#galaëd of the cycle of dusk
archesa · 3 months
WIP Whenever (and that includes Wednesday ! )
I was tagged by @redwayfarers aka @i-mybrunettelady and unfortunately I have not moved more than a few words forward on the previous WIP, so... here's another WIP to feast your eyes upon 😊
This is set somewhere between Heart of Thorns and Season 3, so obviously spoilers for the former. Featuring, Vigil shenaningans, Laranthir being autoritative (hot!), Dairban and Galaëd being friends (also hot!), and Galaëd being a little shit.
Dairban is Meryw's podtwin, a Warmaster of the Vigil and Laranthir's close second and belongs to my ever partner in crime @lilypixy !
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Galaëd did not remember how it started. A word. An insinuation. And his antlers ramming into one of the recruits. Dairban seizing him by the waist and tearing him away from the fray only to join in himself. And here they stood, in Laranthir's office, while raised voices rattled the walls of the Vigil Fortress.
The doors slammed open and the Grand Warmaster stormed towards them, a disappointed expression on his face.
"Sit. Both of you." he ordered, before they could even rise from their seats.
His expression was cold and judgemental. A severe disappointment written in bright lines his face.
"I have six recruits harbouring bruises, cuts and electrical burns. Anything you wish to add to that list?"
Galaëd scoffed. There was a certain number of things he would have added to that list, yes...
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I tag in this my regulars ^^
@curiousartemis @monaskydancer @i-mybrunettelady (right back at you, Nero! <3 grace us with some gw2 inspired WIP fragment?) @kerra-and-company @dumb-dumb-mander @thorns-and-brambles @just-eyris-things @uselessidiotsquad and I'm quite certain I'm forgetting a few people so, really whoever finds this!
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de-draconis-mobile · 2 years
Inspired by @i-mybrunettelady​ ‘s ask ^^ As stated previously, both prompts carried a huge Canach vibe so...
Hope you’ll enjoy this little glimpse in the mesmer extraordinaire verse ^^
The roots of... something - 1328 AE
Galaëd had always enjoyed twilight, the subliminal glimpse of the sun’s last rays just as it tipped over the horizon, the stars coming alight one by one, the song of birds dimming as the lament of crickets rose, and mist descending from the heights of the Grove to settle on the shores of rivers and ponds where glimmers of embershard would dot the silver ribbons of fog as the night progressed and the fireflies took flight.
But here, sunset only carried in its wake the not-so-distant sound of combat, the shattering of the ground where vines broke the very bones of the earth, and the desperate echo of hundreds of souls lost to the dragon, as they cried their last within the Dream.
And as night crept slowly on the Tangled Depths, he felt the Call growing stronger - a painful rumble, a wild beast prowling at the confines of his mind.
The sound of footsteps, muted as they were by the vegetation and the newcomer’s own stealth, broke his train of thoughts.
He turned to see Canach approach, silently asserting him — or maybe asking for permission to come closer — before he sat beside him.
The crossing of the jungle had been an endless stream of blood, sap and tears. Tattered victories and bitter losses, half-veiled mistrust and bellowing demands battering against the walls of his sanity. And suddenly, the silence. The calm of the depths. A blessed respite from the dragon’s unrelenting roar  —  one a soul already lost had sought too...
Canach had sheathed his blade and knelt by the mordrem’s side, curiosity demanding to be satisfied — what was it like, succumbing to the Call? How much of your former self remained, entangled in the grip of the dragon? What did it want?
One last decisive whisper breaking the mind of one long gone.
Canach, thrown to the ground.
And Galaëd casting himself between him and the mordrem, sword slashing and repelling the enemy against the cavern wall.
The scene was all too familiar, and the fleeting shock on the warrior’s face reminisced of a not so far day when it was Canach at the tip of his sword.
A rough whisper broke the silence, and brought him back to the present.
“Thank you.”
He turned his gaze to the warrior, his own voice stuck in his throat, as if still interred in that cavern beneath the waves.
“I regret.”
Canach stared at him, questioningly.
“Saving me?”
“Not meeting you under other circumstances. Judging you as severely as I did... without actually knowing you.”
A scoff, and a smirk enlightened the mercenary’s face.
"Now, now, Valiant... Are you offering me a chance of redemption?"
The Duskbloom breathed out a stiff chuckle.
"Quit jesting, it's hard enough as it is."
"Oh, I’m going to enjoy making my first impression with you. How am I doing so far?”
Galaëd laughed — a sound foreign in these depths, one that echoed with a promise of hope.
“You’re a prick!"
But that didn’t seem to bother him as much as it should.
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archesa · 4 months
WIP Whenever !
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I was tagged by the lovely @redwayfarers aka Nero aka @i-mybrunettelady 🥰 Currently still slowly making progress on "Starlight and Fireworks"... so here's an excerpt! ... a still kinda "safe for saplings" excerpt!
His [Galaëd] hands fumbled uselessly with the bark plates, questing fingers failing to find a fasten or a stem in the seemingly unbreachable rampart of armour. Canach broke the kiss and straightened, his left hand never relinquishing his hold of the Valiant while his right ran in a furrow of his shoulder piece. Galaëd let out a frustrated huff. "Tease.", he groaned, earning a chuckle from the sylvari above him. "Eager, Valiant?" Any witty comeback Galaëd had turned to ash on his lips when the warrior unfurled the four long leaves crossing his chest and holding the armour in place, and his pauldron fell to the floor, his chestplate following suit. His eyes roamed the expense of familiar leaves, bark and flesh forming the warrior's chest. A few tufts of new leaves, soft and green in stark contrast to his burnished steel bark marred unlikely places on his torso and shoulders, a wide line growing past the edge of his greaves, where they shied in the crook of his hip. Galaëd traced the unusual softness with near fascination, a sudden tension seizing the warrior betraying the origin of these leaves. Scars. Galaëd's glow dimmed as he considered whether any of these were of his doing...
Okay, hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna hide forever a while now!😅(it's a super power when you think about it! I can read graphic nsfw in public without betraying anything, but I'm a flustered mess when I write anything distantly resembling citrus!...)
I tag in this... *takes a deep breath* @monaskydancer @curiousartemis @kerra-and-company @dumb-dumb-mander @just-eyris-things @thorns-and-brambles and everyone I've forgotten!
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archesa · 5 months
Happy bloomsday, my cutesie birch mesmer! 🍂✨
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The stars are falling down.
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archesa · 1 year
How I remembered my screenshots of Galaëd aboard the airship, during Victory or Death : It fucken wimdy!
How the screenshots turned out : Tyria’s next top model!
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archesa · 5 months
I would be glad to know about any of your characters!
midnight, heartbreak, mask, monster, secret
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰 I'll gladly shed some light on their darkest moments for you 😄
Midnight - What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
For Galaëd, there was the memory of his brief fall to Mordremoth.
The mere idea of harming his allies, his friends, his lover is unsufferable.
The deaths of Rorschach - first at the hands of Balthazar, then in the jaws of Kralkatorrik and the discovery of his corpse in Dragonfall gave him enough to have nightmares about for a few lifetimes.
And in the darkest nights he reminisces of the threats they still face, of their most triumphant victories and their cruelest loses. The loss of Trahearne almost drove him insane. The loss of Rorschach almost killed him. He dreads to think what he'd become should he lose Canach...
Heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
He has always had a difficult relationship with Caithe.
From the bloom there's been a certain reservation on Galaëd's part - he's always been closer to Trahearne - and her stealing the Egg and driving them to a hunt through Maguuma tore beyond repair an already strained bond. It will take years for Galaëd to regain whatever esteem he had for Caithe after that. (did I already mention that Galaëd is flippin resentful?)
As for heartbreak, Canach vanishing after being freed of his service to Countess Anise hurt.
Galaëd was oblivious to his reasons to flee Centra Tyria at the time - a run in with the Consortium in Amnoon would soon dispell any doubt he had about Canach's motive - and he was pretty distraught to have missed his chance with Canach.
Mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Galaëd endeavours to maintain an air of respectability - the Valiant, the white-knight, the Vigil - but over the years more and more people are allowed to see beyond this mask - the merryman, the trickster, the brethren.
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He is open-hearted with his closest friends - Rorschach, Trahearne and Canach know about everything about him - and does not purposely keep things from his guildmates – even if he is naturally more reserved – but endeavours to keep the rest of the world in confusion regarding his character.
Monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
He is capable of cruelty when his heart is in harm's way. He took care of inflicting as much pain as he could to the High Inquisitor when he killed him - a small revenge for the confessor torturing Canach... But he hates this part of him.
Secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
That he quite often reminisces of his first confrontation with Canach 😏🌵
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archesa · 3 months
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Till now I had failed to find the perfect chill outfit for Galaëd! Behold, The Birch !
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archesa · 11 months
Thinking about Galaëd and Canach...
And if Canach had his 'oh fuck me' moment back in Southsun (when a literal vision of your Dream materialises before you to kick your ass...), the tipping point, the moment he fell in love can be pointed to two words.
"Hold on."
His shield was too heavy to lift, his will eroding, the dragon's call deafening and yet Galaëd raised him up, lent him his hand, his fortitude, his trust.
"Hold on."
Wait. Endure. Trust in yourself. Trust in us. Trust in me.
"Hold on."
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archesa · 1 year
Aldrei : Small animals are way more vicious. It’s because their anger has way less space to be bottled up in.
Rorschach : That can't be true. Give us one example of that.
Sieran : Wasps.
Trahearne : Piranha.
Lucius : Elianora.
Iotzza : Jiirka.
Galaëd : Canach.
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archesa · 5 months
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archesa · 5 months
*Faren helping Galaëd and Canach write their wedding vows* Faren : Maybe you should start with the day you met. The blossoming of your love. Galaëd, side-eyeing Canach with a smirk : First time I met Canach, he was high as kite and Rorschach turned him into a pink chicken. Canach : And you still fell in love with me. I'm not the one who should be the most embarrassed by this story, deer-heart.
(thanks so much @dualumina for this... perfect piece and wonderful inspiration!)
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archesa · 5 months
Obcessed with Galaëd pinning hard for Canach in Season 3 and about to make it everyone (and foremost @lilypixy) 's problem!
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archesa · 1 year
Galaëd: I couldn't do this without you, Canach.
Canach: Sure you could. Not as stylishly, of course.
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archesa · 1 year
✏️ Free Writing Prompt : Canach ends up buying the Consortium as an Ultimate Revenge. How does he go about it? Surprise takeover or tough negotiations?
Cactus Inc.
Some said all lives were expendable to the Consortium. That was not entirely true. Otherwise they would have ended him after the South-sun fiasco as it was called by the higher executives of the company, rather than have him work blood, sweat and bribes to try and restore what was lost, hiring bounty hunters and hitmen on his own wages in hope to bring the head of the responsible for this mess to the board.
Constant loyalty and innovation, to gather new settlers, entice authorities to look past the company's shortcomings and nip in the bud the slightest sign of rebellion amongst their crews. First they complain, then they find loopholes and the next thing you know they're demanding fair exploitation conditions and riddling their workplace with explosive and dangerous wildlife!
It would take years, perhaps, but he would eventually get back into the good graces of his superior and get away from this gold-forsaken rock and its putrid low-tides.
And sure, almost a decade later and whereas the other branches experienced mediocre results after catastrophic failure – getting shipwrecked in Elona and utterly failing to gain the approval of the locals to the point it was an obscure company by the name 'Cactus Incorporated' that had to finance their trip back to Tyria – he had single-handedly managed to restore Southsun Cove to a somewhat financially stable enterprise. They expected their first positive results this year and projected a three hundred percent increase due to the ever-growing afflux of visitors from Cantha.
And now, despite the company's recent – but he was certain passing – difficulties, finally, the board summoned him for what he gathered was a very important meeting.
Lion's Arch had remained the same through the years – excepted for its seemingly regularly scheduled cataclysmic destruction – and the Consortium's Office stood out, as a bridge between the old and new architecture of the city – high walls of bright concrete, and strong wooden beams ornate with maritime motifs and banners of gold and blue floating in the wind – a design meant to be familiar and draw as many interns and customers as possible.
On this particular morning, the building certainly served its purpose as a little crowd gathered in the street, all eyes turned to the construction workers tending to the signs and banners on the front, removing their signature gold and blue, employees and interns alike outed of their office and given leeway for the rest of the day.
“I hear they're planning massive changes to the building. Repairs and restructuring.”
“Well, that means at least a few days leave.”
“Perhaps the new director will consider paid-leave?”
That last strand of information made Noll's ears stand on end.
So the rumours were true. The Consortium was experiencing a change of management. As for the reason he had been called, on this particular occasion, he could only expect other sub-directors would be just as on edge as he was. An edge that sharpened to an uncomfortable threat when he realised the reunion was over, a procession of gold and blue robed executives leaving the room.
“Sub-director Noll.”, a falsely polished voice welcomed him.
Seated at the table, presiding over the highest authorities of the Consortium, flaunting an expensive suit and a polite smile to mask his true nature, was the person he had spent the last decade hunting in hope to have the head of – nothing attached – delivered to this very board.
“What is that terrorist doing here?”, the asura spat, ten years worth of venom spilling between his clenched teeth.
“It is customary, I believe, for the chief executive officer to be present at their company's merger.”, the cactus replied. “Our previous collaborations have always been dealt under the seal of secrecy, through the intervention of middlemen and legal representative”, he carried on, replacing a bundle of letterhead paper, bearing a somewhat familiar emblem and in golden letters the words 'Cactus Inc.', “but it felt appropriate to step into the light on this, the day The Consortium is no more. A proper way to introduce my employees to their new management.”
“And you summoned me to exact your vengeance.”
The sylvari leaned back in his chair, his stance relaxed and unthreatening but his eyes never once leaving the Subdirector's.
“You know I would. But someone I hold dear has convinced me to let go of old grudges.”, he added, casting a glance towards the easternmost window, where a sylvari Noll had completely failed to notice, ashen of bark and golden of leaves, almost invisible against the too bright morning sky, leaned against the ledge.
“Then you are a fool.”, Noll rebuked, crossing his arms and puffing his chest as to make himself bigger. “The sole reason my men did not bring your head to this board sooner is because you cleverly fled the continent. But Lion's Arch has sellswords aplenty, who would only need an incentive to put your head on a spike and feed the rest to the crabs. Enjoy your triumph while it lasts. I will make sure it won't.”
A lengthy silence punctuated his words. The sylvari on the ledge had straightened, a shimmer of purple in his aura – a mesmer, Noll realised – but the words did not have the intended effect on their primary target.
Canach took in a deep breath, eyes closed and a ferocious smirk – one that was so much more like him – drawing on his lips.
“Were you a witness to what he just said?”
The asura turned a noxious glance towards the sylvari on his side. “Your word against mine. You and I both know how this ends, Canach.”
But the secondborn did not listen.
A little bit of static rose from beneath the pile of papers at the centre of the table.
“Well, actually.”, a feminine voice quipped. “It's your word against your word.”
“Did you copy, Elianora?”
“Loud and clear.”
“This should pique the Captain Council's interest in earnest. Don't you think, Sub-director?”
“I... don't understand.”
“We planted recorders all around the room, you hermit-skritt brain!”,
Noll's expression faintly shifted, from triumph to stubborn denial as his own voice came rising from the vocoder hidden underneath the freshly signed acquisition.
“Th-This recording means nothing without reliable witnesses to back your claim.”
“I do believe we knew that.”, Canach said, turning to the sylvari by his side.
The mesmer flicked his wrist, and with a haze of stellar gold and blood stone purple, the waves of sunlight crashing on the office faded, leaving in their stead a more natural blue sky and the shadow of a woman in a loose blue shirt and the highest position of power in the Arch.
“Captain Kiel, were you a witness to what he just said?”
“I was.”
“Remind me again, the sentence for planning, aiding and abetting an assassination...”
“Ten years per offence. Give or take.”
The sylvari leaned back in his chair, with an ineffable expression. Something Noll never believed this constant sneer of superiority and thorny features would be able to convey. Peace.
“See you in a few lifetimes, Subdirector.”
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archesa · 1 year
have pre-relationship 6 and 7, general 8 and 9, and love 1 from the ship asks for…whoever you most feel like sharing about right now, i am having trouble choosing apxnskfn :) @kerra-and-company
Thank you so much 🥰 i tried to write a bit of the answers whenever I had a moment and here is 😁 hope you'll enjoy!
Ship questions
Pre-relationship 6 - If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
For Galaëd it would have been laughter, followed by frozen horror then utter disbelief. When they first met at Southsun, Galaëd was very determined to despise Canach for the rest of their days (I wonder how that went...😏) so to learn that they were destined to each other would have been quite distressing, actually!
For Canach, it would have felt... very strange! On one hand perhaps like a relief, because it gave a whole new meaning to his Dream... but at the same time, knowing Canach, he would have fought the very idea of being destined to someone with every fiber of his being!
Anwen did not believe in the concept of soulmates at all so being confronted with the knowledge that someone was destined to her as she was destined to them would have been strange. But learning Trahearne was to be her soulmate, that would not have scared her at all. She would argue she did not fall in love at first sight and it's true, she grew in love with him over the course of the campaign of Orr but from their first days together, after Claw Island, she felt a very strong connection, so seeing him in such a light – as her soulmate – would perhaps have given her clarity sooner 😅
For Trahearne it might have been... too much, too soon. He was already overwhelmed by his wyld-hunt so having more destiny piled upon this might have completely spiralled him into near panic... after a while he could have warmed up to the idea, especially after spending some time with Anwen, but romance could only have bloomed between them after the purification of Orr.
Pre-relationship 7 - What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Already answered here for Trammander.
Galaëd would have endeavoured to become a perfect second in command to Rorschach, and thrown himself wholeheartedly in his duty – both to the Pact and to Dragon's Watch. His light-hearted, jesting nature was already there so it would remain, but he might have kept something more knightly about himself, shifted closer to a knight errand merryman — lawful good rather than chaotic good – than he eventually became. Basically, he would have become what he endeavours to be after Rorschach's... disappearance in Jahai.
General 8 - Who gets jealous easier?
Galaëd, Galaëd, sweet Galaëd gets bitterly jealous 😅
Anwen can get jealous too, but she mainly was before they actually became a couple. And the poor girl didn't even realise what the burning pain in her chest was until loooong afterwards! But yeah... she got a lil jealous of Sayeh and the bond she shared with Trahearne, for instance 😅 Didn't really reflect in any animosity towards her, though, it was more of a pinch to the heart than anything. That being said, and regardless of the absolute trust she has in their couple, should anyone show any... misplaced interest in Trahearne, she'd gladly remind them of who she is and her history with defenestration.
As for Trahearne, let's say the obsession and threatening flirting of Joko will very much motivate him to destroy the Lich for good (but that is more protectiveness than jealousy, right?)
General 9 - Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Canach is a tease so he definitely tried getting Galaëd all flustered at the worst time... only for the birch to retaliate tenfold 😆 Galaëd knows exactly what to say to get Canach thorns to stand on end!
Trahearne has the high ground to do so 😁
Love 1 - Who said “I love you” first?
I realise I never actually wrote their first 'I love you'... I mean... we got a clear confession from Anwen... but Trahearne could argue he confessed first (although it seemed too subtly 😅) as early as during the campaign of Orr!
As for 'I love you's I think it would come, just without thinking, sometime after their return to Divinity's Reach, one of the first nights they spend in the manor. They would cuddle to sleep and one of them would say it in the same breath as a 'sweet dreams, dearheart'.
For Galaëd and Canach... their first 'I love you' is in the heat of the moment (not that kind of moment 😏). Either in the thrill of victory – I had half a mind of Galaëd bursting with pride and joy when Canach first sets his bramble walls in Kourna, or after he just blows the damn gate 😆 – or perhaps during an argument because Galaëd said something along the lines of "I love you, mate" to Rorschach and Canach gets jealous because those are three words he's never told him. It's never occurred to either of them to voice it, the bond, the intimacy they share is beyond words, and Canach feels both jealous and frustrated at himself for being jealous at all! (Galaëd might consider using this as leverage to have Canach say it first 😅)
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archesa · 9 months
🥣🛏 for the ask game? Foor.. Anwen and Galaëd?
Some domestic asks for my mains! 🥰 Thanks a lot!!
🥣- Favorite soup For Anwen, it is the broth of the New Kaineng spicy noodles!🍜
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Galaëd's favorite soup is an autumn delicacy : pumpkin soup, spiced with cinnamon and topped with grilled chestnut! 🌰
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🛏 - Do they need a nap? Yes! Anwen's been somehow spared by the story and she has the tremendous chance of having a strong support system - Meryw, Trahearne, Faren, Canach, the rest of Dragon's Watch. But with the end of the Cycle, she has... reasons... to need some rest.
As for Galaëd, if De Draconis Mobile is a generally 'happy' AU, there were still some hardship on the way and our Valiant h has a few traumas to work around - his almost fall, the death of his brother, the two deaths of his best friend... So, he is very much in need of a nap (and luckily has a cactus more than willing to pin him in bed if needed).
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