ryttu3k · 7 years
Ӝ Merneas, Sycabot, and Syrnebot?
You know, I think I’m collecting too many Sycamores XD
Gender: Genderfluid for Myrneas. Get it, merfolk, fluid... yeah XD
Sycabot, which one? If we’re going for synthverse, then just as genderfluid as the human version was, and if we’re going for ‘AI that was fully created’, just a general nonbinary. Like, “So this is the gender binary? I don’t like it.”
And for Syrnebot, I see them as agender. Like, “So what are you?” “A robot! :D” “No but like, are you male or female?” “Nope! :D” “Okay, but what’s in your pants?” “*digs out plant seed packets from pockets* PLANTS :D “
Sexual orientation: Myrneas, honestly, never hugely thought about it? Probably bi or pansexual like basically all my other Sycamores XD Ditto both Sycabots! For the Sycabots, too, especially the AI version, maybe some robotic-specific one, too, like - a fellow bot with really sexy coding or something.
Syrnebot honestly I’m getting pinged as ace? Like sex just isn’t something that does anything for him, since he’s so focused on his task of LIFE.
Romantic orientation: Bi or panromantic, again, for Myrneas and both Sycabots!
Aromantic or demiromantic for Syrnebot! Like a relationship would be kinda fun for someone to cuddle, although that could also definitely be as a QPP instead of a romantic relationship, with kind of fuzzy edges. Actually, quoiromantic might work pretty well!
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ryttu3k · 7 years
Robo-Syrneas, vaporwave-Syrneas (can't remember their proper name, whoops!), and Modern AU Link! ☾ - sleep headcanon★ - sad headcanon☆ - happy headcanon■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon☮ - friendship headcanon♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon♒ - cooking/food headcanon☼ - appearance headcanonൠ - random headcanon
For reference, vaporwave!Syrneas is the one in these pictures, and modern AU Link is my BotW daughter (with a few changes, since I drew this pre-canon). For robo!Syrneas, going to go with the AU where, between cycles of Xerneas being awake and active, Kalos builds a robot version in their image to maintain the land.
Sleep headcanon: Robo!Syrneas - well, robot, haha. That said, they’re solar powered, and so usually take advantage of that fact to go into sleep mode at night. It’s useful both for maintenance and for appearing more… organic, I guess?
Vaporwave!Syrneas - he gets energy from living energy, so living in a city, he literally doesn’t sleep. He’s a little more low-energy at night, but there’s still plenty of activity around the place to keep him going, so no sleep there.
And Link is just a regular human who needs sleep like anyone else, and while she’d rather be up and about and doing things, she does like sleeping in XD
Under a cut, this gets long!
Sad headcanon: Robo!Syrneas - just going to go with Robo - is, well, lonely. There’s no one else like them in the world - there are other robots, but they alone were modelled after a god and given this huge responsibility. Friends would be very nice!
Vaporwave - let’s go with that - isn’t so much sad as angry and frustrated. The world used to be so goddamn lush and now there’s concrete everywhere and it’s uncool. He used to be a deity of forests, now he’s a deity of, well, weeds, and it’s kind of a downgrade, y'know!
And Link (no name change there, whew) is a resiliant, tough teenage girl, but she still has those moments of insecurity; her father still very much wants her to join the army eventually, he thinks she could be brilliant in it, and she just. Wants to be a chef.
Happy headcanon: PLANTS MAKE ROBO HAPPY. FLOWERS. SUNSHINE. BEING OUTDOORS. Like tbh even if they weren’t programmed to replace Xerneas they’d probably still end up as a gardener or something.
Vaporwave also loves plants and sunshine but it’s more of this sense of almost like? Smug satisfaction? Like “fuck you concrete my plants can kick your ass”, haha.
Link is made happy with food. Please give her nice food. Or cookbooks and ingredients, it’s like food with some assembly required. And she actually enjoys assembling it, so there is that!
Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon: Robo lives outside :D Don’t worry, they’re waterproof! They just sort of roam from natural environment to natural environment, and take shelter anywhere necessary during bad weather.
Vaporwave also roams a lot, but he does at least have a sort of home. …It’s an abandoned mall that was once very classy and had marble statues and shit, and then it was industrialised and got full of neon, and now it’s abandoned and full of plants. Somehow, the muzak is still playing. Plantwave af, basically!
And Link, again, has the most normal home - she lives in an apartment with her father near the military base where he works. Her room is full of photos (mostly taken by Zelda) and a general colour scheme of blue and white, with lots of potted plants and… usually a few plates, bowls, and glasses that she needs to take to the kitchen :|
Friendship headcanon: Robo has plant friends :’) Honestly, no, it’s a pretty isolated life, and they don’t communicate with a lot of people, unfortunately!
Vaporwave has one friend, and that’s Diantha/Diancie, who’s sort of a sibling, too. They’re familiar with the other fairies (the Tapus and Magearna), but honestly Magearna legit wigs him out because she’s an artificial fairy what is this fuckery and the Tapus have their own territories to protect.
Link makes friends easily and happily - while Zelda is her best friend, she’s also really good friends with Mipha and Sidon, Riju (who’s like a little sister), Yunobo (who she babysits sometimes), and sees Urbosa, Daruk, and Kass as older siblings, almost. She, uh, doesn’t get on well with Revali, too much of a rivalry going on there, haha.
Quirks/hobbies headcanon: Look, don’t tell anyone, but Robo actually really enjoys reality TV. Shhh.
‘Fucking with humans’ isn’t really a hobby for Vaporwave, it’s more a career description ;D But really, he’ll often go to human-habitated areas and sometimes? Play tricks? Mostly benignly, but he is a fairy, I mean come on. Trickery is in their blood.
Link is sporty! She likes horse riding, she likes archery, she likes swimming, running, climbing… always on the move, basically. She’s on the school track team, although there’s sometimes a bit of legal fuckery in interscholastic meets because not all the schools accept her as part of the girls’ team even though she’s been on puberty blockers since she was eleven and is now on estrogen and doesn’t have any ‘too masculine’ characteristics and is short af so why can’t she compete with the girls, huh? Totally rude.
Likes/dislikes headcanon: Robo loves plants ;D But really, they’re kind of singleminded in that they weren’t really programmed for much else, so it’s like PLANTS ANIMALS NATURE some other stuff NATURE PLANTS bits and pieces NATURE ANIMALS PLANTS. The bits and pieces do have individual likes and dislikes that have nothing to do with their programming, though; they like reality TV shows, especially interior decorating stuff, and the smell of coffee, and they really, really dislike cars. Not because they pollute, but because they’re too noisy! >:(
Vaporwave likes the wilderness. Which mostly no longer exists in this AU. He tends to watch nature documentaries to feel better, then gets upset at the lack of them, and it’s. Complicated. So that would be both a like and a dislike, probably! For more straightfoward likes - coffee and food.
For Link, see lead image :D
Cooking/food headcanon: Irrelevant for Robo. They’re solar-powered! They do like the smell of some foods, though, especially coffee.
Vaporwave doesn’t need to eat, but enjoys doing so, he just hasn’t bothered to learn how to cook. He tends to trick humans into giving him nice foods, stuff like that, since, well, being a nature fairy doesn’t really pay that well, haha.
And Link’s greatest love :’) Her father taught her the basics, and she taught herself the rest, out of cooking shows, cookbooks, and her own intuition. Her favourite ingredients to work with are fruity dishes and mushroom dishes, although she also makes a damn good risotto, and a fruit cake that Zelda would go to war for.
Appearance headcanon: This is easier with visuals! For robo!Syrneas, just pick and choose from this tag tbh it keeps changing. The usual standards are a floral-print sweater, shorts, and gumboots, though. They range in colours and patterns but that’s the general theme, and they like modifying their appearance with floral decals!
Vaporwave is linked above. He always covers his eyes, though, since… well, fairy. It doesn’t show so well in the pictures, but he has rainbow strands through his hair, like random hair that’s just the colour of Xerneas’ canon horns.
And Link… Link is short :’) Why is everyone else so tall. Why. Riju, get over here and stand next to Link so she feels tall. She also usually has hair clips, thanks to Zelda. While she does like pretty dresses, since she’s so active, she’ll usually default to pants and t-shirts she can run around in, and saves the prettier stuff for more formal occasions.
Random headcanon: *collapses face first on the post*
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ryttu3k · 7 years
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Keep cool with your own portable rain cloud!
(Don’t worry, he’s waterproof!)
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ryttu3k · 7 years
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...Yeah I got nothin’. Context. Full size. It’s @ironclad-hadron‘s fault.
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ryttu3k · 7 years
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One Syca, two Syca, mer Syca, compu Syca.
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