#rip tho bc i feel like. if they didnt want to flex. they could have kept that one up for the rest of eternity until the show ends tbh
j-esbian · 2 years
the best cr intro is the one from the beginning of campaign 2 and no i will not be taking constructive criticism
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 2 episode 11
Notes by me
- part 1
- PREVIOUSLY - Sam swallowed a goauld and it told her there are nice worms out there, and then it died to save her (rip to a real one), Jacob Blunt As Fuck Carter told Sam he had cancer and now hes like.....dying
- anyway
- LMAO random character generator spat out chris argent from teen wolf
- did she have a memory of the tokra? That lady looked just like her tho
- not me dancing to the theme
- jack: how do u know the tokra are nice
Sam: my ✨feelings✨
- lol thats enough for Jack I guess
- is her dad's cancer worse
- "this is the first time ive gone on a mission where I feel like im leaving something behind" 😞
- Sam thinking her dad doesnt want her around and hammond assuring her shes wrong I'm WEEPING
- "youre more like your father than youd like to admit" if someone told me this my face would retract like I just ate a lemon
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- I swear to god im gonna start counting all the wizard of oz references that Jack makes so far its been 853 per episode
- are the tokra gonna be mean to tealc when they find them
- wait its chris argent dont shoot
- see I was right! Leave tealc alone 2k20
- "we are not goauld" ???? But you are?? Unless the name "goauld" isnt a species name but a certain group name? And the tokra are just a different group? But then whats their species called
- ah shit is sams dad gonna die while shes gone I dont think I can handle that
- Martouf haha u got a dumb name
- alright martouf didnt have to flex his pretty eyes at me but he sure as hell did
- 3 against 1 Jack looks like your giving up your guns
- he does NOT trust them
- "my memories of martouf are the strongest. Its like I have some weird bond with him" OH????? MY RELATIONSHIP RADAR IS PINGING
- "some little runt" best name for cancer ive heard so far
- is this all a ruse to find out what Sam does for a living!!! ......although I could be wrong since I dont know anyway to fake liver cancer
- the leader of the tokra is the most hunted goauld of all time BRUH
- tokra means against Ra? I thought it meant resistance or something
- Martouf.....i will admit. attractive. I take back what I said about having a dumb name I'm not who I was 3 minutes ago
- I thought for a sec that the male host for jolinar was who martouf was concerned for when he heard the "host died" but then I remembered that jolinar had a female host first. I had a fleeting moment of gay Chris Argent :\
- oh shit Jacob is literally like RIGHT at deaths door
- no glasses! Daniel in this scene
- a symbiotic relationship!! Thats really cool actually
- Daniel respectfully taking his hat off for the dying tokra is cute and all but......monkey brain see it hang off his neck like choker necklace
- "we dont use the sarcophagus. We believe it drains the good from our hearts"
"I can vouch for that"
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- alright dudes that was not a very subtle way to ask if they want to have a little worm friend in their heads
- ah of course they dont think earth is advanced enough to have an alliance with. Hows the air from up on your fuckin high horse
- martouf: would you like to accompany me on an evening stroll, Sam?
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- "I want her back by 11 o clock" I thought we were done with this shit. Shes literally an high ranking air force officer. Pls treat her like an adult @writers
- THE TOKRA DONT HAVE A GENDER❤❤ this is actually really cool for a show from 1997
- martouf is bi I dont make the rules
- lantash taking over bc martouf too sad to keep talking 😩😩❤❤❤ I love them
- Sam being surprised that jolinar and martouf were lovers in the night. Like honey.....it was kinda obvious
- martouf describing Rosha 😭😭❤❤
- I cant imagine having memories of someone elses life. Sam is going thru some shit
- I love martouf with all my heart
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- martouf🤝Sam
- interrupting!Daniel strikes again
- Jack sneak 100. Is he gonna use the bathroom excuse again
- "no need for doors or partitions" didnt martouf just say he and jolinar were mates. How do u do the hokie pokie with no doors. What if someone walks in and ur ass out with your worm boyfriend in a cave
- Daniel rubbing his hands on everything. Im surprised he didnt lick the table
- tokra: the goauld hate us
jack: well its not a competition but they hate us more
- whats up sg3!
- hammond knowing Sam would want to be with her dad when he dies :'(
- ALRIGHT the tokra are huge assholes!! Wont even let her see her dad while hes literally dying!! I hate them all except for martouf. I just think hes neat
- to be continued -
Sam carter whump: emotional
No glasses!Daniel for a few minutes
🎶listening to Such A Simple Thing by Ray LaMontagne 🎶 for martouf and sams little stroll on the dune
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sableu · 7 years
yeah right?! like on the first day there i wanted to immediately go to the tokyo tower on thte morning and we were only 1 hour or so there and she was already complaining to get out and i had only seen the live show and tried the haunted house. i had to go to the store below in a hurry bcs she was ' feeling tired' when she hadnt even done anything. the hotel we were staying at was just 10 minutes from the tower and we only had to walk a bit and then sat for the live action like ?!!! also she
constantly complained about the room and the food everywhere like: ’ i cant even walk rivht in this bedroom!’ (ofc it had space but yknow how in japan people have smaller areas usually to save up space right? it was nothingg out of the other world i mean) and the food she constantly went like’ cant eat this bcs the sauce might do me bad/ it will fatten me up/ not enough greens!’ she even threw an ice cream ball out bcs the chocolate chips would fatten her up. like 😔 #never again
i can def see why you were bothered haha.  like…..what did she even expect???  and that’s so funny about the food just bc i’m sure like.  99% of what’s served at restaurants in japan is 100x better for you than the crap i eat on a daily basis loll rip
haha well i wouldnt say im the bestest on orientation bcs if you ask le smth like : ’ so africa is that side or that other side ? ( like in what direction it would be) i cant do that but i usually go by ’ oh this place has a funny yellow sign okay, this is where i need to pass to get back afterwards’ that and usually the places were very organized and it was easy to identify where to go; at the middle of the trip i already did well without asking the people around. XD
i accidentally sent the other mssg in anon bleh mobile Xc ; but its so worth it tho. i also wish i could go to the tanabata! probs will get the chance next year since its around june i think? #i also already have a yukata but i still need white socks xP 
speaking of which you can get the yukata pretty cheap. i payed more for the sandals tbh. BCS THE BIGGER THE FOOT THE MORE EXPENSIVE IT IS #such discrimination
that’s smart :”D i’m getting slightly better at navigating around the city i go to school in but even that i’m still bad at.  i take a looong time to get acquainted with places.
bahaha i’ve heard that it can be hard to get bigger sizes of shoes and clothes in japan in general….a shaame.  i didn’t know you could get a yukata without breaking the bank tho they seem so nice!!
the thing that sucked most tho was that my travel agency at the time messed up? we had payed for the trip in january when t was in april and when we got to the day to leave for it the airline told us they had messed up the connection flights to different cities and put my aunt’s stay for 1 month and a half when i had gone there to recheck everything and the guy there said everything was fine and even tried to pull the blame on their airliner. like i hate people like that. it got solved after but
still i was already cursing like a sailor bcs how dare ?? like i had been saving up to go for years and then i wouldn’t get on bcs my connection was to munich and my aunt’s frankfurt? like how even?!! but then we menaced them and they had to pay from their pocket at last minute for a seat to the munich flight so we managed but, boy never again. same thing back from there too, he rebought the tickets ahead of time tho. and best thing was i didnt have to sit next to my aunt for 12 hours. 😓
sheesh, that’s stressful!!  i feel like stuff always goes wrong with airplane trips lol.  my family and i went to costa rica this past summer and our flight was the last flight of the day and it got delayed so we had to rearrange everything and lose a day of our trip, even tho we’d planned everything so well and far in advance…i’m glad things still worked out for you tho!
moral of the story: dont let whiny aunts go with you to ruin your trip . specially when they complain about everything. (like i get that some people can fatten up easily and dont want to but she literally wasted food most of the time when she could just either keep quiet or not buy it and im here like ?!!!)
ahaha i will learn from your experience!!  i feel like i’ve learned a lot from you tbh, i will keep this info catalogued in my mind for the future lol.
yknow what made me laught tho? seeing a sabo posing with his naked torso flexing his muscles on the vitrine like ’ yo looking good~’ and then the title of he collection figure was THE NAKED. -snorts- so many op figures tho. like such paradise . i bought an ace figure and saw so many of him in the stolen marine uniform but got like ’ i feel like im betraying him by buying that one bcs yknow marines … are …akainu??’ huh yeah. and they’re like everywhere. you go to akihabara there’s like LOTS
pfff you best believe i own that sabo figure!!!  he sits above my bed looking lovely and shirtless ~~ gahhh i’m such a sucker for op figures.  and lollll i felt the exact same way about the marine ace!!  the marine uniforms are so cute but for me seeing charas who hate/were hurt by the marines wearing them just seems Wrong like noooo i can’t….
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