robobesito · 3 months
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RigaMis might be my favorite mista rare pair besides Promis 💕
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evilhausen · 1 year
WIP: Circ du Scenes
sorry for jojo crimes. it's also furry crimes but that's another matter. basically a circus au with identity porn.
Mista shakes his head. “Nah. Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t court you. You don’t want it? Sure, I’d take that. You’re uncomfortable, don’t like me, scared of predators? Sure. But ‘can’t’ is not gonna work on me.”
“Because I hate you. Good enough?” "You say that all the t--"
Rigatoni is upon him in a flash, in his face, and Mista wished he could see his eyes again. See them dark and flashing and full of violence. “I fucking hate every inch of you. Everything you do and say infuriates me.”
It says horrible things about him that it makes Mista weak in the fucking knees, even as his heart hurts. The words do sting, he kinda likes the guy. He’s been trying to play it smooth. “Kinda rude, I’m gonna be real with you.”
“I wish you’d shut the fuck up.”
“This is the bit where I tell you to make me.”
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chepsi · 1 year
sinking further and further into the mista rarepair hole
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tuesday-teyz · 2 years
Hello again! I just wanted to ask, do any of the kingdoms/empires have special traditions they celebrate?
Each of the nations have a ton of those, and just because I felt like it, have a list of dating/marital traditions!
In Kinoko, books are very important culturally, and a house is considered incomplete without a library or at least a single bookshelf. If a person wants to propose dating, they rip out a single page from a book, make an origami figure out of it, and leave it at the window of their romance interest. The page could be from the person's favorite book, or one that best describes their feelings. In fact it doesn't even need to a fictional story. It can be a pottery manual, cooking recipe, biography or an encyclopedia, . The rigami shape also is a free choice. Most choose a crane or a tulip, but people tend to get creative to get the attention of their crush.
The receiver unwraps the origami, and if they are indeed interested in dating, they have to make a bookmark from a strip of their clothing and gift it to the sender. Otherwise they burn the page. If the receiver is not interested in dating at all, they must burn the origami without unwrapping and reading it. A book with ripped and burned pages is a symbol of a broken heart, and the question "how many bookmarks do you have?" Is the equivalent of asking a person how many people they have dated in the past.
In Drywaters, all marriage proposals are must to be done near a koi fish pond. Each city and town always have one, and some nobles have their own personal ponds in the backyards and gardens. If the marriage proposal is accepted, the newly engaged couple release a new fish into the pond, and from that moment on their marriage is considered official regardless of whether they hold a ceremony afterwards.
Unlike in other nations where wedding outfit is traditionally white, in Esempi people wear clothing of their own color, that they chose in a ceremony that I described here.
Before the wedding, a couple in Esempi must buy a piece of jewelry to their partner. The choice is not limited to rings, however. It can be a necklace, a bracelet, a headpiece or earrings, whatever they choose. For nobles the shape of jewelry depends on the noble house that they belong to; it symbolizes welcoming a person into your own family, and showing everybody that you are now connected. During the ceremony they put it on one another, and vow to keep them on for as long as their marriage lasts. If they happen to divorce, they are obliged to return the gifted jewelry. If one of spouses passes away, the other keeps both pieces of the jewelry, and wears them for the funeral.
After two people get married in the Empire, they plant a tree together, and bury each a strand of their hair with it. That tree is considered the couple's shared property, and harming or cutting it down is prohibited. A newly wed couple often asks for a branch from spouses that have been together for long, or are known to have a happy marriage, to grow their own tree. If a couple decide to divorce, the tree is cut down, and the wood produced from it is separated evenly between the former spouses. Bitter exes might burn it for firewood, others make a piece of furniture as a sign of respect and appreciation for the time they have spent together.
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betterdonutgalaxy · 7 months
People on this site won't send death threats to me for liking Paper Mar/io The O/rigami King right??? right????
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snipsnak · 8 months
fumis past rigamis
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dizzying-faust · 2 years
When you see a m*rigami shipper but they end up being a Adrien salter....
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eleuthos · 1 year
Ti ho trovata
sulla strada
ti ho raccolta
da mamma
eri tipo il mio tutto
ma tipo che ora
voglio tu sia
solo il mio niente
marcia rimarci
sui sentimenti
che ho vomitato
addosso alla tua anima
dici di volermi
io non lo vedo
io non lo sento
vedi quanto falsa
mi ripeti “dai resta”
ma per la mia testa
è no
un “sì” da me
no lo avrai mai
facile usare
emozioni altrui
per compensare vuoti
che il babbo e la mamma
ti hanno scavato
facile investirmi
svestirmi prendermi tutto
pure i dettagli
dei miei giorni neri
mi hai urlato vipera
quando sei stata tu
ad avvelenarmi
il tuo tocco sa di morte
Il tuo tocco sa di morte
il tuo tocco sa di morte
morte solo tu
vita solo io
noi insieme siamo
l’universo intero
ora mi lascio andare
ora ti lascio volare,
Torno a casa,
tu vai a marcire
qualche altra anima bella.
Falle gli auguri da parte mia,
per lei sarà difficile
sopravvivere a te,
ma magari un giorno
si renderà conto
che come verme può schiacciarti
e rinascere
Morte solo tu
vita solo io
noi insieme siamo
la decadenza
la decadenza
la decadenza
delle tue ultime parole
scuse ripetute
le so a memoria
pecchi di originalità
prova di nuovo
così ti do una sberla
e piangi tanto
ed eccoti qui
tutta la mia
rabbia repressa
dai urlami in volto
spaccami i denti
rigami la faccia
con le tue lacrime di ferro
Non ripensarci
non mi riavrai indietro
io voglio solo tanta pace
tanto amore vero
tu da me solo attenzioni
e giochi stupidi
non tollero una come te
nella mia vita perché
vado in shock anafilattico
se le tue mani mi accarezzano
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rainbow-arrow · 2 years
i don’t understand why more people don’t even consider lukadrien as a possibility. they’re literally the two softest characters in the whole show
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moodboardmix · 3 years
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"Origami” Cabin, Madrid, Spain,
Michelangeli Design 
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plucky-belmondo · 4 years
more f/os? more f/os
*signs adoption papers* I haven’t played O/rigami K/ing in two days (currently heading for the yellow streamer), but I’m adopting O/livia anyways because I grew an emotional attachment to her :’D
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and because at some point, i feel that [ @raihan-lovemail​ ]’s probably going to tease me about this and I couldn’t stop myself from watching T/oTA snippets:
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*gives another piece of my heart to this snarky fellow* >///////>;;;;
i’ll be coming up with tags later, yeeeeeeeeeeet
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robobesito · 2 years
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F!Giomis Coffee shop AU Comics
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preciousspoon · 4 years
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belated birthday gift for a certain smelly @dragoncartridge bIRTHMERRY DAY NERD !!!
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javierbelleggia · 3 years
Un pequeño cuento que escribí... Dentro de la nube
-Aquí vuelo 818 de Sudamericana, soy el Capitán Rigami solicitando permiso para despegar.
-Torre de control del aeropuerto internacional de Espora a vuelo 818 de Aerolínea Sudamericana. Tiene permiso para despegar por pista número 3, está todo despejado. Cielo sin nubes, 27° centígrados, viento de 16 kilómetros por hora del sector sudeste. ¡Qué tengan un buen vuelo!
-Muchas gracias torre de control. Nos vemos a la vuelta. Cambio y fuera.
El enorme pájaro de metal, un avión de pasajeros Boeing 737, carreteó unos cuantos metros y luego remontó vuelo suavemente y sin problemas a un cielo limpido y de un azul celeste profundo. Después de unas pocas maniobras ya estuvo orientado en la dirección a su destino, llevaba rumbo noreste y una altura de seis mil metros. 
El piloto después de asegurar altura y orientación, pidió a su copiloto que tomara los controles en lo que él iba al baño. 
Al volver notó el cielo algo más nuboso de cuando se había ido, pero no le preocupó demasiado ya que veía a las nubes bien blancas. Sin embargo, en cuanto intenta atravesar una de esas nubes, el piloto descubre que es más espesa de lo que en un principio creía y que no puede salir. Por mucho que sigue avanzando el avión la nube no desaparece y el capitán Rigami cada vez va preocupándose más, sobre todo porque a medida que se adentran más y más, el cielo alrededor va oscureciendo.
El copiloto llega al máximo de nerviosismo y comienza a gritar histéricamente que el mundo se acaba y que iban a morir, que tenía una familia y que no era la forma que él había imaginado que moriría. A lo que el piloto reacciona dándole una cachetada para hacerlo volver en razón, pero pronto se intranquiliza él también al descubrir que la oscuridad del exterior comienza a adentrarse en la nave, los controles se apagan, así como los motores y, poco a poco todas las luces del avión, una por una, hasta quedar en una oscuridad absoluta. Cuánto menor es la luz, mayor es el griterío y la histeria colectiva, produciendo un coro de auxilios y llantos a un volúmen intolerable. Aún con los audífonos puestos el capitán no aguanta el ruido, mientras sigue tratando con la radio pidiendo auxilio y es , en ese momento que se da cuenta que, por mucho que lo intente, al tratar de hablar o gritar, no sale ningún sonido de su boca, cosa que hace exasperarlo aún más… Luego es todo silencio y oscuridad. Silencio y oscuridad…
-¿Marcos? Marcos despertate. No grites, hijo, despertá. Es sólo una pesadilla… Shh, shh, no llores mi amor, fue sólo un mal sueño. Vamos, mamá está con vos. Levantate que ya tengo el desayuno listo. ¿No querrás llegar tarde al primer día de escuela? Ahí vas a encontrar un montón de amiguitos nuevos. A alguno seguramente le gusten tanto los aviones como a vos…
-¿Mami? ¿Sabés qué? Ya me decidí. Ya no quiero ser piloto.
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alysemeadfad · 3 years
zine ideas
What is a zine?
A zine (pronounced zeen) is an independently or self-published booklet, often created by physically cutting and gluing text and images together onto a master flat for photocopying, but it is also common to produce the master by typing and formatting pages on a computer. The publication is usually folded and stapled.
Historically, zines have been around since 1776 when Thomas Paine self-published Common Sense and used it as an instrument in promoting the ideas that contributed to the U.S. War for Independence. Just a perfect example to demonstrate the free spirit of zine culture.
key words: Body image, beauty standards, perfect, society.
I found this zine on a teen mental health website, im going to use this as my main influence for my zine.
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other zines that helped me understand what a zine is :
Pintrest board
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Riot grrrl
Riot grrrl is an underground feminist punk movement that began during the early 1990s within the United States in Olympia, Washington and the greater Pacific Northwest. It also expanded to at least 26 other countries. Riot grrrl is a subcultural movement that combines feminism, punk music and politics
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i was a fan of the riot grrrl manifesto and i want to incorporate that scrap book punky style in to my zine about body image, i also want to include the black and white with pops of colour to make certain things stand out more than others 
Barbra Kruger
Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with The Pictures Generation. Most of her work consists of black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions, stated in white-on-red Futura Bold Oblique or Helvetica Ultra Condensed text
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Her use of words and pictures convey a deeper meaning. Her artwork shows the viewer how fast people label others in society. The work shows how another person’s view can impact society as a whole by letting the hierarchy in society manifest our culture. Barbara went beyond this to get a reaction from society by raising this social awareness in her art. Through her works she expresses gender, sexuality and other stereotypical issues that are developed within a mainstream culture.
Dark room
to make our zines more unique and develop our skills, we did a dark room work shop and developed some images that we could include in our zine
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rigami book folding
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this is the one i chose to do, my final one when i create the zine will be made with an a1 piece of pink sugar paper which when folded will be pages of a4
After working on the zine for a good month or so now its time to start working on compiling all of the techniques learnt together and using my information on my topic to create the actual zine, I looked at zines and saw online is popular especially during the covid era, so I plan to digitise my zine as well as make print out copies, I wont be sending it away to get printed fancy or anything I will do my best to make it look as polished myself as its more personal I feel.
I found a few ways with tutorials on how to format your zine, now I have to think about size, most zines are A5 but I feel like I can't fit enough stuff in to an A5 zine so im thinking of doing it A4.
My zine completed
First copy
First paper copy.
I printed off my first draft and sent it to my teachers and got feedback from it, I used the feedback and changed it to make it better. I changed the whole thing so it was digital, I used a website called flipsnack.com, I chose this website because it was free and it gave the pages a glossy look and the animation was like a page flipping which gave it a realistic feel.
Finished zine
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yeet-noir · 4 years
I don’t know if u have noticed but Adrienette shippers are wishing for Adrien to be with marinette so he can happy n mari as well, as they wish the best for other characters while l*kanette stans or ad**rigami stans always need to throw salt @ either marinette or @ Adrien, someone has to take the blame in their eyes. Brah this is why adrienette should be an endgame
In my personal experience I never noticed adrigami stans do that either cause I follow awesome adrigami fans or the fact that that ship gets salted on a lot haha but ya I love the love square all the ways I just wish the pettiness stopped cause like of course you can have your preference but people act like they will riot if lukanette doesn’t happen or something even though the show is framed around the love square. 
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