#royal canadian legion
vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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ryandjaxon · 1 year
Happy St Pattys Day beautiful darlings! 🍀 😍 become a member with your local legion!
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kent-farm · 9 months
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—Lana and her daughters at the Smallville Firehall, Superman and Lois, "Waiting for Superman", which was filmed at Firehall 8, 17572 57 Avenue in Cloverdale, Surrey, British Columbia. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 6 building is visible across the street behind the girls.
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hate5sixofficial · 10 months
Knocked Loose 2022-08-20 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Calgary, Canada
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"LA LEGION CANADIENNE HONORE SON ANCIEN PRESIDENT GENERAL," La Presse. June 19, 1933. Page 8. ---- Le lieutenant-colonel L. LaFleche, D.S.0, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, sous-ministre de la Défense nationale et ancien président général de la Légion canadienne (BESI), a été l'invite d'honneur, samedi soir, à un banquet donne par le chapitre provincial, au mers des officiers du Régiment de Maisonneuve. On voit ici le colonel LaFleche entoure d'un groupe de légionnaires. Assise rangée, de ganche à droite: les lieutenant-colonels Robinson, V.D. W-K. de Kappelle, 0.B.E., V.D.,: P.-A. Piuze et C.-A. Brossean, V.D. C. de G.; le brigadier général T.-L. Tremblay, CM.G., D.S.0., Pechevin F-L. Demers, M.D.; le lieutenant-colonel R. LaFleche: le lieutenant-colonel François DeMartigny, président du chapitre provincial de la Légion canadienne, le brigadier-général W W.-P. Gibsone, C.M.G., D.S.O., O.B.E.,: le colonel F.-F. Clarke, D.S.0., le colonel Gandet, C.M.G, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, le colonel Wilfrid Rover: le lieutenant-colonel J.-A. Filistraalt. V.D.; le capitaine P.-P. Lecointe, des vétérans francais, et le capitaine de Vicktor, des vétérans polonais. Dans le groupe, on remarque aussi: les lieutenants-colonels Eugène Nantel, V.D.: Edouard Tellier, M.-M.-L, Garon, Armand Hay, Leclaire, MM. V.D.: J.-A.-A. Leclaire, Elear Hurtubise, MD; Hughe DeMartigny et Eugene Provost, V.D.; les majors Lens Arend, V D. Paul Grenier, C.A.-H. Trudeau, Euclide Beauchamp, V.D.; I.-E. Graham, Romee Tanguay, G.-L. Franeen, V.D. et I.-I. Desjardins, V.D., les capitaines Gilbert Ghewy, Eugène Payette, De Bellefeuille. Morgan, M.C., V.D.; Champagne et Fred Fletcher, R.CM.P.; les lieutenants Maurice Olivier, Ottawa: Marrel Monette, Robert, André D'Astons, Carbonneau, Charlie Laurin et autres.
"Un conseil donné aux vétérans par le col. LaFlèche," La Presse. June 19, 1933. Page 8. ---- "Vos demandes ne doivent pas être extravagantes," affirme-t-il. ---- JUSTICE POUR TOUS --- Plus de 200 membres de la Légion canadienne (B. E. S. L.) ont rendu hommage, samedi soir au lieutenant-colonel L-R. La Flèche, D.S.O..chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, sous-ministre de la Défense nationale.et ancien président général de la Legion. Le banquet avait été organisé par le chapitre provincial et était présidé par le lieutenant-colonel François DeMartigny, président provincial. La fête était donne sous lesauspices du brigadier général W-W.-P. Gibsone, C.MG., D.S.O., O.B.E., officier commandant du district militaire No 4. Le banquet eut lieu dans les quartiers du mess des officiers du Régiment de Maisonneuve.
Le sous-ministre a déclaré dans son discours que le gouvernement était prêt à faire sa part pour les vétérans et que ceux-ci auraient justice, mais d'un autre côté, a-t-il dit, il ne faut pas réclamer d'une façon extravagante surtout à une époque critique comme l'époque actuelle. Il n'y a aucun doute dans mon esprit et dans celui de la population, en général, que vous avez des droits acquis à notre reconnaissance et que nous devons respecter ces droits, mais le monde traverse une crise, terrible et les vétérans comme tous et chacun doivent avoir confiance dans l'avente et être patients."
Une petite Société des Nations Le colonel LaPlèche a rappelé que le banquet était une véritable petite "Société des Nations" puisqu'on y remarquait des représentants de la France, des Etats-Unis, de la Belgique, de la Pologne et de l'Italie. Toutes des nations alliées qui sont "prêtes encore à combattre pour la Justice et le droit aujourd'hui comme hier", a dit M. le sous-ministre.
Le colonel Wilfrid Bovey, D.S.O., chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, proposa la santé du sous-ministre en français. Il a déclaré qu'il était nécessaire pour la jeunesse de puiser son inspiration dans l'histoire des "héros du passé", mais, a-t-il dit, nous ne devons pas oublier que les Canadiens se sont aussi conduits comme des héros, lors de la dernière guerre.
L'on ne peut oublier les exploits légendaires du Royal 22e Régiment.
"Nous avons illustré d'une façon tangible à l'univers entier qu'il existe une véritable nation canadienne. Côte à côte, les Canadiens-français et leurs frères de langue anglaise travaillent comme une seule unité dans le meilleur intérêt du Dominion. Ils aiment le Canada et c'est pourquoi il nous faut prendre garde de développer un esprit de séparatisme dont les conséquences pourraient être funestes."
Une motion Le colonel Hercule Lefebvre, M.C., V.D., commandant de la 11e brigade d'infanterie, a proposé la santé du colonel La Flèche, en anglais. "Je proposerai cette santé sous forme de motion, félicitant le gouvernement du choix du colonel LaFlèche comme sous-ministre de la Défense nationale", a proposé le brigadier Lefebvre. Cette motion a été adoptée à l'unanimité.
Le sous-ministre a profité ensuite de l'occasion pour épingler sur la poitrine du camarade Napoléon Marion, insigne des anciens présidents. Le brigadier-général T.-L. Tremblay, C.M.G., D.S.O., chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, ancien commandant du Royal 22e Régiment, a présenté des médailles de Long Service à deux de ses anciens officiers: les majors L.-H. Desjardins, V.D. et Georges-U. Francoeur, V.D., tous deux du Régiment de Maisonneuve maintenant.
Le colonel F.-F. Clarke, D.S.O. ancien président provincial, a aussi remis une coupe au camarade Beatty de la section de Québec, qui s'est classée première dans le concours de recrutement organisé par les diverses succursales de la province.
Des discours ont également été prononcés par le brigadier-général Gilsone, le lieutenant-colonel P.-A. Piuze, président de la succursale Jean-Brillant, V.C., de la Légion canadienne; le capitaine Morgan, M.C.. V.D.: le lieutenant-colonel Charles-Auguste Brosseau, V. D. C. de G.O.C., Régiment de Maisonneuve et le colonel Gaudet, CMC, chevalier de la Légion d'honneur, organisateur du Royal 22e Régiment.
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clancarruthers · 2 years
CHRISTOPHER MACCRAE CARRUTHERS 1924 – 2011   In loving memory of Christopher “Chris” MacCrae Carruthers, 86 years. Saturday, July 31st, 2011 at the Maison Vale Hospice.   Beloved husband of Dorien (Nesbitt) Carruthers predeceased 2003. Loving father of Karen (Dennis Lever) of Puslinch and Gail (Robin Pauley) of Sudbury. Cherished grandfather of Carolyn (Scott Murray), Michael Lever (Sarah),…
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hungerofhadarr · 2 months
You must choose . There is no other , you cannot change around who goes where . Either you get in the greyhound bus with them or you do not . You can choose how the day goes however
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aimeedaisies · 17 days
Wednesday 5th June - Thursday 6th June 2024
Their Majesties The King and Queen, joined by other Members of the Royal Family, will mark the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
Wednesday 5th June 2024
The King and Queen, accompanied by The Prince of Wales, will attend the UK's national commemorative event in Portsmouth to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
The Princess Royal, Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Regina Rifles, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, will unveil a statue of a Second World War Canadian Royal Regina Rifleman and attend a Reception in Normandy with members of the Regiment, to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
At the Bayeux War Cemetery, The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence will join Normandy veterans and French representatives at a Royal British Legion Service of Commemoration.
As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, will attend an annual service of remembrance at Bayeux Cathedral. This will be followed by a service and vigil later that evening where Her Royal Highness will give a speech in remembrance of those who lost their lives during the operation.
Thursday 6th June 2024
The King and Queen will attend The Ministry of Defence and the Royal British Legion's commemorative event at the British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. His Majesty is Patron of the Royal British Legion.
The Prince of Wales will attend the Canadian commemorative ceremony at the Juno Beach Centre, Courseulles-sur-Mer, hosted by the Government of Canada. His Royal Highness will join Canadian D-Day and Second World War Veterans, as well as Canadian Armed Forces personnel, cadets, and wider youth representatives at the event.
The Prince of Wales will attend the international commemorative ceremony at Omaha Beach, Saint Laurent sur Mer, joining over 25 Heads of State and veterans from around the world in marking this historic anniversary.
At the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh will join veterans and their families at the Royal British Legion's Service of Remembrance.
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will attend 'D-Day 80: Remembering the Normandy Landings', an evening of music-led, multi-generational storytelling, reflecting on the Second World War at the Royal Albert Hall.
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ancientfaces · 3 months
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Sometimes the value we receive by sharing on AncientFaces is the joy of bringing kindness to strangers…Josh Currie enjoys metal detecting and discovered in Northern Ontario Canada a Sterling Silver Birks Memorial Bar of an RCAF Pilot who lost his life overseas during World War 2.
The bar belonged to 27 year old Donald Cameron Walker, the only son of Robert and Ethel May Walker, who left all that was dear to him to fight during the WW2 where he tragically lost his life.
Josh couldn’t just sit on this discovery, and thanks to his 7 months of research and perseverance, was able to return this bar to family 72 years after Donald’s passing so that now Officer Walker’s Memorial Bar is displayed alongside his medals at his local Royal Canadian Legion.
In the words of Josh, “THIS is why I dig holes in the dirt!”.
AncientFaces is a community where we share our memories about loved ones and connect with others who remember them. Often, AncientFaces empowers strangers to become friends thanks to the simple act of sharing what information we know and discoveries we make.
To read more about Josh’s heart-warming story reuniting Officer Donald Cameron Walker’s military bar with his family 72 years after his death see: https://www.ancientfaces.com/person/donald-cameron-walker-birth-1916-death-1943-canada/165069572#memory 
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omniversecomicsguide · 4 months
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Find a 2024 comic con near you with our CANADA COMIC CON TRACKER 2024! And hey, you might even see Eric Anthony there!
Featured cover art:
WOLVERINE: ORIGINS #2 (2006) variant cover by Joe Quesada & Richard Isanove
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justforbooks · 7 months
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At the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month – we will Remember Them.
The red poppy is a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future.
During WW1, much of the fighting took place in Western Europe. The countryside was blasted, bombed and fought over repeatedly. Previously beautiful landscapes turned to mud; bleak and barren scenes where little or nothing could grow.
There was a notable and striking exception to the bleakness - the bright red Flanders poppies. These resilient flowers flourished in the middle of so much chaos and destruction, growing in the thousands upon thousands.
Shortly after losing a friend in Ypres, a Canadian doctor, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae was moved by the sight of these poppies and that inspiration led him to write the now famous poem 'In Flanders Fields'.
The poem then inspired an American academic named Moina Michael to adopt the poppy in memory of those who had fallen in the war. She campaigned to get it adopted as an official symbol of Remembrance across the United States and worked with others who were trying to do the same in Canada, Australia, and the UK.
Also involved with those efforts was a French woman, Anna Guérin who was in the UK in 1921 where she planned to sell the poppies in London.
There she met Earl Haig who was persuaded to adopt the poppy as our emblem in the UK. The Royal British Legion, which had been formed in 1921, ordered nine million poppies and sold them on 11 November that year.
The poppies sold out almost immediately. That first 'Poppy Appeal' raised over £106,000 to help veterans with housing and jobs; a considerable sum at the time.
In view of how quickly the poppies had sold and wanting to ensure plenty of poppies for the next appeal, Major George Howson set up the Poppy Factory to employ disabled ex-servicemen.
The demand for poppies in England continued unabated and was so high, in fact, that few poppies actually managed to reach Scotland. To address this and meet growing demand, Earl Haig's wife Dorothy established the 'Lady Haig Poppy Factory' in Edinburgh in 1926 to produce poppies exclusively for Scotland.
Today, over five million Scottish poppies (which have four petals and no leaf unlike poppies in the rest of the UK) are still made by hand by disabled ex-Servicemen at Lady Haig's Poppy Factory each year.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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automotivelife · 1 month
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Dated Photos: May 27, 2022
Location: Parking lot across from the Royal Canadian Legion in Sylvan Lake, AB
Event: Sylvan Lake Cruise Night
Do not remove my watermark! If reposting, watermark must be visible! Reblogs welcome!
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kent-farm · 10 months
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Yo, I gotta say, seeing you and Dad take on that tornado looked pretty badass. You saw that? I had a decent view from the firehouse.
—Jon and Jordan Kent, Superman and Lois, "Injustice". Smallville's Firehall (Seasons 2 and 3) is Firehall 8, 17572 57 Avenue in Cloverdale, Surrey, British Columbia. The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 6 building is also visible across the street.
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hate5sixofficial · 10 months
Zulu 2022-08-20 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 1 Calgary, Canada
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“THEIR EXCELLENCIES AT OSHAWA,” Toronto Star. May 19, 1932. Page 1. ---- Lord and Lady Bessborough were accorded a royal reception when they arrived in Oshawa to-day. Members of the Canadian Legion and the Oshawa Collegiate Cadet Corps formed a guard of honor. The governor-general is shown in (1) being greeted by Teddy Morgan, Oshawa veterans’ mascot. Lady Bessborough posed for photo (2).
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myroyallikes · 17 days
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June 5: The King, Queen and Prince of Wales will attend the UK’s national commemoration at Portsmouth.
June 6: The King and Queen will be at the British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer on June 6. William will attend the Canadian commemorative ceremony at the Juno Beach Centre, Courseulles-sur-Mer, and the international commemorative ceremony at Omaha Beach, Saint Laurent sur Mer. Prince William will join more than 25 heads of state and veterans from around the world at the international event
June 5: Prince Anne and V/A Sir Tim will be in Normandy with Canada’s The Royal Regina Rifles. They will also attend a service and vigil at Bayeux Cathedral.
June 6: The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh will join veterans and families at the Royal British Legion event at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffs.
June 6: The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will attend an evening of music and multi-generational story-telling at the Royal Albert Hall.
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