#ricky potts my beloved
jklovesfandoms · 2 years
Ricky Potts deserved to have a mobility aid for the whole show (homeboy literally had crutches for basically his entire life, in the old licensing) bc as someone who uses a mobility aid when his ankle pain gets too much to walk with, I'd know that HOMEBOY WOULD STRUGGLE AT LEAST A LITTLE TO GET USED TO WALKING UNASSISTED! Plus I want to see SABM with crutches, it'd literally be amazing. (Yes, I do have a plan to film a dance video for SABM with my mobility aid and in cosplay in the hopefully near future, why do you ask?)
Why is Noel the most romantic boy in town? MISCHA IS STANDING RIGHT THERE, KARNAK!!! Jk, I love both of them, and while I understand why they each have their own "___est/most _____ person in town" I firmly believe that Mischa Bachinski deserves that title.
Also, I may be aroacespec, but like... Man, I'd kill to be Talia or Mischa, like imagine feeling that much love in your heart, and knowing that someone holds that much love for you, just :)
Also, Mischa's speech at the beginning of Talia literally HAD to be his wedding vows. They fit perfectly, and tbh, made me cry the first 5 times I watched the bootleg. Just the pure passion, and love, and joy Misha has for Talia, and how he represents that in his vow-like speech genuinely made me tear up and sob. Once again, aroace over here, literally have had romantic and sexual attraction explained to me SO MANY TIMES, and full on didn't get it until I watched and heard the pure happiness and joy in Mischa's voice during that speech :,) I love him, so much
Constance is literally an amazing character (along with the rest of the choir, literally every single character in this show is amazing) and she deserved better! In the current licensing (which yes, I get it, people don't like it, but hey, it's really good live, don't cut it down before it starts) she's literally amazing, and so kind the entire show, and honestly really just done with Ocean being Ocean, which is really funny. Also, idc about what people say about the current licencing, the preplanned improv group was the funniest shit I've seen. Especially the "Oh, heroin? Okay... Ooh cocaine? If I must! Bath salts for everybody!" That's so funny, and it's even more funny when it's a performance and not just a line on a script. Also, her bumper has actually made me cry so many times. Like, I had to pause the (totally.... Totally legal) bootleg to sob my heart out for several minutes.
Anyways, my alarm to go to school goes off in 3 hours, and I've not slept yet, so let's see how exhausted I am, especially since I have a 14 hour day tomorrow (today?) Gn!
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little-bumblebeeee · 3 months
I hear space age bachelor man and am like "yeah I'm into that" what is wrong with me
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idk-tbh-idk · 9 months
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I wish every1 a very good morning
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eggy-the-boy · 2 years
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Ricky potts
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icepoptroll · 4 months
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My favorite thing about rtc fan art is how many different versions there are, like, how wild is it that these two drawings are of the same character and there’s a hundred other ways to draw him too and we would all recognize just about any of them any day
Ah, musicals
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[ June Doe — Day 5 ( @june-doe-2024 ) ]
Ricky's Birthday !!
Happy birthday to the dude ever
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timegays · 1 year
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This was originally going to just be Mischa doodles but it became him with the choir sooo.
-Mischa gets into online arguments a lot (get this man on the debate team) and ocean joins him just to make sure he doesn’t send anything stupid and to put her two cents in (is it sense or cents? Idk).
-Ricky and Mischa have little info dump sessions together. The are so autism. Ricky likes to talk about his comics and zolar. Mischa talks about saw or his music. 
-Mischa was taught by his mom and a young age how to do hair since money was tight. So he’s gotten relatively good at doing hair. He’ll give the others haircuts if they ask and he helps to dye Constance’s hair. He can never read what’s in the dye bottles though.  -penny and Mischa karaoke nights!!1! The choir joins in too but these two will scream songs together. The neighbors do not enjoy it.
-Noel will make Mischa watch old French movies in which they’ll complain about random characters. Mischa doesn’t understand a word but Noel explains it all to him.
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disaster-red · 2 years
Ricky conceding wasn’t sad, man was going to experience his best life. Space cat people. And damn I would concede to sexy cat women, hell yeah!!!!!! Ricky was gearing up to go be his best self in sexy cat heaven, my boy had plans and he was going to do them!!!!!!
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Penny loves to hug people from behind.
the whole choir is used to her doing this. sometimes they’ll feel a little touch on their waists, then they’ll open their arms so she can slide her hands through and wrap around them.
with Ocean and Constance, who are shorter, she’ll rest her chin on their shoulders. with the boys, who are taller, she’ll rest her forehead against their backs or will stand up on her tippy toes to try and see over them.
she’s only done this with Ocean and Constance because they’re short enough, but she’ll sometimes only hug with one arm, then with the other, she’ll reach up and gently cup their head, pressing it against her own.
it’s such a tender act of affection, and when one of them isn’t feeling the best for whatever reason, it’s so comforting. she’ll be holding them, then will feel one of their hands grip her wrist tightly, and they lean back into her warmth, and it’s just so nice. sometimes she’ll even sway them or press a little kiss to the back of their heads.
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bird-likes-to-fandom · 10 months
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this palette with ricky maybe ? 👁️
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This one was a bit of a tough one because I don't really have a set design for ricky!! I should draw him more than i do. My current favorite Ricky is Stone Soup Ricky, so here you go!! Expect to see this drawing colored normally sometime soon, I'm going to include it in my upcoming stone soup art dump.
This is also my drawing for the @ricky-potts-appreciation-event day 1: Just Ricky!!!
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I haven't done much research, it the little research I did do, I couldn't find out why Gus Halper and Alex Wyse weren't on the studio recording of Ride the Cyclone.
Does anyone know why? Or better yet, why they left Ride the Cyclone before anyone else?
I know McCarter Theater did something, but I also haven't found out what it was they did besides completely erase Ricky's muteness and disabilities (which is absolutely fucking disgusting)
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jklovesfandoms · 2 years
This was originally going to be Ricky being touch starved, but idk what it is now, lol.
Cw: not super graphic, but mild description of death/decapitation and the aftermath (wow, wonder who that is)
Ricky knew very well what being touch starved and avoided felt like. When you consider that he started needing crutches and wheelchairs and canes and physical therapy, and a lot more, at the ripe old age of 6, less than a few months into first grade, it makes a bit of sense.
When his peers, who he's going to be around for the next 12 years, see him fall down at recess and come in 2 weeks later after way too many tests, using a pair of crutches, and struggling even more to talk for too long, he doesn't have many, or any, friends to get hugs from. When he can't run, no one is going to invite him to play with them, he can't keep up.
When Ricky can't get a word out at the age of 8, after 2 years of struggling, no one stands around waiting for him to talk on his AAC. Not when they could be playing with their friends. Not when they could be doing their reading. Not when they could be eating.
But Richard Potts was used to it. Complete indifference, that is. And getting ignored. Getting overlooked.
Of course, he isn't fully starved. He has his cats, and his parents. But when he turns 10, and food gets too hard to chew, family dinners suddenly go away, to be replaced with liquid meals. When he's 11 and his physical therapist says that he'd benefit from more therapy, to prevent his condition worsening, family movie nights go away too, as both of his parents take more shifts. His parents have long since taken a vow of silence, but no one's exactly sure how long it's going to last. They said that they'll be silent until he isn't.
Ricky isn't sure if they're wanting him to speak again, or to just pass away quicker.
He does know that one is a lot more likely than the other.
When he's 15, only a few weeks before the end of his sophomore year, Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg approaches him at the end of the school day.
"Hey Ricky! Would you like to join the Chamber Choir? We're trying to join some competitions for next year, but we need more than 3 members, and more than a few weeks of rehearsal." Her voice grates him out of his fantasy world of Zolar. He begins to click, quickly getting out a sentence.
-who is in it?- that jumps the 'Most Successful Girl In Town' into action
"So right now, there's me, Constance, and Noel! But you know, that's only 3 people, and for the Kiwanis International Singing Competition, you need to have at least 4 members to compete, and -" she continues to talk and talk, but as everyone learned very early on in their lives in Uranium City, Ricky tuned her out, and started to consider it. This choir was going to be a train wreck, that's for sure. Everyone knew that Noel and Ocean HATED each other. They couldn't stand in the same room for more than 3 minutes without blowing up on each other. Constance wouldn't be that bad to be around. Her little brother is nonverbal, and autistic like him, so he knows that she won't be like the rest of the people in this town. They could at least watch the chaos together from the sidelines. Ricky tunes back in, in order to agree to join, but suddenly reconsiders it, as Ocean continues. "Plus, I'm sure that Kiwanis won't even care that only 3 out of 4 members can sing! You'll probably give us an automatic first place, due to us being inclusive! Accessibility for all! You'll be our first place guarantee, won't you? Oh you're such a good kid Ricky! Thanks for joining, see you tomorrow after school for the first rehearsal!" She quickly skipped away. Ricky hadn't even agreed. Sure, he had pushed the 'sure' button on his AAC, but he hadn't finished or said a sentence yet. He glared towards Ocean, before deleting the sure from his sentence bar, and continuing on his way outside, in order to get to physical therapy in time.
Ricky was 16 when he was stopped from stepping on stage at the Kiwanis International Singing Competition.
"Hey, no technology on stage" the tech person, dressed in all black, said.
Mischa, who had joined only a few weeks ago, quickly jumped in.
"No, no! That is Ricky's voice, why can't take on stage?"
"The signals will block the choir mics. He can have it back afterwards, jeez." The tech person pushed their hand out, and Ricky quickly unlocked his AAC from its holder. Mischa looked pissed.
"Ricky's voice better come back same as now. Understood?" Mischa said, looking ready to beat up the tech kid
"yeah, it'll be right here, don't lose your balls" they said, setting it on the table just inside of the backstage area.
Ricky was 16 when he won second place in the Kiwanis International Singing Competition, as someone who couldn't physically sing, and as a member of the only choir in competition (at least at their size level)
Ricky was 16 and a half when Mischa Bachinski continued to shock him. After having physical therapy during school (that at least got him out of a test), he walked into choir practice, 15 minutes late. Not that they needed him, since Father Marcus was preparing them for the Winter Concert, where admin didn't want him to be playing piano or tambourine. So he wasn't doing anything anyways.
"Ricky! Why are you late?" Mischa almost yelled out. The formatting of his sentences has definitely gotten better over the last several months, but his accent hasn't faded.
Ricky got to his place in the choir, and started to respond, as Ocean was almost berating Mischa for interrupting the practice.
-physical therapy- Ricky responded
"Physical therapy? Why do you have physical therapy?" Mischa continued, interrupting Ocean.
-same reason for crutches. Muscle disorder-
"Oh shit man. So sorry. Fine, fine. We can continue singing, orphan a-hole." Mischa responds, half towards Ricky, and half towards Ocean. Luckily, he muttered his final two words under his breath, which saved him another lecture about swearing.
Choir practice went by quickly after that, especially since Ricky spent the entirety of it helping to save Zolar. But as they finished, he wasn't expecting Mischa to pull him aside.
"Ricky, I must say, you are strong! Physical therapy? I have heard that hurts. You are strong, almost as strong as Ukrainian men. You are cool, strong man, Ricky Potts." Mischa blurts out in the choir hallway. Before Ricky can even process the words, he's pulled into a tight hug from the Ukrainian adoptee.
Ricky was 16 and a half when he remembered for the first time in far too many years, what a hug truly feels like. With his parents taking more and more shifts, and seemingly only showing up to make sure that the cats and him are fed, and everyone being warned since they were 6 that Ricky was delicate, and that they had to be gentle, he hadn't been in hugged in forever. And before he could even fully process the emotions he was feeling, Mischa said something, kissed him on both cheeks, and jogged towards Noel.
Ricky doesn't get another hug from Mischa, or anyone really, for a while. In fact, it's not until his senior year, when at the Kiwanis International Singing Competition (held at the Fall Fair!), where they are once again the smallest choir, and only choir in their competition size, and a shy girl joins the choir, a mere hour before the competition.
Ricky is 17 when he meets a girl, with the greenest eyes, who's just as shy and odd as he is.
Once again, he's not allowed to take his AAC on stage, but she offers to hold it. He can't help but to trust her. Afterwards, as they listen to the other choirs, she sits at the back with him, and talks with him. Not at him. She stops and allows him to talk, makes sure that she hears and listens.
Finally, the small choir decides to split up, and do their favorite things.
"Ricky, would you like to join me at the ring toss? We can ride the Graviton afterwards, if you'd like! There's a very pretty doll as a prize." She asks, then rocks on her feet, as she waits for a response.
-sure, I would be happy to- and at that, she quickly leads them both through the slight crowd and towards the nearly empty ring toss booth.
"Hello! Here's 5 dollars for the ring toss! I want to win that dolly over there!" She exclaims, handing the 5 dollar bill to the only other person there, the carnie worker.
"Here's your bucket of rings, it's a yellow prize, so try to get it on a yellow bottle" the underpaid worker mutters, unenthused. The girl (why can't Ricky remember her name?) begins tossing rings, and at the final one, lands it on a yellow bottle. The worker silently takes down the doll, the only doll like it, and hands it to the girl in exchange for the bucket.
"Ricky, you're really imaginative! And super smart. What should I name my dolly? Everything I'm thinking of feels wrong." She asks, as they start making their way towards the Graviton.
The doll looks nearly exactly like her. And a name quickly comes to Ricky's mind. -Savannah-
"That's perfect! Thank you, thank you, thank you Ricky!" the girl jumps in excitement, before enveloping Ricky in a hug. The first one he's had since Mischa's last year. She releases not nearly as quick as Mischa did, and stays there a while. But she does release her warm hug eventually, and cautiously sets the porcelain headed doll in her bag. The duo continues to make their way towards the Graviton, and as they arrive, the workers quickly allow them both to bypass the line due to his crutches. As they get escorted to the front, Ricky and the girl set down their things, which for Ricky, includes his crutches, after he's instructed to do so. Before they get on, he grabs his AAC one final time.
-help please?- and looks hopefully at the girl
"Of course!" She offers her shoulder, and a supportive arm around his waist. Her touch is like a furnace to Ricky, as she helps him up the stairs and into the spinning ride. "Is it okay if I hold your hand? I've never ridden this before, and it's kinda scary" she asks, extending a nearly begging hand. He takes it, grateful that someone wants to touch him, let alone asks for it. Most people in this town think that he'll crumble to dust if they breathe on him, so they avoid him at all costs. This girl (doesn't her name start with a P? It starts with a P, right? Right?) is an extremely welcome change.
After they get off, (the P-name girl didn't let go of his hand the entire ride. That shocked him) Ocean quickly finds them.
"You two, come on! Constance wants to ride the Cyclone!" She gets behind them and ushers them both forward towards the old wooden rollercoaster.
"Ocean, are you sure the Cyclone is safe to ride? It looks like it could derail at any moment. It's a safety hazard to have a loop on a wooden rollercoaster. The wood normally can't support the weight and force of the coaster." The girl says, concerned.
"nonsense. If you want to, you can sit out, if you're that worried." Ocean responds, as they find the rest of the choir, waiting by the fortune telling machine. The girl suddenly realizes something.
"I left my bag at the Graviton! I'll be right back, so don't wait up." She quickly runs away towards the place they just were, and Ricky realizes that she does in fact not have her bag on her. Ocean doesn't mention it, as they fully meet up with the rest of the choir.
"Guys, we have to follow Blackwood tradition! Let's get our fortune read, and then ride the Cyclone!" Constance exclaimed, sounding and looking very enthusiastic, while her smile doesn't meet her eyes. She looks hurt, and to be in pain, but seems to be hiding it well enough that no one else notices.
"Fine. And afterwards, we're going on the ferris wheel to do some Gruber tradition." Noel states, picking at his nails. As Constance inserts the coins, Ricky begins to worry about the new girl. He knows that it's quite a walk from here to the Graviton, but he doesn't want to ride alone.
"Be sure to ride the Cyclone!" The machine says, after saying a randomly selected "lucky number" and catchphrase. The choir shrugs, and gets in line. Much like at the Graviton, they get moved right to the front, due to Ricky's disability. As soon as they're about to get on, the girl sprints back, sets her bag down by a bench, and sneaks under the rope to jump to where the rest of them are.
"Sorry it took me so long, but I'll help you get onto the ride, if you'd like!" Ricky nods, as the coaster stops, and the group of kids gets off. The worker has a basket for the choir to set their stuff in, so Ricky sets in his crutches and his AAC, and the girl helps him into the cart. As the coaster starts, she is visibly scared, and begins muttering facts about lions and lionesses under her breath, low enough that Ricky can't hear full words. They speed towards the loop, and Ricky just keeps trying to remember her name as he's holding her hand.
'it's a P name, that's for sure, but what is it?'
"RICKY GET DOWN!" she screams, grabbing his shoulders, and roughly shoving his head towards his lap, as the world goes weightless.
The pressure of her hands on his shoulders stops being a pressure, and time travels in slow motion, as Ricky feels drops of warm liquid splattering his entire body, and the body corpse next to him goes completely limp. He looks up, her head is gone, completely. He turns around, and sees the brunette head smashing into the back of the cart, shattering into a bloody, brainy mess, and two brunette braids, that quickly get flung into the corn field around the farm, likely never to be seen again . He looks forward, and blinks as the ground meets his eyes. One final thought goes through his head 'Penny!' and the world goes dark as the cart hits the ground.
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pinklemonslices · 1 year
i don’t talk about Ricky enough, i just wanna say i love him with my whole fucking heart
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Ricky i love u so much :(
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idk-tbh-idk · 11 months
The ✨Spanish speaker✨ urge to call Ricky “Ricardo Macetas”
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undescribed1mage · 2 years
It has come to my attention that some people have not seen this.
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
i LOVE how during the opening song (pretty sure it works for both fall fair and wftd) ricky’s shadow from the projections makes it look like there’s a 6th person there with them….
and then ofc paired with janes off stage singing it’s literally just SO cool and So haunting and i LOVE IT!!
it’s also sorta like how in tbojd she looks like she has wings because of how the shadows fall on her.
i’m just a little bit obsessed w the technical design of this show yknow.. it’s just. rlly fuckin good
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