#richard alden
bbaebii · 2 months
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hello love goodbye [2019]
↳ ethan x joy moments pt. ii
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wentzethan · 6 months
hello love goodbye Peterick au!!!
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based off of a filipino movie starring kathryn bernardo and alden richards, its a rlly good movie imo.
pete wentz as Ethan Del Rosario
and Patrick as Joy Marie Fabregas
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gatutor · 27 days
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Tamara Daykarhanova-Norman Alden "Andy" 1965, de Richard C. Sarafian.
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iris-sistibly · 2 months
Hello Love Goodbye part 2 please 🥹🥹
I'm dying to see Alden and Kathryn in a movie again.
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samthetrekkie · 4 months
I watched seasons 1-3 of boardwalk empire at such a pace that I was somehow unable to make notes for tumblr. this is always a good sign since it means I loved it, but I also usually want to comment on it. I'm definitely planning on doing that with season 4.
generally speaking though, I went on an emotional rollercoaster with this show. it feels like a less artsy (but still well made), less depressing (at least season 1) and a little more action fueled version of peaky blinders. even though boardwalk empire was first of course. I'm always surprised at how much I like gangster tv shows though?
character-wise I weirdly liked nucky the most at first bc he seemed like a decent guy who is just protecting those around him through some illegal schemes, but now… he got a lot more violent in season 3 and he acts like an asshole 90% of the time. I also loved his and margaret's (for some reason the name doesn't fit her at all imo, I've never felt that about a character before) romance at the beginning, even though the power dynamic was a little problematic from the get go. but I think after this season they make a better, bc more equal, match than earlier when they were still nice to one another bc they are both resentful and somewhat power hungry (even if margaret does it on a much smaller scale). maybe they'll find back together?
but my favorite character for sure is richard harrow. at first I thought he was too much of a sidekick, but then he finally got more depth. and even though he is literally a killer, he is probably the most decent person in this show. and we love to see him happy :)
I also started to like eli and van alden (!) this season. (maybe also bc van alden is very autistic coded.) rothstein and meyer lansky I kind of liked from the start. oh and a.r. and lucky luciano are lovers, you can't tell me otherwise.
ok that's it for now. I'm pretty excited about what's to come, even though some of the plot choices were a bit questionable (end of season 2 especially) and per usual, I spoilered myself a lot, so I already know which of my favorites will die…
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artistaforever · 8 months
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Alden and Julia promoting Five Break Ups and a Romance
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babyjujubee · 1 year
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Jessica Brown Findlay, Harry Lloyd, Richard Brake, Demi Moore and Alden Ehrenreich. Episode 3. Brave New World (2020)
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thestylerandomguy · 11 months
Best of Menswear at GMA Gala 2023
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View On WordPress
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asianmenarewinning · 2 years
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tenaciousarcadeexpert · 10 months
some possible url ideas for a potential new sideblog dedicated to filipino celebs:
any thoughts?
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kingsofjiiron · 2 years
beautiful creatures (2013) dir. richard lagravenese
comfort movie
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bbaebii · 2 months
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hello love goodbye [2019]
↳ ethan x joy moments pt. i
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Beautiful Creatures (2013)
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Beautiful Creatures cannot escape the fact that it is a romantic gothic fantasy film aimed at young adults and that it was (almost certainly) green-lit to bank on the success of the Twilight franchise. It is shackled to a specific kind of drama, to certain turns, and to a mythology aimed at a specific crowd. When the film is beholden to its obligations, it's at its weakest but the rest is quite good. This makes it a picture worthy of approval, flawed as it may be.
In Gatling, South Carolina, high-schooler Ethan Wate (Alden Ehrenreich) has been having recurring dreams of a girl he does not know. On the first day of school, he sees Lena Duchannes (Alice Englert) and learns she has been dreaming of him too. Though the rumours of her family worshipping demons makes her an outcast, Ethan is drawn to Lena. They fall in love. Then, Lena reveals to him that she is from a family of casters - magically-endowed people who, on their sixteenth birthday, radically change as they choose either the side of light or darkness. Despite her uncle Macon’s protests (he's played by Jeremy Irons), Ethan is convinced their love will prevent Lena from turning towards evil.
Yes, the planet depends upon the love of two people who are too young to marry. Yes, two worlds collide as non-magic and casters profess their feelings for one another - something that’s forbidden by the adults! High school was bad enough when you had to worry about homework and bullying. Now the stakes are REALLY high because Lena’s uncontrolled bursts of sorcery could mean her expulsion! I know it all sounds very cheesy when broken down quickly. You’re right. This is admittedly silly stuff and no amount of conviction from the actors can truly sell it. Perhaps the novel functions better. It’s hard to say.
Despite this, there’s plenty to like for those whose emotions do not run as wild as Ethan and Lena. For one, the actors’ chemistry is fantastic. You love them as a couple. Their funny quips and believable moments of flirtation have you invested way before any magic stuff comes in, which might be why all the talk about destinies and prophecies, curses and hidden libraries makes you chuckle a bit. Alden Ehrenreich and Alice Englert have you sold right away. The supporting cast is also quite good. Jeremy Iron’s accent as Macon comes in and out a bit but you like his character thanks to script's abundant humour and snappy dialogue. Beautiful Creatures also has the courtesy of ending on an actual conclusive note. None of this Golden Compass or The Darkest Minds “we’ll see you next time!” nonsense.
What Beautiful Creatures desperately needed was to be just a little bit better. I can still give it a mild recommendation, particularly for the teenagers this film is aimed at. I remember what it was like finding that first love and being caught in that whirlwind of emotion called school, parents, friends, and romance. This will absolutely resonate with young adults. Their parents might not feel the same level of enthusiasm. When you get down to it, this is merely a gender-reversed version of Stephenie Meyer’s plain girl, handsome vampire book. It’s better acted, better directed, better written and more interesting but a copycat. A good copycat but still a copycat. (On Blu-ray, March 29, 2019)
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imvictorlangdon · 2 years
Ang cute nila 🥹
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Miss Universe Philippines Organization is getting worse and fucking worse.
(Alden messing up during the early part of the show wasn't even that much of a big deal).
1. Messing up the vote count for the top 10
2. Ads having more air time than the actual (live) show
-Everything was so fucking dry. Jessica Sanchez' song was such a bop, would have been better if she performed that during the swimsuit competition.
4. Shamcey and Yedda giving long ass speeches wasn't really necessary.
5. Celeste Cortesi wasn't even given the chance to be interviewed live on stage.
6. The top 5 not having their last moment to make rampa before the announcement of the winner.
7. Angelique Manto deserves better!
8. My heart breaks for Pauline Amelinckx 😭😭
9. They seriously need to clear that technical issue thingy or I'd really believe that Michelle Dee's win was fucking "luto."
10. The only good thing about this pageant are the GIRLS!
What a strong batch.
Anyway, congrats Michelle Dee.
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soapies22 · 2 years
Viktor magtanggol
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