vlahovic · 2 years
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STRESS BURNOUT IPNOSI? Ipnosi e ipnosi DCS unica al mondo
🔴🇮🇹 PERCHÉ TI SENTI SOTTO PRESSIONE?!colpa di amici, la pubblicità, genitori, il passato, la tv ? La bella notizia e’ che non devi accettare nulla e nessuno e che puoi trasformarti in una persona positiva senza ma e senza se con il potere della tua mente e l’ipnosi DCS unica al mondo! Lo so che può sembrare una sciocchezza ma e’ ciò che è successo alla mia persona e a centinaia di persone…
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stefandreus · 2 years
Space & Time: A Compendium of The Orange Alabaster Mushroom
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ditinarosse2 · 6 months
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angelap3 · 3 days
Se avete due minuti, leggetela è bellissima!❤️😘❤️
Mentre mia moglie mi serviva la cena, mi feci coraggio e le dissi:
«voglio il divorzio».
Vidi il dolore nei suoi occhi, ma chiese dolcemente:
Non risposi e lei pianse tutta la notte. Mi sentivo in colpa, per cui sottoscrissi nell’atto di separazione che a lei restassero la casa, l’auto e il trenta per cento del nostro negozio. Lei quando vide l’atto lo strappò in mille pezzi e mi presentò le condizioni per accettare.
Voleva soltanto un mese di preavviso, quel mese che stava per cominciare i’indomani:
«devi ricordarti del giorno in cui ci sposammo, quando mi prendesti in braccio e mi portasti nella nostra camera da letto per la prima volta. In questo mese ogni mattina devi prendermi in braccio e devi lasciarmi fuori dalla porta di casa».
Pensai che avesse perso il cervello, ma acconsentii…
Quando la presi in braccio il primo giorno eravamo ambedue imbarazzati, nostro figlio invece camminava dietro di noi applaudendo e dicendo:
«grande papà, ha preso la mamma in braccio!»
il secondo giorno eravamo tutti e due più rilassati. Lei si appoggiò al mio petto e sentii il suo profumo sul mio maglione.
Mi resi conto che era da tanto tempo che non la guardavo. Mi resi conto che non era più così giovane, qualche ruga, qualche capello bianco.
Ii quarto giorno, prendendola in braccio come ogni mattina, avvertii che l’intimità stava ritornando tra noi: questa era la donna che mi aveva donato dieci anni della sua vita, la sua giovinezza, un figlio. Nei giorni a seguire ci avvicinammo sempre più.
Ogni giorno era più facile prenderla in braccio e il mese passava velocemente.
Pensai che mi stavo abituando ad alzarla, e per questo, ogni giorno che passava la sentivo più leggera. Mi resi conto che era dimagrita tanto.
L’ultimo giorno, nostro figlio entrò all’improvviso nella nostra stanza e disse:
«papà, è arrivato il momento di portare la mamma in braccio».
Per lui era diventato un momento basilare della sua vita.
Mia moglie lo abbracciò forte ed io girai la testa, ma dentro sentivo un brivido che cambiò il mio modo di vedere il divorzio. Ormai prenderla in braccio e portarla fuori cominciava ad essere per me come la prima volta che la portai in casa quando ci sposammo… la abbracciai senza muovermi e sentii quanto era leggera e delicata… mi venne da piangere!
Mi fermai in un negozio di fiori. Comprai un mazzo di rose e la ragazza del negozio mi disse:
«che cosa scriviamo sul biglietto?».
Le dissi:
«ti prenderò in braccio ogni giorno della mia vita finché morte non ci separi».
Arrivai di corsa a casa e con il sorriso sulla bocca, ma mi dissero che mia moglie era all’ospedale in coma…
Arrivai di corsa a casa e con il sorriso sulla bocca, ma mi dissero che mia moglie era all’ospedale in coma. Stava lottando contro il cancro ed io non me n’ero accorto.
Sapeva che stava per morire e per questo mi aveva chiesto un mese di tempo, un mese perché a nostro figlio rimanesse impresso il ricordo di un padre meraviglioso e innamorato della madre.
Lei aveva chiaro quali fossero I dettagli, I semplici dettagli, che contano in una relazione. Non sono la casa, la macchina, I soldi… queste sono cose effimere che sembrano saldare un’unione e invece possono dividerla.
A volte non diamo il giusto valore a ció che abbiamo fino a quando non lo perdiamo.
Autore sconosciuto
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anemptypuddingcup · 6 months
Don’t hide it.
Bruno Bucciarati x Female Reader.
Smut short.
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Contains: Bear w me I’m only on episode 14 of part 5. Self-insert but still referred as Reader. Confessing feelings trope somewhat. Bruno & Reader speaking Italian. (From google translate ofc- not the most accurate but…yeah) Oral (Reader receiving). Doggy style. There’s a bit of groping and body praise in this. Really just focusing on Reader’s pleasure. I’m having Bruno brain rot okay?-, this may be the only time i’m pulling out of one piece-
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You liked Bruno.
Well- not necessarily liked him…but that’s the best way to put it. You couldn’t help it but to feel this way about him, he was just so beautiful to you. Even if he was a mafioso, that didn’t bother you and it didn’t stop you from holding these feelings deep inside.
Though there wasn’t anything you could do about it, you had to keep them hidden from him as to not disrupt him and his work. It may have sounded stupid…but that was the best excuse to not confess your feelings to him.
Though Bruno began to catch on to you and your feelings. The way you acted every time he was around your body gave him a good idea on how you’ve felt about him. Even if he was a busy man, you were a reason for him to stop and take a nice break from all the bullshit and such.
A simple walk and talk didn’t bother anyone. You were surprised when he finally came up to you and spoke.
With his hands reaching out to your rosy cheeks, you couldn’t help but to freeze at the sudden gesture. His fingers traced your jawline and you couldn’t help but tremble at his touch. You nearly reached your hand up to grab his but you held yourself back.
“Ah, mio caro. my dear Is everything alright? You look like as if you’re catching a fever…” His soft hands cup your face while he stares down into your eyes. His sapphire eyes sparkled like no other, brighter than any diamond or gem in the world. You couldn’t help but to fold at his touch, his soft and large hands cradles your cheeks with care. “Bruno…” You whisper out his name softly, your face beet red and burning hot against his hands.
Bruno chuckles as he pulls away, walking away from you and making your face droop into a pout. A hand grasping yours catches your attention and you look up at Bruno who was urging you to follow him. “Follow me mio caro. There’s obviously something you’re hiding and I’m going to pry it out of you.” He says firmly, pulling you along while you both walked over to a wall.
Summoning his stand Sticky Fingers, he unzips a zipper that was plastered onto the wall and pulls you though the portal.
Stepping through the portal, your feet land onto floorboards. Looking around, you realize that you’re in Bruno’s home, not too fancy yet not too plain. He pulls your arm and you continue to follow, walking through the kitchen and down the hallway into his bedroom.
“Bruno- Where’re we going?” You asked him, quirking a brow as you looked around his home. “To my room of course, tesoro amore. darling love” He hummed, stopping at his bedroom door and twisting the knob. He opens the door and your both met with a beautiful queen-sized bed that was neatly made. “Come mio caro.” Bruno says sweetly, guiding you over to his bed.
You were close to being frozen like a statue, why did he bring you into his home or his room for that matter? Apart from that, it’s smelled so wonderful. His strong scent made the sticky arousal pool between your legs, making you shudder while a few heavy breaths left your lips. “Proprio qui, tesoro. right here honey Lay back on my bed.” He says to you softly, looking into your pretty eyes. You obey and slowly set yourself onto the soft bedding and Bruno releases your hand. Crouching on his knees, he places his hands to your inner thighs and pushes you back, making you yelp out in nervousness.
“B-Bruno!” You yelled, a bit startled as you pressed your hand to his temple. He smirks to you and lifts your skirt, his eyes peering down at your cute panties. “Rilassati mio caro, relax my dear didn’t I say I was going to pry the feelings out of you?” Bruno chuckles, tracing a finger along your soaking heat. You mewl out as you felt him run his fingers along your slit, occasionally teasing your clit in the process. You mewl out softly, trying to close your thighs to prevent him from going any further.
Though you couldn’t deny that you loved getting this type of attention.
Pressing his hands against your thighs, he keeps them spread open while he moves his face in between your thighs. He presses a smooch against your clothed clit before suckling, moaning at your sweet flavor. “Oh god amore mio~ my love You taste so divine, let me pull these off for you~” He mewls out, releasing his grip on your thighs before pulling your pretty panties off.
He moans out as he sees a string of slick disconnecting from your sticky cunt, admiring how soaking you were for him. “Mio mio, my my such a beautiful pussy you have amore mio~ Per favore fatemelo assaggiare~ Please let me taste it” He mewls out, pressing a smooch to your clit before sliding his tongue along your folds. You gasp out as he held on to your thighs, slurping and lapping up your juices while your toes began to curl within your loafers.
“S-So good~ That feels nice Bruno~” You moan out, shaking as you pressed your hand to his pretty yet soft strands. Bruno gasps out from your flavor, his thumb moving up to rub and circle your clit while he slowly slid his tongue past your entrance. Your thighs squeeze softly around his head and he huffs out, his tongue massaging your walls yet hitting the sweetest spots deep inside of you,
You gasp out as you felt his tongue graze your g-spot and Bruno chuckles lightly before pinching your clit. You gasp out out and look down at Bruno, his indigo eyes staring up into yours. “Well amore mio? How does this feel?~” He asks, pulling back and pressing smooches against your pussy. “I-It feels so good Bruno~ Cosí bueno~ so good” You mewl out to him, your face hot and dusted with blush. Bruno’s brows raise and he hums out before continuing, playing with your pretty pussy.
You begin to wiggle your hips, mewling out as he pleasured your pussy with his tongue. You grew more vocal as you watched Bruno slurp and suckle at your pussy, his groans growing louder as he grew addicted to your taste. You feel him pull your hips closer into his lips, his fingers scratching against your hips as he slurped up your juices.
“Ah!~ Ah Bruno!~ I-I’m close Bruno!~” You gasp out, throwing your head back as he practically fucked you with his tongue. He groans out and pulls back from your push once more, looking up into your eyes full of lust. “Mmh cum for me baby, vieni per me, tesoro!~ come for me, darling!” Bruno hums out, pressing his lips back against your pussy. “I-I’m going to!~ Oh god I’m going to!~” You gasp out, your loafers slipping off of your feet as you lift your legs a bit higher.
Bruno keeps your legs up, keeping them bent back while he begin to slurp at your pussy aggressively. “Ah! M-M’gonna cum!~ Oh god Bruno!~” You gasp out and arch your back as you cream around his tongue, your body shaking heavily as you came. Bruno hums out as he tasted your sweet essence, his chin and such already covered in your slick while your cum coated his tongue.
Bruno pulls back and breathes heavily, a string of slick tearing from your pussy and his lips. “Così gustoso, so tasty your taste is so divine sweetheart.” He gasps out, getting up off of his knees and trailing his tongue along his lips. He wipes your slick from his chin onto his sleeve, staring down at your precious yet weakened body. He presses his hands to either side of you, looking down into your eyes with a sweet smile.
“Bontà tesoro~ goodness darling Look at how hard you’ve made me…My cock yearns for you and your wonderful pussy~” Bruno hums out, staring down at the bulge prodding within his pants. You slowly sit up and Bruno helps you by pulling your body farther into the bed and flipping you over. “Sit up my dear, on all fours please.” Bruno says, placing his hands to your hips. You obey and lift your ass up into the air, arching your back while you started into his eyes.
Bruno unbuttons his pants and pulls them down halfway, his cock slowly popping out and hitting up against his jacket. You hum out as you stared at his length, a little blush dusting your cheeks as you gave him a lustful stare. He unbuttons his jacket shortly afterward, revealing his pretty chest and his tummy to you.
Bruno grabs your hand and placed it softly against his chest, sliding it along his skin. “Ti piace quello che vedi? Do you like what you see?” He asks, tilting his head while his strands followed. “Si, si lo faccio~ yes, yes I do.” You mewl out, feeling along his skin while your body trembles from how hot his skin was. Bruno moves in closer to you, pressing his lips against the skin of your shoulder while he began to touch and feel along your skin.
“Ahh~ B-Bruno~”
“Così bello~ so beautiful Your body is so soft…so wonderful~”
You feel Bruno move his hands along your skin, tracing your body and running against your curves. You gasp out and jolt as you feel his hands slide under your sweater and reach to your breasts, grasping and massaging them softly and admiring how beautiful they were. You moan out softly and wiggle your hips against his, pressing your ass up against his length.
“Bruno…” You call out to him, giving him a little pout as you stared into his eyes. Bruno smirks and and moves in close to your face, staring into your eyes. “Cosa c'è, mio ​​caro?~ what is it my dear? Are you ready for me?~” He asks you, chuckling as he moves his hands from your breasts and runs them along your ass. You mewl out and nod your head, laying your head up against his soft pillow and inhaling his scent.
“Alright amore mio, I’ll take it slow for you my love~” He whispers to you, standing up onto his knees. He drools out a glob of spit out onto your ass, the feeling of it running down your slit and along your pussy making you shiver. He slides his tip along your slit, sighing out before he presses it against your entrance. “Please tell me if it hurts, okay mio caro? I want you to feel wonderful pleasure…not pain.” He tells you, his hair swishing as he moves his head towards yours.
“I will Bruno…” You whisper to him, hugging his pillow tight against your face.
He slowly pushes in past your entrance, a little gasp leaving his lips as his brows begin to furl. Your cunt sucks him in hungrily, and he groans out shakily while you moan out from the slightly painful stretch. “B-Bruno~” You whine out, your body trembling as he took it slow. “Relax honey, you’re almost at the base of my cock~” Bruno huffs out, holding on to your hips as he slowly thrusts into you. You feel his cock kissing your cervix as he stuffs the rest of his length deep inside of your pussy.
A heavy gasp leaves your lips as you felt so full from his length. “Mmh~ La tua figa è così divina. your pussy is so divine. It’s so warm and tight around my cock~” He hums out to you, pressing smooches against your upper back. You gasp out shakily as he waited for you to adjust to his length. You could feel him pulsating deep within your walls, his warmth inside of yours already making you melt.
He finally begins to move his hips, thrusting into your pussy slowly yet deep. You moan out as you listened to the sound of his gasps and the sound of his hips slapping against your ass. His cock felt so good, thrusting and hitting the sweetest spots deep inside of your pussy. It was starting to get more challenging to contain your moans.
“Hah~ Mmgh!~ B-Bruno!~” You moan out Bruno’s as he pumps his cock into you a bit faster. Heavy breaths leaves his lips as he pulled your hips farther back onto his, fucking into you a bit deeper as he huffs out.
“Dimmi che ti piace, mia cara~ tell me you like it my dear I want to hear you moan out about how good my cock feels inside of you~” Bruno whispers to you, heavy breaths falling onto your ear while your pussy massages his cock so wonderfully. “Lo adoro, lo adoro così tanto~ I love it, I love it so much I-It feels so good!~” You mewl shakily and hug your pillow a bit tighter, moaning your lungs out while his cock repeatedly kisses your cervix.
Bruno chuckles and lies you down against the mattress, wanting you to relax your legs while he fucked you. He fucks you into the mattress, biting his bottom lip tight as your pussy tightens around his length. You gasp out as your eyes begin to roll up, a whine leaving you as you felt him wrap his strong arms around your body. “B-Bruno!~ H-Harder Bruno!~” You moan out, your toes curling while you held in tight to his pillow.
Bruno smiles and obeys, fucking your pussy like a wild animal while sloppy sounds begins to echo throughout his bedroom. His bed begins rock from the harshness of his thrusts, with the headboard repeatedly hitting the wall. “Ah~ Mio caro~ I-I’m close~ Can you feel me twitching inside of your pussy?” Bruno moans out, burying his face between the soft skin of your neck. Your brows furrowed as you gasp out, gripping the pillowcase tight as you felt yourself yearning to cum on on his cock.
“B-Bruno!~ I-I’m gonna cum! M’so close!~” You whine out, looking back to him with a pleasureful face. Bruno presses a smooch to your cheek and gasps out, his hands groping your breasts once again while he continues to fuck you. “Cum on my cock amore mio~” He whispers to you, chuckling before letting out a sharp gasp.
You huff out as you felt Bruno fuck you just a tad bit harder, your moans growing louder as you felt yourself so close on the edge. Bruno pinches your nipples a bit, throwing you over the edge and making you gasp out. “Cum mio caro, cum for me~” Bruno growls, making you shudder a bit. You whimper out before nodding, your toes curling while your legs begin to shudder.
“Yes! Y-Yes Bruno!~ Oh god! M-M’cumming!~” You moan out loudly as you clench tight around Bruno’s length, creaming around his cock before breathing out heavily. Bruno gives your push a few more thrusts before he begins to huff heavily, humping into your cunt and chasing after his high.
“Fuck F-Fuck! I’m coming my dear!~” Bruno gasps out, pulling out of your pussy before he shoots cum out onto your back. His hot seed burns your skin a bit and you moan out shakily beneath him. He moves his hands from your breasts and rubs your back softly, soothing you while you recovered from your from your orgasm.
Soft meals leaves your lips as he rubs your back, pressing soft smooches against your skin and down your back. “So pretty~ Così bello mio cara~ so beautiful my dear.” Bruno hums, continuously pressing smooches against your skin.
“Bruno…Ti amo I love you Bruno…” You hun out to him, looking back at him with soft eyes. Bruno smiles and presses a smooch to your lips followed by your cheek and jawline. “Ti amo anch'io mia cara. I love you too my dear.” He whisper to you before going back to pressing kisses against your skin.
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canesenzafissadimora · 2 months
Rilassati. Raccogliti. Allontana da te ogni altro pensiero. Lascia che il mondo che ti circonda sfumi nell'indistinto.
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Italo Calvino
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ma-pi-ma · 8 months
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Allontana da te ogni altro pensiero.
Lascia che il mondo che ti circonda sfumi nell'indistinto.
Italo Calvino
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morganadiavalon · 1 month
Ma con tutto questo disordine attorno, sembra addirittura sporcizia che inonda la tua stanza, chi è costei o costui che si lascia infilare un fallo di gomma in figa?? Chiamate i sanitari piuttosto...
Sì, ma rilassati, zio!
Se poi ti vuoi proporre per dare una pulita, a te invece che il dildo metto la scopa nel culo, così magari ti plachi ❤
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frammenti--di--cuore · 7 months
Stavo pensando, dopo aver sorriso da stupida ad un gioco sulla switch che mi ha detto "stai andando alla grande", che frasi di questo tipo dovrebbero essere dette a tutte le persone a cui vogliamo bene, così senza un motivo. In un momento random della giornata prendersi 2 secondi per regalare un piccolo sorriso a qualcuno di importante, per dirgli "rilassati amico, stai andando alla grande, ti voglio bene". Dovrebbe essere legge.
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libero-de-mente · 8 months
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Uno dei monologhi più belli che mi hanno colpito, quello conclusivo del film “The Big Kahuna”
Goditi potere e bellezza della tua gioventù.
Ma non ci pensare. Il potere di bellezza e gioventù lo capirai solo una volta appassite.
Credimi, tra vent’anni guarderai quelle tue vecchie foto e in un modo che non puoi immaginare adesso.
Quante possibilità avevi di fronte e che aspetto magnifico avevi.
Non eri per niente grasso come ti sembrava.
Non preoccuparti del futuro.
Oppure preoccupati, ma sapendo che ti aiuta quanto masticare un chewing-gum per risolvere un’equazione algebrica.
I veri problemi della vita saranno sicuramente cose che non ti erano mai passate per la mente.
Di quelle che ti pigliano di sorpresa alle quattro di un pigro martedì pomeriggio.
Fa’ una cosa, ogni giorno che sei spaventato: canta.
Non esser crudele col cuore degli altri.
Non tollerare la gente che è crudele col tuo.
Lavati i denti.
Non perder tempo con l’invidia. A volte sei in testa. A volte resti indietro.
La corsa è lunga e alla fine è solo con te stesso.
Ricorda i complimenti che ricevi, scordati gli insulti. Se ci riesci veramente, dimmi come si fa.
Conserva tutte le vecchie lettere d’amore, butta i vecchi estratti conto.
Non sentirti in colpa se non sai cosa vuoi fare della tua vita.
Le persone più interessanti che conosco, a ventidue anni non sapevano che fare della loro vita. I quarantenni più interessanti che conosco, ancora non lo sanno.
Prendi molto calcio.
Sii gentile con le tue ginocchia, quando saranno partite ti mancheranno.
Forse ti sposerai o forse no.
Forse avrai figli o forse no.
Forse divorzierai a quarant’anni.
Forse ballerai con lei al settantacinquesimo anniversario di matrimonio.
Comunque vada, non congratularti troppo con te stesso, ma non rimproverarti neanche. Le tue scelte sono scommesse. Come quelle di chiunque altro.
Goditi il tuo corpo. Usalo in tutti i modi che puoi. Senza paura e senza temere quel che pensa la gente. È il più grande strumento che potrai mai avere.
Balla. Anche se il solo posto che hai per farlo è il tuo soggiorno.
Leggi le istruzioni, anche se poi non le seguirai.
Non leggere le riviste di bellezza. Ti faranno solo sentire orrendo.
Cerca di conoscere i tuoi genitori. Non puoi sapere quando se ne andranno per sempre. Tratta bene i tuoi fratelli. Sono il migliore legame con il passato e quelli che più probabilmente avranno cura di te in futuro.
Renditi conto che gli amici vanno e vengono. Ma alcuni, i più preziosi, rimarranno.
Datti da fare per colmare le distanze geografiche e gli stili di vita.
Perché più diventi vecchio, più hai bisogno delle persone che conoscevi da giovane.
Vivi a New York per un po’, ma lasciala prima che t’indurisca.
Vivi anche in California per un po’, ma lasciala prima che ti rammollisca.
Non fare pasticci coi capelli, se no quando avrai quarant’anni sembreranno di un ottantacinquenne.
Sii cauto nell’accettare consigli, ma sii paziente con chi li dispensa. I consigli sono una forma di nostalgia. Dispensarli è un modo di ripescare il passato dal dimenticatoio, ripulirlo, passare la vernice sulle parti più brutte e riciclarlo per più di quel che valga.
Ma accetta il consiglio… per questa volta.
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ragazzoarcano · 8 months
“Riposa, rilassati e lascia andare.
Lasciare andare è il segreto della vita. Lasciare andare è il segreto della religione. Lasciare andare è il più grande segreto.”
— Osho
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susieporta · 4 months
Metti in moto l'energia e poi fatti da parte...
Devi sapere quando agire e quando aspettare e lasciar fare all'energia.
Ci sono cose che non possiamo controllare; ci sono cose che non dobbiamo controllare.
Le cose che desideri ti arriveranno solo quando smetterai di cercarle con troppa insistenza, quando smetterai di forzare la mano all'esistenza.
La vita segue i suoi ritmi...
Goditi ciò che hai nel frattempo.
Magari scopri di non avere affatto bisogno di ciò che credi sia così indispensabile per vivere bene, per stare bene. Chissà.
Rilassati e goditi il momento.
Roberto Potocniak
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canesenzafissadimora · 4 months
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Esistono persone che vivono in un mondo tutto loro.
Fatto di ritmi blandi.
Di tempi rilassati.
Con animo calmo.
e me li ritrovo davanti sempre io...
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