Chapter 3
Drake rolled over onto his side and reached for his iPhone that was sitting on the night stand next to him in his hotel room. He hesitated before picking up the phone and searching through his contacts for a number. He found the number he was looking for and let out a deep sigh before pressing the dial button to place the call.
Drake: Hey man its drake….uh… listen I know that I’m supposed to be at the VIP room in a few hours for the party, but I think im just gonna lay low tonight. I know we were supposed to be going all the way UP tonight, but I think its best if I just lay low this weekend.
Rorrey:  Ok man…You sure? Everything good though?
Drake: Yeah, everything’s all good brother.  I’m just feeling a bit under the weather you know? That long ass flight did me in harder than I anticipated man. So we just gonna’ stay at the hotel tonight and chill.
He knew it wasn’t his place to mention to rorrey what was going on between him and his sister. It was still very fresh. Plus he figured that his sister would eventually make it known to her family that they were done for good this time.
“ Ok bro, it’s all good. We gine turn di place up for you tonight still” Rorrey said in a thick bajan accent.
Drake: More life bredda. Link soon next time we in the states.
  After he got off the phone with Rorrey, drake laid back on his king sized bed and looked up at the ceiling. He couldn’t believe that less than two hours ago he had gotten into the biggest argument of his lifetime. He was just in the happiest place he’d ever been in since he had gotten famous, and now he felt like he was at the lowest point he’s ever been in his life. Ironically enough, the same thing that brought him the greatest joy and happiness a few months back, was also the same thing currently causing him to fall into a state of depression and hopelessness: Robyn!
He tried to relax and take his mind off of what had just taken place but he couldn’t. It bothered him so much that he had to smoke two blunts to calm himself down. Never in his life had he ever reached the level of anger and stress that he’d just experienced. Now he just remained alone in a large luxury penthouse suite in Abu Dhabi. He had booked the suite months in advance with the intentions of having a romantic getaway with Rih after the last show of her tour. He was going to cover the entire suite in roses and candles, and fill up the bathtub, which was located directly in front of the huge king sized bed. It was supposed to be the night that he would ask her to move to Toronto with him. He imagined that she would say yes like the rider she is, and then they would proceed to make love for hours in the tub, just as they had done the night he asked her to be his girlfriend at the aquarium.
But that fantasy never became reality. She had broken up with him in the beginning of October over the phone while he was chilling in Toronto, and she was working on a fashion show in Paris, just because she suspected that he was cheating on her due to rumors that had been swirling around. Besides the dry happy birthday text she sent to his work phone on his birthday, they had barely spoken since then. When he arrived in Dubai he had hopes of  having a face to face conversation and potentially rekindling their fairly new relationship. He called her up when he heard that she had landed from a source at the airport.
*****FLASHBACK ******************ROBYN POV***************
Robyn: Hello?
Drake: Hey rih, it’s me.
He didn’t say his name but she knew his voice like the back of her hand. She got up out of her chair in the hotel bathroom and made her way to the living room for privacy.
“Hey….” Robyn replied coldly. This nigga got some nerve, she thought to herself.
Drake: Listen, I know we haven’t spoken in a while, and we aren’t on the best of terms right now. I just…I really want you to know that I am truly sorry for ever making you feel anything less than happy. I haven’t been able to sleep much since we split. I know it’s a stretch, but since we’re both here in Dubai, I was thinking….. that maybe we could meet up and talk.
Rih: What is there even to talk about Aubrey? I already told you that I think it’s best for the both of us that we just go our separate ways for good since we cant never seem to get on di same page.” Robyn said with annoyance in her voice. She was in the middle of getting her hair done and he was calling her with his nonsense. Sure, you could say that she still had love for him, but after she let Chris play her for a fool one too many times, she vowed to always follow her intuition when it comes to relationships. Her intuition had been telling her for months that drake was full of secrets and shit.
Drake: I understand that your mind is made up, but me and you were good friends at one point and we’ve been knowing each other for years. I just want a chance to talk things out in a calm manner. If you still don’t believe me, then we can at least have some closure.
Rih thought about it silently for a few seconds. One of the things she always regretted about leaving a relationship abruptly is not tying up loose ends. She recently met someone that she saw potential in. She hoped to put her past behind her and move on from all the pain she experienced in her life. Maybe then, would true love and happiness find her again. So she needed to stop the cycle of her and drake breaking up to make up.
Rih: “OK.” She said with defeat. You and I can meet up privately in my hotel room tomorrow. Im staying at the Atlantis. Come at night time when it’s not so many people hanging around and I will have one of my guards escort you to my suite.
“Ok. I’ll be there” Drake said with relief. He was finally going to get one last chance to make it right between the two of them. He hoped that she would see that he was being genuine.
After Rih hung up the phone with Drake she walked back into the bathroom. She told Yusef that she wanted to do curls instead of bone straight like she originally said, so he left the room to go get his curling iron from his hotel room. She knew that it was going to be very difficult trying to end things for good with drake because he was so dedicated and persistent, but at the same time it was best for the mental health and sanity of them both, because their relationship had become toxic. Tomorrow she was going to say goodbye for the last time to a man that she once saw forever with. And she was going to make damn sure she looked on point from head to toe, even though she was going to be a mess on the inside.
To be continued…………
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shadesofblack-ff · 8 years
Robyn He was acting distant and quiet. I'd tried talking to him but he kept responding with one word answers, intermittently taking phone calls and barking orders. I knew that his parents news was getting to him, this new child and her past stirring up old ghosts. Ghosts that Aubrey liked to keep hidden but very close. I wanted him to feel like he could tell me anything, that no matter what he said I wouldn't lol t him any different. After several failed attempts at starting a conversation I chose the one topic that I knew he couldn't and wouldn't resist. I felt kind of bad taking the easy route but he had left me no choice. "What did you mean before when you said I just have to let you?" We were sitting at the bar in the kitchen, I was eating a bowl of cereal. It was amusing watching him prepare it for me. I was really to nervous to eat at Aubrey's parents house and was starving by the time we got back to his home. He took a sip of his drink and looked me over before he answered. "In the limo?" "Yeah." I nodded as I answered, waiting to see if the fish would take the bait. "Do you really want to know Robyn?" There was something in the way he said it, that gave me a moments pause. Did I really want to know… "Yea, I think so." I exhaled loudly, with a shrug of my shoulders, still not sure. He smiled and took my near empty bowl out of my hands. He kissed the top of my head and lead me back down the hallway, to the play room. I was beginning to wish I didn't ask. There was something about that room that made me really excited and really terrified at the same time. There was also this lingering feeling, something I couldn't place; Maybe it was the ghosts of the fifteen women that came before me. I wondered about them. I wondered if he treated them the way he's been treating me; with such care and concern. I wondered if they cared for him the way I did; so much so quickly. If they felt how I was feeling, standing in this huge vanilla scented room, with fearful anticipation. Full of want and hunger, fear and dread. He stood before me, his body tall, shoulders wide. He was more himself here than any place I had seen him. He was relaxed, at ease in this familiar environment. "You see Robyn there's shit I can do to you in here, things that will make you scream, cry, beg…I can make you feel like everything is possible, because in here everything is. But there is a price for that, you have to give yourself over to me, one hundred percent." My stomach dropped as he spoke, the tone in his voice sent a shiver down my spine. Everything is possible… "So I wouldn't have a say, in what you did to me. I don't know if I could do that Aubrey. To have no say at all?" I crossed my arms around myself, as my eyes wandered around the room. I felt small, and on the defensive. My mind flashing back to that night into the hotel room with Deshaun. "No, you wouldn't not unless you have a safe word. But we would discuss your limits before hand." "Uh, ok what's a safe word?" How could I even be entertaining this, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Playrooms and safe words, limits, submission, the fuck? "It's a word of your choosing that would tell me when you've had enough or you can't take it". "Stop, no, please… those don't work." "No because you wouldn't really mean them." "So would we draw up a contract of do's and don'ts" "If you were my sub, yes. But you're not, nor will you ever be my sub, so no contracts. Just an understanding that when we are in this room, you're mine to do with what I please with the exception of your limits." I kind of felt like I was his sex slave to do what he pleased. He had bended me around quite enough already, not that I was complaining but what more could he really do. I was out of my depth in so many ways. "So what are your limits Aubrey?" "I don't like fire or burning. As you know I can't be touched in certain places." "I see, and your previous subs… what were their limits?" "It was different for everyone, some didn't like anal, some didn't want to be fisted. Others didn't want to be gagged." "I wouldn't want to be fisted or gagged either." "But anal is fine?" "Uh, no… I mean… um… I don't know… maybe… I have no idea." "See and this is what we would work out…after that it is all very freeing Robyn. Then the fun would begin?" "Like what for example?" He looked at me with a small smirk on his face, his eyebrows raised in question "I'm not asking or agreeing, I'm curious what this room entails." "Well that's a loaded question. First I would have you strip naked and kneel in the corner until I was ready for you. From there the sky is the limit. I've wanted to spank you since the moment we met." "Are you serious?" My eyes were wide, I thought back to that first moment we met and I couldn't help but smile. "Very serious, I wanted to put you over that leather chair in the study, lift up your dress and spank you over and over until you came. Then I would fuck you from behind." "I see." My inner goddess swooned, while my inner feminist was making protest signs. I had never been more conflicted, horrified and turned at the same time. "I have also wanted to tie you to this bed, your hands and your feet bound so you can't move, I have this leather crop. I think you would appreciate it." "A crop, like for horses. You want to beat me with a crop and fuck me." Holy shit, he had some fucking nerve. This isn't what I wanted. I wanted a man who would make love to me, flowers and hearts and all that shit… Not spankings and riding crops. "Robyn, it wouldn't be like that, trust me. You would love every second of it. You are made for this, I realized that in the limo tonight. You liked it when I had your hands bound, and you have that little flash of pain. You came harder because of it." He was right, I did. It was so intense and overwhelming and exciting. My body didn't even feel like my own, it felt like his. I could fell my heart rate quicken, I swallowed trying to relax. "Ok, I've heard enough. I'm really exhausted. Can we go to sleep now." "Just sleep?" he looked disappointed as I shook my head yes. Like a little boy who was just told no. "Yes, I have work tomorrow and honestly I'm really sore… like really really sore…" Every muscle in my body ached, not to mention the throbbing pain in my vagina. "Baby you should have said something…" "No its fine, I just want to sleep. I know you don't like me in your bed so maybe Sawyer should just take me home." I didn't want to leave I liked being here with him, around him. "No Robyn, we just left your place…I want you here. I like you in my bed but…" "But you don't want to wake up with my head on your chest again." "No I don't, but there is a solution to this problem." "What you tie me up so I cant move?" His face lit up at my suggestion. "That's not a bad idea actually but no. I'll just have to hold you." Aubrey I watched Robyn as she slid into my bed, her small frame leaning against mine. She let out a small sigh of relief as her head hit the pillow and my arms wrapped around her. She was in one of my tee-shirts a makeshift night gown, it hung off her body in such an appealing way I wanted to… No, she was sore. Of course she was, I wasn't gentle in the limo. Not even a little bit but I did restrain myself, had I done what I really wanted to do we would still be in there with poor Sawyer diving us around the city. I had felt crazed since leaving my parents house. The news of this small child, being beaten and abused left for dead was too much for me to bare. I knew these things happen every second of every day all over the world. But this child had a connection to my mother and therefore had a connection to me. I knew better than anyone the effects an abusive childhood could have. Here I have this lovely, virginal innocent woman in my bed and I'm telling her about subs, and playroom, whips and crops. I'm a horrible man, but God help me I couldn't stop myself. My mind racing with all the things I could do with her. It had been such a long time since I had been in that room with someone. All these months trolling clubs, randomly fucking for the sake of fucking; no last names no limits. I could feel Robyn move and then wince and I felt like an even bigger asshole. I fucked her her four times, I should've waited, given her body a chance to recover. But it was too good. "Baby you ok?" I nuzzled my nose behind her neck and kissed her ear, I could feel her shudder just a bit, so I did it again. "Yes, I'm fine… just tired… I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow." "Robyn you don't have to do shit." "No Aubrey YOU don't have to do shit. The rest of us have bills to pay." If she had any idea about the bills I pay she would lose her mind. "Look all I'm saying is that…" "Aubrey would you stop, please. I'm going to work tomorrow." "Fine…" "I just wish…never mind, it don't matter what I wish.. It is what it is…" There's an immense sadness in her voice, full of regret and angst and it saddens me that Robyn is so defeated. That six months out of school and the world has beaten her into a cubicle doing something she hates. My anger for that nigga Deshaun grows by the day, all this hate for a man I haven't even met yet. "Robyn… I want to ask you something…" "Um, ok?" "What happened with you and that nigga in New Orleans?" It had been driving me crazy, thinking that some asshole put his hands on her and she didn't want him to. And to add insult to injury blacklisting her,TF? I had made a few phone calls and she was right, he had called all the publishing houses in the area. "Well…um… he was always a little touchy. But no one seemed to say anything or mind… And I wasn't interested in him… So I just thought it was what it was. But he was also snide, you know… even mean. But it was usually because he was having a bad day and he was my boss so I dealt with it. When the trip to New Orleans came up I was actually excited to go. He really sold me on it, and I thought it was going to be a huge stepping stone." I could hear her voice waiver and crack and I wanted to rip his fucking face off. "Anyway we get there and we had this small meeting in the offices and then dinner with the team. It was nice, he went out of his way to include me…So we go back to the hotel and he asks me to come to his room, to go over some stuff for the big meeting the next day. I object and ask if we can do it down stairs instead. He agrees, saying we can work and have a drink but he needs my help getting the paperwork and laptops to bring down. I stupidly agreed and…" She stops and takes a deep breath, I pulled her body closer to mine and she relaxes against me. "Robyn, its ok…" "Uh, he slapped me. Like really hard… I didn't see it coming. Its all kind of a blur after that. And then he pushed me on the bed and tore my dress… it was Mel's dress actually… He was saying awful things as he was kissing me, or trying to kiss me…But then I heard my dads voice in my head and I kneed him in the balls, and then I kicked him when he was down." The anger and rage was pumping through my body, I was forcing myself to calm down, for her sake. I couldn't wait for dude to get what was coming to him. "You kicked him?" "Twice actually and then I ran…Grabbed my stuff and hightailed it to the airport." "That son of a bitch…" We laid there for a while, her back to my front, her body tucked into mine. Her gentle breathing calming me down. "You know what Aubrey he did me a favor… if not for him… I wouldn't be right here… right now…" I smiled at the thought as I kissed the back of her head. "Fair point well made."
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ANTI 2: Still The Devil
I was bothered, angry really, but then I was zipping up my hoodie to hide the fact that my nipples were hard. Guilt was trying to strangle me because it was wrong to feel like this toward anyone not named Cai. The fucking we did with strangers, that was shared, consensual. We cooperated but holding a secret attraction to someone who had the means to ruin my marriage, that was singular to me.
I hated him.
Even when I knew I was at fault, I found reason to hold him responsible. I’d done things with him, things that were never supposed to take place after a relationship had formed and an engagement began. I had fucked after both, more times than I could remember. While my girlfriend and then fiance had put all her faith in me, I had desecrated it by laying with him. It had been years since anything had taken place, but time changed nothing.
I was still a traitorous, treacherous philandering bitch 👑
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funnythingsff · 9 years
Chapter 12
Robyn’s Pov 
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“I want to meet your daughter” as soon as the words leave his mouth I drop my fork again, pausing for a moment trying to gather my thought together. “Wha…what ?” I stutter with a confused look on my face.
“I want to meet your daughter” he repeats smiling at me but his face showing a hint of worry.
“Tonight?” I ask
“Yeah tonight”
“Drake I’m not……”
“ I have been seeing you for a while and I feel like I can’t fully know you without knowing her. I really think we are ready for this next step” drake says intertwining my hand into his.
“Yeah your right. It just that you’re the first guy that I have seriously talked to since Michael and I know that once you meet her this will all be real and we’ll be real. And I'm scared to be honest”.
“ It’s okay Robyn I understand your worry, but know I will try my best to never hurt you or your daughter”
“Okay then, Tonight ” I smile at him then lean across the table and gives him a quick peck on the lips.
“What was that for” drake asks confused
“I don’t know, you’re just saying all the right things, you could be trying to play me but if you are I’m falling for it”
“Alright well, I have a few more surprises for you tonight”. Suddenly he pulls a navy rectangle box from the inside of his pocket and sit it on the table in front of me. I look from the box to his face and he gives me a nod, giving me the okay to open the box. Grabbing the box off the table, pulling the top of it off, it revealing a beautiful necklace. I gasp. It has a silver chain, with an owl pendent outline in diamonds.
“Oh my god babe it’s beautiful”
“I want you to carry around a piece of me wherever you go” Drake says as I blush.
“Put it on me” Drake gets up from his seat, walks over to me and picks up the necklace. He pulls my hair towards the back and places the necklace around my neck.
“It looks good on you”
“Thanks” I say to Drake. He sits back into his seat and I pull the gift I brought for him from my purse.
“I have a surprise for you too”, I say as I put the present in front of him and watch his eyes light up. He picks the box up and opens it revealing the Ballon Bleu De Cartier watch I bought a week earlier. He smiles hard and it reaches his eyes, and then unexpectedly he laughs and shakes his head.
“You surprise me more and more Mystery everyday”, I wrinkle my nose in confusion, wondering why he finds my gift so amusing.  He sees the look on my face and explains himself, “For so long in my family I have been the provider. Giving gifts, paying bills, making sure everyone is alright. It is very rare that I am the one that receives anything. Thank you Baby, this means a lot to me”. I can only smile at him and a moment passes between us as we gaze at each other. A knock on the door breaks our stare as the studio manager makes a “come here” gesture at Drake. Drake sets the watch down on the table and reaches for my hand and we both stand and walk out of the room.
“This is the last surprise and probably gonna be your favorite”
“ I really don’t need anything else Drake, I don’t want you to spend any more money on me”
“Oh baby you don’t have to worry about that because this gift didn’t cost a thing” Drake says. We pass couple more rooms before entering the last room on the left. Drake opens the door, moves to the side so I can step in the room first. As soon I walk in I see Nicki Minaj standing up smiling. Before I can even have time to freak out that I was standing in front of Nick Minaj, She ran up to me and pulled me into a big hug. Once we both pulled away for the hug Nicki turns to Drake and asks “Is this her”
“Yeah this is Bae” drake tells her making me smile at him.
“Oh so you be talking about me” I say looking at him with a smug simile.
“I may have mentioned you”
“Mentioned her, he talks about you all the damn time. Talking about how gorgeous you are, which by the way is true” Nicki says causing me to blush at her compliment.
“Thank you”. The three look around the room and finds seats for us to sit in. Drake and I sit on a two-person couch while Nicki pulls up a seat in front of us. Drake grabs my hand and intertwine our fingers together.
“So, Drake told me that you are a designer”. Nicki says. I say yes but give a confused look to Drake. Thinking why he would tell Nicki I was a designer.
“I was telling Nicki you were a designer because she told me she was looking for a designer to design her costumes for her upcoming tour. So I told her I knew someone who would be perfect for the job. I knew you wanted to expand your brand and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to do that”
I jump into his arms and wrap my hands around his neck hugging him. This was definitely the best surprise. I remove my arm from around his neck and place them on each side of his cheek. I lean in giving him several pecks on the lips. “Thank you” I whisper to him on his lips I pull away from drake and look at Nicki who is smiling at us.
“ I have never designed costumes before so this will be a something new for me, but I'm super excited for the challenge”
“I think you will do great I saw the dress you design for shay wedding and I’m excited about the ideals you come up with for my costumes”
Drake’s Pov
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Robyn and Nicki continued to talk for several minutes until it was time for Nicki to go. It made me feel good to see Robyn happy. Seeing her smile was everything to me and he was even better that I was the cause for it.
“Are you Ready to go Babe?” I ask Robyn as we walk back into the recordings room to get our stuff. She replies back with a simple “yeah” and we walk hand in hand outside the SUV.
“Do you want to get some Dessert before we head back to your house?” I ask while putting on my seat belt.
“And you say I’m greedy one" she say and jokingly roll her eyes
"You are, so do you want some Ice cream?"
"Yeah, can we go to Coldstones?"
“What Coldstones” I ask confused.
“An Ice Cream shop”
“Okay” I say agreeing to go.
We pull up to Coldstone. Getting out of the car and I tell Robyn I have never been her. “You have been missing out, Aubrey” she declares and led the way in.
I look around. Ice cream flavors behind glass covers… and tons of toppings. I stare. M&M’s, marshmallows, chocolate chips, gummy worms and a lot others.
I look a Robyn and looks adorable as she studies the menu on the wall that read signature creations. “I think I’ll get the ‘Oreo overload’. No wait! I want ‘Chocolate devotion’. No…” I had to admit, it was pretty funny watching Robyn debate over which ice cream she should get. She turns to me. “What are you getting”
“I’m just going to get vanilla with a topping”. I said with a shrug.
She stares at me. “ You’re in a place with a ton of ice cream creations, and you’re just going to get vanilla?”
“Hey it’s a classic! Plus I told you I wasn’t as greedy as you”
“Shut the hell up Aubrey” she say and try to slap me in the back of the head but I dodge it. “Come on, try one of these” she says while pointing up to the menu. I sigh and decide to change my order to the ‘Pie who loved me’. Robyn and I take our ice cream to a deserted table in the back of the shop.
“Here have a bite” Robyn scoops some of her ice cream on to a spoon and feeds it to me.
“That’s good but it’s not better than mine” I scoop some of my ice cream and my spoon at feed it to Robyn. A second later Robyn’s dramatic ass starts to act like she is throwing up.
“Oh my god that is disgusting” she says with a fake disgusted look on her face, I bust out laughing.
“You’re so fucking dramatic”. Robyn joins in with me laughing.
“I am really full”, She laughs as reaches over and pats my stomach. I know she is surprised when she feels my hard abs expecting to touch fat. “You know my body is ripped baby”, I tell her as I flex my right arm making her laugh more.
“Yeah, you cute or whatever”, She says it offhandedly put I know she’s attracted to me. There is a tension whenever we are alone together. I know what that tension is from but that is not discussion I'm trying to have tonight. we walk to the car and I turn on the radio and we listen to music until we arrive at her house.
“You ready?” She asks when we pull into her driveway. I could tell she was nervous but also excited.
“Yeah”. We both get out the car, and walk to the door. She unlocks the door and we walk into the house. “Nala, Nicole I have someone I want you guys to meet”, Robyn yells. I hear the rumble of little feet running and I become nervous all over again. Then I feel Robyn squeeze my hand and I relax. A girl in her early 20’s walks over with a concerned look on her face.
“Hey I’m Nicole, can I talk to you for a minute Robyn”, before she can even respond Nicole drags her away. I think she thinks she’s beyond hearing range but I can hear every word they are saying.
“Robyn I am only saying this because I'm love you and I love that little girl in there but I think you’re moving too fast with Drake. You are about to introduce him to Nala but do you even really know him? I don’t know girl, but he’s famous and so much shit could go wrong. I mean you’ve only known him a couple of months. I heard he fucks strippers and smokes weed and shit do you really want that type of person around your daughter”
I don’t even get the chance to hear Robyn respond before I'm out the door. Nicole is right, this is a mistake.
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promises-fanfic · 9 years
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All Things Go
Others said I was a fool for loving someone so cruel and cold-hearted but in my eyes he could do no wrong. I admired him to a high pedestal that no one could touch, even after two years I still didn't know why I was so stuck on stupid for him. Out of everyones opinion I wanted his,but he would never feel the same no matter how much I adored him. 
As tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I looked at my reflection in the black and red marble tombstone. Looking at my reflection I saw somebody broken,torn,shattered and if love could do this to you then I didn't want it. See the thing is before I met him I had everything together now my family and friends believe I'm delusional for actually thinking he would love me the way I loved him. He had two routes and he took the highway which was what he believed was the better choice,but to me it didn't matter if he was rich or poor,out or in he would always be perfect to me. "Why did you have to go so early ?" I mumbled as tears cascaded down my face. I promised him I would do better for myself but without him physically here made me want to better myself even more. Grabbing the old roses off his tombstone and replacing them with the fresh red ones I had bought earlier. "Red was your favorite color." I whispered.
                              Christopher Maurice Collins
                                    5-5-89 . 11-23-14
                                      Rest in Peace"
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saysomethingff · 10 years
Chapter 3
Once I got back to my apartment I jumped in the shower then threw on some pajamas. Jen was in the other room cause she was staying the night with me. "Robyn I'm ordering some pizza. You want something?", Jen called from the room she was in. I just smoked two blunts so I was hungry as a motherfucker. "Hell yea. A large pepperoni pizza." 
As we waited for the pizza she started to tease me about Chris and I was seriously taking the bate. "Shut up Jen. You're starting to act like Mel. This is not a high school crush", I was trying to get her to shut up but it was not working. "Oh Chris I love you so much and I just met you." I threw my lighter right at her face. I was getting sick of her shit. 
"Robyn Rihanna Fenty I know when you're crushing and Chris is defiantly someone you're crushing on hard. Now stop worrying about my teasing and and go call the man." I rolled my eyes, "Can I eat first?" 
I devoured the whole fucking pizza in about 20 minutes. I drunk my corona then left Jen watching Bad Girl's Club so I could call Chris. Walking into my bedroom I felt real nervous. I was going to call the man who's been on my mind for a week or so now. I had to be a big girl and call this guy. 
It was around 8 when I got to my hotel. It was quiet since nobody was here but me. I laid in the bed eating Doritos and watching TV when my phone started to ring. It was an unknown number so I was confused about who it could be: 
- "Hello", a soft Barbadian voice spoke through the phone.
- "Hello"
- "It's Rihanna."
- "Hey you."
- "Hi. I did tell you that I would call you right?"
- "Yea. So what you up to?"
- "Just finished eating pizza now I'm just chilling. How bout you?"
- "Doritos and news."
- "The news? You watch the news? You don't look like the type."
- "What's the type? Everybody should know about shit going on in this fucked up world."
- "I don't know. Maybe I took you for a basketball, football watching, video game player cute guy like all the others."
- "Nah I'm def one of those guys but the big difference is I'm intelligent."
- "Oh really? How intelligent we talking?"
- "We're talking graduated from University of Virginia, majored in business intelligent."
- "Wow. Maybe you really are that nigga."
- "I'm dat nigga. So are you are an intelligent beauty or just a beauty?"
- "Well I wasn't the college type but I did attend Juilliard for 3 years. I was into piano for a while then I gravitated towards singing and dancing. But now I model."
- "Damn you did it all huh?" 
- "Yea I tried it all. I think I'm gonna stick to modeling for now." 
- "Speaking of modeling, you attending fashion week?"
- "Of course. It will be the very first one I am not modeling in but I just want to go and see what's new in my city."
- "Oh yeah. Well I'm going as well, if you want we can link up and go together." 
- "Chris I would like that. I would like that alot." 
- "Alright. Sounds good. I'll call you tomorrow."
- "Oh so you're gonna call me first?"
- "Yupp. I'll call you." 
- "Ok have a good night Chris."
- "Alright you too Rihanna." 
Once I got off the phone I was all fucking smiles. That girl had me smiling like I never smiled before. I clicked off the TV and went to sleep with a Barbadian green eyed beauty on my mind named Rihanna. 
I woke up the next morning grinning from ear to ear. Chris was in my dreams even the inappropriate ones. I had a small thing for him and I knew it wasn't going to go anywhere. 
When I woke up I expected Jen to be up cooking breakfast but instead she leaves a note: 
Went for a jog. I have a friend just in case you wondered lol
I threw the little letter into the trash bin then smoked my first joint of the day. I didn't have anything to do and the fashion show wasn't for another few days. So I just enjoyed the little time I did have off from modeling. 
I was onto my second blunt when my manager Sage came over. I was already showered up and ready for the day that I didn't have planned. Sage was a tattoo artist plus my manager and she came here unexpected to tell me some amazing news. 
"Robyn you already know you have a few weeks off but I just got a call from Alexander Wang. He wants you to walk in his 2014 show on Monday." I was shocked to hear this news. I had a chance to walk in Alexander's show. "Sage are you serious? Yes. Book me. I need that on my fucking resume for future gigs." I was to excited to hear this news. 
"Yes yes I know I'm awesome. Now they are having rehearsals tomorrow so I need you to be in one piece. NO drinking the night before", she tried to give me orders but I never listen to her. "Whatever Sage you know I'm in top notch shape." 
She smoked a blunt with me before she left then I wanted to take a walk to pink berry, so I went. I needed something in my stomach. 
When me and Jen finally linked back up she wanted to get some dinner. "Mel is going to meet us at Michael's so let's go", Jen said as she fixed her hair in the hallway mirror. I put on my red lipstick and was right behind Jen heading to the car. 
We was halfway through dinner and Mel didn't even show up. I was sick of Mel not acting like a true friend so we just enjoyed our meal without her. Jen was asking about my phone call with Chris when my phone started ringing off the hook. 
- "Hey Chris!"
- "You wanna go to the movies tonight or is it to late?"
- "No. Let's go. Pick me up from my Michael's restaurant."
- "Be there in ten." 
When I hung up the phone Jen was smiling. "I guess I'm going home tonight", she said as she started to pay the bill. "Chris wants to take me to the movies." "Go have fun." I was going on a date and it was with Chris, maybe this was what I wanted all along. 
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rihstopher-promo · 10 years
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shadesofblack-ff · 8 years
Robyn Aubrey was in his office again, the man never had a moment where he didn't need to work. Sure he made crazy money, but was it all worth it. Here is was ten thirty on a Sunday morning and he was in the midst of a crisis with Japan. I could here him on the line with someone named Wen hashing out the details. I felt so lazy, lingering in his kitchen, sipping my tea talking to Gina about recipes and our favorite brand of soy milk. She was surprised that I was so knowledgeable about cookery in general but I had learned out of necessity. My mother could barely open a can, and I was always a picky eater. If I wanted something I would have to figure out how to make it. After school I would go to the library and spend an hour pouring over cookbooks, making photo copies of recipes. I have them all to this day. It's one of the things I would grab if there was a fire. I could see Gina's relaxed demeanor change when Aubrey walked into the room. It was a visible shift, she stopped being a new friend to me and turned back into his faithful employee. For a moment I wondered if she had ever been in that room with him. She was pretty and slender, sweet. I shook my head foolishly at the idea, when did I get so jealous? I felt his hand on the small of my back as he pressed his lips to my forehead. It was a moment I wasn't expecting, just as he passed me on the way to the fridge. Like he missed me and needed to touch me before he could do anything else. It sent a pang right to my heart, I fell for him just a little bit more in the quick second. "Gina you and Taylor can have the rest of the day off. Sam will be driving us today. Robyn and I already have dinner plans." She smiled and blushed. "Thank you Mr. Black." She wiped off the counter and folded the towel before she left the kitchen. Telling me to have a wonderful day. "That was very nice of you Mr. Black." "Well I'm in a very good mood this morning and Gina and Taylor don't get to spend enough time alone." Shock spread though out my body as a smile spread across my face. "Wait a minute, Taylor and Gina are a couple?" Well that was a piece of news right there. "For a while now." He took a sip from his bottle and this held it out to me. I scrunched up my nose and he shrugged and took another sip. "And you allow that?" "Robyn, they are both adults, young, attractive. They work impossible hours for an impossible employer. They're both great at their jobs. They deserve a little distraction. So yes I "allow" it. What do you think I'm some kind of control freak?" He was teasing me now, a cocky smile on his face. "Aren't you?" He thought about it for a moment and opened his mouth to respond when our conversation was interrupted by a very loud voice booming from the living room, calling Aubrey name. "It's Chubbs…Come." Christian grabbed my hand pulling me off the stool into the living room. Chubbs and Mel were standing there beaming at one another, her body wrapped around his. She wiggled out of his grasp when she saw me and we embraced, like I haven't seen her in a year. "Robs! How are you feeling?" She rubbed my shoulders and shot Aubrey a dirty look. "Better this morning, Drake over here took very good care of me." Chubbs laughed when I called him Drake and Mel smirked knowing he had lied to me about his identity. "Drake huh?" She crossed her arms against her chest and retreated back to Chubbs side. "Its nice to see you again Melissa, and you too Chubbs. Are we ready to go, I made a reservation at Peacock Alley." Mel's eyes grew wide, I knew she had been wanting to go there for lunch for a while. Just getting on the waiting list for a reservation was a year long battle. "How did you manage that one on such short notice Black?" "Wait! Let me guess." I loudly interrupted. "You own the place?" Chubbs laughed again, as Aubrey nodded. "This one is a firecracker "Drake", and yes he does own it and I built it." Mel turned her head, and just stared at Chubbs profile, gazing in wonderment. She was struck and dazzled, these Black men had that way. "I don't own it Chubbs, I'm an investor. Anyway lets go I'm starving." There was something in the way he said it and the look in his eye that made me swoon, just a little bit. I watched him get my coat, his body moving across the room so easily, with such grace and purpose. He was quickly back at my side easing my coat over my shoulders, and then turning me around to button me up. He pulled at my collar and brought my lips to his, just a soft chaste kiss before we made it out the door. "Damn "Drake" you got it bad." Chubbs teased following us out the door. "Says the man with a bossy drama queen attached to his hip." Aubrey said under his breath and I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey watch it Black!" "So Robyn, please tell me how you managed to snag my brother? Many have tried and failed. Up until two days ago I thought he was gay." We sat in the huge rounded booth, while I ate amazing eggs Benedict and smoked salmon, Aubreys arm loosely tossed around my shoulder, his fingers twirling the ends of my hair. He huffed at Chubbs question and took a long sip of his champagne. "Well… I ehhh…I don't know… I guess you would have to ask him… Aubrey tell your brother how little old me managed to snag the likes of big old gay you?" I couldn't contain my sarcasm, nor could Aubrey contain his delight with my dig at his brothers question. In that moment we were unified in this together. He and I against the world. "Simple really, Robyn is a very convincing tranny." He said it deadpan, with out even the hit of a smile on his face until Chubbs started to choke on his drink and Mel and I began to hysterically laugh. She patted him on the back as he tried to recover and breathe easily before he finally conceded. "Fine, if you don't want to tell me than just say so. I for one am grateful because I got to meet this one over here." He bent his head down and kissed her, really kissed her like they were alone. Not in the middle of a crowded restaurant in broad day light. Aubrey cleared his throat and they parted, finally. Mel was flushed and speechless, a new combo for her. "So what do you think mom and dad have to tell us at casa Black tonight?" Chubbs shoveled in a huge bite of his hash and eggs, and then a huge bite of toast He was like an anaconda, with a retractable jaw. "I really have no clue, they're being cryptic. Raemiah is coming no?" Raemiah who in the hell was Raemiah? It dawned on me how little I really knew about this man who knew me so intimately. I could sense he was feeling uncomfortable even discussing his family. I wondered if was in general or in front of me. "Yeah, she is just as clueless are we are. Well if it all goes to hell Melissa, you can distract me from the family drama." "That I can do." Mel cooed and it dawned on me that Chubbs had invited her to dinner tonight to meet his family. It dawned on Aubrey too, as he removed his arm from its perch on my shoulder and waved the waitress over. An awkward silence tinged the air and suddenly my appetite was gone. "What can I get for you Mr. Black?" She was batting her eyelashes and bending over to expose her stiff ass cleavage. "Yes, another round for me and Chubbs do you want more champagne?" He nodded yes "And another mimosa for Melissa. "And you miss?" She looked at me, with this sung look on her face. "I think one is enough…Don't you Robyn?" I nodded unable to speak, feeling a bit like a scolded child. I was feeling out of sorts now, first that Chubbs seemed to be more invested in Mel, then Aubrey was in me simply by inviting her to meet his family after knowing one another for a day and a half. And then this drink ordering thing, I could see the look on Mel's face when he answered for me, my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. "Excuse me I need to go to the ladies room." Aubrey looked down at me for a moment, realizing that I was upset and trying to hide it. "Robyn…" His voice was low, his brow furrowed. "You know… that one drink…" I pushed into him with my hip and he finally began to slide over, releasing me from my booth prison. "You know what Chubbs, I have to go too…" She slid out of his grip and was standing next to me in an instant as I made my way to the bathroom quickly. "Hol up a minute. Robyn… What's wrong?" I pushed the bathroom door open and leaned against the sink. "Nothing I just needed a second." "Robs, you're crying. And you're not a crier. What did he do? Did I miss something?" She scooted next to me sitting on the counter top, putting her arm over my shoulder. "I had sex with him, like many times." Her eyes widened in complete and utter shock. "You didn't! Holy shit! I mean you couldn't go the simple route could you, no you had to pick Mr. Megalomaniac to fall in love with." My jaw dropped, I was not in love with him. She was crazy. "I'm not in love with him Mel." "Yeah you are, you have it bad and so does he. You wouldn't have slept with him otherwise." She was right, I would never have had sex with him if there weren't feelings there, but was it love. Real love. I wasn't sure. Love was this abstract concept, something I wasn't even sure existed. "So I don't understand why the sudden turn around?" "Well he just makes me feel so stupid some times, I never can get my footing. I mean he didn't tell me who he was right away. I thought he was just Drake… just some guy. Then I come to find out he's Aubrey Black!" "I get it though, It must be hard finding someone who likes you for you. Chubs said that he has never gone after a girl. He was at the club the other night looking for you." "See now how did he even know I was there in the first place." Her eyes widened, in question. The investigator in her trying to put the pieces together. "That's a very good question Fenty…. But that still doesn't explain the freak out today…I mean you were all lovey dovey and then bam!" "He didn't ask me to his parents house tonight. Chubbs asked you right?" "Yeah he asked me this morning. But that doesn't mean anything Robyn, Chubbs and Aubrey are very different men." "They're brothers how different could they be." "Robyn, they're both adopted. So they aren't related by blood." Well holy shit, another bomb dropped. There was so much I didn't know, it was like a blaring neon sight. He was adopted, he couldn't be touched, he didn't do relationships… All these red flags and question marks. I had fallen down the Aubrey Black rabbit hole and I hadn't even hit the ground yet. "See this is what I mean I know nothing about him." "Look I only know because I interviewed the man and spent weeks researching…It's not like Chubbs told me his life story in the last twenty four hours." "But he likes you enough for you to meet his mother, I mean that stands for something." She smiled, wistfully. "I like him too. I just can't explain how I feel. Its so strange, the moment he touched me on that dance floor." "You were done I get it… Blood related or not, these Black men…" "Have a certain something…Look, he likes you a lot, Chubbs even thinks so. Maybe he would have invited you maybe not, but that doesn't change the fact that he can't take his hands or eyes off you." "I know, this is all just so out of my depth." "It is, you skipped the kiddie pool and jumped right into the deep end… the one full of sharks…" "Sink or swim…" I wiped at my eyes and turned to look at my self in the mirror. I looked different, deflowered, wearing clothes that I didn't buy for myself. They probably cost more than the entirety of my wardrobe at home. I was at one of the most exclusive places in all of New York, I never felt so out of place and out of sorts in all of my life. I finger combed my hair, I quickly braided it. Knowing that's how he liked it, wanting to catch him off guard. I smiled at my little dig and took a deep breath. "Come on lets get back… "Everything ok ladies?" Chubbs asked with real concern, wrapping his arm around Mel the moment she sat down. Aubrey slid off the booth, his jaw tight as I slid in not allowing my face to give anything away. I picked up my drink and took the last sip. "Everything's fine." I smiled at him broadly and went back to my food trying to act as normal as possible. "So Chubbs, you really designed this place?" I looked around the huge space, its high curved ceilings covered in what looked like metal, reflecting the light around the room from the huge windows and transoms. There was a large scale stained glass installation wall contrasted the old knotty pine floors and aged metal based tables. It had the detail of a craftsman, but with this really ultra modern aesthetic. "Yeah, I did. It was a labor of love. I poured over every detail." "You also went over budget." Aubrey said almost snidely, his mood had darkened while I was gone. Good so had mine. "It was so worth it Aubrey… It's a magical space. "Exactly Robyn! Thank you…See she gets it." "Well if you like this Robyn, wait until you see our parents house tonight. Chubbs here designed that too." Mel shot me a look, that was half a smile half something else. Sure he was asking me now, after the fact. Now that he was kind of forced into it, I'm sure Chubbs gave him an earful after we left the table, twisting his arm into bringing me. "I don't know if I can tonight. I mean I haven't been home for days and I have work tomorrow." His face dropped, it went from cocky to sad in an instant. "Oh, I see. Well that's fine, you wont be missing much. Just the usual Black family drama. Right Chubbs?" There was a silent pause, as Chubbs looked at me and Mel and then Aubrey. "Right brother." We said our goodbyes to Mel and Chubbs in the parking garage and Aubrey and I rode the elevator up in complete silence. I wanted to cry again, but I held back. I would not give him the satisfaction. I just stood there, knotting my fingers, biting my lip. Waiting for the elevator bell to ring. The doors finally opened and I made my way into his apartment, acutely aware that we were very much alone. The place felt different when Gina and Taylor were not there. I went to the bedroom and started to collect my things, folding them up into one of the shopping bags. I mean it was time to go, I have long overstayed my welcome. "Robyn what are you doing?" He leaned against the door frame, glairing at me. "Well I'm getting my things ready, it's like three. I'm sure you have a lot to do before your parents. And I don't have my car here so I need Sam to take me home." "Look I understand if you don't want to meet my family, but you don't have to leave. I wont be gone long." "I never said I didn't want to meet your family." "I asked you to come and you said no." "That's because you were forced into it because Chubbs asked Mel." "That's ridiculous. I told you we had plans tonight…" "No you didn't." "Yes I did, I gave Gina the night off because we had dinner plans." "You never told me those plans included your family…" "Well I was going to but I didn't want to scare you off, then Chubbs had to open his big mouth." "Well wait then you wanted me to come." "Yes of course I want you to come as in present tense. And for the record, I don't bring anyone to meet my family, it had never happened so yes this is potentially a big deal." "Oh, I see." "Oh, I see… that's all I get? Wait is this why you were upset at brunch because you thought I didn't want you there?" "Maybe…" "You're without a doubt the most exasperating women… Robyn, how more clear can I be… I…like…you… A LOT! I want to be with you… Now can we please put these insecurities to rest. It's starting to get exhausting." "Condescending much…" He took two steps towards me, so we were only a few inches apart. "Look I have work to do, do you want to come and meet my parents or not? Because I'm not asking you again." I crossed my arms and took a step back, I couldn't hold my own when he was so close. "But you never asked me...you alluded, you said I would like the house, you have shamed… But a Robyn baby would you please do me the honor of accompanying me to my parents home…. That hasn't happened yet." He gritted his teeth and shook his head before he smiled and scooped me up into his arms. "Robyn, baby would you please do me the immense honor of accompanying me to my parents over decorated, over designed home for an over priced meal and the Black family drama?" I laughed at the inflection in his voice, the look in his eye. "Sure, sounds like fun." He kissed me, a quick powerful closed mouthed kiss before he released me. "I have had contract negations that have been less stressful. Why don't you go get ready, there's a dress hanging in my closet for you. I had Taylor pick it up this morning. I have some work to do. I'll collect you at five." And just like that I was dismissed again.
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funnythingsff · 9 years
I’m Back
Hey readers, I found some inspiration and i’m finally ready to continue this story. I know it’s been a long time since my last update (almost a year) and i'm ready to finish. New readers are very welcome and I hope old readers will continue on with me. All chapters including the prologue can be found here. 
Thank You all so much! 
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fentyblanco · 10 years
Anyone know any good Rihanna fanfics?
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rihstopher-promo · 10 years
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shadesofblack-ff · 8 years
Aubrey was lying next to me, staring up and the ceiling; his hand in mine, breathless. My heart was racing and my core still pulsing, missing him inside of me already. My body tingled from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Now I understood what all the fuss was about. Why people wrote songs, fought wars… all for this very feeling.
I wondered if all sex was like this, if everyone got to feel what I just felt or was this just the kind of sex one has with Aubrey Black? I felt alive, free and happy, really really happy. I felt like waiting as long as I did, mattered. That I was rewarded with my patience. Like everything happens for a reason and this is where I am suppose to be for once in my life I was in right place at the right time. And then he spoke, shattering all my foolish dreams and misguided illusions.
“Fuck baby, that can’t happen again.” His voice was ragged and tinged with regret and angst. I whipped my head around. Not sure I heard him correctly.
“Exc…excuse me.” I could barely get the words out, every fear I had about the moment I lost my virginity was coming to fruition. He looked at me and must have seen the pain and disappointment because he quickly tried to recover but it was too late
“No, I didn’t mean it like that Robyn… I mean we can’t have unprotected sex again. I don’t know what I was thinking just now. I have a drawer full of condoms.”
“Way to ruin a moment. A drawer FULL of condoms for all the sex you have with other bitches…How lucky am I for you to interpose your precious, highly sought after sperm on me.” I covered my face with my hands to hide my growing anger.
“Robyn… please understand. There’s no scenario where you getting pregnant is acceptable. I’m not interested in becoming a father now or any time in the near or distant future.”
“Wow… Ok… well don’t worry Mr. Black. I’m on birth control so my baby maker is not interested either.” I sat up, agitated, feeling foolish. Why is it that this man had the power to so effect my feelings, my emotions. How was I naked in his bed? He exhaled loudly, I could see the relief wash over him, the news of my birth control calming him but fueling my growing anger.
“Good, that’s very good news, a little surprising though.” He turned his head to look at me, and then turned his eyes back to the ceiling.
“Well I’m happy to hear that you are relieved Mr. Black. I am so glad the menstrual cramps I had when I was fifteen came in handy for something. God you really are a fucking asshole.” I turned over on my side, my back to him bringing my knees to my chest.
“I didn’t mean it like that. This is all new to me. I don’t do this shit…This dating, making love thing.”
“Yes I know… you fuck hard… I remember. You don’t do girlfriends…Then why am I here? For the first time in my life I was feeling… Never mind, it really does not matter. I’m gonna go…I mean I’m sure Mel is worried about me. Hell even I’m worried about me.” I pulled on the sheet, wrapping it around my body. My nakedness suddenly felt like a disadvantage, a weakness. And I could not be weak around this man. Not even for a second. All that got me was pressed up against a glass window and fucked by a man who doesn’t do girlfriends and doesn’t want kids.
“Stop it Robyn.” I could feel my bottom lip start to quiver and I bit down on it trying to stop myself from crying. He turned on his side and wrapped his hand around my wrist. His fingertips gently making small circles on my sensitive flesh, his lips grazing my ear.
“You are here because I haven’t been able to think about anything else since I met you. You’re here because I have never in my life wanted anything so much. You are here simply because I couldn’t resist you. I’m a man that lives by limits and rules, and with you I’ve broken them all. Every single one and we barely know one another. And everything you feel, everything about you matters to me…I have never in me life been woken up with a woman in this bed before, I have never had another women in this space… All my rules are broken, all my control dwindling…” I pulled my hand away from him and quickly scrambled off the bed. Pulling the sheet around me tightly and crossing my arms against my chest.
“You keep talking about rules and limits and contracts and then you’re talking about feelings and making love to me. It’s so confusing and the worst part is, I have already fallen for you. Like forreal fallen. I’m naked in your bed, I gave you something that many have tried to get and I gave it to you willingly only for you to tell me that this could never happen again and then toss all your daddy issues on me… Like seriously… I need to go… right now before its too late…” He stood, and pulled on his sweat pants, so that they hung low of his hips. He took a few steps towards me, resting his hands on my shoulders and his forehead against mine.
“It’s already too late and we both know it. Look, I am sorry. Not for what I said but the way I said it. I wasn’t thinking about your feelings. I just panicked and I don’t panic Robyn” He stopped for a moment, and pressed his lips to my forehead. “Come with me I need to show you something. This will answer some of your questions but I’m afraid it will also give you new ones. Harder ones.” He pulled a key out of the drawer of his nightstand and lead me down the long hallway to a door. We both stood in front of it for a moment, before he put the key in the lock and turned the knob. He braced himself for a moment and pushed the door open. The first thing that hit me was the scent of leather and orange furniture polish, and then I gasped as my eyes darted around the room as I slowly stepped inside.
“This is my playroom Robyn…”
“You have got to be fucking kidding me…”
Something drew me in to this dark and scary place. The black walls, the silk sheets, the large wooden bed. There were chains and straps, drawers holding god knows what. I was standing in the middle of this space and everything clicked into place. My inner goddess was wearing a leather body suit and cracking a whip. But my brain was saying get the fuck out of here you are in way over your head.
“So, uh… I don’t know what to say Aubrey. How do you expect me to react?” I pulled the sheet up over my shoulders, wrapping my body like a cocoon, needing to feel safe and protected in this very unsafe place.
“Well, I’m not really sure, you’re the first person I have brought in here with out a signed contract.”
“Contract for what?”
“I’m a Dom, meaning I like power and control when having sex. I seek out Subs, women who like to be submissive during sex. We draw up a contract where terms are agreed upon…”
“Terms for fucking, likes dislikes, hard limits soft limits, my rules etcetera… They live here, in another part of the house and are accessible to me day and night.” Terms for fucking, hard limits… These were thoughts and phrases I didn’t need to have in my head. I just lost my virginity for crying out loud.
“So sex slaves…” His face dropped slightly, as he leaned against one of the dressers, his legs extended, arms crossed against his chest.
“No its not at all like that. It’s an exchange of power.”
“And pain right?”
“And punishment?”
“So you want to tie me up and spank me?” The words were heavy in my mouth. Pain, punishment, spanking. I felt weak in my knees. Of all the men, why did I have to fall for this one. Why couldn’t I fall of Chris or Travis from the hardware store. Why was I so drawn to his danger and his pain.
“Yes…” His jaw tightened, and his voice was deep, full of want. I felt this urge to flee, to run away from him but my eet felt bolted to the floor, unable to move. I was already so attached to him, so wrapped up in him. I couldn’t bare the thought of leaving him, not even for a second.
“How many?”
“How many what?”
“Subs have you had?” His face went ashen, as I held my breath waiting for his answer.
“Fifteen.” I exhaled loudly, it was a smaller number than I thought. There have been fifteen women, in this room with him. Fifteen contracts. Fifteen women I now hated and was jealous of, envious of.
“And you want me to be sixteen?” Is that what I was to him just a number, another passing thing.
“No, I don’t.”
“So what do you want Aubrey.” I was losing my patience. He stood tall, his broad shoulder straight. His voice deepened his eyes blazing. I felt a shift in the air, as my body tightened and my ears began to ring.
“Right now, with you standing in this room. I want to tie you to that bed and fuck you…hard…”
I could see the look of shock and desire flash across her face. She wanted it too, that came as a huge surprise to me. As innocent and inexperienced as she was, there was something that pulled her to me and in turn to this lifestyle. There was something inside her drawing her to my danger and something in her drawing me to her safety. She drew her sheet around her naked body tighter, foolishly believing that it would protect her if the need should arise.
“Aubrey…” She licked her bottom lip and furrowed her brow. I wanted her more than I had ever wanted for anything in my life. In a few short seconds, I had fucked her in every possible way. Imagining all the things I could do to her. I swallowed the lump in my throat, pushing all my desires down and kept my focus on her. On who she was as a person. What she would want, a new and foreign concept to me.
“But… that’s not what I’m going to do. You’re different Robyn, and in some regards I’m different now too. I meant it when I said I wanted to see you exclusively. Only you…I wasn’t expecting you to be a virgin nor was I expecting to be so taken with you that I would forget to put on a condom. This is all very new to me. Relationships.” She took a few steps towards me, I could see her body relax a bit, as she exhaled the tension she was holding on to.
“I don’t do relationships either, obviously. But what I do know is how to talk to people. You took this perfect moment and fucked it all up. Please don’t do that again. There are very few perfect moments in life, I would like to enjoy the ones I can.”
“Fair point…” She stood on her toes and pressed her lips gently to mine.
“Well made, Mr. Black. I’m not so sure if I like this room, can we get out of here.” I smiled and nodded. I knew she would come to like this room, very very much. It would just take some time. Robyn was in no way a sub, but she didn’t run away when I opened the door. I watched the awe and wonder and then worry take hold of her beautiful face. Had it been worry first, there would have been no way I could have brought her back in here.
“Lets try and make another perfect moment then.” I scooped her up in my arms, and she laughed with out care or restraint. I still wanted to tie her up, spank her and fuck her, I probably always would but there was something to be said for this brand of vanilla sex. My body responded to hers in a way I was not expecting. Like all the sex I had ever had, every act was obliterated the moment I was inside of her. She made it all fresh and new, untouched. And for that reason Robyn had all the power. Topping from the bottom.
I playfully threw her on the bed, the sheet falling away exposing her naked body. Her braid was loose, falling over her shoulder. Her lips were full and pink waiting for my kiss. She climbed up on her knees and reached out to touch my chest, I recoiled and she pulled her hands away.
“I’m sorry, I forgot. Baby I just want to touch you…”
“I know, watch ok.” I drew my finger around my body outlining where I couldn’t be touched. I traced around my neck, around my arms, all the way down to my belly button. Her eyes followed around my body, and she nodded every so often taking it all in. “The same parameters for my back.”
“Why, can you tell me why.”
“No, no I cant, it’s of little consequence. Just please, this is a hard limit… uh I mean a non negotiable…”
“So I can kiss you here then?” She pressed her lips to my bicep, her lips soft. I growled in acceptance. “And here?” She kissed my knuckles, her tongue drifting over wash one slowly.
“Yes Robyn.” She scooted to the end of the bed, her legs on either side of my body and pressed her lips to the line of my pants, placing small kisses and then sliding her tongue right below my belly button. I exhaled loudly and then without warning she pulled my pants down in a quick motion and started to pump her hand over my dick.
“And here is ok right Aubrey?” I could tell she was inexperienced, and it only added to my enjoyment.
“Yes baby, yes… Have you done this before?” She shook her head no and I couldn’t bare not being inside her for another second. “Robyn, I’m not going to tie you up but I do want to fuck you. Are you sore?” A small smile appeared on her face and then worry.
“Yeah but… I still want you so… can you fuck me gently maybe?” I laughed at the thought, and she smiled as her cheeks filled with red.
“We can give it a try. Robyn, Robyn… Robyn. Get on all fours on the bed.” I commanded her, a sub would have just listened and obeyed but she sat there for a second and looked at me. Deciding what she was going to do, this would be so much easier if she would just give all the control over to me. She could just enjoy and accept. “Fuck, Robyn all fours, ass facing me. Now.”
She slowing did what she was told, this feeling of joy took hold of me. I ran my hands over her smooth ass, wanting to slap it hard, wanting to make her count. I fought that urge and instead ran my fingers along her back as I kneeled on the bed behind her. I reached around her trembling body, and slowly rubbed her slick and throbbing clit, she moaned and pressed her backside into my body. I thought about one day claiming her ass making another part of her mine, just the thought made blood rush to my already engorged dick. I couldn’t take it another second. I reached into my drawer and pulled out a condom. I wouldn’t forget again, at least until I got her to one of my doctors. I tore it open with my teeth and rolled it over before I slowly pushed myself into her. She tightened around me immediately and she moaned my name. I leaned back on my heels, pulling her back.
“Robyn, I want you to sit up now.” I wrapped her braid around my hand, and tightened my grip around her waist as she slowly pulled up, her back against my chest. I slid in just a bit more, hitting the end of her. This breathy growl coming out of her. I started to move picking up speed and force and as met me thrust for thrust, my hand lowered to her clit, her hand on top of mine.
“Oh my god…Aubrey…Wait I can't… take…it…Oh don't… don’t stop…” I pulled on her hair sharply bringing her mouth to mine, sucking on her lower lip. I pounded into her once and then again, harder and deeper then I had before and she screamed out, as I felt her tighten around me, a rush of wetness seeping out of her. I came as she pulsed around me.
“Fuck…” I could feel another wave hit her as she called out again, I grabbed her breast, pinching her nipple hard, feeling the connection between that pain and her clenching around me. She was spent, I held her body up. Breathless and panting, covered in her sweat and my sweat. The smell of her in the air. I pulled out slowly, a rush of her following, it instantly made me hard again, the effect I had over her body. A body that was known only to me. She collapsed onto the bed, silent and satisfied. I wasn’t anywhere near finished. All of these thoughts and ideas swirling in my head, what I was going to do to her next. All of my plans were for nothing as I heard the soft sweet sound of my girl fast asleep.
I woke up the next morning, with Robyn’s head and hand on my stomach. Normally this would be unacceptable and an assault of my senses. But maybe because I had slept through the night for the first time in months for because it was her, it didn’t bother me as much as it usually would. All that being said, I wanted her to move. Now that I was awake and aware that she was touching me it was bordering on painful. I rolled my body away from her gently, but she held on to me closer, wrapping her arm around my waist and I froze. The blood pumping in my ears, in agony. I pulled my body away from hers, grateful she slept like the dead and walked over to the window trying to calm myself down. This is why I had rules and contracts. This is why I didn’t allow women to sleep in my bed, this was why I was the way I was. I pressed my palms flat against the glass and leaned into the window, trying to ease the tension out of my body. Wanting to return to my bed and wrap my body around hers.
“Aubrey…” her sweet voice called out to me. I turned and she was sitting there a small smile on her face, her breasts exposed. “Are you ok?”
I could hear the concern in her voice, see it on her face. She truly cared about me and I her.
“Yeah baby I’m fine. How are you?”
“Good, tired, achy…” She yawned and stretched her hands over her head, her back cracking.
“Achy… well that’s expected. Why don’t we take a very long very hot shower before we meet up with Chubbs and Melissa for lunch.” She looked at me perplexed. “Chubbs called yesterday, it seems he and your friend hit it off. He was spending the night. Melissa wanted to know if you were ok since you didn’t answer your phone…”
“Where is my phone?”
“In your bag, which I left in the kitchen. Anyway, she insisted on lunch today they’ll be here at eleven.” She looked at the clock, it was just after eight.
“A long hot shower sounds good to me.”
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Highschool life Chapter 2
Safaree's P.O.V
 I was in the parking lot with my boys Sean and Trey, when my bitch, excuse me "girlfriend", came and hugged me from behind, I kissed her and when I realesed her I felt someone staring at me , so I looked around and I saw my ex Nicki. Now Nicki and I have been together for a year and a half, and we broke up just before the summer, at that party Trey threw. Shit was ugly as hell , I did some stuff , I am not proud of but anyway what hapened stays between us. She looked shocked I guess since her mouth hung open , but she smiled what the hell ? , and she looked at me straight in the eyes like she was daring me or somthing, now I didn't even now what to do anymore she destabilized me.
"Baby, babe, babe , are you listening to me" Iggy yelled waving her hands in my face and then looked at the direction I was staring at and when she saw Nick she waved at her and Nicki waved back with the fakest smile ever plastered on her face.
"That bitch" Iggy said under her breath and she turned to me " I tought you were over her Faree, you said it was me and nothing else"
"Don't call me that, I told you already and, I am over her I swear, it's you, you and only you" I didn't want her calling me that because that's how Nicki used to call me.
"Hum if you say so..."
Oh god now this bitch is mad at me what'd I do , I better make it up to her ,  a nigga's tryig to get some later.
"Hey how about I take to lunch today and after school we could go to the mall huh ?
"Yeah sounds great" she said with a smile and she pecked me on the lips .
That hoe cost me so much !
Draya's P.O.V
Today is the first day of school I am so nervous , for two reasons the first one is that, this is a new school and the second one is that I am one yaer advanced, yeah I am really pretty I know but that doesn't mean I am stupid. I am nervous because I've moved a lot and everywhere I went people have been so judgmental either I am a nerd , geeky and a goody two shoes or I am the complete opposite , a hoe with no brain !
I hope this time around people will try and get to know me before they judge me , it's not that I try super hard to get everybody to like me but I guess it would be nice to have friends for once , damn at least someone who talks to me for something other than homeworks or a quick nut !
So today I am wearing an outfit that doesn't look too geeky nor slutty .  Trynna make a good first impression I was at the main office to get my schedule when a boy, walked in and stood right next to me.
"Oh I see you imitated my swag this morning"
" Excuse me ?!" I looked at him as I didn't understand what he was trying to say
"Huh can't you see ? We match !" I looked him up and down and sure enough we did match
" Oh , actually I'd say you tried to imitate my swag, but you ain't looking as good as me so it's ok"
"Yeah , if you like to think so. I am Chris by the way."
"And I am Draya" The lady at the desk gave me my schedule and all of that stuff , I thanked her and turned back to Chris as he opened his mouth to say something the principal Mr. Carter yelled :
"Christopher Maraj , come in"
"I gotta go ma , I guess I'll see  you around" he kissed my hand then disappeared in the office. I walked out and searched for the classroom my first period was held in ; History . After ten mintes of searching I finally found it . I knocked at the door and waited for an answer.
"Come in" I heard a women"s voice yell through the door.
I opened the door and walked in as all the eyes were set on me. Dang why do these people have to stare so hard, is it the first time they see a human being. Anyways I walked to the teachers desk , and smiled at her she was so pretty and seems so nice.
"Good morning I am Draya Mich..."
"Yes Draya Michele the new student, here let me see your schedule" she smiled at me, a warm smile and then asked me to introduce myself to the class, OH GOD I hate doing it.
"Huh hi, my name"s Draya, I just moved in Atlanta 2 days ago , I am from L.A and that's it I guess" I didn't say I was only 16 so they wouldn't know I skiped a grade
"Ok, well Draya , welcome to my class, I forgot I am Ms. Knowles , you may take a seat now , I see there is one available next to Ciara, Ciara please raise your hand"
 A cute girl with long blonde hair and black roots rose her hand, I walked towards her and took the seat next to her , as soon as I sat down she called me
"Hey girl you look pretty !"
"Thank you , and I could say the same about you"
"Yeah I've been told" We both chuckled "So you're from L.A ?"
"Yes I am, I've lived there for 2 years and my family moved here because of my mother's job" I lied it's the same story I have to tell over and over again .
"Oh ok"
"So how is it here, I've always wanted to see Atlanta but how is it to live here and how's the school"
" It's pretty cool here, people are cool , you know what come with me after the class I'll intriduce you to my friends"
We talked until the bell rang and then we gathered our things, we had 2nd period together it was english with Mr. West so we went together and again I had to introduce myself in front of everyone , we had this period with Chris, him and Ciara were good friends so the three of us talked non stop. People seem really cool in here maybe for the first time I'll have friends, real friends. Who knows?
Rihanna's P.O.V
I was sitting on a table in the courtyard with Nicki , we were waiting for the others . It was our break after second period witch I have with Nicki , 
" So how are you and August ?" Nicki asked me
"Hum , we good ... I guess"
"You guess ? What is that suppose to mean, what happened ?"
"Nothing really , it's just that I feel like we are drifting appart , you know ? We only talk through text messages and it's basic conversation , I rembember when we used to talk for hours about everything , and know I get two text messages a day , and when we spend time together , it's just sex , now don't get it twisted I absolutly love it , but it's just I don't even know, it feels like we just fuck budies now"
"" Oh  , I see what you mean , but don't keep them thoughts to yourself , talk to him you need to know where y'all stand , don't waste yo time in a relationship that doesn't exist anymore , I mean if y'all are just fuck budies than be it , don't fake a committed relationship , you understand what I'm saying ?"
"Yeah, you're completely right !" As I sayed that August and Wayne came and sat on the beches in front of us August pecked me on the lips and then kissed Nicki on the cheek and Wayne kissed the both of us 
"Hey what's going on here ?" Asked Wayne 
"Nothing much Weezy , where you been , ain't nobody seen you ass in two month" sayed Nicki 
"Hey Barbie , a nigga was just livin' it up"
"What chu mean , where were you livin' it up"
"You don't need to know all that ma , stop with the questions " Ci and a random girl I never seen before joined us 
" Hey people " She yelled , this girl is always that hype in the morning yelling and shit , I mean the girl goes for a footing , at 6 every morning , she crazy !
" Ci do you always need to shout like that? " August asked her
"What my G. if you have a problem whit my happiness , you can just go somewhere" she jokingly told him as he gave her a quick hug.
She greeted Wayne and then it was silent as we all turned our attention to the girl who was with her. She turned her head to see what we were looking at 
"Wow , don't be starring at the girl like that , you gonna scare her. Guys this is Draya , and Draya these crazy people are Wayne , Nicki , Rihanna , and this stupid nigga who's trynna kill my vibe is September" Ciara sayed and we bursted in a fit of lauhghter even August . He poked Ciara behind the head and told Draya :
"Excuse her stupidy I am August" he said and wniked at her. Am I crazy or is this nigga really flirting with this girl right under my damn nose like I wasn't even there, did he lose his mind ?
"Well it's nice to meet y'all" she said , she didn't seem to respond to August's flirting way , and she seems to be a nice girl and if she gets along with Ci , we can definitly get along so , we cool for now.
" Nice to meet you too girl , where you from" I asked 
"I' m from L.A , I just moved here "
"Well , I could show you around, if you want to" said Wayne
"Weezy , cut that shit you ain't slick , Nicki, Ci and I will show you around girl , you don't need to be spending time with that fool" I told her
"Yes that would be nice" .She said
"Oh so you don't want to go with me ?" Sayed Wayne acting hurt
"Aww don't be sad boy" Draya said 
"No don't try to be nice now" he said jockingly
We were hanging out and then Future arrived , the boys then went to do 'guys stuff' and Ci , and Future, went doing their own thing , Nicki, Draya and I , were talking 
" So are you guys dating or anything ?" Draya asked 
"Yeah, August's my boo, we been togrther for almost a year now"
"I should've figured it out after seeing you guys kiss three times" she said " And what about you Nicki"
"Me, I am a single lady, and I don't need no man , this is way too much drama for me"
" Yeah you say that now and when you see Ciara and Future you be like 'Aww I wish I had that' " I said moking her 
"Whatever bitch ! What about you Draya , you got your eyes on someone ,? Maybe Weezy"
"I don't really got time for this you know , I got to admit I ain't got nothing against occasional sex though , I just don't see the point in being in a relationship and all that if the only thing it brings to you is sex . But if love comes to me I'll take it I guess" When she said that it kinda made me think of my relationship with August , maybe Nicki's right , I need to talk to him.
"Yeah I feel you but common girl I need a scoop , isn't there a guy in NATLH , you feelin'"
"Hey , I've been here for 2 hours only ! But if I am being honest I'll say that this lil nigga I met this morning is kinda cute"
"Oh oh , who ?"
"His name's Chris, Christopher Maraj , or something like that I met him at the main office and he is in my second period ,actually Ci knows him do y'all see who I am talking about ?" 
Call me crazy but I really didn't like the fact that Draya was feeling Chris , I just don't like any girl approching him , we've always had  that strange relationship , Chris and I are so close , sometimes I just don't know what to think but we are like brother and sister so I would never act on those feelings Nika would get so mad, and he might reject me so I just keep them thoughts far far far away in the back of my mind.
"HAHAHA" Nika was laughing " I see exactly who you talking about" 
"Why you laughin' girl , he cute ain't he ?"
"He has to be I mean I am the cutest so"
"What chu mean ?" Draya asked confused
"Her full name's Onika Tanya Maraj , she's Chris' twin sister" I said
"Oooh ! Yeah you guys have kinda similar smiles , but I wouldn't have noticed you were twins" 
"Yeah well , we are , I don't get how you could like that monkey-face" 
The break was comming to an end so we had to get to class , I was with Nick and Draya so we went together.
August's P.O.V
It's the end of the day , I was at my locker when I saw the girl Ciara introduced to us today , what's her name again ? Draya , yeah so I called her .
"Hey Draya wait up !"
" Oh hey September" she said laughing 
"Oh I see why you get along with Ci , you both are 5 years old that's why" 
"Haha real funny"
"So how was your first day beautiful ?"
"Beter than how I excepted it to be , met new people and the school is pretty cool so I ain't complaining"
"Oh , where do you live" I asked her as we were about to separate ways I was about to get in the parking lot and she was taking the bus 
"I can't explain you well but it's about 5 bus stops from here " 
"Oh , ok , but if you need a ride home , I would be pleased to give you one gorgeous" I said while puting my arm over her shoulders
 She escaped from my embrace and said " Look I know Rihanna and you are together , I am not a hoe and I don't want her to feel like I am a home wrecker , she has been nothing but nice to me and I see you trynna flirt with me , I just don't like it , I am not telling her anything but you got to quit trying to get in my pants boy"
Wow this girl just set me straight , I got to admit , what I have been doing to Rih these past month ain't cool , don't get it twisted I never cheated on her , but I came close so many times , I guess I just crossed the line this time , Draya and Rih are kinda building a friendship and flirting with one of my girlfriend's friends might not be a good idea 
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to come at you like that I mean , it's just ... Huh I don't even have no excuse,  I was wrong and I apologise , Imma just take you home and act friendly instead of flirting , I hope we can still become friends"
"It's ok no need to be so apollogetic, your girl is the one who deservers an apology" 
We went in the parking lot and got in my car. I droped her home and found out she doesn't live too far from my house , after dropping her off, I went to the gym, before getting out of the car I checked my phone and Rih had sent me a text .  WHAT ? Is she trynna say that we are OVER ?
I answerd : ~ Meet me at my house at 7 , we need to talk about it~
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