#riders of jorvik
writingonjorvik · 2 years
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So excited to have the new print of ROJ in. This is a copy just for me, I can’t sell prints of ROJ. But the book’s so goddamn gorgeous, of course I’m gonna show it off.
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katjadarkrider · 1 year
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Silverrocket—one of my starter horses—helping collect draconium
StarStable edit
App: Procreate
Time: 6h 30m
Original post date: 23rd May 2023
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best-childhood-book · 28 days
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sso-montana · 3 months
Dusty Misgestalt
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The things that I lost here, the people I knew They got me surrounded for a mile or two The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel I'm back between villages and everything's still
Noah Kahan: The View Between Villages
Dusty belongs to @dustymisgestaltsso
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newportangels · 1 year
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good job Riley, now if only we stopped running into fences..
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samanthawd · 1 year
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that one time we teamed up with the dr
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
i rewrote the legend from the sso intro for my fic but i think it turned out pretty nice so im sharing it here, feel free to add replies if u have other ideas about how the legend could be changed. see my tags for some commentary dhsfgjk
Legends say that Jorvik was once a desolate rock in the cold, dark sea…
Until one stormy night, when the stars glittered above the thunderclouds, and the crescent moon was shining brightly…
Just as the first rays of sunlight beamed out beyond the horizon, a great flash of lightning struck the black waves, or perhaps it was a falling star... 
From the swirling depths, a girl on horseback sprung forth, and on a golden harp she played such a tune that both the sea and the sky calmed, and became at peace… 
The girl rode out of the waves onto that desolate rock, and from her horse’s hoofsteps sprung boundless life and beauty, and to the melody of her harp, every living thing sang and gained its voice…
Once the rock was full of vibrant life, in harmony with the sky and the sea, the girl and her loyal steed came to rest… 
As she lovingly touched her hand to her horse’s muzzle, the two faded into the air, splitting themselves into many millions of pieces, like the smallest grains of sand…
Those pieces gave love to the hearts of all the island’s creatures, and solidified, for all eternity, the bond between horse and rider… 
It is said that one day, when great storms take over the skies, and cold waves wash over the island, darkness is taking over, and the girl and her horse will return once again…
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sakuramisthaven · 10 months
"Katja is weird and freaky" but arent we all? Leave her alone, do you know what its like to be a girl in this world? Get away from my stink stink🤺
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torynightforest · 2 years
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Shame on me i can't find birdie 😭 Its like hollow Woods got bigger 🥴
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[Arizona takes her horse Nightfall to Marley's to exercise after his leg heals(he broke it when they were trying to escape from Sabine in Dino. He slipped on the ice lake while the dark rider had been shooting ice at them). Her friend comes along to accompany her. They aren't even halfway through their trot jumping exercises before Nightfall suddenly breaks into a full gallop, and clears 3 high jumps. He then runs straight into Marley's barrel arena, rounds all 3 at a full gallop, and proceeds to gallop all the way to Mooland beach where he throws her off before turning to rear in her face before his hooves land on the sand in front of her]
"Ok... I deserved that," Arizona admits. **//Magic Soul rider-to-horse-talk//**:
"I'm a magically-healed Aideen-damned delight," Nightfall telepathically tells her and then performs a piaffe to demonstrate that he is perfectly fine. Arizona knows he's mocking her after having to watch her train Angel (dapple gray lippy/Dutch WB dressage horse) and various quarters and Mustangs (rodeo horses including Tambourine, Coyote, and Juneau) while his leg healed and they weren't allowed to ride.
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writingonjorvik · 1 year
What did you mean you were "biased" about the Elli & Helena stuff? You said it in your tags, but how can you be biased about that?
Ehhhhhhh, alright, might as well. This is copy-pasted from the ROJ Discord:
"I figure y’all are all due an update since I said I’d be back by now and ROJ has gone pretty quiet. And with some recent discussions going on in the community, discussing ROJ came back up.
I wanna tread carefully with this because I don’t want saying any of this to feel like I’m trying to take the spotlight off people more directly involved. Because while I did miss an opportunity here that I’m very sad about, other folks lost actual jobs and that feels self centered to focus on me. But I’m also not gonna lie and say that seeing some of the community response has me hopeful that maybe the community could motivate the team to change their minds.
That’s a bit vague so let’s be direct. You may have seen recently that SSE has shuttered their publishing department from Elli and Helena talking about how there won’t be more comics or books. I knew this happened months ago because, surprise, I’d been in contract negotiations with SSE to make ROJ an official IP. I’d been kinda tongue and cheek about this, it was an open secret with friends since there was no contract yet. And there never ended up being one unfortunately. When the team shuttered the department, I got a very kind email from the department head and that’s been the end of it.
This is why 1.1 got delayed for so long. I’d been hoping that instead of 1.1, ROJ would move into official production and get a relaunch. So I kept pushing off the release of what was arguably an already ready version of 1.1 until things got signed and we moved forward. 1.1 released very shortly before I got the news. Just had a feeling things were changing, and I was right.
All of this has made coming back to ROJ difficult. I back burnered it originally to focus on other projects until contracts were done but ended up a lot more painful than that after nearly two years of trying to make a deal happen. I don’t begrudge that being the time these things take to produce well or SSE for it taking that long, but it is still two years of my life that I spent excited that maybe I’d get to bring more lore and worldbuilding to this franchise I adore, and a platform for all of y’all to share your ideas as well! ROJ was never going to be true canon but it was a fan’s dream come true. I’ve been playing since international launch, this was bringing every community fan head canon to the table. In some small way at least.
Again, of any people who deserve attention during this discussion about the department shuttering, it’s Elli and Helena. They’re amazingly talented and they deserved better than what they got. If there ever is a return of the publishing department, it should be for their works.
But the discussion has brought it all back up for me too and I thought I’d at least talk a little about why ROJ has come to a standstill. It’s hard to go back to working on the system after two years of talks and because of the short notice that things rolled out, not even some closure on running ROJ as a fan project. That’s how serious things had been, I wasn’t getting resources to continue ROJ as a fan project cause I’d been told the team was committed to seeing it officially published. It’s kinda hard to come back to that and the hiatus was a good enough excuse for me to just not.
This all is very bittersweet, and I should say, I’m not mad at the team or the folks I worked with during that time. It would have been an amazing opportunity and I’m grateful for them working so hard to get ROJ out for so long. But I’m also just sad about the whole thing and I don’t see ROJ getting more attention until I can process that.
Please show your support for Elli and Helena. Their works are amazing and they deserve more support from the community. And if you haven’t already, follow their other works too!
Y’all have been the best and most supportive community and ROJ wouldn’t be where it is without you. I’m so grateful to have met you all. ROJ may come back one day. But we’ll see."
Again, I've been hesitant to talk about this because, mostly, I don't want to take the spotlight off the people who were more seriously impacted. ROJ didn't get a contract, I'm not in the lurch like this closure left other folks because I hadn't adjusted to making ROJ my full time work yet. I also don't want to burn bridges in the event that the department ever returns, which is why I've tried to focus this discussion on the creators and supporting them over pushes to reestablish the department (although I appreciate those as well). I would love still to make the official ROJ transition happen, but I don't want that so badly that I'm not trying to do my best to support these creators post the closure, and realistically, y'all should be too. That's why I made that post with all the resources.
Hope that clears up my "bias."
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toruq · 2 years
“Diary of Anne”.....
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coming soon to an ao3 page near you....
this ao3 page is awaiting invitation shjgdhgs i will post starting later this month
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So. What’s up with the Moon Sister?
Alright so SSE please translate soul riders series 2 into english because shadows over jorvik actually gives quite some info on the moon sister (Caroline). Major spoilers below: Caroline’s story plays a big part in SoJ. Also, long post ahead. (Also also: it is at this point not known if what happened in the book is canon to the game as well. I’m assuming it is, but seeing as Catherine isn’t a thing in the book there might be some divergences between the timelines).
Following text was loosely translated from Dutch to English (seeing as certain part are very long stuff taken out will be signified with a ~. The text translated will generally be only dialogue unless other text is important to her as well. I tried to keep all information relevant to Caroline in):
In Anne’s conversation with Eva about Caroline:
“It was right before Halloween. There were jack-o-lanterns burning everywhere. When I was young, I loved Halloween, but since that evening I hate everything to do with it. Especially those nasty, grinning skulls...”
“The skulls...”
“Were they jack-o-lanterns or some sort of decoration?” 
“No, I mean a different type of skull. It was some jewelry Caroline had. When we were young, charm bracelets were really popular. She had a few glimmering skulls on hers. We laughed about it and teased her about it. But Caroline liked dark powers, as long as they were at a save distance...”
“~We had decided to teleport. The druids said it was too risky, that we had to wait until we felt more sure, but we didn’t want to listen to them. We knew how amazing we were together. ~ We played with time and space, with different elements. We all thought ourselves immortal. All... All but Caroline. She warned us, but we didn’t listen. In the end she stopped saying anything. We thought she had changed her mind, but actually I think she was scared. She was too scared to tell us how she actually felt. When we rode away, she rode in the back. ~”
“We noticed something was wrong immediately. There was a strange energy, dark instead of light. That evening strange powers were wandering. Caroline knew dark magic, she had some old books at home. She said it could be dangerous to do complicated magic so close to Samhain... ~ She warned us, but we didn’t want to listen. We were too impatient. We went anyway. We wanted to teleport ourselves to the Path of the Wind, instead of riding to it. After that we wanted to stand at the secret stone circle and look down on Jorvik. We wanted to feel how mighty we were, we wanted to dance and laugh.”
“~ The last thing I remember, is that it got misty. It wasn’t a normal mist, but way heavier, way thicker. We couldn’t see anything anymore. And then there was suddenly a big lightning flash. After that it went pitch black. And then came the ice. It was warm that evening... actually way too warm for October. But suddenly there was ice everywhere. I woke up in the hospital with a concussion and a broken wrist. They said I’d fallen off my horse, that I just had bad luck because of the bad weather. But it was such a beautiful night! We would never have ridden if the roads were slippery and definitely not that close to a cliff...”
“We all fell and got injured, but Caroline disappeared. We never saw her or her horse again. They found her bracelet. They assumed Caroline and her horse had fallen into the abyss and died. She must have been carried away by the ocean. After a while there was a funeral, even though there was nothing to bury...”
“After that our sisterhood was broken. We stopped being Soul Riders and returned to our normal lives. Elizabeth and I were best friends, but we saw eachother less and less. I haven’t spoken to her for six years now.”
From Anne’s conversation with Elizabeth a few chapters later:
“But it won’t be easy to find Caroline’s family. They moved to the North a week after the funeral. I think...”
“You mean they don’t want to be found.”
“I do get it. They lost their daughter, a dear family member. I think we’d better leave them alone. Let them mourn in peace.”
“I’m not planning on telling you what to do, I don’t have the right to. You are the only one who can decide that. I just want you to understand how your mother and Caroline’s family think about it. It’s life. People die, hearts are broken. And accidents happen. That’s very tragic, but sometimes it’s not anything more than that, no matter how much you look. Death can be cruel, wrong and pointless. You’re still young, Anne. Sometimes I forget that. There’s still a whole life in front of you. A life full of beautiful things - and horrible ones.”
From an 1995 article Linda found when researching Caroline
Yesterday evening a 17 year old girl and her horse vanished during a ride close to the cliffs of Jarlaheim. Her three friends were lightly injured. The police does not suspect malicious intent: they believe the bad weather was the cause for the accident. 
“Earlier that evening it was nice and clear, but suddenly the temperature dropped under zero,” a policeman says. “It is important to ride carefully and to always be prepared for a sudden weather change. Our thoughts go out to the girl and her family. We advise riders to be careful.” There is still an ungoing search for the missing girl, but according to anonymous sources she fell off the cliff. 
The water temperature is close to freezing. Of course we stay hopeful, but with every hour that passes, that hope lessens.
From a second article Linda found
During a hastily called press conference the police announced that they will be stopping the search for Caroline Westfall (17 years old). She went missing earlier this week during a trail ride. The family gave the newspaper permission to make her name public. 
“Sadly everything points at the girl being deceased,” the police chief said in a short interview. The family would like to be left alone.
Since her disappearce the area at the cliff has been cordoned off. Many people have laid down flowers at the barricade, and candles were also burned in memory of Caroline. 
“She had a beautiful soul,” said sir Avalon from Valedale. He was one of the attendees. “Our memory of her is just as bright as our desire for her return is big.”
From what is implied to be her obituary:
Suddenly [Linda] stopped at a photo of a serious looking young woman with big, dark eyes. Born in 1977, died in 1995. ~
Our dear Caroline Westfall has been taken from us way too young. In november she would have turned 18. Caroline was in the bovenbouw {untranslatable Dutch word, basically either above second or third year of secondary school} of Jarlaheim School. She was a dearly beloved friend who adored riding horses. The funeral will be held in closed circles. 
From a second conversation between Anne and Elizabeth
“The bond between Soul Riders will never be lost.”
“But she did. Your Soul Rider-sister Caroline died and both of you don’t want to tell me what actually happened. I have heard everything about the sudden ice storm and the dark magic hanging in the air that night. You all did things that you couldn’t even do yet. My mother told me all of that. But is that truly everything? I have the feeling you’re keeping something from me, but I have no idea what.”
“I don’t know what to say, Anne. What happened was terrible. The ones that survived, have to suffer for that for the rest of their lives. The worst is that er have the feeling that we should have listened to Caroline better. That we should have taken her seriously. We have to live with that, but that doesn’t mean that your mother or I want to relive that evening to it’s smallest details. It is too horrible, Anne. I... I don’t think I understand what the point in that would be, too open up old wounds again.”
I’m going to keep the stuff after this very barebones, with just dialogue and no context in order not to spoil the book too much. Still, MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD
“Yes, yes of course she had [family], parents and a sister... A twin sister.”
“Before Caroline disappeared, the ocean turned fully red.”
“I discovered that Caroline wasn’t dead, but ended up in a different place, a dangerous place.” {confirmed to be Pandoria}
“But now that I’m here, I realize that [Caroline] isn’t herself anymore.”
“Caroline doesn’t exist anymore. She was only the bait! Nothing is left of her. Caroline is dead. This is the evil, and not [Caroline]!”
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ald3r-wolfcak3 · 1 year
Starshine rewrite, lisa and starshine;
Due to starshine poor health, Lisa goes back to the stables to take care of Starshine. One afternoon Lisa asked Mr. Herman to borrow some tack, since she is sure Starshine able to go on a small ride. Mr. Herman helps the girl and shows her the training arena. Alex worked around the area when she saw Starshine succesfully jumped through some bar. In some times, most of the people (including Anne, Linda and Sabine) at the training ground and watching an almost healthy looking Starshine.
Lisa feel happy. She can't believe Starshine not only able to stand, but running and jumping. She lean to the horse neck and hug him, she wants to cry, but there is too much people around her. And then someone calling her name. It's a man, but it's not like someone around her, more like it's in her head, in her ears. The man calling her again, when he sit starigh, Starshine let a small whine out. It's Starshine voice, she can hear Starshine in her head!
Starshine wants to warn her about something, someone with ill intend. She get off him and wants to ask who is it, but then Herman, her frinds and Sabine shows up. They all wants to know how Lisa managed to do this. Starshine was deathly sick, everybody was sure he will end up in some glue factory. But before she able to say anything, Starshine rise up, let a painfull neight out and collapsies...
Lisa get on her knees and put her hands on his body, while her tears running down her face. She has no idea what she is doing, he can feel something warm in her palms, which she able to move and suddenly a pink star symbol showing up in the thin air between her and Starshine. It's warm and calming, she closing her eyes. She has the same feeling when her mother hugged her, when life was much more happier. When she open her eyes, Starshine is fine. He showes his face toward her, almost pushing her over. She hugs his face.
Everybody is stuned, how some stroking managed Starshine back to life? But five people, Mr. Herman, Sabine, Anne, Linda and Alex saw the weird star symbol and the healing magic. Sabine backing up and run away, she has to report this. Mr. Herman helps Lisa up, he hold the girl shoulder and proudly announce;
"You are a soulrider, Ms. Peterson"
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natduskfall · 1 year
It came 👀
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