#rippleclan ask
rippleclan · 15 days
Do you have any tips on writing prophecies? (Asking because of the Storm Prophecy)
While prophecies can behave differently in different settings and have different intentions by the author, for Warriors, I’ve come to learn a few things about a prophecy that will actually entertain the audience and move the story along.
A prophecy should have the right balance of metaphor and clear meaning. Think of the classic “Fire will save our Clan” prophecy for an example of this. It’s a Chosen One prophecy, clearing outlining someone to support, but initially, the identity of “Fire” is confusing to Bluestar and Spottedleaf.
Be careful with prefixes. A lot of young Warriors writers rely heavily on the prefixes of the characters involved, based on the OG Fire prophecy. However, this has become very stale and easy to pinpoint, making it annoying when the cats don’t see what we see. Say a prophecy were to mention Oilstripe. Instead of mentioning the word “oil” in the prophecy, make vaguer references to Oilstripe’s character, almost like a riddle! For example, a good way to refer to Oilstripe could be “ghosts on the water’s surface, never mixing”, referring to both her ghost sight and how oil behaves.
Find the right balance between obvious and only understandable in hindsight. Some prophecies become dull with the former, and feel like wastes with the latter because there was nothing the cats could really do with the prophecy. Let your medicine cats figure out some things before the whole story is made clear.
Prophecies should guide behavior, not just predict. This is the issue with prophecies in general; their irreversible and cryptic nature makes it so the characters can do nothing but worry about it. It serves no purpose outside of adding a fantasy sheen to things. The “blood will spill blood” prophecy is one of these. A good prophecy should let the Clans know what to do with a direct call to action OR provide key information they couldn’t otherwise get.
Ask yourself why they need a prophecy for this. What is important about this moment that the Clans need guidance from their ancestors to make sure things go right? Will following the prophecy’s advice save lives? Will deciphering it uncover the identity of a murderer? What would happen if they never heard of the prophecy? Would everything go the same way? If so, you probably don’t need a prophecy.
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Hey, it’s the RippleClan author! Just wanted to let you (and anyone else curious) know that if you want to know how something works with my unique roles and the answers aren’t in my lore posts, send me an ask and I’ll answer them for everyone to see! I’m excited to see HoneyClan grow!
Omg thank you your a huge inspiration for this clans story I have a lot in the works for this clan and I really hope you enjoy!
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jayclan · 4 months
The piccrew I use to create what my clangen cats look like.
Jayclan is an ancestor clan of Skyclan. After Darktail and his rogues drove them out of their home the clan suffered many losses; including their leader, deputy, medicine cat and many of their warriors. One warrior: Hawkwing tried to continue and lead them to find the other clans but after what felt like moons of traveling the clan lost hope and felt that Starclan had abandoned them so they disbanded. Someone becoming kittypets or loners. Some of them still told stories of Skyclan trying to atleast keep something of Skyclan alive but many moons passed until an attempt was tried to bring back Skyclan once again.
A cat named Jackdaw began having dreams of Echosong; Skyclan’s former medicine cat who taught her the ways of healing and then told her of her destiny. She and a few other loners; Pebble, Flower and Ripple alongside her mother Willow had Skyclan blood in them and they would rebuild Skyclan.
The group travelled and settled into what they believe was to be their home. But the group fought on who to lead until Jackdawpaw told them that it was to be her mother to lead them. The others seemed to agree with Flower; now Flowermask; to be deputy.
All seemed fine until Willow was found murdered and Jackdaw could never figure out who the culprit. Jackdawpaw tried to find who did it but never did as she was later murdered as well. The rest of the group mourned them but later separated creating clans of their own: Pebbleclan, Flowerclan and Rippleclan.
Jackdawpaw wakes up in Starclan where Echosong greets her, telling her that they shall try again but with Jackdawpaw leading them. The young medicine cat apprentice is shocked but agrees.
Jackdawpaw walks into the dreams of more cats that also share distant Skyclan blood. She decides that the leader should already be chosen so no trouble can happen and so she walks into the dreams of a she-cat named Comfrey. The Starclan cat tells her of this destiny and path she must follow and Comfrey agrees, alongside her sister, Blizzard, the two take Blizzard’s young kit, Bristle and leave to find their new clanmates. They find a traveling medic named Light and ask her to be their medicine cat who agrees. They travel near the mountains and find two cats named Hawk that Swoops down and Clove that grows during Day. They find two rogues named Heather and Sky and finally two kittypets named Crest and Flame and together they all come together. That was when a Bluejay flies overhead and tells Comfrey that the Jay will guide them and they follow the bird to their new home.
Once they find their home, the blue jay flies down and lands close to Comfrey before it takes the form of Jackdawpaw who then gives Comfreygleam her nine lives and names her Comfreystar their new leader. Comfreystar decides not to name the clan Skyclan but name it Jayclan for the bird that lead them here.
(The story so far and I’m going to probably do Jayclan’s founding leaders in a separate post and added it here. This post will be pinned and I’ll probably will be adding the other clans allegiances as well)
Jayclan founding members
The clan camps
the clan cats
Moon 0
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oldstains · 4 years
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Deputy of RippleClan - tom
Slender, tall, lynx point tom with blue eyes and several scars.
Ever since the leader took him in as a kit, Galefang has been fiercely devoted to Aspenstar. As Icepaw’s mentor, he emphasizes loyalty to his clan, to his leader, and to him, which is exactly what Aspenstar taught him moons ago.
Most cats seem to think that he killed Mooneyes under Aspenstar’s orders, because Aspenstar had every reason to want Mooneyes dead and Galefang would have done what was asked of him, but no one witnessed Mooneyes’ death. The clan knew that Mooneyes and Galefang were not friends, and Galefang has done nothing to dissuade these assumptions.
Aspenstar - Father (adopted)
Interesting facts:
His first apprentice, Gullpaw, was nearly a warrior when she was killed in a battle against Mossclan
Aspenstar was his mentor alongside being his father.
He comes off as cold and intimidating to others and is not particularly close with any other members of the clan, aside from Aspenstar.
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wc-rippleclan · 4 years
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Tigerspeck -  45 moons - Tom - Thornclan
-He’s trans and gay and very proud of it 
-Generally pretty quiet, Tigerspeck is often overshadowed by his more prominent and vocal siblings, Quietsong and Spiritstar. 
-He’s a wonderful at teaching, and dealing with children. Cats will often ask him to help with mentoring their apprentices because of this. Despite this fact, he has yet to mentor his own apprentice.
-Has a warm relationship with Beenose of Rippleclan, and the two can often be seen gossiping at gatherings. It’s unknown how the two of them became friends, and nobody tends to question it.
-He’s a big softy and not very likely to cause drama or fights, generally standing down to other clans when conflicts arise. He’s often called upon to settle disagreements because of this. 
-Had a kid, Talonpaw, who he had with a fling with an unknown cat. He loves his son greatly. 
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forestedwaters · 6 years
Forested Waters
Forested Waters is a RP group in Discord about two Clans- LeafClan, the headstrong Clan that resides in the forest, and RippleClan, a calm Clan that resides in a moor-like area full of rivers.
There is nothing currently going on right now, but who knows- things can change within the span of a day. These two Clans, however, does not know what waits in store for them in the future.
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rushpaw · 6 years
Yo I kinda have vague ideas for fanclans right now but i need to develop them more so if you want to ask me worldbuildy stuff about them, please do! (The clans are tentatively called ForestClan, FogClan, BrushClan, and RippleClan)
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ashpoppy-blog · 7 years
Tell me about Icepaw. Who's their mentor? Where do they show the most skill in training? Do they have any littermates?
Icepaw is mentored by Tinyhare, and actually takes after him, in a way. She shows the most skill in fighting, and uses her lithe build to her advantage. I do not know if she has any littermates, but if she does, they’re not in the clan.
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arce-elliot · 7 years
A little thing I wrote for my character Hornetnose in @clansoforegon. I apologize in advance.
Also, keep in mind that all the subjects talked about in this story are vague and described from a child-like perspective. If that is something that you think may bother you, proceed with caution.
TW: death, head injury, child abuse, self-deprication
“It’s hard for me to tell what makes cats mad sometimes.”
My name is Hornetkit and I’m two moons old! I have a sister named Honeykit and two dads! My papa’s name is Sandtuft, he stays with us in the nursery. My father’s name is Salmonbelly, he’s a big, brave warrior!
I mean, Sandtuft is an amazing warrior too, but Salmonbelly is super strong! He doesn’t spend too much time with us but Sandtuft says he loves us very much. He’s just too busy being the best warrior in the Clan! I wanna be the best warrior one day too!
We’re in RippleClan, which is the best Clan ever! We live near the water and we get to eat fish! I haven’t gotten to try fish yet ‘cause I’m too little, but Sandtuft says we can try it soon!
We also have the best medicine cat! Their name is Smokeleaf. They get to spend all day in their den with lots of funny smelling leaves and pretty flowers! I try to sneak in there a lot to look, but Sandtuft says I shouldn’t do that. Sometimes I knock the leaves over but I don’t do it on purpose! My legs are long and it’s hard to walk! I don’t know how the grown-up cats do it.
My name is Hornetkit and I’m in trouble. Well, Sandtuft and Honeykit say I’m not, but everyone looks at me like I am.
Honeykit and I got to go outside of the den for the first time a few days ago! I can’t remember it much but I bet it was super fun! But apparently I tripped and hit my head. I told you walking was too hard!
Anyway, Smokeleaf says I’m fine but I had to go in the medicine den for a few days. That was amazing! I got to see all the pretty leaves and things! Sometimes I even got to eat some stuff! It was very cool. I even started learning some of the names. The things that Smokeleaf keep giving me are called chamomile and feverfew! They are both cute little flowers so I don’t want to eat them, but they make my head not hurt as much and make it less fuzzy.
Sometimes I hear Smokeleaf and Swallowstar whispering outside the den. Sometimes they even say my name! But whenever I ask what they’re talking about Smokeleaf just makes this face and stops talking. I’m not sure what they’re talking about, but it makes Smokeleaf sad. I don’t want them to be sad!
Sandtuft and Honeykit visit me a lot! Salmonbelly hasn’t had a chance yet, though. He’s too busy hunting!
My name is Hornetkit and I’m so proud of my sister! She became an apprentice today! Her mentor is Fawnwhisker. She’s super excited but she’s sad that I can’t be an apprentice yet. That’s what Swallowstar and Smokeleaf were always whispering about, apparently, but its fine! Swallowstar just wants to make sure I’m totally fine to become the best warrior ever! At least, that’s what Sandtuft told me.
Sandtuft was very upset about it too. I tried to tell him it was okay but he was still very sad. I heard him and Salmonbelly arguing the other day, and Sandtuft sounded like he was crying. I hope he’s okay.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’m an apprentice now! My mentor is Mottlefoot and he is the second best warrior ever! He would be the best, but Salmonbelly is the best! He even came to my apprentice ceremony! He was kind of frowny the whole time, but he’s usually like that! I finally get to sleep in the apprentice’s den with Honeypaw and that’s so fun! We haven’t gotten to train together yet but Mottlefoot says we could later if I work really hard!
I’m trying my best but I don’t think I’m learning fast enough. Mottlefoot is very nice and patient, but when I get something wrong he smiles at me and something’s wrong with it. It’s a good smile, but it’s…it’s hard to explain. It reminds me of the smile Smokeleaf gave me in the medicine den when I was little.
I’m going to say a mean thing, but I would never say it if I wasn’t repeating it. Salmonbelly pulled me aside the other day and told me that Mottlefoot was…that he was a… “mouseheart”. Ugh, even thinking about it makes me feel icky. What a mean thing to say! He said that I was never going to learn to fight well with him as my mentor. I tried to say something back but he kind of walked away.
Mottlefoot said it was okay I wasn’t good at fighting. He says that every cat in the Clan has different skills and that makes a Clan strong. But Salmonbelly says I’m not a good warrior if I can’t fight. How am I going to be the best warrior ever if I’m not sure what being the best warrior even means?
My name is Hornetpaw and today was a bad day.
Sandtuft took me out hunting today and we ran into a big fox. It was so big, and its teeth were so sharp, I’ve never seen anything scarier in my life. Sandtuft told me to run back to camp and get help, and I ran back so fast, I ran as fast as I could, I did my best I tried so hard!
But by the time we got back to the fox…Sandtuft was hurt really bad. I don’t remember much after that; Smokeleaf says I fainted. But we had the vigil tonight and it was so sad. I can’t believe he’s gone. But Mottlefoot says he’s up in StarClan now, watching over us, and that I’ll get to see him again someday. I hope so.
Salmonbelly won’t talk to me. I overheard one of the younger apprentices saying something. Honeypaw tried to cut them off, but I heard what they said. They said Salmonbelly thinks it’s my fault. But I did everything Sandtuft told me to do! I tried my best!
I don’t know what to think. I’m just sad. I want my papa to come back.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’m scared.
Salmonbelly keeps trying to help me fight better. Whenever I’m out hunting by myself he keeps following me and we always end up sparring. It’s really scary, but I don’t think if I told anyone they would believe me. I mean, Salmonbelly is the best warrior in the Clan, so he knows what he’s doing. Maybe this happens to all the apprentices? Yeah, that makes sense.
Honeypaw is going to be made a warrior soon! I’m so excited! I bet she’s going to get the coolest name ever! Mottlefoot says I’ve still got a little bit to go but I think that’s fine! I don’t want to be a warrior until I’m the best warrior!
Maybe I should ask Honeypaw about Salmonbelly? I don’t know, I don’t want her to get mad at me! It’s hard for me to tell what makes cats mad sometimes.
My name is Hornetpaw and I’ve decided that Salmonbelly might not be the best warrior.
I know that sounds really silly, but it took a long time to think about. I told Honeybee (that’s her name now, Honeybee! Isn’t that amazing?) about what Salmonbelly was doing and she did get kind of mad. But she told me it wasn’t because of me, but that he wasn’t supposed to be doing that. She said she wouldn’t tell, though.
I don’t think Salmonbelly can still be the best warrior if he’s not following all the rules. Warriors are supposed to follow the rules, right?
Maybe if I train really hard he’ll stop doing it. I’m going to ask Mottlefoot if we can do more battle training!
My name is Hornetpaw and my ear hurts really bad.
I did something a little stupid. Salmonbelly snuck up on me again and I told him that he wasn’t supposed to do that anymore. I didn’t tell him who told me, even when he asked me. I’m really proud of myself! He yelled at me super loud and I didn’t even run away! I did flinch a little, though.
Sometimes he hits me over the head with his paw. It doesn’t hurt that bad, it’s just a little cuff, that’s all. Today though he didn’t do it right. Mottlefoot says we’re supposed to keep our claws in whenever we battle train but everyone makes mistakes! Anyway, his claw caught my ear a bit. It hurt a lot but now I have a nick in my ear like all the big strong warriors have! He told me I can’t ever tell anyone how I got it though. I made up this cool story about catching a really strong rabbit that kicked me! Even Honeybee believed it, I’m getting super clever!
My name is Hornetnose! I’m a warrior now!
After my ear got hurt Salmonbelly didn’t bother me anymore. I guess it was a test and I passed! I had my warrior assessment a few days ago and I caught a really big fish and a bird! I also found some foxglove in the territory that no cat had found before! I smelled it super easy, but apparently no one else could. Mottlefoot said that it was poisonous and I did a good job, because now they can tell everyone where it is to avoid it!
Swallowstar named me ‘Hornetnose’ for my ‘exceptional tracking ability’. Did you hear that! I’m exceptional! That’s a very big word, but Honeybee said it meant ‘really really good’!
I don’t know if I’m the best warrior, but at least I’m an exceptional one!
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rippleclan · 25 days
To Shadowdrop, why didn't you help Cinderella?
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[Image ID: Shadowdrop says "...we didn't know she was dying."]
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rippleclan · 29 days
Ngl I am SUPER worried for Cinderella's kits...constantly being around someone who openly hates caring for kids, was forced to put up with said kids as a punishment for Cinderella's death, AND living around the two cats that got mama Cinderella killed...
And as for Downstar, this is a HORRIBLE idea for the babies. Their formative moons are gonna be spent with the absolute worst person to be their babysitter. Wildclaw absolutely deserves severe punishment, but this'll permanently damage these innocent kids for no good reason. There's gotta be a better punishment...possibly a temporary exile with Wild being shooed to the other side of the border, so that she can't meet up with Shadow also I was legit expecting Shadowdrop to just...quietly permanently exile himself upon learning that in other circumstances, said exile would be permanent. Simply slipping away from the clans entirely, and only giving a message for a loner to deliver to the clans to let them know that he's not coming back.
tldr: Downstar what the fuck, the kids are gonna suffer more than Wildclaw will for her punishment
Wildclaw doesn’t hate kits, she just hates nursery duty. She gets frustrated being stuck in camp making sure tiny beings do not do things she thinks are obviously bad to do (hypocrite). She’d love to be a mentor some day, but that’s the difference between watching over a middle schooler and watching over infants and toddlers. Plus, Wildclaw loves to be out and about, not stuck in camp. Nursery duty for six moons is a lot like camp confinement, at least in Wildclaw’s case.
Downstar would never have chosen this as Wildclaw’s punishment if Wildclaw actually hated kits. Remember, Wildclaw was just thrust into the situation and decided to be loyal to her brother. You don’t actually know the full depths of what Wildclaw thinks of Shadowdrop’s actions. If Wildclaw didn’t care about the kits, she wouldn’t have been so helpful. Downstar essentially decided that Wildclaw needs to get a better understanding of her position and responsibilities by focusing her time on her nieces and nephew.
In regards to Shadowdrop, he does want to be there for his kits. He wasn’t lying when he said he wanted to be a father. His exile would be long enough for him to think on what he did but not long enough that his absence would leave a cold memory in the minds of his kits. In RippleVerse, kits don’t really remember much of their first moon, it takes them that whole time to fully see, hear, walk, and speak.
Now, was this the perfect choice? Not really. Downstar’s decisions are heavily clouded by her love for her children, just as Shadowdrop decided having kits would fill the emotional void left at Carnationspeckle’s rejection. The pair are very similar in this way. Downstar had a very difficult decision in front of her; how do you punish someone for letting their heartbreak get the better of them (or in Wildclaw’s case, for not thinking ahead) without hurting the kits? The best answer she could come up with was by forcing Shadowdrop to evaluate everything alone and making sure Wildclaw was stuck in a position where she has to think ahead and be careful.
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rippleclan · 13 days
so. Fennelspot wants to keep to the old healer oath/code and have no mate nor kits, but if he took an apprentice and they grew, would he discourage them from doing the new thing (medic with lovers and babies)? or maybe not even an apprentice from the go, but like another medic to work with, who has a mate/kits (like joined the clan with a litter) or plans to?
surely he wouldnt be nasty and try to rival Puddlespeckle attitude, but. would he be supportive or needed more time to accept the change?
Oh he will be absolutely supportive of future clerics! He just thinks that if you decide to take the official “no kits” oath, you should follow it, but that it should be your choice to take it or not.
A lot of cats have crushes on Fennelspot, but since he’s never developed romantic interest in anyone, I consider him aromantic. As such, he finds great pride and comfort in the oath while recognizing that it could hurt a lot of clerics if it is forced on them.
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rippleclan · 3 months
Sorry if this is too much to ask, but could you send the sprites of all Rippleclan cats (dead and alive) (Froggy and other clan cats are optional)? I'm considering making fanart of them all
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...and those beyond! I can get some handmade ones later, but you could also just look those characters up.
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rippleclan · 29 days
I'm not sure how Oilstripe will feel about Trumpetkit, Tempestkit and Mosskit or if Shadowdrop will let them have contact but it is funny to imagine Oilstripe just dropping in to tell them their mother says hi or that she hopes they're having a good day.
I thought about letting Oilstripe answer this (character asks are open btw) but I’ll take this. With kit care being such a communal thing, the kits are always gonna have access to Oilstripe. Shadowdrop’s parental rights are… not gonna be whole when he gets back, let’s just say. And Cinderella’s spirit is honestly gonna have mixed feelings on the whole thing. Remember, she was planning to have them and leave. She isn’t a maternal person.
Oilstripe is gonna work really hard to separate the kits from their father. A lot of the situation reminds her how mad and confused she was as an apprenticed when Burdockcreek, Clammask, Locustseeker, and Twinekit arrived. Luckily, she has Carnationspeckle. That molly has motherhood in her blood. She’s going to make sure the kits are happy, at least while she is nursing them. She also wants them to have a healthy perspective on what their father did. Carnationspeckle is probably being too nice about things, but we will see her more next moon.
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rippleclan · 4 months
Is it okay to use the roles for both starclan, the clans you added in my clangen stories? I feel it adds alot more to clan life and starclan in general that the books don't really have the what about the game style you use? I find it really interesting type of way to explore a clan! Rippleclan has captivated me in every way and I'm excited to see how the story goes!
Sorry for the late reply, but go right ahead! Part of why I love my expanded roles is because it provides so much more material for storytelling. I'm glad my style has caught your eye!
Here are a few tips for those who want to take inspiration from some of my worldbuilding and how I play Clangen;
Warriors, mechanically, consist of codekeepers, historians, caretakers, and of course, warriors. Mediators can be actual mediators or artisans. Medicine cats are clerics.
When you start a new Clangen, decide what roles your founders have. I made Rustshade a codekeeper, for example, because I thought a sneaky codekeeper would be interesting. Don't forget to note what roles your leader or deputy had before they got their jobs!
When a kit is apprenticed, their mentor determines their path. For example, when Shadowdrop was apprenticed to Rustshade, that made him a codekeeper apprentice. Since these technologically advanced Clans need more mediators/artisans/clerics than RNG gives you, feel free to take liberties with apprenticeships.
When organizing patrols, consider the role of the cat you're choosing and what the patrol is. Hunting patrols can consist of any cat considered a warrior/apprentice mechanically. Caretakers and the occasional warrior join clerics to gather herbs and even do those patrols on their own!
"Border" patrols are more than border patrols. They can be whatever non hunting activity you want. Training can also be more than just battle training. You can consider it to be learning more about the world, practicing artistic skills, etc.
As time goes on, I'll make lore posts for all the roles. Any other advice I could offer would probably be the same as any other blog. I'll want to see your stuff when you're done!
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rippleclan · 3 months
Hey, Carnationspeckle! Thoughts on Rattlepelt becoming a full caretaker? How do you feel about Mousepaw? Also, how would you describe your relationship with Oilstripe and do you have any best friends besides her?
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[Image ID: Carnationspeckle says, "StarClan, you ask a lot of questions! I’m very proud of Rattlepelt. She’s an excellent artisan. She loves crafting, and Rabbitjoy helped her leave her shell. She’s made some good friends, like Wildclaw and Oilstripe. I’m glad she isn’t lonely.
"Mousepaw confuses me. I was desperate for a family at her age, but she gets mad when Rattlepelt gets too close. She’s taken well to Clan life, but doesn’t trust many cats. I hope she can learn to lower her guard.
"As for Oilstripe... I know Rattlepelt wants us to be together. I think we would be a good pair. But since Oil told the Clan about her power, she’s had so much to do. I don’t want to overwhelm her. I think she would prefer we stay friends, anyway."]
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