#rina sawayama visuals
7eyi · 11 months
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RINA SAWAYAMA, hold the girl: reloaded tour visuals, 2023
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hupitersjome · 1 year
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john wick 4 final chapter poster mockup w/a red color palette ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
@/jupitershome on instagram
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grimmlinn · 2 years
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Phantom- Rina Sawayama
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whoatemyshoe · 1 year
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Rina Sawayama - Alterlife (Official Karaoke Video)
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snixx · 2 years
kavya 😭 pls tell me im not the only one who hates the album cover with passion
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ivesambrose · 1 year
꧁𓊈𒆜𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐰𒆜𓊉꧂
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1. 2. 3.
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4. 5. 6.
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This reading is timeless 🖤 ⏳
And based on law of assumption 🌹
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected] with your name and query 🌙
Services offered
Thanks for the tip 🌹
Picture 1
You've done enough.
You do not need to overdo this at all. Why are you pushing yourself to take actions? Understand the difference between "inspired action" and continously wondering what you should do next in a way that makes you feel hopeless.
With that being said, you're not hopeless.
You're not stuck either.
The answer you're searching for is to come when you stop seeking it. Sounds simple? Because it is.
Shift your perspective. Flip the narrative.
Once again, you've done the work.
⋆ What I seek is seeking me.
⋆ My manifestions come to me naturally.
⋆ I deserve to feel my feelings and still know that things will work out.
⋆ My heart/I am safe from bitterness / bitter people.
Picture 2
It's on it's way relax!
It's money isn't it? Or something that makes you feel emotionally safe too? It's yours. Stop LOOKING for it. Would you go out and stand outside for your amazon order knowing it's gonna show up anyway?
Rest. Chill. Visualize. You'll see it happen in your dreams, these dreams are confirmations.
The world, my friend is your oyster.
This or that? Why not both?
Have fun and see things come quickly. You don't have to be so serious all the time.
⋆ My manifestions are always instant.
⋆ I gotta declare once and I have it.
⋆ What I want comes to be effortlessly.
⋆ I always have more than enough.
Picture 3
Stop applying logic to your desires and dissecting them especially when you're harming no one but yourself.
Manifestion overrides logic.
When will you stop holding onto beliefs and assumptions that are keeping you from getting what you want? No one's going to change anything but yourself and there's no one to change but yourself.
Let go of that addiction. The need to constantly check and seek validation.
Actually, drop everything. You need a break.
You can't be double minded you know?
This one has a bit of tough love to it, but I feel you need it right now.
Please recognise your worth and stop repeating the same pattern hoping for a different outcome.
Affirmations :
⋆ I let go of whatever that's no longer serving me. Be gone.
⋆ Universe / guides / whatever you have faith in - always has my back.
⋆ I will always be shown the right way.
⋆ I am not a victim. I don't have to struggle.
Picture 4
You'll have peace and you'll make the right choice.
Set your boundaries. Be quiet about your goals and your thoughts when you know someone might try to project their own insecurities onto you.
Sometimes it's okay to be selfish.
It's okay to unlearn what you've been taught for so long. It's also okay to not follow the crowd.
Your mind is so beautiful, so precious and so unique. Please honour your thoughts and please continue ro write, if not for others but for yourself.
I know it gets lonely but you won't be alone for too long, I promise.
It's okay to go through cycles and it's beautiful to embrace change. The change you've been waiting for.
It's okay, you're okay. Even if you're not, you will be. You always are.
Affirmations :
⋆ I got this, I aways got this.
⋆ Sad for them, but I'm built different.
⋆ Everything always works out in my favor.
⋆ Everything is a bridge of incidence for me.
Picture 5
You're already determined as hell.
Stick to your vision, stick to the new story, persist on the bigger picture. You already know this. So you already got this.
You've taken time in building yourself up so you won't be giving your power away to anyone or any circumstances.
I believe you know this already that circumstances do not matter in your reality.
I also want to remind you that the love you want, wants you even more.
The money? The career? Wants YOU.
The beauty? It's already yours.
Stay in this sweet receptive energy. I'm proud of you, you've got this.
Affirmations :
⋆ It's done.
⋆ It's already mine.
⋆ I have nothing to worry about.
⋆ Everything is rigged in my favor.
Picture 6
Trust in the unseen, trust in the unknown. Because you've always had the power.
Justice will be delivered, how and when? Not your concern. Same goes for anything that you want.
When? How? Why? What's it to you? Why focus on crumbs when you can have it all?
I believe you have at least one person or connection you deeply trust. They want the best for you as you for them, cherish this and focus on the feeling this brings you.
The right connections, the opportunities, the circumstances will all unfold suddenly and when you least expect it. Enjoy the ride.
Listen to your intuition and remember what you deserve. Do not settle till you have what you want.
Again, you weren't made for bare minimums.
Affirmations :
⋆ I am beautiful, inside and out.
⋆ I radiate (insert whatever energy you want to identify with)
⋆ I have spoken so it's done / because I said so.
⋆ If I can picture it, I can have it, it is mine.
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radiokathryn-if · 8 months
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JI HAN! The "Hater".
Han Ji Young──he/him. 24. The younger brother of Detective Han. Ji Han is not a fan of Nathaniel Nicholson but he is a fan of the songs he plays─or rather the ones you play when he’s absent. He’s taken the utmost interest in his siblings case, SUSPICIOUSLY ENOUGH TO BECOME ENTANGLED IN IT MORE THAN ANTICIPATED.
Visuals! Jiyoung is Korean, born in England quickly after his parents emigrated. His skin is a warm ivory but unlike Jimin, tans very well to more of a golden beige. He is taller than his older sibling standing at an even 6" (182cm) with very good posture. He has a rectangular face shape, with a strong jaw but his features are surprisingly soft. His straight nose is slightly turned up at the tip and he has delicate lips that give him a natural pout. His monolid eyes are the same dark shade as his siblings but seem kinder in comparison. When Jiyoung smiles he has deep dimples and his teeth are straight. You think you may live in the same apartment building, his face is a familiar one in your normal routine. Jiyoung has quite the burn scar covering his left calf. He looks well toned and muscular but from the way he dresses you get the feeling he's much stronger than he lets himself seem.
Fun Fact! Jiyoung, despite his chosen career as a bio—med student, is an avid chef and has quite the accumulation of cutlery. Lots of knives. And forks and spoons, too, of course.
Modern Day Lyric! "I'm trying to be normal but trauma is immortal / I don't want to be a monster anymore." Rina Sawayama, Frankenstein.
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genderoutlaws · 1 year
this is an oddly specific and time sensitive question, so if you dont get to this, it’s no big deal.
but… i was wondering if you knew of any specific queer/trans artists that make work surrounding the concept of home or public life for lgbt ppl? focused mostly on bar culture, chosen family, and the intersection between public and private life. i have an art history project on this topic due in a day and im trying to find more art to write analysis on. so far i have kaucyila brooke’s boy mechanic project, mahmoud khaled’s do you know if you work tomorrow?, and a couple others. thanks in advance if ur able to answer 🙏🏻🙏🏻 i love ur blog tenderly
songs i got off the top of my head (not sure if these are right fr the subject but i hope so aaa)
Chosen Family by Rina Sawayama
Homegirl and 1950 by King Princess
Gay Bar by Rosie Tucker
drag king bar by Bitch and Animal
followers pls feel free to add on !
edit: im tired lol this person was not just lookin for music! pls rec any kind of visual art around these subjects 👍
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2023: #17-#16
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17. UNITED KINGDOM Mae Muller - "I wrote a song" 25th place
Decade ranking: 46/116 [Above RAFAL, below We Are Domi]
Pahr Mae. All the abuse she had to sit through pre-show for not being Rina Sawayama by twitter queers in ugly mullets (please log off and touch grass.) and later by the boomer press for being a VILE, JEWISH, ANARCHO-LIBERAL ENGLAND-HATING "T-WORD" (just a reminder: Mae is not trans and transphobia hurts ALL women, don't fucking engage in it, you stupid "gender-critical" cunts) for idk... daring to say Tories suck (they do). She gave us the gift of #GAYRIGHTS (she did), and the gays rewarded her back with a paltry bottom 2 placement. She was just tryna slaaaaaaaaaay you filthy little bottoms. 😭😭😭
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Like okay, the second Mae said she was on #VocalRest we knew there would be no "recovery". Her singing was never not strained (even at the pre-parties) and it wasn't going to get any better. She knew that and so should've we. Yeah, her off-kilter vocals were a big detriment to the overall performance. I wouldn't dare to claim otherwise.
However, at a certain point in the ranking I have to let go of my ~personal gripes~ and rally my angry logic for the purpose of defence and I've chosen THIS point you can't make me. Mae's vocals were blergh and that was a deal, but visiually, omg, it looked so GOOD?
THE ZENA-ESQUE BACKDROP (yes, we're gonna Like It)
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If you have a one decently-sized negative and then a bunch of smaller positives, the net result is still a positive, surely? Well it was here and you'll have to deal.
Not to mention the UK fucking TRIED this year, okay and god there have been too many years recently where they've just been fucking phoning it in, not even trying to be good, sending reasonably talented artists like SuRie and James Newman to their doom with lame demos and visionless non-acts nobody could possibly be made to care for. "I wrote a song" was a self-written pamphlet against toxicity and in favour of mental health (Roxen could NEVER; therapy can work lest she/they first learn to LISTEN TO PEOPLE [other than *ndr*w t*te]). Depth and thematic relevance any 2010s BBC entry would murder an orphanage for.
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While it did not pay out this year, and instead of like... a solidly competent entry we got a visual treat with trainwreck vocals, point still stands. The UK made an effort to prove that Ryder wasn't a one-time fluke. Kick-ass song by a kick-ass maiden was a good attempt and befitting her entry, is the proof that BBC are working on themselves, which is more than what one can say about the next country on our list:
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16. MALTA The Busker - "Dance (Your Own Party)" 35th place
Decade ranking: 43/116 [Above Montaigne, below TBA]
As is the case with televised competitions with semifinals, some participants need to NQ and ideally those flop spots go to solulu/delulu broadcasters that have lost their touch with reality, have no idea what they're doing, are throwing away golden opportunities with zero regard and yet respond with indignation when their stupid schemes ricochet back in their faces like errant boomerangs.
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So in the light of that, TVM's flop era was has been long in the works and is fully deserved. To hell with this wishy-washy, cynically corporate piece of secretive shit broadcaster. Malta have only been truly good twice recently, and even Destiny was kind of debatable (What separates a "Je Me Casse" from a "Queen Bees" other than two glasses of chardonnay?).
However, as if often the case with entries that get the overdue flop results (see also: Ela and Tell Me More), The Busker didn't particularly deserve to be the anvil of fate, not in the least be hit with such overkill: last place with 3 points, excusez-moi? No idea what The Busker did (well, what they specifically did) to be immediately branded as THE MOST ANNOYING THING OF ALL TIMES once they arrived in Liverpool. We've seen worse of the same "offenses", where WERE these people when The Roop and Mikolas Jozef were being an ABSOLUTE TERROR to us? Oh right, bookie odds made it fashionable to pretend to like them, got it.
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Anyway, how else can you do an entry such as "Dance" any justice if not by going ham? This is only one of two recent examples since "Walk On Water" where Malta actually staged appropriately, playing to their song's best strengths.
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I *liked* the presentation. It was jank and clunky and Moldovan. The three acts, the sweater change, the obnoxiously bad sax playback, the bedroom dance moves that completented the song's bedroom karaoke vibe, Dav Jr.'s excellent hairline. Works for me! They HAD A VISION to craft a story of lockdown blues and social anxiety and I won't toss it in the bin just because it's trashy and out of vogue! It's Eurovision, and trashy also-rans have been a staple since the very beginning. Embrace them!
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The true reason why the Busker did this poorly was bad luck. They were on second in r/o, had no built-in vote bases (like Serbia) and directly competed with the OTT-LOUD entries from Croatia and Finland. Hurricane Käärijä landed and left only destruction in his wake. Put The Busker in Semi 2 and their total points rise to a similar level that Iru and Diljá got.
Of course, The Busker also dropped for me, but that's just the normal trajectory for gimmicky entries doing its work. When the joke is still fresh and funny, I'm into it the most, but once I've acclimatized my mind and the novelty has worn off and I'm just left with how much I like the music. As it turns out, "Dance" was fine fun semi filler and that's something I'm perfectly okay with. 😁
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If you were in charge of a live-action Aeon film, who would you cast for them?
it's not just about the looks but the ability to act as leon (and ada) and it would also help if they had combat skills. i know a lot of people like robert pattinson (for leon) but i'm skeptical
i'm also a big fan of no name actors because the problem for me specifically is that once i see an actor too much, i find it difficult to take them seriously in other roles- even if they're decent actors. they just don't change enough visually for me to see them as a different character (which ig is indicative of them not doing well in that particular role lol)
okay anyways
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people also like dylan sprouse and i do think he's a better actor than cole sjbfsj
the other obvious problems tho is that people are fancasting leon with ages that are wrong. like "young leonardo dicaprio" is fucking stupid, he's old as shit now
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gemma is a fan favourite but i really do not think she has the right voice or acting chops to pull of a realistic ada. she doesn't seem to pull off the type of coldness and to be as cut throat as ada is required to be sometimes. i do think visually, she's nearly perfect. but i don't see her fulfilling the role well
i also would REALLY prefer if the role of ada was filled with someone who was MOSTLY east asian or chinese.
lana condor is sweet, too sweet imo for ada - she has a young baby face imo
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and im doing the thing i said not to do sjdfbsjk but i do love kristin kreuk but i do think she's too old for the role now
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i loved Rina Sawayama in john wick 4 but she's japanese sjdfbsjkfs
i am not good at fan casting and i do not know many actors lol
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okwonyo · 7 months
if you had to create a groupe with your mutuals, who would it be and what position would they have? also what songs would be in your first album??
this is such fun ask where do u guys find those kind of ideas????
@boyfhee would be the leader and the main vocalist. like she got that mother of the nation vibe and i know she would eat those vocals.
@flwrshee would be the lead dancer and lead vocalist, sub rapper too. she has that ace kinda aura. ykwim.
okwonyo aka me. main dancer, visual, sub rapper and lead vocalist because i'm delusional like that !
@j1nniee lead dancer and fotg. she's just so sweet, i think she wouldn't have any haters. like she's my chuu. and lead dancer because she got that groove.
@dollikis main rapper, sub dancer and center ! she's cool and i just feel like she would write her own raps.
(our group wouldn't lack stage presence, dance or vocals like we that group frl)
for our first album, i would really like to perform cherub by coco&clairclair, rock u by kara, cherry by rina sawayama, in place in you by lil hero and u should feel special by thuy (⌒▽⌒)☆
thanks for this ask anonie, it was fun to make and i hope that's what you wanted !
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comradekatara · 1 year
I know you’ve answered the question if the atla characters would like rina sawayama before, but how about if there are songs of hers that fit them or ones they’d relate to?
i don't rly listen to her music (i mostly like her mvs bc her visuals are usually excellent, but i don't usually like pop) so this is more assorted thoughts than anything super coherent
"cherry" is a mailee song of course
"akaska sad" is a zuko in 3a returning to the fire nation mood
u know "XS" is that fn industrialization serve
p sure i've said this before but obv "dynasty" is a huge zuko song
"commes des garcons" is a v azula & toph song. their internalized misogyny slay (also i think abt this shiv vid all the time)
"forgiveness" is such a katara in "the southern raiders" song omg
"imagining" is thee mood for zuko's sanity spiral the whole time he's questioning good/bad (throughout the whole show basically)
"frankenstein" is obviously an azula song. enough said
"to be alive" is a sokka song. iykyk
"flavour of the month" is giving ty lee. willing objectification bc it resembles (the illusion of) control while simultaneously acerbically acknowledging how hollow it truly is!
i know "minor feelings" is obv quite literally a response to cathy park hong's book but it is giving mai tbqh
"chosen family" yeah that's the gaang <3
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camelliagwerm · 6 months
oh god i wasn't expecting 3 in one ask. anyway, as the cyberpunk mutual, you're getting three from carmen's playlist. apparently the theme is her relationship with specific men.
vampire — olivia rodrigo
i used to think i was so smart but you made me look so naive the way you sold me for parts as you sunk your teeth into me, oh
consider this an angry yet melancholic reflection on her relationship with her ex-husband - she's very intelligent (after all, she's a former arasaka counterintel agent and a netrunner), but her ex manipulated her into thinking he genuinely loved her, drained her energy dry until she was too tired to argue with him, and then took the few assets arasaka didn't take in their messy divorce - which she had no funds to fight, leaving her as a shell of who she was.
frankenstein — rina sawayama
oh, my god, this is so unbearable make it stop, this is more than medical all i want is to feel beautiful inside and out you're the one that can save me from myself destruction, 999, i need your help all i want is to feel beautiful
honestly the whole song is one big OOF for carmen, given her self-esteem issues following her divorce from her ex-husband. the pre-chorus makes me feel like this is something she's saying to river because she knows that she runs the risk of going full chrome / going under so much surgery from greedy ripperdocs just to make herself feel better - she doesn't want to become a cyberpsycho because her body can't handle the cyberware capacity, or become near unrecognisable visually.
stand in the fire — stan bush
sometimes, even heroes fall but you don't look back, you're giving it all, caught in between the fire and the flame you gather the strength as you taking the aim
and a song for johnny - a classic feeling rock song. her canon ending is don't fear the reaper/the sun combo. she knows she's dying as she storms arasaka, just her and johnny, and this is him encouraging her to stand her ground, gather her strength, her iron, her cyberdeck, her monowire. stand in the bloody halls of arasaka, and take vengenance and a stand against the corp for them both, for jackie, for alt and every other poor sod who has been crushed under the heel.
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gabriellaraelyn · 8 months
Hi, I'm Gabriella!
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A little about me:
What do I do? I'm a singer-songwriter & producer who owns my own label!
Pronouns? She/her
What genre is my music? I make predominantly 80s inspired music, so the genres I make are New Romantic, Synth Pop, New Wave, Dark Wave, and Retro Pop with Dream Pop and Alt Pop influences.
Similar artists to me? If you like MARINA, Lady Gaga, Depeche Mode, The Cure, a-ha, Rina Sawayama, Troye Sivan, Billie Eilish, and Allie X, you'll probably like my stuff!
Where am I based out of? I live in the Los Angeles area!
Where can you listen to my music? Everywhere you stream music! You can find my links a little further down below on this post.
What else do I do as an artist? Since I own my own label, I wear a lot of hats. I do some drawing and rudimentary animation for visualizers for my music, I do graphic design for my album artwork, and I'm my own marketer! I have also choreographed and directed my own music videos in the past, as well as filmed and edited them.
What do I like to do besides music? I like to embroider, draw, dance (specifically pole dance), play video games, watch anime, and listen to k-pop!
Where can we keep in touch?
Website (I also sell self-designed merch!)
Apple Music
Send me an ask if you don't see your streaming service/if you have another question!
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jpophotakes · 1 year
Lo Mejor Del J-Pop en Junio 2022 + Análisis del Mes (Parte 1)
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Otro mes más que se acaba, creo que este mes no supera a marzo, pero sí admito que este mes logró llamar mi atención mucho más la música que en meses pasados, sin embargo, como me ha pasado mucho este año, no he descubierto muchas canciones viejas y con lo nuevo como muchas veces estoy trabajando, algo me tiene que gustar mucho para volverlo a buscar y escucharlo otra vez. Lo que sí les digo es que este mes terminó bien porque Miliyah Kato sacó esta semana un single de r&b con Yo-Sea y muchos artistas urbanos sacaron singles esta semana, incluso Meychan que usualmente tiene canciones fastidiosas (casi no consigo utaites que no parezcan fastidiosos o aburridos hasta dormir) sacó un single más que decente.
Esta nota la voy a separar en dos: Lo viejo que conseguí y lo nuevo que salió que me gustó. Como soy indecisa, haré mi top en base a mi last.fm.
5. Creepy Nuts - 2way nice guy
No le había dado mucho chance a Creepy Nuts antes por falta de tiempo y este año sacaron una canción con los Yoasobi que para mí era un "No" inmediato porque ellos me aburren y me parecen simplones en cuánto a música se refiere (nada personal, sin embargo), Pero este mes sacaron 2way nice guy que está muy entretenida, esa mezcla como de instrumentales al estilo Tokyo Ska Paradise y el rap de ellos que suena ordinario, pero para el estilo de canción está bien.
4. Memory Of Sunset - Akira Takano
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(pulsar el botón de seguir leyendo para leer la nota completa)
Durante años le hice la cruz a los seiyuus y es más que todo porque siento que usualmente hacen cosas muy genéricas o hacen cosas que encajan demasiado con la percepción que tiene la gente internacional sobre el J-Pop (como mucho rock de anison o canciones denpa de lo más terribles), claro que no generalizo, el año pasado me habían gustado algunas canciones de Megumi Nakajima y el álbum de Kanda Sayaka pero igual, ese no es mi rubro porque siento que estos artistas apelan hacia un mercado y un público distinto así que es entendible que encajen más en lo que un fan del anime espera del J-Pop más que de lo que un fan de la industria de la música japonesa espera de la misma. Pero volviendo con Akira Takano, mi razón de darle una oportunidad fue porque tiene una canción producida por Taku Takahashi de m-flo y para mi sorpresa el álbum no tiene pérdidas. Memory Of Sunset es un track muy entretenido y tiene arreglos fuertes, es lo que busco en solistas masculinos.
3. I'm Not Just A Girl - Kumamoto Emi
Otro trabajo hecho por Taku Takahashi y muy bonito para Kumamoto Emi. Tbh, no me gustan este tipo de artistas femeninas medio idolescas (de eso tiene culpa mis días como K-Poper que me hacen huírle a este tipo de artistas a menudo) pero el debut de Emi Kumamoto me ha parecido excelente tanto a nivel musical como vocal, INJAG es una canción entretenida, con una buena estructura de canción, arreglos que no son originales pero que están muy bien llevados además de que Emi tiene una voz entre dulce y potente que le da buena vibra a la canción. En mi opinión no tiene desperdicio y para tratarse de un debut supieron manejar todo bien. Gracias Taku por hacer felices a los gays, Emi Kumamoto es diva material en una era donde no hay divas arrasando con los charts.
2. This Hell - Rina Sawayama
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Sé que Rina no es realmente J-Pop pero es japonesa y al igual que yo, le gustan las divas así que eso cuenta. This Hell es un track como muy pop-rock, pero lo aprecio porque las guitarras le dan un toque vintage que le sienta muy bien a la canción. Además de que Rina cuando interpreta esta canción en vivo se puede apreciar que es muy carismática y tiene buenos visuales, what a queen tbh.
1. Another Brain - Akira Takano
Otra vez Akira Takano, pero es que no todos los días alguien se puede dar el lujo de tener productores de primera en el campo de lo upbeat como lo son Taku Takahashi y Juvenile, SÍ, soy stan de m-flo y siento que su estilo es de las mejores cosas que han podido pasar en la industria de la música japonesa. Another Brain me hace feliz porque es todo lo que busco en una canción; tiene un estribillo muy pegadizo y hay mucha energía por parte de Akira. Como dije arriba, el álbum no tiene pérdida, de principio a fin, tiene una agradable mezcla de canciones upbeats con baladas que no son aburridas. Quizá el único contra es quizá no es un trabajo del todo original, pero lo que importa es que suena bien.
Este fue mi top de lo nuevo, en el siguiente post les hablaré de las cosas viejas que me gustaron este junio, recuerden hacer stream de 2LDK de Akira Takano en Spotify para limpiar la piel.
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