#ridley — character study.
falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
i just binged inside job in two days and i am having feelings™️  -> the execution of this show's main gang is so beautifully done, im like- constantly impressed
because they're all misfits
-> Gigi, Brett, Myc, Andre, Glenn, and Reagan were all pretty much socially isolated until they came to the deep state {even though glenn and gigi's backstories are still pretty much up in the air sans a few glimpses}
but that's why their group works so well, that's why they can intrinsically understand each other without even fully realizing it
i'm realizing they all sort of represent the five stages of grief too; of learning to let go and finally healing in the comfort of their own little fucked up found family
Brett is denial -> He's constantly chasing after any form of affection people will give him, telling himself that it's genuine and that- no, these people don't dislike him! this is just friendly banter! he just needs to prove himself a little more, push just a little farther and then Brett will for sure be worth their approval!
Glenn is anger -> With the limited knowledge we have of Glenn, no finite backstory outside his wife and veteran status, it's pretty easy to realize that he has a lot of anger towards... everything. He's mad about his face, about his divorce and he constantly lashes out about it
Andre is bargaining -> What's beautiful about Andre's writing is the almost intrusive depiction of what he's like sober and why he can't kick the addiction. He's such a terrified and self-conscious person that he'll do or trade anything for the crutch that finally gives him peace of mind.
Reagan is depression -> Like Brett, Reagan is constantly trying to prove herself. However, unlike her best friend, her desire to do so doesn't manifest as optimistic denial. She's strung out and exhausted but she can't stop because what is she without her work? And she can't be bothered to take care of herself because she doesn't see the point in it
Gigi and Myc are acceptance, albeit because -> 1. We see Gigi turning down her literal dream job twice because she realizes that Cognito is her family, and that she doesn't have to fight to prove herself to them -> 2. The entirety of the hivemind episode was Myc just- finally vocalizing that, yeah he's a jerk, but he's the gang's jerk and he's always going to have a place among these people
man, if only this show could get a third season TToTT
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stuckonvenus · 2 years
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BIRTH NAME: Riley Araceli Albright. CHOSEN NAME: Ridley Adam Albright. NICKNAMES: Lele, Rids. AGE: 22. BIRTH DATE: June 6th, 2000. ZODIAC: Gemini. ETHNICITY: Latino-Caucasian. GENDER: Trans male. ORIENTATION: Heterosexual heteroromantic. RELIGION: Atheist-agnostic, previously Catholic. SPOKEN LANGUAGE: Spanish & English. BIRTHPLACE: Monterrey, Mexico. HOMETOWN: Kansas City, Missouri. OCCUPATION: University student. EDUCATION: High school graduate + attending university for political science.
PARENTS: Marcela Albright (nee Morales) & Adam Albright. SIBLINGS: None. SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Previously Guinevere Scott, currently Love Bythesea. CHILDREN: (through in vitro gametogenesis) Zelda Albright, Alyx Albright, Briar Albright. PETS: Sylux, a Holland Lop bunny.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good. INTELLIGENCE: Above average, excels in debate, linguistics, and history, slacks a little in mathematics but can still get by. Much better in language studies but is most passionate about art. STRENGTHS: Articulate, innovative, efficient, realistic, honest, ambitious, witty. WEAKNESSES: Dogmatic, calculating, egocentric, obsessive, self-indulgent, vindictive. AESTHETIC: cigarette tucked behind one ear, late night shopping trips, spontaneous road trips to strange places, crashing on someone else’s couch, skateboarding underneath street lights, dimly lit parking lots, soft jumpers, scuffed Adidas, being buried alive in a shallow grave, passing melancholic signs on the interstate, the inexplicable desire for intimacy with another, false prophecies, the concept of the valley of death. THEME SONGS: Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers, Still Don’t Know My Name by Labrinth, Off Your Face by My Bloody Valentine, No Longer Making Time by Slowdive, I Know It’s Over by The Smiths.
FACE CLAIM: Martina Cariddi / Benjamin Wadsworth. EYE COLOUR: Brown. HAIR COLOUR: Brown. HEIGHT: 5′10. WEIGHT: 135. BODY BUILD: Average. TATTOOS + PIERCINGS: Ear piercings from childhood that are gradually closing. No tattoos. NOTABLE PHYSICAL TRAITS: Scar indenting right eyebrow from a skateboarding accident as a pre-teen, callous in his thumb from repeatedly draining the wound and redressing it with a band aid, top surgery scars on chest.
ALLERGIES: None. SMOKES?: Yes. DRINKS?: Yes. DRUGS?: Yes, stoner CHRONIC ILLNESS: None. OTHER: FTM transgender. Came out at age 15 to an unsupportive mother and a wildly confused father. Mostly paid medical bills on his own and with whatever his parents’ insurance covered behind his mother’s back. EATING HABITS: Whatever is in stock at the gas station, or what his father cooks at home; normally Mexican dishes, if not that then always lasagna. EXERCISE HABITS: Virtually none.
PHOBIAS: Any sort of contamination, small spaces, moths and other flying insects. ADDICTIONS: Prescription drugs, most often oxycontin, and has a reliance on marijuana. MENTAL DISORDERS: Generalized Anxiety Disorder & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. WHEN WAS THIS DIAGNOSED?: GAD when he was 11, OCD when he was 17.
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mycharacterdump · 4 months
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𝗥𝗜𝗗𝗟𝗘𝗬 𝗔𝗟𝗕𝗥𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 — moodboard.
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kesarijournal · 6 months
"Napoleon" (2023): A Spectacular but Unfulfilling Portrait of an Icon
**Director:** Ridley Scott **Starring:** Joaquin Phoenix **Genre:** Biography, History, Drama, War, Action **Rating:** RRidley Scott’s “Napoleon” emerges as a visually stunning yet narratively shallow exploration of one of history’s most enigmatic figures. Despite its grand scale and Joaquin Phoenix’s commitment to the role, the film struggles to encapsulate the essence and complexity of Napoleon…
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jaegeraether · 5 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 58)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (51) & Alexia Putellas x Character (18)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((** 3.4K **))
Lucy POV
Lucy’s body didn’t know what to do. It wanted to sleep well like it always did when it was with her, but it also was so terrified of moving wrong and hurting her more. Her little broken Australian. Guilt had been gnawing at her since the assault. She should have been there. She should have ran quicker. She should have sorted Kristie out when the photos had happened. Before her scar. Her Visa. Her assault.
Her assault.
She couldn’t escape it. The thought of it – the brutality towards someone who never meant to hurt anyone with words let alone violence. Lucy had rounded the corner shortly after Ridley, her knee screaming in pain as she did so and suddenly Kristie was pushed back into her. But she didn’t care. She’d thrown her body to the ground because she only had eyes for one thing.
Her little Australian huddled on the ground protecting Narla. Lucy had been too scared to touch her, to hurt her, but she knew she needed to. She needed to be strong for her, and so she would be. She’d be anything she needed her to be.
And so, she had been. Quite naturally. Her thoughts were purely YFN. How to make her comfortable, wanting to spend time with her, to make sure she knew how loved she was.
This wasn’t a task to Lucy. It wasn’t something she thought about doing, she just… did. And although she shouldn’t have – YFN did so in return.
It was now Friday, five days since the incident and every one of those days they spent just enjoying each other and working through the hardship together. It wasn’t something they needed to discuss, they just did. They leant on each other and worked as a team which was something Lucy wasn’t used to in a partnership. She was used to working together, sure, but with communication. With YFN they didn’t need that.
The first few days in the hospital had been the hardest. Now that they were home, it was easy besides the knowledge gnawing at Lucy that she needed to be in training late next week for the Lionesses. But right now, they were together and although yesterday had been about spending time with Alexia and work, today was very much a relaxed one.
Lucy had been trying to read the same sentence for twenty minutes, her head moving back to a mixture of those negative thoughts and the feel of YFN sitting between her legs. They were sat in the corner of the couch, one of Lucy’s legs behind her back as YFN leant against the couch perpendicular to Lucy’s, both of her own legs stretched over Lucy’s other one. It was comfy. Natural.
Lucy gave up on her book and put it down, instead turning her attention to YFN. She was concentrating hard on the last pages of her book, the hand of her arm in the sling was playing with Lucy’s absentmindedly as it always did.
Her hair was up in a messy bun though slightly different, as Lucy had done it that morning. Her beautiful sun-kissed hair. Her little dimples getting shallower and deeper as her lips moved, almost whispering as she concentrated. Those dazzling blue eyes. The now paled pink scar cutting the edge of her eyebrow. Her dark, bruised jaw, now only a little swollen, giving her a baby faced look.
Lucy’s heart grew in size as she studied her. She wasn’t used to feeling things so deeply until she’d met her. She knew… she knew she would go to extraordinary lengths for her. And it was almost scary just how extreme those were. She was her first thought when she woke, the last when she slept and almost every thought in between. How strange it was, to dream of her even when she was with her.
She’d quit football for her. She’d move countries for her.
Her priorities had all shifted as she came into her life and took that top spot away. And she never even had to ask for it.
Lucy put her book down and instead used her hand to trace patterns in YFN’s leg. She was in shorts, as she had been most of the time as her knee brace wouldn’t fit under any pants besides track pants. Her skin was soft and malleable under her fingers, YFN humming happily at the feel.
Lucy’s hand eventually moved higher to stroke her thigh under their joined hands, her fingers gentle and loving.
YFN finished her book, putting it down next to her.
“Good book?”
She nodded as her eyes met Lucy’s.
“Tell me about it…”
She always loved talking about her books to Lucy, and Lucy loved hearing how her mind interpreted things.
“Not right now.”
Her now free hand made itself home in the back of Lucy’s hair and pulled her close, their lips meeting softly. Lucy wanted her so badly like she always did; but she’d been gentle with her. So, so gentle as if she were glass that would break. That’s why she was surprised when YFN turned her head a bit and parted her lips, pulling Lucy closer as their tongues met.
She knew it must have been hurting, but before Lucy had a chance to pull away, YFN moaned needily into her mouth. Lucy’s hand moved from her thigh to her jaw to stroke her bruise softly but it didn’t last long until the little Australian took her hand and moved it back down to her thighs, and more specifically, her inner thigh. Lucy broke away.
“Little one…”
“Luce,” she whimpered as her fingers found Lucy’s hair again, tugging her back down into the kiss. Their tongues glided across each other, teasing and stroking. Hot and wet and needy. Out of pure curiosity, Lucy’s hand rubbed her shorts over her core. She could feel her emanating heat, and then it was her turn to moan.
“We can’t…”
“Yes, we can.”
She tasted like lip balm and honey, her mouth and body seemingly desperate to taste Lucy.
Lucy made sure she didn’t have to move far, her body leaning to meet YFN’s, her left leg now raised behind her back to brace her.
“I need you,” she whimpered between kisses.
“Little one-”
“Please.” She begged, her mouth moving its way up and down Lucy’s jaw. “Please, Luce.”
How could she say no to that?
Lucy manoeuvred her shorts down just far enough for her hand to slip in and find where she was so desperate for her. She was wet, warm, and was not joking about needing her. Lucy felt through her excitedly swollen folds, her fingers finding her centre before stroking their way up to her clitoris while their tongues played.
YFN made a sound, her hand encouraging Lucy’s to go down where she just was. So she did. Lucy was so worried about her ribs. Her collarbone. Her jaw. Her knee. Let alone everything else. But she was just as desperate and so gently worked two fingers inside of her.
“Aaaahh fuck, Luce,” she cried softly into her mouth, holding her by the wrist to make sure her hand stayed still. Lucy felt her own body almost trembling. She needed this just as much as YFN did.
“You feel so right inside me.”
Lucy groaned. She felt like she belonged there.
“Oh…okay. Slowly,” YFN whispered as she kissed her again. Lucy leant over further so YFN was inclined a little, and she slowly pulled her fingers out, relishing the feel of her as she pushed them back in again… and again.
YFN clung to her with one hand, her teeth biting Lucy’s bottom lip which encouraged her to go faster.
Lucy’s fingers sped up ever so slightly and it was only a few beats until YFN clutched her shoulder and whimpered grudgingly. “Pineapples.”
Lucy froze on the spot, tensing up and then pulled her fingers from her completely, as YFN rested back against the couch.
“Little one, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Talk to me.”
“I…it’s my ribs, Luce.”
Lucy made a frustrated sound directed at herself. “Can I help..?”
“No… no it was just because I’m sitting up I think…”
Lucy softened as YFN relaxed in her arms. “We can’t be doing this, little one. We can’t be tempted.”
They shared a look. “You know… I never had a high sex drive until I met you,” she admitted. “You make me feel so loved and safe and able to be myself. You make me feel like my needs aren’t strange and that I deserve to be loved for who I am. Regardless of if it means sharing food with me, or holding me down on the bed and taking away my choices. I… I can’t help wanting you. I’m sorry I’m broken.”
“Don’t ever apologise for that,” Lucy whispered.
“Sexual needs are just as important as mental ones, Luce. And I know you’ve been needing this too.”
She was right, of course. Lucy’s sex drive was more about YFN than herself. It was about needing to pleasure her, to make her feel good and fall apart under her. That’s where Lucy got her satisfaction. Everything else was a bonus.
Lucy looked at her body in its entirety. Her bruised jaw. Clipped wing. Broken ribs. Braced knee. Her grazes.
YFN’s hand touched her cheek. “I’m sorry,” she murmured, those blue eyes searching Lucy’s. “What are you thinking?”
Lucy hesitated.
“Lucia.” She said it like a warning but there was no malice in her expression.
“I… was thinking… that if you laid down and put your good knee over my shoulder… I could use my mouth.”
Whatever she expected, it obviously wasn’t that. Her mouth dropped open.
“But we shouldn’t.” Lucy followed up quickly.
“Can we try?” She asked shyly.
“Ridley would murder me.”
“She doesn’t need to know our sex life. It’s ours.”
Lucy hummed for a minute, thinking before she made her decision.
“If anything goes wrong. If there’s any pain… you say the safe word.”
She nodded and ever so gently and carefully, Lucy helped her manoeuvre into a good position on the couch. Lucy slid a pillow under her lower back and then behind her head. She was standing and leaning over, brushing the stray strands of hair away.
“Are you sure?” She asked again.
“One mouth please. How much will that set me back?”
Lucy rolled her eyes. “On the house for you, pretty lady.”
Lucy got into position between her legs, pulling her good knee up over her shoulder and finding her now naked bottom half. She started slow, her tongue finding her core and swirling around it, tasting her. After a little bit of teasing there, she moved up, her tongue flattening as it glided up along that sensitive line towards her clitoris. She teased around it, enjoying hearing her frustrated huffs and when Lucy sucked on it, her huffs turn into moans and whimpers. Lucy hummed into her, knowing it would provide a nice little vibration and because she couldn’t help herself. She tasted so good.
“Ahhhh Luce… Lucy… oh my god your tongue,” she cried softly.
Lucy sped up her tongue, stimulating her little bundle of nerves, now happily out of its hood and wanting all of Lucy’s attention.
“F…fingers… argh I need your fingers…” she cried as she came close.
“Little one.” Lucy warned against her pussy, moving down to collect some more of that glistening excitement from her core and cover her own lips as she dragged it up to her clit.
“Not m… moving,” she promised. “Just… argh god yes. Just inside please. I need to… to feel you t…here.”
Lucy readjusted herself to not put pressure on her bad knee as her hand moved down from her abdomen and pushed two fingers inside of her agonisingly slowly; the pads of her fingers pressing into her g-spot.
She could feel her body relax under her as she groaned. “Yeeeees. Thank… you Luce. My Luce.”
Her noises became more pornographic as she came close, Lucy’s other hand pressing down on her lower abdomen to protect her ribs and collarbone and in general to help strengthen the feel of it for her.
She swallowed her taste, getting excited herself as she felt YFN’s hand gripping tighter in her hair.
Lucy sped up, her fingers pressing slightly harder as she came into her mouth with a cry that resonated through the room, her body tensing and her breathing stopping.
God, she loved this. Feeling her trembling and losing herself under her.
As she relaxed back down into the couch, Lucy could feel that tension from the past few days disappear with it.
She cleaned her up with her tongue and gently withdrew. YFN laid silently, catching her breath as she tried to keep to short, shallow breaths to save her ribs.
Lucy stood and wiggled her shorts back up over her and knelt on the ground next to her head, stroking her cheek.
YFN turned to look at her with sex-drunk eyes.
“Thank you. For everything. For being the most amazing person. Thank you for loving me and spoiling me.”
Lucy smiled and gave her a peck.
“Get used to it, love. This is what you deserve.”
She smiled and Lucy’s eyes wandered to those little dimples, which were now happy.
“Little one…?”
“Yeah, Luce?”
“I’m so proud of you for using our safe word.”
Alexia POV
Alexia woke with a warm body cuddled against her. She yawned and looked down at Chiquito who was using her arm as a pillow, his little grey paws wrapped around it. She wondered if he’d learnt that from Ridley. Pets did tend to learn most things from their owners and Nala certainly had from her.
Chiquito had been the perfect company. He was the least cat-like cat she’d ever met. He was independent yet loved to be around people, wandering around for attention and when it was met, wandering off to explore or whatever else caught his attention. He’d been primarily close to her, hanging around and sitting on her towel as she swam. He was her little shadow and she never felt alone with him there. They went to bed late, after dinner, a swim, and an hour or so painting outside. He was ready for bed before she was and she thought she’d lost him until she found him waiting patiently outside Ridley’s bedroom, his tail curled around his body and over his paws.
“Wrong room, Chiquito,” she’d said in Spanish and picked him up, walking him back down to her bedroom.
They spent the day together again, swimming and painting and reading. Alexia hadn’t touched her phone all day and it was such a stress-relief that had her happy and excited to hit the gym, and instead of stressing, she was wondering what she’d make for lunch. She did her usual weight training and stretching, her mind moving to Ridley. She pushed the thought of her aside quickly and wondered on Meg. She’d slipped her number into her pocket and as of yet, she hadn’t messaged. She wanted to but didn’t know why.
Is it because I haven’t had sex in a while? She thought as she squatted with the bar over her shoulders.
Chiquito wandered in front of her, tail slowly moving through the air.
Is it because I like her? We have chemistry… She thought. Or is it because she was so obvious about it? Or perhaps…. because of Ridley. But was it because she wanted to move on from her, to feel something else? Or because she wanted to make her jealous….
Alexia cried out in pain as her knee spasmed and gave way, falling forwards and dropping the barbell behind her with a loud bang. She saw Chiquito jump out of the corner of her eye.
Alexia sat back and dragged her leg out in front of her, massaging it. She’d put too much weight on the bar. She knew better. But she’d been told again and again and again that there was nothing wrong with her knee when she knew there was.
She stood and pressed some weight down onto it. It hurt, but she could walk.
She left the bar where it was and limped around the gym until she could walk almost normally again, the pain subsiding with movement. She shook her head and spotted the football in the corner of the room and thought about it.
She’d seen the way management had looked at her, as if she were lying. She truly believed something was wrong. There was pain. So fuck it, she’d test herself and see if her knee could take it. If it could, she could go back to Barca and if it couldn’t… she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. She grabbed the football and stalked from the room.
Alexia made her way down to the park across the road. She didn’t care about lunch. She had her knee to test. It wasn’t an oval, just a park and being almost midday on a Friday, it was empty. She set the ball down and began running drills as if she were at training. But this time, she ran faster. Pushed harder. She dribbled around, putting her knee into all sorts of positions that she’d have to in games as she waited for it to fail on her.
She pushed so hard she was dripping with sweat. Any minute now. Any minute.
She gave up on the ball, frustrated, and sprinted suicides instead from one side of the park to the other. It took well over an hour at the park until she felt herself getting sick. There was no food in her stomach and definitely not enough water.
Push, she told herself. Push! Your knee will go!
It was painful and had sharp pains through some of the ball movement, but it just wasn’t giving up on her.
She missed her club, her girls, her life. She missed playing in front of crowds and kicking goals.
And suddenly she hit a moment then when nothing felt right.
Alexia started to shake, her body unsure on her feet and then she tripped, her body collapsing to the ground in a thud, the air forced from her lungs. She laid there dripping with sweat, unable to breath. Unable to think. She gasped for air and mentally, she didn’t know where she was. She needed oxygen, and water. She cursed at herself for going alone; for being too proud to tell anyone. That’s why she was surprised when she heard a familiar voice.
“Lex!” She heard the worried yell as it came closer at speed. “What the fuck did you do?!”
She looked up at Ridley who was over her now, her figure blocking the sunlight and her face coming into focus. Ridley? How was she here? How? And why? And how? As if breathing wasn’t hard enough and now… her.
Ridley was inspecting her all over with quick, expert hands, trying to assess for injuries and then she leant over her face and Alexia could look nowhere else but at her. God, she was beautiful. Even when she was angry, her eyebrows pulling together and her face reflecting a frustrated worry. Ridley wiped the sweat from her forehead with a gentle move of her fingers, pushing her blonde hair off her face as she did so.
“What the fuck did you do?” It was softer now.
Alexia didn’t answer because she knew it was a rhetorical question. She’d messed up. She’d pushed herself too hard. She’d just wanted to prove something was wrong, or overcome that mental barrier. She’d wanted to prove to herself once and for all that it was real, and not all in her head. She rarely cried, especially around people, but in that moment tears welled in her eyes and she saw Ridley’s expression soften further than she’d ever seen before.
“Oh, Lexi… come here. I’ve got you.” Even with her broken hand, she leant down and picked Alexia up, holding her close to her body as she carried her back across the park and towards the penthouse.
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joachimnapoleon · 6 months
When I walked into my first make-up and costume fitting to play Ney in Scott’s historical epic Napoleon, the Italian make-up designer bashfully came up to me and said: “I showed your picture to Ridley on his iPad and he… um… he just drew all over your face the most incredible beard, and said, ‘Give him this’.” I laughed when I saw it – but with so many military characters in the film, Ridley wanted to make each of us visually distinct.
After I finished filming, I was contacted by one of Ney’s relatives – he was hoping to come to the premiere in London. I had to say to him: “Look, I just have to warn you that the Ney you see on the screen might look a little different to the one that you no doubt hold sacred in the family. We know he had notoriously blue eyes and very red hair, but now he’s got a cracking beard instead.”
The article is a good read, Hollingworth talks about studying Ney’s life for the role and his views on Ney and his conduct at Waterloo.
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boghermit · 3 months
Pointing Out the Historical Inaccuracies (and Some Accuracies) of Ridley Scott's Napoleon 🤓
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The only interesting parts of this film are the costumes, and maybe one or two music tracks. The rest of the movie is just awful. The story can hardly be called a story. It's just miscellaneous boring scenes duct taped together. None of the characters are developed beyond a single trait, if that. A period this broad shouldn't have been crammed into a movie this short. I honestly wouldn't have disliked the historical inaccuracy so much if it had been sacrificed for the sake of a good narrative, but this is bad. Even if you don't know about the era enough to nitpick it, I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone.
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TL;DR go watch Waterloo or The Duelists instead.
Accurate Historical Details
There were some minor details that made me perk up like, "Ah, yes! It did happen like that!" The rest of the movie is so inaccurate that these details stuck out.
Napoleon tugged on peoples' ears as a sign of affection. You see this in the movie with Tallyrand and Josephine. He also did this a lot with his soldiers, which we don't see in the film. In fact, he doesn't interact with his soldiers much at all in the film.
The French fired a 101-cannon salute after Napoleon's first son was born.
Napoleon famously bumbled at the Coup of 18 Brumoire, and his brother Lucien had to step in to direct the French grenadiers.
It's contested whether or not Robespierre actually shot himself in the jaw, but I think at this point it's mostly accepted as truth? In any case, someone screwed up his jaw before he was arrested.
The British loved publishing political cartoons about Napoleon, including cartoons of him being cucked.
Joséphine did actually meet Tsar Alexander shortly before her death. I didn't know about this one and was happy to learn something new.
The depictions of line and square formations were okay.
Historical Inaccuracies
This is, in spite of its budget, one of most historically inaccurate pieces of media I've seen on the era, and on top of that it isn't even good.
There is so much historical context omitted from this film that I feel like anyone who doesn't have an interest in the time period will have NO idea what's going on. You are never really given the how and why of history other than "the Europeans are fighting and also Napoleon is there."
The overall characterization of Napoleon is just bizarre. Napoleon was smart, egotistical, ambitious, hot-tempered, and had a magnetic charisma and human charm that inspired a kind of blind loyalty in his soldiers. This is why he was so successful - and so dangerous. Napoleon never feels threatening or sinister in this film. He's just kind of there, slouching and sweating and mumbling under his breath as history unfolds. Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure does a better job of depicting Napoleon than whatever the hell is going on here.
Napoleon was not present at the beheading of Marie-Antoinette.
He didn't have his horse shot out from under him at Toulon, and he didn't send gore-spattered cannonballs to his mother, as far as I know.
The movie casts a younger actress to play Joséphine de Beauharnais, but Joséphine was actually older than Napoleon.
I'm pretty sure that Napoleon didn't find and return the sword of Joséphine's ex-husband, although there is a legend stating that he attempted to confiscate it and was persuaded by Joséphine's son to return it.
The French army never shot their cannons at the Pyramids in Egypt. They also didn't loot the Pyramids, although they participated in a lot of heinous looting elsewhere.
Napoleon didn't leave Egypt because he found out he was being cucked by his wife - he'd already known about that for some time. He left Egypt because the campaign was failing and because the political situation in France was becoming untenable.
Jacques-Louis David attended the coronation of Napoleon, but didn't start his studies for the painting during the coronation itself. (At least as far as I know.)
The lake scene during the Battle of Austerlitz is a bit of a legend, but probably not true. The gigantic lake was more likely a series of shallow ponds, if it existed at all.
Napoleon did not lead cavalry charges, and he sure as shit didn't lead cavalry charges at the Battles of Borodino or Waterloo. In fact, Napoleon infamously sat a safe distance away while watching the bloody Battle of Borodino unfold.
Napoleon was not exiled following the Russian campaign. He was exiled after the War of the Sixth Coalition, in 1814.
Joséphine died in 1814, when Napoleon was still at Elba, not in 1815.
Trench warfare and scoped muskets were not used at the Battle of Waterloo.
Napoleon never met the Duke of Wellington.
That's uh. The cut version of my complaints.
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rhodeybugg · 29 days
Perhaps to get myself out of writers/art block..
If I have the energy sometime soon I may write that Ridley character study/au lore thing.
Because: [Trigger warning: Referenced domestic abuse, religious trauma, ridley's parents forced her to become a priest/exorcist.]
Solver-Bound AU:
Ridley is the youngest of three daughters, both of her older sisters moved out and escaped their parent's wrath, but Ridley was left there and unintentionally became the golden child. Her mother wanted her to be a doctor, he father wanted her to continue their family history of being a priest/exorcist.
She had no say in the matter, and didn't want to incur the wrath of her parents, so she went through it all- the day-long studies, attending every seminar and service her parents dragged her to with a forced smile.
She maintained her abstinence well into adulthood, only breaking free of her mental chains once Mitchell came into the picture. She hates it when anything covers her face, because it reminds her of the veil her parents used to make her wear to maintain her purity and innocence.
Mitchell was the first one that she ever let take off her veil while they were waiting for more solver tests. It wasn't mandatory for the company, but it just felt like something that was a part of her.
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thisisparnianagain · 1 year
Rnm Writing Prompts
• Morty meets Memory Rick.
• Birdperson comes to Rick for parenting advice about his daughter
• Rick grows fond of BP's daughter
• Rick Prime politely knocks on their door, kidnaps whoever opens it
• Morty wants to fix Rickbot
• Rick, but clean from alcohol (character study)
• Morty thinks pottery is a toxic outlet fsr?
• Morty holds onto the roughed up Downbeat game he sneaked from his dimension
• Five times Morty thought he saw Rick Prime. One time he did for sure.
• An independant rickless Morty is assigned to a Rick who lost his Diane and Beth before Morty was born
• Rick pov: Morty gives a speech about how being an asshole is good sometimes
• Stanford Pines(Gravity Falls) and Rick Sanchez hang out. Rick makes him get the 'Hey now, you're an all star!' tattoo [Yes it's canon]
• Rand Ridley complaining about 'some weird asshole in a labcoat' portaling in and stealing his livers
• Rick finds out Squanchy's still alive somewhere because a death crystal shows him a future where Squanchy's the one who kills him
•Rick makes a deal with Bill Cipher, takes his powers for a joyride
•Evil Morty meets Prime
I know I'm not gonna write these myself, too lazy. But if anyone does, send me a link or something :D
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bigswisscheese · 5 months
New Jodie interview. Please someone drop the name of her pup.
It's behind a paywall, so if you want to read it, it's below the cut!
It was a gamble that few actresses would have dared to take. After four years making her name as the charismatic psychopath Villanelle in Killing Eve, Jodie Comer rolled the dice — and changed her life.
Having not acted on stage since she was 16, Comer risked her growing reputation to star in a one-woman show in the West End. Prima Facie proved a sensation and transferred to Broadway. And last year the Liverpudlian won the most prestigious theatre awards on both sides of the Pond — an Olivier and a Tony — and, aged 30, entered a new era. The Com-era, perhaps?
Today she is a fully fledged film star, taking her first leading role in The End We Start From — a smart, bold post-apocalyptic indie drama about a mother (Comer) and her baby (not Comer’s baby). The film already has nine nominations for the British Independent Film awards, and Baftas should follow.
Comer is in a car with a lively dog when we talk via Zoom. She is in a black hoodie, with her long blonde hair loosely tied, and seems extraordinarily calm — except when the dog leaps across the screen. Her Zen is worth mentioning because the last time I saw her was when she prowled the stage with fear and fury in Prima Facie, playing a barrister who defends men accused of sexual assault before she is sexually assaulted herself. One woman going full throttle in defence of all women.
“My sleep was all over the place,” Comer says of her stint playing Tessa. “It’s tricky when you do something emotional. You think, ‘OK, it’s not real.’ But there is some part that tricks your body into believing that what you’re saying and feeling is a real experience. It becomes important to take care of yourself. With theatre it’s kinetic. You’re sharing space with 900 people.
“It’s … it’s tough. But clearly something I love putting myself through.” She pauses. “Yeah, I underestimated Prima Facie. Totally. I just didn’t know what to expect.”
It was not her first ordeal either. She’s drawn to gruelling roles, from Ridley Scott’s The Last Duel, in which her character, Marguerite de Carrouges, was the victim of a rape, to Help, the bleak Channel 4 care home Covid drama. There was also Free Guy, a video-games blockbuster with Ryan Reynolds, but when I ask if Comer is tempted to pick something else fun as a break from Prima Facie, she explains that having a laugh is not enough.
“I like to be in a difficult place,” she says. “A place of self-discovery. Where I feel challenged. With Free Guy that part of me that comes away from my work feeling that I had to dig deep was missing … I came away thinking, ‘Wow, I’ve had so much fun.’ And that should be enough. But I like anything that holds a mirror up to this human experience. It’s just what I’m drawn to.”
Which leads us to The End We Start From. The film is directed by Mahalia Belo and takes place in modern-day London, telling the tale of Mother (Comer), whose waters break just as Britain experiences mass flooding. Metaphors à gogo, but the film works superbly as an intimate study of how an individual deals with a global disaster. How can a parent protect a baby as society collapses?
Comer is barely seen on screen without a baby. The crew had to use several because strict rules mean each infant can only work for 20 minutes at a time. (There are agencies that expectant parents use to sign their unborn child up to a film company.)
We all know an actor should never work with children or animals, but a baby is a whole other, wriggly challenge. Comer really does nothing by halves. How hard is it to act with one? “It’s such a lesson,” says Comer, who is not a mother. Did it come naturally? “Oh God, no!”
“The smallest baby was eight weeks,” she explains, smiling softly. “At first my hands were visibly shaking. My younger cousins have grown up now, so I’m not around babies an awful lot. It felt like a huge responsibility. I thought, ‘Wow, they’re so fragile.’ But I became more comfortable, sometimes to my detriment! There are scenes where we needed a baby to cry but I was soothing him instead. The crew would shout ‘Stop!’” She pauses. “I was kind of falling in love with them.”
The film shows the thrill of being a first-time parent much more than the panic. As prep for Prima Facie Comer watched cases at the Old Bailey. What did she do for this? “My best friend had a baby before filming, so I was able to ask personal questions,” Comer says. “I also spent time with midwives — there is a birthing sequence and I wanted to know about the physicality, where you feel pain giving birth. Having not had a child myself, I wanted women to see the truth in what they saw.”
It comes as no surprise that Belo was inspired to direct her first feature film after giving birth during the pandemic. “Your whole body gets taken over by this beautiful thing,” Belo says about being a mother. “Every part of your body is different from then on and it’s not only that — all your relationships are different too. You’ve got this other sound going on, that’s about your children. I wanted to represent that.”
The End We Start From is a film so clearly made by a woman who has young children, you can almost smell the nappies. Post-apocalyptic films usually star a man walking in a desolate landscape alone with his thoughts, and a dog. So it is quietly revolutionary to focus on a woman and her newborn.
“I think so,” Comer says. “What I love is that it’s a woman who is the everyday hero — we always see men with a superhero quality facing this situation. But here it is a woman many will feel they know. She’s not scaling buildings, or jumping over bridges. The story is deep-rooted in her psyche and emotion. It’s refreshing.”
The film also grapples with climate change. “Endless amounts of rain — I can’t see anything out of the window …” Comer says with a sigh as she looks out of the car at a very wet Britain. Belo, who lives in east London, made the film as her neighbourhood in Walthamstow suffered unprecedented flooding. When she consulted flood experts, their conversations were bleak. “Sea levels are rising, rainfall is becoming more extreme. We are an island; things are going to go wrong and we’re not prepared. We know what’s happening.”
For some The End We Start From will just be a stirring story of the lengths that we go to protect our children. Others, though, will locate an edge that is common to so much of Comer’s work. It is another entry on a CV that is trying to make a difference. Does she think that art can actually change anything? “Absolutely,” Comer says. “When I read the scripts they provoked an emotion in me that felt important. I felt engaged and that’s the biggest thing now, isn’t it? To keep people engaged in what you’re saying, and so that you can change things. I witnessed conversations around sexual assault when working on Prima Facie and saw subtle shifts within the law.
“Women and men were telling me what that play had enabled them to do, whether it was to seek counselling or have a conversation with their family. That may seem like a very small change but it is mighty in somebody’s life. You can see what a profound effect watching a piece of art has on somebody. That means a lot to me.”
This desperation to make stuff that really matters is why Comer stands out. She also excels in the 1960s-set The Bikeriders, about gangs and masculinity, out in the summer, alongside Tom Hardy. If you were to put her in a bracket of skill and achievement right now, you could say that she is where Jodie Foster was as she entered her thirties. They share the sass, steeliness and spark that Foster displayed in the controversial courtroom drama The Accused — which deals with the subject of rape — a sort of prototype Prima Facie.
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justplainwhump · 10 months
Co-written with @hackles-up. Part of the Ridley-Dies-Arc, can be read on it's own. B and Tom (aka second bad guy) are her characters.
Dany and B's escape takes a bad turn.
Content / Warnings: BBU elements, recapture, feverish whumpee, restraints, multiple whumpees, multiple whumpers, abduction, threats of noncon.
Being the daughter of a man like my father, I've been taught quite a lot about being on the run, even though I've rarely been myself. The importance of high quality fake papers, for example, and how much further you can get if you just behave like a rich person; how with the right tip a concierge at the Ritz will surely keep you out of the books, while a dingy motel owner might sell you out for the price of a Big Mac.
It's ironic, that we have both of that - good documents and good money -, and still need to rely on the very dingy sort of accommodations. Because all I learned didn't take into account being the subjects of a nationwide manhunt for the murder of a mafia-affiliated just-not-billionaire. Or hiding a huge, broad-shouldered traumatized man with sharp titanium teeth who refuses to take off his collar.
We've slept in the car, twice, but B's fever had only become worse, and none of us had been able to close an eye.
We're at a rest stop on a highway, a small shady restaurant with a bunch of guest rooms above it. A significant share of these is most likely occupied by the prostitutes sitting at the bar right now, slightly bored because it's not yet their time of the night. It makes me feel better, in a way. Means the police aren't quite welcome here. That can only be good for us.
B has stepped away for the washroom, and I'm just studying the road map once more, when a thin man in a leather jacket slips into my booth and sits down in B's spot.
Under the table, my hand wraps around my gun. I can help myself, but it would create attention, and attention is the very last thing we need.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says, while he looks me down. Black jeans, oversized black Tee, short gloves, dark baseball cap over a short bob. I look nothing like the pictures from the wanted posters. I also look nothing like a sweetheart.
"Fuck off," I tell him. "That seat is taken."
He chuckles. "You don't even want to hear my offer?"
"Pretty sure I do not, no."
"I can get you out." He gestures roughly towards the border. "Out of the country. Friend's got an airplane, used to... unregistered cargo."
"What makes you think I want to leave?"
He laughs, points at my cap, my baggy clothes, the duffle bag between my feet. "I know the looks of people like you. And I know this place isn't exactly a spa retreat. People come here for reasons."
"Oh yeah?" With the hand above the table, I take a sip of my coke. "And say I were interested. How much would that flight be?"
The stranger tilts his head towards the restrooms. "Your... buddy back there. Built like a brick, isn't he? Seems like he can handle himself quite well."
I lift my chin in alarm, while he just leans in conspiratorially, and asks, "WRU material?"
I clench my jaw and shake my head.
"If he came back, and I said the magic word, what would he do, huh, princess?"
I can't help but tense at the pet name. At the implication.
"What would you do, huh?" He gives me a slow smile. "Wanna give it a try? Respect!"
"Fuck off." I slam my gun onto the table, trained at him, keeping my voice low. "I'm not a runaway pet, nor is my friend. I've just had some trouble with some assholes, and it didn't end well for them. If you don't want to test your luck, I think you should just walk away and forget we've ever met."
He stares at the gun and lifts his hand in a mock gesture of defeat. "Gosh, you're a flimsy one, aren't you? Alright, I'm leavin', I'm leavin'."
My heart is racing, as I watch him retreat through the front doors, looking back to me with a final mock salute.
It still does, when B returns to the table. He still looks exhausted, his eyes dull, with deep rings underneath, feverish sweat glinting on his forehead. 'Seems like he can handle himself well', the man has said. Fucking ironic, a threat within a threat.
B needs a break. And I’m not giving him one. I toss two bills onto the counter and grab the uneaten burger from the plate, before I nod at him. "We gotta go."
“Trouble?” He asks, moving in step with me as I move. All professional, all alert Guard Dog. Both of us know how much it costs him to keep it up.
"Yeah." I cast a glance around. Nobody seems to spare us any attention, but I've been fooled before. I hadn't seen the guy coming. And he must've been watching us for a while. Fuck. I'm pretty sure that I haven't convinced him. Just need to hope that he'll find easier prey. Or that we'll be gone before he returns. "Some gangster spotted us. Can't tell you what he wants exactly, he doesn't know about the bounty, but way too interested in you to be safe."
I lift the heavy bag and throw it over my shoulder. It's better if I carry it than him. He's sick; and he needs his hands free. "He left through the front door. Don't think we've seen the last of him though." I bite my lip. "Any other way out?"
B nods, indicating to his right hand side. "This way."
He makes steady determined steps past the bathrooms and towards the back entrance, almost betraying the exhaustion he must be feeling. Just as I try to let myself be fooled, too, though, he wavers for a moment, stumbling and reaching to hold himself on the wall.
I'm by his side right away, holding out my arm to steady him from the other side. He's burning, even through his clothes. His fever has become worse. A plane ride would've been just what we needed. Fucking asshole.
I rest a hand on B's hot cheek. "It's not far," I promise. "Two more days, and we can find Frankie's friends, and rest there."
I had thought about just leaving our car behind, making a run through the fields behind the rest stop, and just find someone who sells us their car for enough cash.
But B isn't even well enough to make it to the parking lot in one run. I grimace, making sure the gun is where I can reach it. I can't use any police attention. But if that's the price to pay to get B out of here safely, so be it.
Whatever that guy is up to, he's bad news; he's a threat, and he won't be any more with a bullet in his chest. I wonder for a second, if Dad would like that reasoning. He never wanted me to think that way. But there's many things about my life that he's never wanted.
"Come on, Ben," I say quietly. "We need to keep moving. You can hold on to me, alright? You can sleep in the car."
B bunches his hand into a fist against the wall, exhaling with a groan.
"Nh... No... 'M fine, Dany... I can do this." He mutters, and pushes himself off of the wall and stumbles forward, shrugging off my hand. "We can't stay here."
He pushes himself against the back door, holding it open with his body so I may slip out.
Something moves behind me. There’s a hand on my side, and cold metal pressed to the back of my head. They came from behind. Of course they did. Fuck. Fuck.
"Stay nice and still, pretty thing." someone murmurs.
I will not.
"B!" I shout, when I feel the barrel shift as he reaches around me, fumbling for my gun. I spin the other way, let the heavy duffel bag slam into his side and shoulder, while I grab my gun myself. The attacker stumbles, but catches himself too quickly, his gun in front of my face just as I bring my own up.
Fury is burning in his eyes. "You fucking... Don't fucking move or I'll put one in your knee. Sluts don't need to walk."
In front of us, B lets out a low growl. He bares his titanium teeth, taking a shaky step forward. The backdoor is still open, the night air wafting in.
"Oh no you don’t," the stranger hisses, pulling back the safety on his gun and pointing it at my leg. "I saw his collar. Tell your pet to back down or I'll shoot."
My mind is racing.
My gun is still in my hands, half way up. I could get a bullet in his chest, but he'll be faster, shooting my leg. I could kill him, but we'd never get away.
They want us alive. They want us alive, and they don't know who we are, so chances are they want us alive and not torture us to death.
Sickening as it is to admit, we'll stand better chances later. It feels like a betrayal, when I say, "Stand down, B."
B’s glare stays on the man, burning and deadly. He dropped his defensive stance immediately, though.
I don't lower my own gun.
"What do you want?"
He doesn’t reply, keeps his own gun level, while he remarks, “Impressive. It’s very responsive to you. How did you get your hands on a Guard Dog, huh? Must’ve cost a fortune. Daddy bought him for you?” He sneers.
Daddy. My hand trembles and I need my other hand to steady it and the gun. "Daddy is not in the picture any longer. And he answers to me," I reply. "What do you want? There isn't a lot to get out of us. The Guard Dog is old and sick, he isn't worth much any longer, but we can talk money." Ridley's words taste sour in my mouth. I hope B gets why I have to talk like this. They need to let us go.
The man just laughs. “Oh I wouldn’t discount you two so quickly.” He takes a step forward. “Now I need you to lower that gun and come with me. I’ll tell you all you wanna know then.”
“Don’t move…” B grits out. “We won’t go… anywhere with you.”
“Oh it talks too. Clever doggy.”
"Don't come closer," I hiss. "And don't talk to him like that. Or I'll shoot, and I won't bother aiming for the leg."
When I notice the shadowy movements behind B, it's too late. Something lowers around his neck and yanks him back.
I lose all control.
"No," I yell and stumble over towards him. "No! B!"
He’s falling, catching himself just before he hits the ground and lunges with teeth bared at his assailants, fighting the noose around his throat.
“Oh no you fucking don’t.” The man behind me is on me, grabs me in a vicious choke hold, arm pressing into my throat and kicking my legs out from underneath me to send me crashing to the ground. The gun falls from my hand, clattering across the floor behind me.
I have eyes only for the scene in front of me, the long catch pole, the noose lanyard choking B’s neck, his desperate, feverish thrashes. He’s panting for breath already.
"Stop," I shout, half sobbing. "B. Don't. Don't."
At the sound of my voice, B freezes in place.
It’s enough. The men yank back on the pole, sending him crashing into the ground.
The man behind me presses me down, pinned under his weight.
“Shhh, there’s a good girl", the stranger breathes in my ear, wrenching my arms back and fixating them with zip ties, while hissing obscenities into my hair.
Good girl.
I have betrayed B. I have betrayed myself, giving up this fight.
The man's hands are wandering over my ass. I don't care. All I care about is the man folded over on the other side of the back door, the man whom I promised to get him to safety.
My eyes are burning with tears.
I swallow back a sob.
"Don't hurt him," I whisper. "Please. Fuck me however you want to, I'll let you, but please, don't hurt him."
“Oh I think we’ll do whatever we please, sweetheart.” He murmurs, hand still firm on my ass. “We’ll take good care of your dog. Better than you have. Get it back on its feet and it’s gonna earn us a fortune in the dog fights.”
Better than you have. I can't breathe. He's right. I've almost let him die of this fever, keeping him on the run, always on his ties, never allowing us to rest.
The man who’s sat in the booth with me has stepped in outside, kneeling on B’s back.
I watch with tears in my eyes, as he pulls out a collar.
I didn't have a choice, I tell myself. I had to.
I’ve failed him, nonetheless.
I’ve failed us both.
Tag list (this is a very old one; lmk if you want to be added or removed!): @distinctlywhumpthing @whumping-on-the-ridge @queenofthenoobs @ocean-blue-whump
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nerdy-the-artist · 1 year
Dread it… run from it… destiny arrives all the same. Or rather, lesbians, bird people, and pirates. The series kinda just grabbed onto me out of seemingly nowhere at the beginning of March. Resisted the urge at first as a whole lot of series have disappointed me but, man, this fits all the niches for me. Great female protagonist, lost civilization tropes, pirates, galactic politics, galaxy threatening parasites. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t dive in sooner. To speak about the learning Chozo bit, it’s a slow process for me. Spring break is coming up, so I might take that opportunity to expedite the process then.
Mostly, however, I’m gonna share some more token details from my Metroid AU. Granted, I may be jumping the gun, as I haven’t gotten an opportunity to actually play a Metroid game, so perhaps I’m not the best gal to write a story on the matter. But the world building is fun. Without further ado, I will now proceed to rant about actual tidbits from the AU.
1. Ala the manga, Samus does have a slight telepathic bond between her two Chozo blood donors, Grey Voice and Raven Beak. However, due to hardly ever seeing Raven Beak, she does not recognize him. He appears in dreams though, in which she describes him as “the man with the broken face”. Yes, I’m going with his beak being a prosthetic. In any case, in the rare few times Samus dreams of this man with the broken face, he simply tells her to come find him. With time, however, Samus writes the dreams off as just that, dreams.
2. Ridley’s moniker of The Cunning God of Death is taken to another level. While he is well aware that he has no supernatural power or dominion, he styles himself as a god. In his speeches to his underlings, he proclaims the masses they will slaughter as “the mortals”, with his personal kill squad being known as The Revenants. His propensity to survive the unsurvivable helps cement this image in both the eyes of the pirates he controls, and the enemies who hear tales of his crimes.
3. While this may be controversial, the whole term of Space Pirates will be vastly expanded upon. As opposed to one great monolith of a faction, there will be many factions and sub factions jockeying for power in the lawless regions of space. Ridley and (upon the invasion of Zebes) Mother Brain’s faction are known as the Glaxamore. Additionally, membership into these various Space Pirate factions is not particularly restricted by race. There are a great many human and elfan pirates, in Glaxamore and beyond. One such human pirate will be a ship captain in the fleet surrounding Zebes, post invasion.
4. Back during Samus’s teenage years on Zebes, she and Old Bird would play pranks on Grey Voice. One such instance that I am itching to write, if for no other reason than my own entertainment, is when the snuck an Iono Feria (peaceful creature, once again, from the Manga), into Grey Voice’s personal study in the middle of the night, much to his fright and frustration when he woke up the next morning.
5. To speak more about Samus in particular, I wanted to dip more into the character-at-rest portion of her personality. While she is still a loner, she does make use of that time to improve herself beyond her ability to fight and survive. For one thing, she meditates. She tries a variety of different techniques, both human and Chozo, in order to commune with nature. This pursuit was one Old Bird passed onto her. Another thing she inherited from the Chozo is an accent! Samus and the Chozo speak English with a very distinct accent, which is slightly comparable to Greek or Spanish. I may pitch in some voice acting to show what I mean at some point, but not yet. Lastly, in addition to power suit and zero suit, another staple of her wardrobe is a Chozo poncho, with ornate patterning and a very earthy color palette. She often wears it during meditation sessions or when she simply wants to chill.
And that will be all for now. If you guys are interested in hearing more tidbits of this AU, I would be happy to post more. For now, however, I will leave it at this.
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stuckonvenus · 1 year
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"Well, if we're goin' by what you consider losing, then I lost you the moment you decided to spread your legs for all of Montana." he said without thinking.
Love looked at him with wide eyes, moving to slap him across the face.
Ridley flinched at the touch, reaching up to hold his cheek. "Not very Godly of you, was that?"
“You — You’re a real bastard,”
0 notes
mycharacterdump · 6 months
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she opened up early on, i thought i had a permit you started building a bridge and turned it into a fence then my building got tore down all because of your new tenant i'll just buy up some new shit, never down with a lease you never lived in your truth, i'm just happy i lived in it but i finally found peace, so peace lemme do it over thank you for the love, thank you for the joy but i will never want to fall in love again thank you for the time, thank you for your mind, oh but i don't ever want to fall in love again.
0 notes
bestreviewguy · 5 months
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Those who don’t study history are destined to repeat it. Those who watch Napolean’s marriage problems…just watched this movie? Napoleon is a 2 hour and 45 minute historical drama directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, etc.) starring Joaquin Phoenix who is most recently known for his work in the 2019 comic book hit, Joker. When watching a film like this, you generally expect their to be a lot of battles and essentially a love letter to the emperor in the French Revolution, Napolean Bonaparte. He had led 61 battles in his military career and infamously known for his strategy’s which guided the French to several victories. He was married to Josephine played by Vanessa Kirby in this film. As I expected their to be many historical moments in this film in the field of battle, I would have compromised with a glimpse into this characters life and mind set. I was excited to see how he thinks, and how he leads his army to victory in this film. Basically a testament to the HOW he accomplishes things and the WHY he was so well known…and we got hardly any of that. Instead, we’re given a long soap opera with no true resolve or any sort of information that will be remembered. Their is a new trend in cinema where a movie must be drawn out and long, this one is at least an hour too long. This is the biggest fault of the film, it is too long which makes the film come off as extremely boring. While the dynamic between Napolean and Josephine sounds intriguing on paper, it is not done properly in any regard. Playing off as a cliché, “what are we?” Style dynamic instead. This would have been ok if the momentum in the first 10 minutes was kept up throughout the film. We are faced with a BRUTAL first 10 to 15 minutes of the film which insinuates we are going to have a war story unlike any other based in the 1700’s era. This is not the case. Instead, most of the 2 hours and 45 minutes are a repetition of romance dialogue between Napolean and his wife and it is simply not interesting. However, the battle scenes are shot EXCELLENTLY. Their is one scene in particular in the beginning with a horse being shot blank with a canon ball and it is as gory as it sounds. This makes the audience intrigued that where in for a tale of war and strategic battle victories. The key word is ‘in the beginning’ because this momentum is not kept up throughout the film. However, it is historically accurate. The landmarks are breathtaking when viewed, ranging from Egypt, France (obviously) and a few more I won’t go into due to spoiler reasons. Also, the performances are done excellent. While the story is quite boring and you don’t really care about Napolean or Josephine by the end, it is clearly established both actors/actresses, give it their all in the role, yet the lack of source material doesn’t really make it enough to enjoy the film. In one word to summarize this film, it’s unfortunately very boring. That is the word I kept thinking of. The love story is boring and the dialogue is not entertaining at all. With a run time of 2 hours and 45 minutes, your dreading the viewing experience and trying not to fall asleep, and while the cinematography is fantastic and the landmarks are breathtaking, this movie is simply not good. I’m going to give “Napolean” by Ridley Scott, a 4 out of 10. If you want a historical epic that is a long film and also intriguing, check out “Killers of The Flower Moon” instead. Because this movie will absolutely put you to sleep.
+Historically accurate
+Battle scenes are beautifully shot
- Hard to stay awake while watching
- Boring story
- No interesting plot points
- Over saturated dialogue sequences that extend way too long
- Difficult to finish due to feeling pointless.
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jaegeraether · 5 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 42)
Alexia Putellas x Character (9)
Masterlist (other parts here)
((**Mentions of Lucy/YFN.* *What happens when two dominant people start falling for each other? This... :')* *I think this is my favourite chapter so far...**))
Alexia had her arms crossed over her body as she watched Lucy and her girlfriend through the glass at the airport. Lucy was the type of person to be so brutal on the field, so dedicated in her work, and so unapologetically independent. There were occasions where she was excited enough for physical contact with people, though they were rare, because that was the soft side of her that you only see if you truly knew her well. Even then, she hid it extremely well, even when she was with Keira.
Not now though. Alexia watched Lucy and YFN move like there was a cord connected between them, their movements naturally synced and complementing each other. And then there were the looks, the longing, the love, the hopeless expressions that were exchanged with smiles and blushes, many of which were one staring without the other noticing. It made Alexia feel a lot of things to see them like this. To see Lucy be so happy, so touchy, so in love. It now made sense to her why Lucy was always lost in a daydream since she’d returned from the last international break. Because she was always thinking about her; because this was one of those things you only see in movies or read about in poetry.
“They are cute, no?”
Alexia flinched at the voice which was a lot closer than she expected. She turned to Ridley who was leant against her car, hands clasped casually behind her back as she studied Alexia’s face. Her famous all-too-neutral expression usually helped her disguise her emotions, yet she felt Ridley could see right through it. And she could. Just the slightest hint of downturned eyebrows, her mouth set a little too hard, and the biggest giveaway, her eyes. Alexia’s eyes were like an open book for her, betraying her deepest feelings, and right now she could see…longing.
“I guess.”
“I prefer absolutes.”
Alexia raised an eyebrow, her face otherwise staying the same. “Is there a way to absolutely tell if tonight is going to be awkward between the two of us?”
Ridley smiled and Alexia watched the scar on her cheek shift with the movement of her face. “Awkward is fun, no?” She pushed off from the car and opened the door, gesturing Alexia in as if she were a chauffeur. “La Reina.”
Alexia looked at the fact that she’d opened the rear car door, and not the front. She was unsure if Ridley expected her to call her bluff, but she did anyways. She slid into the back seat as if she were an actual Queen, and Ridley an actual chauffeur. Bluff called. Alexia watched a smile creep over her face at her unexpected cheekiness as she closed the door. Alexia 1, Ridley 0.
“Ridley! It’s been too long! How are you?” The restaurant owner was gushing over the couple as they came in. “And I see your taste in women is impeccable, how lucky we are for you to bring the la Reina to our little restaurant.”
Ridley shared a grin and a polite half-hug with him. Did she know everyone? “Emiliano, I hope your family are well. Yes, I’ve been busy. I took a few contracts in Dubai recently so I’ve been gone for most of the year there.”
Alexia’s interest peaked at that. That’s where she’d been?
“My daughter wants to do that one day too. She’s so excited! Won’t shut up about it. Oh well, I’m glad you’re back. You look beautiful, as do you, Miss Putellas. As luck would have it, I have your favourite table free! Follow me.”
Usually Alexia was the centre of attention. The one who lead the way and had to do all of the talking and pleasantries. Here with Ridley she felt the opposite and it was…incredibly refreshing. Alexia followed closely behind Ridley, studying her back as she walked with such confidence. They reached her ‘favourite table’ which sported a stunning view of the city, but also retained a little privacy from half of the restaurant. In addition to that, she couldn’t help but realise how humble Emiliano had been when he’d said ‘little restaurant’. It looked and felt Michelin Star. Emiliano shared a gesture with Ridley that she didn’t see, and he stepped back as Ridley took his place to push Alexia’s chair in behind her. Another new fact about Ridley she’d just learnt. Chivalry. Alexia 1 – Ridley 1.
Ridley sat opposite her and pulled her own seat in. Alexia watched the two exchange a few more pleasantries and small talk before he gave them the chef specials and recommendations and left with a smile. The restaurant was so nice that the menus didn’t have prices. Cost was never a factor for Alexia anymore, though she felt like it helped her get to know the woman opposite her a little more. Gone were the days of the mysterious woman from the bar. Or so she thought.
They weren’t speaking, though it wasn’t uncomfortable. In fact, Alexia felt very comfortable, even with the astonishingly distracting tension between the two. If Ridley felt it, she hid it well. Alexia stared at the menu, not really seeing the words until two fingers gripped the top of her menu and gently lowered it so she could see her eyes.
“Are you going to hide behind your menu all night?”
“I was considering it.” She murmured, embarrassed she’d just been called out. Usually Alexia was the cool, calm person in control.
“And deprive me of those eyes?”
There’s that cheeky audacity. She made it worse by keeping that eye contact, making Alexia feel seen. And surprisingly safe also.
Alexia thought it best to not encourage her. “Any suggestions?”
“The salmon. I dreamt about it for days after.”
Everything sounded so flirty from her mouth. Perhaps it was.
“Okay.” She said and put her menu down as if to show she was done hiding. “And for you?”
Ridley hadn’t even opened her menu.
“Emiliano suggested the sirloin. Are you okay with wine during your season?”
Ridley raised her hand without her elbow leaving the table, and a server appeared, as if she’d been watching. Ridley handed her both menus and ordered for both of them with a wine pairing. Alexia noticed the girl staring at Ridley as if she was in love with her, or as if they’d had sex. After a few more seconds, she would have put money on it being the latter. Her emotions were poorly covered with longing looks and presumably old memories. Ridley’s expression, however, didn’t change. It was neutral, polite, unbothered. Usually in a situation like this, the person would be extra cold, or awkward, or making it obvious that it had meant nothing to them. Ridley did none of those things because she actually cared. Alexia had noticed that about her. She was so aware of people’s feelings, her intelligence shining through and although she had a perfectly composed self, that deep part of her could be brought out. She’d seen it in the worry in her eyes last night. She’d seen it in her amused expression in the rear-view as she and YFN had their little back and forth in the car. She’d seen it in the melancholy look that appeared for a split second when Alexia had said she was going to spend Christmas with her family.
When the server was gone, Ridley’s attention turned back to her date and just when Alexia thought she’d say something teasing, she did the opposite.
“I apologise for last night, Alexia. I…mishandled the entire situation. I won’t give you any excuses. Simply, you deserved better.”
It was short and eloquent. Not riddled with personal wants and needs and reasons and excuses. Just a genuine apology. Unfortunately, that made Ridley even more attractive to her than she already was.
“I accept your apology. Thank you for saying that.”
She wondered if that was it. If that was all Ridley wanted from their dinner tonight. She really just wanted to get to know her better, and she didn’t know why.
“Can I ask you something personal?”
“Sure, I’ll try my best to answer it.”
Alexia hesitated, which she rarely did. “In the car when you asked me about Christmas, you seemed upset. Why?”
Ridley stared into her eyes as if she were wondering how honest she should be. “Because I don’t have a family. I have YFN and her nan and her brother, but we’re not biologically related.”
No family? “Why..?”
“It would dampen the mood of tonight.”
“I want to know. Besides, what do you expect from tonight?”
“I expect to have dinner with you and apologise. I’d say we’re off to a great start.”
Ridley’s eyes flashed something unknown. It was the first time she’d heard her name from Alexia’s lips.
“I’m much more than my past.”
Alexia knew that, of course, but could also tell it was Ridley’s way of asking her to stop. So she did.
“I know you are.”
Before Ridley could respond, the server was back with the wine. She held it up for Ridley to look at and she tasted it like a wine connoisseur before she accepted it. Alexia noticed the server intentionally brushing Ridley’s fingers with her own, hoping for a reaction. Most people would have reacted to the touch, but Ridley remained indifferent and polite.
“I have another question.”
“By all means.”
One of the benefits of them both having dominant personalities was their ability to be straight to the point and honest.
“What do you want from me?”
Ridley took a sip while she thought. “In general or tonight?”
“Tonight I wanted to apologise and make sure you have a nice meal after your game. In general, I’m not entirely sure.”
She was unsure what she wanted from her?
“Last night you said a few things I’d like clarification on.”
Ridley gave her a look that said she already knew what those things were. “I’ll do my best.”
“Four questions. Firstly, you said that you ‘come here to see’ me?”
“To the bar, yes. Exactly how you go just to see me.”
It wasn’t cockiness, it was an observant fact. She knew she was going just for her? Alexia felt herself getting shy. She was rarely shy. She pushed that aside.
“That’s fair,” she murmured. “You also said ‘I don’t think of you like that’.”
“I don’t. You’re much more than a body to me.”
“What am I?” It wasn’t one of her questions but she couldn’t help but whisper it.
Ridley frowned. “I’m not sure yet.”
“Is that why you ‘don’t know how to give me anything else’?”
“I don’t date, Alexia.”
“And you just assume that I do?”
“Do you not?”
She frowned. She did. “You didn’t give me a choice.”
“There was no choice to offer. We didn’t know each other. We still don’t.”
“We could have changed that if you hadn’t left.”
Those words hung in the air between them. Ridley had left, and she knew it would have hurt her, but she assumed it would hurt her less than actually getting to know her for who she was. Ridley didn’t open up to people. Better to leave than break her heart.
The server arrived again during their silence, and placed their food in front of them, giving an extra sweet smile to Ridley. She pretended not to see it, her eyes on Alexia.
“I’m excited for you to try that, the chef is incredible.” Ridley’s eyes flickered to Alexia’s dish while Alexia continued to stare at her.
“Why did you leave?”
She sighed and caught Alexia’s eye again.
“Because I’m not good for you.”
“Trust me, Alexia. I’m not good for anybody.”
“You’re good enough for the women you fuck.” Alexia’s jealousy hit like a slap in the face. Usually people enjoy seeing their partners jealous for them. Ridley, however, didn’t want to see Alexia upset in any way.
“They mean nothing to me.”
Questions swam in Alexia’s eyes. “Were you trying to push me away…?”
That surprised her. Alexia’s jealousy hadn’t hindered her confidence. She knew her worth. It was an alarmingly attractive quality for Ridley. “Yes.”
Alexia was grateful for the fact that Ridley didn’t lie. She’d answer honestly or not at all. “Why?”
“I told you why.”
“You never gave me a chance…”
Again, those words hung in the air and the heartbreak on Alexia’s face almost broke her. Ridley had never felt like that before. She never let herself get close enough to. “I’m not good for you..” she repeated as if she hadn’t understood the first time. It was a weak argument.
“And you’ve just made that decision for me then? I don’t get to decide what is and isn’t good for me? What I do and don’t want?” Alexia was a softy at heart and although she was fierce with her words, unfallen tears were building up in her eyes. “You may be used to being in control and telling people what to do, but you don’t get to do that with me. Not right now.”
It was like two dominant animals butting heads. Both knew their worth, and Ridley had absolutely done the wrong thing by shutting Alexia out. Though she’d told herself she hadn’t owed her anything, she knew she did from that very first moment they’d locked eyes in the bar almost a year ago. Everything she’d done from then had been for her, and without her having a say in the matter. She hadn’t realised how selfish she’d been. She’d convinced herself she was doing the right thing by her and her feelings, without considering her actual feelings, because Alexia had been just as involved as she was. She’d underestimated that.
“You’re right.”
Alexia was also surprised at how easy she’d admitted that. She opened her mouth to reply and was cut off.
“Eat your food before it’s cold. Then we’ll talk.”
That was a good example of the type of control Alexia could accept from her. But not her avidly taking away her choices regarding her emotions.
The salmon was incredible, and she told her just as much. Ridley was happy at that. The wine pairing went down perfectly with their food and soon enough, the plates were replaced with the dessert menu.
“I can’t…” Alexia started to say before she was distracted reading the menu.
“We can share.”
Their eyes met, both happy at the compromise. Alexia smiled and Ridley’s heart almost stopped at that. She was stunning. She didn’t know if she could tear her eyes from her lips, but luckily she was torn away by the server again.
“What can I get for you two?”
“We’re sharing.” She said, clapping her menu closed and handing it over, looking at the Barcelona Captain. “It’s your choice.”
The server looked a little upset by that, and almost unwillingly turned her attention to Alexia.
“The crema catalana, please.”
She gave her menu to the server who nodded and left. Only then did she see the grin on Ridley’s face, and couldn’t help her face reflecting it.
“That’s my favourite. Anything with custard, or similar to it.”
It was another rare fact that Ridley happily shared with her. She made a mental note of it.
“Can we continue?”
“If you’d like.”
“I would.” Alexia was suddenly a little shy again. “You admit that I’m right?”
“Care the expand on that?”
“It was…selfish of me to make decisions for you. I convinced myself it was what was best for you.”
“And if you hadn’t thought it was what was best for me?”
“I’d have fucked you many, many times, in many different ways by now.”
The comment was crass, but her expression wasn’t. She meant it.
“You don’t date…” She repeated from Ridley’s earlier statement.
“Many reasons.”
“Such as?”
Ridley sighed. She obviously wasn’t going to let it go. “I’m…broken. I can’t love.  I discovered that when I was younger and made the mistake of being with people who I knew would fall for me and breaking their hearts. I didn’t want to do that to you.”
“You’ve never loved anyone?”
Ridley’s melancholy flashed across her face briefly. “I love YFN. I loved my brother.”
Loved. Alexia didn’t even have to ask the question.
“He’s dead.”
“And your family?”
Her jaw flexed. “The same.”
Alexia’s heart dropped. No wonder she’d looked so sad when Alexia had said she was spending Christmas with her family. She thought that ‘I don’t have a family’ meant they’d chosen to not recognise her for her sexuality or didn’t get along. She never assumed they were gone.
“I’m so-”
“Please don’t. I don’t want pity. It happened. It’s done.”
She left it for a minute before she whispered the next question. “Is that why you think you’re broken?”
“Alexia, I don’t want to talk about my past, or my faults tonight, please. I just want to have dinner with you.”
Her heart softened up at that admission. “We can do that…”
The crema catalana arrived then, with two spoons. Ridley picked hers up and noticed Alexia hadn’t taken hers. She was lost in thought. She took a breath and reached out, her fingers lightly touching one of Alexia’s hands on the table. That broke her thought as her eyes snapped up to meet Ridley’s.
“I’ll allow you one more question before we eat.”
It took her a few seconds to decide on which question to ask, Ridley’s fingertips warm and soft and distracting.
“Why did you leave?” She whispered.
“Because I was scared I would let you in if I stayed.”
Alexia inhaled sharply, blinking tears away. She wasn’t crazy. They did have a strong connection. And Ridley had just admitted that, unashamedly. Alexia knew how hard that must have been for her.
“Now eat, la Reina.”
The two ate dessert, unable to stop their satisfied hums as they did so, because it tasted incredible. Alexia made a note of the restaurant. She wanted to come back and bring her entire family and friends. As she thought that, the idea of Ridley being alone in the restaurant tugged at her heartstrings. Of course she’d never be alone. She’d be with a girl or a colleague, but that didn’t stop the fact that she’d be alone and would feel like it. Because no one can fill that empty space of family.
They finished quickly, Ridley paying for the meal before Alexia had a chance to argue. They said their goodbyes to Emiliano and this time when they reached the car, Ridley held the passenger door open for her.
Alexia’s grandmother’s house wasn’t far from the restaurant, and the drive was a comfortable, safe silence with Spanish music playing in the background softly. They’d both asked enough questions for the night.
As they arrive out the front, Ridley opened her door for her, and took her overnight duffle out, walking her up to the front door. The porch light was a dull yellow which made the gold flecks in Ridley’s eyes stand out even brighter. They shared a wordless smile until the sound of laughing filtered out through one of the front windows, and Ridley’s smile faltered a little. Alexia wanted to hug her, to kiss her, to invite her into her welcoming family and make her feel loved. All of that would have been too much though and besides, Ridley escaped before she had a chance to do anything.
She leant down and her lips brushed her cheek in a soft kiss. Alexia leant into her, and they stood like that for a little before Ridley was gone without a look back.
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