship Without a Team
Who's on the teams? Well, anyone who wants to be! And since this is the Tag Team Tournament, creators can tag in and tag out of teams as they please, creating as much or as little as they’d like to support each ship — multishippers rejoice! We'll be releasing logos for each team as we get closer to the event, so keep an eye out in the weeks to come!
How do you participate? Our full Event Guide Document explains everything you need to know, including the rules, submission guidelines, scoring guidelines, and more! You’ll also find the submission form — only content submitted through this form will be scored for your team, so make sure you read the whole document and fill it out. 
If you're posting on AO3, we have an Event Collection for your fics. If you're posting on Tumblr, make sure to tag your creation with #TTT2022 so we can see it and reblog it here! 
If you’d like to keep an eye on the scores for each team (and maybe tag into a team to help bump them up), our Event Guide Document offers a publicly accessible tracker, complete with live-updating team totals!
In the mean time, we hope you'll join us in the Maribat Discord Server as we prepare for the event!
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bluerosette23 · 5 years
Maribat MASTERLIST ~ Pg3
Third Part of the masterlist. (Updated: Dec 2, 2019)
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist]
by @kittyanonymity A Ladybug in Gotham  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 A Little Bird Told Me [Timari] Pt1 ~ ML X DC Crossover AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @krispydefendorpolice The Demon’s Bride CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 TDB Drabbles Meeting The Batfam ~ The Miraculous Awaken(1 ~ 2)
by @ladylucina28 Gotham Nine Nine [Timari] (collab w/ a-marlene-s) Background ~ Ranks ~ Mari’s Thoughts CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3
by @ladysblackcat Escape To The Circus Mari VS Rayby @legendaryhumanskeletonkid Moving On Pt1 New Life, New Start Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 
by @let-me-perish We’ve Got Some Dreams Alternate Beginning AU Pt1&2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 
by @loveswifi Everything Is Nothing Without Her ~ I Only Have Eyes For You ~ Lips Are Chapped And Faded ~ Sweet Lullaby How To Survive As Daughter Of Deadpool Masterlist ~ OG Idea ~ HC1 ~ HC2 ~ HC3 ~ HC4 ~ HC5 ~ HC6 ~ HC7 ~ HC8 ~ HC9 ~ HC10 CH1 Making Do (With What Gives Us) Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 No More Second Chances Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 Rising From The Ashes  ~  AO3 Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @magic-miraculous All The Time We’ve Got CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~
by @maribat-2k20 A Blind Meeting [Brucinette] CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 BatBug Kid(s?) [Brucinette] Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 
by @maribat-archive A World That Is New, That Is Free Bug And Bird Of Prey Damian VS Adrien:Sword Fight Eternal Love/Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms AU (Pt1 ~ Pt2) Royalty AU Running Home to You Umbrella at Your Side You’re My Flashlight (Soulmate AU) Of Fun, Of Love Pt1 ~ Pt2 Sincerely (Penpal AU) Marinette ~ Damian ~ Us(Against the World)
by @maxdark158 Angel of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Demon of Gotham  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6   Daminette Soulmate AU Short Drabble:Sparring
by @mindfulmagics Daminette Betrothed AU History Repeats Lila Knows Best If I Could  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Keeping You Warm  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~Pt2~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 ~ Pt10 ~ Pt11 ~ Pt12 ~ Pt13 ~ Pt14 ~ Pt15 ~ Pt16 ~ Pt17
by @minilittlebatbrat The Adventures of MariMaps CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5
by @miraculous-mangoes I See Your Name Everyday  ~  AO3 Not That Much  ~  AO3 More Than Survive  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @miraculous786 A Miniature Meeting With Multimouse Masterlist ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Gotham’s Own Ladybug Masterlist ~ Prologue ~ Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6
by @mmemiraculous Piggyback AU Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mochinek0 Bonus 1: Alya’s Realization ~ Bonus 2 Fairy VS Angel Maribat Halloween! Normal Shout Out To My Ex Songfic Sweetheart Ice Cream Second Chance Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4
by @monkeebratz Adult Mari Maribat AU Marionette (Harley Quinn 2.0) Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne Initial Idea ~ How It Happened ~ Addition by iggy-of-fans ~ Reply to iggy’s Addition ~ Summer Begins ~ Summer Part 2 ~ Super Meet ~ Scarecrow Interlude Gotham Seamstress Marinette Initial Idea ~ Uncle Ozzy ~ Gotham City Sirens ~ Wayne Gala ~ After The Party - Bruce ~ After The Party - Marinette ~  Clash of Heroes and Villains ~ Finding Marinette Smol Damian Maribat AU Idea ~ The Couffains ~ Ra’s Al Ghul ~ After Ra’s Al Ghul
by @moonlightstar64 Healing Pain Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12 ~ CH13 
by @multifandom-imagines-things Random Fic Random NaNoWriMo Daminette Fic
by @multifandomscribette Adaptability ~ Best Business Trip Ever [TimxAdrien] ~ Bring Him Back From The Brink - The Parisian Branch Of The Family Tree ~ Damian “Helping” Marinette’s Class ~ In A Flash Of Light ~ It Started With Coffee [Timari] ~ Our Dreams Transport Us To Where We Wish To Be [Timari] ~ Seeing Red [Roynette] ~ Sisterhood ~ Soul Stealer ~ Strategic And Magical [Kaldurnette] ~ The Wedding Of The Millenium [Timari] ~ The Twins ~ Trip To YJL HQ ~ Words [Jasonette] Dame Chanceuse Conture AU [Timari] Masterpost ~ Gotham Sirens ~ Riddler/Penguin ~ Two-Face/Scarecrow ~ Mad Hatter/Baby Doll ~ Girls Night Out ~ Calendar Girl/Lex Luthor ~ Deadshot/Talia Al Ghul ~ Zatanna ~ The Devil and The Goddess of Crime Alley ~ The Angel Of Gotham Goes To The City Of Angels ~ Hufflepuff And Puffin! ~ Killer Croc/Red Hood ~  John Constantine Doesn’t Know What To Think of The Goddess In Gotham  The World Needs The Goddess But It Fears Her ~ Sanctuary  Extended Family AU  First Impressions ~ Family Reunion ~ Family Medical History  Gotham For Two Prologue ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 Zili Alqatah AU   Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7  Light In The Darkness  The Forgotten City AU Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~ Pt6 ~ Pt7 ~ Pt8 ~ Pt9 
by @musicfeedsmysoul12 Bio Dad!Bruce ~ Bio Mom!Selina  Breakdance AU ~ Little Red And Big Red Halloween   Second Chance Brucinette AU  Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  Kitten Mari Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5 ~
by @mysnis * African Adventure  Childhood Promises  Heroine Fashonista Rock N Roll Super Fashion To Perform With Our Minds And Hearts 2 (Dancer AU cont.) The Fashionable Heroes Clumsy Series Bruises ~ Wounds ~ Muscle Strains ~ Dislocations ~ Concussions   Lost Friends Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3  True Love Karaoke CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11 ~ CH12  We Stan A Friend Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4 ~ Pt5  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D4 ~ D5 ~ D6 ~ D7  500 Followers Celebration 1 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 
by @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog Damian’s Sister Don’t Forget To Breath Pt1 ~ Pt2
by @mystery-5-5 Daminette/Uncle Jagged Idea
by @never-neverland​ Sapphire and Moonlight CH1 ~
by @noirdots An Angel in Red  ~  AO3 Anything For You Blood And Tears ~  AO3 Flying Ladybugs and Birds at Disney World Made With Love  ~  AO3  Marie And Her Nutcracker Prince  Sick Day  ~  AO3 Slow Dancing In The Dark Thanksgiving With The Wayne’s Changes (Pt1 ) Finding You  ~  AO3 Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3
by @normal-piece-of-shit Promises [Jasonette] Revelations [Timari] Twists And Turns A Couple Of Spies Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Babynette Pt1 ~ Pt2 ~ Pt3 ~ Pt4  Of Life and Heroes CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ Timinette Shenanigans Pt1 ~ Pt2  Maribat Fluff Week Day1 ~ Day2 ~ Day3 ~ Day4 ~ Day5 ~ Day6 ~ Day7 Timari Week D1 ~ D2 ~ D3 ~ D6 
by @pan-cakez A Strange Meeting
by @particularlygeeky Cataclysm  ~  AO3 Little Ladybird  ~  AO3 CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~ CH9 ~ CH10 ~ CH11
by @persephonescat Birds and Other Supernatural Phenomenons  ~  AO3 Masterpost ~ CH1 ~ CH2 ~ CH3 ~ CH4 ~ CH5 ~ CH6 ~ CH7 ~ CH8 ~  
< Page3 >    [Daminette December Masterlist] 
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Ooo hope you are drinking yummy things!! (I'm having a margarita rn haha)
Maybe Person A is the boss pretending to be an intern with Person B, but B is suspicious about how A has clearence to EVERYTHING in the building??
Maribat, characters of your choice?
Okay. My drink took a couple modification to get the mix right but now it's pretty great. Do here we have Roynette.
I spy Roynette
Marinette was an intern, so she could get pretty much anywhere in the building but she would always have to stop for clearance at certain levels and her badge would be activated if she took much longer than then expected time on certain floors. Roy was also an intern and sometimes he just seemed to be around constantly. It didn’t seem odd at first. She definitely didn’t know all the interns at Queen Consolidated. There were far too many spread all over the building for her to have met them all. Usually the interns would mostly stick to one department but a few, like herself, were floaters. She wasn’t yet sure if that was a good thing because she knew so much about various things, or a bad thing because they had accepted her as an intern and they did not know what to do with her but had no reason to fire her.
But after a few weeks, she started to be suspicious of Roy. At first she thought he was just flirting with her. Now she knew he was, but also she thought he might be a corporate spy. He kept getting into places he should not have access to. Even the executive suites. Marinette was setting up a meeting room for a possible buyout of another company but there he was. He had tried to duck out of sight before she saw him but she saw the flash of movement. She only knew it had been him because she had seen his ridiculous red hoodie that he somehow got away with wearing while she was stuck in business wear and heels.
She didn’t know who to talk to. The only people around appeared very busy and they all seemed perfectly okay with him there. But she realized he had gone into the server room so she peaked in to see what he was up to. He was plugging in a laptop. She had no phone or ability to collect evidence. That was not allowed for someone of her rank, especially on the executive floor. She knew her badge would activate an alarm at any moment so she had to think fast. He definitely wasn't allowed a laptop in there
Suddenly, she realized that was the solution. If she shut the door it would lock down automatically. That would bring security. On top of that when her intern badge activated even more security would show up. She took a breath to calm herself and try to convince herself that he wasn’t as good looking and smooth as she remembered. It was all lies, but she really needed this internship to go well. Corporate espionage could do major damage to a company even if the spy made her knees weak. She rushed into the room and shut the door behind her.
“Marinette, Hey,” Roy said. He didn’t look worried. He looked happy to see her. “That door isn’t supposed to be locked, but I kinda like the idea.”
“Do not be suave with me,” she said, forcing determination into her voice. “I know what you are up to.”
“What am I--”
Roy was cut off as her badge flashed and a speaker by the door started beeping. Roy stepped close to her and looked around. When security burst in seconds later, he pushed her behind him. The security team looked around and then Roy commanded them to stand down just before Marinette saw Felicity Smoak enter. She was part of the reason Marinette had wanted to work here. Marinette shoved Roy aside and addressed the woman.
“This isn’t right. He is a spy and they are working with him.”
The room was still for a moment after Marinette pointed to Roy and then his accomplices on the security team. Marinette felt a sinking feeling as she was led to a smaller meeting room. She hadn’t thought that Ms Smoak would have been involved. Now she had lost her shot and would probably be dismissed because of it. She wasn’t waiting long when Roy entered and handed her an iced coffee made just the way she liked. Ms Smoak and Mr Queen entered right after. She knew this must be serious because they were supposed to be in a meeting very soon.
They all sat and Ms Smoak pulled out a file that she could easily see was her own. But she didn’t expect what the woman said next.
“We would like to offer you a permanent position effective immediately. The employment offer and package will need to be agreed upon but all changes will be effective starting with your day today.”
“What?” Marinette asked.
She looked at each of them smiling at her. They let her brain catch up before they explained that Roy was a partial owner and not an intern. As such he had access to the entire building and had just been trying to find a place to work where he wouldn’t be bothered for a bit. But they were impressed with Marinette’s attention to detail and her quick thinking response. They told her in the future they would provide other options than to lock herself in a room with someone who would likely harm her in desperation.
Marinette was still reeling when the meeting was over. She would be coming in next week to have a meeting about possible benefits and pay. She was stunned. She hardly noticed Roy leading her out after. She gathered her things and he walked along with her until she finally seemed to come out of her fog. He suggested she would feel better if she had something to eat so he offered to take her. She agreed but she was suddenly more nervous than she had been all day.
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intotherabithole · 12 days
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I finally finished the piece I started for maribat March for the prompt tea time.
I figured I would share it for Roynette week.
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maribatserver · 2 years
6 Weeks Until the Tag Team Tournament!
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Our third team graphic is for Lucky Shot, aka Team Roynette! Now I know I've heard some buzz from people who are planning to "tag in" for this team, and now you all have a very neat graphic to announce your allegiance with! You've got six weeks left to decide if you want to join them, or to try and convince them to tag in for your team instead. ;)
Check back next week for the next team graphic as we count down to our Tag Team Tournament!
Special thanks to mods @newdog14 and @nottesilhouette for designing these graphics!
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