#rorschach grimlaugh
archesa · 4 months
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line of your WIP. Then tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like, I was tagged by the lovely @monaskydancer 🥰 thanks a lot!! 😁).
Outside, the victory celebration had flared to a triumph with the enthusiastic speech of the Commander – his early attempts at tempering their elation lost in the moment and to the temptation to preserve hope.
Tagging not as many people as there are words because... well you see why! @lilypixy (because this is about your Commander after all 🥰) @i-mybrunettelady @swimmingseafish @just-eyris-things @thorns-and-brambles @dumb-dumb-mander and I forgot probably too many people!
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lilypixy · 1 year
For the Twins - 🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
For Rorschach - 🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
For Jiirka and Iotzza - 🍕: How does your OC spend a lazy day?
My first ask! Thank you @archesa ❤️!
🍰 : Meryw and Dairban, despite their similarities in character, have different standards.
Meryw worships knowledge and truth, and would be horrified to see someone destroy a book. The Elona campaign was a bit jarring for her companions, as the usually kind and demure dragonhunter had taken a personal vendetta against the Lich.
Dairban values justice above all, but his true trigger is disloyalty of any kind. Like Commander Rorschach and his orderly Galaëd, he was shocked when Caithe took Aurene's egg and saw it as treason. He never forgave her for that.
🍟 : Rorschach will readily admits to loving Zhaitaffy to the point of Sieran finding wrappers tangled in his mane, but his true guilty pleasure is scratching his chin against Galaëd's antlers, whenever he can do so without the sylvari noticing.
🍕 : Before Aurene's birth, Iotzza and her nephew liked to take a stroll in the jungle, her teaching Jiirka about various flora and fauna of the Metrica Province, or summoning a minion for the little warrior to chase and fight in the bushes.
After the Scion appeared in Jiirka's life, the old scourge spent more time with her own overgrown lizard (her words).
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de-draconis-mobile · 1 year
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Psst, Rorschach! Galaëd loves you to the moon and back 😘💜
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anwenevergreen · 2 years
Masterpost - A compass to navitage this blog!
Here’s a little guide to help navigate between posts if you need :
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The Trahearne Lives Fic can be found here (and also on Ao3 if you’d prefer):
The purification of Orr
First impressions - 1325 AE
Sapphire and gold - 1325 AE (Wintersday special)
Party politics - 1327 AE
Torn from the skies - 1328 AE
Hearts and Minds
Chapter 1 - Bitter Harvest
Chapter 2 - The end of all things
Chapter 3 - The last dream of my soul
Bonus Chapter - Dragon’s Stand (to be added)
Chapter 4 - Lost but not Forgotten
Chapter 5 - Dawning in a new light
Epilogue - Part I - Picking up the threads
Epilogue - Part II - The Siren’s Call
Epilogue - Part III - Exalted (to be added)
Scion and Champion
Concerned Citizen Sermon - Season of the Scion 1328 AE
Knight of the Thorn - Season of the Scion 1328 AE
Twas the night before Wintersday - 1328 AE (Wintersday special)
Aurene, Aurene, draig yn llawn golau, Aurene, Aurene, goleuni fy mywyd (to be added)
Voices of the past, echoes of the depths - Season of the Zephyr 1330 AE
Scions and Champions - Season of the Phoenix 1330 AE
And I will chase it back to you (to be added) -  Season of the Phoenix 1330 AE
A star to guide us
Master of our own luck - Season of the Colossus 1331 AE
Inside, down the stairs, and to the left. Follow the signs - Season of the Zephyr 1332 AE
Brethren and Twins (Ice brood Saga)
Scarred and armless (to be added)
The Colour of magic (EoD)
A new dawn rises (post EOD)
As for the rest, you are always very welcome (encouraged even) to prompt me with a scene from anywhere in the story ! Might answer with headcanons, drabbles, short fics more or less closely related to the prompt, or a full-fledged chapter! 🖋 Just leave a note in the Ask Box!
The Blighting Pod AU, a Trahearne revival during A Bug in the System can be found here:
Chapter 1 - Blighted (and in its original reblog form here)
Chapter 2 - Severed
Chapter 3 - Mourned (to be writen)
If you’re looking for Anwen centered drabbles, from anywhere in the timeline, you’ll find them under #anwen evergreen drabbles (soon to be sorted by date #1325 ; #1326 ; #1327 and so on).
Those focused on her childhood (alongside Faren, her adopted brother and life long partner in crime) will be found under #young anwen evergreen (often overlapping with #supportive brother faren) and anything related to the personal story will be filed under #zaithan arc and #heart of thorns arc (for anything prior to Bitter Harvest ).
If you’re looking for headcanons, you will find them under #anwen evergreen headcanons.
Moodboards (and memes) will be respectively filed under, you guessed it, #anwen evergreen moodboard and #anwen evergreen meme .
And if you’re looking for my other stuff, my main blog is @archesa (I post random things that bring me joy, sometimes I forget to tag things, but I’m trying to do better, consider I’m a dragon and my blog is my hoard), my Galaëd, second of (@lilypixy ’s Commander) Rorschach Grimlaugh from our Mentors!Live AU (slight Trahearne lives AU too) can be found @mesmer-extraordinaire . And that’s about it!
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archesa · 5 months
I would be glad to know about any of your characters!
midnight, heartbreak, mask, monster, secret
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰 I'll gladly shed some light on their darkest moments for you 😄
Midnight - What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
For Galaëd, there was the memory of his brief fall to Mordremoth.
The mere idea of harming his allies, his friends, his lover is unsufferable.
The deaths of Rorschach - first at the hands of Balthazar, then in the jaws of Kralkatorrik and the discovery of his corpse in Dragonfall gave him enough to have nightmares about for a few lifetimes.
And in the darkest nights he reminisces of the threats they still face, of their most triumphant victories and their cruelest loses. The loss of Trahearne almost drove him insane. The loss of Rorschach almost killed him. He dreads to think what he'd become should he lose Canach...
Heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
He has always had a difficult relationship with Caithe.
From the bloom there's been a certain reservation on Galaëd's part - he's always been closer to Trahearne - and her stealing the Egg and driving them to a hunt through Maguuma tore beyond repair an already strained bond. It will take years for Galaëd to regain whatever esteem he had for Caithe after that. (did I already mention that Galaëd is flippin resentful?)
As for heartbreak, Canach vanishing after being freed of his service to Countess Anise hurt.
Galaëd was oblivious to his reasons to flee Centra Tyria at the time - a run in with the Consortium in Amnoon would soon dispell any doubt he had about Canach's motive - and he was pretty distraught to have missed his chance with Canach.
Mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Galaëd endeavours to maintain an air of respectability - the Valiant, the white-knight, the Vigil - but over the years more and more people are allowed to see beyond this mask - the merryman, the trickster, the brethren.
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He is open-hearted with his closest friends - Rorschach, Trahearne and Canach know about everything about him - and does not purposely keep things from his guildmates – even if he is naturally more reserved – but endeavours to keep the rest of the world in confusion regarding his character.
Monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
He is capable of cruelty when his heart is in harm's way. He took care of inflicting as much pain as he could to the High Inquisitor when he killed him - a small revenge for the confessor torturing Canach... But he hates this part of him.
Secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
That he quite often reminisces of his first confrontation with Canach 😏🌵
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archesa · 1 year
Aldrei : Small animals are way more vicious. It’s because their anger has way less space to be bottled up in.
Rorschach : That can't be true. Give us one example of that.
Sieran : Wasps.
Trahearne : Piranha.
Lucius : Elianora.
Iotzza : Jiirka.
Galaëd : Canach.
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archesa · 1 year
ask game hours—have 🍎🌶️🥭🍑 for galaed, if you’d like! :) @kerra-and-company
Thanks a lot!! Always very happy to delve into Galaëd and De Draconis Mobile! 💛 possible spoilers to come for both the canon and the AU 😁
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
This one's hard! Because it's a tie between three people, really! Canach, Rorschach and Trahearne ! Without the three of them, the world loses its colour.
Of course he does lose Trahearne. And Rorschach. But when you see the effect their deaths had on him, I'll let you imagine what he would become should any harm befall Canach.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Vorpp. He didn't like the asura when they first met at the Queen's Jubilee, but he couldn't quite place what was amiss... something about his demeanour, the sound of his voice, his disdain of Scarlet that seemed to encompass all sylvari. Everything about the Arcane Council envoy gratted on his nerves.
Now, knowing what Vorpp has done? That he and his krewe were responsible for the vivsection of Malomedies and the death and torture of more than 20 secondborns (including Canach)... let's just say that Vorpp would be wise to steer from poorly lit alleys if he ever meets Galaëd or the twins.
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
His colour scheme was well thought, actually 😁 I wanted him to take after a birch tree (because the eponymous character in my novel comes from a birch and aspen forest) hence the white bark and black markings. Incidentally black and white are the colours of the Vigil, which made sense for him (in the novel, his character is a swordmaster, mentor and most loyal friend to Lucius, so him joining the Vigil seemed only natural).
The orange comes from both his affiliation to autumn and dusk, and suit his bright, warm and hopeful nature.
And violet – his favourite colour – comes from his illusions and his unconditional attachement to Rorschach.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Galaëd thrives much more in the logistics than the actual fighting. He loves, and he's good at organising the army's supply lines, ensure the wounded are properly evacuated and treated, the troops fed and equipped. He cares for his companions and for the civilians they protect. Some must fight so all may be free.
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archesa · 1 year
multiple comms ask -> 1, 5 and for some angst, 8 :>
Thanks for the ask!! Here is some De Draconis Mobile lore 😁
The Multiple Commander Asks are still very much open, as a preambule to a soon to be posted prologue to DDM (It is time!!)
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1 / At what point during the story do they meet up?
Big question!
Let's start somewhat chronologically!
Lilja and Aldrei are childhood friends, with Aldrei being a sort of elder sibling figure to Lilja.
Iotzza is Jiirka's 'aunt' and mentor.
Meryw and Dairban are podtwins, and bloomed a few hours before Galaëd. They shared a few visions of each other in the Dream of Dreams, and fought the Shadow together.
Elianora met Iotzza, Jiirka and Aldrei when she joined the Whispers.
Galaëd and Dairban joined the Vigil around the same time and met Lilja there.
Meryw met Rorschach at the Priory, and eventually became Sieran's second mentee.
Rorschach and Galaëd met on Claw Island, and Trahearne had them work together from the very early beginnings of the Pact, having been a firsthand witness of their synergy in battle.
Two other members : Tora and Lucius join the guild later, respectively during Season 2 – as an emissary of the Olmakhan tribe – and after Path of Fire – as an agent of the Order of Shadows.
5 / Did all of them, only a few, or just one of them go through the dungeon storylines?
Rorschach explored the Catacombs with Sieran, a few weeks after he joined the Priory.
Galaëd and the twins went with Caithe at Twilight Arbour.
Elianora, Iotzza and Jiirka found themselves together at Caudecus party. (The first feat of the infamous Terror Trio!)
Iotzza and Jiirka cooperate with Lilja at Sorrow's lament... add a dash of Zojja and Kudu to an already very explosives mix!
Honor of the waves calls for intuition and diplomacy, so Aldrei and Meryw are the wisest most natural choice.
The Citadel of Flames is an opportunity for the recently anointed Commander to scare his Tribune Brimstone and Captain Thackeray into submission with the now infamous Terror Trio!
8 / Who mercy killed Trahearne?
It would have destroyed Galaëd.
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archesa · 2 years
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archesa · 1 year
have 🌈🔥☁️🌟 for whichever two of your folks you feel like talking about :D (or just one if that’s too much!) @kerra-and-company
Thanks so much for these! And thank you for your patience! These took forever for me to answer, I've been busy with work and my mind was abuzz with thousands of thoughts that I could not get a hold onto... Constant white noise, plenty of plot bunnies running everywhere and no focus on anything... Somewhat better than pure creative drought but still quite frustrating!!
Anyway, here are some HC that I hope you'll enjoy 😘❤️🍂
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Despite being (or perhaps because of that) a chronomancer, Galaëd knows better than to risk interfering with his or anyone's past. The ripple effects are too wild, too unpredictable...
That being said, a harmless pieces of advice he'd gladly have returned a couple minutes in the past to offer himself before disaster stroke :
Never. Try. To outsass. Dairban.
You will lose, and end up being exposed and kinkshamed in front of your entire guild and the Grand Warmaster of the Vigil.
Abridged transcript of the exchange as registered by Scruffy, 1334 AE :
[Dragon’s Watch pondering why, despite being a ranger, Laranthir doesn’t a pet]
Galaëd : Well, he has Dairban!
Dairban : Bold words from someone consistently impaled on a cactus.
Galaëd : What?
Dairban : *throws Galaëd on Canach*
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Galaëd will deny it with all his might but... he can get a little... bit... irrationally... jealous.
Jiirka and Rorschach will mercilessly tease him for the dark glances he’ll throw to a certain corsair, when Canach first considers leaving for new adventures aboard her airship. It’ll take a pep-talk from his friends -- a quick reminder that it is well and definitely established that cunning, manipulative women are not Canach’s type -- and Canach casually asking Galaëd if he’d rather request a leave or an official demobilization for the poor twig to realise his partner never even considered leaving without him 😅Where to ? Only time will tell!
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☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Draconis Mons is... not Galaëd’s favorite place! Apart from the constant humidity - seriously at this point I’d just rather it rained! - the sheer abundance of briars and liana, so soon after the campaign of Maguuma would already have been a waking nightmare without these damn antlers getting caught in everything, everywhere, all at once!
But Rorschach has been exceedingly patient, untangling his friend from whatever weed had latched onto him with nary a peep! An exceptional show of restrain when Galaëd looked like this, for the majority of the trip!
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🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
The skies turning from a molten gold to a deep purple and the stars coming alive on the deepest of blue, dispelling the last shadows of the nightmare still clinging to his mind, even as the dragon writhed and died, still trying to poison the Dream...
The menders had calmed him and reassured him, after the dragon faded, defeated by a handful of future Valiants — one of which he'd soon enough recognize amongst his fellow recruits, within the Vigil — and he spent his first hours in the waking world watching the stars and fireflies dance above the shallow water of Caer Astorea.
Whenever he observes the stars, he feels called back to this moment, where the world seemed a quieter, easier place — his destiny, the path he was born to tread laid at his feet — where he was content, and proud, and comfortable and hopeful.
Of course, life is seldom as simple as menders and luminaries would have the saplings believe.
And he enjoys his life, rich and chaotic and full of love and laughter as it is!
But stargazing remains a suspended moment, a bubble out of time and space, where he can pretend nothing exists apart from the skies above and his loved ones besides. And, of course, he particularly enjoys stealing such moments with Canach.
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archesa · 1 year
First snow for Galaëd, just water in disguise or wonder of the skies?
That was quick!! 😁 (I love you so much 🥰) First snow from my Wintersday prompt list, then ❄️😁
Content warning : alcoholic beverages 🍾
Stars are falling down
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Cold came from the Shiverspeaks, a biting wind blowing on the heights of the city, ruffling his leaves and billowing his cloak. He adjusted his earmuffs — a gift from the gigantic charr-shaped pile of wool puffing plumes of fog next to him — and stared at the pale ribbons of clouds veiling the spires of the human capital. The skies above drew a pale shroud of lavender on the horizon, covering the world in darkness as the candles and lamps came alive in the streets below.
The scent of firewood and cinnamon floated in the air, music swelling as they neared the Crown Pavilion where the festivities were held.
Evergreen garlands and tinsel hanging from the gigantic wings of the eagle covering the arena, and from the automated orchestras at the far northern and southern ends of the garden came triumphant trumpets and melancholic tints of glockenspiel, silver bells and choirs almost drowned by the elated sound of conversations and the laughter of adults and children alike as they crossed the esplanade in search of the perfect gift, or the perfect treat, hot chocolate and tea, spiced wine and warm cider to keep the cold at bay.
Another freezing gust of wind blew over the city, ruffling the purple strands of Rorschach’s mane poking out of his hand-knitted festive hat, and making him shiver, the brand on his back quaking and a few cobalt electric arcs bursting at the tips.
Galaëd’s glow intensified to a shimmering gold and he motioned his friend to wait, a joyful smile enlightening his face as he blinked through the crowd and back, bringing them two cups of steaming mulled wine — red for him, white for Rorschach.
“You’ll need it in an instant now!”, the sylvari announced, throwing his head back to look up at the sky. "Look!"
From the misty depths, a veil of shimmering flakes detached themselves, twirling down in the wind to powder on the city.
“The stars are falling down.”
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archesa · 2 years
have 18, 38, 48, and 55 for galaed if you’d like! :D @kerra-and-company
Ooooh!! Ding-Dong! It's still autumn and it's Galaëd hours! 🍂😁 With a little bit of a sneak peek into the future of De Draconis Mobile!
18. Have any special keepsakes?
A bud of Caladbolg that was cut from the thorn when he fought Mazdak, before joining the Vigil. Trahearne returned the sword to the Pale Tree, but Galaëd preciously kept the severed flower and had it encased in a bead of glass he still wears to this day as a pendant.
Something else he holds very dear is his rapier, a razor sharp and feather light blade forged by Occam -- a token of the blacksmith’s gratitude after the newly bloomed Valiant saved him from the Nightmare Court and salvaged his masterpiece from the corpse of the so-called Green Knight, Bercilak. The blade served him faithfully for several years, and is now carried by someone Galaëd holds closest to his heart.
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38. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations?
Hahahaha!! 🤣🏖️
After the victory of the Pact over Zhaitan, Rorschach and Galaëd did take a little vacation! The sun, the palm trees, the warm white sand and crystalline water...
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Would be a shame if...
Karkas on the island... 🦀
48. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
His highest point, no doubt, the completion of his Wyld Hunt, the resurrection of Trahearne! The pure unadulterated joy of having his brother back!
His lowest point... Taking the mantle of Commander of the Pact after the death of Rorschach. Preparing the siege of Thunderhead peak, to defeat Kralkatorik, save the world and avenge his friend... and failing...
His only chance to continue to do the right thing there is to fall in complete denial, to convince himself to the point of delusion that Rorschach will find his way back to them, like he did when Balthazar killed him. And being confronted to the inescapable, solid, gruesome evidence of the contrary — when Aurene and her Champion (wait and see) lead their final assault of the heart of the Elder Dragon of Crystal at Dragon Fall — is the closest he ever gets from falling...
To what, he himself is not sure.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? When happens when these all interact with each other?
I'd say his best trait is his loyalty. And his joyful demeanour.
But they are, in a certain way some of his core flaws, because he’s terrified of disappointing the people he admires or loves, which means he takes at heart to conform himself to what he is expected to be -- a Valiant, a Warmaster, a commanding officer of the Pact, a Jester, a Beacon of Hope. It does not mean he’s not all these things, nor that these titles and expectations are too heavy a mantle to bear, just that he might sometimes force himself to keep up appearances, for the sake of those looking up to him, but mostly for the love of those he looks up to.
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archesa · 1 year
Today’s Galaëd’s bloomsday!
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He’s had his own fireworks to celebrate! ^^
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archesa · 1 year
If you're still doing these: 🖊 for Lucius and 🖊🖊🖊 for any other character(s) you like
Oooh! I had forgotten these, sorry ! 😭😅 And I very much still do them 😄
Some Lucius facts and bonus rounds for whoever! Noice! 😄
🖊️- I once said Lucius is German shepherd shaped, as in, he’s very protective of the people who manage to get close to him. From the moment he joins Dragon’s Watch, that protectiveness extends to each and everyone of the guild members.
Another thing that he is, is very aware of the impact trauma can have on a person, or a group, how it can fester, how it can heal in appearance and surge again years later due to a trigger event, how it can become alike an old scar, there, but barely noticeable, or remain as a gaping wound and cripple one for the rest of their life. As such, he will consider that pushing at someone’s limit, purposely using or abusing their frailties and causing more harm to their mental health as grave an assault as if they’d attacked them physically.
A third thing he is, is an assassin. And, he will not hesitate to pull the trigger on anyone who threatens his close circle.
So, when Smodur makes Rorschach his unwilling accomplice in the massacre of the charr in the bunker, he signs his own death warrant.
Ryland is there, when Smodur dies. But he never gets the chance to fire his rifle.
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There’s a suspended moment, one look exchanged as the two snipers assert each other, high above the panic Smodur’s lifeblood splattered across the table has caused... Ryland steps into the light, as the slayer of the Imperator, and Lucius remains amongst the shadows.
🖊️ - As an Elementalist, Anwen Swynwr relies much more heavily on Meryw's protection. So, when it came to launching the final assault on Mordremoth, Meryw did not take the lead of the forces of the Pact against the Mouth.
Laranthir and Dairban managed to muster a team of volunteers, a few very brave souls well decided to distract the Dragon or die trying.
And Meryw accompanied Anwen into the lair of the beast to save their friends.
She witnessed Trahearne's last request, and, if Anwen demanded a moment with him and neither of them saw Mordremoth taking over, she knows what it cost Anwen to fulfill the Firstborn's last will.
Mordremoth was struck down before its final Call could reach the sylvari celebrating their victory over the Mouth, just outside the Heart.
And Canach found Anwen in the clearing, devastated and mourning, and immediately called on Meryw to heal her before she too faded.
🖊️ - Galaëd got very close to being demoted and tried for insult and injury to a superior officer... And if not for Rorschach's insistence that he no longer answered to the Vigil's hierarchy, but that of the Pact — thus making him no longer Almorra's subordinate, absolving him of the accusations of insubordination — he'd have been in huge trouble...
"With all due respect*, General, spreading slander against one's late superior is borderline insubordination too... and insulting the memory of said superior in front of their brother is without a doubt a greater injury."
(*Dragon's Watch favoured diplomatic expression as it specifies nothing about the amount of respect due... could be none.)
🖊️ - That became needlessly angsty, we need a soft headcanon to wrap it! And since we're close to Wintersday...🎄✨
Galaëd will gladly decorate his antlers with tinsel and evergreen garlands during the holiday. Twas Rorschach who gave him the idea when he jokingly placed some light decoration on his head, their first Wintersday after his antlers grew and it became a huge part of their holiday cheer to find light but pretty items to place on the mesmer's branches.
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They both agreed to never attempt such a prank with Dairban, though! (however tempting that might be)
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archesa · 2 years
Mandatory Galaëd ⭐ Rorschach and... Anwen ⭐ Dairban, because why the Mists not.
Mesmer Extraordinaires ! 💜😝
I like you // I love you (platonic soulamte! 💜) // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family (be prepared to be mercilessly teased by Galaëd! once you marry Sieran, you’re officially his brother in law😘) // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me (duh! 😝) // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties (duh! 🥳)// I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking (beautiful dandy lion! dandelion? 🏵️) // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you (and it’s killing Galaëd inside!🍃) // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you (for the aforementioned secret...🍃) // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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And Meryw’s feral pod twin 🔥
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family (nope, he doesn’t have a say in this! he’s Meryw’s twin? He’s adopted! 😝) // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you (Dairban’s unhinged character would trouble Anwen a bit, especially compared to Meryw’s more kind-hearted one 😅) // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me (see above) // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you (powerful elementalist, warmaster of the vigil, very close friend of Laranthir, yup! mad respect there!) // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking (just like his big sis 🥰)// I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart (but big dumbass energy! 🤣) // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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archesa · 14 days
Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance.
Yet another wip whenever! Angsty "De Draconis Mobile" ! Enjoy!
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"The airship is in position for assault.", Canach's voice came over the radio. "Awaiting for orders."
Statics came over, the communication open but silent.
"Commander here."
The two words silenced every other communication.
The sylvari's voice was distant and broken. These last month's stubborn refusal to claim or even answer to that title, his constant assurance that Rorschach was still there, somewhere, that he would return, that it took more than a dragon to break the Commander...
And suddenly, grim, deathly acceptance.
Galaëd cleared his throat.
"Our squad reached destination... Maintain the assault on the points Vlast and Trahearne will expose. Proceed shelling the dragon, distract it till Jiirka and Aurene can kill it. Commander, over."
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