#rob van leeuwen
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regioonlineofficial · 2 months
Beneden-Leeuwen - Burgemeester en wethouders van West Maas en Waal belonen acht nieuwe ideeën en activiteiten van inwoners(groepen). Elk met maximaal € 750,-. Zij krijgen deze eenmalige bijdrage omdat hun nieuwe ideeën de leefbaarheid of samenredzaamheid verbeteren. Beloonde activiteiten Yibba en de telers uit Maas en Waal Kersenpluk dag met speciale aandacht voor gezinnen met kinderen en woongroepen in West Maas en Waal; Stichting BLEND Wamel Ontwikkelen en uitvoeren van een kabouterpad; Stichting Leefbaar Alphen Gelderland: Gesprekscafé in Dorpshuis De Hucht i.s.m. Centrum voor Levensvragen Rivierengebied; Stichting Cultuur, Sport en Ontspanning Maasbommel: Organisatie Kerstmarkt Maasbommel door werkgroepen; Stichting Dorpsplatform Hanzestad Maasbommel (werkgroep) Fietstochten en creatieve activiteiten; Dorpsplatform Mooi-Appeltern Het houden van de Uit-Appeltern-Markt; Museum Tweestromenland Beneden-Leeuwen Inclusieve avond met ‘nieuwe Nederlandse vrouwen’; Zonnebloem Afdeling BBAA; Rondleiding en lunch in Museum Tweestromenland voor leden van de Zonnebloemvereniging samen met alleenstaande migranten. De gemeente is blij met een stijgend aantal aanvragen. Wethouder Rob Reuvers: “Buiten de mooie jaarlijks terugkerende evenementen is het fijn dat we via deze leefbaarheidssubsidies startende, of eenmalige activiteiten kunnen stimuleren.” Wethouder Rob Reuvers reikte op 28 maart de beloningscertificaten uit aan de winnende initiatiefnemers. Dit gebeurde in het gemeentehuis. Aanvragen 2025 Vanaf het najaar kunnen ook voor 2025 incidentele subsidies voor eenmalige initiatieven aangevraagd worden. Dat kan dan via www.westmaasenwaal.nl/SamenBeter.
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radio-flora-tm · 2 years
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parents-for-life-me · 6 years
Welkom bij Kunstendag voor Kinderen!
Op zondag 18 november is het weer zover: de zevende editie van Kunstendag voor Kinderen! Een dag waarop kinderen en hun ouders kunst in al haar disciplines kunnen beleven. Cultuurhuizen en organisaties over heel Vlaanderen en Brussel bieden tal van fijne activiteiten aan. Hou deze pagina in de gaten en noteer 18 november in je agenda! 
Ga alvast even op http://kunstendagvoorkinderen.culturefeed.be/agenda/search kijken wat er zoal te doen is in Vlaanderen.
Win een museumpas
En we gaan iets leuks doen. Je kan vanaf vandaag tot 17 november het kunstwerk (foto, youtubefilmpje, teksten, soundcloud, etc…) van jou of je kinderen doorsturen naar [email protected]. Als we genoeg inzendingen krijgen, maken we er een virtuele tentoonstelling van met als hoofdvogel een gratis museumpas De pas geeft een jaar lang vrije toegang tot de vaste collecties van alle deelnemende musea in Vlaanderen, Brussel en Wallonië.
Maar wat is Kunst nu eigenlijk, hoor ik de mini al vragen!
Het is best moeilijk uit te leggen wat kunst nou eigenlijk precies is. Het is een heel breed begrip. Kunst is een belangrijk onderdeel van onze cultuur. Cultuur is een ander woord voor beschaving, voor een samenleving met àlles wat de mens daarin tot ontwikkeling heeft gebracht. 
Bij een cultuur horen zaken als taal, kennis, tradities, ambachten, kunst, wetenschap, godsdienst, filosofie, architectuur, geschiedenis. Maar ook waarden en normen, televisie, film, sport, eetgewoontes, enzovoorts. Deze dingen zijn in elke cultuur anders. Cultuur is eigenlijk de verzamelnaam voor alles wat ons onderscheidt van de dieren.
De mens kan behalve met eten, slapen, voortplanten en werken ook met fantasie en creativiteit bezig zijn! Dat is wat ons anders maakt dan dieren. Anders hadden we waarschijnlijk nog steeds in berenvellen rondgelopen en in grotten gewoond. Mensen kunnen over problemen nadenken en daar oplossingen voor bedenken. Mensen vinden dingen uit. Mensen maken mooie dingen en genieten daarvan. De mens is uniek als het gaat om de combinatie van verstand, fantasie en creativiteit. Op ongeveer hetzelfde moment dat de prehistorische mens gereedschap begon uit te vinden begon hij ook op de muren van grotten te schilderen en muziek te maken.
Er zijn verschillende soorten kunst. Muziek, literatuur, dans, theater, architectuur en beeldende kunst zijn daar enkele voorbeelden van. Op deze website gaat het over beeldende kunst.
Wat is beeldende kunst? Schilderkunst, tekenkunst, beeldhouwkunst, grafiek, fotografie en film om er een paar te noemen. Het wordt ‘beeldende’ kunst genoemd omdat je er met je ogen naar kijkt. Terwijl je voor muziek bijvoorbeeld je oren gebruikt.
Wat doen beeldend kunstenaars? Het belangrijkste kenmerk is dat kunstenaars dingen maken om te laten zien wat ze denken, meemaken, voelen en zien. Dat kan kunstwerken opleveren die leuk zijn om naar te kijken omdat ze mooi of grappig zijn, maar ook kunstwerken die je aan het denken kunnen zetten.  Kunst kan over àlles gaan wat er zich in de wereld bevindt en afspeelt. Alles kan interessant genoeg en dus een onderwerp zijn. Ook gedachten, ideeën en gevoelens.
Er zijn verschillende soorten kunstwerken.
Er zijn een aantal vakgebieden binnen de beeldende kunst. Een schilder maakt schilderijen, een beeldhouwer maakt beelden. In al die vakgebieden wordt met andere materialen en technieken gewerkt. Dit levert een grote variatie op in hoe kunstwerken er uit kunnen zien.  Enkele voorbeelden zijn:
een schilderij
El Tibo, Ivo van Leeuwen/Stephan de Weert
een wandtapijt
Zonder titel, Barbara Broekman
een tekening
  Toonbeelden, Paul van Dongen
een standbeeld
Monument Koning Willem 2, Edouard Francois Georges
Portret, Rob Brandt
een foto
Fotoproject Veemarktkwartier, Ulay
een beeldhouwwerk (sculptuur)
Monument tegen zinloos geweld, Guido Geelen
een collage
Toonbeelden, Marc Mulders
een film Automatic VJ Machine KaapEngine 2.0.1, Gerard van der Kaap
Lichtplafond Studiozaal Theaters Tilburg, Dirk Rutten
Ave Maria, Marc Mulders
Er zijn kunstenaars en kunstwerken die bijna iedereen kent. Beroemde kunstenaars zijn bijvoorbeeld Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh, Piet Mondriaan en Pablo Picasso. Enkele beroemde kunstwerken zijn ‘de Mona Lisa’ van Leonardo da Vinci, ‘de Nachtwacht’ van Rembrandt, ‘Zonnebloemen’ van Vincent van Gogh of ‘Guernica’ van Pablo Picasso.
Dan is er nog het verschil tussen moderne en ‘oude’ kunst.  Met moderne kunst wordt de kunst bedoeld die na de uitvinding van de fotografie is ontstaan (± 1870), terwijl met ‘oude’ kunst de kunst bedoeld wordt vanaf ± 15.000 voor Christus tot ± 1870. Daar wordt iets meer over verteld bij het stukje over figuratieve en abstracte kunst en bij ‘Hoe en waarom is moderne kunst eigenlijk ontstaan’.
  bron Wat is kunst: https://ift.tt/2QvzduB
Het bericht Welkom bij Kunstendag voor Kinderen! verscheen eerst op Parents For Life.
from Parents for Life https://ift.tt/2qEU9E9 via
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1129
Monday, September 24, 2018
 Hello all you off the rackers. How's it going eh? I've been away the last couple of weeks on a trip out west. We landed in Victoria, BC on September 6 and did a road trip visiting Duncan, Comox and Tofino. Had a wonderful reunion with my childhood friend from the Glebe in Comox who I haven't seen in nearly 25 years. Time in Tofino was spent walking the beaches and enjoying all sorts of culinary delights. If you've never been to Vancouver Island you should go just for the drive through the mountains. We could see a glacier from the air B&B in Tofino that we stayed in. Penny and I spent an extra couple of days in Vancouver before returning to Ottawa where we had a lovely dinner with some Comicshop alumni from the 1980s. Thanks to Brent, Colleen, Keith, Louise and Scooter for showing up and catching up.
 A tornado touched down in our area on Friday, September 21. The power at the house went out at 7 PM and we didn't get it back until 11 AM on Saturday. No damage in our neighbourhood but others were heavily damaged. Our new fence held up excellently, thanks to Keith Astley. We were very lucky to only be inconvenienced a little. I feel for the folks who lost their houses and businesses. I had to drive around on the weekend and was glad to see most people being patient and courteous at the intersections where the traffic lights were not working. I did see a few anal pores who thought that the rules didn't apply to them and made other drivers hesitate and thus slow the whole process down even more.
 This may very well be the last off the rack that I write. Comet Comics is closing down it's current location and moving its subscription service to a used book store up the street. I will be out of a job and will not be able to borrow comic books to read anymore. Thanks to Brent at The Comicshop in Vancouver, I found out that I started to write for the newsletter back in 1986 with an editorial and then writing the Newswatch section. My first off the rack was in 1994 and I have been doing it weekly since then with only a few breaks. I love sharing my thoughts about the comics that I read but it sometimes feels like I'm doing an unpaid job too. Thanks to Ron Van Leeuwen at The Silver Snail and Heather MacDonald at Comet Comics for allowing me to enjoy my comic book hobby gratis. I wish you all the best. Thanks to the folks that read my musings and the comments you've shared with me. You guys take care, okay?
 Cover #1 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) David Mack (art) Zu Orzu (colours) Carlos M. Mangual (letters). Things start off at a comic con where we meet Max Field, comic book artist. It looked to me that this was going to be about comic book covers like the reprints in the back of the book of the ones David Mack has done, but then we meet a super fan of Max's with very deep pockets. Her name is Julia. The story gets a lot more interesting when Julia shows up at a con in London, England and tells Max what her job is. David Mack's art is very distinctive but I didn't guess that this was drawn by him until I got to some painted panels later. This is an intriguing new book and I would put it on my "must read" list.
 The Immortal Hulk #6/LGY #723 - Al Ewing (writer) Lee Garbett (art) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I am very impressed with the writing. It's sophisticated and thought provoking. The new military organisation set up to handle the Hulk is creepy and eerie. This issue sets up a big fight between the Hulk and the Avengers so it looks like next issue will be a smashing good time.
 The Dreaming #1 - Simon Spurrier (writer) Bilquis Evely (art) Mat Lopes (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). The Sandman is AWOL, the Dreaming is crumbling and its denizens don't know what to do. Lucien the librarian is in charge but he seems overwhelmed by the chaos around him. Meanwhile, new character Dora is hopping about between dreams and we get a glimpse of her true self. There is so much that is intriguing about this new Vertigo series based on Neil Gaiman's creations that I think Sandman fans will be pleased.
 Return of Wolverine #1 - Charles Soule (writer) Steve McNiven (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) Laura Martin (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I consider myself to be a pretty good artist spotter. I can flip open a comic book and tell you who drew it but this time I was fooled and thought that Barry Windsor-Smith did the art for this issue. I still enjoyed the visual feast featuring Logan's return to the racks. Some fans might not be satisfied with no real explanation of how Logan came back to life and starts fighting the bad guys but I just accepted that he's here and has a mission to save the world. His foes are formidable and he starts off wearing the old familiar yellow and blue costume but changes by the last page to a more contemporary one. As much as I liked this getting a running start I do hope they tell us how Wolverine gets resurrected down the line.
 The Immortal Hulk #5/LGY #722 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Ruy Jose (inks) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I had a feeling I was missing something when I was reading #6 yesterday. This book is hitting the racks every two weeks and I didn't get a chance to read this issue before leaving on my trip to Vancouver Island two weeks ago. I'm glad I did because it explains the mysterious reflection that Bruce sees in the mirror in #6. I thought it was Major Talbot or the Leader with a normal sized head but it's not. Here we have the Hulk fighting Sasquatch and saving Walter Langkowski from himself. This issue also emphasises the fact that this new Hulk isn't just a mindless monster. I really like that this Hulk can have a regular conversation.
 Adventures of the Super Sons #2 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Carlo Barberi (pencils) Art Thibert (inks) Protobunker (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). How are a green Kryptonite weakened Superboy and a bound Robin going to defeat the Gang of young super villains? They get help, that's how. The last page made me smile because it uses a classic twist from the days of "The Death of Superman". This is a fun book.
 Avengers #7/LGY #697 - Jason Aaron (writer) Sara Pichelli (pencils) Sara Pichelli & Elisabetta D'Amico (inks) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's the origin story of the very first Ghost Rider plus a super villain that Wolverine fans will recognise. This issue is a nice segue to…
 Avengers #8/LGY #698 - Jason Aaron (writer) David Marquez (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The current Ghost Rider, Roberto Reyes, arrives at the new Avengers headquarters and is officially made a member. The new HQ at the North Pole is very cool and pure comic book plausible. After a quick tour the team gets a global alert that Roxxon is up to no good and the battle cry is uttered. It's off to the southern seas and a confrontation with an old ally. Imperius Rex!
 Batman #54 - Tom King (writer) Matt Wagner (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Dick Grayson sticks around after Batman and Catwoman's break up to help Bruce get through it. It's a good excuse to remind us of their partnership. I loved how Dick's humour contrasted with Bruce's dour demeanour. Matt's art was a bonus for me.
 Batman #55 - Tom King (writer) Tony S. Daniel (pencils) Tony S. Daniel & Danny Miki (inks) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). The Dynamic Duo continues to keep Gotham City safe while a one-armed stranger arrives to go about an unknown mission. That mission is revealed in the shocking last page. This incident may just top the Killing Joke.
 Pearl #2 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art & colours) Josh Reed (letters). When the first caption of the first page reads "years ago" you know it's origin story time. This story about a Yakuza tattoo artist/assassin is very different from Brian Michael Bendis's super hero stuff for DC. His work on Superman doesn't engage me like this book, Cover, and Scarlet do. I think it's because he's got to write the Man of Steel to appeal to younger readers too. Maybe I've outgrown Superman.
 West Coast Avengers #2/LGY #104 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Stefano Caselli (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This is a little more sophisticated than the Adventures of the Super Sons but it's still a lot of fun. I especially like Stefano Caselli's facial expressions. The B.R.O.D.O.K. AKA Bio-Robotic Organism Designed Overwhelmingly for Kissing is an upgrade from the super villain M.O.D.O.K. AKA Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing, but he's still not nice.
 Thor #5/LGY #711 - Jason Aaron (writer) Christian Ward (art & colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). We take a break from the present and travel to the far flung future to see if Old Thor can save the universe from dying. He meets an old friend who turns out to be not so friendly. The amalgam of Wolverine and the Phoenix Force is cool but wait until you see the huge mash up on the last page as the villain is revealed. This guy makes Thanos look like Forbush Man.
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artwalktv · 3 years
On a lazy summer evening, nature is disturbed by a gigantic white limousine racing through its serenity. It takes us to a venue, where we witness the warm-up routine of a popstar in the moments before a big show. All the while, a mystical voice shares his thoughts. Written and directed by Folkert Verdoorn The soundtrack is written, performed and produced by Raven Artson Mixed by Pieter Vonk Starring Zac Zallion - Raven Artson Manager - Pascal Deelstra Assistant - Cindy Wijdenbosch, Marion Traas, Daniel Hillel-Tuch Label Manager - Bert Apeldoorn Caretaker - Henry Kalb, Eddy Gun Guard - Don Alphonso, Alex van Nassau Stage Manager - Jules Thijssen, Eli Thorne TV Cameraman - Guus Heemskerk Paparazzo - Joshua Rubin Make-Up Assistant - Laura Schaay Cinematographer - Boas van Milligen Bielke 1st AD - Jurriën van der Wal Assistant Director - Daniël de Vries 1st AC + Focus Puller - Kelly Steen, Daniël Jaspers Movi Operator - Ben de Graaf Trinity Operator - Jasper van Gheuvele Production Design - Liz Kooij Gaffer - Berend Holtkamp Bestboy - Cor Booij en Nina Kleinstra Lights - Tim Zenther, Guus Heemskerk Sound - Sofie van der Meer Styling Zac - Benjamin Aerts Styling - Koosje Janssen Special Make Up - Rob Hillenbrink Make Up - Denise Boon & Kira Kroegman Health & Safety Manager - Tim Padding Figuration Coordinator - Emma Valk Casting Agency - Sjouer Casting Casting Director - André Sjouerman, Rozanne van Boxtel Edit - Emiel Nuninga VFX - Supercontinent VFX Supervisor - Mario Bertsch VFX Producer - Maximilian Becht VFX Artist - Pascal Schelbli, Maximilian Auer, Bennet Meyer, Maksym Osmolovskyi, Johannes Lübke Composting - Philip Huis in 't Veld Grading - Ruben Labree Title Design - Dominique van Rhee Title Animation - Jakob Roques Voice-Over - Michael Krass Sound Design - Daniel Berends Sound Mix - Jaap Wajer Producer - Bandit Production Leader - Hannah Padding Production Assistant - Kees-Jan van Mourik Production VPRO - Jeroen Mondria Editor-In-Chief - Assumpta Heidemeijer  Editor - Kasper van Alphen Thank You - De Ontmoeting, Camera Rentals, Maloney Media, Concertgebouw, Teije Sas, Cake Film, Le Berg, De Grot, The Compound, Ezra Xenos, Tobias Corba, Sander Bakker, Leon Bruynen, Menno Pals, DDB Lighting, Rutger van Leeuwen, Loudness  The Performer is a film of VPRO Dorst in co-production with Bandit i.c.w. De Ontmoeting
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sirisastensomeren · 3 years
Reclamefimpje Bike Totaal Luke van Leeuwen op SIRIS-tv
Bike Totaal Luke van Leeuwen in Asten adverteert al jaren op SIRIS-tv en dat is heel slim. SIRIS-fotograaf Rob Fritsen kocht een fiets bij Luke en maakte er ook meteen een filmpje van. Dit reclamefilmpje komt de komende tijd regelmatig op SIRIS-tv langs.
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perfectirishgifts · 3 years
The Best Things I Ate - And Watched - In 2020, Pandemic Edition
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/the-best-things-i-ate-and-watched-in-2020-pandemic-edition/
The Best Things I Ate - And Watched - In 2020, Pandemic Edition
Go Ice Cream’s chocolate sorbet was one of my favorite dishes this year.
Normally, at this time of year, I’d be making a trip to Chicago to see the city’s Christmas tree, or taking the train to Toronto for some shopping and dining.
This year, I’m not going anywhere — just like much of 2020. Leaving Michigan has been off limits for me since the pandemic began, and that’s affected my ability to list my favorite dishes of 2020.
But, I’ve discovered some treats, thanks to a little indoor dining and a lot of carry out. And I’ve also gotten to watch some enthralling and comforting food television. Here is my list.
Favorite Dishes
Go Ice Cream Chocolate Sorbet. In February, my friend Margaret Petersen and I set out to find the best local plant-based ice creams for my story in the Ann Arbor Observer.
The tour followed a story I wrote last year for FORBES that featured Brooklyn’s Van Leeuwen ice cream, which actually offers more plant-based flavors than dairy ones.
We found one of the best at Go Ice Cream, a small but growing business in Ypsilanti, Mich., Rob Hess’ chocolate sorbet is creamy, chocolatey and sweet, but doesn’t have a drop of dairy.
You can find it at markets in the Ann Arbor area, or by ordering ahead and picking it up at Hess’ window in a downtown Ypsilanti alley.
A variety of Sweetwater’s donuts.
Sweetwater’s Donut Mill Boston Cream Pie Donut. In August, I made one of the longest trips I took all year to Battle Creek, Mich, about 85 miles away.
I was picking up the six free donuts that Sweetwater’s Donut Mill gives you on your birthday, with the purchase of another six.
The Boston Cream Pie donut is worth the drive. The donut is deliciously yeasty, the cream filling is like the creme patisserie you see on The Great British Bake Off, and the chocolate icing is lick—it-off-the-top worthy.
If that’s not your style, you can choose from 54 other flavors.
KPOP Foods Honey Glaze sauce. Earlier this year, flavorist Donna Wamsley predicted that Korean flavors were about to head into the mainstream.
That prompted Theo Lee, the co-founder of KPOP Foods, to offer some me samples of his Korean-inspired sauces.
Three of them are based on gochujang, the traditional Korean chili paste that’s a popular ingredient and condiment. The Honey Glaze sauce is dynamite, to quote BTS.
It’s sweet and hot, and I’ve used it on everything from roast cauliflower to rice and salmon. It would be great on a burger, and of course, on barbecue, whether Korean or American.
Zingerman’s Roadhouse Chicken and Waffles. On March 15, I ate my last meal to date at the front counter of Zingerman’s Roadhouse, the sit-down sibling of Zingerman’s Deli, that serves classic American dishes.
Cases of COVID-19 were climbing, and we all figured Michigan would join Ohio and other states in issuing a stay at home order. I wanted one last meal at the counter, where I ate almost every week.
The fried chicken was crisp on the outside, juicy on the inside, and the waffle was both crispy and tender. I waved to the kitchen staff, and took selfies of them and the food. Sure enough, the state shut things down the next day.
I’ve eaten Roadhouse food since, but mainly from carry out boxes. The counter where I liked to sit has remained closed. But I fondly remember that last meal in normal times.
Brisket tacos from Ricewood BBQ.
Ricewood brisket tacos. Before the pandemic, I had discovered Ricewood BBQ in Ann Arbor, which operates out of a window inside York, a gourmet store and cafe. Ricewood has been winning awards for its rice bowls, topped with barbecue meats, Asian sauces and condiments.
As a special, Ricewood offers brisket tacos on Thursday. They’re nice and flavorful, and you can get side dishes like sesame cucumbers, kimchi and red cabbage slaw.
Since it’s all take out, you can use York’s outdoor seating, or look for a nice spot around Ann Arbor to enjoy your food. I often found a picnic table at a nearby park.
Favorite Food Shows
Phil Rosenthal has a loyal band of fans.
Somebody Feed Phil, Season 4. Phil Rosenthal lives a charmed life. He was the executive producer of Everybody Loves Raymond, which maintains a loyal following 15 years after it went off the air (it lives on in continuous reruns).
Several years ago, he launched a series on PBS called I’ll Have What Phil’s Having. To put it gently, the concept was good, but the show needed some work.
There were an awful lot of corny jokes, and many critics wondered why Rosenthal got a food show when he’s not a chef or a cookbook writer.
However, he clearly loves dining and travel. Over the years, he’s eliminated some of the eye-rolling jokes and focuses on the people, places and dishes that he profiles.
As a result, he’s brought attention to locations and local purveyors, whose business has been boosted by his loyal band of fans.
I’ll forever be grateful to Rosenthal for this season’s episode in the Mississippi Delta which features the late Julia Reed. Her death this summer saddened so many of her friends and admirers, who deeply miss her witty writing about the South.
This series also takes viewers to Singapore and to Seoul, where another one of my favorite shows this year is set.
Hello! First Time In Korea, Finland. My friend Luke Song, the noted milliner, was born in South Korea and avidly keeps up on shows from his birthplace. During the pandemic, he’s sent me links to shows he thinks I might enjoy.
One is a series called Hello! First Time In Korea. It’s a pretty simple premise: a foreigner living in Korea invites three friends from their home country to visit. A camera crew follows them around Seoul and to spots around the country, as they sample Korean culture.
Episodes of the show can be found on YouTube, with English subtitles. Hands down, the most popular visit was by three young men from Finland, who came to see their friend Petri, an entrepreneur and official at the Finnish embassy.
The trio – Vili, Vilppi and Sami — enchanted Korean viewers with their love of the country, especially its food.
The program is a master class in all manner of Korean cuisine, from chicken and beer to live octopus and the sprawling variety of Korean table d’hote.
The Finns were such a hit that they were invited back to film a second series, and all the episodes have significant food elements.
You can find clips of just the eating sequences, but you shouldn’t miss the charm of the friends exploring South Korea.
You’ll see Korean beaches, national parks, museums, saunas, and a memorable baseball game.
Terrific drinking manual, plus regular social appearances.
Drinks with David Lebovitz. In 2020, cookbook author David Lebovitz published Drinking French, a lovely handbook to all kinds of French beverages, including cocktails, hot chocolate and aperitifs.
With his book tour scrapped by the pandemic, Lebovitz became one of the many writers and chefs who offer Instagram Live presentations. His have featured his drinks, food, his hilarious partner Romain, and various culinary guests.
Follow him on Instagram or Facebook to find out when he’ll be offering his next video.
Flavprful Origins looks at foods in China.
Street Food Latin America and Flavorful Origins. Both these programs are available on Netflix NFLX , and they’re culinary educations in places that aren’t often seen in food documentaries.
Street Food Latin America is the successor to Street Food Asia, and depicts a number of chefs, cooks and vendors across South and Central America. Many of those featured are women, and many have plied their trades for decades.
One takeaway is just how hard these cooks and vendors work to produce their authentic dishes.
Flavorful Origins is a series of vignettes on dishes in different regions of China, easily binge-able. In Series Three, the filmmakers visit the sprawling Gansu province in Northwest China.
You will see everything from hand-pulled noodles to mutton, lily plants to buckwheat, and up close views of all the steps that are required.
Hopefully, by this time next year, we’ll be able to travel to China, or Paris, or Seoul, and taste all these dishes for ourselves.
From Food & Drink in Perfectirishgifts
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dneurin · 4 years
Forest - Marcelo Evelin/ demolition Incorporada from demolitionincorporada on Vimeo.
(30-9-2015) Choreografie: Marcelo Evelin Performers: Hidde Aans-Verkade, Zoë Demoustier, Gerben de Jong, Frida Laux, Francesca Lazzeri, Len Pillen, Santino Slootweg, Rob Smorenberg, Dennis Tiecken, Jurriaan de Vos, Vincent van Woerkom Techniek: Jacco Windt Productie: Mirjam Zwanenburg Met dank aan: Frits van Driel, Inge van Eijck, Stella van Leeuwen, Leandro Nerefuh, Loes van der Pligt, Mavi Veloso
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Beneden-Leeuwen – Het college van burgemeester en wethouders heeft besloten dat er in de gemeente West Maas en Waal JOP's komen waar jongeren elkaar kunnen ontmoeten. Deze jongerenontmoetingsplekken (JOP's) zijn onderdeel van het project Ruimte voor de Jeugd. Jongerenontmoetingsplekken in de openbare ruimte (JOP’s) De gemeente zet zich in voor een gezonde, veilige en kansrijke opgroeisituatie voor jongeren. Om dat te bereiken is een positieve omgeving van belang waar jongeren deel kunnen nemen aan vrijetijdsmogelijkheden. Het project Ruimte voor de Jeugd is opgezet om de eerste stappen in die richting te zetten. Er is een concrete actie voortgekomen uit het project: De jongerenontmoetingsplekken (JOP’s) in de openbare ruimte. Jongeren hebben op dit moment weinig tot geen overdekte plekken waar zij elkaar mogen en kunnen ontmoeten. Hier hebben zij wel behoefte aan. Dit blijkt uit bijeenkomsten met professionals en ouders, een gesprek met een groep jongeren en een vragenlijst. Onze jeugd moet kansrijk, gezond en veilig op kunnen groeien Wethouder Rob Reuvers over de jongerenontmoetingsplekken: “Het realiseren van twee jongerenontmoetingsplekken komt deels voort uit de behoefte van jongeren. Ik hecht er waarde aan om naar onze jongeren te luisteren en hen serieus te nemen. Het project Ruimte voor de Jeugd combineert de behoeften van jongeren met de expertise van ouders en professionals. Ik hoop dat we met het realiseren van deze plekken een stapje verder zijn in het creëren van een positieve omgeving waarin onze jeugd kansrijke, gezonde en veilig kan opgroeien.” Hoe nu verder? Er worden twee jongerenontmoetingsplekken gerealiseerd. Eén in Beneden-Leeuwen en één in Dreumel. Deze twee dorpen zijn gekozen op basis van het aantal jongeren dat in die dorpen woont, de spreiding, het gesprek met een groep jongeren en op basis van de kennis en expertise van professionals. Waar de JOP’s komen, en hoe ze er precies uit komen te zien is nog niet bekend. Een ervaren projectbureau gaat het proces coördineren en uitvoeren. Zij doen dit in samenwerking met de jongeren, gemeente en professionals. Jongerenparticipatie is een belangrijk onderdeel van het traject. Dat betekent dat jongeren uit de gemeente West Maas en Waal de kans krijgen om mee te denken. Ook eventuele omwonenden worden in het proces meegenomen. Project Ruimte voor de Jeugd Het project Ruimte voor de Jeugd is gebaseerd op het programma Opgroeien in een Kansrijke Omgeving van het Trimbos Instituut. Het programma werkt met een wetenschappelijk bewezen effectieve aanpak. Het doel van het project Ruimte voor de Jeugd is een positieve omgeving creëren waar middelengebruik en jeugdoverlast door jeugd wordt verminderd en de mentale gezondheid verbeterd. Het project bestaat uit vier verschillende fasen. Dit zijn: monitoring, terugkoppeling en dialoog, beleidsvorming en uitvoering. De eerste drie fasen zijn doorlopen. Zo is er een vragenlijst afgenomen bij eerste en tweedejaars middelbare scholieren van Pax Junior en zijn professionals en ouders/verzorgers uitgenodigd voor een bijeenkomst. Momenteel bevindt het project zich in de vierde fase.
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sknews7 · 4 years
This Is Why The Stock Market Doesn’t Matter To Millennials Saving For Retirement
Does the latest fall available in the market fear you? Relying in your age, it shouldn’t. For those who’re a millennial, there’s one thing else that ought to fear you extra. The excellent news, although, is that it’s one thing you’ve gotten whole management over.
For those who’re like most traders, you learn the outcomes of the market daily. In reality, the bigger your funding account, the extra consideration you pay to the market.
In all chance, the largest funding account you personal is your retirement account. For those who’re invested for the long-term, your retirement account will go up and down with the market. Due to this, it’s frequent for somebody in your place to wish to be taught extra about investments and easy methods to measure them.
Don’t trouble. You may’t management the market. Focus as an alternative on one thing you’ve gotten the facility to make a distinction in.
“Investing metrics don’t matter until there’s cash to take a position,” says Jennifer Ellison of BOS, a wealth administration agency in San Francisco. “With out saving, funding metrics make no distinction. However as soon as you start saving, it is rather vital to let investments do the work over time.”
Time is the important thing issue right here. The extra time you must save till retirement, the much less involved you have to be with investments. Whereas day-to-day fluctuations can exhibit large swings, the markets have a tendency to provide a reliably constant vary of returns over lengthy durations. Sensible retirement savers know easy methods to reap the benefits of this actuality.
“Time available in the market issues greater than timing the market or making an attempt to choose the following Apple AAPL or Amazon AMZN ,” says John Madison, Monetary Counselor at Dayspring Monetary Ministry in Ashland, Virginia. “Historic returns present us that investing early and at common intervals gives higher long-term outcomes, whatever the particular allocation chosen. Savers can’t management a lot within the investing course of, however they will management when and the way typically they make investments.”
The important thing to success in relation to reaching a cushty retirement rests throughout the three components you’ve gotten authority over.
R. Brad Knowles, Managing Director of Heritage Retirement Plan Advisors in Oklahoma Metropolis, says, “For most individuals, there are just a few parts you possibly can management in retirement: how a lot you save, how lengthy you save, and once you retire. You can not make investments your technique to a profitable retirement. You may solely save your method there.”
Take into consideration the character of “saving” versus that of “investing.” Particularly, what do these two phrases imply to you? With somewhat thought, you possibly can rapidly see that “saving” entails your habits whereas “investing” depends on the habits of others.
“Usually, individuals have extra management over their very own habits and selections than they do over this inanimate object we name ‘the funding markets,’” says Rob Isbitts, Co-Founding father of TheHedgedInvestor.com in Weston, Florida.
The trick, then, is to self-discipline your self so your habits locations you within the advantageous place of constructing essentially the most out of time. And there’s no higher time to understand the facility of “time” than proper now, it doesn’t matter what your age.
“On the whole, the sooner you begin, the longer you’ve gotten for cash to compound,” says Ken Van Leeuwen, Managing Director & Founding father of Van Leeuwen & Firm positioned in Princeton, New Jersey. “The size of time for the funding dictates how a lot you want in return as a way to obtain the aim.”
There are hundreds of thousands of excuses for holding again on contributing to your retirement plan. Ultimately, such procrastination may find yourself costing you hundreds of thousands.
“There’s no technique to ‘make up’ for a number of many years of low or delayed financial savings,” says Ryan McPherson, Director of Teaching and Advising at SmartPath in Atlanta.
If you wish to know the key, it’s so simple as this:
“Time is a savers greatest good friend, and most savers have a clear-cut plan,” says Craig Borkovec, Monetary Advisor at Miracle Mile Advisors in Los Angeles. “The longer you must save, with an accurate plan, the larger your likelihood is of profiting from return potential the inventory market can give you.”
Whenever you begin contributing, how a lot you contribute, and the way lengthy you contribute for; these are the three levers you’ve gotten the facility to tug. All else is exterior your grasp. Understanding and accepting this may even enable you to sleep higher at evening.
“There’s quite a bit in life and monetary planning that you simply can not management, that makes it so vital to regulate what you possibly can as a way to obtain your targets,” says Kyle Westhaver, Monetary Advisor at Nicola Wealth in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
It’s vital, subsequently, you don’t succumb to the temptation to grow to be an professional in investments (until it’s your day job). Grow to be an professional within the features you possibly can take motion on.
“These are metrics {that a} retirement saver has direct management over,” says Michael Clark, Managing Director & Consulting Actuary in Denver. “The chance of somebody having sufficient cash for retirement will increase dramatically when an investor begins earlier, saves longer, and contributes extra.”
You dream of dwelling a cushty retirement, but end up fretting over the unknowns of the distant future. Permit that distance to give you the results you want, not towards you. You command the strings. Pull them within the route that strikes you nearer to your aim.
“Time is the primary issue for the most effective retirement plan, and one that almost all traders ignore or don’t perceive,” says Curtis Ray, CEO of SunCor Monetary in Gilbert, Arizona. “How a lot cash you possibly can put aside in a safe place after which permit time to reinforce the compound curiosity inside, is a assured path to wealth for anybody who provides their cash sufficient time to work.”
Do you recall the lesson from the fable involving the tortoise and the hare? In trendy occasions, the hare could be extra involved with investing. The tortoise could be extra involved with saving.
Remind your self once more which critter received.
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taxistar-blog · 5 years
Uber Eindhoven
Eindhoven – led by means of former Mayor Rob Gijzel – has campaigned years for the freedom to test in regions wherein existing law is commonly visible as outdated and oppressive. In continuous consultation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (I & M), the city council had the influence that in the direction of the cease of 2015 a taxi test would be possible
. Cheaper, easier and more reliable taxi in Eindhoven and surroundings According to Carlo van de Weijer, head of the Smart Mobility branch at TU Eindhoven and in 2015 additionally active inside the Eindhoven Uber lobby, Uber is most effective the beginning: “More gamers, along with conventional public transport agencies themselves are also similar experiments in development, that allows you to make contributions to an expanded development in mobility. Uber is an example of latest mobility services that make clever use of the opportunities provided by using era. This forever results in awesome pride.”
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Uber will provide uberX, Uber Black and UberVAN in Eindhoven. UberX is the low-fee version and is offered with the aid of expert impartial drivers in center sized automobiles. In UberX a ride, in keeping with Van Leeuwen, is on average 35% less expensive than a normal taxi experience. Safe and low-priced When you request your driver, you'll right away see the registration code range of the auto and a picture and name of the driver so that you understand precisely who's going to pick out you up. You can deliver your driving force a name through the app as properly, your cellphone number is usually hidden Cheaper than normal taxis Whether you select UberBLACK or uberX, each alternatives are cheaper than a normal taxi. On common, an uberX journey is 35% cheaper.
No cash vital Your journey will be charged on your credit card or PayPal account, that's related on your Uber account. We’ll send you a ride receipt with the course map and all information of the ride through e-mail.
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neperfectcom · 4 years
My Apartment Tour in New York. Video, and where to go at Wall Street
We moved to New York last year. It was a truly challenging experience as we were foreigners moving from Argentina to the United States. By we, I refer to my husband and me. Just two of us. The first month we stayed in an Airbnb apartment in Williamsburg. That apartment was big and beautifully decorated with plants and wall art. I loved Williamsburg for its authentic artistical vibe but we wanted to live in Manhattan.
For the whole month, we have been apartment hunting. It wasn’t the easiest task especially when you’re a foreigner who has recently moved to the United States with no credit score. Most apartment owners asked for a 6-month rent in advance which is simply too expensive and we couldn’t afford it. We have been scrolling through StreetEasy and Zillow apps adding places to favorites and at the weekend we visited many open house tours. Sometimes it was too good to be true but most of the time everything seemed to be off. I still remember one tiny apartment in West Village with the kitchen size of a peanut. Not cool. Especially for a person who likes to cook from time to time.
I don’t know where we would have ended up if it wasn’t for that fake listing on the Craiglist. It was one of those obvious scams with luxury apartments for the price of a non-luxury one. My husband wrote that realtor just for fun and of course, the apartment suddenly became unavailable. However, he told us that he has many good options located in Lower Manhattan next to Wall Street. We haven’t considered that neighborhood before. The first thing the came to my mind back then was the movie with Michael Douglas.
However, we decided to gave it a try. The Realtor showed us a couple of apartments all located within walking distance between each other. Some of them were weird simply because it can’t be anything good when you want to make a one-bedroom apartment out of the studio. For us, it was a big no. We had our budget set for $3k but as it usually happens realtor just had that one apartment for $3.7k available. We saw it and that was it. The view was spectacular and it was a proper one-bedroom space with a separate room. We were hesitating because of the price increase from our initial budget. But there was one huge advantage. As the legal owner of this apartment was a company who owned the whole building we could get it without credit score.
My husband did all the arrangements but from what I understood we do pay a monthly fee to a third party being our guarantor. If you want extra details let me know. We signed the contract and on the 8th of July, we were official residents of Twenty Exchange Place. Remember the movie with Clive Owen Inside Men? Well, the bank he robbed was located in our building and every time I walk with my puppy I see those spectacular entrance doors. Pretty cool, no? Also, Joker was filmed here as well. Just saying…
Anyways let’s move on to the numbers. How much exactly we pay in total? The monthly rent is $3,795. Utilities are not included and they vary from $70-$100 from month to month. We paid about $100 in winter because of all the heating we used. Also, we pay a monthly fee of $25 for our puppy. It is expensive and I’m pretty sure you can get a bigger space for the same money somewhere in Brooklyn or other areas. However, I really like our building and the amenities we have. That is valet and concierge services, 24-hour doorman service, gym, and lounge area on the 19th floor.
The neighborhood turned out to be simply amazing. Yes, we are surrounded by office buildings and skyscrapers but we also do have Battery Park and Seaport district. There are lots of cafes and restaurants around us  for every pocketbook. My favourite spots are Black Fox and La Colombe coffee shops, Bar Wayō by Momofuku, by CHLOE. where you can get stunning plant-based food, restaurant Malibu Farm and if you want some dessert there is an amazing spot for this - Van Leeuwen Artisan Ice Cream.
I wanted to share with you today my video I recently filmed where I walk you through my apartment and just show you around. I hope you like it ♡ Also, here are some photos I found just now in my photos library on my phone. I hadn’t taken proper photographs when I was filming this video and now my apartment is so messy again… oops.
If you have any questions or would like to know more let me down down below in the comments. I hope you liked this post. Have a great day!
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omroepcastricum · 4 years
CASTRICUM – Deze Koningsdag zullen we niet snel vergeten. Geen vrijmarkt, geen muziek op de pleinen. Omroep Castricum maakt een speciaal programma met de titel Vandaag toch samen. Bekende en prominente Castricummers hebben een boodschap voor de luisteraars en kiezen hun favoriete nummers van Nederlandse bodem.
Met het draaien van Nederlandse muziek worden Nederlandse muzikanten financieel gesteund, zij hebben het momenteel zwaar door het wegvallen van optredens.
De uitzending is op Castricum105 te beluisteren tussen 10:00 uur en ongeveer 15:30 uur. Thom Singerling, Bas van Geenen en Sander Verschoor praten de uitzending aan elkaar. Je kunt naar Castricum105 luisteren via onze website, of via deze mogelijkheden.
Luister naar de volgende boodschappen en de favoriete muziek van: 10:00 uur: René van der Aar, Marianne Vollers en Harry Poel 11:00 uur: Rianne Heere, Cees Winter, Ron de Haan en Jean Hanck 12:00 uur: Johan Vermeer, Louise Schalkoort, Jan Zijlstra en Henny Huisman 13:00 uur: Tamara Roos, Rob Dekker, Bob van Leeuwen en Hein Poel 14:00 uur: Johan Olling, Maurits Hazeleger, Michiel Bakker en Sjoerd Bodewes 15:00 uur: Ties Oosterman en Dick Groot
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lauramalchowblog · 5 years
2018 Top 10 Healthcare Collaborator: Patient Leaders
There are thousands of Patient Leaders working day in and day out to educate, raise awareness and support their patient community. The WEGO Health Awards give us the chance to recognize Patient Leaders across all condition areas and platforms, to ultimately find the top Patient Leaders in each space. To recognize the Patient Leaders community members endorsed, we’ve compiled the Top 10 Patient Leaders in each category.
This past week, the WEGO Health team divided and conquered to attend HealtheVoices (LINK) in Dallas, Eye for Pharma in Philadelphia and DTC in Boston. In honor of this busy (but exciting) conference season, we’re taking this week to recognize the Top 10 Healthcare Collaborator Patient Leaders.
These Patient Leaders understand healthcare from the patient perspective, but they are also professionals with the skills and ability to help companies advance their most critical patient-facing initiatives. Speaking at conferences, consulting with healthcare companies, using their education to help make a change in the healthcare industry – these Patient Leaders are bridging the gap between industry stakeholders and healthcare consumers.
Amanda Greene
Lupus Patient Leader
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“Diagnosed with Lupus over 36 years ago, I openly share my healthcare story, resources and support online. I strive to raise awareness for Lupus, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis and new technology (like “how Virtual Reality can help patients reduce their pain”) wherever I am, from Capitol Hill to participating in a healthcare chat on Twitter, or giving a keynote from the stage in New Orleans at the Health IT Expo conference. As a patient advocate, I believe that sharing patient stories are vital to improving the healthcare system.” Connect with the 2018 Healthcare Collaborator: Patient winner.
Jenni Grover Chronic Illness Patient Leader
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Jenni Grover is Founder of ChronicBabe.com, where she draws on her experience with fibromyalgia and other conditions to teach women to craft incredible lives in spite of illness. She’s been doing this work since Spring 2005. For more than 26 years, Jenni has enjoyed success as an activist, writer, editor, and consultant, helping women share stories of strength, wellness, and inspiration in the face of adversity. ChronicBabe’s offerings include a website, speaking engagements, multiple social media presences, a video series, a free newsletter, her book “ChronicBabe 101: How to Craft an Incredible Life Beyond Illness,” and more. Click here to learn more about Jenni and the Chronic Babe Community.
Julie Eller
Arthritis Patient Leader
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“I’m a patient gone professional. Every day when I come to work at the Arthritis Foundation, I get to translate my personal polyarticular JIA experience into advocacy action as the manager of Grassroots Advocacy. My passion is helping to elevate patient stories to the center of our health policy decisions. It is my mission to empower patients to embrace their story, remember that they are the experts in their care, highlight that their voice matters, and affirm that patients are central to building a better world for people just like them.” Connect with Julie.
Lisa Rosenthal
Infertility & Family Planning Patient Leader
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“Little did I know, 31 years ago, when I first started trying to become pregnant, that infertility and family building would become my life work. The disease of infertility is a thief, trying to rob us of the basic, fundamental right to have a family. It’s a disease that’s often dismissed as lifestyle, it’s often shrouded in shame. Like any other disease, we deserve insurance coverage, treatment, and support. I’ve advocated for ALL people who want to become parents, first through not for profits (Resolve and The American Fertility Association) and now with Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut. I’m also a proud board member of Resolve New England. Click here to learn more about Lisa.
Danny van Leeuwen
MS Patient Leader
An action catalyst empowering people traveling together toward best health. Wears many hats in healthcare: patient with MS, caregiver, nurse, informaticist and QI leader. Current work focuses on communication at transitions of care, person-centered health planning, informed decision-making, and technology supporting solutions created by and for people at the center. Serves on the Steering Committee of AHRQ’s Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Learning Network. Reviews PCORI research funding applications and serves as co-chair of PCORI’s Clinical Effectiveness Advisory Panel. Active in the Society of Participatory Medicine. Recently published in BMJ. Blogs weekly: www.health-hats.com Click here to get to know Danny.
Amanda Marie
Rare Disease Patient Leader
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“I understand the challenges that Dysautonomia and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome can bring from the perspective of the patient, advocate, caregiver, and nurse. I have combined my professional knowledge and personal experience to create a patient-focused, global support network that encompasses 65 support, and lifestyle clubs, created to improve the patient experience. As the President of the Dysautonomia Support Network, I have had the privilege to create programs such as DSN volunteer programs, scholarships and service dog grant programs. In 2018 have educated, raised awareness with researchers at the NIH, lobbied for research funding on Captial Hill and presented patient workshops at conferences.” Follow Amanda’s journey.
Rachel- Rocking2Stomas
Rare Disease Patient Leader
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“Hi, I’m Rachel and I am 31 years old and have been ill for 10 years with a rare condition called Pure Autonomic Failure where my bladder and bowel have failed to function. Due to this, I have 2 ostomies: an ileostomy and a urostomy and still am a regular inpatient due to recurrent sepsis. My blog is a platform to actively raise ostomy awareness and in particular urostomy awareness (the forgotten stoma). I talk about life with 2 stomas and work closely with stoma companies, Consultants, Nurses and Allied Healthcare professionals. I am passionate about being a voice for people who may have lost theirs to help improve patient care in the UK. I also support old and new ostomates.” Connect with Rachel.
Christine Von Raesfield
Lupus Patient Leader
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“I’m an advocate for lupus and other conditions, I‘m involved with a local Nonprofit and have met with representatives from pharmaceutical companies to government officials. As one of the 2018 Team of Advisers for PatientsLikeMe. I am working with them on the new DigitalMe platform and have become a face of the campaign. While extremely involved in the lupus community, I also run the social media and host a monthly FB Live with the Lupus Foundation of Northern California. I was recently chosen to be a part of the steering committee for the EyeForPharma 2018 Conference. As a patient who has sustained toxic poisoning, I try to use my experiences to teach others to advocate for themselves.” Click here to learn more about Christine.
Daniel G. Garza
HIV/AIDS Patient Leader
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HIV/AIDS Advocate, with a focus on education in prevention, since 2001, after being diagnosed in September 2000. First by educating his family and the Latino community, most recently high schools, colleges, and universities in Orange County California. With his podcast “Put It Together”, launched in 2012, now with over 200 episodes, where he talks to people from different backgrounds on their journeys through health, recovery, and life. Daniel has been a member of several committees; Ryan White Planning Council, Laguna Beach HIV Advisory Committee and Advisory Committee to HealtheVoices 2018. Where he was able to present a workshop on podcasting as well as host a Latino breakout session. Learn more and follow Daniel.
Claire Snyman
Patient Leader
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Claire Snyman is an author, blogger, and advocate for patient and healthcare collaboration. She is passionate about inspiring people to put their health in their own hands. Since being diagnosed in 2010 with a non-malignant brain tumor and brain surgery in 2012, she realized the importance of partnering with her healthcare team and becoming her body’s own advocate. She co-authored a scientific study between neurosurgeons and patients and is working on a second study on GBM. She has developed a TEAM Approach for Empowering patients – all with the end goal of achieving better patient outcomes. Claire recently spoke at TEDxStanleyPark 2018 on “putting your health in your own hands.” Connect with Claire.
Hats off to these passionate Patient Leaders! These individuals are at the forefront of changing healthcare and we could not be more honored to celebrate their achievements.
Don’t forget, we all start somewhere! Making keynote speeches at conferences isn’t necessary to make an impact. Check out the Top 10 Rookie of the Year Patient Leaders to get inspired by those just beginning their advocacy journey.
The post 2018 Top 10 Healthcare Collaborator: Patient Leaders appeared first on WEGO Health.
2018 Top 10 Healthcare Collaborator: Patient Leaders published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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